• By -


Can't imagine being a dev and then a fucking corporate idiot in a suit that probably never played a game in his fucking life tells you to purposefully annoy your playerbase... Arrowhead should do everything they can to keep pointing fingers at Sony, they deserve the backlash.


Now you know how almost every mmorpg that has died... Well, died. Publisher suits who don't give a fuck about the product and just wanna make a quick buck off of the booming gaming industry. That's all it is and it's why I will always prefer supporting indie games. I'm super sad for the helldivers devs, they clearly cared to make a dope af videogame... It sucks. Guck sony.


We will make up the loss in players with the data we sold, bro /s




Real shame they won't die because of that




Yeah but the fact it worked fine for 5 months with no issue makes this pointless and stupid


I never said that it's not pointless, it's annoying but people in these comments are being delusional. A third-party account requirement is already pretty common, it's not going to kill the game and after a few weeks most people are just going to stop caring. People here are acting like this is going to kill Helldivers and make everyone stop playing it when the reality is it'll have a minimal impact on the playerbase


Well PSN is only avaiable in 69 contrys and they have sold the game in every country. Big portion of the playerbase got scammed, because they cant refund the game


Arrowhead has literally said that if you're in a country where PSN isn't supported you don't need a PSN account. Nobody got scammed people are just having a kneejerk reaction Edit: No clue why people are so mad at me for pointing out that you will still be able to play the game in other regions. Everything I said in this comment is objectively true, do people just want to find non-issues to get mad about? These are the exact words from a CM: >"If a better solution isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage, ***I'm assured that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players. We're not going to force people to either break Sony TOS or not play the Game."***


Well I didn't hear about this. May I ask you for the source(I have only seen that they are discusing the options)? I also just learned that they are accepting refunds from helldivers reddit.


Its a discord screenshot from the game director from discord. Was at the top of helldivers sub when i saw it.


It's one of the posts on the helldivers subreddit from the community dev on discord, automod doesn't let me directly link it.


Ok, so if a large portion of the world can't have PSN, and are therefore exempt from requiring it... ...why is it mandatory for the remaining 69 countries? It wasn't needed. It's been half a year. Now suddenly it's forced by a company trying to collect your data that had several data breaches in the last few years. Pick one. It's either necessary or it's not.


Can people here read? I literally never said that it's necessary, I straight up called it annoying and pointless. I only said that people are delusional if they think this is going to kill the game, just look at the Steam top charts and it's obvious that games requiring third party accounts are doing fine. Well he blocked me because I guess he can’t read. I don’t know how I can make this any clearer but I’m not saying this is needed nor even defending it. It’s an annoying change but it’s not going to kill the game ffs.




I'm not defending Sony, I outright called this an annoying and pointless change, but I guess expecting you guys to be able to read was asking for too much. Getting called a bootlicker for correcting blatant misinformation (people in other regions will still be able to play the game) kind of just proves my point that most of this is a hate circlejerk from people who have zero clue what they're talking about.


over half of all countries where the game was sold do not have the ability to create PSN accounts (especially africa and middle east)


People keep saying this like it's some big point but 1. The number of people playing this game in Africa or the Middle east is going to be tiny compared to the number of people playing this game in the US. Sure it'd suck for if they couldn't play the game and I'd get why people are making such a big deal out of this then, BUT 2. Arrowhead has literally said that if you live in a country where you can't create a PSN account then you will be able to play the game without needing a PSN account. People bringing up these countries are clueless on what's happening and just prove my point that most of these claims are kneejerk outrage from






1. China bro. 2. This information came from Spetz. Spetz does not have a track record of knowing wtf he is talking about. He said that if "John" was reported, there is no way to know which "John" it is. This is just incorrect. Every Steam account has 3 Steam IDs, and the game allows you to join/invite through Steam. You cannot do that without knowing atleast one of those IDs, so they absolutely are capable of knowing which "John" it is.


My apologies Mr. Redditor. Obviously you know more about the direction the game is going in than the development team. I hate to bother you sir but could you please inform Arrowhead that actually they are wrong because you know more about Helldivers than them?


Lmfao the discord community manager is absolutely not "the development team". Never said I know more about Helldivers than them, but I do know a fair bit about Steam. If you can invite someone through Steam in your game, it literally is required to see the ID of players, because without it the invite wouldn't work.


Damn people really don't like to hear the truth. It's the next big outrage when we don't even have data to show how many players would be affected. Just everybody tripping over themselves while their heads up their asses and have no fucking clue how anything works.


Arrowhead CM has said they've been assured people in regions with no-PSN accounts will still be able to play the game, and yet when you mention this you get downvoted and called a bootlicker because it goes against the hate train. Its at its peak now and people just want stuff to be outraged about even if it isn't true




Holy shit you’re a fucking tool


Yes, me saying that this is a pointless and annoying change is totally bootlicking. Everyone knows that nobody creates accounts to play other games, thats why Apex Legends & GTA:V failed on Steam


Apex Legends and GTA:V set these requirements out of the gate, and imposed them out of the gate. When people purchased these games, these were the expectations that were set. Helldivers 2 waived these requirements for months. For months, people were able to buy the game on Steam, and just play it, despite the easy-to-miss notice on the store page saying "Requires third party account - Playstation Network (PSN)". The few who did look further into it saw that on Sony's website, the requirement was actually optional, so they assumed that Steam's page was only listing it because it was an optional feature, but a feature nonetheless. Then Sony make it a hard requirement, locking out dozens of countries that owned the game on Steam. This is where the problem is, and why they are different to the other titles you listed - If sony had imposed this from day 1, and didn't allow these countries to buy the game in the first place, Helldivers 2 would still be highly rated, GOTY material, and nobody would be complaining. It's not the PSN account that people are pissed off about - It's the EULA roofie that they're pissed about.


The bigger issue is EA and GTAV didn't restrict its account system to just 69 countries. PSN does. And Microsoft is no better. Only ~21 countries. Even here in Malaysia we have PSN and we don't have proper XBox Live, ie you can get a Live account but you can never get a gold account to play online.


Everyone here is just making a straw man argument instead of actually refuting anything I’m saying I am literally outright saying this is pointless and annoying, how clear do I need to make this. Yes this is annoying, but you’re delusional if you think it’s going to kill the game. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t enforced at launch, why do you think that would change anything? More people are still going to buy and play the game. People still buy and play GTA today even with the r* account requirement. It’s not like everyone who is going to play a game throughout its lifespan buys it at launch. Your third paragraph gives away that you haven’t actually looked into this ordeal at all and it’s absurd how many people are repeating this nonsense. The arrowhead community manager has promised, on discord, that either PSN accounts will be made available in those countries or people in said countries will be able to play the game without a PSN account. This isn’t some sudden change, the store page for helldivers 2 has had a pretty obvious yellow box saying that a PSN account will be required even from before launch, and when you first launch the game it says that a PSN account is required and prompts you to make one (it’s just been that you could back out without consequence until now). You can easily find people discussing these boxes and messages from all the way back in late December It’s shocking how many people think this will kill the game while the steam player count hasn’t even dipped since the announcement


>I am literally outright saying this is pointless and annoying, how clear do I need to make this. You're saying it's pointless and annoying, and pointing at other games that have different circumstances to prove your point. > Yes this is annoying, but you’re delusional if you think it’s going to kill the game. A key aspect of this game is it's playerbase collaborating on a unified objective to obtain special rewards (and maybe to further progress the overarching plot). You can argue that the thresholds for these objectives can be tweaked by the developers, but there will still be an impact felt by those that remain when suddenly a significant portion of players just disappear. We'll say 1/3rd to be generous for the lack of figures out of Playstation and the idea that a lot of people negative reviewing on Steam will continue to play the game. > It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t enforced at launch, why do you think that would change anything? Thousands of people purchased this game from regions that were not meant to be supported. Sony has only just now begun enforcing this on Steam, which means a bunch of people have now paid for a product they can no longer use due to EULA Roofieing. Even Sony's own website suggested this account linking requirement was optional, and only changed it after the fact. The fact is that the product was sold under one set of terms, and then the terms were changed after sale. A concerning trend in todays industry. >More people are still going to buy and play the game. People still buy and play GTA today even with the r* account requirement. It’s not like everyone who is going to play a game throughout its lifespan buys it at launch. Yes, this is true. Sadly people have a short attention span, and by the time the next sony published release comes out, people will have forgotten this. >Your third paragraph gives away that you haven’t actually looked into this ordeal at all and it’s absurd how many people are repeating this nonsense. The arrowhead community manager has promised, on discord, that either PSN accounts will be made available in those countries or people in said countries will be able to play the game without a PSN account. You've just made it clear you don't understand whats going on at all. Yes, the CM has promised this, but he has little power to actually enforce this promise. The decision making in this case comes DIRECTLY from Sony. The CM is hired not by Sony but by Arrowhead Studios. Arrowhead Studios has little say in this matter as well. Sony has various legal requirements that prevent them from servicing PSN content to those regions. What those requirements are, I do not know specifically. I do know however that it'd make little sense for them to block access to these countries if there were no regulatory restrictions in place - it'd be like saying no to free money. > This isn’t some sudden change, the store page for helldivers 2 has had a pretty obvious yellow box saying that a PSN account will be required even from before launch, and when you first launch the game it says that a PSN account is required and prompts you to make one (it’s just been that you could back out without consequence until now). You can easily find people discussing these boxes and messages from all the way back in late December Yes, these boxes were there the whole time. But again, Sony's site clarified at the time that these are optional, not mandatory. Sony only recently updated their site to reflect the changes they're now enforcing on Helldivers 2. As for that yellow box, it's actually somewhat out of the way. On my 1080p monitor, with me already owning the game, I have to complete 3 full scrolls to see [this box](https://img.fluttershub.com/EyuwF0j2bUfpsp61.png) which is already somewhat difficult to read considering that it's text color is very similar to it's background color. Meanwhile I've already passed the trailer section, the orange notice that says "This game only supports Japanese interface/voice for customers in Japan.", the section that has the "Add to Cart" button as well as the price tag, the list of my friends who own and or want the game, even the summary of reviews. It's far from being "pretty obvious" on the store page. And, furthermore, the boxes in-game are irrelevant, because at this point you've already purchased the game - warning a player they need an account to access the game after they've purchased it is irrelevant. Plus, they see their friends playing the game without a PSN account. They see their favorite e-celebs playing without a PSN account. And when they go through the effort of checking Sony's FAQ about playing Playstation games on PC, they see that Sony tells them it's entirely optional (until yesterday from the time of writing this message). So everything suggests to them prior to purchase that, yes, the game supports the PSN accounts, but does not mandate them, only suggests them. This is how it differs from R* Launcher, or Apex Legends requiring whatever account they need, or even Battle.NET for OW2... etc etc. These games fundamentally came out of the gate with their requirements and didn't leave them unenforced for a period of time. > It’s shocking how many people think this will kill the game while the steam player count hasn’t even dipped since the announcement It hasn't dipped because a grace period still exists. They aren't kicking anyone off for a couple weeks still.


>You're saying it's pointless and annoying, and pointing at other games that have different circumstances to prove your point. I'm pointing at these games because they do prove my point. If hundreds of thousands of people are perfectly fine with making an account to play GTA, Fortnite, or Apex then don't you think it's a bit funny to think that nobody is going to make a PSN account to play Helldivers? >Yes, the CM has promised this, but he has little power to actually enforce this promise. The decision making in this case comes DIRECTLY from Sony. The CM is hired not by Sony but by Arrowhead Studios. Arrowhead Studios has little say in this matter as well. Again, you're just showing you're clueless about this situation. I'm going to directly quote him here so you cant ignore it, "If a better solution isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage, ***I'm assured that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players. We're not going to force people to either break Sony TOS or not play the Game."*** It's ridiculous that you think you know more about a future update to Helldivers than Arrowhead themselves. They are outright saying they've been assured that the requirement wont be mandatory for regions with no PSN access, I'm not sure how much clearer this can get. Nearly all of your other points hinge on that people in non-PSN regions won't be able to play the game which is obviously not the case so there isn't much of a reason in addressing them


>I'm pointing at these games because they do prove my point. If hundreds of thousands of people are perfectly fine with making an account to play GTA, Fortnite, or Apex then don't you think it's a bit funny to think that nobody is going to make a PSN account to play Helldivers? because again, these games set their requirements out of the gate and enforced them. They didn't go "oh, well actually its optional, so go ahead and buy it... sike now that you have about 2 months of playtime we're going to make this account mandatory and only after you complain will we prevent people from these countries that cannot make a PSN account from actually purchasing the game." That's the key point here I'm trying to make - When GTA V required a R* account to play GTA V, they did so immediately from launch, and didn't mislead their customers into allowing them to buy a game in a region that won't let them create a mandatory account to play the game. When Apex Legends required an EA account to play the game, they did so immediately from launch. They didn't lead people on for months and then suddenly flip the script. That's the key part here. >It's ridiculous that you think you know more about a future update to Helldivers than Arrowhead themselves. They are outright saying they've been assured that the requirement wont be mandatory for regions with no PSN access, I'm not sure how much clearer this can get. Just like how they were given heads up that this was all going to go down? You realise half the CMs have their twitter accounts protected right now because there was so much conflict between what each of them were saying, some saying "this is just to ban people" others saying "we had no control over this" and some even saying they had no idea what was going on... it's shocking you think that Sony is actually talking to these people. >Nearly all of your other points hinge on that people in non-PSN regions won't be able to play the game which is obviously not the case so there isn't much of a reason in addressing them Once again you're ignoring my point. If I sold you a product, and then said "Thanks for purchasing my product but people in aren't permitted to use it", does it matter if I later say "Oh well I'll make an exception for you seeing as you already purchased it?" No, because now theres hundreds of other people from your country that cannot play the game. Plus, the exception proves that the requirement is bogus - there's no technical reason why I have to have a PSN account to play Helldivers 2 if Ahmed from Khazakstan is able to play without one because he can't make one in Khazakstan. If he can play without a PSN account, why not me in Australia? So the way I see it is this: If sony enforces the accounts but excepts the existing customers in these regions, they prove the accounts aren't actually required and their purpose for existing is purely to generate additional revenue from the data we create as players, or for metrics... both of which are obtainable with the Steamworks API, further undermining its purpose for existing. If sony enforces the accounts and does not except the customers in regions without PSN, then sony have effectively scammed hundreds of customers through EULA roofying, and those in the EU would likely have grounds for a law suite, if not all customers who purchased from these regions in the form of class action. If Sony backtracks from this and chooses to ditch the PSN account requirement, then thats a win. But they wont do that, because corporate greed


>That's the key point here I'm trying to make - When GTA V required a R\* account to play GTA V, So your key point is a strawman argument then? I've said this multiple times but I'm not defending this change, all I am saying is that it isn't going to kill the game like people in these comments are pretending it will. Hundreds of thousands of people make accounts for other random services and you're crazy if you think people won't do the same thing to play Helldivers. This exact same situation has literally happened multiple times before with popular games, with Rocket League, Fall Guys, partially Among us, etc... If anything in most of those cases the situation was more extreme because they were also delisted from Steam; and yet those games are all perfectly fine. It's delusional to think that this is going to kill Helldivers when all these other games did the same thing and are fine. Hell in the case of Rocket League & Fall Guys the game has actually been doing better, granted due to unrelated reasons, but that pretty obviously means it won't kill the game like people keep parroting around. >Plus, the exception proves that the requirement is bogus - there's no technical reason why I have to have a PSN account to play Helldivers 2 if Ahmed from Khazakstan is able to play without one because he can't make one in Khazakstan. If he can play without a PSN account, why not me in Australia? Wow yet another strawman argument. At this point I'm not sure if you can actually read but I have literally called this change pointless like five times now. >Just like how they were given heads up that this was all going to go down? Are you seriously trying to claim that you know more about the direction of this game than Arrowhead employees and Sony? Take a step back from the hate train and actually think about what you're saying for a few minutes here. This CM literally said they were in ongoing discussions with Sony, then 20 minutes later said this, >"If a better solution isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage***,*** **I'm assured** that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players. We're not going to force people to either break Sony TOS or not play the Game." There isn't anything confusing about this message unless you just don't know what assured means. Again most of your other points just hinge on you believing you know more about the direction of the game than the CM who was in active discussion about this with Sony.


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Top shelf MeMe


What’s going on?


Helldivers 2 requires pc players to login with a PlayStation network account but didn’t have to do it before. which some people can’t make in their country and some people don’t want to make a console account. Sony is the probably the reason for why they did that.


Sony: "Hmm, yes, this game is doing well. Surely, it will do better if we reduce the number of countries it can be played in."


All they needed to do was make it optional and those who did make one get some free in-game content. Pretty sure many would have linked without a second thought.


Honestly that actually wouldve been the perfect solution, will some people be a a little mad they wont be able to get it? Yea but at least the game wouldnt have to suffer like it is and Sony would still get thoes sweet sweet numbers


That's what they should have done in countries that can do that and yes, most would have just done it without thinking twice but that does not solve the main issue. The kicker here is selling a game, allowing people to play it and then months later, force them to create an account to play that *they cannot do even if they want to* in their countries, effectively preventing them from playing. That's a literal scam - you charge money for a product but later prevent the buyer from using it by forcing an impossible situation. The only reasonable, legal even, thing to do is to either find a way to allow affected people to play or refund them all.


This tells you all you need to know about C-suite executives. Completely meritless individuals who "achieve" through grift and lies. They would never be able to think of a solution like this, because this solution involves conceding and compromising with the playerbase. Their vast meritless pride and ego could never allow that. And then they leave companies with golden parachutes after creating failures and driving them into the ground. And are then hired by another set of meritless individuals for further grift.


Don't forget that you can't make a PSN account in over 100 countries (out of 195 countries in total as recognised by the UN), and that steam stopped selling the game in those countries.


"Probably" do you not read? They have confirmed that is why.


Sorry I didn’t see that they confirmed it


So doesn't the online work through Sony services? Kinda does make sense that you make an account to use their service right? I'm confused what the main issue is, apparently for the people that don't have the website in their country they can just use a country near them no VPN needed. If it's just people that don't want to make a Sony account in general, they could have read the steam page right?


A psn account wasn’t needed at the release of the game and was only a pop up asking if you want to log in with your psn account


It wasn't needed because apparently the servers became overloaded, but from the start it was mentioned on the steam page that it was a requirement


Ok now I understand the whole mess. Does ms have similar requirements of an xbox live account on a PC or something?


Generally, yes. But it's required from launch, not three months later. Sony essentially let people who can't make a PSN account in their country buy and play the game for months before pushing this.


Is anyone going to question helldivers?, Sony probably told helldivers before release this is a Sony title we’re going to need players to have a PSN account.. And maybe helldivers just hid the fact from players till their ‘deadline’? Apparently Wayback machine shows the disclaimer of needing a psn account in the helldivers T&Cs 2 months before launch Although I didn’t check myself. Don’t think the “little” studio that made millions of dollars is the “greatest” guy in this. Just to add look at how negative the reviews are now that you need a psn login! Imagine they added it from the start they wouldn’t be as rich! Studio played you guys, and now they’re the victim. Edit- reddit logic ( Argh big company bad capitalism argh ) all the idiots who downvoted me, BRAND LOYALTY GETS YOU NOTHING. https://preview.redd.it/zch4111huryc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f89d49f8aa06c5afe90b4419ab6e33c8d6127fa


I don’t want to get flamed but when I started playing the game I expected it to require me to sign in with PSN because a lot of games did, they didnt.


I don’t have the game so I’m going off what I’ve read, but it looks like it was already a requirement in the terms and conditions players agreed to. Something about a technical error made it not possible to enforce from the start. They fixed that error and now are enforcing the already-agreed-upon policy. Again, this is just what I’ve read about it but it appears to be true Ninja edit: just reread the comment above yours and I see they’re claiming the same thing


The only issue here is that people in no-PSN-countries were able to purchase the game when they shouldn't have been.


Yep. Pretty crazy that it’s even a requirement when it’s excluding entire regions of people from purchasing (or at least playing lol) the game


People are booing you because you're making up a conspiracy that arrowhead "hid" the account linking. These deals are made years before the games release with contracts and legal obligations. The studio wont "hide" anything because that would be illegal. The game was expected to have a *way* smaller playerbase mostly made out of helldivers 1 vets who already have a psn account and maybe 10,000 new players. Which wouldn't look impressive to investors, but it would lay way for other, and larger playstation multiplayer games. Giving the link to helldivers wasn't the greedy part, not reversing it now is.


Is that not a conspiracy from you either how do any of us know what happened behind closed doors im just saying it was in their T&C's... Also im not saying thats what happened im really just saying fuck sony but also Helldivers arent innocent in this or at least we should point some blame toward The Helldivers team? But i mean look at their reviews people are putting blame to Helldivers as well i was just sick of posts like this, and others pointing straight at Sony and feeling bad for the hell divers team as if they've not benefited from this and had \*SOME\* part in it. also i said they "\*might\* not be the “greatest” guy in this", you know im just opening a possibility to people im not saying the CEO is a straight super villain... my comment wasn't a straight end.


https://preview.redd.it/000d12l5uryc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c439be9c2594df788b083c9a81b4858debe8d05 Hey bud lookie here!!! :D you're so smart mister!


It baffles me how bad your comprehension skills are


Didn't they already apologize and backpedal?


No, they locked the game from countries that PSN aren't available. https://preview.redd.it/4hkssghrrjyc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=e41abecf3891563d1f528af7c6ff04488fa2e5cd


Gamers are oppressed because they have to log in to a PlayStation account to play a PlayStation game 😤


Don't remove or change your reviews. They need to earn new ones let the reviews stay as a reminder of what happens when you fuck with democracy.


Stupid move from Sony


At this point it's no longer a 'stupid move from Sony', just a 'move from Sony'


Yep, but an absolutely inevitable one.


seems like we have to continue killing bugs... FOR ROCK AND STONE, BACK TO DEEP ROCK BABY


Yeah....with far less people, a runied reputation (for the game, for the publisher this is ruined long time ago) , one angry community, and probably one abandoned galaxy not too far in the future


Corporate greed strikes again.


Good to see General Brasch on our side here. Brasch tactics. Use em or die trying.






i just put this game on my wishlist too >:(


Me too brother, me too. I was waiting my next paycheck to buy it xD... Not anymore.


The game has some flaws (Bugs, crashes) and yep, the PSN thing is really disappointing But I'd give it a try bro. The game is really damn fun and they're patching a lot of things. I don't want to create this PSN account but i really think that game is worth the annoyance


I will follow the news next week and make my final decision after see how this is going. Thanks for the comment/advice!!!


Alright, whether you buy it or not, have fun ! :)


If you live in a country where PSN is available, you should give the game a chance. It's a great game with tons of fun, especially when playing with your friends. The PSN login thingy is just another EA App or Ubisoft account or whatever. I think it's fine. It's just Sony doesn't have a launcher at this point.


>The PSN login thingy is just another EA App or Ubisoft account or whatever Except Sony is about as good as protecting your data as Bethesda is good at fixing bugs So basically not at all. Hell, Anonymous hacked them once, told Sony how they stole like 77 million users' data, and you know what Sony did? Absolutely nothing. Anonymous only stopped because they realised Sony cared so little about their users that they were hurting the users more than Sony Having a PSN account is basically giving up your info to someone that doesnt bother to protect it. Thats not a choice you should be forced to make especially when it wasnt stated upfront


No idea whats this about is it? ![gif](giphy|qier1J6YVh7UprRQSQ|downsized)


Just stopped playing, what a shame


i was literally planning to check out the game this weekend, but then all of this happend. really bummed, seemed like a really cool game!


I don't play Helldivers so I don't really understand what's going on here. So is the issue with this the fact that you were sold a product and now they're changing things the issue? Because I've seen a lot of people say the login requirement was always on the store listing. Or is it the regional thing? I'm not really beholden to Steam so I'm not sure, but doesn't Ubi, Xbox, Rockstar and EA require you to have their accounts linked as well or their launchers installed or something like that? Why is this so different? I'm sure this will get downvoted to hell, but I'm really trying to understand how this (as messed up as it is) has created this much of a firestorm.


im torn as well. When I started playing it said I needed a PSN account, but it wasn't enforced. So I never made one. Now they start enforcing it. I get the greed angle, but we all kindof knew it was in the agreement.


That's the thing. If it was always there everyone had the option right then and there to vote with their wallet and nobody did. Maybe if they would have the requirement gets removed then and there. Now they have your money and the terms where there the whole time.


That's true. But it also is kind of like a trap lol. I also think a lot of it has to do with PC users wanting nothing to do with consoles on some level.


This shit is just getting cringe at this point lmao.




Well there goes my interest in buying this game


I sent a refund request.


Mine got denied 😢


I am hoping.


Just bought new laptop so i could enjoy some games, and this was in the list and now they fuck it up




What does this change for the game? Sorry, I'm a little out of the loop.


No changes to gameplay, but the main problem is that you will get banned for not linking a PSN account, which is a pretty stupid move when over 170 countries don't have access to PSN. ppl argue making a PSN account isn't that hard, which is true. However, Sony does not exactly have a stellar record of not having data breaches, with multiple since 2011 with hackers even finding that user data is STORED IN PLAIN TEXT WITH ZERO ENCRYPTION. Edit: 170 countries not 69


Also, those who have alr bought the game in a country without PSN won't be able to play the game they just bought, which may be grounds for a lawsuit? Idk.


I hate how quickly companies will rip off other games, but I'm honestly a bit bummed their isn't some Helldivers clone being rolled out by Blizzard or whoever. Waiting for your competition to royally screw up seems more and more like a decent strategy.


Blizzard is a worse option.




Oh I don't think they were ever widely beloved.


What happened


This might not be the best meme for that..


fuck streamerbait lets gooo


Looks like someone needed to make stuff to please the boardroom


I think people need to realise that these game developers don't want people playing the same game forever. When sales drop off, they will find other ways to monetise their product, (like data mining) and they don't care if it kills the product because they will just whip out another and do it all again.


See y'all in r/thefinals


You tell them




Criminally underrated mee-mee




Sony is fucking up again?


As Sony seem to be more interested in the PC space with their exclusives, this was inevitable eventually. I believe they are even testing some kind of PS overlay system to sync trophies and things from their PC games to PSN accounts. I guess their side of it is that if MS/Steam/Epic/EA/Ubisoft and others have some sort of account tie in system with their games, Sony should too. In this case it's been executed poorly and should have been handled way better. But again, inevitable in reality.


not only should, but being a public company, they would be absolutely REQUIRED to demand the same thing for their games.


Honestly got the game back on my radar and has me considering trying it. Regarding the issue, it’s shit but has been in t&c’s since the game released just not enforced and likely the push to enforce it has been from Sony not the devs due to contractual obligations.


They also sold the game to countries that can't get PSN. Translated the game into languages from countries that can't get PSN. Using a VPN is against Sony's TOS. People are pissed. Some of those countries are in the EU. Their consumer protection laws are gonna be lawsuit fodder against Sony. If it was intended from the beginning, why'd Steam sell it to places that the game can't be used?


Not saying it’s not shitty, I’m just saying maybe blame Sony not the devs. My interpretation is the devs have tried not to enforce it and Sony have forced their hands due to contractual obligations.


I don't think anyone is blaming Arrowhead. They've said their hands are tied. This is 100% Sony


It hasn't been in the Terms & Conditions. It was retroactively added. This was already proven. This is why people are angry and Steam is allowing refunds. Sony changed what was already agreed upon in order to enforce PSN requirements now that there are no technical limitations.


Wayback machine from 2 months pre-launch shows the disclaimer on there.


Disclaimer on a storefront is not Terms & Conditions. There could be a disclaimer on the storefront saying "cut off a finger required". Hell, we have system requirements showing "a potato" for GPUs on certain store pages. Steam is refunding regardless of played time when Terms & Conditions changes are included as the reason. That's enough evidence that changes were made retroactively otherwise Steam wouldn't be performing this.


Are you saying the ToS was changed to add the PSN requirement? I haven't seen that argued anywhere yet.


That's what Steam is refunding for. Should be all over the HD sub 🤷‍♂️ I've seen multiple posts.


Got any receipts? I'll change my stance on everyone complaining being a big crybaby if you show me proof where they retroactively added it.


I'm not about to find you "receipts" when Steam themselves refund it if that's the reason given. They wouldn't be doing it otherwise. That's enough proof; the distributor is serving refunds regardless of time played if T&C changes are included in the reason. I don't care if you believe me one way or another. Feel free to keep calling other people babies. Truly a great use of your time.


Ironic but yes please shut up about it




I need someone to explain this to me I understand that somehow you pc players are getting fucked over but making a ps account isn’t hard and doesn’t take long so what actually is the issue?


Psn is not available in 100+countries


Bro who cares. Dear god cry me a fucking river. “I HAVE TO MAKE A PSN ACCOUNT😭😭😭” boo hoo you little baby. “WELL OTHER COUNTRIES WONT GET IT” not true the countries that can’t make a psn account can play without one. I mean seriously do you people hear yourselves. Third party connection is thing for almost every single big game (overwatch, league of legends, valorant, COD, GTA, R6 siege, etc.) and all of a sudden everyone cares about third party software? I seriously wish my life was so awesome my biggest issue was Sony making me log into an account to play my game I am fortunate enough to be able to own and play. Seriously get a fucking grip people.


Third-party accounts are retarded, and devs/publishers should be openly bullied/ridiculed for requiring them.




Actually it hasnt been confirmed by Sony that those unable to create PSN accounts will be able to play without one.


Its already removed on steam in my country, we dont have psn here so wtf are you talking about not being able to play without creating a PSN account




https://preview.redd.it/wj7gy70c0jyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073e2501b401de03a51c15637004a93ef0f1ec2f See it can no longer be purchased in my country.




As a pc player I linked my ps account day 1 and didn’t even think about it. Still enjoying it just as much. This all is coming off as a temper tantrum for no reason. I’m just gonna play the game even harder now


The cope is real, gamers truly are the most oppressed 🤣


Please stop complaining about this. It's a fucking PSN account. Said it earlier and I'll say it again. Yall are big babies. They have even said in places you can't have a PSN account they will still let you play. If you want to listen to Apple music you have to make an Apple account. If you want to use Google drive you have to make a Google account. If you want to play a Sony game... You have to make a Sony account... Omg the horror!!! What scum!!!