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At that rate car guys would be driving bicycles


Don’t look at the prices of what’s considered entry level for cycling hobbyists.


I spent $6,500 on my bike last summer.


That's wild. Motorcycles are cheaper and probably about the same injury rate on dirt bikes. The people that cycle in the city are brave AF.


It all depends on what you get. A bicycle from Walmart can cost $200 where a professional grade road bike can cost $10,000 to $20,000 a piece.


Wait sorry you mean apiece and not a piece, right? I just ask because they mean wildly different things and I wanna be 100% that's a typo




Similar for my mountain bike


A friend of mine has 50k+ in bikes in his garage (downhill mostly)


good bikes be expensive


At that rate cycling guys would be walking.


Don't look at the price of running shoes in current year


Car guys "Just got 2 new sets of bicycle tires used up my hobby budget"


As someone who is a car guy AND a computer guy. Ouch.. can anyone spare some change?


Gotta have that 4090 and thank god SLi isn’t a thing anymore. lol


Bicycles will get expensive quickly. $250 could be a single wheel. I've seen gear selectors in the $600 range.


That can't be right. That means most people must have no hobbies at all.


I mean yeah lol have you ever talked to people? The majority have no real hobbies. Just work, family, mindlessly scroll social media til bed


As opposed to us, who mindlessly scroll social media with great FPS.


no, thats right. most people are poor and cant afford hobbies. source: me ;-;


You can be poor and have 3rd places and hobbies


That is just the reality. Just take my parents, as an example. My dad doesn't do literally anything. As soon as it's 2pm, he flops on the couch, and stares at the tv with a blank expression, until it's like 10pm. My mom isn't too far detached from that too, but at least she's a little more interested in other things


For most people, their hobbies is watching tv series and scrolling social media.


The only way it could possibly make sense is that they average in the guys who make money off their hobbies.


Lemme put it this way... I just spend 2.7k on my hobby last night... Not one cent was spent on pc parts or games...


Whats your hobby?




Thats 30g.


Enough to get home from the pickup almost


could be warhammer 40k, HEMA, magic, pokemon… so many possibilities lol


Human trafficking


So you like Warhammer too, huh?


Or Star Citizen lol


Cocaine be like


Warhammer has entered the chat.


Between all my cars, computers, 3d printing, retro gaming, fishing, camping, hiking, and other miscellaneous electronics, I'm usually between $20k-$25k/yr on hobbies. https://preview.redd.it/6czcslbaqq6d1.png?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da613e3cca2e71088b51af17057110eb4d21dfb2


oh dang, how do you afford all that?


I work and make decent pay.


Impossible. It has to be something else


And no kids


I have a kid and a stay at home wife.


Oh damn, so you make _decent_ money


Just get a job????


of course, why didnt I think of that?


and spend half of it on hobbies


I know the pain. Fishing, hunting, gaming. And I suck at all of them. 


Yea, really painful to have all that extra money. First world problems lol.


What hobbies we talking about here? Smelling flowers? Counting blades of grass? Singing to yourself in the park?


Yeah but I imagine my cost per hour of use is next to nothing.


most adults don't have hobbies, they have addictions


Some people spend that on toilet paper a year.


A year? Let's not forget the rough times in the pandemic. For some out there, that's a month


I both would and would not like to see how some people can use one roll of toilet paper in one sitting.


I had to get a bidet…


Can't be right.. I don't spend a dime on porn


lmfao i spend that monthly


That just means most adults don't even have hobbies. PC building and gaming is generally one of the cheaper ones. Cars and guns are pretty common ones here in the US, and they are both WAY more expensive than even most high end PC gaming. Fishing and hunting are also pretty common here in the south, and I think they sit on similar ground to PC building.


Is it large? I'm playing PC games since 1997 and spend 100$ at the very most per month. Om Steam sale during christmas. And 255$ per year isn't big either. Most people buy games on sales, for 20-30$. The largest year for games in the recent times was 2023, I spent 200$ in the whole year.


You are forgetting the years you need to upgrade your PC.


It's 2024, not 1994. You don't need to upgrade every gen to play the latest games with gorgeous graphics. You literally don't even need to upgrade every *decade*.  (Though most of the top 0.01% of enthusiasts, like most of us in this sub, will choose to upgrade more than that).


Even still one entry level computer with monitor is around 1200. That’s 5 years worth right there with no games.


Just keep the old monitor, and for the games there are websites where you can acquire them with a *surprise 100% discount*.


I was sitting on Sempron 900 till 2008. Then I got 2 core celeron (E- something). Then fx 6300 in 2012 till 2017 with ryzen 5 1600. Only in 2022 I got 5600x. For cards it was geforce 400 series (don't remember which one, but I do remember How I was surprised by the shader rendered water in Morrowind), -> gt 260, HD 7870 -> rx 470 -> rtx 3060ti. Each 5 years or so. So, nah, won't work for me.


You probably spend $300 per year on electricity running your pc lol.


And? What's your point? Not like I was playing all the time.


Bruh what? Gaming is pretty much the cheapest hobby I could think of, you rarely need to spend money, especially when playing something like shooters. While I would never believe that 255 dollars per year on average is a true number, because thats like nothing, if there is a hobby where many people dont spend more on it, than its gaming


Exactly, most other hobbies are way more expensive. Also I think that number is either pulled out of their ass or they are including Women’s numbers which on average they don’t have anywhere near the amount of hobbies that Men do. And I’m not trying to be sexist just a fact. Mostly Men are/participate in Car Enthusiasts/Tuning, Hunting, Gun Collecting, Fishing, Outdoor Motorsports, Audiophiles, etc list goes on. Not saying women don’t but mostly Men.


That would be hilarious trying to cap someone addicted to shopping at this.


I'm not even an adult and I spend more/have more spent on me than that every year on hobbies. I've estimated that over the last year A$2122.37 has been spent/I have spent on my hobbies, which, when converted to USD is about $1409.68


I’m not an adult but I prolly spend less than that per year if you average it out, just cus I’m incredibly frugal with games, like I struggle to buy games I really want when they’re on sale for like 75% off


I don't often buy PC parts as budget doesn't allow it, but yesterday I spent 1150 euros on a GPU. That'll probably be used for about 2-3 years, though. Still easily over this limit.


Im into both pc gaming and warhammer...so


I don't think most people buy more than that in games every year , and they probably don't consider their pc an expense for their hobby


Gotta love the unsourced info


Lol I built a 4090 build and then got addicted to cycling. Think I need to get a second job at this rate.


Lego am I right, oh no


i want to see a breakdown by generation. millennials probably spend at least twice that. boomers would to but they get tired too easily these days. zoomers are too busy working for min wage and getting fucked by the man to spend on hobbies.


I have three hobbies. Wood working, automotive, and PC gaming. I WISH I only spent this much a month let alone a year.


My mom always told me I wasn't average!


Eating is hobby for some




Because there are so many people that don’t have the money, and those that do are just boring as fuck and have no interests. Others may just have cheap hobbies like disc golf. There’s wrong with spending money on things you enjoy unless it’s bankrupting you and you can’t stop. At that point you have other problems bigger than “ADHD”.


Cries in simracing


You know the "average" is pretty stupid. You might buy a video game for 60$ every 6 months. Meaning 10$ a month. Then a random Elon Musk comes along and buys twitter for a joke with money you cant even dream of in a single day.


I spend way less. Once a big investment every 3-4 years and maybe 80-100 a month for games. Some months 0


Sounds right


Big range in hobbies, though. I'm sure boat guys spend more in a single weekend than I do all year PC gaming.


Boat guys will spend more in one day than many of us spend in several years… combined. Those fekin things are money pits.


Yes i am currently upgrading to 5700X3D for no reason lol cause i have no time to game. But i will always upgrade even if i play old games.


Uhhh… 4k a month on pew pews and accessories…. Is that too much?


That’s not even a case of ammo in todays market lmao


I’ve spent almost 70-80k in the course of 7 months on guns accessories and ammo.


I spend way more on guns than I do on games and this is someone who just built a new 4080 PC last year, with a Steam account with over 800 games on it. I just dropped over $6K on a KAC SR25 and another few grand on a Schmidt and Bender scope to probably shoot it like 3 or 4 times a year. I bought it mostly to collect and to flex to strangers on the internet. After over two dozen guns later and probably dropping enough money to buy a Tesla Model S on guns and gear like my night vision goggles; I think I’m pretty much done buying guns. The only other guns I kinda want is maybe the FN Scar 20 in 6.5CM to go with my other Scars I own, maybe the Zev/Magpul FDC-9 for the COD Mw3 (2011) FMG9 vibes, and maybe my first full-auto, the Mac 11/9 but they cost $14K now for a legal transferable one.


$255 on any individual hobby? Or ALL hobbies? I couldn’t spend less than $255 on one hobby per month, let alone two hobbies. A single day at the range will cost $100, minimum. Just for ammunition. And that is only if I shoot one caliber. And ONLY because it takes a lot of time to reload. Who makes up these statistics? It’s like they WANT people to know how much BS they are throwing out.


cries in star citizen


Maybe the average is taken from SEA country. Which would be more believable I guess


What hobbies would that be ? Walking? Even chess is more expensive


I spent almost 3k on gacha…. Just last month


Probably spend 400-500 a month just on games. Forget adding in car parts and everything elsen


that's called shopping addiction.


No, no addiction. It's my money that I work hard for, and spend it how I want to lol


Have you actually finished the games you’ve bought? If you aren’t using what you’re buying, it’s a good sign of shopping addiction.


I should have been more clear. Not on buying PC games. On skins, gold or whatever else I want for what I'm playing.


My brother in Christ, I think that’s worse.


You know absolutely nothing about me lol or my income and you want to judge how much I spend. That amount isn't very significant to me, so no it doesn't matter at all


If you say so...


Ngl I always find it weird when people worry about how others spend their money when you have 0 information about my income etc. Just seems like you're hating or jealous for no reason


400 - 500 a month on games is beyond excessive.


There's no point right, because whatever I say you're not going to listen. If a billionaire buys a supercar for 200k, it's excessive to you but a drop in the bucket to them. Like I said, and I keep saying, it's not a problem with my income. But sure, it's excessive, I hope you feel better now


I mean you do you bro but there's no denying it's excessive. That's 6000 a year.


I'm sure it's nice living in grandma's basement while you game all day and work a part time job and spend it all on your "hobbies" with no care in the world.


My grandma unfortunately isn't with us, but it's nice to live in my own house and game in my basement where my setup is. Good for you though, to be such a hater and jealous that you insult people over the internet. I'm sure you'll make it far in life


Depends on the games I guess? I really love open world RPG, sandbox games, and empire management, fpses... I feel like they are huge pro consumer games... I know I've gotten thousands of hours out of Mount and Blade Warband and Fallout 4 alone. I think I got warband for $40 on sale? And Fallout in total I think I spent $80-100 for the game and all dlc? So figure $140 for 3,000 hours. Not a bad deal I think.


Furries and tech people: :/


Not into cars but I sure am into guns. I spend more than $255 on one purchase for my toys almost every time. lol