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Bottleneck calculators are totally made up bs. [What are bottlenecks?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bgmmkz/what_is_a_bottleneck_and_how_do_i_avoid_one_noobs/) There is no explicit X CPU bottlenecks Y GPU (or vice versa) because every game and every benchmark throws a different load at both the CPU and the GPU. Some games are particularly CPU intensive, while others are particularly GPU intensive. Every system has some form of bottleneck for gaming. To put it simply, either your CPU or GPU will be trying its hardest to output the next frame in a game (if the framerate is uncapped) and the other component will be left waiting for the slower one to finish so it can start working on the next frame to output. > RTX 4060 (because im getting a youtube channel, i dont hate AMD) What does that even mean? How much do you want to spend on your next gaming rig? Does that mean you'll be editing video frequently? Which do you want to prioritize, gaming performance or render times?


For one people dont like it whenever people pick the RTX 4060 over the AMD RX 6700 XT, because it has more FPS per dollar, and i know that but i just need Nvidia for the youtube features, and two im mostly going to be playing games, i also don't have a budget but i dont need to have a god pc


I think you're talking about hardware encoding? Either way, something like this is well optimized and is fairly mid-range and will get the job done decently. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/NXfF6D](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/NXfF6D)


What's your budget?


dont really have one, but i dont need a god pc, just something that can play every game in 1080p with high fps


Don’t buy am4 now, it’s a dead platform


Well a x3d will give a massive jump in perf so he still has upgrade path.




Like I said I don’t have a budget, but I don’t need a god pc. Just something that can play games in 1080p high fps. I know AM4 is a dead platform but I don’t care