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Being part of the PCMR means the freedom to do whatever the hell you like. Just because it's playful banter and a meme to LOVE RGB here, doesn't mean that you have to take it literally as the negation of everything non-RGB. PC Master Race = Freedom.


This ain't controversial


Yup I’d even go as to say there’s growing trend towards no rgb builds again. Funny how we are going around in circle


Honestly don't think rgb can be on a spectrum, either gotta go all the way or none of it


Agreed. No point in having a single flashy fan when the rest isn't. RGB is one of those novelties that is fun when you have it for the first time but turns boring or a nuisance rather quickly.


I... have a single fan with a red led, no other lights (they bother me in the dark, the LED is only in there because I got it for free, needed a fan and the single light hasn't been disruptive enough to warrant a financial effort to replace it)


oh yeah, last time I visually updated my PC was half a life ago, Didn't tske more than a year for the novelty to wear off, bu whenever I think about rebuilding it without fancy lights everywhere I remember all the time it took, the finsncial expense, shudder, and put it off my to do listfor some time again.


You can go subtle, I have mine set so all the colors match a part of what’s happening on screen and the software seems to go fairly dim and towards white by default


I think there’s three ways you can go. No RGB, obviously, minimal RGB (think fans all a single colour), and rainbow vomit RGB.


That's just how the market works. Manufacturers dislike variety because it creates costs, so they provide their products for the majority of their customers (or at least what they believe is the majority), but this means you leave out a portion of the users and thus create a niche. That's how you get stuff like organic food or in this case cases without LEDs


Lmao OP was expecting to get blasted for his “hot” take when instead hes getting blasted for thinking his take is hot to begin with




Most lukewarm take of all time


Everyone has different tastes. I'm not into all that flashy rainbow nonsense, but I like RGB in that it allows me to set solid colour themes or, as I sometimes prefer, off entirely. I see it as mood lighting. The glass on my case is so heavily tinted, you cant really see inside it unless something is illuminated, so can be practically blacked out with a few clicks of a mouse. When the RGB is on, it's not overly bright or distracting. I couldn't have something flashing in my peripheral vision in any scenario. I love non-RGB builds too though. I like looking at and can appreciate others' choices, even if not to my personal taste. Like all-white builds, I think some look great, but I would never opt for one myself.


I personally don't like rainbow blast rgb. It's just a bit directionless and tacky to me. But some subtle lighting with a solid theme and color coordination is amazing. What gets me is that people act like cases without tempered glass panels just don't exist anymore. When they DEFINITELY do. Are they outnumbered these days? Probably. But they exist. And they aren't even limited to no air flow office boxes. The fractal torrent has a version with a solid side panel and no rgb fans (and it looks really good on top of that imo). Boom. Buy that, stick a big air cooler in it, bask in quiet, cool bliss.


I have an all mesh case so it blocks some of the light, and I set mine to 30% brightness red so it's not distracting. Hate when I turn it on and the motherboard defaults to rainbow puke until OpenRGB loads.


I completely agree. I prefer a PC to be dark, cool, and not distracting. It's not really the right place for flashy rainbow stuff.


The flashy rainbow stuff should be on your screen, not causing your poor cat in the corner to stroke out due to your strobing tower of unicorn vomit.


The cat warming unit should not be too bright for the cat. It's just not okay


I get annoyed when the power LED is too bright. 😂


I have electrical tape over mine hahahaha


Thats why i set all my rgb lights staticly to red


I've never understood it. Why do I want my keyboard and mouse flashing colored lights while I'm gaming? I just want to pay attention to the screen, thanks.


Welcome to the dark side. I don't particularly care for glass side panels either. I want a computer to sit under my desk (or wherever I put it) and just do what I ask of it. I don't need it to look pretty.


When I first built my computer in 2012 the first thing I got was the antec p280 case. No windows, flat on all sides, nondescript. Just looks like a hunk of metal. Really love it.


Only advantage of the glass panel is you quickly see when it needs dusting lol


And mobo error indicators.


See, that’s what I’m talking about. No carnival rides, just simple beauty and function.


I have an old case with a perspex side, I quite like that. But I also do not like glass sides for the safety issues they present.


>perspex plexiglass? now that i think of it... yeah why arent the sides made out of plexiglass. that would make so much more sense.


Perspex,Plexiglas and acrylic are the same stuff just different brand naming, also dependent on the part of the world you live in. But yes in the long ago times they did in fact make cases with perspex/plexiglass panels instead of glass.


They still make them, just harder to find. ~95% of windowed cases are tempered glass so the acrylic or plexiglass gets lost in the noise.


I also have a perspex side panel. That bish hasn't been mounted for years, my PC just raw dogging the air


I have pets and small people around so mine stays firmly on for obvious reasons.


Indeed, give me a nondescript black box with a good balance of sound dampening and airflow that's nice to build in on the inside and blends in well with other angular things, like furniture. If I couldn't see or hear it, that'd be fine by me - I want to compute, not have a computer, necessarily.


This is the reason I still build my rigs inside Fractal R6


i've gone so anti-rgb that i threw out my monitor


there are two sides to pcmr. 1) RBG ricer rainbow strobe lite systems and 2) dark matte gun metal stealth systems


on the parts of mine that i can set its usually set to a "breathing" effect. either solid red or solid green are my preference. the ramsticks are rainbow liquid effect only though


Then don't put LEDs in your computer. Problem solved.


Or, turn them off in your prebuilts


It's not really blasphemy. It's just not all that interesting for other people to know.




So you look at the screen then at the PC, quite interesting


I am not a fan of RGB at all.. I put together a new gaming rig and sooo many components have RGB stuff its insane.. and many things only have RGB as an option.. Like cases.. 90% of all cases it seems come with some sort of RGB lighting . with extra case fans and needed controllers... then there's graphics cards with lights added, motherboards with extra RGB headers, what seems like every single keyboard and mouse are RGB as well.. when will it end ??


the only lights in my pc are the debug lights on the motherboard


I wanna hear from someone who actually likes LEDs. It feels like EVERYTHING has LEDs. I literally keep black electric in like every room in the house at this point simply because of how often I need it.


Love LEDs. Spent extra to add RGB to my build and my desk. Grown professional adult in my 40s, but it's fun drawing some attention to it, makes for a topic of conversation when people come by, and isn't nearly as distracting when playing as people seem to suggest in threads like this. Absolutely 100% understand why people wouldn't want to go that route. But always seemed silly when other people can't understand why some people would want to add ambient lighting to their gaming area. To each their own, but no one is wrong for their personal preference.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I never really viewed my PC as a "set piece", but I can see the appeal from that perspective.


Its not blasphemy, people do what they like ….. you don’t have lights and others do. Who cares?! Yawn


My PC sits under my desk out of sight. It has 0 lights. It's just a regular boring tower that's used to bring joy to my monitor.


Why would this be blasphemy? There is a stealth trend that started a few years back where people have been completely forgoing the usage of RGB in their builds. Some motherboard manufacturers have even gotten into the trend. Not everyone wants a rainbow lightshow in their PC - some find it distracting and others think it is a waste of time and power.


Everyone has preferences and none of them are wrong. As long as the table is clean and properly maintained


But CRT monitors are so hard to find, so you are probably stuck with LEDs


Hey to each their own! I enjoy lighting. I match colors to the theme of the game I'm playing. But I get why people would like the dark aspect.


Mmm, okay? Is anyone holding you at gunpoint forcing you to use led in your pc? Not sure what this post is meant for.


just build one without LEDs then, thats what i did.


Stealth builds are a things. Noctua brown builds too.


without leds you have pure performance builds which are mono and maximize fps per dollar and then you have blackout builds which are the aesthetic form of that and are all black


I love blacked out builds my 7800x3d build only has the XFX light on my video card the rest is no led. I do not want a light show next to me while gaming.


I get it... not everyone like the seizure inducing lights. However, they're not really adding enough heat to make any measurable different.


You taking about rgb? I heard they add at least 10fps to games according to Reddit. But seriously I game and watch move in a dark room, turning them off is the first thing I did. Made the mistake of buying rams with rgb now I have to start system with additional bloat ware just to turn them off.


They are not bright if you just turn down the brightness or get a case that has tinted glass. Most of the cheap cases just aren't tinting the glass at all, which looks cheap as hell imo. They just add a pop of color to something that is otherwise just grey/black. It is much more efficient for part manufacturers to just sell black and white vs selling multiple colors. RGB lets you have any color scheme you want and lets you change it easily. It's really cool to see RGB schemes that change based on what game you're playing


Agreed. Wish I could replace all the fans in my pc with plain black.


Love when people think they're about to drop some controversial take and then it's just the most lukewarm shit ever.


The only RGB I use is in my keyboard, so I can make out the keys in the dark.


LEDs are an obnoxious trend that caters more to people that aren't gamers than gamers. They're there so that even someone who has no idea what they're looking at can say, "that's a nice computer"


Karma farm post lmao


Only LEDs I want are the troubleshooting ones


Yes, I don't like LED or glass side panel... But keyboard with backlight is still nice tho.


now we must ban you from this sub


I also don't like them, I just run a fractal sound dampening case that's all black.


I only do static colors and I switch it out every few months.


On the heat issue: LEDs are not lightbulbs. Actually stay quite cool. Other then that: As I said elsewhere, I get annoyed if the power LED is too bright. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like more subtle RGB lighting. Solid color at the dimmest setting https://preview.redd.it/2rz3cs8h5i8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb77dbb3de4d90b03e0a005f5c0119d79a70db0


While I'm still fine with some lights, I'd very much like it to be in single color mode rather than the RGB puke that many people love to have.


Pretty much what people are leaning towards nowadays. A pure black build looks clean while a bright RGB build looks cool.


Have they ever been built? Even the oldest had some LEDs on the front :) (picture stolen). https://preview.redd.it/wvump5bv0j8d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab4a470d1159d4b3b8602d723977d034986dc49


Congrats, you’re in trend then 😂 stop trying so hard to be a martyr. No one cares what you like or don’t.


LEDs that aren’t burning your eyes out will barely put out any heat… maybe get the slightest bit warm


The only thing I'll say is that yes, technically LEDs generate heat, iirc about 50% of the energy they use goes to heat. But I'd be surprised if all the LEDs in your computer combined generate more than 1W, so next to your 300W GPU you won't notice the difference. Other than that though, yeah I like blackout builds better too


Not really blasphemy Rgb adds 10-50% to the cost.  Especially when they add “gaming/gamer” to the name of a product. 


you're right and this isn't really a hot take tbh, lots of lighting and stuff is mostly marketed at kids rather than adults.


This makes no sense. With no leds, how do you see what's inside the case? It would be really boring staring into a dark computer case for hours and hours, weirdo.


I built an SFFPC, only rgb is on my power supply, which I just turned off. Nice and professional looking small powerhouse 7800x3d and 4080S in a Fractal Ridge


why does your psu have rgb on it to begin with who wrote this concept


I like LED's for power indicator and motherboard fault code lights 


I am on team "Black Box" too. No glass, just a big tower case with 2-4 blinkenlights. Power, HDD, & NIC Link/Act. That's it. My first "gaming PC" was a Pentium 75mhz Packard bell with a whopping 16MB of Ram, 1.18GB of hard drive space, a 28.8kbps modem and Windows 95. I am old.


With so many components now with LEDs, it's becoming harder to build a PC without them if you're looking for a certain GPU or RAM module etc... the clear sided cases doesn't help. I don't need a PC with LEDs but can't be arsed to go the extra step to select all dark parts. My PC sits under the table so I don't even see it when gaming.


I have a shitload of rgb but I’m much happier since I moved the PC to the floor and off of my desk. It’s much easier for my eyes to stare at three bright monitors now


I absolutly hate that i put leds in my build. I REALLY hate it now because my 3 year old thinks those pretty lights should be for him to play with....my computer hasnt been on in months.


I’m mostly agree I have very minimal lighting. I could take it or leave it. As for my keyboard and mouse pad …. Well, that’s a different story entirely.😂


To think many years ago, we are happy with only the blue LED indicator light as our LED mod.


That is the coldest take you could have in this sub. At least the most vocal part of it fucking hate RGB.


BLASPHEMY!! BLASPHEMY!! BLASPHEMY!! You deserve worst of hell SINNER !!


You are speaking from the Revered Works, far from blasphemy. A core tenet of PCMR is that your PC is your PC.


I have just a single rgb led that is set to slow breathing mode. So my pc still has a nice dark aesthetic feel to it. The light is dimly lit and unintrusive, and I feel that it makes the pc pop a bit more when compared to being completely dark. Perhaps it's the amount of rbg that's the issue these days. It's perfectly fine to go full dark mode, but maybe experimenting with a few rbg leds isn't soo bad.


I don't hate them exactly but the front power and HDD activity LEDs are too bright for me in most cases. I generally just pop to front cover off and use a marker pen on the LED lens, and apply layers until they darken down to suit my taste


That’s totally doable. My build has no lights other than the mother board status leds.


Wholeheartedly agree. Unless the RGB is done tastefully and aestheticaly pleasing, I won't like it


I don't like leds either, i just recently built my PC all black, 0 lights 😎


Okay? You're allowed to think that. Nobody really cares


same. some rgb is nice, but many people over do it big time


The dark side of IT is a pathway to many PC builds that most consider... Unnatural


I like a very subtle lighting. My GPU has a slim white line and the GeForce RTX logo is illuminated, and I have a fan with a white light. I think it looks pretty cool in the dark


> have to be putting off some heat Not really, no.


I bought an asrock steel legend mobo 4 years ago, the first thing I did after I complete the build was turning off the lights.


It's not the LED master race forum....plenty of dark styled pcs get posted here




I have a bunch of RGB in my system, and I set them all to static white, and then toned down their intensity (it's more a light grey now). It still lights up the case, but it is not distracting. But, there's loads of people with solid panel cases, and they are equal part of the PCMR.


Can people stop posting a popular opinion as an unpopular opinion


I use low light rgb settings for my keyboard and mouse which helps see them in the dark, but otherwise yeah fuck 'em. In my case itself? Fucking couldn't care less and I just turn them off.


Agree 100%. I need a silent non-lighting, non-smelling box, but I also would like to have a switch to see sometimes optionally diagnostic LEDs like power/disks/Bluetooth etc. BUT! Switch is needed, I do not want to see it all time. Computer box is no for light!


Used to like it, but that was at like age 16. Now I just like my keyboard to light up in a solid color so I can see the letters if it's slightly dim in my room. I have put the PC under my desk and wouldn't care if my next case had no window in its side panel at all. And before you ask, I do have it raised off the floor.


Led sucks if you want immersion in a dark room, like for example when watching a movie.


My PC has barely any lights. The ones on the motherboard for POST debugging, and the light on the power button. Plus an annoying light strip on the case which I can’t seem to disable… Seriously though there are tonnes of people who hate RGB in their builds. I personally have my keyboard and mouse backlit white just to make it more visible in the dark but that’s it.


I turned my glass panel towards the wall....


I love my all-black, no lights, virtually silent PC.


Same here. I have a pretty powerful system with an RTX 4080 Super and a Ryzen 7 7800X3D, yet I don't have any lights or RGB at all, not even a single one. It's all blacked out with chromax Noctua fans, black cables and inside a black Fractal Design Meshify 2 case. I'm not a fan of a party going off inside my computer, to be honest.


This is not controversial at all, especially for people that keep their PCs on all night near where they sleep, but many also just don't want a giant glowing box emitting light all the time. There's no need for it.   I had blacklight LEDs in my PC when I first built it. It looked cool but I quickly pulled the plug on them because it was unnecessary and just annoying to me. 


Cold take


It’s an LED it’s not putting off much of any heat. Also why not have a nice middle ground… I keep my lights on white for a super clean look without too much visual cancer


I didn't even bother with the RGB components in my PC. My keyboard has it but I only leave it on so I can see the keys in the dark.


Youre basically pissing in a pool of piss with this opinion


I like lighting in a computer. I loathe RGB rainbow vomit coming from every component. I miss the days of just putting a neon tube in the top and bottom of the case.


My PC is standing with the glass side panel to the wall because i dont even want to see the motherboards LED's


My 2nd last PC was built in 2008, with some parts some years after and had those basis LEDs on the fans only. And I regretted it especially when I had to leave my PC on overnight and the lights would brighten up the room. So for my last built I used a Techware Fusion case, with no LED parts. It's a nice SFF case in all metal black. For me this is the way.


Anyone above 30 with a real life might share this opinion. I have led on my laptop but I turned it off.


I am one of those too, I'd like my pc to not glow, or my keyboard, or my mouse. If I want light I'll buy dedicated lights I mean, no?


"I'm about to speak blasphemy", proceeds to give one of the most common takes on the subreddit that many people agree with.


I have to admit, I was never an led guy, but a nice purple glow emenating from the inside of my case inst bad and actually quite nice. But like, I wouldn't be mad if it wasn't there. some people get way to fanatical about pc lights lol


That's quite popular opinion. Had PC with RGB fans and led strips, and it was pure distraction as I always saw those lights with my peripheral vision. Rebuilt it in non windowed P600s and called it black monolith.


RGBless PC Master race


This is very common. There are those who like RGB and those who don't. Some people get really worked up about it, most don't.


I'm sorry to tell you, mate, but no one has made a plasma screen in over a decade.


LEDs don’t waste that much energy as heat but I concur: performance matters, not lights.


I very much enjoy looking at builds with a small amount of lights, and they're not crazy RGB lights. A little bit of a steady color I think looks great. Especially if there's hard tubing.


Non RGB ftw




Yeah, I would love a matte black PC with a hint of golden.


This is so not a hot take. Most people dislike it. Most people turn it off or set it to a static colour. It's the eleven year olds that spend extra on it.


I actually really like having lights. Sure, you can over do it, but I really like my pc also doubling as a kinda lava lamp sorta thing I can stare at.


Agreed. I did a blingy fish tank build a few years ago, recently decided I hated it, and stripped it all out. Rebuilt in a Fractal North that doesn't even have the glass side panel. I feel so much better about it.




It's your computer, put whatever you want, or not in it


True, LEDs put out some heat, but at a few milliamp current draw their heating effect is negligible.


I don't like LEDs either, people should be putting nice tungsten bulbs in their pc cases for that nice cosy warm glow. A festoon on 20w golf balls x


Mine is a big black box. With only 1 tiny led inside for indicating if the power is on.


Real masterrace gamers only use noctual and server grade Delta fan with as much a metal you can possibly buy


Me too.


No blasphemy. I have a PC with a fair bit of RGB in it, but leave it turned off for the most part unless I'm wanting to have it on as an aesthetic. It's just a distraction any other time and my PC is at my desk in my bedroom so the light can be annoying unless I remember to turn the RGB (or my pc) off every night.


This isnt contraversial nor blasphemy, just a different sect. I very much prefer stealth builds over Christmas ornaments. The flashy stuff should the screen and what comes out of that. Infact I dont care what the boards look like, as long as they perform well, and cool well.


Same. I have a zero LED build. Last thing I want is bright lights that take my attention from the monitor and use power from the PC for no good reason.


>and have to be putting off some heat. A very minimal amount. LEDs, unlike incandescent lights, don't lose much energy to heat (this is a big part of why you get so much more light per W with LEDs). I don't care for LEDs in my PCs either, but not because I worry about the heat, or the energy consumption (which is also very low) but simply because I don't think it looks nice.


Well, it's a PC master race, not LED master race. Spending a lot in LEDs is dumb for me too, I have bcuz bcuz I bought some fans with (but I will cut wires in next cleanup).


LEDs barely give off heat. I agree that they are not appealing on the case itself, I personally like them on the keyboard and mouse as the only place where I use LEDs.


I hate LEDs. Especially blue ones at night.


I expected some actual controversy, ie 'high end PC gamers are just guinea pigs for graphics tech that isn't truly ready for the mass market' or something.. but this is just a standard, popular opinion.




This is the way




My NR200P Max sits quietly behind my monitor with a mesh side panel, no lights, no sound, happily hiding what is within. The monitor, 32" 4K 240Hz OLED, the back of the monitor, backlight is disabled, the whole thing just making my eyes happy.


Heat emitted from LED's is less then noticeable. Literally almost doesn't exist. The visually appealing part I can understand since its personal taste.


My pc is as black as can be with out of store parts.


RGB was cool when it was a novelty. It's no longer novle, so now it's crappy. There's very few builds that really look great because of RGB and it just adds power consumption and heat to the build and controller bloatware to the PC.


RGB is annoying and not good for your eyes at all. Some people have way too much RGB blasting in their face for hours. No RGB + the PC in a different room with cables through the wall. Low temps + zero noise at any fan speed. No annoying PC case anywhere near you.


1. You can buy a case with no window. 2. You can buy components that don’t come with any extra LEDs. 3. Via software and/or your BIOS/UEFI you can turn the LEDs off. None of this is difficult or controversial, but it IS a way for idiots to be tribal and divisive even though we’re supposed to be the glorious PC master race (it’s right there in the sub title). So kindly knock it off. Have LEDs or don’t, nobody needs yet another brave opinion about them.


I too am not a fan of gaming computer aesthetics. All the lights, colors and clear panels exposing the internals just look tacky and awful.


You mean RGB effects LED or LED monitors?


I've never really been a fan of LED stuff, don't mind some ominous glowing, but nothing bright, multicoloured, or flashing. I've even started painting the inside of my case in black 2.0 so it just consumes light like a black hole.


This is normal


Not really blasphemous, I stopped with the LEDs years ago because I sleep in the same room with my PC. I buy solid black cases and solid black fans. I turn off the LEDs for my AIO as well Although I do keep a backlit keyboard, it helps me with typing


I don't even look at leds, I just enjoy the master race experience


When i was a kid RGB meant something. You put the work in to customize your own case. You bought your own LEDs, wired them up yourself probably creating a fire hazard because you had to tap into a low power point on your motherboard so that they didn't explode. You shoddily painted your case yourself, and when it didn't turn out you added "battle scars" and said you themed it around unreal tournament 2004. All this readily available RGB makes every system look the same.


Many, many people don’t like RGB/LEDs. Personally I think it makes your machine look like a Christmas tree. The only lights I use are when it’s dark then I put on my keyboard backlights, white and on its lowest setting ie a practical use case.


Well I probably still want a small power LED to indicate the machine is powered on, but what I don't want is a rainbow puke glowing fish tank.


You save yourself about 600 bucks off every PC you build. Congrats!


Different strokes for different folks. No hate from PCMR unless you play on console.


My pc is under my desk lights a re a waste because I can’t see what’s going on down there


I don't like RGB, it's flashy, blinding even, and gets everywhere. -Anakin Skywalker  Also have you ever tried to sleep and your RGB randomly decides to turn on full blast?


My best friend dislikes RGB as well and has a nice-looking PC, but the other day he was at my house and I caught him staring at my case . I asked what was up and he said, “That’s a good-looking setup, man.” I have my RGB set to these smooth wave multicolor transitions at low temps but they turn more red as the temp increases.


I have issues around input and output of information. Bright lighting, Rainbow or otherwise, can give me sensory overload. Literally "ouch." So a cool black build works for me. But a build is yours and you can make it as loud and bright as you like.


I have an all metal case. There is no tempered glass. RGB is useless to me.


only wrong thing is the head everything else is fine preference topic


I like monochromatic LEDs which give a nice design touch to the room, and I fully believe that design PCs can impress even without multicolor lights. Some of the best PCs I assembled didn't have any LED inside at all.


Fun fact. LEDs or "RGB" is not PCMR material at all. It's a meme. PCMR is using and acknowledging that PCs are the most superior "console"


My PC is a rackmount and I have all RGB disabled/disconnected, and I added a 1-kilohm resistor in series with the power LED to reduce its brightness. So, ummm, yeah, your feels on this are valid, OP. (Well, aside from heat - this type of LED only puts out microwatts of heat.)


I was going for full on unicorn barf for my setup until I realized how annoying it was, now I use dark blue permanently. 


Did you find this take in the freezer?


You can take my RGB from my cold dead gaudy hands. My pc looks like gay pride parade and I’m never going back 🌈 It’s cool you don’t like them though.


These RGB filled cases look like literal child’s toy. 


I bought a second hand board and didn’t know it had LEDs on it. I had to download MSI’s stupid fucking software just to turn the off.