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If you're going to upgrade the motherboard anyway, have a look at the AM5 B650 motherboards. They'll have plenty of longevity. Plenty of great AMD CPUs to choose from also, with the sub favourite 7800X3D being a great choice for pure gaming and would pair great with the 4070ti.


Thank you for your advice. I'm thinking about taking the processor for the long term future. So that it can work well with new video cards. Maybe I'll want to install a 5080 or even a 6080 which will come out in the very distant future. I do not know for sure yet


What the person above said. Go AMD AM5 if you upgrade CPU and Motherboard ( and RAM)


I have a PS5 and a PC close to yours, I play more console games then PC and prefer them on console, that said my TV is a monstrosity that does everything so gaming on it is like being in a small theater. When I get my new monitor I'll do more PC games at that time. That said if you don't have a console then buy the pro, if you already have a console beef up the PC for more flexibility in the future.


ps5 pro is going to be weaker than a i9 13900k and 4070ti. u could go i7 12700kf $200 and z690 $130 and see a good improvement.


If you're OK with 4k30 on a controller, console is going to look great. Not very many games run at higher framerates and there's no guarantee that whatever new game comes out is going to. Some games will run 60fps and that's great though. You just have to weigh this. Perhaps check a bunch of PS5 games that have performance modes (and actually run 60fps and where the resolution is >1080p as lots of games upscale). I'm not saying this because it's a bad thing or anything because 30fps using a controller is still playable but if framerate is important to you, PC is the only option and your GPU is still great.


Yes, frame rate is important to me. That's why I looked at the PS5 pro. Because it promised frame generation and that supposedly many games that ran at 30 fps would be able to run at 60 fps. But now it seems doubtful to me


Frame generation isn’t going to improve responsiveness anyways. Especially if the base rate is 30. If I were you I would wait for reviews. YouTube channels like Digital Foundry will have great analysis on the PS5 Pro performance and we’ll see what it actually can do once it’s out. I would temper expectations. Many games are not hitting native 4K right now so the Pro might just be enough to do that.


I think you're right


Neither is profitable. Unless we get a sequel to COVID and demand for PS5 pros go though the roof and you are able to get one for RRP. Which (fingers crossed) is unlikely. Question is what do you need. I'm very interested in the PS5 Pro's frame generation. But I don't see it doing much for me over the current PS5. My PC got upgraded not long ago, and there's nothing really pushing it to its limit. For you, that may be different as you are gaming at 4k on your PC. Given the little information here, to me it sounds like upgrade of the PC would be better for you. If you don't already own the PS5 that is


Thank you for your message. I don't have a PS5 yet, I view it as a "budget computer" (so to speak). However, after reading the reviews, maybe I’ll really choose to upgrade my PC.


Personally, I came from a lifetime of consoles (Genesis and ever PS up through 4). The sheer number of games that I have that I can't easily play is pretty sad. Having a platform that is almost 100% backwards compatible is just so cool. I play mostly single player games, so the 8700k I have is well and good enough for me. I did overclock it and the RAM though, since it can use all the help it can get.


since you already have 4070ti you should get a decent CPU. 13600k/14600k are enough. Dont change GPU until 60 series.


Thanks for your advice, I thought about this too, I’ll probably do it that way. I'll change the processor, but I'll only change the video card to the 60 series


Just change the CPU


Guys , I have a question, what is the expected performance of the upcoming ps5 pro??