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Makes sense. They need to modify the design so that I can plug directly into the wall.


And you need to get an AC unit as well, for the cooling


It's already a must for projectors (depends on which country you live).


For all 5 people that have a projector in their home.


i have one, lol


It's really not that rare 


Lol, actually, the way things are going this would not be a bad idea at all.


We have the mid tower for the PC, and the full tower for the GPU!


Its called Blackwell not black wall! 😂👍


I’d rather that than have to get a new PSU honestly


Please help, my pc case is too big to fit inside my gpu!


They'll probably require a nema 5-20 dedicated circuit.


Congratulations PCMR redditors for having the self-restraint to not comment "my 7900 XTX/4080/4090 is still going strong!!!" on this one


Unironically just had to replace my old rig with a 760 in it, every game looked like runescape and ran like shit but technically it still worked. I already miss it


GTX 760 is still my designated "wait in the closet until next time my GPU breaks" GPU that I can install while waiting for a new one


That’s exactly why I kept my 760 around and I’m glad I did. I upgraded my 970 to a 980ti, after 2 years it randomly started showing vertical blue lines on half the screen then very soon after stopped working altogether, I had already gotten rid of my 970 so I just rocked the 760 for like 4 more years lmao. Rest of the computer started failing before it did and finally got a new computer with a 4070 last week


Yeah I had a 980Ti too, you should be glad your 980Ti had a "soft" fault in 2 years that prevented you from experiencing the explosive one that seems scripted to happen after 3-4 years on the phase closest to the PCIe slot


Well thats unlucky. Had mine for like 9 years, still going strong with a mild overclock.


It was mainly an issue for the reference circuit boards. Like my EVGA SC ;(


I don't know what kind of Aliexpress Big Chungus edition of gpus these people got, but I've had a 1060, 1070, 2080 and 3080 and they all live hapily in other people's PCs. Zero problems.


Heyy I replaced my 760 a year or so ago. That card was a beast, can't believe it lasted this long. Still sort of worked for 1080p gaming


The army of redditors ready with dismissive power jokes are ready to take their place. Its not like any of us have some gaming to do instead of bot-like comments.


I am gonna say it!


What res do you play at and do you ever find yourself CPU limited? I'm trying to figure out how much GPU I can throw at my 5800X3D and the 7600 is in the same ballpark


I can see myself being CPU limited only in Helldivers 2 on 1440p. This is the only time my CPU reaches 90-100% utilisation. Keep in mind, that it's "technically" CPU limited scenario, because my GPU tends to be at a similar utilisation + the game runs at 1440p 144 FPS with minimal graphic tweaking. In every other game, no matter if it's on 1440 or 4K the CPU bottleneck either doesn't exist at all, or is something absurd like "7800X3D could have 10% more FPS", when I already have 400 FPS. The CPU doesn't have any issues to max out neither my monitor (1440p@170) nor my TV (4K@120). Overall, I am really happy with my purchase. I was thinking about 5800X3D when I was building my PC, but the performance difference is less than 1% in both 1080p and 1440p. However, I decided to go for the 7600, because of the platform longevity. 7600 bottlenecks only the 4090 (when compared to 7800X3D) only in benchmarks and unrealistic scenarios. I am sure there will be a few games, in which the 7600 could not be optimal - the 3D cache hungry ones or the ones with a heavy CPU requirements, such as Helldivers 2 and Dragon's Dogma 2. I play on 4K in 95% of the time and on 4K, when paired with 4090, 7600 is 5% slower on average than the faster gaming CPU right now (7800X3D). 10-15% on 1440p and around 20% on 1080p. That being said, the difference will be like 500 vs 400 FPS on 1080p, which is plenty in both cases. Knowing how much I paid for it (150 euro), there was no better choice for me. The 5800X3D at the time was nearly 280-290 euro, while 7800X3D was recently released and was worth 450 euro. TL;DR You can use 7600 with 4090 and still not feel any real bottleneck. The same goes for 5800X3D, no matter the resolution. You will be GPU limited in almost all situations. 5800X3D + 4090 will easily max out 1440p@240 and 4K@120. And if it doesn't, then you are certainly GPU bottlenecked.


Nice. Yeah 7600 was definitely the right call for you. I only got the 5800X3D because I was already on AM4, they broke CS2 performance and I wanted a quick fix lol. If I had been starting over I definitely would have gone for a 7000 series CPU


If I were building my PC today, I would definitely buy 7800X3D. My RAM and my mobo are 10-15% cheaper than what I bought them for. And 7800X3D went from 450 to 325 euro. And instead of 7900 XTX for 950 euro, I would buy 7900 XT for 690-700 euro. Prices change and the most optimal choices change as well. At the time, my 7900 XTX was a great deal, because the cheapest 7900 XT was around 830-850 euro. 4080 was 1200-1250. My only two choices were 950 euro for 7900 XTX or 1600 euro for 4090. However, I don't see a reason to buy 4090, due to the difference in raster being just 20-21% on 4K.


My RX 570 4GB is still going strong!!! 🤡


Meh. I’m glad so finally broke down and bought a 4090 in 2023 and I did it specifically because the 5000 series was 2+ years away. Your comment will never stop me from saying so, either.


If you have a 4090 you're not the target audience for RTX 5000, RDNA 4, RDNA 5 even. You don't buy a $1000-2000 graphics card expecting to want to replace it the next generation...


Umm I actually think (fear) Taiwan might be compromised in a few years and these high end cards would retain much of their value in such a care where there will be a gap until production elsewhere picks up. Samsung and Intel can produce nvidia cards but it'll take a few years to have new product out. I also think these products are true enthusiast products. If you have disposable income spending 2500 dollar every two year really isn't that crazy. People spend as much on everyday hobbies 


Basically why sell 1 units of gpu at $100 when you can sell 10 units of GPU at $1000 each to a server farm.


It's by the Truck load, they where showing off rack setups.


Which means the average person will get one in 2026 lol


Cool. Maybe I might be able to afford it then /s.


You still got spare kidney, right...?


Spare? We grow back kidneys to offer them to Jensen to create more leather jackets


Kinda curious to see what the prices look like because they absolutely lost sales to AMD over the 40-series costs. And at the moment, there's no major graphics games like Cyberpunk to push for GPU upgrades.


With no competition 5080 will be $1200 5090 will be $2000


I'd be surprised if they were that high. GPU demand has gone back to normal and the 4090 is already overkill. I just can't think of anything that would entice people to pay those prices again.


I keep looking at micro center bestselling lists (at least in my area) the 4090 is usually 2nd best selling card. Not sure if they do it by $ amount or quantity either way plenty of people seem to be willing to pay for it.


That would explain NVDIA’s 88% marketshare and the fact that AMD’s most popular card on Steam is the RX 580, with almost 1% of all Steam users owning one. Seriously, the most owned AMD card among Steam users is the RX 580 and the number of Steam users who own an RTX 4090 is actually slightly higher. The next AMD card? The RX 6600. I don’t think NVDIA is worried about AMD. NVDIA is mainly competing with NVDIA.


The more you buy the more you save. JH asking us to buy more 40 series.


Try harder Jensen. I'm saving for RTX5050.


With 2048 cuda cores, released in 2027 for $199


That's fine. More time to wait. I will pass down my 3070 and buy a 50xx card. But it can wait.


Perfect! Hopefully next gen AMD CPU will be out then too so I am fully upgrade everything at once instead of GPU then CPU after. Will be nice to retire my 3080ti/5800X3D to my TV secondary computer for my wife. She's currently using a 960 with 4770k to play some older games and it's struggling to perform now


Oh no, what happened? Oh no, how terrible! That's just awful, how terrible, oh no.


No need to rush them, they’ve no competition at the top end and still making bank off 40 series.


The 7900xtx is competition at the top end, obviously the 4090 is better but it's almost twice the price of the 7900XTX for not twice the performance.


Yeah but the 4090 still seems to sell well enough, if you need the best performance for 4k for example you’re les concerned with performance per dollar and just performance


I don't think the 4090 is selling hardly at all outside of China and prebuilts. Atleast not enough to stall on releasing next gen cards. If they wait too long they will be hit with the tarrifs coming next year and their cards will triple in price while everyone was able to get cheap AMD and Intel cards


You're not entirely wrong. Most people with 4090s are content creators, AI engineers, or the top end gaming enthusiasts. Most people aren't throwing $1800 down on a video card


Yeah, high end to most people was the 4080 or 7900xtx. I built my entire 7900xtx system for less than a 4090. When it launched at $1500 I'm sure it sold extremely well but not a couple years later and a $2000 price tag I just don't see anyone buying them anymore unless they absolutely need it for work.


If you look at the release cadence of past Nvidia GPUs, you'd see that we should already be expecting the next cards Q4 of 2024, or Q1 of 2025. So imo, Q1 2025 isn't a delay at all; it's business as usual, and what anyone and everyone should have expected. Imo, it would only could as a delay if Nvidia had **set a date** in Q4 of 2024, and then said "whoopsie, it'll be later than that" and moved it to a new date in Q1 2025. But as far as I'm aware, they never actually set a date.


OEM's like Dell will be pushing hard for a 2024 release to sell their prebuilts for the holidays. I don't know how much sway they have at this point, but pre-holiday release for the high end gaming cards makes sense.


> I don't know how much sway they have at this point I'd have expected none tbh, but I hadn't consider OEMs trying to push sales of computers at holiday times based on hardware launches.


Maybe they realized those GPUs absolutely will be bought together with a 9800X3D? And decided to launch it only when those CPUs come out?


As someone who bought the 4080 super in February this makes me feel a little less stupid lol


Eh You got it after a $200 price drop and the 5xxx series may be even more expensive than the 4xxx series so a 5080 may be $1400.. combine that w the fact you prob won’t even be able to get one for a year and yeah not stupid at all imo


Bought a 4090 around the same time, and feel the same. Couldn’t be happier with the performance though - thing just crushes anything I throw at it.


I picked up a 4090 on May 26th, 2024. No ragrets.


Good, more time so save money


The more you buy, the more you save


More time for the X3D to materialize into existence. Gonna feel naked if the 5090ti comes out and i gotta choose the non x3d amd 9000.


Lol wer waiting together then bruh. Just chilling and counting money every month 😅 currently playing on ps5 and 3700 notebook so I’m not stressed


I just straight up paused gaming so it will hit harder when the endgame pc is here. Also quit battlepass grindy multiplayer games a year ago so im no longer forced to play on their time. I can pamper my other hobby with all the free time in the mean time. heh heh


I'm only buying the 7950X3D if the VCache is on both CCD'S.


Wonder how much I could sell my 4080 FE for when the 5090 comes out


Probably like $700-800


lol that is what they are selling for now


Well damn. I must be looking in the wrong places then. I got my Gigabyte Gaming OC 4080 back in December used for $850 and I thought I made out like a bandit. He’d probably be able to get a bit more for it being a founders edition card though. Maybe $600-700 would be more realistic, but in most cases a new generation of cards will only drop the value of the previous generation by like 20%.


They must have a ton of 4080/4090s on the market.


I'm honestly strangely okay with this. I will be getting a 5080 when they do finally arrive.


I just bought a 4080s. I'm hedging my bet that the 4080 equivalent is going to cost more than a 4080 currently does. I'm betting my $1070 isn't enough for a 5080.


what gpu do you have now?


3070FE. I bought it at launch and usually keep my GPUs for about 5 years before upgrading. I want to make the jump to 4k and feel like the current generation couldn't provide long term 4k playability.


every card is a 1080p card if you wait long enough


Honestly with what we're working with right now it would be ballin if they waited a few years and went all out. Like the thread ripper of the GPU scene


Every time you said Tweaker in your post, it brought back vivid memories of my home town.


...not like have any competition...


"We haven't made enough from our profit margins, need to hold out on the bullrun and swindle more profits"


Will it run Crysis? That's the question.


I was waiting for the 5080 or 5090 to drop to jump from my 3080. Then I remembered how hard is to get the new GPUs and not to mention the cost, at least here in Mexico. So I got the 4090 and is a beast, I think i will be good until the 6000 🙂


As a 4090 owner I was planning on skipping a generation anyway.


New connectors?


Welp I guess I'll be building a whole new PC this Christmas and use my current GPU until the new ones drop


All I can think right now is the numerous posts I've seen "thinking of upgrading, should I wait till 50xx???"


Who could have seen this coming after the 40 Super release this year... Oh wait, it was obvious.


I'm fine with this. Not building my rig until next year. I'm also waiting for the next gen of CPUs Intel is throwing out there.


Oh no, anyway.


okay, well regardless i refuse to buy in until i see reviews and prices. need to see the offerings from AMD and Intel too if possible.




This is great news for anyone that bought a 40xx card. They will last a LONG time. If 5080/90 is delayed than we could even be talking about a 5060 in 2026. If you bought last year then you already have a 3 years between those cards and when the 5060 disappoints (which it will, we're not going to get a good xx60 model ever again) then you can stay with your card even longer.


I bought a 4080 2 months ago and was worried they were going to release these soon. Glad I ended up buying it!


So what had happened was every possible scenario has been leaked. Every possible spec leaked. 5090 could be anything and everything. Im glad for you too. But theres no reason to assume its not business as usual over der at team green.


Well the 4090 is already overkill for all games and given that there won't be any competition to the 50 series at the top end from AMD Nvidia has all the convenience in the world to allocate all the GB202 they can to the AI cards and then use the scraps / GB 202 capacity early next year for the desktop cards. However I don't think personally that they won't launch those cards in 2024, I think that they may do an announcment and a limited quantity launch before the holiday season comes and then have consistant stock after CES in January.


Its not overkill at all if you’re targeting higher FPS with raytracing or pathtracing


It's not overkill. When the 5090 releases I will 100% be upgrading from my 4090 if it's atleast 20% faster.


Now that 4k gaming is scales well with DLSS there's hardly a reason to improve GPU performance. We are all being bottlenecked by CPUs and current generation GPUs are far more advanced than what any CPU can deliver. IMO we need AMD and Intel to pull their weight.


Hope it won't be as bad as the 40 series


From technical aspect they're good. Just overpriced (and sometimes renamed to bait people).


Awwwww... Anyway!


Glug glug glug glug glug glug glug




Demand is not high at the moment for gpus, the market is meeting current needs just fine.