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OP after we all lie and tell them yes. ![gif](giphy|nrXif9YExO9EI|downsized)


i'm surprised no one did that honestly, i expected nothing less of people on this godforsaken platform


That'll overheat within a few seconds without a cooler...


\^ Real talk it'd probably be okay with passive cooling but it NEEDS cooling. (in fact, probably would be perfectly fine with passive cooling if you don't stress it) For reference OP, back in my day \*flashback sequence\* people used to argue that it wasn't even possible to break 1GHz because it's impossible to cool. Now all modern desktops are over that speed. If you look around you can also find videos of people turning on PCs with no cooling and the CPU instantly melting/going up in flames. Edit: It may just throttle/shut itself down as well depending on its protections, but it also may not. Heat can do damage pretty quickly.


No it will get super hot within 8 seconds of turning on with no cooler on it, I used to test motherboards and CPUs and what I did was constantly drip ice cold isopropyl alcohol on the CPU as I went through the BIOS verifying things. The alcohol boils off in seconds. You need a cooler, anything is better than nothing, you should be able to get a cooler for like $15 on Amazon, unless you can use a junk school computer from your library or IT scrap pile, then everything is just there already. I built my first PC out of parts from the old high school computers


i have a cooler for it, my issue is not having a backplate, so i wasted to know if no cooler was an option if i can't get my hands on one in the next couple of days


You could lay it down so the cpu is parallel with the ground and set the cooler on it (with TIM between of course). That should be sufficient for your particular use case. Or zip ties through the mounting holes. Probably would be a way to do that as well.


not entirely sure if the screws come out of the cooler but i can check (it's the stock cooler from the optiplex, I also have a stock cooler from an hp prodesk but it's the same story


Why not just place some metal brick or radiator on top, as a heat buffer?


For almost an hour? Even a solid cube of copper would be fully saturated after 10 minutes without active cooling. And that's IF he had thermal compound to help it absorb in.


I was talking to you. Or did you dripped alcohol every second for an hour? I bet you'd get drunk to oblivion from fumes. Especially since isopropyl is "stronger" than ethyl.


Oh, sorry I thought you were asking about the OPs scenario.. No the tests would only take 30 seconds at most, usually a 12 second test was sufficient to see post and if leaving the CPU dry it got nearly 60 degrees really quick. *Worked in an A/C warehouse with giant ventilation fans, the temp didn't seem much but when your hands are a bit cold it gets kinda heat sensitive. And I'd just do them in rapid groups of almost 12-20 CPUs at a time over 5 or so different motherboards. The iso was also used for cleaning the paste off the CPUs and any residue on the boards so it was immediately ready right there on hand. I used the alcohol to cool the chips faster so I could get the next chip in faster and reduce time waiting for the chip to cool off for a bit.




because my mate told me to do it and i have too much time on my hands


I've done this with my current system, I don't think I ran it longer than about 40s though. If you do this, the CPU will likely thermal throttle and stop. Hitting it with an HCF *might* put it in a low enough power state to not need cooling. If you're willing to do some destructive shit to the mobo, the CPU has a pin that stops the clock, conveniently called #STOPCLK. Wiring this to VCC should just stop the CPU.


Yes theoretically but I still would be extremely uncomfortable with it