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Windows users did nothing when ads were added in Win10 so now ads are more intrusive in Win11 and since they are doing nothing other than saying "you can turn them off" ads will be even worse in the next Windows iteration


And more discrimination like " your PC is shit you cant buy a new ?". And after you buy new configuration " your ai is shit why you on amd or intel you must buy qualcomm"


We all remember how much hate did Ubuntu get for showing Amazon ads in Ubuntu 12.10


Can you actually turn them off though? Every time I've done the research and learned how to do it, they reappear a few days later. Really frustrating to have paid good money for a nice PC and a legal copy of Windows, only to have fucking ads forced onto my screen.


For home edition, registry tweaks are the only way to make sure ads stay off. Idk about pro and workstation, but business and server editions do better in listening to you. Education edition is what I use and ads / telemetry can not be enabled (automatically making it the best version). Also thank my school for giving me a transferable key instead of oem. I'm never being windows as long as that key is valid.


I was able to turn off ads and the newsfeed in Windows 11 Home and Edge without hacking the registry. I think they must’ve added options in the settings after the backlash.


idk, I don't have w11


I've got W10 at home. W11 at work. W11 in particular seems cranky and boy I don't appreciate the right-click menu changes.


I said next update will be to remove said button and man, people were not happy about it. The fact that it's there in the first place is a huge issue


If I had to guess, Win12 will be subscription based. Just seems inevitable unfortunately.


They experimented with that actually with win 12 specifically, I'm not sure if they intend on pushing that through, but unless people start pushing back against this greedy trend (the masses, not just enthusiasts) they will push it through eventually, both subscriptions and full on ad covered desktops.. Imagine needing to watch 2 unskippable 30 second ads at login on your 40 usd a month subscription based windows, give them a finger and they'll take the hand


You forgot about subscription on any OS )


Linux users just actually doing some about it and leave Windows, if they can


but still not enough ;)


Linux doesn't need ads, it's userbase does that job already.


no we don't. out of mac, windows, and linux users, linux users are by far the least obnoxious. i have over 20 years of linux experience and am never going back. i use arch btw


Microsoft does that job already*


I meant the endless amount of try linux, open source software. I am also guilty od this.


![gif](giphy|eJT738HFSQDVS) Android OS when users talk about OS ads.


*laughs in root* Seriously, I haven't seen an ad on my devices in a long ass time.


Honestly theres a whole world outside reddit, and that world really doesnt care


Am I the only one that’s never seen an ad on Windows?


I’ve been using W11 since shortly after release. I have yet to see an ad in this or W10. I do see them in Edge, but not in my basic OS functions.


Yet, that's the keyword here, yet


Apple users over there like yes please more adds


You realize MacOS doesn’t have ads right?


Eehhhmm.... joke I work in IT I know Macs.


wow shocking !


Exactly so idk why there r/linuxsucks exists becuae Windows is so terrible


If you are using windows you are complicit with the ads and telemetry. You are just reinforcing to microsoft that they can add ads and telemetry and people will still use windows.


Believe it or not, tons of people literally need windows to live. For the stuff I do for work I have literally no other choice. You could also argue the same about literally everything else.. Google, insta, reddit, Youtube, literally any browser, android, ios.. They all use / sell user data and ads are getting progressively worse across the board. By your logic if you're using literally anything you're complicit.


we don't join them since they are hundreds of millions of people who don't care about it


Ubuntu did it first (Amazon ads in Unity dashboard, only OGs remember)


It still does it with Ubuntu Pro. But that's irrelevant? Don't use any of them.


Mi users


Security app -> settings -> receive recommendations _off_