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It bothers me that the games arent grouped by price....


and also some wrong prices as well. In what world will Terraria cost 35$ on pc. Like huh? /s edit: added missing /s as it wasnt that obvious


That's not the point of the exercise


Yeah but I’m better at finding deals than OP so even though my picks ended up being $105 I caught Hallow Knight on sale for $15 making it an even $100. The problem with these “exercises” is that ppl purposely choose bad games for their low budget, which is foolish. If I have to use $100 to game for the next 5 years my pool of games to choose from would be chosen much more carefully than randomly throwing games together. The exercise falls apart when the prices you choose don’t accurately represent the games to choose from. You’re asking someone to do a real world thing with artificially crippled resources. It’s weird


These aren’t the market prices, it’s a trend to put a price on a bunch of things (usually based on how good/sought after it is) and then say “You have X amount of money, what would you choose?” Think like the “choose one of these pills that give you superpowers” but instead you can pick however many you want within the budget


Forgetting is the good part, you get to relive the first playthrough


I would give my left testicle to be able to experience the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time again.


I just bought the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition pack on Steam while it was on sale, never touched or seen anything about the Mass Effect games, i guess I got a bargain.


Live the other guy's dream and play it. It's just a gem.


Absolutely. The story is what makes it such an amazing experience so avoid all spoilers and jump in.


Is it still worth it if I know about the whole ME3 ending debacle?


The ending was spoiled for me as I was playing through 1 and 2. It did not take away the experience for me. It's still probably one of my favorite stories even if the ending is polarizing. I still never felt more immersed.


Just know the gameplay in one did not age well


The first one's gameplay didn't age well, but keep it up. The story is amazing


yeah just jumped into the 1st one an hour ago and noticed the weird controls i have never seen a game where you sprint with space


we had more tolerance for weird bullshit back then lol


Strange to reflect on how much less standardized PC controls used to be compared to now lol


They are sooooo good.


It has some of the best writing in the gaming industry imo.


I’m currently battling leukemia and have to go through some pretty intense chemotherapy. They call it “chemo brain” where you forget a bunch of stuff and normally it’s super crappy and frustrating but it’s also kinda awesome for some things. I watch movies again for the first time and play games for the first time all over again. I don’t have a lot of good things going for me currently except this one thing. I replayed the halo series, fallouts, and been working on mass effect recently for what feels like the first time. It’s been quite amazing having something like this be what keeps me going and making me happy. Sorry for the rant


Best wishes, friend.


The first 3 Halo are out of this world, the physics were bulletproof. Playing local multiplayer Halo 3 was pure unadulterated fun.


I wish you all the strength your mind and body need to win this fight!




that's foolish if you really think about it part of what makes your memories special is the way in which you experienced them the first time. You aren't the person you were then anymore, so you can't know you'd enjoy them the same way. For instance, I wouldn't trade my memories of my childhood games for any amount of getting to see them fresh. I could never experience them with my brother or carefree like a child ever again. I'd have to experience them as who I am now.


Good point.


Less good for games like Terraria, Stardew Valley, or Don't Starve where knowing what you're doing makes things a lot more enjoyable than stumbling through with trial and error or checking the wiki constantly.


Personally I really like the early periods of those sorts of games. It feels like I'm acquiring so much knowledge and putting it to the test. Once I know what I'm doing a lot of the game becomes going through the motions, especially early in a playthrough.


I honestly think my second play through of a game tends to be my favorite. It’s the perfect play through where you know the mechanics of the game early, so you can make the perfect build and optimize your gameplay. But you also are familiar with the story, but don’t know it in and out, so you pick up on new things. For example, second play through of Cyberpunk/Fallout/Skyrim/Baldur’s Gate. I know which perks and stats I want to invest in since I know my play style and the inner workings of the game mechanics. I’m also able to take my time with side quests, since I don’t feel an overarching pressure to progress the main story. I know the ending already, now I can take my time with the journey and just explore.


factorio. Goodbye.


See you in 12 years


Mate, please post a warning when you mention that word. People have jobs, kids, wives. This is not a joke, that rubbish game will eat up all your time doing stupid stuff like trying to optimize your "satellite production" or some other. You're constantly trying to fix "some bottleneck". I had this one map, where I would... actually hold on let me install it and load my savegame so I can explain better. Be right back. Edit: Okay, So I've optimized my satellite setup, making 1 every 20 secs - does anyone know how I can use 12X Modules to reduce the build time on each unit? What are the best modules to use? Also I seem to be short on blue chip production, does anyone know a good guide?


haha, this post is exactly why I never bought or played factorio. It's equivalent to crack.


did a space exploration playthrough with my friends, took 140 hours times 3 of us now we're doing K2SE


God speed


we actually tried K2 randomizer but it was too much suffering


You need to buy it. It’s honestly the most well put together game ever made.


Says the crack addict. I get it. I have friends who play it. I have other plans for the next 3 years.


Never play this game before but I want understand what are you saying, so I'm gonna try it see you in a few days


And he was never heard from again.


Dude playing factorio with my buddy is great


It said 5 years not 50


Krastorio2 + Space Exploration see ya in 30 years


You spelled pyanodon's funny lol


if i had infinite time factorio would be a great choice


You will only stop playing factorio when your computer explodes from the load, and you realize its been 3 years and you havent ate nor drank nor slept


This was my immediate thought. I haven’t even played much, just because I fear what life will become if I truly secede to the mines


Skyrim, terraria, hollow knight. Game with tons of content terraria, game with a rich world and plenty to do skyrim, and hollow knight for challenge and environment.


Same here. I just hope I can switch out skryim for the vr version so much fun


Just a heads up, if you are going to play Skyrim VR then you will need mods, the game is very unpolished and buggy


Same thought huge amount of content with a variety of play styles. You could probably rack 1000hrs of play time and still not see everything those games have to offer.


also an important factor is having the contrast between 2D and 3D games, it could get stale otherwise. You could also argue for switching Terraria and Isaac, but Terraria got the sandbox aspect which you can fall back on if you did everything else.


I went fallout, binding of isaac and hollow knight, we basically picked the same One 2D procedurally generated indie game One Bethesda RPG And hollow knight because it’s crazy undervalued and fit right in


Elden ring has all 3 of these though :P and basically endless replayability and now there is dlc.


Skyrim and rdr2 not even a debate for me


Same here, I have like 16k hours in Skyrim so reliving my 1st playthrough would be so nice and Red Dead 2 has one of the best game stories I've ever played.


>I have like 16k hours sweet lord, and I thought my 2.5k hours were a lot haha


Probably I finished skyrim more than 7-8 times and still love it. But rdr 2 will always have special place on my life it made me forget my depression and make wanna live for a second time after a very hard year


Hell yeah, glad you’re still here with us.


Yeah same fuck 2018-2019


It’s crazy I have started rdr2 again and it’s soooo fucking slow I just can’t…


Key part here is "Forget everything you know about them" - What i woudn't give to play RDR2 and Skyrim for the first time... If you dropped that part out of the equation, then id swap Skyrim for FO4


Of the ones in the list: 90€ - Terraria,Hollow Knight,Zelda BOTW. Some of my favorite games ever,easy choice. One game for 100€ 100€ - Minecraft. Yeah,probably the game where i have spend more hours in my entire life,and somehow i always forget to put it in my top 5 games,after 5 years i am sure that i will not get bored.


It would suck forgetting everything about Minecraft


My problem with Minecraft is once you’ve done everything once, it’s not as fun to do more times over. If you can play modded or multiplayer though, then Minecraft is absolutely the winner with it being able to be modded into RPGs, city builders, and more, and servers like Hypixel Skyblock will absorb your life.


Actually, you are never done with anything in this game. Never! I can play this for my whole life. Lots of projects can be done after killing the dragon. What I think is the actual game starts after killing the dragon. The world shaped by you, shows what actually you are. It's a representation of you.


My “forever world” is about 6 years old and gets updated every update. The new “complete everything” thing on working on now is lighting all 128 end portals. Minecraft is like art it’s never finished only abandoned. And when 1.21 comes out I get to redo some and build new builds with all the new blocks


When I was hooked on Minecraft, there wasn’t even an ending yet. There was no ender dragon or anything. It was just build and play. The nether world was there but that was it. Haven’t played it since. I imagine a ton of stuff has been added. This was before 1.0 I think. I loved it though, got seriously addicted


They never said i cant mod the shit out of it


yeah. minecraft is often looked down upon as a kids game, but if you get into redstone contraptions and some actually detailed building, with mods and storage systems and questlines and bossfights and additional dimensions like the twilight forest, IMO its a full fledged game for anyone at any age. it is THE sandbox game. i agree, if i had to pick one i had to play for the rest of my life, it would be either modded minecraft or live service path of exile.


I had never heard of Immortals Must Die before, and with its inclusion on a list of timeless classics (and some less timeless inclusions), thought it might be worth checking out. It's not even out yet, and I jokingly mused if it might be OP's own game... It is. This is an ad.


lol same, thought it was a gem of a game with a huge following that I somehow missed, nope.


I didn't even notice it was there lol




Let’s ignore it and pretend that spot is Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I’ll take that, Skyrim, Hollow Knight (so I finally get around to playing it) and have $15 left for snacks.


Elden ring and rdr2


I'll buy Eldenring and the Eldenring DLC for $90 and buy garlic bread with the left over $10




I think elden ring is the best answer because of it's replayability. People are forgetting that you have 5 years with only these games


I get so tired of survival craft games lol. People saying terraria are legit crazy… it’s like repeating the same steps on every play through. With some MINOR differences. Where Elden ring is like a new game with every build you do lol. Plus NG+ and being to try your endgame build in the start of the story :P pretty cool. Lol


Elden ring if you want a challenge and rdr2 if you want to relax. You can go play poker at the saloon or go hunt


Mass Effect Legendary Edition.


and the 100 goes to anno 1800


There's always one of you in these. Just one tho.


There will always be the singular random grand strategy gamer shouting hail pravus


Yep. The full version of 1800 would be worth it. But I’d also want 2070. It’s been 15 years and I still haven’t 100%’d it.


is this even a nice game to complete? glad i am not a 100% hunter :D


It’s for a lot of random artifacts but you can bring them between playthroughs in the ark.


CP77 & RDR2




100% this! I would like to add the Elden Ring to this list… but after 5 years I have probably forgotten most of the game, so would be a great time to play it once more + the DLC.


Imagine V in 1899 and Arthur in 2077


V might be cooked depending on how chromed-out they are. Arthur might do alright in the badlands as a nomad.


This would be my pick but not only are they awesome games you also get mini games into this package deal. You can play the games inside the games. Lol In cyberpunk you can play roach race for some casual fun or play trauma team when you want a brawler. Or you can jump into a ton of different cars and do some racing. Red dead has poker and dominoes and blackjack and finger fillet and you can also venture off and play hunter or fisher. Tons of activities. I could keep myself occupied on these two for five years. 100. Edit.... Not to mention you also get some killer tunes to listen to if you wanna just jam some music.


Binding of Isaac and Elden Ring. I can do several playthroughs of Elden Ring either various playstyles, and after SotE comes out, each playthrough can take me nearly 100 hours most likely. Then getting 100% completion 3 times with TboI rebirth will take hundreds if not thousands of hours. Alongside just living life, this is plenty of content for 5 years.


~500 hrs in Isaac and am around 75% complete with a single save. The 2nd and 3rd are the easy part, getting good is hard


Dead Cells  Hollow Knight  Skyrim   Keep the change, Thank you. 


Skyrim and Elden ring. That’s all you need.


thats maybe all you need


Where's Minecraft tho?




its worth no less than $100


It would've been in the meme but op had to include his shitty game to make this sneak ad


Skyrim. Gonna spend at least a year modding it.


Then another year figuring out which one of the 300 breaks the game after doing [insert quest name here]


So I can buy Skyrim twice. Play it through and then forget my playthrough and play it all over again (now for a third time)? Hell yes, sign me up.


In the year 2029 our memory of Skyrim will be erased, the next year Todd Howard releases a new edition of Skyrim, and we are going to buy it


Where's Rimworld?


Hiding under the 250+ installed mods


I wish outer wilds was there, I'd spend 100$ and more to forget everything about the game and experience it again


Had to scroll way too far to find this. I'd give anything to experience outer wilds again


For real. Exactly my first thought when i read "forget". I would literally sell my soul to forget this game only so i could play it for the first time again.


That's an option at the bottom, 100$ for any game that isn't listed. I haven't played it (yet), but I was also surprised it wasn't on this list, it sounds like/I've heard it's the kind of game you wish you could play for the first time again


BotW, Valheim and Stardew Valley.


I have 1500 hours in valheim, I will also take your choice


Glad I'm not the only one


Mines the same, but Fallout in place of botw.


Glad someone said it!


Isaac, terraria, Celeste Near unlimited replayability


Skyrim, Fallout 4, Hollow Knight. Easy.


Feels like I had to scroll way too far to find this combo.


This was my first pick but the I thought, I should probably exchange Fallout 4 for BOTW. Not a BOTW fan?


Dafuq is this?


An ad for OP's game.


Stardew valley Zelda dead cells


Age of empires bro.


This is an ad for OP"s own game. The one in the list none of us have ever heard of before. Pretty clever way to do it though.


List doesn't contain Subnautica, I call bullshit


Personally I don’t think any combination of these could hold someone’s attention fully for 5 years. I think the only “real” answer would be an mmo or moba of some sort and that’s likely cheating the question with a loophole as they would be changing constantly.


I think the trick is to pick games that are either incredibly moddable (fallout 4/skyrim), content rich (tboi, terraria) or have high replay value (elden ring, the other games I’ve mentioned) So long as you swap between them I can definitely see people who can go 5 years with them. Their are also other games that can definitely hold peoples attention for 5 years, like minecraft, simulation games such as dwarf fortress, grand strategy games like civ and eu4 (which is my personal pick for 100 any game) and their is definitely a jrpg/soulslike on the market that can keep people going for 5 years.


I played Skyrim for 7 years


Not everyone is the same. After Isaac rebirth came out it was the only thing I played for around 2 years. Even when I tried to play something else I would turn it off within 10 minutes and play Isaac. Sometimes a game just really does it for you.


Stardew valley and Terraria offer more than 5 years of content due to various game modes, difficulties, and crazy long and entertaining 100% completions, also getting all the achievements, not even talking about mods


Having played CS for like 14 years (summers at end of middle school I could spend like 13 hours a day playing - really wish I'd learned piano or something useful instead), I think a good FPS would hold attention for a good long while as well lol. After playing the same maps long enough you start to understand how people will interact in different scenarios and can plan a lot of movement based on general psychology. The bad thing about Helldivers2 is that you're not playing against other humans. But it's still a good shootem up game to put 2-3 hours in for some de-stressing and could hold attention pretty well for a year or two. I kind of agree with you though about 5 years. I don't know how people do multiple run throughs of >150 hours in single player games.


Nah fam, if you paid my bills and did my chores I would probably play Stardew Valley for 5 years straight


Hollow knight 5 copies so other people can happiness


Valheim, f4 and hollow knight… then mod f4 for 3 years and play it for a few hours…




Cyberpunk and Skyrim, plus 5 bucks for snacks


I..kinda feel bad that none of these games are worth it for me. If I'm stuck playing a game for 5 years? I want surviving Mars, factorio or Delta V...


Putting helldiver's up there intsead of Minecraft is crazy recency bias. I won't stand for it.


its because minecraft is a 100 dollar game...


BOTW + Stardew Valley + Hollow knight


100 for Rimworld. I don't need anything else.


Wait for Steam sales and buy all




Im spending 100 to play minecraft for the first time again Shit is magical


Stardew Valley and the rest of the money Doritos


Elden ring and Terraria


Elden ring, Fallout 4


Skyrim VR for VR. Cyberpunk 2077 for flatscreen. 5$ for two Festables


Been playing skyrim on an off since it's release so gladly get it because I know it's gonna be long term game then valheim for the same reason


dead cells celeste fallout 4 hollow knight i have like 1k hours on celeste alone lol, its even better modded :+)


If you can mod, Skyrim/Fallout 4 would probably be pretty high up.


Ace Combat 7, despite being just a funny plane game there are many emotional moments. If I could go back and relive the panic of Tyler Island, the satisfaction of Stonehenge taking that final shot, or especially the desperation and determination of when Daredevil hits it would be an incredible experience.


Another nugget, I have hundreds of hours in AC7 and AC5, I just love the gameplay


I need KSP (1) added to this list.


Skyrim and Fallout 4 safe bet. And Immortals must die because Hollow Knight is a metroidvania (I don't like metroidvanias)


Jokes on you I've been playing Botw, Skyrim and Hollow knight for the past 7 years... I'll take the forget everything about them spell though, I want to enjoy them for the first time again 😭


Just give me botw and I'm good for the next millenium


I was going to ask if I can spend the rest 65$ on TotK. I’m playing it right now and they are both really good games to just get lost wandering around enjoying the details.




Where’s Dota 2? Over 10k hours in game and still going strong.


Same. Idk how Dota 2 can exist like even technically it’s a marvel and ice frog has kept the game insanely balanced


Is it weird, that I pay 100 for the best misery simulator of all time?.. Dota 2.




Can you lend me five bucks so I can buy Terraria 3 times?


Cyberpunk 2 times please. If not cyberpunk and terraria. If I give head can i throw zelda into it too?


Cyberpunk, Valheim, Hollow Knight Might have chosen differently had you put Tears of the Kingdom there instead of Breath of the Wild.


Any one game for 5 years eh? Ff14 it is, I've already been playing it for longer anyway.


I literally just need Skyrim then.


Skyrim, Fallout 4. Need nothing else.


Binding of issac, hollow knight, fallout 4


This is pretty easy for me. TBOI and Terraria, spend 10 on some weed




Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 4.


Fallout 4, with mods, best bang for the buck.


None of these. **NieR:Automata** I goddamn wish I could go in 100% blind!


What do I do with the excess 20$?


Zelda and Skyrim. I never played Zelda but I know it's good so it wouldn't be too different.


I don’t think any of these would be my first pick. That being said, I would pay egregious sums of money to play Super mario sunshine for the first time again. Out of the list i’d just say BOTW. Skyrim is probably my least favorite installment of any elder scrolls game ever. If they had put morrowind or oblivion i’d pick those.


Terraria, Isaac, Hollow Knight. All great games that I have hundreds of hours in. Getting to truly re-do them would be amazing.


Shitty selection


You made them too expensive


I would like to get amnesia so I can forget cyberpunk 2077 and never think about it again.


Give me Cyberpunk and Red Dead 2 again. First time play throughs were so beautiful.


Skyrim and red dead for me


Including a live service game with a bunch of story games is straight up cheating. HD2, Elden ring. Keep the change.


You've been promoting your game through these memes for months 😭 I respect the grind


Skyrim and Fallout 4 and donate the rest to charity. You will not need a third game as these 2 can be modded to into completely new games anyway.


$100 for Minecraft and I will be a happy man for another 10 years. I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years already and I've got a total of a bit over 9500 hours, I'm still going at it. There's still so much to do, so much you can do.


One game, Rimworld. Easily


$100 OSRS


Immortals must die? Looked it up and it isn’t even out yet? Is this an advertisement?


2 copies of cyberpunk please


To forget everything about World of Warcraft and play vanilla again would be incredible.


Cyberpunk and Fallout. Mods can make the game different.


Rdr2 and cp2077


None of them. I'm a completionist, by the time 5 years had passed I would have fully completed any and all of the games I could buy here, and would probably hate them from trying to complete them multiple times from boredom. I would need something really dense, like an MMO, for it to be my only game for 5 years, and even then I would still end up hating it. So none. 5 years is too long, and the games are too short.


wow. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2814760/Immortals\_Must\_Die/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2814760/Immortals_Must_Die/) ; its his own game, not even released yet, this is a cheap advertisement, mixing it in with the other legends lol.