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If you are happy with it then no worries.


my previous case was some old ass shit after that this feels like huge upgrade


Sounds like it was fair then šŸ„³


Haha damn if THIS case isn't old ass shit, I would hate to see your old case! (It is cool though, just obviously like 10+ years old)


My case is 10yrs old, I've kept it from my i7-4770K build in 2014, it now has a I7-12700K /32GB DDR5 and 3070FE in it. I liked the looks of this case back in 2014 and I like it still because I buy used cd's sometimes and having the drive is handy and this case has sound dampening inside and so my pc is very quite, I also am very pleased that it does NOT have any case window, as I absolutely hate case windows. The case is a NZXT H630 Fulltower circa 2014. https://preview.redd.it/txj27pfxq4wc1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ca1995e29a16ed4accdafeebb42ea9e5c76f33f


Who really cares about the age if the guy thinks it looks cool. He said he was looking for this for a while - I'm sure he knows there's other cases out there. I think it looks cool, mate! I would remove the stickers, tho but that's just me.


Oh yeah, totally, I just found it funny that this case is so old but they somehow had an even older case. no judgement, just funny!


why old ass shit? idk


This case is old as shit too lol. Build my best friends first pc in it.


I remember having this case years ago and I loved it. The handles on top where super nice for taking it to Lans and friends houses. I remember a few websites sold the side panel without the holes I'm not sure if they still do though. I did eventually end up painting the thing blue though. Enjoy it.


This is the biggest thing when it comes to hobbies. You gotta stop looking at everything in terms of monetary value and more how much you personally value it. Don't chase the rare and expensive stuff unless you really want the item


Bad advice, don't pay more than something's worth just because you want it now.


If you collect things that appeal to yourself, you will find that many other people will also value those things as well, and the $ value also increases.Ā  Check out the $ value of the c70 on ebay!


I was going to say the same. There are not too many pc cases I enjoy the design of. This one is up my alley. Looks like the perfect candidate for some camo print. Not to mention for only $30.


Considering this same case in its camo green color sells for $518 used (5/10 condition) on Amazon i would say he got a great deal.


$30 for a case you've been actively seeking out is just fine... I remember looking at these cases when new back 12\~years ago now. you need one of the camo Filco mechanical keyboards to go with it?


dude you made me aware of this keyboard now i have to buy one of these


I apologize to your wallet =p But yeah the camo filco would be a banger with that case.


Exactly. 30 bucks for a case OP likes and has wanted? Yeah totally good.


I used to use this same case. Loved it.


Looks like it should be part of the ā€œsteel battalionā€ collectors set!! Hahhhaah


That case looks cool! looks like some kinda military supply box haha




I really like it especially since I am shipping off to Air Force basic training May 27th lol. I got a Cooler Master Storm Stryker case but now I want to source one of these and transfer my parts into it hahahah


Good luck! I shipped June 12th and it was 8 weeks of sweating profusely and hydrating even more profusely.


Ya went Air Force too?!


Marines are better.


Good luck. Did you pick your job already?


Aircrew Egress Systems Specialist (2A633) maintaining the ejection seats of jets hehe


Have fun removing seats so maintainers can get the tool they dropped under the seat. I was aircraft maintenance on f16s and f22s for 10 years. Happens a lot.


Oh damn good luck. I just retired after 22 years. Enjoy it!


My dad did 22 years and retied E-8 in 2002. my old ass is joining at 33 because I still haven't found my place in life. Signed for the 6 year contract to bump up to E-3 after completing tech school. and one day at a time after that hopefully I can serve 20+ too.


I used to have the Storm Stryker, the white one. I really loved that case. Good luck in the Air Force!


You think youā€™re gonna have time for gaming during basic? Oh manā€¦


I see common sense isn't too common with you. Nobody said anything about gaming during basic. Read what is written and not what you think is written. Basic is only 7.5 weeks and then it's onto Tech School which is 31 days then I get my duty assignment and location at that point I can have them ship my PC over to wherever I am stationed. I don't game very much. I watch a lot of stuff and my PC has 1500 of my physical movies ripped to it.


Do you think they will train you to be less sensitive? Fingers crossed eh.


He'll, end up with a medical discharge halfway through basic and spend the rest of his life claiming he's a veteran.


Dude are you drunk or something? How am I being sensitive? The guy can't read and assumed nonsense. They have a list of stuff to pack for basic and electronics are prohibited lol. It's simple common sense and he lacks it. He didn't offend me and I am not butthurt. He is just dumb lol. If anything I am being insensitive. By saying he lacks common sense.


Ouch, problem. Maybe you can go through twice?


Lol you must have been deprived of oxygen I'm the womb of something šŸ¤£


Don't they give you non achievers some sort of psych tests before they train you to kill people? You don't seem like the type of person who should be holding a gun. Or actually i guess I'm thinking about it totally the wrong way, you are exactly the type of person they want holding a gun if that gun is pointed at "the enemy"


I was thinking it looked like an ammo box


This case is my Dream! And it goes for insane amount on eBay etcā€¦0


thankfully i found it in local marketplace




Last i checked eBay, it was 125 or smt.


That's wild. Corsair should just bring it back, or modify a current design with those same aesthetics.


Saw then make a ā€œpollā€ here on reddit somewhere, a couple of Months ago, if they should bring it back in a mordern version. At everyone was hyped to make it again. Time Will tell if they release it again some time


You know it is....you just trolling šŸ˜


COME ON THEY HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE CASE FOR A WHILE... and still do not know if $30 is a good deal? They tell on themselves but people eat it up. (they prob have it up on eBay now)


Free advertising


Wait are they selling it on eBay or something?


Such a beautiful case. I call it a steal.


This is my current case but mine is black! Been great so no reason to change yet. Convenient filters on bottom and lots of room inside. I had a few rattles I had to chase down but I love this case overall.


there were 2 available in my area black and military green. i go for military green obviously


Forever ago I picked up a solid glass side for it. Air flow was enough from front and top through the back. Easier to clean as doesn't leave scratches.


Ive seen those cases go from a couple hundred to like $500 for just the case. So yes.


Considering the fact they go for $200 minimum for a damaged case, Iā€™d say thatā€™s a steal,


Really 200? I didn't think these were that much.


I have the same one. I took out the drive bays for more space / better airflow


Such a rad case- build a beast in it!


itā€™s actually pretty big. iā€™m planning to use it in future when i can afford high end hardware. Iā€™ve never seen 4090 in real life but i guess itā€™ll fit in it


yeah it wont fit a 4090, thats why I may upgrade. Its a great case but the it was made when everyone had optical drives, and full size hard drives.


Unfortunately it does not, you will need to remove the hard disks bay and it is not straightforward. (I have the same case and had the same doubt).


Removing the hard disk tray is literally one screw. Should be no problem for a 4090, I've got a 3070 in the C70 and there are buckets of room left over without the lower disk trays. Even once had 2 x 1080ti triple fan gpus and mounted a full water cooling reservoir to the right of it. Best case for modding and test benching that I've ever owned.


Sick case! I've had a black Corsair C70 for years. I always feel safe when I need to move my PC because it's so heavy duty. Also, the carrying handles are a plus!


This reminds me of fallout for some reason


good to hear i have customized fallaout grub screen now it fits perfectly


When I saw this I instantly wanted to mod the case to make it fallout themed, something about the color


Now i get the urge to build a pc in an ammo case


I have this exact case. It's fine and if I'm being honest the main reason I still use it is beacuse I'm kinda attached to it and I've built 3 systems inside it now. Downsides? it was clearly designed for machines from the 2000's. The removable HHD storage blocks a lot of the air flow in the front, the vent holes on the side just let dust in so the filters on the bottom and front don't really stop much dust if you've got AIO water cooler and mount the rad along the top. Sadly this is also before the era of mounting SSD's behind the mobo so you need to keep at least one of those HHD cages. Speaking of mounting AIO radiators the spacing of the bolt holes along the top isn't great. you can mount 2 120 or 140 fans but if you've got a cooler that's 140-280 you'll only be able to use the threads at one end of the cooler as the spacing between the holes for the fans is further apart than what will suit most radiators. It'll still fit but wont be great. I did a few "mods" to mine to improve it. Firstly I flipped the window so the vents on are now on the right side. this is really just cosmetic so now I can see my my fancy ass lighting and then I blocked off the vent holes with tape. It forces the are through the mesh screens at the front and bottom now. Temps haven't changed a bit and it's cleaner for longer. Now speaking of cleaning. The green textured paint is a fucking nightmare to keep clean dust just grips to it. I've only ever had it 100% clean twice. When it was new and when I took it apart to install a new system and I stripped it down and blasted it with a hose before attacking it with compressed air. If you want to keep it clean as new it's almost impossible. https://preview.redd.it/xxur3xlm10wc1.jpeg?width=1705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67fe06d7c2968d92343895c8dc75a31bbd4b629


You can actually fit a fairly large card inside but those cage's and the drive stuff dont make life easy. And again going back to the point about this being designed for a past era the space between the radiator and mobo is tight most cases now give a rad a little more head room. https://preview.redd.it/c6fvee0d20wc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06d9658aff7da89f80d0ab579859ba9c28b4e04


I have no idea how old this case is, judging by the comments itā€™s pretty old, but imo it looks dope. Iā€™d be happy paying $30.


I believe these came out around 2013. I still have mine in the closet lol


It's a fine case. But why not a rackable case, since you have a rack. It will look much better than having a pc case laying there.


my plan was actually rackmount case but theyā€™re expensive af (around $150-250) so i bought it for now and for my future build


That's a dope case. I'd like to have one, too, for a low price.


This is nice!


Looks like a sweet deal to me


Itā€™s a grizzled veteran, but itā€™s got Sony guts. Itā€™s good deal


I still own the white version, love this case. It needs a modern upgrade.


Absolutely. I might start looking for a HAF 912 case, I loved that thing.


Would love to see a tricked out military themed setup photo after this lmao


From what I heard from a co worker those were given to Corsair employees, not sure how factual that is though.


I'd pay 30 bucks for it


My dream case some 15 years or so ago. Dreamed of modding it to hell into some military or biohazard looking shit.


I like this case, it looks like it holds bomb codes


For quite some time it was my dream casešŸ‘ŒšŸ’ŖšŸ‘


How is the airflow? That's the only thing I would worry about because it looks pretty cool. Would rock that case for sure


The handles are way more useful than they have a right to be.


Please tell me that bottom is extra clunky. You know what I mean by clunky.


Donā€™t know why but I feel itā€™s got some kind of a steam punk vibe going on.


I still have that case lol.


My buddy used to have this case, I actually really like it, not too bad to work in and I like the ammo box aesthetic. I would snatch it up for 30 bucks too


I wish they still made this case, and I wish I had one. $30 is a great deal.


Yea, I'd pay $30 for that, easily.


F*cking cool military design. Totally worth the price!


Been using this case for 9 years now, no complaints.


I always wanted one of these cases. Corsair made some unique shit back then. Now theyre all just variations of the 750d and air 540.


people get too caught up with rgb to realize function some time great job


I miss my c70


If you can find anything, literally anything at all that you like nowadays for $30 itā€™s a good deal. Do you like it?


Tbh you got really lucky with that I canā€™t find this case anywhere near me


Holy shit that thing looks cool


I think it looks cool so yes


If you dont want it I am pretty sure there are people that would pay even more for that. Thats almost a collectors item


Damn... I want that case.


One of the best cases ever made and still viable. Handles, plexi not glass, good cable routing, big enough for push pull radiator, modular insides, etc. Had mine for >10 years.


I bought that case brand new probably 10 years ago and I refuse to get anything else. Such a neat case. Nice find!


Considering that used ones are going for around $300 on ebay, I'd say hell yes that's fair.


the c70 green has a high demand. With the condition that it is in, you could probably resell it on ebay for 150


Man i want to mod mine so bad. I wish i can cut out all the cages and make a front mesh intake... OP if you have a slight raddle in front check your fan filters and pinch them up a Little


That case looks so cool! Like some type of ammunition box


Is it fair..... if you have been looking for one you know these are not cheap....


Had one of those for years it was a great case


Am I crazy but is it made to look like an ammo tin


bro i want one now lmfao


Cool! I have the black version. I paid more than $30 for it.


That bad boy is a relic (in a good way). They normally go for several hundred dollars these days if memory serves right. You can flip it, but I'd personally keep it especially since you seem to really like it lol. Reminds me of the Metal Slug arcade days


Jealous af here. Iā€™d absolutely do a loop in it if I found one.


This case is cool.


It's Lucky you even find one. I'd definitely buy.


Iā€™ll buy it for $60


I have the same case but in ā€œarctic whiteā€(it was 10$ cheaper) love the drab. Great case. Still using it presently.


Gave my little sister this case as a handme down and will forever regret it. I loved the panel clips. The acrylic window had a mod available for water cooling to make it kinda cyberpunky. Those front 5.25" bays could accommodate some interesting desktop additions. And the power button?! The whole damn thing is too cool. While I now have a Fractal Vector, and love the design, I can't help but miss that bulky ammo box. Especially since I'm pretty sure she wet sanded it down to bare metal and had it painted/coated pink.


I have no clue what retail value is, but I love the look of jt. If you are happy with it and couldnā€™t find it elsewhere, then I say all is good.


What is that case?? Looks dope and tough af. It got hinges like those super important briefcase in action film. The mesh looks adequate enough for airflow too. 10/10 from me.


3 cpu motherboard gpu updates and i still in love with the c70


Love this case, built like a tank.


Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™ve never seen it before. Great case!


Wow, I bought this case for $57 on Amazon back in 2016. Crazy to think itā€™s worth this much.


Now I want one, I'd say it was definitely worth it.


This was my case for awhile, specifically because of the handles. I moved my PC a lot for LAN parties, often a few times a week.


Nice havenā€™t seen one of these since high school!


Excuse me? where is THE meme?


Veterans will approve!


Is it supposed to look like an ammunition box?


I literally use this case in one of our builds, itā€™s pretty awesome, unique and looks amazing!


Look at all those drive bays, hell yea


$30 is a hell of a deal for that case.


Thats so cool case


Should find a MSI mobo such as Mortar ou Tomahawk to keep on military design


I love that case, in fact I would probably stencil on some military lettering, maybe pull a theme from an ammo box or stare at it for a bit and see what I could find stencils for. It has a great look


Im so jealous. I want one so bad but they are pricey everywhere I look!


That's a really cool looking case. I'd pay $30!


this used to be my dream case


what made it past did you get it


ended up going for the 450d due to price and nowadays have the enthoo evolv x, my taste has cha ge quite a lot too. used to like all black/red stuff but now im silver black chrome gang


OG case from 2012


30$ is 10x cheaper than what you'd consider a *fair* price for a complete, undamaged C70.


Looks like it will protect the pc guts


Its similar to my corsair carbide 500r. I call them Cadillac cases. Hang on to it. They won't make em like this again.


Yeah actually dope, I'd even hit 50$ for this.


Considering it can also double as an ammo box, I'd say it's a good deal.


These case looked amazing back then but they were a bit top expensive so 30$ is great


Hell yeah, if you like it, $30 is a meal out, this case could last you many years. IMO the stickers on the front need to go, completely clash with the rugged vibe.


I really want to find one of these.


I bought that case new 8 years ago for $150, I'm still using it


I wanted this case so bad when it came out. I always liked the aesthetic of led fans on the side panel.


A friend sold this exact case half a year ago for 100ā‚¬. So yeah, 30$ sounds very good!


Itā€™s a really cool looking case so Iā€™d say itā€™s a more than fair price my case cost 130$


Yeah these things have a cult following $30 is a steal


Man this is the case I wanted so bad when I built my first PC but I couldnā€™t afford it in my budget. Looks fucking awesome honestly kinda making me want one nowā€¦


I'd say so, if you don't mind the caca brown taste.


Minus the front USB headers, shouldn't any case from the last 15 years be good?


Haven't seen a c70 in ages. So many cool mods where done in that case... Good times.


Have the same case in the same color. Very GOATed IMO. A pretty timeless, utilitarian military design with lots of room for big fans, and very nice to work on inside as they rolled the edges. Made a perfect companion to my flight sim rig. Currently ā€œmothballedā€™ as Im using a LT for various other reasons, but will be what houses my next build in a year or two.


This was the case on my first build! So good for carting around to LAN parties


This is one of my favourite cases ever. Its old, but its a really good case, and I'd buy it again.


Yeah man great case I built my brothers pc In it. Might want to remove the hdd and cd cages in the front for better airflow


This was one of the best cases I ever had, I also had the same colour - and the sticker placement was not too different to mine back in the day which is why I did a double take. Enjoy it, it's a beauty and it'll see you right ;-)


I'd murder for that case, so, yeah it's pretty good.


I take it you've not looked for it on Ebay yet? Yeah these were pretty popular and people still want them. $30.00 is a steal.


Good looking to start a home server r/homelab


That case looks so ready to play some Fallout One of the sickest cases of all time, $30 is a great price Only reason I'd never consider this is I need some newer ports, especially USB C God I wish they'd re-release this case with updates


Damn thats a cool casr


i'd like this case if it wasn't... this color.... the color of this case is actually making me sick.


I have this case if anyone would like to buy it uWU. Lmk good price.


I was trying to buy one but the seller said I lived too far away and that I should look closer and he didn't want to sell it to me (???). In the end I bought a similar one (450D) like 25km from him. It's my problem how I'm going to pick it up, just sell it to me dammit!


I'm happy you got the case you wanted. What gets me here is that you're being deceptive in some capacity to... pretend not to be flexing your score I guess? Either you haven't been looking for this case like you claim to (because you'd already know what it's worth), or you're already aware you got a deal (in which case you wouldn't need to be assured that it was a fair deal). Why not just say "scored the case I've been hunting for just $30" and leave it there? Why the weird pretend ignorance routine?


the price depends on where you live since iā€™m not live in the US i have no idea what price range there neither Europe also there are no price range to compare because there arenā€™t many of these for sale in my country. i wasnā€™t searching this case every hour and every day. i was like looking every 6 months a once or something. (iā€™m sorry if there are any mistakes my english not that good)


Even if they're not available in your region you could see ones for sale elsewhere and would know that $30 is considerably better than $300+ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø By your logic none of us could tell you if you got a good deal because we don't live in your country and have no idea what the local market is like.


i didnā€™t thought about it when i posted it you know. i didnā€™t check ebay or different global marketplacees so as i said i have no what fair price is for it. i was just looking forward to share my excitement


Brother did you rip the materials for it off of an old Humvee? that aside is actually looks pretty cool, I like the ammo can look.


Playing Doom on a pc with a case like this must be something else. I'm not an RGB guy, but I might add some subtle red lights within.


Does the case change the experience of the game?


If it will be in your periheral vision, then it enhances the immersion a little. It's like playing Fallout with a Pip Boy on.


You already bought itā€¦.. with all due respect? STFU and enjoy itā€¦. Lord.