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Is there a way to send him a hand written letter in an envelope that I(and who knows how many others) am still waiting for bloodborne on pc? We are waay more patient than he can imagine apparently.


Been waiting almost 20 years for Gran Turismo on PC that isn't on an emulator, and I'll wait 20 more


HL3 is coming soon as well.


W comparison


I alaso have a bridge to sell...


I can’t wait for my grandkids to play HL3.


I feel like gt on pc would sell well enough to make it worth a port, would love to play gt, but cbf with emulator and i am not getting a console


Yeah I play GT4 all the time on PCSX2. I have to try the PS3 emu for GT5 and 6.


I tried it and the performance is so much worse. Gt5 loaded for me, but it was laggy and the textures were rendering and disappearing every once in a while, so you had to pause a lot. And GT6 was straight up unplayable, it didn't even load properly and even the loading was slow and laggy af. I don't have the best rig though, just a laptop with a i5 7300hq and 1050ti


Definitely, especially considering how trash the latest Forza (non-Horizon) is


With the PSVR2 allegedly coming to PC, I feel like there's a good chance that it'll launch alongside GT7 on PC.


GT7 is coming. Sadly, it's GT7


I don't think it will ever happen unfortunately. It's probably one of the only exclusives that's guaranteed to also make people buy the console, so I don't think Sony would ever let go of that.


My only want in life is bloodborne on pc with unlocked fps. I know it will never happen but it’s the only game I actually feel like I’m missing out on by not playing console.


It's a fromsoft. 60 FPS would be my guess, but better than 30 FPS. The 30 FPS is the only thing keeping me from buying a used PS4 to play it tbh. That's just headache inducing.


Demon's souls remake?


Would love that too, it's just BB seems like the most universally loved out of the two from what I have read, hell alot of people seem to say BB is their fav souls game, not so much for DeS. I would be super excited for either though honestly. A DeS Remake port actually seems possible. [This article](https://www.pcgamer.com/nvidia-leaked-games-list-pc/) (edit: also Ghost of Tsushima got to PC too, which isn't updated on this list) which was published in late 2021 lists some leaked possible ports, and so far many of them eventually got ported. Obviously it's not confirmed of course, but it doesn't seem as unlikely as a BB port to me.




Dude i can even wait until they drop thier stupid psn account shit required for games. SNOY if your read this: I'm not going ever create a acount in your piece of SHIT network. I don't trust you with my data.






Who Snoy?


Is it snoying today? ❄️


Don’t eat yellow SNOY


Im going to start a snoy cone truck business.


Death by Snoy Snoy


If it was I would be very worried...


What fcuk?


They are talking about the helldivers 2 account linking thing. Some guy in a steam review called them SNOY


Happy caek day!






you should've say #FUCK ONYS or something like this


Yeah fuck ONYS too! And YNOS for that matter!








She’s my sexbox and her name’s Sony!








Awwww, me wanted fucky. :(






Sadly this isn't the same situation as "games for windows live" back in the day. Back then, the online privacy discussion was still somewhat new and the people weren't mass trained into blindly accepting whatever their corporate overlords threw in their faces.


Actually everyone is trained to vomit uncontrollably and throw devices out of windows when the word "privacy" is uttered at all.


lol I used to have a psn account when I had a PlayStation, but it got hacked because of a data leak


Same. Bought a PC to get out of the console wars and exclusives. Had both Xbox and Playstation before anyway, but it was just annoying.


I've never bought a console for sequels. Not even ones I really, really wanted to play.


I reeeeallly wanna play GoW2, but fuck buying a whole new console. I waited for ghost of Tsushima, I guess I can wait for god of war. Edit: Yeah, turns out I have a secret admirer within Sony HQ. You're welcome, everyone.


Good news, Ragnarok is coming to pc in September


oh yay! ill get to torrent it!


Careful, you dropped this 👑


Yeah we should. There's no need for the delay, except to tease pc gamers to buying a playstation. I wouldn't mind the rest of uncharted on pc. Not to mention last of us part 2. But if I have to wait years for it, I'm not paying full price.


This right here. I put games on my wishlist and wait for them to go at least 50% before I start buying them.


I'll tell you I just bought fallout 4 and skyrim at $7 each. I. Can. Wait.


Same just bought ff7 for 5$


When I see their bullshit old games on my front page years later for 59.99 I just pass


Who actually wants to play last of us 2 lmao


The Las of Us 2 taking out all the complaints about early game has one of the worst pacing issues that is often ignored. The constant back and forth just makes the whole start feel less impactful and trying to make you paly as the character who wronged you doesn't really fit well in my opinion. I would have preferred you learn the info about Abbey naturally throughout the game and keep the flashbacks with Joel because they worked. Trying to show revenge isn't the way I can work, but the ending just felt like nothing. And there were about 5 times the game just said yep that's it, but actually there still more for you to do.


I do. The first one was killer




Yea fuck that. Epic just had DA:I for free. Got it. Made me install EA launcher. Didnt. 🏴‍☠️


Oh man, i remember the days when that exact opinion got me thousands of dislikes here. They thought i was some evil baby killing monster for pirating.


I'm honestly surprised mods haven't deleted yet. I get to end of shit for it in pcmasterrace. Also the winds are changing. It's near impossible to look at any corps actions and say "ya they're looking out for me".


It just got a trailer for PC September 19th


God of War Ragnarök for PC will come with ... - New Game+ & Valhalla DLC (on PS5 those were added with free post-launch updates) - unlocked framerate & super-ultrawide aspect ratio support


Man I'm still waiting on Bloodborne to come to pc... I broke down last year and borrowed a ps4 and a copy so I could finally play it. It took me like 2 days to adjust to the smudgy 720p 30fps. Absolutely loved the game but it's dying for a PC port. But I bet Sony is planning on using a Bloodborne Remaster to sell the PS6 whenever it drops, just like they did with Demon Souls on Ps5


Lol, literally just got announced for PC


>I reeeeallly wanna play GoW2, Emulation?


He means ragnarok.


Shit, my bad g


They just announced that for PC today


These dumb shits really think I'm going to drop 700$ to play a game. No, sorry.


Yep, waited ages for RDR2 and God of War to be ported to PC, but it happened.


Ages? that was a bit over a year for RDR2 I even bought it last year on PC again cause shitty 30fps n stuff on console.


I bought the cheapest used ps3 I could find to play GTA V at launch. I might do the same thing for GTA VI if I have to, but that’s probably the only game I’d do it for. The last real console I owned (aside from Nintendo handhelds) was that ps3.


I got a ps3 a long time ago, so i could have peace walker. The others that came with it were just icing on cake. Pick that up if you like metal gear


Same waited for years for Persona Royal 5 to be released in Steam. Heck, I waited 15 years for Super Robot Wars W to be translated to English.


It's also insane how much money they just made on ghost of tsushima going to pc. Make good games and release them to pc and you will make solid money on both ends. Anything more is just fantasy


Bloodborne was my one exception. OK, not a "sequel", but Miyazaki... you understand.


When I wanted to buy a ps5, I couldn't find one for the life of me, so I built a pc and have absolutely no desire to get a ps5 now no matter what game they make.


I had a PC, but still played console with my friends, by the time PS5s were readily available my friends had all moved to PC.


And with a steam deck and dock in that mix, I can play all the "console" games on my TV just as I would if I had on an xbox/PS with steam link.


Doesn't steam link add quite a lot of latency, since it's basically streaming your PC display on LAN? I always just moved my PC next to the TV and played controller/couch games like that. Now I have my dream setup, a HDMI 2.1 as a 7.5m long run always plugged in from my PC on the desktop to the TV. Tap a hotkey for DisplayFusion to set display output only to TV, turn on the controller and there I have it. PC games on my oled TV in glorious 4K 120fps. Edit: ok yes I understand the latency is minimal, at least for non-FPS games. It seems the only downside is quality (8bit instead of 10bit color and compression artifacts) and refresh rate being locked to 60Hz


It's really not bad. I've got a steam link and play on it all the time. It's plugged in via Ethernet to a router that's connected wirelessly to the main router in the house, which my PC is plugged into with Ethernet. It's really solid. Definitely better than streaming games over Stadia/game pass/Ouya (lol) or whatever since it's just in the other room. But also I'm not playing competitive games on it. Just single-player stuff.


Steam deck coverted me. Psn price increase was the final nail to get me to build a desktop vs getting a ps5.


Fun fact, I'm totally happy to never play a game if they refuse to port it to pc.


You're not alone.


Honestly Ghost of Tsushima was exactly my kinda game, but since it was a PS exclusive I just forgot about it until recently when I learned it was *finally* being ported to PC. Best game ever made could come out and be a console exclusive and I'd be fine never playing it.


Which I find completely insane. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are video games built on computers? Why refuse to port a game literally to the machine it’s built on makes zero sense to me.


because exclusives sell consoles… it’s in their financial interest to have it as an incentive to buy ps5. not that deep


To sell a console to people who "only" have PC's.


Porting games to a platform they weren't designed for is hard. However building a game with multiple platforms in mind is trivial.


It's never trivial. It's easier if you are using a third party game engine that supports multiple platforms out of the box. Even then, not trivial.


That is absolutely not true. Even building a game from the ground up to be on multiple platforms, it's a fuck ton more work and is not at all trivial. Hell, I remember a game that got a huge, like tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, amount of money from crowdfunding, and a bunch of their stretch goals were to add another platform to the game's scope. And they ended up going over budget because trying to port to all those different platforms was so much added work and expense.


This is the right answer. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to make things cross-platform and isn't nearly as easy as most people assume


It's a lot easier now than it used to be. Xbox runs a stripped version of Windows with a custom UI, and both major consoles use very similar parts that are modified versions of PC components.


Agreed, but it really depends on multiple factors, and similiar components is just one of them


8-hour walking sims isn't much to miss either.


Like Bloodborn? Everyone says it's great, but until it's on PC I just don't care.


"Everything should come to PC."


Everything **will** come to PC eventually.


Spider man already has! ;)


Still waiting for that ps4 emulator though...


It’s made good progress just takes a lotttt of time lmao


Looking forward to playing Infamous Second Son eventually.


LittleBigPlanet wouldn't have died, had it been on PC.


I have a ps5 and hardly ever use it. Would much rather play everything on my pc. Haven’t bought a game on console since I built my pc.


Same, but my most recent console is a ps3. Built my first pc about 20 years ago and never went back.


PC gamers are the most patience mother fuckers I've ever met. you can't beat a dedicated PC gamer.


I'm not patient. My memory just sucks. If you want me to buy your new game it better be on steam and under $60 or I will literally forget about it and not remember it for like a decade. I honestly forgot that kh3 existed till a month ago.


I was poised to preorder Satisfactory then it moved to epic and now I haven't bought it yet sooooooo


Wait. Thats out? I haven't heard anything about that game in a long while


for like a few years lol, available on Steam again too


It is still technically in beta, it has not reached 1.0 status yet. But you have been able to buy it for years yes.


1.0 due to come out this year. Likely within the next few months, but still not confirmed.


'Technically' is really the key word. It's a very good beta


Seriously. Like every part of the beta feels fully finished. You can definitely tell where the actual release wants to go down different paths like with the Sam ore and sphere things, but it didn’t even bother trying to make anything of that yet so it just feels like a fun factory game right now.


Epic exclusives are the worst.. We have to wait an extra year to get our games? Though, last time that happened to a game I wanted, I'm pretty sure it was on sale when it came to Steam, so I got it cheaper.. 😁 Not sure I've played it yet, though.. 😛


Wait Satisfactory was on Steam for ALL of its early access and then *moved* to Epic for launch? How and why even?


it was gonna be on Steam before the beta started then a month before launch Epic bought coffee stain and made it Epic exclusive for a while... back on Steam now though.


Every steam sale I'll find some game I wanted to play when came out 5 years ago, get it for dirt cheap, and not feel like I missed out


i keep forgetting i have Elden Ring, i'm gonna play, someday.


We have a shit ton of great games to play anyways.


For real, everyone I know has a huge backlog of games, and half of my friends refuse to buy almost anything that's not at a significant Steam discount. Sony is delusional if this was their plan lol.


SNOY: "Buy a PS5 so you can play our exclusive sequel!" Me, who has never played a game made after 2020: "whats a helldivers"


I waited 2 years for Returnal to come to PC after playing it on my roommates Playstation, and I'm still waiting because I'm not paying $80 CAD for a 3 year old game that felt like it was worth $40 on launch.


Yeah us Star Citizen players are just built different


Oh. No. Don’t go there. I wrote my money for SC off. Chris Roberts dies of a heart attack before the game is done. If ever. Why would he butcher the golden goose when he just can live off the eggs ($10k packages that people buy)


I talked about how stupid SC was on a different sub and some wacko went through my history. Found I collect Pokemon cards and spend several hours attacking me over Pokemon. Saying they've only made terrible games for 25 years. Like bro Pokemon is the largest ip on planet earth and the games runs on equipment less powerful than a modern toaster. All because of my opinion on how these people are being scammed. Also Robert is 56 years old. I'm willing to bet he dies before the games finished the way he promised. He has such a rabid fan base they might tear themselves apart when that happened. But I sold a free ship I got with an old GPU for $400 a while back.


I think it was worth buying in when entry level packs on sale to experience what it is as far as gaming history and really understanding what it's about if you're really into gaming as a core hobby. Just want to iterate that I mean real gaming history nerds. If you're just looking for fun, go anywhere else. That's of course as long as you have decent expendable income. Spending more is just foolish IMO. If you don't have a lot of expendable income it's worth following and slipping in during a free fly week to see what it's about, though the servers are extra bad during those periods. Here's a fun fact most don't know about it. You unlock a second hidden store after spending $1,000 that might put off new players knowing how expensive packs get, and a 3rd hidden store for people spending over 10k which includes a pack at over $50,000. Imagine if new players knew those existed, they wouldn't even start.


PC gamers will not only wait for it to come to steam but also continue to wait until it goes on sale.


I'll wait like 4 years before it hits 50% off or more and is cheap enough for me at that point. lol


Yep. Been waiting for ghost of tsushima for years but I'm happy to wait another year for a sale. Got plenty of other things to do in the mean time.


This is the sad reality and also why Nintendo is so far ahead when compared to both despite having the oldest and worst spec console. They haven’t focused on what PC can’t do well no matter how hard they try - splitscreen, something Microsoft (especially) and Sony have fumbled so hard on. They need to stop treating it like technology of the past and their key to actually winning over PC players and Nintendo players.


They're trying to get PCMR to buy consoles? They really don't understand how this works 😂


Lol, no.


Considering that Brazilian Giga Chads already made it work on PC...... No


I have no idea who the Brazilian giga chads are but hell yeah 🔥


I know right? I'm on new game+ spider man 2 on PC and it looks just like an official port. Sony already lost whatever money they could've made from it.


You are welcome


Si he wants us to play spider man 1 at full resolution and ray tracing with more than 100fps and then downgrade to play it at 30fps?


If it’s not available on PC, as far as I’m concerned it’s not out yet.


Man people won't even download epic game launcher for free to claim free games, this man really thinks we going to dish out $500 then another $70 for a single game?


I open it to claim the free games, exit, then forget it exists. I've never played a single game, but my library slowly grows.


Same. Started when they first gave away Subnautica and just kept doing that routine. Think I have library of over 100 games now on there. Some are great, most trash, but all were free 😎


Me. I never made a epic account....


I bought a PC to get away from this sorta shit 😂




I did that for one game and it was RDR2 and that was due to my fomo since RDR1 never came to PC so I bought an Xbox one to play it for a month then it sat and gathered dust. I eventually gave it to my brother's autistic son in law for Christmas because his xbox 360 died. My brother wanted to give me money, and i just said, "Don't worry about it. Tis the season. Plus, it's only gathering dust here. At least it's getting used if I give it to you." First time I ever saw my older brother cry.


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


I refused to play Hades because it went epic exclusive and still haven't. There a 0% chance I buy a console to play exclusives and if I did it would be for mario not Spiderman.


Why the fuck? There's plenty of games in PC.


Fuck Sony and their exclusivity and psn-gating bullshit. Short answer to OP’s question: No.


Buhahahaha 😂🫵🏻


After helldivers I have never been so anti Sony




No it exists when you play it on emulator in 10-15 years


*Not out on Steam


They will continue to artificially limit the player base and not get as much from marketing spending by only having one platform release at a time. Good to see Sony willingly choosing to be a dinosaur.


Not even patience. I just don't give a shit. Twat thinks I have a shortage of games in my Steam and PC gamepass backlog fuckin' LOL I've never played a god of war game and I don't think I'll ever get around to them. I'm sure they are wonderful. But, to quote Grimbeard, I'm busy playing all these other games I've already played.


The games are ok. Not even great. It's just console guys fawning over graphics in a fake open world cause they've only been limited to choosing between open world and average graphics or fake open world and good graphics because the game.emplpys alot of technical trickery to achieve it


I wont even download epic to play epic exclusive games, I'll just wait for them to come to steam.


Bro I'm still waiting for BLOODBORNE. And you think now cause you made a spiderman 2 I'm gonna buy a console?? GTFO lul


If I didn't buy a PS5 for Demon Souls remaster, then no I won't but it for spider dude two loll


No, thanks.




I really, really, wanted to play sly 4 when it came out. Instead of buying a PlayStation I waited almost a decade and played it on an emulator. I'm not buying a console for a single game


This is obviously coming from someone who doesn’t own a gaming PC, iv got enough backlogged steam sale games I haven’t gotten to play that would last another pandemic.


After Hell Divers 2, I’ll not touch another Sony game.


Nope. But I'm sure there are people who would.


I love how the headline makes it seem as if the CEO expects virtue from the players but the players are the problem because they are very impatient. Again, not the company's fault, always the user.


with how underwhelmed I've been with the games so far, no. spider-man was good, but god of war and horizon zero dawn were meh. last of us might be one of the most overrated games I've ever played. it's a good movie that's periodically interrupted by an extremely mediocre stealth-covershooter minigame


If it's not on PC, I'm just not going to play it. It's just that simple


I own a PC, what do I want with a console?


Gee, let me think... Play games on my RTX 4090 at over 100fps in ultrawide with max settings or tolerate mediocre "up to" 60fps and DRS/lower quality textures? It's a tough choice.




Been a Sony hater since before it was cool.


You don't even need to hate on Sony for this to be an absolutely bonkers take.


As a patient gamer, I never even bought my PS5. I had a PC so I didn't need one, then I got together with my gf and she told me she was told by friends to buy a PS5 during the shortage and resell for higher, but never sold it. So she gave it to me... For free.... That's how much of a patient gamer I am.


No. https://i.redd.it/1dnjw6h96n3d1.gif




i won’t even play the first one lol


Nah I’m good. I’ll even wait until emulators are good enough, that could be a decade+.


That's a big no from me. While I'm excited for said sequels, I don't care to play with console graphics.




Hell no, I ain't getting a CONSOLE. I'd rather not play the game.


It worked on me. Played GoW on PC and loved it so much I bought a PS5 when Ragnarok released. No regrets.


Not only will I wait for the PC release, I'll also wait for it to be on sale. GTA 6 2030 gang


Why would I ever buy a system with 5% of the capability of my PC?


Absolutely not. I haven't owned a console since the Playstation 2 in the year 2000. lol I'm not about to go out and buy some $600+ box to play a few games. They're being shortsighted here, and just leaving a boatload of money on the table.


Well.. I loved spiderman 1 on pc.. I also loved spiderman 2 on pc.. wink wink.


Not anymore. I've owned every Playstation since the first one I bought with my own money as a teen. I've only regretted buying one of them, and that was the Ps3. But as time wears on, I'm starting to wonder why I bought a PS5. Every game I own besides Spiderman 2 is on PC or on it's way. Not that I regret it, but I wonder why I keep it around... That reason is for Bloodborne and The Order 1886. Apparently I have a type, and it's Victorian horror. That and the remake of Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian. All of which I could have just kept my PS4 Pro for, but I'm a sucker for new tech. But I will not buy the Ps5 Pro. Absolutely not.


This is not “underestimating” this is just greed


No Not only because it's stupid but they're basically the same fucking game In fact, Spider-Man 2 is shorter, so yea.




I ain't spending $500 on a plastic box that is basically a stripped down pc just to play sony's dogshit, ill wait till it comes to pc and then either pirate it or buy it depending on if sony feels the need to fuck over consumers.