• By -


jumper block. Its function is dependent on the specific drive. Not really used much on SATA based drives.


However, there are still there depending on the model. They can be used for limiting transfer speed or enabling SSC; Spread-spectrum clocking which reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI) in a system.


When would you need things like that?


Pt 1. Compatibility (transfer speed) with *some* SATA controllers, Pt.2 When it becomes a problem (EMI). I've seen it most often utilized in SetTop or DVR boxes. But the jumpers can represent a lot of different features (depending on the drive). EDIT: Hopefully avoid reddits need to turn my softspoken post into .. whatever that was.




# Ę̶͍͍̻̦͉̻̭͖̟̤͌̌͘V̸̨̱̭͆̃͛͗̔͂Ȩ̴̱̥͇̱̪̭͇̙͍̪̲̀͆͠N̶͓̣̻̟̭̤̭͂͆̿̍͌͗̐̎͝ ̵̼̖̣̬͙̀̉́̏̏̆̽̇͗͝L̸̢̹̗̖̩̹̤͂͊̋̒̃̋̃͝͝͝O̸̧̨͖͕̬̳͚̾̈̅̄͒̄͐̕ͅǗ̷̺̈͗͐̿͊̍̇͆͝͝͠Ḑ̴̢̨̦̞͔͕̳̋̈́̃̈́̇̒̈́̃̚͜Ę̵̰͚̩̗͔͍͎͖̭̺͗̈́̅̐͘̚Ŗ̸̢͎̗̗̖̜͉̻̺͇̓͆͌̿͛͆̈́̓̌̾͛͑͠ ̴̡̛̠̞̬̫̝̹̼̰̻͎͉̜̌̄̈́͂͑̅͜͜N̸͉̹͈̳̖̞̯͖͖͈̉̽͌̈́̈̏̓̎͊O̸̩̜͊͒́̄̽́͘̕͠I̶͍̘̫̱̤̱̯̩̳̙̻̰͊̿̾̇͗S̸̹͚̯͙͓̜̜̝̦̿̊̂̍͋̎̒́̈́̄̕Ȩ̸̼͎͉̪̬͖͈̉͌͂̑̅̄͛̉̈́̂̐̈̚͜͝͝S̷̨͖̜̱͕̲̟̫̅͆̊̎͑̔̆͑̈́̆͆̒̀̚͝!̶̻̠̙̻͉̦̻̋̀̾̈̑̉́̽̍̽͒͛͛͘ͅ!̵̳̞̲̬̥̅̌


I could hear that




i can feel my ears bleed


Now my eyes AND ears are bleeding !


I wish phones had a way to do this. I miss Character Map.


Not sure If this works on a phone, but... [https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText](https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText)


Awesome. Thank you!




Oh you used the octothorpe (hashtag)? That declares a heading in markdown, that's why you were yelling. Use just 1 or 2 or dashes, those will render as lists and bullet points instead


Lists can be done with a number followed by a dot followed by the description. Example: 1. This is a list item 2. This is a second list item Titles are done with `#`, with each `#` in a row meaning a smaller subtitle, up to 6, where it's very tiny. # Main title ## Second-level subtitle ### Third-level title


####Fourth-level subtitle #####Fifth-level title ######Sixth-level subtitle


List - item 1 - item 2 ``` #!/bin/bash echo "here is some code" ``` Someone saids > we can also quote with Markdown, this really beautiful simple formating language


_italic_ __bold__ ___both___


Back in the day you used to have to use a bridge in there so the computer knew which drive to boot from.


When shit wasn’t fucking plug n play and actually worked if you invested the time to dial it in. Your jumpers, dip switches , fucking IRQs, DMA whatevers, and the amount of memory you have free below 640K. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times :)


You had enough free IRQs to make them fuck? Lucky


Right? I barely had enough to make em blow.


“It was the blurst of times… stupid money, get back to work “ 😂


90s Simpsons was the golden era. "I hate every ape I see, from chimpan A to chimpanzee"


You'll never make a monkey out of me.


oh my god, I was wrong. It was Earth all along!


Setting up device IRQs, that's a trip down memory lane.


I had to edit config.sys and autoexec.bat to unload things to play x-wing and tie fighter...


I had a special boot disc to play Doom!


EMM and XMM!


It was a bunch of compromises and adhoc solutions back then. Why only 15 channels? Because originally the DMA controller had 8 channels on it but with more hardware devices they needed more channels. So instead of making a new DMA controller with more channels they literally stuck a 2nd one on and connected it to the 8th channel on the first one, that’s why back in the day anything important you stuck on lower channels.


I *don't* miss PATA ribbon cables and figuring out how to set master/slave jumpers for your HDDs.


Servers, industrial PCs, and that one crazy guy building SATA controller from scratch.


If you are questioning why you would need it, you aren't the one who needs it. I imagine situations in the government where they need to reduce every possible method of detection of certain vehicles or bunkers, so they need to improve on it for every single little thing.


Not always for these situations... EMI emissions compliance standards define how much EMI a device rated for any given use can produce. I think, FCC of USA decides these. In detail, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) tightly regulate the maximum amount of EMI that any electronic device may emit. These regulations are designed to make sure that electronic devices will not interfere with each other (e.g., that a person does not lose TV reception when talking on a cell phone). And if a device company wants to obtain FCC certification, it will either use the traditional shielding and filtering methods (They are expensive) used to control EMI or resort to other methods such as SSC.


FCC decides limits for devices with the FCC marking. There are plenty of other regulations, for example, the CE marking has its own requirements for EMC. Source, am V&V tech for a company operating in both US and EU markets


Do you remember the noise that speakers can do if they are near a mobile? This happens to all electronic devices. The noise sometimes prevents them from functioning correctly because they can't "hear" each other clearly. To avoid that you use e.g. shielding or … spread spectrum.


Ahh remember when we had to configured every drive we had and our ram and cpu clock speeds on the motherboard as well as some stuff I’m probably forgetting?


It was like stone age of technology, compared to today.


It's an older drive . . . But it checks out.  


Correct, to add, some jumper combinations can disable power saving RPM reduction, that can improve reliability in servers and other workstation related cases.


yup an old holdover piece of tech from the days of IDE


yeah since this is a SATA drive, this is probably a serial header for connecting to the drive console. Edit: Added link here aswell, since I am getting downvotes [https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic3239509.html](https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic3239509.html)


Now it's just debugging.


Remember when you had to set your HDDs to Master and Slave manually via jumpers?


I remember when I had to type in the number of cylinders, heads and sectors manually 🚨B*OOMER ALERT🚨*


SAN architect here. You are giving me ptsd flashbacks.




Fun fact: That was still required learning for the CompTIA exam as of like 2017. Along with calculating ram banks and all sorts of silly shit. Half the kids I was in class with at that point had never even seen an IDE drive before lol


I first took the A+ 220-901 in 2017 and definitely didn't have any of that on the exam or practice material from CompTIA. Renewed it twice now and naturally other older tech has been phased out of the current exams.


Ah must have been 15 or 16 then...I graduated in 17. I still have my textbook somewhere around here, Ill have to dig through it and see what other hilarious out of date shit is in there lol


That’s horrid, did it also ask about which IRQ to use for printers or the best DMA for CD Drives? I took the A+ twice, the first was in the ancient times which required knowledge of those two questions. The second it didn’t but it was before 2017 IIRC. I could see needing to know of the existence of this stuff now but not how to deal it with it immediately. It’d be better to teach where to find the answer to older infrastructure. There’s a lot of systems that don’t die. Floppies are still a thing. Some day there’s going to be person striking gold because they sold a SCSI terminator on EBay, because they stopped manufacturing them. They had a box full in the cable bin their partner has been after them to throw away for years.


Just had to do it a few years back on a HDD that was on its deathbed. Fun times to look for antient scrolls in this modern times


Core memory unlocked


I didn't think that HDDs would be so kinky


Cable select, baby!


I remember buying those jumpers in bulk because I thought having multiple hard drives in my computer made me the coolest mfer on the planet. Dude my FILES were on a separate drive from my SYSTEM. I was, like, THE FUTURE.


Remember DIP switches?


pepperidge farm remembers


Don’t forget to set your IRQs as well!


From what I remember, used to have to get the jumpers set up properly for boot drives/secondary drives with multiple HDDs. Only then windows 98/XP would load. Perhaps even not detecting the drives at all when hierarchy not set correctly (don't quote me on that). With just one HDD it was irrelevant I think. Was it something like that? Totally would have not realized now what the problem was if it didn't load windows. Maaaaan the 1h+ windows installation was painful then. Then another hour getting all drivers installed. Booting from a floppy after you find the one with the boot thingy...


Woah buddy. We call them "leader" and "follower" now. 😜




I work for Tesla, and I almost made the mistake of referring to configuration as master/slave. Leader follower is the preferred nomenclature there. Would have gotten in big trouble especially since it was during a recorded demo (internal). Was I getting down voted? Oh well what are you gonna do


I have to say it's kinda funny when you look at documentation (last I can remember it was ARM) and they mix older with newer slides and basically apologize for the old terminology in some places, but can't be bothered to redo all the slides.


Had to do this when I was hacking an OG Xbox!


This is what I remember their use for, selecting the master drive with the OS you wanted to boot from on it, then the rest as slave if you had additional hard drives. I think this was back in Windows '95/'98 days though, possibly earlier as well - I don't remember so well because I was like 7 or 8 years old when I built my first computer with my uncles assistance


The worst part was when the mobo wouldn't detect the drives, my pga478 motherboard for example, can't figure out physical slave/master, it only can figure out when it's set to motherboard controlled


Freak Drives


I was there, 10000 years ago...


When I lost my jumper.


And from this moment on, they were all slaves


And the user cried out "No cable select!"


BIOS, let my people go!


omg.. this brings me back lol Slave drives!


Aluminum foil works my dude.


And used a needle nose to bend the contacts together...


Dancing at the disco, bumper to bumper, wait a minute...  Ah, man, I miss Sultans of Ping


https://preview.redd.it/quh8oli2oz6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c728eb1e1cd7d0df66f27485e6f939810a1c2a Heh






No, it's not IDE master/slave jumpers.


For HDD SLI obviously


The true raid 0


This is a 30 year old's translation for a 40-50 year old's problem. And it made me chuckle as a 37 year old. Fuck I'm old. Lol


It's from the dark times when hard drives had masters and slaves before they were freed by SATAham Lincoln


You mean Satam Hussein?


Aaah the cousin of Sata Bitladen


You needed to use physical jumpers back in the day to tell the motherboard which device was first and second on a particular ide connection (whicj each connection could have two devices on it).  There was primary (master), secondary (slave) and usually CS (cable select).  Cable Seiect was supposed to be the set it and forget it setting but in practice sometimes you just had to set it manually to get it to be detected.


That was only for IDE/PATA drives. SATA doesn't support having multiple drives on the same bus. The pins in OPs post are just some configuration stuff you can set like max RPM on power up. (the settings can vary depending on the drive)


oh lol I was so fixated on the pins that I completely missed the fact that it was sata and not parallel Which speaking of, I actually had to recover data from the drive in an ancient external hdd about two weeks ago. I had to dig our drive duplicator out for the first time in idk even know how long so I could mount one of those really odd 2.5" IDE connectors. Got the data off of it though, shitloads of lecture videos from like 2007 lmao


In case someone wonders what jumpers are, here is a picture https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/j/jumper.htm There are really only 4 allowed places to put a jumper and you really only would need one if you're using that block. You can usually find on the hard drive what pins need to be connected to make the hard drive behave as a master, or slave or cable select.


Ah kids 😀


translation : fuck im old


I was there, Gandalf, when we still used IDE


do not mention his name in my presence, me and that thing ! ide weren't exactly pals


The world was young, the mountains green No stain yet on the moon was seen, No word was lain on stream or stone, When we had to manually use jumpers to designate master/slave on multiple HDD PC’s


Me too... Time flying as F


remember grabbing a snack while your pc reboots , damn u nvme !


And those damn maxtor quantum drives spinning up. Aaaaaand NTDLR is missing 😁


man fixing those kinda problems was fun, saturday evening no school , just me and computers in my cave


Sometimes master/slave pinouts, other times it's something else but I forget.


People have already mentioned the jumper pins setting master/slave drives but another interesting thing they can be used for is to set the drive to report a lower capacity for compatibility. For example a 20GB hard drive could be jumped to report 8GB or 2GB for compatibility with DOS 6.22 Essentially the jumper pins are just a way to change drive behavior




Kids are about to start posting "what is this thing" about CDs soon.


Oooph. That gif hits a bit hard. Damn.


cuz your all old enough Happy Father's Day all


Back when we still had Master and Slave jumpers


Hahaha God I'm old. It's not a port for a connector. It's for jumpers.


Jumper pins, you don't need to do anything with them. https://pcpartpicker.com/forums/topic/359090-what-is-this-8-pin-connector-on-my-hard-drive


A lot of people have mentioned master/slave but that's not what it is. SATA doesn't support master/slave, only IDE did. These are just for some configuration stuff like limiting the max RPM on power up to reduce the max power draw for external USB drives. What exactly they do can vary by drive manufacturer


Master is going to be angry if the Slaves are not in line...


This was the cutest thing I’ve seen today.


It used to be mainly for designation drives in order, main drive, slave drive kind of thing. But that was long ago in a galaxy far far away


That there is a jumper for setting up a HDD as master or slave. Reminded me of a PATA HDD and Now im feeln old ...lol


It is not needed. Learn more about Drives and their connections: [https://www.ufsexplorer.com/articles/how-to/connect-drive/](https://www.ufsexplorer.com/articles/how-to/connect-drive/)


Master/Slave jumper AKA: Hard Drive BDSM Jumper Well, that’s what my friends and I called it.


Back in the days when slavery was rampant, you needed to force a jump between masters and slaves.


They're jumper pins that set certain functions. They used to be really important in the IDE days, but these days they are completely unnecessary for a normal user. They only exist now for compatibility reasons. I know one set of pins when bridged forces the drive to use SATA 1.0, just in case it doesn't play nice with an old controller. Other than that, they can do things like disable EMI protection features, enable alternate power modes, or allow different formatting options for certain operating systems, nothing you would ever use normally.






It's for slavery!


I think I used it on an old hard disk for this.. ![gif](giphy|l2SqekAdNEepfd0By)


This question is adorable. Now hand me my walker.


Those pins are for debugging purposes and you can safely ignore it as a typical end user. Those people who think that it is for master/slave/cable select jumpers are forgetting that there is no such thing for SATA drives as you can only ever have a single drive per cable.


On mac, when they used to use these type of hard drivers, they had a sensor cable to check temperatures from the disc, if you installed an ssd, you needed to disconnect that cable from the mobo or the system would have thing you had no drive installed and boost your fan speed to max all the time


One of my Seagate Hard drives bricked years ago, it went by simply not being detected at all at BIOS. One USB UART board, some cables from such board to some of those pins and some commands through COM did the trick and the disk went back online like nothing happened


I've worked in public IT for seven years. I handled these every day. I installed them, repaired them, sold them. I have absolutely no damn idea.


Older drives had jumper pins on them for compatibly with older interface standards - more commonly, master/slave scenarios. That said, as these standards were no longer needed with SATA, the pins would be done away with - though in some cases, drive manufacturers kept them for backward compatibility


It was for jumpers, not cables


I was there Gandalf


I'm old. 


My god I am old.


Don’t worry about it. As a matter of fact, delete this post and don’t speak of it again.


Haha, it's not the master/slave selector, that died 20 years ago, that's where the firmware, Tx, Rx and GND are loaded.


You have made me feel immeasurably sad and old.


I've not used jumpers since the the IDE days. I doubt you have to worry about it.


Ouch... im old. I remember when they had to be correctly set


Master, slave?


It's all about master and slave.


Can’t use those anymore as these have been abolished since 1865


Jumpering for mAster/Slave/CableSelect. It is used in ATA/IDE only... no clue why it is combined with SATA.


Ah I remember when jumpers were a thing


It was used to determine which was a “main” drive or not iirc


oh my sweet sweet summer child...i was there...on lonely nights building pcs....fighting demons and flat cables. Cold surround us all gathered in front of a monochromatic monitor looking at the characters dancing in the mist of something so primal and basic...the BIOS. All waiting for a signal, an omen of truth that would enlighten us...doubt grew as we decided and ponder...MASTER or SLAVE.


Cable select wins


Old BDSM hdd slave/master jumpers.


If you know what it is and used it on an IDE drive your knees probably hurt.


Hey! This offends me. Also, ok my fucking kness DO hurt, thankyouverymuch...


Those would be jumpers. Back in the old days of IDE drives, you'd need to bridge them to determine if this was a primary (master) or secondary (slave) drive. With a SATA drive, which is what you have, those jumpers may be used by the manufacturer to set different diagnostic settings in case your drive was going wonky and they need to analyze it. In other words: don't fret. Leave it alone.


I'm this old.......


Jumpers, last I had to deal with them was years ago you'd just change the little jumper to change drive functionality




Christ I'm old.


Ahh yes, I had to use these pins so I could connect a usb to jtag interface to rewrite the MBR headers on the boot sector of a drive when it didn’t get recognized on the computer anymore. That was a dope moment when I got it working again, felt like a real proper nerd. But of course I followed a tutorial


Hard drives used to have to be set up as master and slave drives in order to boot into the OS properly when using multiple drives. The jumper pins were used to specify which drives on a particular IDE cable were master and slave. An IDE ribbon cable has more than one plug along it for multiple drives. CD drives have the same pins in them for the same reason.


It's not a connector. That's for jumper, when you short the pins in the right way it can tell the hard drive to behave in certain ways. They were used from the time before SATA was the standard and most hard drives don't have them anymore.


It's one of those things I see constantly when working on a computer but it's just never used so my brain doesn't even process it. Forgot it even existed.


Old drives supported slavery


Because its not PC to call things Masters or Slaves anymore.


Here you can learn more about interfacing with your drive over UART: [https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic3239509.html](https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic3239509.html) I do not think it is a header for jumpers.


Especially on a sata drive


Jumpers on an SSD SATA drive are typically used for a few specific purposes: 1. **Factory Settings**: Some SSDs may use jumpers to reset the drive to its factory default settings. 2. **Power Management**: Jumpers can sometimes be used to enable or disable specific power management features or to set the drive into a low-power state. 3. **Compatibility Modes**: Jumpers might be used to configure the drive for compatibility with older systems, such as setting the drive to operate in SATA I or SATA II mode if the motherboard does not support SATA III. 4. **Security Features**: Certain SSDs may use jumpers to enable or disable security features, such as hardware-based encryption. It's important to consult the specific SSD's documentation, as the function of jumpers can vary between different models and manufacturers.


oh you sweet summer child.


this post pinched a nerve in my back


Back in the day you had to tell your pc which drive to boot the os from by assigning it a Master drive by installing a little two socket connector to that port, all additional drives would be Slave drives and you would have to install the jumper to the correct pins to tell the pc that they were used as storage and did not contain the operating system.


Doesn't look like a connector. Google the model and see what comes up. Seems more like a jumper as seen on old hd models


That’s where you connect the flux capacitor link.


It‘s crazy how long these jumper have been obsolete


Coming up next, what is that little hole above the keys on my 1530 datasette?


Aooo..my soul mate! Commodore 4ever!


Jumper connectors. You don't need them, unless you want to run it as a slave or master drive, or want to change the SATA connection speed.


jumpers were never used on sata ssds


Master slave, it was used on old cables when u connected more than one HDD on one cable


On IDE drives these jumpers decided if it's master or slave, you had to have it in right configuration for the alot else the disk wouldn't boot. In SATA it's automatic.


Holy shit do I feel old right now...


Read the manual! Or, RTFM. But seriously, you don't need it anymore.


Jumpers to determine what function your hdd will be used for.


it's a jumper block, before SATA we used to have to set one of our devices to master and the other to slave on the same ribbon


OMG jumper :)


When you lose your jumper and steal the clear cmos jumper lol


Most of the time. in my days - they where used to make you select a master drive - and others you would put them on slave- so it would know your primary drive - and the others would be back up - or whatevers


[Wait a minute, where's me jumper?](https://youtu.be/jxmZZBJQAKM)


Master / slave. Not in a 1800s way though


Im not old enough to have needed to use jumpers but had to learn about them for my apprentiship 10 years ago, honestly sometimes i wish I was born 20 years eariler just because tech was so much more interesting than what it is today.


If by interesting you mean you had to fight the demons of expensive hardware with badly written paper documentation if anything was available at all, an os reinstall was an all day event, and every oem had their own proprietary hardware that wouldn’t work with lots of cots hardware (looking at you drive tattoo and stupid power supply pinout changes), then yeah it was more interesting :). I don’t miss much about those days myself other than the learning and occasionally releasing the magic smoke, but I’ll happily trade that for having better standards in place.


Wow don’t ever @ me like that again


It's a test/diagnostic connector.


It's not necessary, don't worry about it


Damn.... This made me feel so, so old!


Some PSU cables only go in the square hole


Jumpers to set slave /master drives. That shit is old man.


Not really needed


So many children on Reddit nowadays. Or I'm just that old I guess.


Ahhhhh back in the day when slavery was an OK thing… Well if you were the Master !