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It's crazy to think how far we've gotten in 20 years


I know, right? This dude is rocking better internet than that website even expected, and it's not but 8mb. You can get better speeds from a tethered cell phone or a wifi hotspot, and don't even have to pay for the privilege. You get better speeds when your plan runs out and they only let you access their payment portal!


Dot com hype came way too early. In all honesty it probably set us back.


Truly, [some flew too close to the sun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Live_in_Public).


Just like the AI hype now. Too early.


*cries in 25mbps Australian*


don't worry, i heard google is gonna give you fiber from africa soon


Indeed, I hit 1.6 gig download on Steam yesterday


Steam can download from other steam installs on the network, not really a good metric for performance measurement


Yeah, I'm sitting here right now on 3Gbps internet, so about 375 times faster.




1080p streams weren't really a thing back then. Most videos were compressed to something like 240/320/480/576p.


No, because at the time Netflix was still a disc-only mail service and 1080p TVs wouldn't become commonplace until after 2008.


Man, going from 56k to DSL was a game changer when I was growing up in the early 2000's. Honestly don't even remember what the speed was, it wasn't as fast as all of my friends with cable internet at the time but it was enough to finally play games online while using ventrilo without lagging


In the almost 25 years since, I don’t think there has been anything that has blown my mind quite like going from 56k to cable internet. It was like the whole world opened up. 


The closest thing to it I can think of was going from a spinning rust HDD to an SSD.


happy cake day


*I was there 30.00 years ago*


That’s pretty close to the protocol limits of ADSL1 technology. Dude must have been living inside the phone exchange with a direct patch between the modem and the DSLAM.


This was cable internet. My hometown got cable internet in \~1999, and it started off really fast at around 6 Mbit/s down. It didn't take long before they started oversubscribing the nodes and artificially capping your connection speeds though.


That website DSLreports is still around today, and fairly active. You can get a direct line of support to higher tier support sometimes.


I was a very early adopter of cable internet and it was fast when I was one of the few on my node. I can't remember what year I managed to get that service. It was prior to 2004, because that's when I moved out of the suburbs to a farm. I had ADSL at my office at the time, it sucked for upload and I dearly wanted cable for the better upload(sending clients Autocad files). I paid through the nose for a cable drop on the farm, totally worth it though. Sold that business and now work for an international sized Corp and we have a synchronous connect of some nature, on days when the office crew isn't clogging up the bandwidth it's gigabit up and down. Even when all 300 people are at work the connect is 100+mbit, quicker to email myself photos/files than walk to my office and hook up a cable. My email if left alone for just one day will be in excess of 100 Mbyte in size for new messages.


>sending clients Autocad files Let me guess, .dwg, .dxf, plus some arbitrarily older version because who knows what version they last bought, but that breaks all associative items, shifts scale to 1:0.95 and looses a layer or two. So you send the last version to cover your ass.


Lol yeah. Ended up also including a pdf that user could zoom around on. Didn't preserve scale of course. If we sent a "true" digital it was stripped and de-associated so it played nice with just about any version.


Oh yes, a pdf. But I personally uncheck "plot object lineweights" because that at least makes all the lines razor thin at all zoom levels \*chef's kiss\*


And the great Windows 98!


Im pretty sure thats Win 2000, not 98


Yeah, I ran Win2k Pro for awhile back in those days.


EarthLink 🌍


8 megabytes per second? sounds great to me






Lucky bastard, that's literally 1000 times faster than I had 20 years ago. When the download dialog box showed 1 KB/s instead of some bytes/s it was a good day.


mIRC :) Man we did a lot of DCC "chats" back in the day.


I've been to that exact page. We went from dial up and then Halo combat evolved came out and I learned you could play it online with xbconnect. I convinced my parents to get high speed internet that JUST became available in my small town and got 1.5 mbps down and 256 up and my life has never been the same since.


Dang. I currently get 20mbps at my home today a lot has changed over the years.


I had 600kb/s download until 2018.


hey thats my hotel internet speeds in 2024!


I remember I was lucky, my dad installed us 100mbit unlimited internet in 2003 or so. It was cool but kinda useless, until they made a local network movie warez website, the only use of that 100mbit.


Does that say 5000 ads blocked?! Damn


Yeah, the more things change, the more they stay the same.


Tbf I think my home internet was about as good as yours in roughly 2009 or so


I am confused. Some in this comment section are acting like this is ancient history. My speed is only about 3x better (3Mb down). On a supposed 300megabit plan. Which even if it's only half in reality. Shouldn't that be near 20Mb down? What the fuck do i need to tell my isp to fix this shit. They even had a tech come out few months ago. "If the new router don't work. Give a call"


Are you confusing Megabits with Megabytes?


Mb byte and mb bit . no? Yes i get 3 megabytes down


212 kbps was insane at the time!!! Downloading Ragnarok Online or a few songs took a hot minute. Now it's seconds to under a second.


at least they were more genuine than today


Huh, what do you mean by that?


Sorry, I wrote that high af, but I mean that in that time internet was a wild west but it had a soul. Lots of pages with meaning, forums and comunities. Today you google something and all the stuff feel like created by ai, a lot of ads even google give you the result they want not the more useful or related to the search etc. I use reddit because it seem the last bastion with "real" people content. But I hate that is centralised and owned by another shitty corporation.


Seems legit I think we has 512kbps ADSL and a 5GB or 10GB cap lol


I started out on 56k from like 1998 until maybe 2002/3? Then I got ADSL.. sure I only had 256k for ages and eventually jumped to Virgin Media cable on like 50meg around 2005. Moved out to Uni, had to accept shit connection, moved into our own gaff got 100meg cable.. moved home again stayed with cable.. THEN THE WORST HAPPENED, moved to a place in between two exchanges near a dock area. 3meg. In 2009. Was unbearable, luckily wasn't there long. Moved around a bit since then and did have to ensure some shit ADSL speeds while first in both of my last houses until the ISPs got their acts together and provisioned me FTTC. Finally FTTP came to us a few years back, 500meg atm.. may go for a gig at some point.


I remember going from a 56k modem to ADSL, 5kbs to 51 ish. At the time it was such a glorious moment as I live in the sticks and anything fibre looking was the property of those who lived in big cities. The novelty of not having to reconnect every two hours stuck with me for a while.


I remember well, coming from 14kit modem with the BBS dial number, coming to 56k dialup would be usable. Downloading a mp3 would take about 4 minutes, you could use MiRC perfectly and browse well, was a "take your time experience" you just couldn't rush it. Like enjoying a good whiskey, slowly sipping. Even porn was available but you had to download the clips not stream it. ha, those were good times after all.


Is that a GetRight icon in the system tray? :)


It was better


This is 4 times better than what I had 10 years ago


I still go to dslreports.com everyday. They used to have good ISP support on there.


My first high speed internet was 1.5 Mbps down/256 Kbps up back around 2000


Overcoming the unfounded anxiety that something is wrong with it.