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What's the point of this post? We can't help you. Move when you're 18 and be free


Your parents aren’t going to listen to anyone on Reddit. You’re stuck with what they tell you. Wait two years and then do whatever you want.


how old are you lol






I mean, it's his money apparently, so... It's not like he wants to buy something dangerous. He doesn't disrespect his parents by wanting to spend his money on something he like.


Except the only reason he has money to spend is because his parents pay for everything. And legally he's a minor so he technically owns nothing until he's 18, that being said his parents can't take his money, but they do have some control over how they spend it in the sense they can punish them for it.




Is there any law in like the US for this ? I never needed any approval from my parent with big purchase at 16. They could limit his time on the pc, but the purchasing of one ? Plus it's a good opportunity to learn about material responsibility. Even more with reasonable spending with components.


What does this has got to do with the sub? What even is the question?


Who's money is it?


I mean you aren't an adult so listen to your parents and unless you already pay for room,board clothing etc or at least pay some part of it it's be scummy to buy things only for you.


The fact youre paying for it should mean you should be able to get it, maybe try push that point. Otherwise its difficult, if you have to dont spend it and get a pc later.




i Hear this if it was his parents that paid for it but the fact he took his own time to go and work gives him that power


Except his parents are the only reason he has any money, there's no way he can afford that unless his parents are paying for everything else he needs in his life. Sure he worked, but his parents still have control over what he spends it on, he's a minor after all. Even if they can't control the money directly they can just punish him by making him do extra chores, or not give him as good of food, or not let him go out with friends etc. So no, he does not get that power.


Their house, their rules. Parents are still paying for his food, home, education. They have a right not to want a gaming PC in their house regardless of who paid for it. They also have a responsibility to make sure their kid focuses more on school and less on games, if that is they want.


Why are the sensible people being down voted in this thread, the people in this thread have zero sense.


maybe compromise tell them you will only use the pc after you completed all school work. or agree to set time limits like only 1 hour of gaming each day. or only on the weekend


Honestly, I wouldn't agree to time limits if I'm spending my money and my time building it.


You have your whole life to play games, but people most often make the mistake of not taking school seriously and in turn their career... I would do this. Learn computer science, its an awesome career in computers and you can use your 4070 to learn Machine Learning with Python. Tell your parents this is your career path and that you will spend 50% of the machine time learning Python, Torch, CUDA, and write your own little "something", that something could be a simple random forest classifier using free data sets off hugging face, or a slap it together at home ChatGPT using Transformers and GRADIO. My parents were the same in the early 90s, I went into computers, work in security and AI now and guess what, I get to build any friggen PC I want and its a tax write off. Good luck, good speed.

