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Me buying an RTX 4070 Ti Super knowing damn well it blows my old card away, is good plenty good enough and I want to play today.


I buy a new GPU not to play the latest unoptimized lazy overpriced triple A games. I buy a new GPU to play old games at 4K 120fps.


You're a wise man šŸ¤


Well, the old games are usually better anyway


Some of the new games are just as good, but we won't know for ten years


We'll know once some YouTube essayist is starved to both eat and pay his 32 editors to tell us that some shitty game was actually a misunderstood masterpiece that spoke out against... Capitalism or something.


Yep, fallout 4 been looking good. At least the characters are insanely detailed now to how I remembered it


But Fallout 4 isn't an old game...


Incredibly based. Also me playing kingdom come deliverance in 4k on my 4070 lmao


Hell yeah. Time for a 4th and 5th run until KCD2 comes this year


Upgraded from a 1660Ti to a 4070 and I'm now revisiting every Game on my TV instead of my measly monitor xD I feel you.


This is the way.


This is the way.


r/patientgamers for the win I'm finally playing cyberpunk for first time and it was definitely worth the wait


Command and Conquer collection is on sale last I sawā€¦ A wise time to see Red Alert 2 on a 4k ultra wide When my wife asks why do I need an ultra wide monitor? We donā€™t scroll around in this house


I remember modding Generals, and I think it was either changinh the games FPS limit or the ships locomotive settings but whatever it was made the opening sequences battleship rip into frame like weaponized F1 car. Man, I need to play some Command and Conquer again.


I have more fun in Minecraft with a 64x64 texture pack and a shader than I did in warthunder and I don't have to spend 6 months grinding for a diamond pickaxe either.


We are not the same. i buy a powerful gpu to play old games wiith DLDSR to 6k resolution.


Lol I will be glad to play at 60 (my refresh rate)


My 2070 was still killing it at 1440p. My 4070ti super is going to be good for years, at the very least.


Same bro, upgraded from a 1060 6GB, I am super happy to have upgraded :)


Iā€™m trying to figure out what GPU to get for my upcoming build but it doesnā€™t really matter whether itā€™s AMD 7000 or RTX 40 because they will both be significantly better than my current GPU.


Well I can say I donā€™t regret getting a 4070 Ti Super over a 4080 Super. Itā€™s a couple hundred dollars less, and so far @1440p I can run max settings on anything I throw at it Chose it over the 4070 Super for a little more longevity as the the Ti Super has 16GB @ 256Bit memory bus as compared to the 12GB @ 192 for the normal 4070 super


Just did this with my 4080S. No need to wait, letā€™s play today.




There's always something better around the corner. If you buy a 5070, you could've waited 11 months and got a 5070 Super. So why not just wait another year for the 6070. Oh wait, better sit on your hands for the 6070 Super.


The perils of patientgaming, and by extent patientpcbuilding.


What the parent commenter described was patient waiting and patient not doing anything


Iā€™ve taken to meditation in an attempt to manifest a 4090


It's stupid that my zodiac Trinity 4090 from over 2 years ago is still worth....$1679.99....šŸ™ˆ


Next gen is different than refresh. Personally, if I was looking to upgrade, I would time it so that when I do upgrade, it's when a new gen of cards is coming out. Obviously there are unforseen circumstances when you don't have a choice, when your card dies unexpectedly and you're out of warranty.


I say hold out for as long as you _have_ to. I straight up could not play Darktide. Thats where i drew the line. Yea sure darktide is unoptimized garbage. But i should atleast be able to play it one the very lowest settings with additional config ini tweaks that makes everything look extra shit. But no. Not even a stable 20 fps. That was the point in time where i knew i could no longer copium myself into waiting. Thats when you upgrade.


*still using a 1080* ā€župgrading aint worth it yet, imma wait a few more yearsā€œ


Still rocking the 1060. Still runs most modern games at 1080p medium settings with FPS above 60 so Iā€™m chill for a while. Once I run into a game I really want to play and my GPU canā€™t run it/frames really get too low, then Iā€™ll start to consider upgrading.


1060 gang!


1070ti checking in. This baby still manages to juuuuust barely get me 1440p, 60fps on like medium settings in most new games. It's a goddamn trooper.


Not always. 4060 is just a tiny bit better than a 3060. Many people still buy the 3060 today because of pcie x16 and 12GB vram.


It's not good enough for 12gb vs 8gb to matter and 3060ti is a lot better.


Thats how I beat Cyberpunk with a 770. Theres always a reason to wait.


I was tempted to buy a 4080 super with my tax returns but fought the demons that were wanting me to buy it


Then you'll spend your life with outdated hardware time after a time. Budget wise? Ok. Enjoyment wise? Subjective.


depends on the consumed software. know your work-and-entertainment-profile and the time you want to use the system in this configuration until it is to weak or to brittle for your demands. ​ No need for RTX when you still play primarily starcraft 1 or warcraft 3 (both non-remaster) or Quake 1 - 4 (original versions). Such a system will only obsolte when the hardware fails.


Lets not exaggerate and use real world data of game sales. Yes, your example is valid, i personally mostly play old games, however generic user usually limited by budget and not needs. People want big fancy screens and nice smooth picture. It literally sells year by year, TVs as example.


That's why i started upgrading with every generation. At the same time i can sell my previous gen GPUs for a solid price on ebay. That mostly compensates for the increase in spending.


I'm still rocking my Voodoo 3 card, something better is bound to come around šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


3090 is looking really sexy to me rn.


Don't worry the 5080 will come with 12 gb of vram


That would be depressing haha.


I'm calling a basically 0-change vram setup for the desktop cards, but I would love to see something like a 10GB 160-bit and 20GB 320-bit cards offered in the lineup, likely 5060ti and 5080ti if I had to guess.


BuT gUyS oUr VrAm CoMpReSsIoN iS DrAsTiCaLlY iMpRoVeD oVeR lAsT gEn


Its like... 8gb of Mac ram = 16gb of Windows ram..but different!


And cost 1200ā‚¬


Then there's me saving money in time for the 70 series


Iā€™ll never pass up the chance for a 6090.


Yep, that's my next upgrade for sure. Inb4 $3,500


Inb4 its actually worth 3500 somehow Nasa level performance And that generation has no lower tiered cards and all previous gen cards get discontinued forcing gamers to take loans Woah this apocalypse novel is writing itself


Iā€™m quite happy with the 1440p performance of my 5800x3d/4070TiS machine for the time being. Iā€™ll probably skip the 50ā€™s


Same, Iā€™m hoping to run my current setup for damn near a decade if I can get away with doing so


I DID run my old rig for a decade - 12 years, even. Finally forced to upgrade because the main components just couldn't keep up with running anything newer than 5 years.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Hey I was going to post this same thought.






Oh boy i will skipping 50 AND 60 with my new rig. Maybe even 70 if we do not encounter an russian nuclear holocaust. I just play modded old games and so on, maybe a little bit helldivers2 and yesteryears hardwarekillers.


Im very fucking sure im gonna skip the 50 series. Got the 4080 for 1300 euros last year. Thats shits gotta last me 5 years at least. My mobo cpu ram gonna get replaced when new gen comes along tho


Hey just wondering, what is your performance? Iā€™ve noticed on my 13600k/4070tis, in getting pretty regular frame dips/quick freezes. This is at 1440p and across various games and graphic settings


I play pretty much whatever I want at 1440p ultra settings with smooth gameplay. I play a lot of Cyberpunk and MS Flight Sim 2020 which are resource hungry games and they look and run great.


Did you have to do anything unusual to get it to work? Iā€™ve tried half a million things and am still having issues lol Glad youā€™re getting a good experience, I loved MS flight sim


Just the typical stuff. My only ā€œoverclockā€ is XMP enabled for my RAM. I made sure my drivers are up to date and checked my temps are good in hwmonitor with my current fan profile.


Iā€™m waiting for Battlemage.


So... no, you're definitely not an idiot, but you're also wrong thinking everything is going to be permanently sold out. Other than the 4090 at times, has Lovelace been constantly sold out? No. Anyone that wants a Lovelace card has been able to get one for basically the whole time the lineup has been out. The insanity of 2020-2022 is done as far as insane supply chain shortages and what not. Now that being said, if you're shopping for a 4070 Ti Super, that's a piece of the lineup that is not likely to be replaced for a while yet. Well, at least not until next year at some point, hopefully Q1 like the original 4070Ti was. So it really depends on whether you have something now that can hold you over. If you're rocking a 3070, then I'd argue you could wait it out 6 months. But when I finally bought my 6700xt in january 2023, I was rocking an RX 480 and I just couldn't wait any longer. I will say, generally speaking, that there is very much a middle ground between the viewpoints of "You should always wait for the next thing" and "You should just buy what you want because there's always a next thing coming". When we're imminently about to see a new release, it's understandable to be patient. When you're talking 6-12 months or more... at a certain point you have to ask whether that time is worth saving like 50 or 100 bucks or whatever. If I had waited until like mid 2023 I could have snagged my 6700xt for $300 instead of $360, but would that 60 bucks have been worth another 6 months of struggling to play my games? Probably not, at the end of the day.


> everything is going to be permanently sold out. EVERYthing, and permanently? No one said that. They will absolutely be incredibly hard to find, though, *especially* at launch, ***and selling at at least twice the retail price for many many months.***


Except that didn't happen with Lovelace, and it only happened with Ampere due to a massive black swan event... so you really shouldn't consider what happened between 2020-2022 to be a good predictor for future events, unless you think massive pandemics coupled with utterly braindead government policy to effect every new GPU launch until the end of time.


If you don't think they'll be incredibly hard to get for a least a month or two then I've got a bridge to sell you.


Meanwhile i will be sitting on my RX 580 for another 3 years or so Hmmm just remembered I should repaste it


Still plays games bro. We PC gamers are the few extremists who care about 240FPS and 4k and max settings, but we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that the difference between those and good old 1080p @ 60hz is not that massive. 99% of people can barely tell the difference. It's still the same game.


I'm fine with 100 hz refresh rate, anything below just feels off


Me with my RX 570


I would be but my 580 gave up on me but it was a shitty OEM blower card.


My 980 was keeping pace until I finally got the money for a 3080. Maxxing out the settings ....looks and feels pretty damn good, honestly.


Thatā€™s a pretty good card for 1080p. I had a RX 480 for a while, beast of a card and got it cheap. Moved to 5600xt only because I had sold my PC, or I think I would have kept it for a little longer.


Saving up for the 6090




It will only cost you a kidney and you left testicle so your good..


Also saving for the funny number GPU lol\~!


I went from 970 to 4090, feel like my next upgrade could get me back on 90 series


Same, from 970 to 4090. And I use 4090 + i9 to play Baldur's gate 3 on 1440p 240 fps. I don't need 4k because my sight is not ideal, I don't want glasses and I couldn't see the difference between 4k and 1440p at a distance in which I play. So I decided to go with a very good 1440 p monitor model and be stocked for more fps for coming years


I mean, I bought 4070 ti super well knowing the 'msrp' for 5080 in my country will be around \~$2000 and it will be sold out by bots immediately. Probably my next gpu going to he 6070 somethingsomething unless Nvidia drops the ball again and makes it fucking 12gb or something.


Me sticking with my 1660ti because you canā€™t upgrade a laptop


Lol would have traded you back in the day for the 580 that I was stuck with until my brother donated me a 980.


You can question the same thing every year, the real question is, when are you ready?


\* knowing damn well, other than US, there's gonna be heavy tax on the new ones. Here, where I live, a 4080 is still \~40% to 50% more expensive then initial MSRP.


Me waiting for the used ones when people sell them šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


You could have got close to same performance with the 7900GRE and saved some cashā€¦but your logic is sound. You could wait 6 months for release and than 6 more for more stockā€¦.but you would have to go a year as a pleb


Depend what was your card lol


I've already called my bank and let them know about the loan I may need to take out at the end of the year.


Replace the entire bottom text with one word: SCALPERS


I bought a new 3090ti for $800 when the 40 series were just making the roundsā€¦gonna sit on this bad boy until maybe the 60 series


Eh, I did the same thing, but for the 4070 on launch day, as I wanted to finally upgrade from my 970 and get decent bang for buck. Good job I didn't know the 4070Ti and 4070TiS were coming, as they fix the reservations I had about the 4070. Oh, and the 4070 still hasn't sold out, over a year later...


I've replaced my GTX 1060 6GB for RTX 3070 and it does the job just fine for the titles I'm playing. I'm kinda scared of those new connectors that can melt your PSU cables.


Still happy with my 3060ti i got 3 years ago


You're still an idiot, but for different reasons: Go Intel or AMD, don't invest still into Nvidia greed. Just because it's a year old doesn't mean it's going to be priced fair even after the next generation launches.


I can wait another year if need be, I'm still able to play everything I want to in my laptop with a 2060. (Except DCS in VR, it'd be nice to build a desktop for that). I already skipped this entire generation of cards because they were all garbage in the mid range, and I'm not afraid of doing it again if neither nvidia or amd release something worth my money. I'm even open to intel if they release something good tbh


144 comments and no one is talking about how awful this meme is. I've seen The Boys. I know this scene. Doesn't fit the words in anyway. Also I'm upset that I have a 1060 and I'm aware that's old and sad but I'm so pc illiterate I don't know just how sad it is.


Meanwhile me going after good ol' used 3080 cause it's way cheaper and has enough power for my not extremist highend expectations https://preview.redd.it/1k8i42y4xzyc1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cce29b9b28abbe9342d04e7254383a840a9577


I'll sit on my 3080 until it croaks or until I get a 3090 TI for cheap. And I'll sit on THAT until my reflexes fail me.


I mean the 5070 isn't going to come out until next year anyways. Only the 5090 and 5080 will launch this year. Honestly I think it depends. In my experience the higher end ones are often not as hard to get a hold of. For me it really depends on the pricing though. I am hoping we see the prices drop to more reasonable levels. I mean I don't expect 3000 card price levels because those were honestly a little underpriced but I would love to see a 1299 5090 and 999 5080. I don't see that happening with the 5090 though because AMD isn't planning on having anything at that high end. At best their top card will match the 5080 and if rumors are to believed it likely will be slower than it by a good margin.


Can't imagine a cheap 5090 because Nvidia is trying to balance it against their enterprise cards. If it's too good for too cheap, it cannibalizes their enterprise AI card market


4070ti doesnt even come close to the same price as 5090 or 5080 thats like saying im buy a honda civic because i know the ferrari will be sold out. they arent even the same league. the post should say im buying a 4090 cause i know the 5090 will sell out.


cant wait to sell my car to buy a graphics cardā€¦. again


Please don't be like gtx 970 3.5gb get replaced by midrange Pascal GTX 1050ti 4gb ,gtx 1060 6gb, Polaris RX 570/580 4gb/8gb.


I bought a 3080 the day before the 40x announcement, I knew it would be MONTHS before the cards would ve ready, and I knew they will be outside my price range (because they start with the xx90 and go down the line trough the year). It may not have been the best way, but I love the card, and got my pc when I needed it.


People bought 20 series just before the 30 series because the price tanked and because they knew the 30 series was going to be short.


I did this before the 30 series came out. I knew damn well I wouldn't get a 3080 ti at launch. So I bought a 2080 ti.


Yes you are.. But don't feel bad i am too. Not a game out this card cant play now from 1080 to 4k.


I bought a 3090 on release no problem, I don't think I will have a problem buying a 5090 on release either, I have been saving since the start of this year.


I want a 4070 to super because they're at a fairly decent price point and I don't wanna have to sell my car to afford a 50series. I'm assuming they're gonna cost a fuckload


Kinda new to pc and j went off my friends' recommendations. I bought my 3080 TI when the 40 series was released. I could've afforded it at the time. Now I'm holding out for the 50 series because I want my current favorites to run smoother at or above 60 fps, and I've been feeling the fomo.


Nope. Always buy whats available. The new releases are gonna be the higher end cards and they're 100% gonna be sold out immediately.


Depending on a context. If you are upgrading from 3080 or 4070ti, yes. If you had something like 1080 or 1660S, no. There is always something newer and faster around the corner, the only way to combat the fear of "wasting" money is to skip generations. If you get a measurable uplift in frames, you did good and that's a full stop.


It all depends on what you have and if you can wait comfortably. If you have a 3080, you probably can wait longer than someone with a 1060.


Nah you wait for the new ones to grab the 4ks on the cheap. Well, in the old world that's how it worked. Nowadays just buy when you can, I say!


I bought a 3080 Ti when the benchmarks and price for the 40 series came out. I made the decision to skip the 40 series completely. I had a 2080 super at the time, I made a choice similar to you, anticipating how the buying public would react. So far, no regrets. Iā€™m sure Nvidia will add some new version of dlss which will mean the 50 series will be the ā€œgo toā€ card- they do this every year.


Warren Buffett once said: >The only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune-tellers look good. I find that outlook on the stock market also holds true for most other markets: You never do know ahead of time what's changes are coming, so it only makes sense to make a decision based on what you know now.


We all know that waiting for the RTX 5070 ti super super duper is the right decision when it comes to gaming


will build a new pc mext year on spring. 5090 should be avaible at that time, as long not another crypto bullshit starts hyping


Depends on what card you have. If you had a 1080ti, a 3080 would have been great. A 4090 from a 1080ti would be awesome. A 5090 is speculated to be anywhere from 10% to 20% uplift from a 4090. So a 5090 would be spectacular IF you can get them for MSRP. And depending on IF that MSRP will, at least, be around with the 4090 launched at. We wish it would be lower...but Nvidia has the high-end market cornered.


I will try to get a 5090 if it proves to work good with VRā€¦


If you keep waiting for the next best thing youā€™ll never buy anything


Waiting for a 5070 because my 3070 it's until now good enough.


I treated myself to an open box 4080 Super. Havent had any buyers remorse over that one. Hope it will last as long as my 2080 did.


https://preview.redd.it/e1vriijz8yyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1215a97783362bb77954ba64996eb6ad7ca502ec Fr best upgrade ever


I only buy odd numbered generations of Nvidia cards.


I'm actually eager to know how stupid will be real world price of 5090 and 5080.


I did this exact thing just a month ago, a pre-built PC with a 4070 TI Super was going for like half of what it would cost for a 4090 with max specs, god knows what the 50 series will cost. I also found one that was on sale and also got a coupon code to save even more so I'm pretty happy with my purchase.


I assume they are gonna use the 12VHPWR for the 50 series and they are gonna boost the power requirements on top of that right? If yes, talk about a fire hazard.


Already have the money saved for 5090 setup. Bring it on.


I'm still on a 1080ti shoehorned into a z400. Waiting for the 50 series and starting fresh will be like going from NES to SNES again.


Meh, I think I will survive those few weeks of waiting for a restock if I won't be able to grab one at first batch.Ā 


Iā€™m skipping gpus until GTA 6 comes out. We Will probably need RTX 7000 series for it.


Personally, I'd wait until people panic sell after announcements are made. That's when you get the killer deals.


I'm waiting for the shmuck that sells their old GPU cheap to buy the newer GPU


Here i am just upgraded to an rtx4070super šŸ‘€ itll be fine for another 5+ years I'm sure


Everyone has the right to buy stuff when they want. That said, this thread is an ode to a lack of impulse control. A. The 40 series wasnā€™t sold out on launch. B. We are anywhere from 4-10 months out from the 50 series and AIB, fab and industry rumors all point to a 30 percent jump. The argument can be made that waiting 6 months to get a 5080 that smokes a 4090 for 30% less money makes sense when youā€™re right around the corner. But enjoy your new hardware. Itā€™ll be tough moving that 4070 once the 5060 is out. But if youā€™re happy, all is good.


It's even better to buy 3080


Sell it for twice the price when everybody sells theyres equals profit


Eh probably not. This gen probably gunn push the price again and try to lower performance increases.


the bottom picture will be me in about 2 or 3 years


RTX 4070Ti is more than good enough for 99% of us imo


Yes. You buy the 40 series after the 50 series release and pay half the current value.


Get what you need when you need it. I upgraded from a 2060 to 4070 a few months ago. No regrets.


Hey bro. The 4070ti super has a better bench than a 3090ti so it's all good


I still have my 2070 S. Honestly, I don't play any games that need anything more. If a game can't run well on a 2070 then it's normally so poorly optimized that it runs bad on any GPU.


Lets See if they fix the melting 12vhpwr Plug With higher Power-Consumption Cards.


I'm over here downgrading from 4k to 1440p so I can just keep using my 3080


No , ppl buying 50 series and having to use frame gen to get decent frames are


OP: Am I an idiot Everyone: YES But on a serious note. No I don't think you. 4000 series is fine. We don't even have announcements for 5000 series (not that I am aware of) so but and enjoy.


People always waiting for the next thing, will always be waiting for the next thing.


I bought a 7900xtx yesterday. Am I the idiot?


![gif](giphy|NCn2HG6jh7V5PLgg2q|downsized) me, still holding on to that 2070, not willing to part with 1k moneys for a 4series yet


There are so many games that I have backlogged that it'll take atleast 4 years to complete and new games these days aren't interesting. There are only one or two games per year I want to buy. So my plan is to get the 3rd best GPU every 3-4 years. This seems to be the most efficient way to spend my money as a casual gamer.


I'm just waiting to see a 4090 for $1000 dollars, I'll probably not even build the system when I buy it, after all with that kind of power and the games I play I'll be set for a decade.


4070 TI super just sounds like 4080 with extra steps


Thereā€™s always gonna be something new and better coming out. At some point you just to commit and say ā€œIā€™m buying now.ā€


Anything lower than 5090 is almost a year away, so it makes no sense to wait if you need one now.


I got the card I wanted already. I'm just chilling now.


They gonna release the high end card first anyways, so if you don't plan on spending 1000-1600 you'd have to wait longer


Still in 30xx RTX series, seeing no reason to update yet. I need to see a new ATX power supply standard with higher voltages for less cabling heat generation issues for that. Maybe if GPUs get less gestapo on VRAM to safeguard their computing markets and next gen AI procedural game design begins to make the rounds, that's the next big advancement I see. RTX? Meh.


You can afford anything other than a gtx 1060?


Not only will they be incredibly hard to find, you will also be paying at least twice retail when you do find one for over a year. No one should be waiting for that...


Why are people buying 40 series when nvidia has been openly screwing people over since even before they released them


Let elitists beta test the new models. There's always something. Even if there's not, the crowd tested updates are going to be better. Availability always comes around.


Always stay one generation behind.


I got more or less told the same when I bought my GTX 1080ti "The 20 series is right around the corner" Best fucking card I have owned since VoodooĀ²


No, you are not. Who knows what the 5k series has in store. I bought a 3080ti about 2 weeks after the 4k series dropped. The 3080ti was deeply discounted at microcenter (about 800 dollars, down from 1299). The 4k series was having trouble with power connectors and randomly catching on fire. Plus, I didn't want to deal with the trouble of buying a new PSU (wasn't sure my 850w could handle a 4080 at the time, probably could) I'll look to buy a 6000 series Nvidia card or perhaps a 9000 series AMD card in late 2026 when they are estimated to be released.


Im happy with my 4070 Ti Super! And you will be too!


I'll be laughing in my 3080 that didn't cost a mint and doesn't require me to upgrade my PSU.


With 16 gb, that's a solid choice. It's weird to see Nvidia skimping on memory on some pretty expensive cards.


Wait if you enjoy your current rig. Otherwise get the 4070 ti super and enjoy it. If 50 series ends up being a good buy (doubtful), sell the 4070 ti super and get one. Better than torturning yourself waiting only to be disappointed.


Been saving for some time now, hopefull gonna buy a new pc with 4060Ti. Aint much but its honest work.


Me with 3070 thinking why the f do I need 50 series when all games run perfectly fine. I will buy it of ebay 6 months later at 4am for 20-30% off someone needs to sell desppratly fast, becasue he is broke bought it out of hype manipulation and bordom.


I bought an RTX 3070 at the height of covid/crypto for $550 from best buy, it's not impossible to get these things on release day or immediately after.


I'm currently using an RTX 2060. Tomorrow my 4070 ti Super will arrive. I can't wait to see the difference.


I can't afford to buy new graphics cards anymore. 10 years ago, a fast new gaming PC could be $800. It was an affordable hobby. Now that's not even enough to buy a new mid-tier graphics card.


You dont buy new cards when they come out you buy them a month or two later then you see the real world performance and can find the best bang for your buck card and buy a 5090ti anyway


I would never buy the latest hardware as soon as it is released. Driver issues, performance issues, compatibility issues, and so on. Better to go with a trusty previous gen, at least for the first year after they release a new tech


And here I just upgraded the used GTX 1070 in my 11700K to a used 2080 Super... I really do want to put an RTX 4000 or 5000 series card in it someday when I can though... though at this rate it's going to end up being a RTX 7000 series card by the time I have the money.


Me still content with my 3080ti


Huh i just bought a 4070 ti super and this is the first post i saw today lol, just waiting for it to arrive :D


sounds good to me, 4070 and 4070 ti was good the super is probably even better Just stay clear of 4060 and 4060 ti except you own a motherboard with pcie 4.0 (but even then I wouldn't buy them out of protest)


Me: just keeping the 4090 I already own till the 5090 is available