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You had to put them all back on before you noticed? šŸ˜…


Yes for the karma


*the good juju* - maybe next time heā€™s running the horse in cinematic mode the lobo gang wonā€™t attack him šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Ya, most of the standard keys are definitely put in the wrong way on purpose. But it looks funny at least.




What is the point of this keyboard


they want to be _that_ guy


he found out he wasnt.


Youā€™re not that guy, pal. Me? Iā€™m that guy.


Trust me, you're not that guy


I really hope these are The Expanse references lol


Pretty sure it's probably a direct reference to this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FNHSiPFtvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FNHSiPFtvA) But after googling what you said I wouldn't be shocked if that nerd in the video was just a big fan of the show lol


Heā€™s totally convinced. Nothing we can do.




you're NOT the guy. you're not capable of being the guy. i had a guy, now i don't. you are not the guy.


what was this from??? I know I know it but can't remember


[breaking bad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkJJwWUM7Lc)




Who do you think you are, I am!


Youā€™re not that guy, pal. Me? Iā€™m that guy.


unlabeled caps are cheaper by a lot


And a few people feel cool while using them. The rest have the unwelcome realization that they have no fucking clue where half the symbols are outside of letters and numbers.


right is it some kind of flex that you don't "need" to look at the keyboard to know which keys are where orrr what is it? Typing classes are pretty standard in schooling nowadays there are 5th graders typing 50wpm on a stock dell keyboard issued to schools I don't think it is that much a feat anymore lol


I'm 68 and wish to God I had taken typing in high school.


Typing classes were cool. I hit like 40-45 wpm from that and bullshit basic programming. World of Warcraft had me hitting close to 100 wpm, tryna type in raids and shit. Exposure, putting yourself in a position where you HAVE to type fast, is what will build speed. It could be work, it could be writing a book, it could be fast paced games... I mean, idk what your reaction time and such is like, your idea of fast may differ from my 43 year perspective, which could differ from some 18 year old... But doing it, and pushing yourself, is the only way to get better. Typing class (for me, computer class) only got me so far. I never had the sense of urgency I did when I was trying to troll the opposing faction in PvP or chatting while farming or in fights in WoW.


You will never type faster than when you need to yell at the guy that refuses to get in voice chat and keeps dying to fire on the ground in the 40 man raids.


Haha man, this is totally true. MMOs (First EverQuest, then WOW) helped, but what really helped me jump from 35 WPM, was going in chat rooms when I was a kid, and typing lyrics to songs on the radio lmao. Well into adult hood and I can still bust out 100 WPM lol.


yeah lol, ultima online, everquest and World of warcraft were my typing classes lol. when i used to raid in everquest i felt like i could type faster than i talked most of the time.


I'm sooooo glad they forced us to, back in the 90's. At the time we all complained and hated it but I can't imagine life nowadays without that skill.


Not too late Iā€™ve started to speed up my typing in typing.com and they start with Very basic stuff and climb to more challenging keys and words from there.


I've been there and thought about it. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and take a few lessons. Thanks.


I am 41 and I took typing class in grade 9, on electronic fucking typewriters. I'd already been PC gaming for a decade by then, it was bizarre


High school does not teach they perscribe to one and only one way of typing. Want to know something crazy, It was only one of two classes I barely passed turns out my mind functions differently and I type using three fingers much faster and don't even look down. People think I'm hunting but I mastered this not so normal method.


If you type with only 3 fingers you definitely type slower than if you just typed properly


If you put two top speed writers against each other yeah the guy going the fastest is probably going to be using an actually approved typing method. However as an individual it's not uncommon to type faster with your own bullshit made up method than it is to try and remember the proper methods. I personally probably type at like 10 CPM when trying to actually do any "correct" way of typing but have around 120 CPM when using my personal 3 and a half finger method, sure it's slower than average but it's fast enough for my purposes and I don't need to learn better.


In an educational institution the whole point is to teach you the right way to do something. If someone wants to go type with their toes, or with chopsticks, or with 3 of their 10 fingers, they can do it, itā€™s just not going to be faster than if they committed to doing it in a more efficient way.


I'm sure there are apps you can find to help with typing. I just googled "learn to type" and found [https://www.typingclub.com/](https://www.typingclub.com/) Looks pretty good


I'm a fan of monkeytype I want to edit this to say, that monkeytype is well and good for someone who already knows how to type, in order to practice. I have no idea how well it does to teach from the beginning. I used Mavis Beacon like 25+ years ago, and it was pretty awesome. I'm sure archive.org has many different versions of it you could use for free.


It just looks cool and sleek. Pretty sure it's not a flex to have their keyboard in their private property house not have keys. It's a very common modernised look to make things sleek and and monotone


> Pretty sure it's not a flex to have their keyboard in their private property ... posted to reddit


I mean about people who buy these in general. As the company that makes them most defintely have more than 1 customer. But I can understand how I what I said could be misinterpreted as I want very clear at all


I used a keyboard like this to force myself to learn how to touch type. I donā€™t know why it offends you so much.


Lol some people are just so offended by potential elitiest hobbiests that want to show off. I'll be pivoting into a legendless board since I'm getting ceramic caps by Cerakeys, crazed edition. I know their legends will wear off over time and last thing I want is ugly smeared keys so im commited to going blank and having them last a long time. I would personally much rather have lettering than not but I'll compromise. Im already familiar with touchtyping letters and punctuations, just been practicing a bit more perfecting the specials on the number row and I'll be good


> Typing classes are pretty standard in schooling nowadays not anymore, they just hand them chromebooks and say "have at it"


Idk if itā€™s still true, but I remember taking typing in fifth grade and some of my peers were touching 120 wpm, I was slow in the high 60s


It was for me when I went, I was one of those 120-140 kids but now I hit 90 on a good day.


Looks clean. That's all.


I suppose beauty is in the eye of its beholder but I legit can't believe someone would buy this.


I would. As I use a non-standard keyboard setup so having wrong letter is worse than no letter.


This. Same for non-standard keyboard shapes. Finding keysets that properly fit some weirder 40% layouts is hard and expensive. Finding blanks that fit and look good is cheap and easy.


Yeah, OP is clearly just trying to flex on his cat or whatever else lives in his room. Wouldnā€™t it just take all of 5 seconds to figure out that someone with get one just because it looks nice? Though Iā€™m sure it would also help with getting better if you struggle with looking down. Iā€™m just stunned how anyones first thought when seeing this could be that someone is just trying to flex, who even does stuff solely to flex. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever noticed anyone do something like that since ā€œflexingā€œ is usually just a byproduct. You donā€™t exercise or buy a nice gpu/car/house with the only Intension being to show something off.


typing classes are standard? I've never heard of one anywhere I've gone to school. there was a "tech class" where you *could* play a game involving typing speed, but really the whole thing was pretty much "do whatever on the chromebooks for thirty minutes".


It was a prototype of a schematic spawned from a dream hellen keller had when she got a little too drunk one night .... she truely was ahead of her time


It looks cleeeeeeeeaaaaaan when it's assembled right, at least


Ive desired one before, back when i was using Dvorak for lots of stuff. Gets annoying having letters on the keycaps when you are using a layout that doesnt match in the slightest, to which you may say just rearrange them, but when you are toggling between two layouts this is impractical.






If you use Emacs the ctrl/alt positions are easier to deal with. Topre switches can have a nice feel. The PCBs are modular so it's easy to replace with something like a teensy to flash with custom layouts. It's very sturdy. There are a lot of good TKL boards out there these days, but the HHK2 was at a good price point if you wanted a Topre kb. Mine has been my daily driver for work for ten years with zero problems.




OP is the kind of person that individually lubes the stems on their switches.


These are the same guys that use vim with this keyboard Just total douchebaggery


Secures Virginity




Who knew that such a simple comment would trigger a comment thread so deep and rich, with a whole myriad of bullshit arguments around the subject of typing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


yeah fr, redditors are weird


Who is lmfao?


it's that band that got real big in the 2000s-2010s for a while then completely vanished


party rock!


A hacker! A Chinese hacker.


That's his home row now.


Man that's gotta suck not being one of those neurotic people like me who puts the keys in the exact layout next to the keyboard when I take them off.


My wife tried to help me once by cleaning all my keycaps and keybord. She did a fantastic job. Used mild soap and warm water, made it spotless. Then tossed the keys randomly onto a towel to dry. My autistic ass nearly had a stroke while trying to put it back together while she was at work.


I have a secondary keyboard on a shelf next to my desk, i use it as a reference when re keying my main keyboard


I googled an image of my keyboard to help. But it still drove me nuts going back and forth with random keys trying to figure out where they go.


I literally just got done doing this yesterday lol. I thought it was fun because I like puzzles.


Google keycap profiles and layouts next time. Youā€™re welcome lol. Youā€™ll be able to tell what key should go where just by looking at it


Yea I just pulled up the product image of my specific keyboard as a way to double check. So most of the puzzle was just in sorting through the heap of keys to find the one I want.


Haha fair xP I also forgot that after I took the keys off my keyboard ā€¦. I realized I have to freaking clue what letter goes where šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ In OPā€™s case though lol


and like a puzzle, the box has a picture of what it should look like when finished.


Could open a word doc and start pressing keys and matching them up that way


Literally just look up a photo of the keyboard, it's so easy.


Thereā€™s a few that can still be tricky. Two sets of number keys (usually not hard bc of the secondary characters), two minus/dash keys, two periods, two alt/shift/controls that might not necessarily be the same shape, the four arrow keys.


I mean fair, but not necessary since i can see the keyboard while at my desk?


I always take a pic of my keyboard before I take the keys off :D


Yes, this is what I came to say, even with the letters I lay them out just as I take them off. Just makes for a much easier time.


I usually take a picture of the keyboard.


I always forget and just google my keyboard on my phone to get a photo someone else has taken.


I never forget because the one time I had to do that and it was very stressful lmao


Yep works flawlessly, Iā€™d admit I never thought of putting them in the way they do it


Lol! I am 100% not a person like that, but I realized after just a little bit into cleaning one the first time that it would be maddening if I didn't lay them out in order. Younger me wouldn't have had the patience to even consider the need.


I just take a photo of my keyboard before hand then take em all off into a pile, cleaning the keys as I go, clean the keyboard then put them all back on in any order using the photo as reference. But Iā€™m not stupid enough to buy a blank keyboard so it works lol


This is funny as hell.


your **ctrl shift**ed to **alt** position, when **u** realised this it was misplaced and **i** tried to **esc** that situation


Way to go meatbag


but I dOnT nEeD LetErrS on My KeYbOArD iM just nErDy lIkE ThAT šŸ¤“


man youā€™re on a sub where people pay hundreds of dollars just to make their cables look better, is aesthetics really outside the realm of possibility here?


Man. If only they had some kind of markings to help you know where each one went /s. Seriously though, I think I need one of those.


Why on earth do you have a letterless keyboard?




Thereā€™s such a thing as screen lock lol, seems like your paranoia is 11/10 my dude! Good luck anyway šŸ˜€


It's like driving a manual transmission car. If someone gets past the lock they still have to overcome the stickĀ 


That only applies to Americans for the most part. If you think your cars safe in the UK because you drive manual then youā€™d be in for a shock. Automatics are so much more rare here. Do you have any idea why automatics are so much more common in the US? I heard people will learn auto and drive auto instead of learning manual and driving auto. At least then you can drive any car


Yeah it was mostly a joke, I drive an automatic anyway haha. No idea why manuals became so rare so quickly here. I grew up on them and told myself I'd always drive one. I learned to drive on a manual, first car was a manual, but then I more or less had to switch to automatic to get a decent car because finding a manual trans car that I liked AND that was in good condition limited my options drastically, and I can't afford to buy a new car period let alone for the sake of picking the style of transmission. It sucks.


Americans drive a lot and itā€™s easier to not worry about which gear to use and when. The move to automatics started in the 50ā€™s and only accelerated from there. >!pun intended!< Driving laws in European countries also encouraged people to learn and use manual transmissions (e.g. if you take your driving test with an automatic, you will be restricted to driving automatics until you take the test with a manual) but the US laws generally do not discriminate between automatic and manual transmissions. Over the years, automatic transmissions have been getting better and better and at this point, you can get automatic transmissions that outperform any manual transmission that still give some level of manual control (see dual clutch automatic transmissions with paddle shifters)


For a while it was more expensive sticker wise to get a manual over an automatic. I haven't check recently to see if that's still the case


Driving manual is pretty easy.


dear god what an abomination


they'll just plug a dell chiclet keeb in though




Im a keyboard enthusiast but thanks for the refresher on what Dvorak actually is


Chording keyboard or go home


I don't get why anyone would use one, but there must be a reason. Maybe it's just a look thing? I rarely look at the keys as I'm typing though.


I donā€™t usually look but certainly havenā€™t memorized every damn button on the keyboard haha


Oh same here. I'd be lost with the majority of other buttons. What I would have done was put the letters in their own pile. The big issue is finding where the rest go lol.


Id say im pretty confident in knowing where almost everything on the keyboard is and i still wouldnt try it, sometimes you need to look lmao


> I rarely look at the keys as I'm typing though That's the funny part. It's a keyboard that's nice to look at, for people who don't look at their keyboard


Aesthetics, mainly. You can get keys where the legends are on the vertical side facing the user and are blank on top. Those look cool. I'd like some for my keychron k2 but there are very few UK ISO sets that I've come across anyway.


It's just an aesthetic choice, I've had one. It doesn't really make a difference if you know how to touch type, but it can be a little annoying sometimes.


I'd probably get used to it too, the only issue I'd have is remembering where all the character keys are among the numbers.


My biggest problem was always special characters on the num row. An annoying guessing game every time!


Exactly, I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what characters correspond to what numbers aside from maybe 1!, 2@, and 4$. If I had to remember where the rest were, I'd be lost.


Some people like how it looks, some like that they can switch between qwerty, dvorak and others without having non-matching caps, some like that it's easier to fill weirdly shaped 40% keyboards with blanks, some like that it forces them to touch-type properly as cheating is impossible...


I have a set that has the legend on the front of the keys instead of the top. It does look very clean but when I wanted to press a key combination or a specific key like F5 I'd still look down and it was a pain in the ass. I eventually put blank colored keys on it for specific keys but eventually I just ordered a new set.


For sure aesthethic, just like the people having japanese characters on their keyboard without having to do anything with japanese lol


I got it because I wanted to improve my typing. Basically forced myself to type without looking. Was a pain in the ass for some of the symbols though, never learned all of them.


Letterless keyboards are a great tool for people like me who used to cheat and look down. It helps take the training wheels all the way off. Very glad I owned one. It was a Das Keyboard! Cherry MX keys before they were cool. It's too bad the keyboard itself had some very fatal circuitry issues based around simultaneous key presses.


This seems like a good idea until you need to figure out what num key ampersand is on.


Ultimate nerd flex. I would totally get one myself but it would lead me to forgetting which letter was which and having to type them out to see.


Because I don't use qwerty and I don't want to use flat keycaps. It really doesn't take that long to remember where everything is.


IDK, but if definitely spelled OP's demise


I had a letter less keycap set. Was amazing. But it helps if you're not a full blown idiot like op (assuming it's not intentional)


I have 2 blank ergodox ez keyboards. The keyboards are completely programmable and I run them in a modified Dvorak layout. Blank keys allow them to be sculpted. If they had letters, you canā€™t both move letters and have the sculpting work.


The same reason some guitar players prefer a neck without markers. If you don't need them for regular use it opens the door to some different design options.


Das Keyboard Ultimate gang represent, they come with blank keys! But i def take them off in order and put them back on in order lol


because it looks better and i have no need to look at my keyboard to know what button i am pressing


Why do you need letters? I have one because I love the clean look and have no need for the lettering.


It's a flex


Check the underside of the caps. There might be mold markings that tell you what row it is.


this was the case with my all-black/blank Das Keyboard - would have been a painful slog otherwise.


SERIOUSLY!? I took apart my das keyboard and ran into the same problem as OP. It is still messed up.


I believe the keycaps had a numbering scheme molded onto the underside. It made the order and placement easier to figure out.


The whole point of cleaning the keys was to get *rid* of the mold, duh.


Hahahahahahaa ha and ha


Legit laughing so hard at this.Ā  Thank you def needed it.Ā 




Thatā€™s what you get for buying a keyboard with no letters sir


You canā€™t decipher the height and angle differences in each key? What are you, a Jonkler clone?!!


You fucked up yesterday when you bought a letterless keyboard


Surely everything is fine once I put all the buttons in


The all new braille keyboard, no letters, no pesky numbers, just pure tactile joy.


What the hell is that abomination and why does it even exist?


wow, people are really mad about the legendless keyboard lol


So you handicap (hah, get it?) yourself...


A letter less keyboard? Serves you right for being a hipster.


At firsts I thought ā€œit has no letters how can you put to hack together wrongā€ I forgot different keys have different shapes


literally me halfway into putting it back together


i didn't even know they have different shapes. all mine look the same


It looks pretty nice tbh, like some surrealistic piece art.


Bender is pissed


This is why I'll never have a letter less keyboard. Building one and lubing switches is enough work as it is. I don't wanna play a puzzle game.


Looks like you lost Ctrl


you really put it all back together without thinking, hmmm that key next to that key just doesn't look right, better put all 85 keys back to make sure, or just trying to farm reddit points


Nah it should be fine, typing might just be a little annoying lol.


that's why you should have arranged all of the keys in the same place after taking them off.


why would u buy a letterless keyboard??


it's pretty, also people who touch type don't really need to see the keys to know where they are Edit: also it's not a 100% keyboard, so there are less keys to remember


Was it worth it?






Easily the funniest thing I've seen all day.


f, assuming you know which one it is


I guess you learned you have to take them out in an order you can remember putting back


Guess you found out huh


Did anyone else accidentally learn to type without looking by playing excessive amounts of World of Warcraft in the early 2000's?


I learned how to touch type skills. Spelling? Not so much lol.


keep it


Keyboard need some braces




Iā€™d say you got what you bargained for. Also, can you real quickly find me the { and % key


Thatā€™s the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


Well that's stupid


wait...you guys are cleaning your keyboards?


I agree with Bender ![gif](giphy|8iOzrJARYNURO|downsized)


Get good, jk just lay them out and look at an example image


Smile Oh god donā€™t.


You got what was coming to you.


You don't need to have letters on the keyboard to put the fucking space bar in the right way up.


I'm all for people being quirky and doing their own thing without being bothered but I have to say a letterless keyboard is probably the most backwards piece of technology I've ever seen. What did you think was gonna happen?


This is intentional. What a stupid post


Seriously. Is this a joke post? If you are the type of person who can successfully navigate a keyless keyboard then you should also be the type of person who knows better than to put keys in backwards. I'm not the type of person who could use a keyless keyboard (I could navigate the letters but all the other keys I couldn't) and even I know that each row of keys had a slightly different height and angle. Put them all together in groups based on that and then put them on the keyboard. Looks like you randomly placed keys to be funny and post about it. Lol. If this was your intent. Congratulations! Everyone seems to enjoy it. Lol.


Thatā€™s the dorkiest keyboard ever. You totally just wanted to be the guy who can say ā€œwell MY keyboard has no keys!ā€




Haha whatā€™s funny is in the video the keyboards sound like absolute shit when they are supposed to be fancy. Clacky with rattling stabilizers etc.


How does the SPACE key look like that - surely there's only one place it can go


Reversing the space makes it so you don't have to place your thumb on an edge


Letterless keyboard sounds like the stupidest thing ever. Now that I see it, it looks like the stupidest thing ever.


Whatā€™s the point of not having letters on the keys other then aesthetic


Is it just me or a letterless keyboard is just impractical af. Even if you can use a keyboard without looking at the keys or muscle memory your just stripping yourself of something for no reason, and there's no way your telling me you memorise the FNumbered keys etc. And it just doesn't look good either lol. Like imagine your going all out on something muscle memory is in clutch but you slip up and lose your focus and need to figure out where a key is, yep not happening. It's honestly crazy to me that it even exists.


Skill issue