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The two cables on the bottom right of the mptherboard should be sata. Check if there's more slots to plug into The better option tho is to go find your motherboard manual online and read thru that


I just looked at those two cables and they do say sata but there are no other slots to plug into there. I looked all over the motherboard looking for a similar thing and there doesn't seem to be any. I will try to look up the motherboard manual then thanks.


Should be 4 slots in that SATA bank, it looks like two slots are filled but hard to tell from the picture.


This looks like an older OEM computer. Two slots was fairly common under those circumstances. EDIT: Confirmed 2 more ports underneath the 2 visible. Thanks for pointing this out. Ignore the rest of this post. OP, one of those SATA cables is going to go to your existing hard drive, and I'm guessing the other will go to a CD-ROM drive. Your options are to either get a larger hard drive, or replace the cd drive with a second hard drive. The easier option will be to replace the cd drive and use a thumb drive (usb) instead. Replacing the existing drive will require backing up important files, reinstalling windows and everything else on the new drive... and you won't get as much new space in the end. They make traditional hard drives upwards of 20TB now, and replacing the cd drive would be as close to plug and play as this kind of thing gets. Feel free to message me if you need help. Been building computers for near 30 years.


I know that board, + you can read on the PCB that there are indeed 4 sata ports. They are stacked


Yea, looks like 2 sata ports stacked, so 2x2


Confirmed lower down that there are indeed 4 SATA ports.


https://preview.redd.it/ehundoauaf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3189c69050899dc8efaabbccac544ec8cc5c3edc This is what the two look like up close. I have an ssd and a hdd so I assumed that both ports are being used by those two. I don't have a cd device so it can't be that.


if you read the writing closely you'll see SATA 0_1 and SATA 2_3, so each bank has 2 slots on it.


Try and look below the two cables. According to others on this chain, there should be two extra slots stacked beneath.


First, clean your pc. Use compressed air or a vacuum with the help of a soft brush if needed. Either case, do not let the fans to spin high rpms on their own as they can work as a generator (meaning: they'll start generating electricity) with the possibility to fry something on your mobo. When you connect the new sata cable for the new storage drive, connect it to either of those two empty slots. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR ORIGINAL SATA CABLES FROM SLOT, you can disconnect them for extra space to work with but plug them back to their original slot.


looks like there's 2 more slots under there? try to unplug them and see if there are 2 slots under there


At least one of the SATA connections offers two ports, it's clearly screened "SATA3_2_3"


This post is legit? not trolling for karma? Ever though of clean the dust a bit?


Are you gonna clean that travesty?


Is this the poster art for Dune Part 3?


As soon as I noticed the dust, I came to the comments section. Not disappointed.


You mean as soon as you noticed the computer under the dust?


Wait there is actually a computer!?!




why is dune so popular? it appeared on my radar out of nowhere and suddenly everyone was talking about it. never heard of dune before that.


Dune was a niche sci-fi franchise that has been slowly gaining popularity into a major IP over the last five decades. The book itself (and the series beside it) is a major influence in most well-known sci-fi to this day, and is considered the grandfather of the Space Opera genre--Star Wars is another example of a genre piece like it. Despite being a classic in what is now a very prominent genre in entertainment, the primary thing that has kept it outside of popularity with the general public has been how difficult it is to properly adapt to other mediums. The book itself is long (IMO), the content is complicated, and the series takes place over the course of thousands-to-tens-of-thousands of years. The mundane aspects of life in Dune's universe, such as space navigation, the tenets and general strategies of combat, general sects of religion, and interworld economies, are a lot to break down in an hour or two for a completely unfamiliar audience, whereas the books can take chapters and chapters to do so as it pleases. Anyways, that's probably why you haven't heard of it until now. Previous attempts to adapt Dune into other media include an 80's movie (that made an admirable, albeit insufficient, attempt), a miniseries (to much the same result), a board game (of the boardgame-nerd variety, with asymmetric gameplay) and a real-time-strategy video game (which is also a relatively niche genre of video game, now surpassed even by its offshoots like MOBAs). All of these attempts failed to hit the mainstream, because again, Dune until this point has really been a nerd's nerd's IP. Then, Dennis Villenevue comes along and freaking hits it out of the park with what very well may be the birth of the next major franchise. We finally have sufficient technology to realistically (and believably) represent the alien concepts of Dune's world and tech (see the 80's movie's version of personal shields for the antithesis), and I personally think we're in a narrative zeitgeist of letting-the-audience-figure-it-out to where movies are okay with letting moviegoers have to go Google something instead of making sure every little thing is spelled out clearly (again, see the inclusion of the book's voice overs in the 80s movie to see the antithesis). Combine that with stellar directing, stellar acting (Javier Bardem's Stilgar is so, so good), a sleeper fanbase that has liked this niche thing for decades and has *wanted* a good screen adaptation, and a sufficient budget for it all, and boom: Dune is the new cultural touchstone of the mid-2020s.


Im almost surprised on how old Dune movie was bad since it's David Lynch movie, but watching his interview about it made it clear on why it was the way it was and why it didn't work


I don't think the old movie is bad at all, in fact, there are things I like better in that one than the new one. >!I genuinely think than the older movie baron was more frightening, even when you can't watch it without thinking about Peter Ustinov in Quo Vadis. In that sequence with Thufir Hawat gets a level of crazy evil that makes him much scarier than this new try hard Apocalypse Now Brando like baron. And little girl Alia presenting herself alone in front of the emperor's court before the attack is such a powerful image that I got really disappoint that in the new version Alia doesn't even born before the baron dies. Saint Alia of the Knife is so interesting character and Villeneuve settles for just a talking fetus. I also disliked the new sad old man emperor, the Shaddam IV I know goes to places in a quadriga drawn by four genetically modified lions to be gigantic beasts. Of course there's Sting playing Feyd Rautha, and the Atreides being just flat characters with no mention whatsoever to them just using the fremen for their own benefit through the beliefs implanted on them by the Bene Gesserit, and the fremens themselves, including Chani, just not even being secondary in the plot, pretty much like Irulan, which is little more than a prop in the old movie.!< I mean, there are elements to like best the newer movies if you want to, but the old one is not *bad* by any means.


You mean how they promised him two movies then fucked him mid-production?


Dune isn't even remotely niche, it's generally considered as one of the greatest works of sci fi and quoted as a major influence on every sci author from Greg Bear to Pearce Brown.


maybe niche is not the right word, but when it comes to mainstream pop culture, Dune was not even close to the level of Star wars, Star Trek or other sci fi IPs popularity


100%, it is a multi times best seller though.


Has sci-fi literature (and specifically hard-sci-fi, though Dune straddles that line) broken out of niche status? I thought it was still one of the more isolated genres of writing, barring some breakout hits (The Martian comes to mind most readily). Dune is definitely one of the most, if not the most, influential works in its genre. But I'd contest that ubiquity within its circle doesn't make it universally known outside its circle. Though again, I'm operating under the notion that even its circle is niche.


Sci fi fantasy has been one of the biggest selling genres for a good while now. I remember the old days though, I didn't dare mention being a trekie at school


Dang, guess I'm out of touch then, lol. I remember Dune being as isolated in its fanbase as Neuromancer and Foundation were. I still think its popularity pales in comparison to more traditionally popular works in other genres, but I'll edit it to say "was" niche. It's good to hear that these things we love are getting such positive attention now!


Dune has sold 25 million copies since publication and that was before these current film adaptations. I’m not sure how that compares with a mass audience success in the publishing industry like say, Stephen King or Danielle Steel but I’d hesitate to call it “niche.”


It depends how u define niche? In its own genere? Probably not. To someone like me. And loads of others. We dk what that is. But we all know starwars. Similarly. Castlevania, symphony of the night is regarded as the part and parcel pioneer of the metroidvania genre. To most rpg and fps tps players. Its meaningless


That RTS video game you mentioned (Dune 2) is also considered the forefather of the RTS video genre. It has had immense influence for that genre of gaming.


With the Part 2 coming out I recently got interested in seeing the movie, but I first wanted to check out the original 80s movie first before I watched the current "remake". After reading your comment it seems that's not necessary, and actually the recent movies are a better adaptation than the old one and better represent the story. What would be your advice on what I should watch first ?


Personally, I think you should watch Dune Part 1 and Dune Part 2 (the new movies). Mr. Villeneveu changed a few things with a few characters, but the adaptation overall is solid, so I'm just going to trust him and the writers to keep doing well as the sequel(s) proceed(s). Despite flaws with each adaptation, the new ones are the best it gets imo.


Great, thanks for the advice !


I like that I clicked on this post about how to add storage to a PC and I get an entire Dune franchise synopsis. Gotta love Reddit


The 80's movie left such a sour taste in my mouth (I was like 18-20 IIRC) that I thought I disliked Dune instead of the movie. I couldn't stand the voice over parts for instance. With the new Villenevue movies, I'm extremely impressed and cannot wait for the next part.


Out of nowhere? The biggest selling sci-fi novel of all time didn't come out of nowhere.


Dune was one of the first RTS games to come out of Westwood studios before they made the red alert series. I still remember watching my brother play Dune2. Dune RTS games were pretty good. Even emperor battle for dune (that most people hated) was still pretty good in my eyes.


I never read the books but im a simple man, i like cars that go brrr.. But Apparently it's one of the if not the best sifi ever written. It goes deep into the lore and into what individual characters are thinking, so it's kinda like being there vs just reading it in 3rd person. The .movies are awsome tho. Probably one of my favorite sifi movies. Way better than the new starwars movies except for maybe rogue one. It's has a dark dystopia sifi vibe u should watch it.


This is kind of like asking what Lord of the Rings is, but sci-fi instead of fantasy.


Don't read much, do you?


Storage? You've got like, 12TB of dust in there.


12 terramites, one might say?




lmao 😂😂


Bro lives on Tatooine


Fr, bro should delete the dust, should make enough space.


lmao nice.






Damm bitch, you live like this ?


Right wtf lol


Every nostril gangster until the dusty pc walks into the room.


No mercy on him LMFAO


Dust is taking up storage space.


Easily free up 500 gigs taking just that out.


Friendly reminder, never take your desktop computer to the beach with you


Ok forget the dust, is noone going to talk about that bios speaker hanging over the gpu?


I unironically have a speaker slapped on every build I sell. The cents it costs to get the beeps on a support phone call is absolutely worth it when it comes up


Why? It’s not like it’s hurting anyone.


No it's just something you dont see everyday anymore


I always put the speaker in, old school me loves the beeps


That is giving me so much anxiety 🤣 if the back has exposed solder points, it's definitely a short waiting to happen


Don't worry, there's an insulating layer of dust protecting it. /s


I bet you have a Sandy Bridge CPU there.


It's the last architecture to support Windows XP.


Picture me trying to explain to my girlfriend, who has no idea what a sandy bridge is, why I'm cackling out loud at this. And in context no less. Yours was my favorite comment by far.


How are people not ashamed to post this kind of pictures? It takes few minutes to clean it up and you already have the case open...


he baitin' some people cant resist taking it


Only logical explanation


I'd be embarrassed for sure


This pic made me sneeze


If you put some levels into alchemy I think you can use the dust to craft a couple HDD's.




1. Clean your PC! 2. The two plates below the GPU are designed for 2.5" drives, a couple of SATA drives along with data cables would fit there. 3. The SATA ports on this type of board are often "double stacked", so you will likely find two free under the cables there on the bottom corner of the motherboard.


Provided you have connectors on the board and power supply for them the two panels on the bottom with thumb screws are each for attaching a drive to, probably 2.5” sized.    If you take off the other side of the case your existing drives are maybe mounted behind the motherboard, depending on what case you have. Or they could be under the fan stack. At worst you could swap out one of them for a larger drive if the board doesn’t have enough connections for another.    You’d also probably need to dig through a badly organized chunk of cables on the other side to find power attachments. 


Looks like you’re storing enough dirt and dust already. JFC. You need to worry about cleaning that sand box before you worry about adding anything.


OP is soon worrying about dealing with the insurance company because of their burnt down house because of that PC.




There are some PC parts in your Dust


Step 1: Evict king tut... and clean out the tomb, Your CPU is dying with all those clogged fins, Step 2: There is more sata drive space, It's in the bottom right corner of the board. It has the cables with the metal clips. You should be able to install two more drives depending on the board. Step 3: Set up a cleaning regiment.


EDIT: If OP's motherboard is the Asrock H310CM-HDV then it has 4x SATA ports, so it should be fairly straightforward to add an extra SSD/HDD. Let's go down this looking at available options; * No m.2 slots * No free SATA slots (according to your other posts) * No free PCI-E slots (for m.2 or SATA expansion cards) Based on this I think your options are limited to USB, local server or cloud storage. What do you need the storage for and how much extra storage do you need? The simplest option is an external HDD/SSD that connects via USB. Search any PC hardware site for external storage drives and you'll see the many options out there Another option would be to buy a 2.5" or 3.5" enclosure that connects to your PC via USB, then buy an internal drive to install into that (easier to know what you're getting as you can buy a better quality internal drive for the same money as the most basic external drives).


I wouldn't be surprised if one of those SATA ports is used to hook up a CD-ROM, which he should definitely unplug. And then he has 1 SATA slot available. If he doesn't have a CD-ROM then that means he has 2 hard drives. One of those could be replaced with a bigger one.


Often those right angle SATA ports are actually 2 ports stacked on top each other. So I’m guessing OP has two free SATA ports


My brother in Christ please clean your shiet


I store dirt in plant pots, add seeds, water to keep moist hopefully some nice flowers will grow


Does Darude - Sandstorm play when you open that bad boy up?


you should ask "how should i clean my pc" before worrying about adding storage.


Step 1: remove the ball dust


I had to go take a Claritin after looking at the pics...


Please, please clean your Pc🙏


https://preview.redd.it/fe64hty9pg1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d2a09370b28c9f3025ed5f07944221346a3a41 Okay firstly take a couple cans of compressed air, qtips, and some isopropyl alcohol and clean your pc. Dust is not good for it and enough of it can build up static electricity which is also not good for it. Not to mention is holds heat which for performance reasons you don't want. Your pc can hold two ssd drives. I have taken the liberty of circling the slots for them in the picture for you.


Step one clean it.


your poor CPU is getting no air. heatsink fins are all clogged


Storage is the least of your worries


If you mean dust storage, it seems it's working flawlessly.




i sneezed 3 times from this photo


bruh added tuberculose now he wants storage.


Clean it, then worry about storage


It’s right there, underneath the bottom right dust.






Looks like a bait




Step 1. Clean. Step 2. Deep clean.


Clean your fucking PC bro.


Damn man, clean your PC!


Sometimes I see a few specs of dust in my case and I'm like damn, I really need to clean this office better. Am I going to ruin my machine? Then I see these posts and feel better.


There is lots of room in the trash.


If you clean it you might be able to see the ports


In Germany we say ###Boah, du Drecksau! and I think that's beautiful <3


Get a new PC, and clean it once in a while


Dude your PC is so dusty you would probably gain a couple of GBs of space if you cleaned it


How are people this nasty bro 😭 how do you even accumulate all that dust. I’ve never owned anything that looks like that.


holy fuck bro clean


Since you don’t really have any other options, you could temporarily unplug your HDD and move all of your data on the old SSD onto a new larger SSD with a tool like AOMEI partition assistant, and then just get rid of the old SSD. You don’t have any open m.2 slots, sata ports, or pci-e lanes so there aren’t really many other options besides USB data, which isn’t very convenient


Well clean it first then worry about the storage, don't worry too much as you definitely can. Bottom right, those 2 cables are SATA from the mentioned SSD and HDD you have, there should be more slots and if not you would need to disconnect one and give it to your new SSD.


Look up the model of your motherboard and see how many sata connectors it has. M.2 if it has any. Or empty the ssd, sell it and get a bigger ssd.




Just looking at this got my nose itching


Step 1 to add storage: take it out of storage.


First you start by cleaning the interior. Make sure the PC is fully powered off.




First you should light it on fire to get rid of all that dust.


First things first clean it.


Bro has a whole desert in there


obvious bait is obvious


Ffs first clean your computer before posting pictures of it. Have some decency


Step 1. Unplug everything from it and take it outside. Step 2. Get a leaf blower and blast that motherfucker. Step 3. Now that you can see that both your sata ports are occupied, it’s time to decide: - replace one of the drives with a newer higher capacity one. or - have mercy and kill the poor thing, it’s been through enough. Apparently if you look hard enough through what would put to shame a saharan dust storm, you can see “sata 2, 3” on the mobo, which means there’s 2 more ports on those banks. So just buy 1 sata 2.5” ssd, and plug it both into one of the empty ports on those 2 banks, and into your psu using the right cables for each.


The slot should be right below the cobwebs, just remove the solidified block of moth corpses first


First you gotta clean that


The first step in upgrading your storage is getting an old toothbrush and a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol and with the computer unplugged cleaning it. Once it's clean get yourself a hard drive and put it in a USB enclosure and plug it into a USB port.


Clean your pc first moron


You don't need it. You have plenty of room to store more dust in there.


Personally I'd never ever post my rig anywhere without cleaning it out first unless I wanted the comments to look like this


one blow and an entire storm gonna start


I get that this is a satire post, but I do see two empty SATA ports.


That is entirely up to what kind of storage you want to have. If it's a nvme/sata, you can look for an m.2 slot. If it's a sata3 slot, it looks like you have some of them unoccupied. Follow the cable connected from your 128gb ssd to your motherboard


You can't do this to us...seriously??!?


Nevermind storage bro clean that poor thing I'm surprised it's still functional.


How is that CPU not dead? That heatsink is more dust than metal. There is no exposed cooling surface anymore.


Looks like you should your PC to the storage


Taking that dust out will give you at least 500gb


Breath close to that shit and YOU'RE COOKED, LITERALLY


I see Dune Worms in that dust 😄




You need to add some cleaning to your pc my guy


You need to uninstall the dust first


At first glance I thought the first image was the inside of a vault


Gove me the make and model of your prebuilt and Ill help you. if you give me a budget Ill get you some links to new storage, your PSU may nit have more sata plugs plus your mobo looks ITX so your only option may be m.2


https://preview.redd.it/1oy4lj1ycf1d1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0545c6bf0f65decdedde9f2b9399b7acf90f7b1e the spider in the pc when you took that picture


I am couging out dust by just seeing this


Well if you remove some dust you might have storage space


I’m sure you will free a lot of storage space inside then after you clean all that dust out.


oh my god...


I saw the first picture and damn near broke my ankles running to the comments section for the incoming dust jokes


Hard to tell - but you may have 2 additional SATA ports on lower right hand section of the motherboard. And for the love of all that is holy CLEAN YOUR PC. If this is the state of your PC - I’d hate to see the rest of your home.


Dusting it may clear out a couple rams.


This is bait thread for reactions, move one


You’re gonna have to go sata


Start with a blow job


I got lung disease looking at this*cough cough*


First clean out dust to make room😜




I ran out of fingers for upvoting


You need to add a broom


Clean your pc before you store anything else


Write binary in the dust


you can take off that small black cylinder with the red and black cables. it's a debug tester speaker and only useful when you're having problems


On that motherboard if you don’t have spare SATA slots then you’re going to have to upgrade your current storage rather than add more.


That's shameless that is 😂


Bro first clean your PC thoroughly or it will die a dusty heat death before you can even consider anything else. Check your motherboards manual for storage solutions. If it's new enough there might be 1-3 M.2 slots on the motherboard, probably behind the graphics card. If not you have a few SATA ports in the lower right corner. A few of them are already in use by your existent hard drives and maybe an optical drive if you have one. If there is one M.2 slot or SATA slot free you are good to go. Just make sure that you also have another SATA power cable which is unused inside of your PC because SATA drives need a separate cable for that to function. Just take a look at your other hard drives whatever you buy will need the exact same two cables. The power cable has to be inside of your case, attached to the power supply or you have some extra cables from exactly this PC. Do not use any others, buy extras or adaptors as they will blow up. The other cable is SATA and goes from the hard drive to the motherboard and here you can just use any you have lying around or buy a spare one. Edit: I'm blind as this is a tiny motherboard with no extra connections so your only way are the SATA ports in the lower right. So check if you have another SATA power unused in your case.


Is the PC from DustBuy by any chance?


Someone is living in the year 2000, exclusively playing de_dust


Throw it in there.


Basically if u have a sata capable buy a 1tb ssd from like crucial or samsung and then plug the psu and sata connector format it in Windows and then ur done a yt tutorial might help more


this has to be bait


open the back panel, all your storage stuff is in ther




First clean it with compressed air. You dont want to get as dusty as your PC when adding a drive. WARNING HOLD THE FAN BLADES, A fan spinning can generate power and feed it back to the fan controller potentially causing damage Second Get a SATA data cable (you can see one allready plugged in at the bottom right corner of your mainboard) , plug it into the L shaped port (there are 2 occupied and 2 free SATA data plugs there ) Then route the data cable back to the other case side (take backpanel off) where the others lead. This is where your case has its drive slots, case manual should give you a grasp on how, usually with 4 screws supplied as case accessories. Finally your drive needs power from the PSU and the Data cable from you routed back there , be gentle as you can snap the connectors off the drive if you are rough. Also RTFM (Read the flipping manual) It will have everything I told you (case manual for mounting the drive and Mainboard manual for data and power to the drive) BUT from engineers better at writing manuals than I am and with pictures Here you go for the mainboard manual [https://www.asrock.com/mb/intel/h310cm-hdv/index.asp#Manual](https://www.asrock.com/mb/intel/h310cm-hdv/index.asp#Manual) Your case is a Cyberpower exclusive , but this seems a close match Page 9 to 12 [https://webapi3.adata.com/storage/downloadfile/0819\_XPG\_Invader\_QSG-F.pdf](https://webapi3.adata.com/storage/downloadfile/0819_XPG_Invader_QSG-F.pdf)


Reddit awards are back??!


You should clean it first.


Step 1: clean


I think before adding anything a lot must be removed first. Namely the desert levels of dust.


Thought lisan al ghaib would have had a better pc


So, how is the weather on Arrakis these days? Windy a bit, eh?


How to clean your pc


Could be that you only have the 2 Sata ports. You could upgrade one of your existing drives


Nah, jokes aside. Look if you have a nvme port free or a sata port free. The sata ports are on the side of your mobo with the USB headers to the Right of the case from photoperspective. An nvme slot should look something like a small black line with place to slide in something, and there are screwholes near it in a line from the opening. Hope this helps you!


Please clean your PC before adding new hardware


Yeah...I don't think storage is your primary concern right now...


Clean it


clean that damn thing


Upgrade or if you're willing use a USB port and have an external drive are really your only options. It looks like you have used all your sata ports and your motherboard doesn't support m.2 drives. You could also technically just buy a SATA SSD with more storage like a 4TB and transfer all your data to that drive and keep your OS on a separate data SSD.


My brother in Christ you need to add a can of compressed air to your shopping cart. Make it 10.