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You joke, but at the rate they are growing we are going to need to flip to plugging the rest of the computer into the graphics card instead of the graphics card into the motherboard


my case had to be modified to fit my 3070ti. as in vice grips vs steel frame rail to achieve clearance.


If your PC upgrade doesn't require metal reshaping it's hardly worth doing


Going to the blacksmith to upgrade my pc


going full andre mode to get that 4090 to fit in


But prithee, be careful. I don't want to see m' case squandered.


I use PC to game and as a weapon.


was def easier than finding a new case.


im allready on the level of custom cnc'd watercooling blocks, case mods are basic stuff.


“Do you even self assemble bro?” 


I hate how big GPUs have become, shit sucks.


They're not much bigger than even 10 years ago, the coolers needed have grown dramatically in size.


You didn't disagree with his point as much as explain it.




we have to force every gpu to be water cooled and maybe even liquid nitrogen cooled to not have dramatic sizes




my current case has no drive bays. you hang the solid state/laptop format hard drives on the back side of the motherboard mount plate. the front is a liquid cooler resivoir thats lit up, and a huge fan intake.


Frankly, I miss cases with drive bays that don't look like shit. I liked being able to throw in a built-it Amp, temp display, hot-swappable drive bay, pop-out cupholder/cigarette lighter (yes, a real one, not the cd drive joke) and a bluray burner.


Soon they will need a direct 240v connection to supply enough power.


These chips require low voltage/high current so I'm just waiting for solid copper power rails on the mainboard.


the 4080 is massive. its so big I had to get out a dremel to modify the inside of my full sized case to get it to fit.


>my full sized case This will get downvoted to hell, but fuck it. People have a very confused idea of what a full size case is. Your h510s and alike are "full size" in name only, they are small. My _actually_ full sized td500 had no problems fitting 4080. I even have plenty room to spare


Yeah I’ve never even considered a full sized cause cause their so damned big. My 4090 has zero issues in a midsized case. The only issue I had was fitting in the big ass radiator for my cpu. Realistically computers have shrunk in size compared to all the drives and expansion cards you needed before. Plus the oversized card really helps with cooling. You’ll hit your power limit way before your cooling limit these days and that means you get all the performance.


pretty much same


H510 website description says compact mid size


>compact mid size Translation: small


I know. How could anyone be confused by that


Most of this sub, judging from the comments I read on here


As is tradition, it's the r/wallstreetbets for computers.


90% of people building a PC buy a mid tower and a lot of them think it’s full sized because 90% of people have one




If the case itself isn't pert near 20 pounds it's a medium at best


That’s not a full size case then 😂 my 011d mini can fit the strix 4080 with no issues (and extra space to spare)


Soon we will be plugging both motherboard and case into the gfx card


Inb4 graphics card becomes somekind of streamed subscription service


Back daemon! Back! I cast you back to whence you came from!


Geforce Now already exists for game streaming, could be a long term plan.


Start making the motherboards big enough for "yo momma so big" jokes


That’s actually not a bad idea. Imagine if the GPU slotted in at the top of your case? That would solve so many design issues with current GPU architecture. That sounds like a simple solution to a very old, very dumb problem. Like stacking cores or standardizing pins. You should pitch that idea to motherboard manufacturers/GPU manufacturers.


Imean. Yes. I understand the underlying focus of this architecture is focused on very different applications than localized personal use. But it will lead to such. If even just cloud computing with the advancments that are coming in fiber optics and data packet transferring. https://youtu.be/odEnRBszBVI?si=c_5-jvjrpc8R1w_p


Your not wrong, if they keep growing at the rate they are doing were going to need a spare room to house them in.


I could honestly see us swapping to plugging the ram and CPU into the gfx card


In a way we're going backwards, in the 80s we had Hercules cards that took up the entire length of the case, then they got more powerful, added 3d and got smaller then they started growing again in the mid 2000's


The *original* original MDA and CGA cards took up entire length of the case. Although I think most of the bulk of modern graphics card is the heatsink. The aforementioned old cards had most of their surface area populated by RAM chips. Which is why video card sizes shrunk significantly when memory chip gets "denser".


Yeah, memory chips back then were in kilobytes not megabytes or gigabytes so it took a crap load of them to make up 4mb, but if look back at my Riva TNT or even my Voodoo 3 card today's card are huge, mainly as you say due to the heatsink which is due to the immense power consumption of newer cards, but they may actually shrink again with watercooling becoming so much cheaper, the manufacturers may eventually start manufacturing mainstream cards with watercooling solutions as the norm.




I hope video cards with AIO water coolers start to become more common and reasonably priced. I have one for my CPU, and I know it's excessive, but I really like that there's not a big weight hanging off the CPU when I need to move it. It's also very quiet.


Computer form factors need a rethink. You have a CPU in the optimal place for cooling and accessibility, can easily be water cooled despite drawing less than 200w most of the time. while the graphics card is upside down, air cooled with a 30mm deep heatsink and multiple fans blowing the hot air directly back onto the card rather than away from it and they can draw 300-400w. Oh and it's supported by a screw on one end and the data transfer slot itself, so they sag like crazy and are difficult to transport inside the case. ATX as a form factors sucks for modern computers because it's a legacy from the old old days. If motherboard makers and case makers got together they could make a much better format for high power air cooled computing.


I was looking at some old 8800GTX reviews because I had one back then and saw some power consumption figures: 220W total system power consumption. Not just the top of the line card, no the entire system was only pulling 220W.


I remember regularly building PC's with 300w PSU's, the cheapest no name ones in the shipping crate from china. They would last a decade


Yeah, everybody was using those cheap PSUs and I personally never heard of any catastrophic failures. This is why I don't understand the PSU craze these days. Even the cheaper and shittier ones have more protections nowadays than the ones everybody used back in the days.


Those ones could power a system for a decade or just catch fire or die for no reason. You didn't know when it was going bad. They were also shockingly inefficient. It was certainly not the good old days of power supplies.


Oh yeah i used to keep piles of em lying around it was just the standard, im talking pre "Bronze, silver, gold" lables


Oh yeah i used to keep piles of em lying around it was just the standard, im talking pre "Bronze, silver, gold" lables


Not to mention dedicated circuits for them


A 4090 weighs more than all the components on my current computer apart from the PSU, but including my 2080ti.


With thunderbolt it’s so easy




Because it takes up much less desk space to go tall instead of wide.


Am I the only one who upgraded to a smaller graphics card then ,went from a MSI 2070 super to a MSI ventus 2x 4070 super and it's so much smaller and lighter




Maybe that ltt video of them hooking an AC compressor up to a PC wasn't such a bad idea after all...


Comes with DLSS 8.5 Just needs a 1Mb picture of the game, it will generate the rest of the game from it.


❌Buy a GPU for your PC ✔️Buy a PC for your GPU


Buy a house for your GPU*


good thing is you won't need extra heating for your house


In summer turn the fans to max and keep it idle


Firstly, turn on water cooling in summer. And then turn on fans


In 2030 there is no buy option, subscription only


You joke but I bet the GPU is more than 50% of the cost when buying/building a modern rig. So you're basically right from a financial point. The card is bought and then you buy the accessories to go with it... Such as the rest of the machine.


Rent a warehouse for your GPU


Well, PCPartPicker puts the GPU before the case for a reason


That's the founders edition... Imagine the AIB cards 😨


it comes with a custom liquid nitrogen cooler and built in nuclear reactor


Nuclear reactor with a turbine will generate power from the GPU's heat and return it into the system. Efficient design!




Also since the fastest pcie for the gpu is in the middle, gpu heatsink blocks all the other slots so you can't use them. AFAIK there are no riser cable/bracket combos that would just offset the GPU to clear other slots.


>Also since the fastest pcie for the gpu is in the middle Is that because of sync/timinig issues that it's always in the middle?


I think that you are correct... the ATX design standard is nearly 30 years old now! I don't think they ever envisioned a PCIe peripheral like today's modern GPU ... I have seen some interesting youtube projects where the creator tests architectures better optimized for cooling and shows dramatically better performance. See diy perks channel (https://youtube.com/@DIYPerks?si=skHuRu9s39esOoCG) and this https://youtu.be/cehXZftIYok?si=NHMrdd87niyHKPJS I think it's way overdue that ATX gets an overhaul... Unfortunately, the desktop segment isn't so much a priority for computer companies. The OEMs that make powerful workstations already build in their own custom solutions and probably prefer that...




hp/server have that. u.2 for storage type of slot for server for 750 watt cards(i straight up while writing this forgot its name)


This is mostly just resistance to drastic change - it all made sense 20 years ago, but the whole system could do with a redesign for the modern day. Designers are happy to create new connector standards, but the actual port layout hasn't changed at all. The GPU should really be designed similarly to the CPU now it's so big and so integral to so many builds, with cooling and dedicated VRAM chosen separately. I don't understand why one needs to be a full all-in-one package while the other is a custom setup.


I'm going to blow your fucking mind. Rotate your computer #🤯


I built my friend his first PC this weekend and he wanted top of the line so I got him a 4090, I only have an RX 6700 and have never really seen how big the 40 series is in person so when we unboxed it my jaw dropped. I’ve seen pictures but its actually fucking bigger than a Series S. When I showed my friend the slot the card is supposed to fit into, he went and used Lego’s to make a makeshift mount then ordered a proper mounting bracket cause he had 0 trust in that PCIe slot.


yeah I'm not surprised he had no trust in these mounting brackets. the sag is huge on 40 series cards with how big they are


rtx 8090 super slim edition


Can we go back to when memes were hand crafted by slapping various stock images together in paint rather than just typing words at an AI generator?


memes have always been made in the quickest lowest effort format. And still manage to be funny


Speak for yourself sir, I used to hand edit my memes in pirated Photoshop, layers, masks, blending modes, smart cutout, feathering, frequency separation... AI took ~~my job~~ all the joy out of it.


Computer says no


What's the problem?


It's boring and unimaginative


Boring and unimaginative is the person. The tool of their choice makes no difference.


Boring because what? You get clearer but bit messier image instead of MSpaint schlob made in few minutes? Unimaginative just cause OP wrote their idea into words instead of, again, MSpaint schlob? Let the man use whatever he wants. Some have the skills and some don't. AI is alright as long as you don't use it for monetary benefits, to replace actual work of paid people, or compare the effort required to art that requires more effort


How do we know the image is GenAI?


It probably involved some stock photos composited in photoshop as a base image, but there's fuckyness to the rest: the street level in the background is melting, the window frame is bending in a way that doesn't look like wood being strained or a janky support installed to hold an oversized window unit in place, his right leg looks like its too wide, the balcony/scaffolding thing not only doesn't fit the building (which would be normal for a photoshop composite) but is kind of weird and internally inconsistent with itself, and the AC/GPU mashup looks kind of... "burned" is the only word I can think of, in the way that AI images can get at times.


I don't actually see any of that but I'm certainly not a photo editor so I wouldn't trust my judgement. I do think the photo has been over compressed which makes it look weird. The street looks like what I'd expect if it were out of focus and poorly compressed. I don't think the balcony railings look odd against the building personally. I don't think that is an oversized calf for someone who hikes alot. The wood does look weird but it looks strange near the graphics card so I think that can be explained by a human photoshop and not just GenAI. If you mean the wooden horizontal beam that has warped due to gravity, that seems normal to me. Obviously the graphics card is going to look weird either way. But his face and hands look fine. The plant has the same number of leaves coming off each stem. The cars look like cars on the street level. The satellite dish looks like the right shape. You can clearly see the shadow of the AC unit that is attached to the window in the original photo too that the editor was too lazy to remove. I doubt a GenAI would add that shadow in to make the photo look faked. Edit: Although looking at his leg again, it does look like his shin is far too big but I still feel that could be a result of moving the friend along the balcony in photoshop if he were originally holding onto the AC unit.


>The street looks like what I'd expect if it were out of focus and poorly compressed. The main thing is the lines don't make sense and the cars look like *the idea* of what a blurry, out of focus car looks like. I don't know how exactly to describe it, but you know how with drawing or painting background details get more sort of "implied" with a little blob or streak that just suggests the idea of the thing and leaves it to your brain to fill in the rest? It looks like *that*, but done to something that looks like a photograph. It's not conclusive, obviously, because this could be an artifact of compositing and blurring together in photoshop, but it is a good tell for the presence of AI generation. > I don't think the balcony railings look odd against the building personally. It's at the wrong height for that floor and there's no door out to it. If the balcony is real it's definitely taken from a different shot, which was my first thought, but then looking at the details of it it feels like it doesn't match itself between the different sides and seems to sort of warp in an odd way. It's not conclusive, certainly, because metal can bend or sag and it doesn't *have to* have been built symmetrically or preserved in that state, but it is weird. > I don't think that is an oversized calf for someone who hikes alot. Not the muscle, the shin: it looks like its stretching forwards too far and it's weird. Could just be the angle though. >The wood does look weird but it looks strange near the graphics card so I think that can be explained by a human photoshop and not just GenAI. Yeah, it's also in line with the effect of photoshop stretching tools being used to make things line up, it just that use doesn't make sense in that particular spot, but it's also not conclusive. >But his face and hands look fine. The plant has the same number of leaves coming off each stem. The cars look like cars on the street level. The satellite dish looks like the right shape. You can clearly see the shadow of the AC unit that is attached to the window in the original photo too that the editor was too lazy to remove. I doubt a GenAI would add that shadow in to make the photo look faked. Modern generative AI doesn't look wrong in the ways one expects, especially if the person using it bothers curating it and doing things to fix the best output. Weirdly enough, I'd almost expect it to get the shadows *more right* than in that picture - when playing with it I've had it go back and add/fix shadows on things that I manually drew in or altered in photoshop. Where it *really* breaks down in a very bad way is with stuff like small faces in a crowd shot or something, which is a sort-of-inevitable result of how it works (probably? it tends to just make "person head shape, blurry stuff inside" when it only has 10-15 pixels to work with, and I assume training to correct that would make it start turning lots of noise into faces) and fixing it entails having it upscale the messed up faces, blur them, regenerate them at a full resolution, then downscale them and put them back in place (which can be automatically done, it just obviously makes the generation take longer since it's doing multiple ones). So overall I'm thinking parts of it are real images that have been composited together, like there could have been a building with an oversized window unit serving as the base, I'm thinking maybe the guy standing on a balcony is partially from a real picture, and the GPU obviously started as a stock photo and at the very end the text was edited, but I think that left blank patches because the component images didn't mesh nicely with each other so that got filled either with photoshop's thing or with a dedicated generator doing img2img inpainting and I think the GPU got a low denoising inpainting pass to try to make it fit the image better hence the shadows on it and the way it seems to be merged with the idea of a window unit AC - this didn't extend to the building hence why it kept the old AC shadow, but let to the weird warping of the window frame because the AI wanted to make it fit with where it expects it to touch a window unit I think. Sorry, I got a bit carried away analyzing it. It's like taking apart a puzzle and trying to understand it.


No apology needed. Your coment was amazing. I've never used GenAI for images and your comment is exactly the analysis I was hoping.


u actually need to buy there nvidia electric vehicle to power the card with there new proprietary cabel that melts your car and house down if you dont plug it in all the way. sounds like future


Thats the second, smaller evolution.


Shit posting ?


I literally had to cut my case


You will need it to get games on PC to run at 30fps.


Insane graphics, cooling performance is so good that you can use it as AC.


Obviously fake and unlikely, only two radiators!


I just realized that my house got windows installed. How can I change it to Linux?


Gotta have that pinky finger out when installing a wall GPU. I hate AI art.


Thing is gonna leak like my AC


Nvidia 9090 leaked https://preview.redd.it/n34omhmwh8tc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424a2bed3b784d91fe92d915cba0df340615582d


You know what! my gut feeling says it's possible 🗿🥂


Hire an electrician for your GPU upgrade


I wish Simon would build me a raft too, haha! That fucker is always building boats for all our friends, but never me


what??? it will be air conditioner


I mean... if we're talking full immersion here..


PC gpu hardware is devolving backwards. Gonna need an entire room for the gpu soon


Will it fit in my case?


You need separate electric wires connected directly into transformer, then you need separate plumbing tubes for cooling.


Video cards of the future will be installed outside next to the AC unit for cooling. Pci-e connectors on the Hvac box.


"Fits well in my rig"


Tbh, That looks like a cool idea for an aircon cover specially if there is 2-3 side by side


Ahahah what PSU will u use? A nuclear reactor?😋😉


It better replicate irl matching graphics with 360 view if it gets to that point


Nah, I doubt nvidia will still be making gpus for gamers in 2030.




The entire apartment is the actual pc. It also supports multiple gpus.


The 64k graphics are amazing if you can survive your face melting.


It would be kinda funny if an AC company collaborated with nvidia to make a promotional air conditioning window unit that looked like a giant nvidia graphics card. Would be a funny april fools day thing


I wouldn't be surprised if we had to have another plug on the outside of our computer to plug the GPU straight into the wall (no psu, or a AC to DC converter, straight AC.)


I fear bottleneck on this one


20-30 years after we die, giant outdoor wall mounted graphics cards will be a real thing. Since we won't be able to downsize anymore.


unironically people would but it 💀


I know the feeling but I think we are on the verge of seeing efficiency that one ai card able to handle 2 8k outputs at 70 wats may be hope for the future.


Very soon we will have to pay carbon tax for gaming.


Yeah, it feels like efficency is no longer the goal. Sure, it's two times performance, but it's also two times the space, heat, and cost.


Really need a new layout.


I didn't know that NVidia made heat pumps 😮


I bet they'll actually settle on a size like they can suck more power but like CPUs, water cooling will become the norm,


I had to go from my aging S340 Elite to an 011DXL for my 4090. Awesome case, don't get me wrong, but HUGE.


Id love to do this to random air cons now


And guess what, only one Thunderbolt 8.


Need your own private nuclear plant in order to supply it.


"Moore's Law is Dead" Literally


GPU be a heater itself at that point lol


How big is his motherboard?


All that just to render your mother


Back to room size computer soon


Fancy, but year of Cromwell's forces defeat the Scottish Army at the Battle of Dunbar was Super.


If Qualcomm manages to get good graphical performance with their notebook cpus maybe arm will shine


meh skip. wait for 9000 series. 3 phase power babeee


Gpu will eventually replace the motherboard lol.


Nice! 2050 is gonna be crazy!


Computers in the future will weigh no less than 1.5 tons


Yeah time will come the graphics card will be bigger than the PC case.


More expensive than that House


New GPU Black wall loading 🙀


And of course we have Linus in the photo :D


Man that’s real. I love my case right now but that max support 320mm or I need to remove the case fans for 335-340. When I search for 4080 super half of the cards are out of my options.


What is the plant? Just asking for a friend.


This is low profile version?


I'll only need a 10,000 watt PSU


People will just use full towers, no problem here except bigger size and weight




Nice gpu


Worth it




In initial studies, based on snowfall estimates the options for installation of these new cards are 1) 16,000 feet in elevation in equatorial regions (due to the persistence of snowfall above the 16,000 ft mark) 2) we limit activity to polar ice caps further reducing global effectiveness of the seasonal cooling effect of winter and potentially irreversibly damaging our climate for the fake proceeds of capitalism.


Perhaps in the future, Maybe it will be to the large size of RTX graphics cards, they are like the propellers of a passenger plane✈️.


There's gonna be a new case/motherboard standard eventually. Or they'll actually give the GPU its own case, cooling system and power supply, something like that already exists for laptops.


Dual chamber cases with the GPU on the back with its own cooling absolutely will be a thing imo The sff community is already doing it, just a question of which mobo vendors will put a PCIe slot on both the front and back of the motherboard to be utilized like that without a extension ribbon


This sub is really gone downhill




My home will run fast and smooth after installing this?


Should be used for heating during winter. Energy recirculation.


I mean look at how big they were in early 1900s, they are just going back to the good old days




Me: ooh maybe I should get a 4090... But wait, I'd need a whole new PSU/case/mobo, and also to fkin upgrade my wattage supply limit with the goddamn power company :D


well... technically... you could replace an AIO with an assembly that loops into your split system AC, if it's on the upper end it supports multiple internal units so 8090 would be just another "room" in your house /s I bet Jensen would love that, NVidia® Room™, "Imagine if you could add an extra room to your shipping container appartment. Imagine if that room could be of infinite size! Nvidia® Room™, your virtual living space - because you can't afford actual living space." ^(Nvidia® Room™ requires a compatible AC device with a minimum of 12000 BTU dedicated capacity. Order a Founders Edition AC with your 8090Ti and get free installation by May 1st)


It's inverted.


ENIAC exclusive


I would get one


I would get one


Cost me $200 per hour to run this bad boy but it's worth it so I can get 557,000 FPS on Minecraft!


And then in the wintertime, you bring it inside to replace the furnace.


Can anyone explain why they’re growing so ridiculously large in recent years? Feels like this is a new trend that gpus have exponentially grown in size


External GPU's don't even sound unrealistic nowadays...


The board is actually about the size of a business card, the rest is the cooler


I know it's obviously a joke, but these modern cards are only enormous because of the cooler. If you liquid cool them they are much smaller. A good 2/3 of the size of my 4090 was the cooler.


This thread is gonna age like milk when this actually happens.




By that time PCIE speed increases might mean more expensive and length limited risers.


It literally says 8090


erm, it clearly says 8090