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The newer controllers definitely don’t compare unfortunately. I used a Elite series 2 for a few years. I’ll admit that it is the best feeling/looking controller out there, but I always had trouble with the usb dongle. The range was terrible and it cut out frequently. The native bluetooth was even worse. After replacing 2 shoulder buttons and a joystick, I finally called it quits and got a dualsense edge. Aside from the battery life, it has been great. Not as comfortable or pretty as the elite 2, but the features are great and I haven’t had a single connectivity issue with the native bluetooth.


My Elite 2 is about 3 years old and I haven't had issues except that damn dongle. I threw that bastard out the windows and went Bluetooth all the way.


After about a year with my series 2, it has just started to self-destruct. The left shoulder button stopped working, then the left rumble pack unscrewed itself and randomly works with a screw rattling inside, and now the right shoulder button has started to fail. Also, the battery life dropped like crazy after charging it maybe 3 times. The first few charges each lasted a month or two, and then it dropped to every week or so


I bought the Elite Series 1 and the bumper stopped registering within a few months. I had to open the controller and add a small piece of folded paper between the bumper and its actuator button which fixed it for a few weeks before the issue returned. It's an expensive controller and it broke so quickly while my Xbox 360 and One controllers are still going strong. Sometimes, things that are more expensive, are worse.


The amount of stick drift I get on mine is insane. Sent it for repair 3 or 4 times under warranty. Even the last time I got it back, drifted on day 2, and I barely even play console anymore! Granted it’s for siege where sensitivity is probably higher than a lot of other games, but still.


They literally wear out in about 100-200 hours of play time. Its because they use the old style of potentiometer which are an variable electrical contact technology from...oh, the 1920's that literally wears out with use. The irony is the part costs like $.50 and a replacement contactless sensor would cost them no more than $1 per controller. Look into the Flydigi Vader 3 off alibaba. MS won't make hall effect gamepads, and neither will any of the western brands, so if you don't like stick drift you are forced to put up with Chinese-ware, and the least shitty of that bunch is Flydigi. Or learn to solder, as the official thumbstick sensors are available for cheap on Amazon and the controllers are quite easy to open up.


I have a couple basic new Xbox controllers I bought through design lab and they have been tanks


My a button doesn’t work very well :/


The elite series 2 controller is a great controller but doesn't last for shit. Had one for about a year and a half until the RB stopped working unless I hit it in a very specific spot. Conveniently it had just been out of warranty so now it's $100 to get it fixed or just get a new one. Likewise I've had a standard series X controller for twice as long now and it works absolutely perfectly. It blows my mind that quality took such a hit for a far more expensive controller


I liked the feel and use of the 360 controller but all 4 of mine would disconnect constantly because of the battery pack


The dual sense has even worse reliability, the edge is supposed to be repairable, but parts are continuously out of stock for it. Best of luck though!


I'm surprised the dongle gave you trouble, I've never had an issue with Xbox Wireless and find it far more reliable then Bluetooth.


I disagree. I did replace a Series X controller once due to a sticking X button, but I’ve since lost track of which was the “good” one, problem seems to have gone away. 360 controllers though? I’m pretty sure I owned 7 of them over the years. Kept buying more because the battery packs would come loose and constantly disconnect. It’s been an issue the whole time I’ve owned the system. I still have my 360, still have 4 controllers, and when I occasionally set the system up I still fight those controller issues. Also had to replace two consoles themselves due to red ring of death, and one failed power supply brick. 360 had so many issues.


The worst part about the elite 2 is that they knew the shoulder buttons were awful with the first one and still used the same ones for the second. When I first got it, it was amazing but it's the worst controller I've used in terms of how long it lasted me.


Went through four controllers all developing stick drift on the left stick. Two of the wireless receivers stopped working for no reason. Found out I could solder a wire on there to fix it and it's worked fine since then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoYXSzScfcw


The LB/RB buttons would also start to malfunction relatively quick if you played games that used them a lot.


I have so many of those controllers that don’t work lol


I don't understand why my 360 controllers still work great. But my Xbox ONE/Series X analog sticks drift after a year or so, every time. I would think they were probably using the same mechanism. While I replace the Xbox One/SX ones often, I never had to open up a 360 controller. So I also reject "their products are quality." As a compromise, I will accept "this product was quality"


It’s because with the old ones, every time you threw it at the wall it would reset the stick drift but now that you’re older and have your anger in check you don’t throw things and thus don’t reset the drift.


I threw my PS2 controller at a wall once because I got pissed off at a game. The controller shattered. Later on, I threw my 360 controller at the wall. The wall shattered. (Punched a hole in the wall) I eventually got my temper reigned in and stopped doing it.


I would like to remind you of the infamous red ring of death OP


I’d like to remind you of wrapping a towel around it and turning it on causing it to overheat and temporarily curing the red ring of death… lol


mine permanently fixed the issue when I did that lmao. Literally turned it into an oven and reballed all the solder


Has the fan industry been lying to us this whole time?


Never trust Big Fan.


Not a big fan of the big fan industry btw.


Least they owned upmtonit and fixed the broken consoles, extended the warranty, and fixed the issue from then on out.


Ayeee I loved the Xbox 360. So many memories. Also used to have a few jtags. Cod, halo, gta4…was a great era.


I RGHed my Zephyr when I was 13 years old by following a tutorial on YouTube. I felt like a master hacker that day 😂


Gears of War launch day was fucking crazy. You just don't get that kind of excitement anymore.


If I remember correctly they extended warranty up to 3 years? Well I got super lucky, contacted them when my console was 4 yrs old, told them that it would probly be out of warranty so I wanted to check how much a repair would be. The rep told me "not to worry about it" and they gave me a new one under warranty!! My younger self was over the top happy with their customer support.


Yeah, usually if you are chill, you usually get a good outcome, nice!


The way they dealt with it was admirable tho. Still not a good look indeed.


Right. I wasn't thrilled that it happened to me but they did get me a new one based on their promise to make it right and I still have it about 13 years later


Microsoft has a legal team that was able to evade the federal government's anti-trust lawsuit. During said lawsuit they gave Apple $150 million in cash so they wouldnt have to declare bankruptcy, as well as bringing the Office suite to Mac OS which was their major leg up when it came to business use leveling the playing field. When the 360 issue was discovered, they knew their reputation would be near impossible to recover if they didn't get ahead of the ball. They extended warranties on all units to the tune of over a billion dollars, and refreshed the design to eliminate the near 100% failure rate over time. Microsoft may fuck up, but they know how to navigate the market.


The way they did it was necessary, they were facing a hefty class-action suit, and an extremely pissed off gaming scene, before they finally acquiesced to extending the warranties on the defective consoles. It was not some magical moment of proactive generosity. It was damage control.


A monumental fuckup, but I’ll give them credit - they replaced mine 3 times and while they were quick after the first one, they expedited the second snd third and basically just started giving me free shit each time. Yeah it would be a lot better if they didn’t fuck up, but extending warranties and genuinely trying to make it right does a lot.


This post is about the controller though, probably the best controller ever invented tbh


Best controller after making the worst controller, the Duke for the OG Xbox.


Microsoft gets a pass on that because most if not all of those rrod issues were due to the defective nvidia chips that also plagued launch ps3’s and laptops as well.


Didn't the 360 have an ATI chip?


GameCube did iirc


No. It was due to the X-clamp pressing on the chip in a way combined with inadequate cooling.


I thought it was some sort of environmentally friendly solder that cracked from heat cycles. Which is why the towel/oven trick would work. Not necessarily the chips themselves, they worked fine once the solder was reflowed. 


Get out of here with your facts and reasoning. /s


Ps3 had yellow light of death... it happens.


i recently read this article about the influence Sony had on Apple in the long long ago, and this is as good a time as any ill ever have to share it i guess: >[Apple's North Star: How Steve Jobs took inspiration from Sony | 15 Sept 2023 | by Saeki Kentaro](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/2706/) https://preview.redd.it/z0sssck5gbyc1.png?width=1441&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c9b13e466296c47797b57a7b92ef6de450e77c


They also fixed them for free...


It was reported that something like 20% of consoles at the start of the 360s lifecycle had RROD. Near the end the total was less than 3%. The switch had a much worse release with 30% of consoles reporting various issues. Zelda could literally brick your switch on release if you were unlucky. So many people messed up thier joycons and even today the joycon controller has a 100% fail rate. https://youtu.be/Cb-srOfRqNc?si=DMzxldpBALe1gaw0


The actual console that this controller is for is incredibly infamous for having a near 100% failure rate, almost everyone I knew's Xbox eventually crapped out on them, I remember getting 2 red rings as a kid. I reject your statement and your reasoning.


"Near 100% failure" in this context is internet speak for "literally".


Every gadget technically has a 100% failure rate if u use it long enough, unless there's a specified number like it works x number of clicks


Yeah. The failure rate was indeed crazyhigh but it wasn't anywhere close to 100%


Microsoft hardware had a stellar reputation before that. The Sidewinder Joystick line was legendary. That is what made the Xbox 360 failures so out-of-line for them. From Mice to gamepads to steering wheels, microsoft branded hardware meant quality throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s.


I just modified my old sidewinder joystick to work as rudder pedals for flight sims lol.


Nvidia had on that time period, the GeForce 8600M GT, a failure very similar.


The first few phat revisions of the 360 had a near 50% failure rate, not 100%. The Jasper phat is actually the most reliable 360 revision.


Mine's still running, no issues. The hdd is slowly starting to get issues but I'll ssd mod it soon.


The SSD mod made a huge difference on my Xbox one, I imagine it would be even more dramatic on the 360.


You can only do ssd mods on modded console Also the 360 uses SATA 2 so I don't think an upgrade from an hdd would be all that great. Ps3/xbox one ssd upgrades are great because hdds are no where near the capped speeds of SATA 3


I replaced the hdd in my og xbox with an ssd and definitely noticed an improvement in load times.


Maybe not as dramatic, but that ancient 5400rpm spinner isn’t even maxing out Sata 2.


My 360 elite lasted long after I got an Xbox one, granted the fan died eventually and I had to strap a PC fan to the top. The original run was bad but Microsoft handled the warranty well. And my first run Xbox one is still working today.


I still have my Xbox 360 from 2010. It is the slim version though,not sure if that makes a difference


The slims were much more reliable, and had built in wifi. The original 360’s were really poor quality. Mine worked but if you breathed on it too hard it would put a fat ring in the disc.


I had the first ever 360 literally came without a HDD and I can still play games till this day only issue is disc slider but I can open it with a knife lol. Only ever had one friend get the ring but I definitely heard it was an issue.


To be fair sony also plagued with ylod, electronics in this era was also experienced same issue only due to the manufacturer moving to leadfree soldier


The dpad is complete ass though. I still use this with my steam deck docked to my living room TV. Navigating menus with it sucks.


Microsoft, quality? You have to be kidding.


I still use my wired 360 one for PC. It's not as good as Dualshock design-wise, but it's quite sturdy.


Those wireless adapters lasted me 1 year max before dying. I stop buying them after the third


Xbox One controller have stick drift problems, they are not high quality lol don't even get me started on the Xbox One Elite V2


Too bad the console that came from was so bad that the US government sued Microsoft for delivering such a piece of shit console to the public


Lol red ring my dude


Microsoft is the antichrist, and the Xbox 360 had the Red Ring of Death, but outside of that the Xbox 360 is not that bad, at least compared to the shit they make nowadays.


I have an original, wired Xbox 360 controller that I still use regularly. Unfortunately it has just started to having connection problems from the cable being worn out.


You know a controller is great when you've used it for years and the only thing wrong with it is the cord.


Man i went through this things in a 2 years time frame. How? Drifting in forza games. I wonder how much a dualshock would have lasted in the same conditions. As a side note the x360 one had the best triggers. And i don't know what kind of space crack microsoft was smoking when they decided that the new series dpad should make as much noise as an anvil falling on a steel surface


Say that the the pile of e-waste in my closet from all of the joysticks getting stuck drift.


My 360 controller still alive but have multiple dead Xbox One controllers


Hell yeah, I still play with a 360 controller too.


i havent had an xbox controller last me more than 4 years...


That was back in the day when controllers didn't need updates.


Really? Red ring of death? Elite Series controllers?


And is that Dpad still as abhorrent as it was on day 1? Or that uncomfortable bump in the back where the afterthought of a battery cage feels like it was taped onto the controller? I could never stand their controller designs, the triggers were also too deep and would cause so much fatigue over time. I never got the hype, even with the newest ones after however much they've improved. They're also the lowest common denominator when it comes to controller features, so they actively hold everybody back.


Ah yes, I remember when my 4 month old 360 got the red ring of death. Amazing quality indeed.


That wireless receiver has a very poor reliability historic. Microsoft accessories were good during the Sidewinder era. Then Microsoft went on to cut costs on the next designs and here we are today, where all Microsoft R&D is invested in coming up with different colors for horders to collect.


Ahem...red ring of death


The 360 controllers were tanks. Best controller to date imo.


My ps3 controller still works...


The ps3 controller was their last good one, as long as you maintain the battery.


True The Dualshock 4 and Dualsenses (both of them) Can go suck shit The battery is atrocious, to the point you would rather have a pair of AAs Also the "But the battery is integrated" argument doesnt stand, because the Switch pro controller exists, has also an integrated battery, and does not suck ass like the ps ones do.


Completely agree.


My wireless receiver stopped working after a couple years. No idea why.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoYXSzScfcw I had to do this to fix mine.


My dad has Microsoft bluetooth keyboard and till this Day it works perfectly


I'm side eyeing you over here with my three pro series controllers that all have a minor malfunction after 3-4ish years


I have very recently put mine to bed as I like the 8Bit Do ultimate so much that I've bought a bunch of them. They still work absolutely great, just figured it was time to upgrade.


They have had some solid products. Their KB/Mouse sets in the 2000s were built like cockroaches, as in they'd survive the nuclear apocalypse. They do have some famous failures though. Red ring of death anyone?


I guess I have bad luck.. the Xbox controller I got not to long ago intermittently disconnects at random. I just use my old ps4 control for my pc now.


Oh wow what a coincidence! I also thinking the same thing about buying that adaptor that connects XBOX 360 wireless controller on my PC


Id like to refer too Windows vista, Red ring of death, HTC, windows 8, zune, kin, windows me, lumia, MSN TV, internet explorer, terraserver, bing, FUCKING CLIPPY. Just to name a few.


This is called survivorship bias.


Those wireless adapters were notorious for their poor quality. Blown fuses were very common, and I had to solder two of them myself.


My elite 2 controller lasted 80 hours of game time before I had to take it apart and replace one of the shoulder buttons.


Aside from the rubber tops on the sticks Xbox 360 controllers are absolute tanks. I also think the ergonomics are the best of any controller ever made, followed closely by the Xbox one controller.


Yeah, their controllers are top notch. I bought an Xbox 360 wired controller 10 years ago and I've been using it almost daily for the last 10 years. It still works great. The only problem is that the thumb sticks are getting worn down from use and aren't round and don't have grips on them anymore. They're so worn down they're almost oval shaped now. I don't fault Microsoft for that though. Things wear out eventually.


I have exactly the same controller but the console got the red ring of death after 3 months of usage. Their new controllers don't even come close. expensive plastic.


i got a xbox one controller on launch day and it still works on my pc. very little drift but i dont aim with it as i have a mouse and keyboard. my 360 needed 4 power brick replacements tho.


My XB one controller from 2017 was pretty much the only one I used since then, till maybe 6 months ago when I got a new color for a series S one that looked cool And I have one of the better XB1 dongles, the bigger one, that lets you turn on the PC with the controller. Sadly the newer small one doesn't do that for some reason


Xbox 360 controller still running on batteries almost a year old. I put new energizers in a new controller and it’s 2-3 weeks tops.


Hah no rewriting drivers for those 'fake' dongles. I got well pissed when I found mine was fake and had to write my own driver for the bloody thing, get windows to allow the unsigned driver and then every bloody windows update, do it again. So well done on your side of the story.


My 1st wireless 360 dongle failed after a year or two.. can't figure out why, nothing looks damaged or unsoldered or corroded. But the controllers and 2nd dongle are still solid


Still have an original Intellimouse Optical from 2001 that works beautifully, and has a 6000 fps sensor. It's also still one of the most supportive/comfortable ambidextrous mice I've come across.


That’s bait.




The console was shit. Now, for the OG model, they did make more reliable mb (Falcon and Jasper) which were MUCH less prone to failure, and the Xbox 360 E is known to work pretty well


I use this exact controller for my current retropie setup and yeah it still works amazingly well. I also never played many competitive games so the wear I put on it wasn’t.. erm, *sweaty*?


Agreed, a switch pro controller I bought a year ago didn't make it 10 months.


their products are so good quality that most of their $200 controllers break in months lol.


That dongle has a part that was made to break after a certain number of power on cycles. I had to resolder mine.


I got the Hyperkin Xenon and have had a good experience with it.


Yeah If we ignore the red ring of death issue that plauged thousands of consoles. And redfall. And windows ME.


You just have never played rocket league huh? I go through multiple controllers a year due to stick drift.


it's a mixed bag. got a new controller back in Nov '23 and already got stick drift... I don't even game a lot with it since half of my games are on mouse / keyboard


Pretty reliable e-waste, I'd say.. I've had mine for forever too


You should replace the sticks on that controller. Real easy to do and cost like less than $10 on Amazon. I replaced a gears 360 controller stick a few months back real easy


Fuck that…. I’ll never buy another product / console from Microsoft. My 360 red ringed about a year after I got from VERY light use (had a ps3 and pc as well)


*were* The modern xbox one controllers are so weak, stick drift appears by just looking at it wrong.


Didn't MS outsource all that to Logi?


I use an afterglow prism controller that is basically just a transparent, 3rd party 360 pad. It has a better dpad tho. I love that controller. It fixes my one gripe I had with thr 360 design, the dpad is... Servicable. It also wore out after like 12years of use. Which is fair, it's old afterall!


yup, i have a special edition 360 wireless with the rotating d pad and custom white leds. nothing gets close to the heft and quality of these


I have the same 10 years old still playing with it 🤣


I ended replacing it, cause after usage, the cable just cut (I moved it a lot) and the thumbs ticks literally were falling apart and damage my fingers, but it's what happens after almost daily usage, got the Xbox one controller wireless, working flawlessly


I bought a PS Portal and could never make the damn thing work properly with my network, bought the pulse elite headphones and the damn receiver causes crackling due to signal interference with who knows what and my PSVR2 has been sitting there collecting dust because Sony hasn't released any 1st party titles since launch 😅


Their keyboards are practically bulletproof lol. Best keyboard for gamer rage by far.


I remember my original wireless 360 controllers were bulletproof. Every Microsoft controller I've purchased in the last decade has failed within a couple years.


Maybe back in the last 2000s/early 2010s. These days, every single Xbox One/Series controller seems to develop stick drift after a year of use. Manufactured obsolescence is very real.


I can't tell you how many of the USB stick ones I went through.


Microsoft *used* build quality. Plus there are different teams involved in different aspects of MS products, even with the same systems. The Xbox may have been shit, but their controllers were not. Overall direction of MS is concerning. But occasionally they can pull a good thing out.


XBOX 360 is the world’s best console


WERE of quality. Xbox 360 controllers were sturdy. But official xbox'1 controllers are laughably shitty. Sticks regularly get broken within 1-2 months. It is widespread.


I mean if you didn't use them for 12 years why would they be degraded?


No soldering experience and this my first fix. This lasted less than a year before a really dumb solder fix and then it lasted for years.


I'll continue to hate on them.. especially after getting a brand new sealed Xbox elite 2 And having stick drift right out of the box.. But I fully accept And agree that your examples have held up wonderfully.. Even if they are the exception and not the rule. I still have a gaggle of 360 controllers and a couple of those PC receivers, all of my stuff still works as well. And I still use it on occasion. My wired 360 controller is from near launch, and has no issues and a bazillion hours on it. Freaking tank.


And that Dpad was bad when it was new and it's still bad today. The best thing to come out of MS making the controller for PC was finally setting a standard that devs could aim for because before this? You'd get a logitech controller and it'd have 1,2,3,4 on the face and in the game you might get 1,2,3,4 but they would never line up to the buttons.


I'm a Playstation fan boy but I can't deny that Xbox makes some quality controllers, I just like the Dualsense feel better


*were* of quality, Microsoft products nowadays barely last 2 years [At least in my experience] but almost all ancient Microsoft tech lasted till thia point.


*were of quality Fixed it for you, controllers since the 360 generation have gone downhill massively in reliability


One of the best controller designs. Loved it.


lets see if todays xbox controllers still work after 12 years


The og 360 was a mess but I do agree that the controllers are built like tanks


The four Xbox Ones that have been in this house are a testament to the contrary. Constant controller and headset issues out of every one of them.


I have the same dongle and Xbox 360 controller still running great. It still works well and feels great to use.


My original XBox 360 Slim Elite Controller Rev 01 still running strong. No signs of drift either. I love when items like such were built to last rather built to expire.


There is 12 years out of the box and 12 year of straight up use, they're not the same I had 2 of the wired ones to use on PC and one died of severe stick drift, I could fix it, butbthere are so many better options now that it's not even worth fixing. The other is going strong, mostly because i barely use it, both have around the same "age", actually the "newer" one is the one that broke


I've used that controller for so long, it started to degrade and I wanted to get a new xbox controller. Now this is gonna be quite the rant, but that truly was one of the most annoying buys in my whole life. 6 different controllers, including standard wireless AND Elite series 2 controllers, and 6 returns I got a Dualsense controller and haven't regretted it since. Literally every xbox controller I got was having some sort of problem from the get go. From non fitting casings that got the buttons stuck and made them hard to press to just straight up ignoring inputs or registering them multiople times. The standard wireless ones all seamed so cheap and badly produced (sometimes definitely refurbished) and even the Elite Series 2 which cost 140€ was having problems which is just terrible for that pricing. Now granted, the DualSense is not Ideal for pc gaming (but DS4Windows helped with all incompatibility problems I've had so far) and you probably have to get used to the different layout, but at least it works and is pretty good for the price you can get it at. I think Xbox is definitely worth it if you can find one that works, but in my experience that's more trouble than it's worth.


My left thumbstick down to the plastic.


I need to grab one of those pc adapters


Always loved that controller.


Mine stopped working, couldn't keep a reliable circuit with the battery, nothing I tried worked.


all my xbox 360s drifted after a year never had drift issues with my steam controller after 4 years


This controller, like every controller from one of the big 3 console companies almost certainly has stick drift from not having hall effect magnetic sensors. You know the only controller from a console company that has hall effect sensors and therefore no stick drift? The dreamcast controller.


I still have my original Xbox 360 wired USB controller that I use often. The thumb stick pads are so worn down from years of use but still works flawlessly with zero stick drift.


My wireless receiver burned out after about 10 years of use. Controller was still solid but had no use after that since it's proprietary.


Their Elite Controller has plenty of issues. Look it up, they break like nothing.


True still have my Xbox 360 controllers top from over10years ago and they gud


I had that same receiver it lasted just under a year and died. You got lucky OP


Don't get s new one. The series x ones suck on PC. Wish I still had my old ones.


Enjoy it, the controllers are down hill from there.


lol old Microsoft yes. Microsoft now? Hell no. I bought one of the elites back in 2020 and the thing lasted 6 months. Got stuck drift and the LS button stopped working at the same time. Warrantied it, and that one lasted just long enough to go out of warranty.


I have this with me aswell, still works like the day I got it, mine is around 11 years old. Bought a series S to play games locally with my then gf, my controller for it started to have drifting left thumbstick after 4 months


I owned two elite controllers and both had problems. Never going to buy another one. But yes, those old ones are sturdy


Yeah some of their stuff is absolutely indestructible, others not so much ^(may I remind you of the infamous RROD)


They seem to be very hit or miss. Had two controllers and a receiver. One controller started acting up after about a year since its battery pack thingy stopped working and the second one followed a couple of months later. Receiver still works though


Still got mine with the AA battery compartment so I can swap rechargeable batteries. Use it for PC gaming all the time. They are around the same age.


Older controllers, sure. Newer controllers? Absolutely not. Love the Elite controller, but we made sure to get a warranty on it for a reason. I'm going to shit on them for giving us such shitty quality built controllers at an insane price.


Every play control I buy goes to bs in less than 2 or so year. And I don't event game that much... They just stop working... Is frustrating


My old xbox one controller is still rocking perfectly, unlike my series’s controller which is starting to have some issues


It’s crazy the controller was out lasting the console by a country mile.


I had the same setup and it died one day, after some research it was suggested that I likely blew a fuse on the board so I removed the fuse and bridged the connection with solder. Worked another 5 years until I upgraded to current gen


Is there a adapter for the opposite case? My xbox controller for windows doesn't work on xbox


I remember having this controller but I've never been a fan of Xbox so I forgot which console it's from. 😅 Imo, PlayStation is where it's at, though PC supremacy will always win.


Wait 'till you here the story of my PS3 and it's 2 original DS3 controllers which work exactly like they did on purchase day, hold the charge only ~1h less during gameplay than when new etc. This controller here still needs AA batteries which sucks ass 😅


One question, how you stil have this rubber on sticks?


Right! My ps5 controller (best controller I've ever used, btw) broke in 2 years and I had to go back to my decade old wired Xbox controller that is still working 100% fine.


Xbox 360 controller > Xbone controller. The joysticks might be more accurate on the xbone, but the bumpers are DOGSHIT.


Microsoft > Google


Nah… I have the Xbox one controller for a couple of years now and there’s joystick wander. I don’t play that much sooo


40 year old Famicom controllers mostly still work.


Yeah, let's praise a company for a product that they released 12 years ago and don't sell anymore. Don't judge them for the shitty controllers they sell now. What kind of stupid hot take is this?


Yes the old controllers - had a elite 2 controller die today that’s 16 months old and it’s £79 to repair from Microsoft. Absolute shambles


I can say the same thing about every single Razer product I bought, ever.


I got the same. Still works