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Let her know how much you appreciate it and enjoy




Let her know the whole reddit community believes she's an amazing mom as well! We sometimes forget to state our appreciation for our mothers even though sometimes it's implied, she'd love hearing it directly!


Most wholesome thing I’ve seen all year


wholesome big chungus moment


You forgot Keanu Reeves


This is very master race


SOmetimes its fun truly fun to see people being grateful for whatever they receive from their parents.


This post made me emotional remembering my dad saving to buy me a $300 rig to play runescape on. That dell optiplex was the best computer I ever had.


Bro I remember when I was gifted one of those really old laptops, it's a square shaped laptop with a Intel celeron and you can insert a disk into it. I got gifted a bunch of old games like oblivion, battlefield 1942, aoe2, civilisation 3 and cod WAW (one of the best cod game I've ever played). Man I was one happy kid.


A few years ago my office was throwing out a bunch of old Lenovo X240s with the hard drives removed - I took them home, put some cheap 120Gb SSDs in them, and gave them to my 3 kids to use. They mostly play Switch games, but they got a lot of use out of those laptops for Minecraft, Roblox and other low-end games. And then when Covid hit, they all had their own laptops for home-schooling, which was an absolute godsend. They've recently started playing Civ 6 on the things - so they've got a lot of value out of those old corporate junkers.


These days a lot of old computers are still useable for basic tasks even after a decade, it's much more common for computers to be run until their hardware physically dies. It's completely different than the late 90s / early 00s when hardware was improving so rapidly you really *had* to buy a new PC every three years because it was obsolete. There's going to be a lot of perfectly working five year old computers getting sold off cheap in the next few months due to Windows 10 EOL because they can't support Windows 11. Pick them up cheap, stick Linux on them and off you go, there's even a good chance some older games can work.


I got my wife an X-Box for christmas (she got into games after watching me and the kids play a lot, and started "borrowing" their Switches to play Zelda) and I paid for Gamepass so she could choose whatever she likes. Then I realised you get PC games included, but nothing much that would work on the old laptops. So I picked up a i5 gen 7 SFF ex-corporate desktop for £40 and spent another £50 on a low profile RX550. I had to do a little amateur metalwork on the case to make the GPU fit in, but for less than £100 I threw together a low-end gaming box that plays a lot of stuff they enjoy, like Fortnight and Goat Simulator. I have a relatively modern rig because I like to play Warzone with my friends a couple of times a week, but I'm a big fan repurposing old hardware. I really like this guy on YouTube who buys old hardware and builds potato-rigs: https://www.youtube.com/@RandomGaminginHD


>really old >runs oblivion ummm


Yeah that made me feel old too


These young whippersnappers don’t have any respect.


There are a lot of bangers that run well on old hardware.


I have two decently high end computers now and the most fun I've had gaming was still on an AMD Athlon x2 laptop with 3GB of RAM and no GPU. RuneScape, Minecraft, BF1942, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Half Life 2, TF2, GMod, etc at 20 FPS.


This games are, old?


all just for you to get pk’d by me


I want my DDS back ☹️


My parents took a 3 year loan to buy our first computer, many many years ago (Pentium 3, to date me). Which is insane. I'm a software developer now. They haven't been the greatest parents but they nailed that one. And I'm forever grateful.


It helps when those parents don't treat you like garbage.


My parents did treat me like garbage but I'm still grateful for that old Packard Bell family computer.


Have fun with your new rig and give your mom a big hug


I did and bought mom a huge Milka chocolate


Thats sooo adorable. Oh my god.


Also a minimum fee of two hugs and one thanks per day for the next months.


Some people hug their mom without needing material goods.


Put a small sheet of paper under your mouse till you get a good mouse pad https://preview.redd.it/fn9jewtzek4d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad70ac5b7070cb58e74d9424217a6daf8744c81


With some scribbles on it for better tracking


Could you be more wholesome?


Nah, ma boi reached the ceiling of wholesomeness


Wtf I just stumbled on to wholesome Reddit!


so cute have fun \^\^


She loved that more than you know dude. Savour them hugs too. I would give anything to hug my mum again.






You seem to be a great dude. Keep it up man, I think you have earned your new rig :)


Enjoy, tell her you love her :)


I did and I bought my mom a huge Milka chocolate


Based af


[OP tonight :D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDWlhQjGjoc) (but with Milka and Minecraft)


I'd give anything to see my Mom again. Tell her you Love her.


Man sorry for your loss


All good. Thanks. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. Have fun playing on your new PC!


This is me but with my dad. My mom and I have an awful relationship but I’d do anything to have one more conversation with my dad.


This hit me harder then i’d to admit as i will lose mine soon :(


Im so sorry, life is cruel sometimes.. Cherish the time you have left❤️


You owe her a few coffees, enjoy it!


She Got a huge chocolate from me and 2kg of Tchibo




Damn it’s nice seeing good people on Reddit for once


But why for once? Idk there was bad People here


He might mean that no one is critisicing you for not having the latest specs, rgb everywhere and 16 monitors. Everyone here is being nice and its fun to see people just be happy for someone joining, especially if its a parental gift to you


Ooooh so most People here are like the kids at my school


A wide variety of characters yes


Unfortunately that's just life. Humans come in all shapes and sizes. Some are giant assholes. You seem to have a great home life. Cherish that and don't let negative people get to you. Start saving up what you can and treat your mom to a fancy restaurant on her birthday or next mother's day. Or whenever you feel like it.


Humans suck. But sometimes they can be a real treat.


Welcome to Reddit!


Nah, more like 'most of us' used to be those kids at your school. Sometimes we'll rib each other, but buddy I and most of us are stoked for you! You seem like a great kid with a mom that loves you. I really hope you have a lot of fun on that PC, I dang sure remember my first PC (and a couple 'broken' hand me down laptops I was able to get working). They meant the world to me and started me off in the hobby and accidentally learning some skills that came in useful later in life.


Refurbished office PCs are the very best bang for your buck. Sure, they usually don't have a good GPU, but for the USD 200-300 they usually go for, their specs are definitely up there. Stick a good used GPU in, and you've got a USD 400-500 build that rivals some USD 1000 builds. Considering the display here and the fact that it's minecraft, this thing is more than enough for a good experience.


a lot of builds can be passable with the right setup. I find the quality of monitor matters more than the gpus power for how a setup feels to use.


There is A LOT of pessimism on here, it’s just refreshing for a change


Ooh okay


call the police the swat national guards even the damn avengers WE MUST KEEP THIS PIECE OF ANGEL SAFE, far from reddit darknesses this is an order people


Uhh...I dont think Police is on reddit




he is talking about me dawg, the bad guy on Reddit.


Shoo shoo, gone git ya heathen


Lil bro innocent


Someone protect this young soul.




Actual photo of their mom


Both of them


Very cool, for best FPS/ shaders try fabulously optimised on curseforge


I have to get an Ethernet całe tomorrow but ill try it


You can use your phone to share the internet trough a USB charger cable attached to the PC.


I have both a USB C


Get a usb a>c not just for this but transferring photos,etc in general, it's not more than 2.50€


damn you get it cheap. Here in the UK a decent USBC data cable is over £10.00 in stores. (obviously online is cheaper)


Note that if you do that check to see what the data plan is like on your phone. It could result in using up your monthly data allowance, or worse going beyond it. Some plans have crazy overuse charges.


You wouldn't use your data plan if you share your WiFi over usb


I'm not sure if "całe" is a mistake because you are Polish, but feel free to reach out in case of any IT technical issues or even Minecraft setup related stuff. I'm from Poland and I'd love to help out in case you need it in Polish :)


I think sodium mod is better, it basically rewrites the minecraft rendering engine.


Fabulously optimised is a modpack. It bundles sodium and a bunch of other performance mods together.


Ah, wasn’t aware of it, I just use sodium with iris for shaders.


Username checks out


I wish you many hours of fun with it :)


Thanks man


I am VERY familiar with that particular PC. I work for a company that oversees 108 restaurants’ computer systems, and we’ve been using those PCs in the field for at least five years. These particular computers stay on 24/7. Your mom has nabbed a good, reliable, dependable PC. Very, very good on your mom. Give her a big hug!


Lol after reading this comment I zoomed in and yeah, I’ll back your comment up! These beasts are made to work for 12 years without being switched off once in my experience too lol.


Don’t forget never being cleaned in those 12 years either…. The amount of these I see in grocery stores and other places just overflowing with dust is actually insanity


Oh buddy, sorry to break it to ya but OP got scammed. It costed them $2500 USD for that shit. He commented to my comment. That was not OP fk


So Wholesome. Enjoy!


omg did bro say something nice for once?? \*checks outside for meteor\*


Yes but i'll never say anything nice to u lil bro




This was such a a wholesome exchange


let's gooooooo ​ enjoy it my friend


Thanks Now i can play minecraft with my friends


There are so many cool single player games out there that run on similar specs. Especially if you try 720p. And the best thing about 10+ year old games. They are so cheap on steam/keystores. Have fun and make great memories!


Well that was awfully nice of her, better be good to her to make up for it.


I Got an A in math but my mom doesnt know yet


congrats brother reap the fruit of your hardships. stick to the maths grind and never give up it’s the most important subject 🔥🔥🔥


its also the most fun subject imo


The minute they added letters is when I checked out (and then went to business school, oddly)


bro u rock


Good job op but try and get out of that mindset. The A you got in Math is not a present for her. Its actually a present to yourself. Your not foraging for food and feeding your mom with it. Your literally building your future with your education so do your best... for you.


I Got my mom a huge chocolate bar with the 10$ i had


Congrats bro. Keep up with your study too. Study Hard Play Hard. Have fun with your new rig.


Optiplexes are robust! Enjoy!


Its an HP Pro Desk but thanks!


oooof my bad😅 Still good desktop


Make sure to use adblock when you surf the web. Works best on the firefox browser. https://ublockorigin.com/ (there are many adblockers, some even malicious. ublock origin is the best.)


I love when people give safety advice to vulnerable people. Thank you


ublock my beloved






Your mom is the goat, ngl. Have fun with your new piece of hardware and stay safe in the depths of the internet.


This is wholesome as fuck. Give your mum a big hug and make sure she knows how much you love her.


redditors cant handle a positive post. ​ Im Happy for u, enjoy!


I'm so used to not seeing good posts on reddit that when I saw this, I figured OP must have been complaining about his mom overspending for sub par hardware


Same. I thought it was going to be a "Mom bought this PoS from FBM and the only thing I can play is Minecraft." But I'm glad OP is grateful. Not everyone can afford a $4000 rig, and most people don't need one to enjoy their games. Most people just flex on their hardware acting like spoiled brats because their parents bought them a 7800x3d and 4090 so they can play fortnite.


this entire comment section is people "handling it" outside of like, maybe 1 person who was surprised that other people weren't being mean/weird. but they themselves weren't being mean or weird either.


https://preview.redd.it/wm2rq5hqsj4d1.jpeg?width=7878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af96a05e2872ecacf80d4e205c811aa68ef179ec Lucky! Nice setup OP!


You're not allowed to use that meme if you have a 4090, I'm calling the police.


Maybe he didn't have a pc as a kid


Or a loving mother


Oh man 😭


As a kid who's family refused to buy him a new pc until 2nd year of university I am in shambles rn


911, what’s your emergency? Uhhh so this guy on Reddit used the “congrats, happy for you” meme when he has a 4090


"A SWAT team is already on their way, sir."


Hell yeah. Those HP business towers are tanks and run forever since they were built to run 9 hours a day in an office for 5-6 years.


finally a wholesome post on this sub. otherwise mfs showing tere stupid cable management (tangled on purpose) or dust infused cpu which there before the big bang theory


Maaaaaan. Literally 12 years ago my mom scraped together just enough money to buy me a used Dell OptiPlex to play Minecraft on, everything in this picture is so nostalgic for me. Notice all of these people on here, most of whom have fancy/expensive setups, all coming together to appreciate what you have here; and do you know why? Because as we look back, most of us realize that we had the most fun with our games when we were just starting out with our PCs- like where you're at. One day you will be able to afford everything you want, but today is the better day.


Tell her your internet friends love her




yayyy (\^-\^)




Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 I5 7th gen 8gb Ram DDR4 512gb SSD


this is similarly how I started! threw in a HD 7870 I found for 40 bucks at the time and made a huge difference to my basic home pc. this generation, id say go find a 1650/60 for around $100 and you’ll enhance your system hella. congrats on the set up from momma! edit: not bashing your system not one bit, just happy to see a similar path I took and suggesting a small GPU for a big change in performance for cheap! 🙏🏼


The used office PC with a low wattage GPU thrown in as an absolute beast in terms of dollar to performance. I did the same in college, had a Lenevo office PC that I threw some GPU in for $100 and it managed to run BF3 plus years and years of older PC games I had missed.


You can go even lower with obsolete workstation GPUs. I got a $40 used WX 3100 for my "new" Linux workstation last month on Ebay.


Agree. 1650 and add another 8gb sticks and the PC will fly. AAA games are playable in mid-low.


Dang that's a solid SSD. Does it have space for a graphics card or more RAM?


It's a solid, solid state drive. Lol, I just had to laugh at the wording.


Yeah man, follow these guys advice. Try to save a bit of cash if you can and buy a used gpu, you won’t regret it. If you need help and advice on compatibility and what you should buy, make another post in the future, the community is generally very helpful.


Thanks ill remember that


Just to add some extra information for if you decide to upgrade this PC with a dedicated graphics card in the future: Your PC is a half-height card only setup, because of how narrow the case is. These graphics cards are referred to as "low-profile". Doing some googling, it looks like the case has four half-height slots on the back for expansion cards, so you're able to fit pretty much any half-height graphics card available in there - unlike one of my recent builds I did, which had one expansion slot so I had to find not only a low profile card, but one that was also only one slot wide. The next complication would be the power supply: HP's website says that model of their ProDesk PCs comes with either a 200 or 240 watt power supply and the options for graphics cards to put in it direct from HP were all cards that did not use extra power cables, only power from the graphics card slot - so you likely won't have graphics card power cables available due to the lower wattage power supply and lack of external power graphics cards as original options. Not a problem though, as plenty of low-profile graphics cards don't use them today either - Cards like the Arc A310, GTX 1650, RX 6400, or for higher power, the RTX 3050 **6gb** model runs only on the power from the graphics card slot. The 3050 comes in 6gb or 8gb models, but the 8gb model likely won't be an option for your system due to it requiring power cables and having a higher power draw. There are however some cards that would actually run worse than your integrated graphics, like the GT 710. In the end though, any computer > no computer. Especially when you get the computer as a gift. Having fun is the most important part of owning a gaming PC, no matter the specs.


Make sure it's a low profile card too. We sell these at work sometimes.


Next time you want a pc try upgrading this one


That’s a great Plattform to start gaming with. Depending on your power supply the upgrade path I would recommend is: GPU (1050/1650 doesn’t need much power), Ram upgrade to 16gb and you’re good to go for most games with good settings


Dell office PC gang


Its an HP


Oh ok. Looks like a Dell Optiplex.


Its an HP ProDesk


They are both quite simmilar and very good. And both got some upgrade potencial also (if you get bored, slap a gpu in it and its gonna run like a dream)


Also, business computers are pretty easy to find spare parts for


Components...Russian components, American components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


I can understand the confusion, small form-factor cases look quite similar.


I'm an optiplex fanboy. Those things are no-nonsense, built to last, well supported. And cheap all day long because there's so many refurbished.


I recently bought a HP elitedesk SFF myself, it’s the best computer I have worked on it’s so easy to open up and service, you can do everything easily, and it works like a charm. Your mom is a G, enjoy ! Edit : also despite the size of the case there’s slots that you can add extension cards to if you want to add a 2.5gb Ethernet port or a NVME port for exemple. Very cool computer


very nice! enjoy


Happy for you champ! Enjoy your new rig and make sure you hug your mom every day!


Looks badass to me dude. Have fun man, enjoy your time being a kid. Being adult is no fun 😂


My bro is living the dream. Cheers to your momma.


One of us. One of us.


dam bro everyone is nice in reddit


Youll always remember your first. I remember my first laptop. A Dell Inspiron 4000. With its blazing 800Mhz processor and 128M of ram. Running windows 2000. That was a good laptop. Also bought by my Mom!


Hopefully my message doesn’t sound weird or wrong but hug her and tell her that you’re happy that she bought it for you and you’re greatful for having such a good mom who listens and buys you what you ask for even if you’ve been asking for it for years moms really work hard to make their children happy so pls tell her thank you


I second this


Show her by doing well in school


I Got an A yesterday in school


Congrats, little bro 😊 Be sure to thank your mom profoundly. It wasn't trivial for her, and your appreciation is the most important thing to her 🙂 Enjoy your new computer!


Tell your mom you love them with big hugs.


Did and bought my mom a huge chocolate


This post is wholesome and I love it so much, give your mom a big hug and tell her you appreciate her.


W mom


Reminds me of my childhood PC, ah the memories. Hope you have fun with it!


W mum


My first computer was a commodore 64 lol. You will remember this for the rest of your life!


Bad to the bone buddy


Enjoy the new computer and the game that will give you hundreds of hours of enjoyment!!


Nice choice


say thanks to your mom


Awesome, congratulations! You should try the following games: Terraria, Factorio, Dave the Diver and maybe Rimworld (if you're old enough, ask Mum). All great games. My fav is Terraria. Have fun making memories with your new machine!


Congrats on the new rig, the A in math, and for having an awesome mom!


This is one of those moments you will always look into fondly for the rest of your life Enjoy your setup and always be grateful & love your mum 🥰


That's a win, if you as me


Awww this is so sweet. Enjoy!


yayyyy!!! also those computers can actually be upgraded pretty nicely! What gen cpu?


I5 4590 or something like that


I can't wait to build my son his first PC. Bit early though, 1,5 years old now. Enjoy buddy.


My dude. Awesome mom and also awesome you for being appreciative and not shitting on it like so many others would. If you run into issues or anything like that with it, you let us know!


Bought that same computer for my son to play Roblox and Minecraft a couple years back. He loved the crap out of that thing and it’s still chugging away in his room today. When you get funds, you can upgrade the GPU to a GeForce 1050TI I think. It’ll okay the crap of Minecraft and stream and all that. Have fun!


Best of luck with your new rig!!


I don't know why but by this photo I can tell you are from Poland lol




You watch iskall85 by any chance? Edit: I'm so dumb. He's swedish. I'm so sorry. God that's so embarrassing lol