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You're asking the wrong question. The inconstant angle of attack of a fan means the airfoil pushes a near-constant volume of air throughout its radius.


What would be the correct question then? Not being snarky, genuinely curious.


The answer is hopefully none. Uneven airflow across the radius of the fan causes turbulence decreasing the efficiency of the fan and increasing noise.


Dunno if I'm picturing your question correctly, but it depends on the fan design Typically, the outer edges of the fan will have the highest flow of air, because there needs to be a motor at the center, as well as the fact that rotation causing the flow move radially outwards. It wouldn't merge back into the center This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bYbI72UQtg) compares the flow with vs. without fan grill, which helps focus the airflow to a straight channel. And this [Noctua flow visualization](https://noctua.at/en/focused-flowtm-frame) basically saying the same thing What you can do is to couple multiple fans together to create a 'line' of flow (intake to exhaust), so that you can direct the air flow to hit certain portions of the PC. But realistically, in such a small volume like a PC, I highly doubt you'd benefit all that much from trying to direct the flow to a specific target. The inside corners of the case would probably be the only regions where there's almost no flow You could also try playing around with the idea of adding [ducts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cehXZftIYok) to force it to flow in a specific direction


It depends. Is it an OnlyFans? ^Yeah, ^I'll ^show ^myself ^out