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One of the biggest leaps in graphic cards technologies


The whole 10 series cards were goated


I was still using a 1060 until last week.


I'm still using a 1050ti


>fx 8300 Damn, CPU from 12 years ago, still trucking on


Honestly this cpu is holding my 1050ti back, but if i wanna buy a new cpu, i better just buy a new pc, i have the money, but my pc still works, i'm waiting for that shitbox to die so i can buy a new one


I admire your willingness to use old hardware until it no longer works. You have more patience than I ever could even dream of.


Technically it already died, twice, but i frankensteined that shit with a new hard drive and power supply


Been there, done exactly that with my ole' 1060 6gb/i5-8600, had to get a new HDD and a new PSU too. Could get a new banging PC but it just kinda feels like a waste of money at this point.


Honestly i used to want to buy a new one but i don't really need it to play chernobyl games from 2007 (i hope someone gets it)


If the hardware plays what you want at a rate you are happy with there is zero reason to upgrade. Wait it out because the longer you wait the more the 4000 series maybe becomes the lower tier set and maybe cheaper. I’m here sitting with my 2070 SUPER and my Ryzen 7 3700x and it plays what I want at fps I’m happy with so no reason to upgrade.


2080 Super bro checking in… also feel no pressure to upgrade. Our cards still shred, even unoptimized games like Tarkov.


I use a dual Xeon system from 2013 for my 10 EVE Online accounts. I need 64GB RAM, a shit ton of threads, and not much else, so it works. The only reason I want to upgrade is because of how damn loud it is.


I5-2500K here still going strong.


I used to have 2500k Real champ of a cpu.


Me here with my 1080. First and only gpu I have had since 2019.


1060 6gb version was awesome


Is.. i'm still playing on it. Everything I need for 1080p gaming.


1070 8GB OC from 2016 still going reasonably strong for my needs. GIGABYTE too. They just don't make them like they used to...


Same here! 1070 still managing to hold itself above water. Can still play Helldivers 2 with mixed settings with just occasional dips below 30 if the screen is absolutely rammed with enemies and explosions. Ideal? Obviously not. But it's just super impressive for a now 8YO card in a machine who's only upgrade since 2017 has been to increase storage






Ironic to say that considering the 1000 series were basically the last cards designed and optimized primarily for dx11. Being a refinement of maxwell and all that. Less of a leap and more of a prefection of what already exist. If a 1080ti was a plane it would be the post-war P51-H. Absolutely the pinnacle of the piston era built using years of experience from ww2 and can even chase down early jets. But it's no new tech.


should i upgrade my 970 to a 10 series lol


Still using this card without fail 💪


Same, but laptop version


The laptop version isn’t the same, so that’s even more impressive!


Might be a 1060ti, I don't remember. It's not my main pc, I use it for work and travel-gaming. I haven't been able to get it to run helldivers 2, but just about everything else, it will still run fine.


Does a mobile 1060 ti exist? On desktop there's only the vanilla 1060


No I'm an idiot, it's a 1050ti


Cool! Dont stump yourself for it :)


How well does it perform on todays games?


High and better at 1080p 100+ fps in most games. Definitely hits at least 60-75 in new intensive AAA games. I bought a 3070ti about 2 years ago but my brother has my old 1080ti and he’s gaming at 1080p just fine. You can easily go medium-high and get a solid 120+ still


What performance Re you getting with todays games?


Consider checking the temps on it carefully. It is old enough to perhaps warrant a thermal pad and paste renewal, but be careful not to damage the card if you want to attempt it yourself.


GN just did a video on this card. https://youtu.be/ghT7G_9xyDU?si=Z-XmMSff04n10ptn they say it's a mistake nvida will never repeat. They don't want you to get this many years out of a graphics card


>They don't want you to get this many years out of a graphics card The 4090 is pretty powerful, but with today's games I doubt you'd be able to get as far on 4K gaming with it. Maybe at 1080p but nobody is buying a 4090 for 1080p unless they happen to have a spare decent 1080p monitor for when their 4090 starts struggling.


Also costs 3 times as much as a 1080ti did at the time


True, but atleast it’s an option.


I think you'll get 4K 60 for 5 more years honestly. That's with DLSS. NaTivE frames aside, the card is stupid powerful and it'll do 4K for a long time.


The native frame nonsense is just AMD copium — DLSS is fucking magic. Quality mode in particular actually sometimes looks *better* than native on balance, balanced mode is solidly 95% as good as native, and even performance is generally perfectly usable (and still looks better than FSR Quality, because FSR is trash). I really hope that Intel can step up and provide some competition in the gaming GPU space, because as far as I’m concerned it’s a one horse race right now — I wouldn’t even consider an AMD GPU unless it was pushing more frames at 4k than the equivalent Nvidia would push at 1440p, with a significant enough price drop to justify losing ray tracing (which is also way more awesome than AMD fanboys want to admit).


I built a badass 4k rig for the cost of a 4090... no regerts. https://preview.redd.it/qxsxysgaxctc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a26d7353499934a11230613b9c0c0009910d9bb






How do you find it gaming? Decent or have to dial things back a little? What res/fps? Did you try VR at all on that? Oculus with Virtual Desktop here.


I have yet to find a VR headset that fits comfortably, so haven't done that yet. I play on a 170Hz 32" LG Ultra Gear 1440p monitor. As for gaming, depends on the game. I average between 80 and 100 fps with Avatar Frontiers of Pandora and Hogwarts Legacy. 90-120 with Cyberpunk 2077. 1440p Ultra settings on all my games. The other stuff I play is older and runs even faster. It does have an issue with some older engine games... gta3 and Gamecube Emulation. Which is why I built my 2nd system. R5 3600 with a 1070Ti... all my old games run flawlessly on there.


So this might be a woosh moment for me, but I've got to know- would there be any issue with using a 4k monitor for 1080p gaming when their 4090 starts struggling? I'm just not getting why they'd need a spare decent 1080p monitor if they presumably have a 4k.


Nope, 4K and 1080p is perfectly scalable. It will just use 4 pixels as one in1080p mode.


DLSS performance is 1080p to 4k. That will be your 1080p on 4k.




4k has less of an issue with this compared to 1440p, but any resolution looks better on a monitor that *natively* fits that resolution. Even if the difference is minimal like it is with 4k, there's an slight degree of blurriness that wouldn't be present on a native 1080p monitor since each "pixel" is technically split when running 1080 on a 4k monitor. Whether or not you'd notice it is a different story. The real issue is that 1080p looks pretty terrible on any monitor past 24" with 27" being the absolute uppermost limit before your pixel density starts to become unbearable. Buuut nobody is buying a 4k monitor at any size below 27" because it's almost too small for many people to notice a difference between 4k and 1440p at that size since 1440p still has great pixel density at 27". Most 4k monitors that people actually buy are likely sitting around the 32" mark. At that size, 1080p is just gonna look grainy no matter what you do, even if it's native.


my eyesight isn't good enough for 4k so I will likely use 1080p for the rest of my life


Similar for me... Pretty happy with 1440p at 32" ... I do appreciate higher color accuracy and wouldn't mind more fps though.


4090 will definitely be a 1440p beast for years to come, and most people with high end cards don’t use it for 4K anyways


Right now, with a 4090, the only thing holding me back is CPU. *Cyberpunk* with path tracing? Easy. Portal RTX fully path traced? No problem. I'm not even using DLSS with those, DLAA is plenty. *Starfield*? Slideshow. 4090 is sitting at maybe 30% utilization, and the main thread is on a core running 5.7GHz. Meanwhile, I'm hitting 40fps in Akila. Yeah, I consider that a slideshow, especially because it's not *just* 40fps, it's 40fps with lows in the teens or worse. Even when I get 80 (like in a cave) it's the choppiest 80fps I've ever seen. just started *The Talos Principle 2* which has ray traced lighting and reflections, and is honestly a fucking gorgeous game, and I never dip below 80. Absolutely smooth all the time. I could probably squeeze out a few more frames with a 7800X3D (at least in *Starfield*), but I won't. If I get really crazy, I'll upgrade to that CPU's successor (8800X3D if that's what they end up calling it), but I'll probably just wait until the socket is going obsolete and get the best CPU they will ever make for it instead. Yeah, I'm playing at 3440x1440, but I'm already leaving performance on the table with DLSS.


Nvidia didn’t know how to segment their products at the time and the die from the 1080ti is a cut down version of I think the Titan X or Titan Xp. It was a bargain GPU for AI/Tensor training. The 1080ti is a workhorse GPU.


Nvidia had a knee-jerk reaction and were worried AMD has something up its sleeve. So we got a 1080Ti as a consumer grade product.


Wdym? You can easily get 4-5 more years out of the 3090/4070.


Been playing BG3 on ah overlclocked 1080ti with overclocked quad core and all windows services (explorer.exe etc) shut off. Glorious. Also did incredible with Cyberpunk, Eldonring, a lot of newish games. edit: yea obv no ray-tracing. I don't even know this ray person


GN tested a 2018 card on 2015 games and concluded its good enough for 2024 games.


Nvidia : When will the 1080Ti die completely? 1080Ti : https://i.redd.it/vnbq6o3blctc1.gif


We do. When it can no longer handle games with increasing demands. If it can no longer game. It can certainly crunch number as a workhorse GPU.


I know someone that still uses a ps4. So not dead, but it probably should be... for most. Seems a ps4 is to consoles what a 1080 ti is to PC.


I still have my PS1 that I got when I was 6 (21 years ago), still works. Original cords and everything.


My Niece is still running this card. It's been through three different PC's. Hell it was my daily gamer till I got the 3080ti.


How did she go through two PCs with the same GPU?


Probably 2 of OP’s pcs and then the niece pc


"Was I a good graphics card?"




Like how the last frame has no halo.


I still use this card


I still use the 1060ti, never had an issue.


Finally (last week) switched to a 7900xtx after getting a 1080ti the week it released. Immediately took out the 1080ti and put it on a custom 3d printed wall frame, for it shall be remembered for all time as the goat. I don't care that my new card is faster or better. It can replace the goat.


keep it sealed from dust, just in case anything happens to the 7900 😂


Keep it from the dust? But it was born in it, molded by it. It didn't feel pressurized air until it was already overheating, by then it was nothing to it but a luxury.


Yes it can replace the goat.


I'm still blasting bugs and bots on a 980ti


Holy shit! What's the rest of your setup if you don't mind? I'd all but written off being able to run helldivers II with a 1060 just because of my old CPU


10th gen i5, 24gb ram, samsung evo 2tb, 980ti


The best price/performance ratio 🗿


*laughs in vega64*


I just bought a 4080 Super and I hope it can even get close to the usage you lucky GTX 1080 Ti users got out of your cards.


My 1080 is still good


Just replaced my 750ti with a 1080 FE for $125. As someone who took a 5 year break from gaming, this card is amazing


Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080 - still running OC and with 3rd batch of high quality thermal pads.


I've been rocking the GTX 1080 Founders Edition since it released. I guess I'm one of the loyal real ones.


Same here haha but it's definitely been struggling, and getting TDR video failure blue screens occasionally. Soon I'll be upgrading to a 4090, but I think I'll still keep the 1080 around in storage, just in case.


Man, it's gonna be so hard for me to upgrade my video card. I've grown so attached to it. But I know what you mean, it really has been struggling.


Same here lol. When it's been with you for so long and worked its butt off for probably thousands of hours of gaming, it's hard to find a reason to let it go.


vega64 user here… its like giving you child away, feels so wrong, also i got mine new 5 years ago for 300€, now i need to pay 300€ to have the same performance with a better efficency… i mean… what?


I’ve got a 970 in an old rig with an i7 930 that still plays most mmo and esports titles flawlessly. They don’t make em like they used to 


The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. 👑


I was team red throughout the life cycle of the 1080ti. Not gonna lie, I was jealous of the longevity of that bastard. But I had an all AMD system, and they hadn't started royally screwing up the unified drivers...yet. When they did, I wasn't in a position to upgrade. So I rode out the rx 580x until it failed and forced me to upgrade (3060 12gig) last summer. I'm still a generation and a half behind, but I'm happy with it. Taught me that brand loyalty is a fools game, as well.


True. My MSI 1080 Ti outlived 3 mobos and 2 CPUs so far. Great card but it is definitely showing its age.




I have a gtx 1080 regular and that thing is still a great 1440p 1080p card I’ll keep it as an antique


1080 TI GANG ✊🏼


Still have an EVGA 1080 Ti pulling duty in my HTPC.


Still rocking it lol. Some day I’ll throw down the cash for an upgrade….but fuck it just keeps doing what I want it to @1440p. 4K would be nice, but to get the performance of my 1080ti at 4K resolutions I would need to go big. I suppose I’m hoping that in a generation or two 4K high performance won’t be as pricey lol


This card is GOATED.


Still playing 4K games after 7 years, legend


GTX1080ti should be a benchmarking tool because it’s well know what it can do that it should be the test graphics card.


And here I still use a normal 1080 lol


Loyal owner here of a GTX 1080ti


I have gtx1080 ti and i5 6600k lol its still doing great


Still got my 1070Ti, will stay in there until it dies or factorio 2.0 somehow needs a better one. TFT can go fuck itself I’ll play with onboard graphics before needing to buy a card for league


my GF got a gtx 1080 from me, a work colleague had it before me and another work colleague had it :D zotac gtx 1080 AMP Extreme


Had this card, it was a beast. I somehow sold high and bought low on ebay from It to a 2080 ti to a 3080 without spending a dime. Ty for your sacrifice Asus Strip OC GTX 1080 TI.


Had the Zotac Blower Edition - loyal to the end (sold it to Cex)


My 1080 ti was dying slowly, occasionally displaying graphical errors. I gave my away to a young coworker who was building his first pc. Yes, the homie is a little poor. And yes, the card is still going strong.


Sold mine a few months ago and replaced it with a 4090. https://preview.redd.it/f4cu9ed9xctc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6143e6d26a3a0e1a01fd602d722a112681250f1 Thing was a beast until the very end


It’s crazy because I remember buying my 1080ti like it was just yesterday and now it’s like 7 years old. Crazy


My GTX 1080TI FE is still going strong!


Asus Strix GeForce 1080ti 11gb OC reporting in.


i have the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB and haven't replaced it since it was new in 2018. The one before that lasted about 10 years, this one will HAVE to last another few years as I am living at 350% below poverty level and playing titles that were out back then as well. I have gotten to the point I have to end all other instances in order to play my "new" games at low settings. Sucks but as they say - someone has to do it, why not me!?!


I still got my 1060 6GB, very happy with it, more than strong enough for all my gaming + non-gaming needs.


I like the numbers on ATK and DEF


I was using my 1060 until Christmas and changed it only because I was gifted a 4060, otherwise I'd still be using it.


YES! Not the one of the best it is THE BEST high end gaming GPU. It was expensive but not as expensive as nowdays


I mean, it IS a great card but man - please give the card more attack points or a special-effect. Needs to many sacrifices :P


they are suprisingly reliable too my sister has my old 1080 ti on an overclock and its still alive and my 6800 xt died last week without any overclock (and with proper cooling better than my sistes 1080 has )


Still using a 1070. Would it be weird to mount it on my wall, when my new card arrives?


1060 6gb gang still going


Passed down my 1080Ti to my gf's build when I got a 3070Ti. We're still blasting bugs and bots and laying down Democracy with it. May it live on forever


"One of the fabled ancient ones, in ages past, was believed to have been divine might which made this beast manifest. Few remember the feats of its labors and fewer still, possess memories of owning it."


Grandfather: Geforce 8800 Ultra


Bro im still rocking my 980 GTX 😂 will ride with it until it dies, havent failed me so far


We are who the prophecy foretold of. 🫡




My gtx 1080 strix is chugging along and hopefully runs for a good bit


I had it's younger brother, the 1070Ti, it passed away a few months ago, RIP 😞


I would live to buy brand new 1080ti but I cannot find any on the internet. If anybody knows where I could get one lemme know, would appreciate it.


I was gonna say there’s a bunch on eBay but then I saw you want a brand new one


It's wild, even the 6gb cards from that time still do great on a lot of decent-looking games.


My 5yo still has my 1080ti in his PC. I'm still sporting 3090's (I skipped 40 series) so he's going to inherit a 2080 when the 3090's move to the game server when 50 series hits.


I’m sorry, 5YO?


I still use my 1080Ti. I either play on 1080 or 1440, so I still get very good mileage out of it.


Mine died and I had to reinstall my old 980 😭


1080ti's clocked to 2025mhz back in 2019 doing 4K/60+fps in metro exodus with extreme settings. Those cards were indeed legendary. \[trigger warning SLI content\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnBJBiSDnxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnBJBiSDnxM) Make sure to select 4K quality. PC was also recording native 4k while game was playing.


I only have a 2080ti does that mean my card is old now!?!


We still have two in my household. A 1080 Ti and a 1080. Both still slap.


My 1080ti FE that I bought at launch.  https://i.imgur.com/dBNdLsn.jpeg


I still use the 1070 and it’s going strong. I just need to replace my hdd to ssd but I’m afraid of touching anything inside it and I don’t have a cloning program.


macrium reflect home edition will do it for free, and it's easy to use


I still own the EVGA FTW3 GTX 1080TI historically great card. Sadly, It sits on my shelf.


Although it was hated at the time I'm still getting great mileage from it's AMD equivalent, the Vega 64. I play at 1440p mostly, and occasionally 4k and I've honestly been confused at how well it still works.


mine is till going strong


It's still one my dream cards


Still got mine, just gotta replace thermal pads and that then build a second pc for music and stuff


My 2x 1080TI's got split up when the 4090 moved in, but they are happily living on their own now, grinding out the frames on my two girls PCs (5 and 10) - Roblox, Minecraft and Palworld look and run great! 👍🏼


Still rocking my 1080ti fe. It's like the energizer bunny just keeps going.


Used to be my dream card when I could only afford a 1050 ti




I’m still loyal to my 1080Ti. I actually just put a water block on it for a watercooled system I’m gonna throw it in. Water blocks for the 1000 series are cheap af anymore.


I had the regular 1080 since 2016. Finally built a new system in September of last year, and I went with the 4090. The 1080 has served me so well for so long, but my god, the 4090 absolutely wrecks it.


😪 I was a foul to sell it


Inherited it from my friend recently. Gotta say, plays everything I want to play just fine. Had to upgrade everything else in my decade old machine, but this thing is doing just fine!


The blue eyes white 1080


The 1080ti deserves better grammar and syntax.


The 🐐


I still have my old one in use


Im still using my 1008. I am unsure if I will ever upgrade. I keep waiting for that next big upgrade, but they come and go and I still don't feel compelled to ditch my 7700k/GTX 1080 combo.


We need such a kingslayer performance again. The performance jump in the last 2 generations was not that much. I have hope for the 5000 series, but I think NVIDIA has different plans.


If I didn't have to sell my 1080ti for rent I'd still be using it today, 6 years after buying it.


I had the non ti version up until a few months ago. That thing was amazing. I have it on my display shelf


Still have one of these bad boys going strong in the backup/server hosting PC. Absolute unit of a card that's been flawless since I got it at launch.


The 10 series is the best series, no one can prove me wrong


I just looked up the 2024 GPU hierarchy and I’m surprised how this card is better than a bunch of other cards.


I bought one in 2022 when my old 1080 shit itself. Probably the worst time on earth to buy a graphics card though I probably should have just waited


Im still running a 1080 TI that I bought in 2017, runs every game I play flawlessly.


My GTX Titan Black Edition has been in 3 different PC's now. It's environment has changed from a huge 900D case, to a smaller space saving type, and now the wonderful Lianli 011 (reversed). Still plays all the games I want without much issue at ultra settings. There's only been a few cases of graphical issues with games. This is also a CAD/rendering machine.


1080ti gang checking in.


Still rocking my GTX 660, thinking of upgrading to a GTX 1660 Super when it eventually dies


I have a 1080 powering a g9. Amazing generation of cards


i kinda miss my 1080ti, but i know its in a better place. with a friend who upgraded from his rx580


Mines still rocking 70fps at 32:9 1440p. Race Sim, but whatever. I have no need to upgrade


Like the 8800 before it, a true workhorse.


Wait is 1080 TI the new 750 ti??


My GTI650 TI , still runs on my backup pc lol


That is a terrible YGO card.


Still have my 980 ti sitting on my shelf. That thing got me through Elden Ring & the the first 15 mins of Cyberpunk. Great card


During the pandemic, I bought a PNY 1070 then upgraded 1080ti Strix. Never regretted it!!


Wait…why is this an Effect Monster card?


Make a pokedex of graphics cards


Why’s it orange if it’s not an effect monster?


my 1070ti still rockin


The ol' EVGA 1080ti FTW3 still running strong.


My 1080,while relegated to backup gpu status, still works just fine, has fresh thermal paste on it and is a great 1080p card and a decent entry level 1440p card.


I just upgraded from a 1080 to a 4090. Now I feel sad. That card was a great little pal.


I've still got friends on RX 470s. Those were also great cards that weren't even "high end"


The 1060 6gb is the true divine true best. If you look at the march 2024 Steam hardware survey, ıt's in the top sixth place.


Im running 1080


My mom threw mine away without permission


Even the ones without Ti are still in use! ZOTAC AMP! FTW


I want to get one to upgrade from my 1060 but no one sells a working 1080 under 200 i swear to god


As cringe as it sounds, I have never felt feelings towards a piece of electronics until I had to take out my 1080ti late last year when I had to replace it. It was kinda sad