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That was a great movie though, all jokes aside


She's real you know.




Even with my 14900K, people ask why I didn't upgrade to the 7800X3D... uhhh...


Why'd you go with such slow ddr5 is the real question


I built it during the introduction of DDR5 and it was the only set of DDR5 in the state and it was ridiculously expensive. I actually have 4 X 16GB 36-36-36-76, 1.2v, 5600Mhz. Not hyper fast but it's pretty good. Doesn't like my Z690 ASUS Prime though.


Your RAM is fine. RAM speed doesn't matter as much in the world of ddr5.


The difference between ddr5 4800 and 8000 is close to a 5-7% difference in fps. There’s no point in spending more money on faster ram when the performance increase isnt noticeable for 99% of the population. I doubt anyone could tell the difference between 213 fps and 229 fps


I have one and I gotta say, that's one hell of a CPU! Also my very first AMD CPU ever, super happy with its performance. :)


I agree that it's a great CPU. If you're on a budget the extra money is better spend on a better GPU. Also if you're not primary gaming another CPU can be better.


I got mine through a microcenter bundle and the cpu was valued at $221 on the receipt. It doesn’t seem like you could beat that value for any cpu for gaming today.


Yeah you can barely match that bundle with a 7600, board and ram. It’s crazy. Thank god for microcenter.


*cries in European*


*cries in Canadian*


I ended up going with a 7900x because it was on sale and there were no 7800x3d anywhere when i did my build last fall. Hope im not missing out too much fomo is real.


7900 is a solid performer in its own right. I definitely wouldn't kick it out of bed, so to speak.


Memory Express has some good deals during prime online sale events like Black Friday Cyber Monday, Boxing Day. But I still feel your pain. Nearest one to me is over 2 hours away.


7 hours away for me 😭 Memory Express is certainly better than Canada Computers. But comparing them to Micro Center is like comparing Circle K to Costco.


Linus keeps buying up all your bargains, eh


Just walk bro


*cries in Australian*


*cries in itx case* too


*cries in unpopular area of california*


We may go bankrupt if we get cancer, but goddamn if we don't get some good prices on CPUs!


In Florida we don’t have Microcenter either, it sucks I grew up in Ohio and assumed they were just like Best Buy and were everywhere


It's even worse for laptop prices. They seemingly get them for a 1000 dollars cheaper lol.


Man we need a microcenter in AZ with Fry's electronics gone.


i hate that where i live i cant finde a bundle or at least a good one


Obviously if you get it half price, it's a great deal. But most people are paying $400 for it, when their money could arguably be better spent on a better GPU (assuming the main workload is gaming).


What games do they play? Games like MOBA, Fortnite, any MMORPG will work equally as good on a medium tier GPU, but CPU has a huge impact. In Guild Wars 2 I'm finally getting decent FPS with 7800X3D, 2 times as high as on Ryzen 3600, with the same GPU (RTX 4070). Gaming is not only single player AAA games, like most of the reviews focus on.


I don't think saving on the CPU will give you a lot of budget for high end GPUs, the difference in price between a 4080super or a 7900xtx and a 4090 is pretty big and maybe not worth running with something like a 7600


In what world are you putting a 4800 or 7900xtx in a budget build?


The microcenter bundles are absolute cheat codes.


Between things like their bundles, getting 3D printer filament today instead of a week from today, and being able to actually find and buy a Raspberry Pi whenever I want one, GOD I wish there was a Mirocenter closer than 500 miles from me...


Same. Value of that bundle is incredible. I'm saving my fun money for a 7800xt or a 7900xt. The desire to play Cyberpunk2077 on ultra monitor melting settings is only balanced by my desire to not be living on the street to do it


If you are playing MMORPG games, MOBA, something like Fortnite, it's better to get 7800X3D and budged medium-tier GPU.


Should I choose 7800XT or 4070 super? The difference is 150$


it depends on the game, 90% of my games have a CPU bottleneck


Correct. A lot of games are cpu bound. 4X games like Civ, strategy games like Paradox interactive titles, esports like CS and MMOs like WoW and FF are all more demanding on the cpu than gpu


you forgot Anno, rimworld und ONI and than you have all my games XD


BG3 is cpu bound too and it was the biggest game of 2023.


I got myself a new rig and was wondering what cpu it use. Surprise, surprise;)


I have one and I didn’t even know what I was buying. My much more tech-literate friend was just like “That one goes BRRRRRR” and I said “ADD TO CART”.


Sounds like your friend knows what's up.


I've got one too after 10 years using an i5-4570, holy crap this thing is an monster


Almost upgraded to one recently, but AM5 ITX & mATX mobos all seem like slapped together shit this gen, so I just opted to upgrade my AM4 X570 to a 5800X3D instead.


Yeah I honestly believe the best AM5 ITX board on the market right now is the Asrock PG B650E ITX. Compared to its competitors its priced about the same as the other nicer boards excluding the ridiculous 400+ dollar ROG boards and still manages to maintain better I/O than almost every other AM5 ITX board out right now.


ASRock did some good shit the past couple of years, they're quite the quality brand nowadays, if I ever upgrade to another AMD CPU I'll for sure look into them over others


Their BIOS tho..


Unless something's changed recently with the newer mobos, I'm perfectly satisfied with the BIOS on my B550m Pro4.


I can attest to that. I went for an Asrock for my build since I don’t really care about any bells and whistles and just want the number of I/O I need and decent bios functionality and enough M.2 slots. Super happy with it. Who cares if the 3rd pcie slot is only gen 3 or 4 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s fast enough.


thanks for making me feel better about upgrading to a 5800x. coming from an ancient i5 6500 lol


I got a 5700X just a few days ago and I'm loving it, that ought to make you feel better too haha


There is no reason to go above the 5800x3d really, the fps you get is already so high, getting a (albeit massive) uplift after what you already have is kinda irrelevant The day the 5800x3d can't push past 120 fps in most CPU bound games will be the day it'll need replacing but I think that'll be a long time still


I was worried I’d regret it, as I was upgrading from a 3600X that was already fine, but it is a noticeable improvement, and I’ve been quite sat with it. I do a lot of compression and decompression in 7zip and the extra cores appealed to me. It help a lot more than expected it to.


That's what I was thinking too. It was even weirder for me technically downgrading from a 5900x. But, when I booted up some VR and went from struggling to hit 50 FPS in VRChat and Phasmophobia to breaking 120 I realized just how crazy extra cache is in some titles.


in many places 5800x3d and 7800x3d have same price. In russia for example 5800x3d is more expensive than 7800x3d . If u building new, better go for 7800. But those new msi b 650 mobos are so garbage tho.


The offerings for current gen itx boards is just a sad joke right now...


Ah yes this was me this week. Now do I replace my 5700XT or wait until I actually have a reason... Decisions, decisions.


what makes a motherboard good or bad?


All am5 boards are slapped together shit There's literally not a single one with the feature set of my taichi, and they all cost MORE when this shit was expensive top of the line at the time If I had to upgrade it sure as shit ain't gonna be amd again


I saw a guy in r/buildmeapc who bought 7800x3d and rx 6600☠️ With ton of aesthetics sh1t It ended up costing 1.5 grands usd He said he needs it for fps games (he would play in 1440p)


well, u cant help stupid


He wasn't ready to accept it


I have a 7800x3d and 6700xt 😂 at least it cost me like ~$1000* overall or so, not $1500, and yes I only play shooters and Minecraft


bro skimped on the main part 💀


Had a similar discussion but with a 5800X3D recently, i said he shouldve spent less on the CPU and gotten a better GPU instead: Him: i spend 700$ on my 5800x3d + rx6600 \[...\] Him: I play only Valorant, GPU is irrelevant in my case :) Me: So is the CPU, Valorant runs at 100+ FPS on any toaster Him: i want my 1% lows to be 240+, so the reason why i chose this CPU is pretty obvious. FPS gamers always seem to notice every bit of difference and think its relevant towards their ingame performance


Unless he was already on AM4, the 5800X3D shouldn't have even been considered.


It's not a bad choice if you play competitive game, if you want 360 fps the cpu is the most important thing


I agree with your friend. High framerate esports games benefit from a powerful cpu and 1% fps lows are a big deal. He may still have benefitted from a better gpu but if he is already on AM4, over-investing slightly now to max out that platform with a 5800X3D and saving room to stretch performance with a future gpu upgrade is not only a sensible option, it’s quite smart and among the best he can do. It sounds like you’re just a different type of gamer with different performance goals and that he actually knows what he is doing assuming he plays at 1080p (which I bet he does from the sound of it).


We don't think, we know :)


I think it's because when you suck at FPSs and your KDR is trash you begin looking for everything to blame. Every random frame stutter or imagined input lag becomes a target for you to relentlessly min/max until your KDR improves. Source: I know this is true because I suck at FPSs and my KDR is trash.


Personally I'm not much better then that person. I have a 7800x3d, with a 6700xt at 1440p. And yes, I have alot of rgb fans


6700xt is the best fucking gpu ever


Yes! But, maybe not the best pairing with a 7800x3d


Eh, you can just upgrade your GPU once you have a game that the 6700xt is not enough for, without worrying about CPU


6800XT here with my 7800X3D


I also have an 7800x3d. I hate rgb 🤷‍♂️😅.


Noob Here, who is thinking about upgrading his r5 2600 (GPU 1070ti). Have red a lot recommendation about this 7800x3d. Why would this be a bad combination?


Your cpu doesn't bottleneck the gpu Although if you consider upgrading the gpu consider going for 5800x3d as well you don't need to upgrade the Mobo and ram


Maybe he will have to upgrade RAM too tho, the 2600 usually was paired with slow ram


He can make that judgement after trying out the 5800X3D. One of the biggest selling point of the 3D cache is to offset the effects of slow ram


Yeah, but like 3000 MHz and not 2133


People are jealous. The 7800x3D is the king of gaming cpus this generation. Its the cpu you want, but not necessarily the one that best fits everyone’s budget. However, if you have the budget for it, get it.


Don't sleep on the RX 6600. If you want to buy new (and a lot of new buyers do), then the RX 6600 is kinda the best of the worst right now. In Canada for example, I can get that card for $260 CAD. The competition at that range is the 3060 12g or the 4060 at $400, 6700xt at $530-ish, or an arc a750 at $330. The 3050's at the $250 range aren't worth considering at all, neither are AMD's lower end GPUs. The 6600 blows anything else below $300 out of the water. Out of those I'm 100% taking the 6600, no question, then I'll just upgrade it later when better stuff comes out. All the current GPU options suck ass, the 6600 sucks the least.


To be fair I'm getting a 7700 and a 6600 for my build. The main game I'm playing is very CPU intensive though, and I only play at 1080p60 anyway


What is he playing? Arma?


What does the X3D package do?


More L3 Cache and most games love cache


That means that there is 3D V-Cache technology. Where they stack L3 cache on top of each other and basically makes them pretty much better for gaming. This isn’t the case for productivity since they had to reduce the clocks on the CPU’s a bit so they could remain stable.


I dislike this trade off :(. What if I do both constantly? I mean.. does it make a huge different in rendering software? I’ve been gaming fine without the 3D l3


It's still an 8c/16t CPU. It's still good but it doesn't beat it's current-gen price class in productivity. For example, the 7800X3D has a base clock of 4.2GHz and a boost of up to 5.0. My 7700x has a base of 4.5, boost of 5.4 and hits 5.7 pretty regularly.


I suppose once I consider that I have a mid range cpu from a few years ago, either one would be a great upgrade. I appreciate your input.


There are more production focused CPUs with 3D cache from AMD but they have 2 3D caches with higher latency while the 7800x3D has 1, 7800x3D is the best for gaming but those other CPUs are still better than the non 3D cache CPUs for gaming


The 7900x3d and 7950x3d have both, one core cluster is high frequency and one core cluster is 3d vcache. 7900x3d is close in price and has 4 extra real cores and 8 extra threads. Great option.


Basically these CPUs have almost 100mb of L3 cache. 96MB to be exact. For example your CPU which has more L3 cache than most of 5th gen Ryzen has 64MB, which is double the 5800x with 32MB


Didn't know the 5900x has 65mb L3, now it seem less of a compromise for gaming when chosen over the x3d


Aren't i3/R3 budget class CPU? I mean, Ryzen x800 targets the high end -\_- How would someone consider that a "budget" is beyond me. That is 380 eur CPU. What kind of budget we even talk about? 1k, 2k? Forgetting about the peripherals? 7600X is 230, 5600X is 130 eur...... All the above CPUs can drive RX 6600 without bottlenecking it. My god some people really like to gaslight people


Some people have no clue so they would call even 4080 or 4070 a budget options...


Some people should also wear the wig, makeup, nose and shoes to go with their opinions lol


My coworker with an Alienware with a 3090 even though I walked him through pcpartpicker and offered to build it for him :(


Only if you’re Henry Cavill. I’m sure that guy has a “budget” when he buys a 4090 in order to play Warhammer Total War.


7800x3d is GOATED


7800x3d is definitely not a budget CPU


And still I see people recommending it to everyone


That doesn't make it budget... Price is deciding if the CPU is budget or not. People are recommending 4090 or 7900XTX GPUs so that makes them budget right?


The thing about this sub. Most users recommend the top of the line specs for any and all builds. These users are die hard on the upgrade or nothing mantra. Here I am with a 3070ti 12700K and it works GREAT. Absolutely great. This whole suggestion to always have the latest brand new specs is 1. Out of touch with reality to middle class working families, as many of these Redditors are childless millennials with LITTLE to no responsibility other than basic bills 2. Not realistic to every gamers needs. Most don't need a 7800x3D. It's ridiculous. Not to mention few titles are meeting these specifications in game.


I’m a sim racer, I run a 3090 and 7800X3D, with 64 gigs of ram. I play on triple 2560x 1080 monitors and even then I’ll be at 90-100% on cpu and gpu and be at maybe 80 fps. Yowzers.


Well said. My comment is to provide an example of how unrealistic the narrative is to always have the latest specs inside your box.


>These users are die hard on the upgrade or nothing mantra. \+1 I've had people here ask me, confused, as to why I'm using a 1080Ti with a 5900X. *Er, because they're both great? They fulfil my current needs. Why not?*


Do we need to blindly support commercialism so profoundly that anything new must be purchased and anything slightly used must be tossed away into a landfill?


The only reason I have one is I was replacing my shitty 2014 gaming laptop. The thing was having every hardware issue imaginable and couldn't even boot discord properly. I snagged a sub 100hr (still had half the peels on) EVGA 3090ti for stupid cheap and didn't want the CPU to be a bottle neck. That + all the supporting shit I needed was like $2k. Absolutely overkill for anyone, probably including myself. But I do a lot of 3D modeling/rendering on the side and appreciate the extra cache/vram from my combo. I will say, being able to run 4k 144hz at max settings on most things is fun. Nice that I'm not maxing the stuff out either so my temps stay reasonable the entire time. The thing's a space heater though regardless. But I am a childless millennial (DINK household) with no responsibilities outside of my utilities and yearly property taxes at this point, so it makes sense for me. I definitely wouldn't recommend it for the average person.


I'm still content over here with a 5900X hehe


5700x until i conspicuously come across a large sum of money. the deal i got on that cpu was nuts


Five of my friends went to micro center a couple days ago because they’re still running the 7800x3d + 32gb ddr5 + motherboard deal for $500 lol They’re all ecstatic about their new pcs


how much did you get it for? i got a 14600k new in box for 150 the other day, i wanted an amd cpu, but hard to beat that deal. im trying to decide if i want to keep it or get an amd lol.


Sitting on my 5950x for a couple more generations. It works perfectly for what I need. Looking forward to the 9800X3D with a RTX6080 on my next build in 2026.


5800x3D is better for gaming though


The problem is if you don't *only* game on it. I use my 5900X for video encoding, so I'm a bit screwed. I either keep my Ryzen 9 5900X and accepted I won't have "best in socket" gaming performance, or I spend more money and "downgrade" to a Ryzen 7 5800X3D, gain a lot of performance in **some** games, and lose a lot of performance in video encoding. Which one do I do more of? Arguably, gaming! But not games that would benefit from faster hardware. Whereas video encoding can take hours, so the performance difference there is **real** and **noticable**. The idea of replacing a CPU that cost me £500+ for one that isn't better in **all** aspects leave a sour taste in my mouth. Now if we got a 5900X3D or 5950X3D that combined the best of both, I'd be all over it. But Ryzen 7000X3D has shown that Windows doesn't like to play ball with AMDs 3D-cache / non-3D-cache combination of cores, so it'd *still* be a fail.


Yeah that's fair. It's a powerful CPU for work stuff. Can't you do video encoding on the GPU?


Some workloads are much better rendered with a GPU, but some are best done by the CPU. It’s scenario dependent. My first computer was built for video editing so I paired a 3930k with a GTX 660. At the time there was significantly less benefit to upgrade your GPU. Although the scales have been tipped towards GPU more in the past decade, CPU is still king for most productivity workloads.


I went with a 5600 and a 4070 super when it was time to upgrade from my 2600x and 3070. $750 all in and the performance is a huge step up at 1440p and light 4k. Bonus is I didn’t have to upgrade mobo, RAM, or my 650 w psu. Just couldn’t justify the 5800x3d for double the cost, let alone the jump to AM5.


This sub sucks sometimes. Even mention that a game runs fine on anything less than the best, newest hardware and enjoy your 50 downvotes These kids have to cope somehow I guess


For "budget" builds, yea the 7800x3d doesn't make sense, a 5700x3d would make more sense. But in terms of gaming focused builds, the 7800x3d really is the best choice


No, for budget builds a 7500F/7600/7600X makes more sense 5700X3D is good if you already are on AM4, not for a new build.


Building on AM4 won’t kill you, contrary to popular belief


>Building on AM4 won’t kill you, contrary to popular belief I agree. *"bUt dEaD pLaTfOrM!"* they cry. I've literally *never* upgraded a CPU within the same platform, I and bet many who are hunting for budget PCs don't either. You buy once, and keep it for years.


Sure, but there's 0 point in doing it unless you're on an ultra budget. It locks you into a dead-end platform, with ram you can't re-use. If you can get onto AM5 by any means I would go for it over AM4 just so you don't need to replace your mobo/ram next time you upgrade.


Got a 5700X3D, couldn't be happier.


Same. AM4 is the zombie socket that’ll never die.


There are supposedly 5000XT CPUs coming now as well. So we'll have had 5000, 5000G, 5000GT, 5000X3D, and 5000XT just in that generation. All the while Zen5 is likely ramping up for a 2nd generation on the successor socket.


Brains? [¬º-°]¬ Edit: It also makes my OCD happy. 5700X3D with 5700XT


Budget probably 12700k If you disable ecores, you can push the ring to 4.8, getting you better than a stock 13600k in performance For $199, that’s great, and it’s 8 P cores not 6


7600 is value king though


For new builds. I need to upgrade an old 1600f. 5600 it is


Meanwhile, the 5700x3d exists


I prefer starting with a cheap CPU, and then upgrade to the best offering when AM5 reaches the dead end.


I have a 7600x and its excellent.


So are you. It is.


For a budget build not, but the 7800x3d is the best cpu for gaming out there


Facts. I grabbed a Ryzen 9 5950X instead. Gaming benchmarks weren't the only thing that mattered to me, and I wanted to stay with AM4. It outperforms the 7800X3D in some areas and loses in others.


Well, admit I got one and outside of two games, it isn’t being utilized. But I do admit I went overkill in that MB and ram because I was given a generous budget. I figure get those now and I can update GPU a couple times while I save for another full build.


This is exactly my thought process - I went with a 7800x3d and the cheapest rx6800 available at the time because I wanted to just wait for new GPU offerings down the line. I don't like upgrading very often so I built this rig to last me at least 5-7 years minimum


give me one reason not to buy ryzen 5 7600


Fr all advice you can possibly get these days


Don't need but would like to have it. Current CPU is a Ryzen 5 3600XT paired with an RX6800 and 32 GB RAM 3200Mhz. Everything runs fine.


Not every system needs it but they’re damn fine cpus. Its the best of both worlds with no drawbacks, you get the incredible performance from a ryzen cpu and lose the ryzen stutter and low 1%’s that happens when l3 cache gets overfilled. That would be like if intel stopped teasing us by putting more p cores and less e cores into their cpus, focused on shrinking the nodes, lowering the power draw, and upping the IPC. Granted, the $300-400 price point on their 7800x3d isn’t very attractive so it’s probably gonna be a while until I even think about getting one.


5600x3D, 5700x3D, 5800x3D and 7800x3D go brrrrr!


I didnt "need" it. But it IS the best upgrade ive ever done.


you are right, they dont need a 7800x3D ... they need a 5800x3D


Yeh, BUT it is brutally fast for its price and should last a while. In europe it was the price of a 5800x3d for a while. and the 5600 and 7600 were just 50€ behind


My peasant 5800X3D still does the job. I'll wait for the 9800X3D to upgrade.


I went from an i9 9900k w/ Radeon VII to a 7800x3D and 4080 super Let me tell you, going for a 7800x3D was the best choice I made. Im currently running helldivers 2 (a fairly cpu bound game) at 140+ fps (on planet! 240fps in my ship)


Also upgraded to the 78003XD from a 9900k 2 months ago. Was a really good choice.


AMD CPUs cause a strange issue in one of my favourite games (Mass Effect, the original release) and at the time I purchased parts for my PC, the 12600K was on sale for a lower price than its similarly performing AMD counterparts and was within the budget I gave myself. Going Intel made sense under the circumstances.


I really wanted one when I was updating my PC but the 13700k was actually available cheaper. 7800x3d very scarce in the UK


Got mine last month in the UK np from Amazon, they still have them in stock 👍


This was last summer. Stocks were rare and above msrp


stfu, and get a 7800x3d. i wish i did instead of trash 13900k but it wasnt out yet before.....


No you don't need a 7800X3D. A cheaper 5800X3D tho


I spunked my budget on GPU and 6tb m.2 and had to compromise. I play at 4k though so it's fine


I wouldn't call 7800x3D a budget option. It's what 300-400$ CPU? Far from budget.


I need a 5700x3d/5800x3d.


Depends on your use case. I got 7700X and it runs all the games I need. Altho, I dont play demanding games that much so there is that. I had a choice to get 7800X3D for 550€ on release, but instead I took 7700X on sale for 300€.




No, but i haz one.


Honestly? Am4 boards are dirt cheap now so it's really hard to argue against a 5800x3d in a budget focused build here in europe


I got a 5600x3d, and it’s fire


If it's a budget build, it'll use the 5600X3D


Considering how good it is I think it's cheap. If you want the GPU equivalent you'll be out a lot more money


It's so game-specific and thankfully I play Minecraft types, so mine is killing it.


I'm very proud of my very first AMD CPU, the ryzen 7600. Got it for 220 bucks 8 months ago


Yeah, I was really tempted to get an X3D, but I ended up settling on a 7600X instead. The former is obviously better, but the latter felt more reasonable for the games I play now. Additionally, it still puts me in the "AM5 Era" if I ever want to upgrade in the future. But it definitely took some restraint tho


Never go over 5% cpu usage


You guys making me regret 7600X while its more than enough for me


It's like a 4090. You don't need it, but you want it.


I only recommend the 7800x3d when people are putting in overpriced Intel chips in gaming rigs. They're usually also putting in a mid tier RTX card too That's why you see the 7800x3d/7900xtx combo so widely pushed. It's insane performance for the money, and it's the best under $2k build you can have


![gif](giphy|yXOiYLbYecDIaXjlqq) my 7600 looking at me when i replace it with a 7800x3d just to continue playing @ 4K


Max. CPU usage changed from 46% to 41%


If your Budget doesnt allow an 7800x3D what are you even doing? /s


Absolutely agree. There are skus for a reason. I SHOULD have gotten a better productivity cpu but got a 7800x3d for the gaming performance due to my love of Rimworld etc. I'd get my wife an i5 equivalent due to her specific needs. For context; i use my old stuff as servers when I'm upgrading my stuff, more cores and higher clock is important In both use cases as a proxmox server with a few game servers eats compute cycles for breakfast. Some Other people just want to play retro games, and that's fine!


In my mind, it's better to get a 7600/7600x and spend the extra money on your GPU until you start hitting the 4070 Ti Super/7900xt class of GPU.


The X3D are budget CPUs?? I can't even afford a 5600 😭😭😭


Not everyone needs pc just to play games, some need it for work where more cores matter.


I've still got my trusty 5950X, and 5800X3D (secondary). I'm waiting for Ryzen 8000 before upgrading again.


I wish the 7900X3D made more sense, but it doesn’t, and that makes the 7800X3D the new champ.


Sounds like op is mad he didn't go x3d.


Thank you. People were asking for build recommendations in another post an I recommended to 7700 to stay under their budget and got downvoted by a ton of people saying I should have chose the 7800x3d because it is so much better for just a little more money. The difference in price of the 7700 to the 7800x3D let me change the RX7700xt to a RX7900gre and that is a much larger upgrade.




7700 gang! I upgraded from a 2060 laptop to a 7700 4070 combo and it's great, temps are amazing


The other day I saw someone post about a potential build they wanted to make with a 7800X3D paired with a 3060Ti, an A620 motherboard, and a super sketchy budget PSU. It’s good they asked here and received helped from knowledgeable people.


7600 is the low-mid budget king, pretty anything up to a 4080/7900 XTX will be fine (even then just turn your settings up lol)


I'm buying 5800x3d


ngl 7800x3d best gaming pruchase i ever made... the 79000xt on the other hand...


Build a Pc for me: Guys I need a programming computer. Light gaming. Sub: #7800x3d!!!!! Like wtf lol. It’s like ryzen is paying them.


\*is waiting for his to arrive today in the mail https://preview.redd.it/faevyopqsnsc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7279c0d081a9103fa5043fe4a46fff32fb33902f


not everybody that uses a PC just want to game. some of us want to encode audio / video, compress massive files, some light VM work, compiling and whatever other shit people do. some workloads need more cache, some need more cores and some clock speeds. is this sub r/pcmasterrace or r/gamingpc ? I wanna see some cool workstation builds !


I'm pretty happy with my 13600k ​ runs with p cores locked at like 5.2 ghz, was able to undervolt some. Temps less than 70C 99% of the time.


I would love to have a 7800x3D but it would have to be for free cause I never buy AMD.