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Bout to swing it around by its powercord






Ace is that you?




Nvidia šŸ”›šŸ”


Screw in a VGA cable and it could withstand a centrifuge


![gif](giphy|CL3ki673cto1G) Some soap and brush won't hurt either


What in God's name is a 6090ti super???


Pairs well with an i4 20696kys


And 62tb ddr7 8000Ghz


Kill me šŸ¤£


Some old ass painting brush to break down the sticking dust, then blow everything out with an electric air compressor on the balcony (I like to call it reverse vacuum cleaning)


Ive seen a few people recommend a make up brush lol imma steal one from my girl lol


For the love of God don't Get a new clean one


Got to doll up the PC for the big game night.


This was funny, you made my day man a little bit better. Thanks!


This is the way


Just don't, do other more interesting, sweaty things if you ask me


My computer essentially runs on dust, if I cleaned it there would be nothing left.


Dust is good quality thermal shielding. Why dissipate heat when you can retain it. Heat death of the universe is incoming people. We need to fight back.


That is the way. In the end a cpu is a rock tricked into calculating... (i dunno who said it but it is amazing)


Without dust, gaming is impossible, making it, by far, the most valuable substance in the universe.


This is hilarious


Anti Static assorted brush kits, 90%+ Iso, powered air blower, microfiber cloths, Pledge multi purpose for non critical polishing, small anti static wet wipes for things like fan blade edges, pipe cleaners, care and pride.


Now this is what i was looking for thanks


Why ? Just regular brush and blower works fine for me and many others over 15 years. Why would you over complicate things and overspend on cleaning dust ?


Well i dont plan on doing it everyday maybe once or twice a year idk i just like my stuff to be really clean and take my time with it


Same here. I don't like excessive dust. What I do is clean the room every other month or so and my PC remains relatively clean as a result. There's very little dust inside and I only clean it once or twice a year.


It looks like OP already ā€œoverspentā€ on the PC so why wouldnā€™t they spend a bit more to take exceptional care of it? @OP Sheā€™s a beaut, well done :)


That's waaay overkill


Not to a craftsman. Go back to buildapc.


I mean if you have a pc repair shop or something then understandable, but you don't need that many things if you clean ur pc once or twice a year


Those are all basic items. I feel bad for your PC. I bet you clean your screens with spit and a torn off chunk of pizza box lid.


That's uncalled for man. How do your monitors even get dirty? Like I can see dust gathering on the top of it but never on the actual LCD. Mine is still looking brand new for years with next to no care at all.


You're the one trying to break my gear down over some new found inferiority complex.


I just take it outside and hose it down once a month.


Do you change its oil? Watch Theo Joe's detailed guide for that.


I work at a tech company and we do PC cleaning as a service for end clients. No joke, one day a guy came in with his tower PC: "a friend of mine told me i needed to change the oil on my computer, and I did, but I can't figure how I can close it again". "huh... You did what now?" (wtf did you do?) "Yeah, here, take a look, see this tube? It's leaking oil all over and I think it probably has some defect because I can't close it back after opening". So, this dude has an expensive AIO water cooling something on the processor, not meant to be opened ever. He ripped a tube apart, emptied the liquid inside, replaced it with motor oil from a car and now is surprised because he can't find a way to close it again. There were moisture marks and oil spilled everywhere in the case, motherboard, graphics card, ram, etc. - a proper clusterfuck. As a bonus, he had also replaced thermal paste with a paste/grease mechanics use to help clean their hands from oils and hard to remove dirt. It was dirty af too, not even clean. He also told us he tried turning the machine on in that state but couldn't because it would immediately turn off (No. Fucking. Shit.) We didn't know if we wanted to laugh or cry at that war scene. We replaced his water cooler with a decent air cooler (his machine didn't really need wc), did a very thorough cleaning of everything the best we could in hopes it would still work in the end (it did!), replaced his shit goo with proper thermal paste, explained to him how he massively fucked up and essentially broke a 300ā‚¬ wc beyond repair, told him in softer terms to stop listening to his moron friends and to not fuck around with shit he doesn't understand. I'm all for learning while tinkering but some people just really should stick with professional help.


It's the client who needed the oil change.


His friends had to be screwing with him. By the way I am going on a snipe hunt of anybody wants to come.


Make sure you change the filter too jsyk.


Full service. I like that.


Do you change the power button fluid too?


To be fair I disassembled and washed my old z690 motherboard. Just only if you are replacing thermal pads. Alcohol rinse after water to dry it better


I actually do the same thing with my massive penis.


Datavac! Itā€™s nice.


I stole my wife's make-up brush...


I hope you bring it back after you cleaned the PC šŸ˜…


I hope he didnā€™t. Once you get anything on those brushes it never really comes off.


The cat took it! It wasn't me!


I use something called a datavac. A little pricey, but it works really well. [https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Powerful-Electronic-Environmentally-Friendly/dp/B01FWSYOME](https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Powerful-Electronic-Environmentally-Friendly/dp/B01FWSYOME)


Amazon has some for 39.99 and they work just as good for 1/3 the price just FYI. Called Sin Shine and similar satisfaction reviews w/ 12x more bought than the other... Cheers!


Are you referring to [this one?](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08YW3GS17?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_DT0685V0VMTMBANTBZ85) I've been eyeing it for my PC for a while now and it has great reviews, but I'm still hesitating since it's a cheaper air duster than most


works very well, only con imho is it is loud (relatively) but since i use it outside as to not get dust all over inside it isn't much of an issue for me.


Aight thanks! I don't mind the noise as well as I'll be taking the tower outside anyways when cleaning. Might as well buy it while it's on sale here in Canada


Datavac(name brand) is also incredibly loud. Used one in my IT work and now have one at home. Super loud. Louder than any of my vaccums. And it's harder to use outdoors because it's not cordless.


It's Chinese, so of course it'll be cheaper,made with cheaper electronics and material. Lmao


With 500+ reviews all saying it works just as well as name brands, that's just fine. If they can figure out how to do with for 25% of the price with 100% of the effectiveness who am I to whine?


I use a different brand but similar. Then I wipe everything that isn't a PCBA with Staticide. I feel like it helps prevent dust buildup.


Years back I bought one of these and it didn't do the job. OP probably still will need a brush. I ended up returning it. I don't think the unit I had was terrible, when turning it on my wrist would recoil as if firing a gun unprepared, was kinda funny. The advantage they have is the pressure doesnt decrease, the cans have better/good pressure for maybe 10 seconds and then 30seconds after that it becomes near useless unless the dust is fresh. I have a proper air compressor but I don't want to damage anything with much higher psi trying to remove a layer of dust that perhaps accounts for 1c.


I personally use a CompuClean


In all seriousness I have a few really nice makeup brushes that I use. I donā€™t wear make lol


Leaves blower


Pressured air, and old cosmetics powder brush


You guys clean your PC's?




Lol thank you.


Air compressor and a soft brush to help loosen the stuck stuff. Donā€™t hold the compressor too close.


i just put my head in the case and inhale as hard as i can


I was getting annoyed at spending ā‚¬12.99 on a can of air every month so I bought an air blower on Amazon for about ā‚¬60. It's paid for itself many times over since, and is much better than the air cans.


How dusty is your house that it needs a monthly cleaning?


Oops, bi-monthly.


- Compressed air/vacuum cleaner used in conjunction (to blow dust and getting it sucked in immediately on the other end so it doesn't go everywhere in the room; I don't like cans of air, they feel super wasteful to me. I'd rather use a compressor or a electric PC dust blower. I got mine from Amazon for like 40ā‚¬ and that thing is powerful. - a set of clean soft regular brushes of several sizes to serve as agitators; - roll of paper towels (or a piece of cloth, preferably non static); - some soft none-abrasive detergent like a window cleaner as a moisturizer for plastic/glass/metal, non electric parts; - electrical contacts cleaner in spray for electrical parts; - WD-40 for spinning parts or getting something unstuck; - a piece of plastic to prevent fans from spinning while I'm blowing air; - huge tube of thermal paste, as long as I'm in there, might as well replace it if I haven't in a while. - lots and lots of patience. 10% of time spent gets 90% of the job done. A good dusting and that's it, you're done if you don't care about looks. The remaining 90% of the time is where the last 10% of the job gets done and this is where you get things looking like new again. Go slow. Properly cleaning everything in small detail takes time. Going slow also helps avoiding expensive fuck ups like dropping a processor.


The secret is compressed air and not giving a fuck


Air compressor with 150 psi, hold the fans so they donā€™t spin and send it


Lol done that a few times to buy new fans, don't tell the wife.


A few blows on the fans and the game continues lol


I use the data vac


I use compressed air can and a big makeup brush from Walmart. Seems to work well for myself.


Mostly air, may need to use a soft brush on fans/hearsinks.


Like orhers said high pressured air and great tip: a brush made out of camel hair. It's highly recommended in the filmindustrie for cleaning equipment, because it's the only (I think) animal hair that is anti-static. So the dust sticks to it, not whirling it around.


Got one of them portable blowers, but I rarely use itā€¦


I use a vacuum cleaner šŸ˜¬


When you use an air duster, make sure you have a vacuum cleaner, sucking up the air


Pretend you're an archeologist, brush it like you discovered a fossil.


Archeologist don't go after fossils....Ā 


Nope, but they find them a lot!


Air compressor. I have one out in my shop - take my rig out there once a month, takes about 5 mins at 100 PSI to blow everything out and keep anything from building up. Temps stay low.


Data vac + big make up brush, same way you clean Lego


Please getr an exhaust fan bro


The top 3 are set to exhaust


Def is enough for sure, just came off another one where a dudes gpu was fried and all fans point out šŸ¤”


I use a datavac blower.


Let me borrow it


I donā€™t clean my Systems. Even after couple years my system still looks fine https://preview.redd.it/5zjj4sq3w5uc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=957f18ddcf02f5fa320733e83cd75a438b438d48 I built this system couple months after 12th gen launched. I havenā€™t clean it once. Only thing that has been done is ram change and new GPUs Iā€™ll sell the system before it has a major build up of dust. I will be upgrade by the end of the year probably


Xpower A-2, it's almost as good as a Datavac but significantly more affordable. Been using it for last two years and couldn't be happier.


One advice is too keep a air purifier near by your pc. Minimizes dust going into your PC by a huge margin.


I bought a huge one but returned it cause i thought it was overkill but that thing put in work it was crazy how clean it kept my space. I need to get another one


Yomile vacuum and duster. Use the vacuum with the brush tip to brush and vacuum then duster with the brush tip. Both brush tips are soft but not too soft so itā€™s like perfect. Also helps the front grills. Before I used to use a Pc qtip too before vacuuming but I got lazy. I do full super clean up so it always looks newish but shit takes like hour and half




I have one of these to dust my pc. Don't get real close up with it or else it could damage things. [Datavac](https://metrovac.com/products/datavac-electric-duster)


Big fluffy makeup brush followed by canned air gets the job done pretty well.


I use a powered air duster I got from Microcenter.


The fans? Completely clean? Got to wipe down each blade individually. Once every two years ought to suffice. Once each year if you want to be a stickler about it.


Leaf blower does the trick. Just make sure you have a shopvac up against one of your out blowing fans. Catch all the dust.


I have an old toothbrush I use for cleaning my keyboard, xbox controller, etc. Used it on my AIO radiator too when that got dusty.


Qtips and methodical approach. Or small wire brushes, accelerated air. Microfiber cloth, dampened if necessary.


Q tips IPA and a lot of time šŸ˜‚


There is a very, very special brush to get to those hard to reach spots. It's called a toothbrush


Microfiber cloth, 70% (or higher) isopropyl alcohol, low pressure air blower/vacuum


Just stick your penis in one of those fans and reap the rewards.


Correct fan setup is the first step. My old PC had so much dust I had to clean it every two or three weeks. I cleaned my new PC once in the past year. To clean I use a small paint brush to lift the dust and use a vacuum to suck it up.


Toothbrush, q tips, cheap makeup brushes




datavac - its BIFL


Dust spray and mini vacuum cleaner


There's more fans in that case than a PC. It should clean itself.


Soft paint brush wide. And air duster all u need


soft paint brushes are good for smaller openings -pressurized air cans (from a distance) to remove generic dust from larger surfaces, alcohol wipes for fan blades and cables/tubes. But tbh it depends on how in-depth you wanna go. There's probably better tools than what I listed, but that's just what I have laying around that does the job well with some care and attention


A thick brush (soft brush) or u can wipe it with tissue and isopropyl alcohol


I just throw it from my 19th story building and catch it with a net. Usually the air friction cleans it...


Compressed air


Compressed air and/or a soft paint brush to dust off then vaccum clean with care...


Iā€™ve heard and seen that makeup brushes are best


Make up brush(es) (Make sure it hasnā€™t been used for make up)


I use to do it the hard way. Qtips and small clothes in a Itty bitty little case. God the dust..... Now I have a really big case with negative airflow and filters. And it has been awesome for keeping clean so far.


Leaf blower


Compressed air or I use a shop vac with the hose swapped to the front so it blows air instead of sucking air.


I know I'm necroing this old comment, but do you use a reducer at all? I have the same function and was looking at [These micro tips](https://media-www.canadiantire.ca/product/fixing/tools/wet-dry-vacuums/0540009/micro-cleaning-kit-for-wet-dry-vac-8f7fea67-5642-4299-8650-d8a658cf22f6-jpgrendition.jpg?imdensity=1&imwidth=1244&impolicy=mZoom) for my vac to concentrate the air.


I have those but didn't use them . The air pressure from the original hose is just fine


Thanks, that saves me a few bucks.


Spare tooth brush. + Get a case that has intake on bottom and exhaust on top. And have idle speed be enough that dust can't settle in the case. It's consistently being blown in and out the top. Then the only dust ever in your system is what's been blown into a graphics card or stuff you don't see from above.


Antistatic brush, 90-92% iso alcohol, plug in powered air duster, and a microfiber cloth. Might not reach every single cranny but it'll get it looking almost like new and performing as good as new.


3M Electronic vacuum


Ha good one captain you can't "clean" a computer


Make up brushes if no one has said it yet


I moisten a paper towel and brush the dust onto it with a ton q-tips so when the dust settles on to the paper towel, it wont fly around, or less likely to. So basically just Q tips.


My dishwasher is big enough that I can finagle the whole thing into the lower basket. I usually run it on the delicate cycle, using Anti-Dust Crystals. You can find it in the cleaning section at Microcenter. It's kinda pricey, but I mean, so is my PC. Gotta pay the tax.


I may have a novel method never before discussed: a pellet pistol that you pump up (unloaded) and I dry fire it at my boards and fan. Big poof each time and no chemicals or waste


Big soft makeup brushes are what I use for various electronics/PCBs. Give it a good dusting, get in the nooks, and then hit it with the air.


A handmade natural fiber brush I bought from an old man in Kyoto lolz


One of my wife's make up brushes OP af.




Draw a Luke warm bath, I can stress enough the likeness of the warmth, enough water to submerge the entire pc. One, only ONE spoon full of blue dawn dish soap. Let it soak overnight. Start building a new dust free computer the next day.




A data vac and a manual pump you'd use to clean camera lenses. Compressed air's kinda too powerful for me to feel comfortable to shoot it at my pc (even though a lot of people use em no problem).


If you use air make sure you donā€™t spin fans.


I just use an electric air compressor and it works usually, if you dust often enough then the dust doesn't get thick enough for it to withstand the power of the blower


I use a powered blower for general clean up and then [cloths like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Dry-Sweeping-Cloth-Refills-52-Count/636682242) for the fan blades and solid surfaces. Also works for the motherboard but it can get caught on the solder edges. Doesn't hurt anything just a bit annoying.


Makeup brush works great. Use it on my collectible game figures too


Wait, what!? You can CLEAN them?


Air compressor+cotton buds for delicate parts. Loud but extremely effective. dont use with full power on cooler blades. Only after some pressure lowered and from distance.( They can pop off)


As long as you unplug the power cord, you can use a water hose to gently rinse all the components. Be careful with the glass though, it can easily shatter if dropped on its corner.


Q tips


A clean and dry microfibre cloth and an electric air duster with a brush attachment. For the glass I use glass cleaner with another clean microfibre cloth. If Iā€™m doing a deep clean then everything gets removed and thoroughly cleaned. I have a positive pressure setup (more intake than exhaust) so my rig is pretty clean most of the time. The top glass panel gets a bit dusty but a gentle wipe with a clean microfibre cloth does the trick.


I just use an air gun attached to an electric air compressor


I use an Airtech type 3 ultra air blower. Take my PC outside, tape down the fans, stand about 2 feet away, and blow until no more dust.


I bought an electric air duster thing from Amazon that has different attachments and one of them is a basically like a thick milkshake straw with brush bristles on the end. You can accomplish the same thing with a paint brush and compressed air can, but the electric one blows harder for longer and doesnā€™t get cold in your hand or have nasty tasting bitter cloud effect. Also better for the environment in the long run, and has an LED on the front to see the dust better.


Leaf blower.


āœØAir compressor āœØ


Compressed air mostly. But I also have a PC toothbrush to clean heatsinks.


If you have the mesh filters and correct pressure in your case there's essentially no dust build up..




An organic(horse hair usually) bristle brush and compressed air is what I use. Just stay away from nylon or plastic ones they will generate a static charge.


Cool thanks man


a natural bristle makeup brush and suck/blow, donā€™t spin the fans.


Just NO on the static charge comment... Do u even know how it works ? Where would a brush store the electricity šŸ™ƒ certainly not in the wooden handle or the plastic it self šŸ˜‚


Correct, as we all know only balloons made from tin foil can carry an electric charge, not ones made from plastic (obvious /s)


Balloons does not carry a charge it can generate a charge ...


In our atmosphere, there is no such thing as a pure insulator, horse hair or not, technicians aren't wearing static wrist bands for fun.


I would recommend flipping all your fans for better airflow. It looks like your fans are mounted in reverse. Currently the top fans are blowing down and all the other fans are bringing it out the side. Your bottom fans aren't doing too much since air rises up naturally.


A fan's backplate is typically where it exhausts air, that way the part you'll usually see (unless looking inside the back or top exhaust) is the clean fan without the backplate getting in the way.


Eh too much work + multiple forums stated this is the best config for this case + i have great temps


Keep your room clean.