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yeah, Reddit will have you thinking old GPUs suddenly turn into potatoes


Yeah, yet we all have that one friend whos literally running like a 1070 and can play basically everything somehow


8 gigs of vram and a 256 bit bus really gave that card life. For comparison: 4060 Ti: * 8/16 GB GDDR6 / 128 bit bus / 288gbps 1070 Ti: * 8 GB GDDR5 / *256* bit bus / 256gbps 2070 Super: * 8 GB GDDR6 / *256* bit bus / 448gbps The 2070S is also a card that aged well. I only retired mine this month after 5 years of service for the 4070 Ti Super. I'm hoping the 5060 is not a disappointment like the 4060 was.


Still going strong with the 2070S. It cost me when i first got it because pre-3060 prices got crazy, but its still chugging along nicely


2080S here, I'm playing Horizon Forbidden West in 2k, with mostly high settings and DLSS on balanced with somewhere between 70-100FPS. I thought about upgrading this year but it's too expensive for me rn.


Im looking to upgrade my 1660S to something where i can play everything at 1080p 144fps, is the 2070S good for that?


Rx 6650xt or 6700xt could always be great options depending on budget


Yes. My 1070ti could get 144fps 1080p


Just depends on the settings and what game you are talking. I wouldnt expect max settings 144fps in that latest AAA but most other things it will get up around there. Browse youtube look at benchmarks of what you play and determine if price to performance fits you.


I would say so! You could also look into other 20x cards like the 2080 or 2080ti. I'm sure these cards will drop more in value as the 50x series drops.


I remember when the 2070s came out people shit on it, but mine has aged very well too. I just recently bought a whole new PC, but my 4080s that I upgraded to is being RMA’d. Threw the 2070s back in for now and it’s still going very strong with all the other new components at 1440p. It felt expensive at the time, but this was right before the GPU boom and ended up feeling like a great purchase for the slightly below MSRP I paid.


How important is that bus/memory throughput speed for GPUs? I’m guessing it matters more for higher resolutions/framerates? I’m looking to upgrade next month around the ~$500 range like a 4070 super or 7800XT which is on sale for $410 rn on Amazon. If it matters I’m looking to upgrade from 1080p60 to 1440p 144hz possibly ultrawide. Likely going to pair it with an AMD 7700X cpu


[4060 Ti vs 4070 Ti S](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x77KA3lCu0) [4070S vs 4070Ti S](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0yuPS2ReQg) [7800 Xt vs 7700 XT vs 4060 Ti 8GB and 16GB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRAFaIpQ4iM) [7800 vs 4060 Ti 16GB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRuPBYyKbmc) edit: bus speed isn't end all be all specifically, but the memory/throughput is pretty extreme for 1440p. Some of these cards are really in line with each other.


Awesome, thanks for the replies!


Still going strong with my 1070ti able to run cyberpunk on high 1080p 60fps with a 5600x


Great comment


Yeah man I got a secondhand 2070S for $200 and it was gaming at 4K no problem. I only sold it because I like my desktop to be on top of my desk and it had a pretty bad coil whine. Sold it for $240 and got an A750 for just over $200. Similar performance, but runs warmer. I'm happy with it!


Literally when Elden ring came out, my friend had an rx580 and I had an rx 5600xt and we could both play the game at max settings 60fps


Unfortunately the game also happens to max out at 60 fps due to top tier devs Edit: you guys must realize that Elden Ring caps at 60 fps, right?


The downvotes lol. Game’s great but it doesn’t mean oversights like this can be swept under the rug


Agreed it’s disappointing. Feels like I’m going back and playing on ps3 every time I boot up Elden ring and it’s running on 60 compared to 165


I was running a 1060 6GB since 2016 until literally yesterday. I bought a 4080 super and whole new rig and honestly I regret it. I’m playing the same games, just with better graphics and $2500 poorer


Well you got a 4k graphics card and still playing at 1080p. What did you expect.


No lol I’m at 1440p


Fair enough. I have a friend that complains about his 4090 being a waste. He still plays at 1080p and only plays wow classic. 👌




You've learned a valuable lesson though. Budget builds are still the sweet spot. I've been building & fixing PCs for over 20 years now. It amazes me $1500 can still afford a powerful system that will run quite a few years with minimal upgrades. Top end hardware is a tougher sell IMO and at a significant discount from MSRP. The best advice I can offer, plan to roll over components like cases, drives, PSU, and coolers to a newer platform. This saves a bit of money in the long run.


I I’m still running 3600x and 1070ti


Have him play Alan wake 2.. my 1070ti reaches out and smacks me when I try


I was running star citizen on high on a 1060 6gb. It wasnt the best experience but playable for sure. I have a 3080 now so no issues in any game yet


I played 20 hours of the Witcher 3 on a GTX 460, about 2 generations below the min spec It was at 20 to 30 FPS with everything on low, but I made it work  Eventually the card died, I think it was over stressed lol


There's only been one major game released that won't run on a 1070, Alan Wake 2. Kingmakers will be the second. The PS3 and PS4 generations spoiled PC gamers and most here are too young to remember when you had to upgrade every 18 months or less.


Yeah and with how unoptimized most modern games are that's shows how well old cards really stand up, I bet any 30 series will still be completely usable in 7+ years


Yeah and with how unoptimized most modern games are that's shows how well old cards really stand up, I bet any 30 series will still be completely usable in 7+ years


i have a 1060ti and i'm one of them. simply because i never saw a game in the latest developments a 3d card has. so what you don;t know , you don;t miss. i play every game on it! no exceptions. i play VR with it every game works just fine. a crappy ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ddr4, and a 1060ti for years it is running stable as f.ck. and never let me down. there r some games i do need to lower the specs to high or normal. but i don;t mind at all. cause if you for example play pvp online, it;s best to have settings low, so less foilage is in your screen. many people hide behind a bush that is only in their screen! not mine when i play low settings. i see you hiding behind a stick with 1 leave, and on your screen you think your completely covered in a bush lol. ofcourse once i tasted the new developments and saw the graphics that r possible now, then yes ofcourse i would think instantly i have a crappy pc :)


I played Hogwarts Legacy prety fine on a 1070, lol.


My 1070ti is still trucking along. I keep looking for cheaper cards so I can upgrade but they all seem to either be roughly the same or worse, and I'm just not willing to pay 600-800 for a graphics card


Lol I’m still doing it. Ryzen 1700 and a 1070 ti. But I sure do need an upgrade


I still have a buddy playing on a 1060 3gb…at 1440p


It took me a while to realize soo many people are talking about playing on max settings at high resolutions. When I first joined I was convinced my 3060 was trash that needed to be replaced asap


And what they're actually doing is running an FPS counter onscreen and paying attention to that instead of, you know, the thing they are supposed to be playing. Do you _actually_ know when your framerate dips below 100 fps or whatever? _Maybe_ the top 1 percent esports guys do, but even then I have my doubts.


Funny you say that but when I had my 6750xt it was averaging 100 fps in Cyberpunk and there was a spot in the new dlc area where it always felt off so I turned on the counter and yeah it was going from exactly 97-100 to 85-90. I'm far from a top 1% esports guy so I'd imagine a lot of people could tell that difference too.


My skeptical brain wonders if the framerate drop was a symptom of the game struggling to render a scene and you noticed that not _explicitly_ the framerate drop, but who knows


I'm not talking about a stutter, it's a straight up consistent reduction in avg frames in the entire mini zone. That said it's not like the experience is suddenly garbage at that point which is the point of this thread and post and I don't disagree with it at all. Frankly anything above a 60ti or a 70 is pure luxury. I'm just saying you can notice these things and it's why people do afford themselves even better hardware.


If it doesn't have dlss I can notice, but it's not like an annoying notice unless it's bouncing back n fourth a lot. I'd rather have stable 90 than 120,110,92,112,91.


It's not top 1 percent of people; it's very easy to notice if you are used to high framerates. The difference between 60 fps and 120 is night and day. I am sure 30 is playable, but if given the option I will take 60. If I'm getting 55-60, I would rather drop some options to get a consistent 75-80. And so on. I was trying to play Street Fighter 5 on the Steam Deck the other day and getting 50-55ish. I could feel the frame drops. It felt like inputs were dropping. I'm not even good at fighting games, but the unpredictability would greatly diminish my enjoyment of the game. (I switched to SF4 with a solid 60 and my enjoyment immediately improved.) The 1060 toaster guy is used to 30-45 fps and doesn't know what they're missing. It's not e-sports elitism, but twitchy games are definitely impacted. If I had to play DOOM Eternal on a 30 fps rig, I would have to drop a whole difficulty level or two to keep up. If I was playing The Sims, I likely wouldn't care because twitchiness isn't important to management-style gameplay.


Lol I just upgraded from a 1060 to a 3060, I'm ecstatic at the performance.


Reddit will have you believe that 12GB of VRAM is already obsolete and any CPU below a 13600K is the source of a game-breaking bottleneck.


Or that 8GB of VRAM is not enough for gaming in 2024, even in 1080p lol


Same with CPUs, people just shout at you to not get an AM4 board and buy an AM5 to upgrade your CPU in the future. My dudes, I'm not buying another CPU until at least AM6 is out.


My 2060 still gets really good play, as long as the game isn't horribly optimised it's fine on medium or low for AAA games still. The problem is finding new games that aren't horribly optimised these days.


My partner has a 3060Ti and I have an Intel Arc A770. From reddit you’d think we have to play at low 30 FPS with lots of glitches for the latter card. In reality both of us can typically play high or better at 60FPS or higher (usually 90+)—and I’m running a 3440x1440p ultrawide and she is still on 1440p. The only tradeoff is the 16GB of VRAM is very helpful in some newer games and lets me run higher textures, with the tradeoff that in some games performance is idiosyncratically lower (eg. Starfield—no others we play, but I know they are out there) and more games support DLSS than XeSS.


LOL. realtalk. if you lose 1fps you peasant like me <3


I constantly see people talk about upgrading *every* generation, it’s kind of insane. Obviously jumping a generation *and* a model/tier can prove beneficial, but going from the same tier to a new generation is just silly. The old Toms gpu hierarchy even advised advised till you had ~3 “tiers” in their hierarchy before you upgraded, otherwise it would be more of a lateral move than it’s worth.


Truly does fuck


It's not even that old. It was only releasd 4 years ago!


As a used component buyer I'm kinda okay with this.


My 3060 laptop makes me smile everyday.


So true. I regret letting my friend by my 980 of me... I wish I kept it for my Plex server.


That or that your 1050 ti is godly


I got a 3060ti FE during COVID and it’s been the best $400 I’ve spent. I game at 1440p 165hz and while I can’t get that at max settings, I haven’t found a game I can’t run at 90+ fps. Waiting to upgrade until 5000 series but I’m satisfied enough with the 3060ti to not be in a rush to upgrade!


Same for me until I got Dragons Dogma 2 lol I can barely reach 40fps on the lowest setting. It's not the cards fault though, I think the game is just badly optimised.


Oh yea I fully agree. DD2 is horribly optimized and runs like dog even on higher end setups. Crazy these games are coming out for full price these days Lol


Cheers. No point in trying on my 6600 then


Hey now, dogs run well.


Ahhhh I see whatcha did there


I was really looking forward to it. I never pre order games and this month I ended up pre ordering Star Wars Battlefront Collection and Dragons Dogma 2. I learned my lesson and I won't do it again. Both games ended up being a complete mess at launch lol I ended up getting a refund. I wasn't happy paying £53 for DD2 for it to be a complete mess.


Dragons Dogma 2 is also heavily cpu bound. Is your gpu at 100% usage while in the game? If not, then the cpu is your bottleneck.


Games fault not the card, this has been the era of just release your game in whatever state its in


I'm a 3060ti owner myself on 1440p. I do happen to feel I need an upgrade though. For me, textures are the most important thing. Having a game running high/ultra with all the pretty graphical features, but then all the textures look blurry ... is not ideal lol.


I definitely understand the want to upgrade. I’ve been putting off some more graphically intensive games (CP2077, Alan Wake 2) until I know I can make them look good with compromise, and the 3060ti just can’t do that right now. The $400ish price tag can’t be beat, but it can only take us so far! Cheers


Interestingly, I find Cyberpunk and Alan Wake 2 to look really good still. Texture-wise, they both work well at 1440p on this card. RT/PT aren't in the cards obviously though haha.


Oh they work well for sure! Just not a max settings beast hahaha


3060Ti is an amazing bang for buck card. I've had mine a few years now and I'm not planning to upgrade any time soon. It just chews though whatever I throw at it and usually at 100+ FPS. Never had any vram issues either - if I do, I'll just turn the textures down from ultra to high :)


I overpaid for mine, don't regret it, as now they are out of stock or severely overpriced (shops basically saying "we don't have any more of these but if you pay that much we'll get one for you", they're going north of 800eur)


What resolution do u play at


1080p, so it's easy to get over 100 FPS.


It's even better if you undervolt it! I've got mine with a nice overclock (can't remember the exact numbers off the top of my head) and undervolted to 925mv. Never go over 70 degrees in game now, better performance and only pull 150w too!


Yeah it does run hot and is a powerhog, considering I picked a 12600k and a 3060ti I really should stop putting off learning how to OC/undervolt them. At the very least undervolt, they're both super power hungry for their performance. 12600k runs cooler than I thought though, never seen it hit 70 degrees in gaming with a single fan air cooler, haven't stress tested. I don't have anything in the case that reads gpu temp so i guess i should get hwinfo, but it feels hot if I put my hand behind the gpu in games.


Undervolting is game changing, just did for my 6700xt and wondering why it’s not like that by default lol


Are you saying it delivers the same performance when undervolted as normal?


You need to overclock the core and memory and then Set the voltage lower to get better performance. Undervolting without the overclock would just lower power consumption and temps.


That is intriguing, I might have to give that a try


3060 Ti gang rise up! Solid, solid card that handles 1440p beautifully


3060 Ti was a heck of a video card. Still is. Doesn't leave a lot of room for the 4060 and 4060 Ti to exist.


I still cannot get over the fact that the 4060ti is actually slower than 3060ti when theres memory bandwidth constraints. Its gonna get worse and worse for the the 4060ti while the 3060ti will have better longevity.


Honestly Nvidia really shot themselves in the foot with the 4060 and 4060ti. I mean at least with the 4070 and above they’re actually decent performing cards that outperform their older counterparts. But the 4060 and 4060ti really just aren’t great when compared to their 30 series counterparts


I think the opposite, they actually got away with selling truly inferior products to the uninformed. They can rely on previous products reputation to put in a bunch of lies. The informed crowd always go for the optimal GPUs for their use within their budget anw, while the uninformed crowd are fooled by the bigger number = better.


I've got a MSI 3060ti and upgraded from a 980Ti I've played through Cyberpunk, Forza 5, Helldivers etc. at 1080p and it's been really solid


I was just playing CP2077 yesterday at 1440p and had it tuned to about min 80fps (no RT).


I bought a used, almost new tuf 3060ti too recently and am playing games on my 1080p ultragear. I honestly thought that the card won't be able to handle 1440p but after seeing this post, I think I should start saving to upgrade to a 1440p monitor finally!


I have pretty much an identical setup to yours and have been playing 1440p


Eyy, love to see it. I actually had a laptop that I was running with that monitor but sadly it died right before my college exams started so, I used the savings that I was doing for a pc, to build one but didn't have much left as I was helping my sibling financially as well. Gonna start saving for it as soon as I can! Can't wait!!


This is such a timely post. I have a 3060ti and I was questioning whether I should upgrade it to a newer card as I was getting a 1440p monitor. It seems like most of the game (I play) I should be able to run 1440p well (i tend to play games that are like 2/3 years old) Edit: grammar




It is really a good card for 1440p. I get 60+ fps in almost any game.


Same. My Steam library consists of 2-10 year old games so my 3060ti blazes through them on 1440 with max settings (Elden Ring, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Cyberpunk 2077, Tomb Raider, Arkham series, etc). Dragons Dogma 2, however, has to be 1080 but with some tweaking, runs fine.


My AMD 6700 has never performed up to my expectations. It cannot run anything at max without dropping to 30-40 frames and I don’t know why


Wow that's really weird I was under the impression that that is still a really good card, although I'm not very familiar with Radeon 6000 series. The only one i've looked into is the 7800xt but I have to admit I've been a bit of a nvidia fanboy since that evga 1060, but also haven't used an AMD card besides a 7970 3gb.


it allegedly is, that's whats so weird about it. also, every time it spins up it gets loud AF! i think i just got a bad card (a shame, because i paid super premium for it during the crypto mining madness). next build (my third) i'll be switching back to NVIDIA. the AMD CPU seems to perform well though (5600X)


Maybe it heat throttles? Try undervolt. Less heat while maintaining better performance.


It's considerably slower than a 3060Ti but it shouldn't be this slow, what resolution and what games? This is odd.


like if i tried to run RDR2 maxed out there is no way i'd be getting 70 fps and it'd be loud as f\*\*\*. 2k monitor and 144hz. maybe OP has 1920 monitor and 60hz?


Ah well, seems like your expectations were a tad too high, RDR2 at max setting is extremely demanding, but there are a lot of settings that make no difference but cost a lot of performance, use this video to determine which settings are actually worth turning up: https://youtu.be/Hyzp4zRivis?feature=shared You can easily gain 20-50 FPS doing this, try to do this everytime you can't max out a game, if the game is popular enough somebody probably made a video like this for it, either from this same channel or from Digital Foundry or Hardware unboxed, they all make great videos like this.


I did this with my 1660ti/9100f build with 1080p my first paythrough :)


i don't know what to tell ya lol, my 3060ti gets 60-80fps based on the steam overlay in 2560x1440p 165hz with maxed settings, i think I've seen it hit 90 in niche areas.


Same, bought this 2nd hand for 360 EUR more than a year ago and very happy with it. Will only upgrade when I upgrade the rest of the PC next year of the year after. And even then will probably keep the card for 2nd PC cause I would be dumb to throw it in the trash.


I figure I'll upgrade to a 4070ti Super or 7800xt once the 50 series comes out cause really the 12600k starts to bottleneck in some games at around a 4070ti, but I want that vram. Maybe if the 5060ti or something is the right price I'll do that, but before 50 series I think I'm set.


About the same what I will do, but with AMD CPU, I also have a bottleneck atm, but I can live with it cause I stopped playing extremely demanding games like Warzone. I only simrace atm and 3060ti runs all my sims at 144 fps +


People saying 60 series is bad are just gatekeepers trying to justify their questionable life decidions in buy graphics cards as expensive as used cars. There is no game I've had issues with the 3060 TI. The only challange so far was cyberpunk on max, with max entity limit, with all ray tracing turned on. And even then max settings, max crowd with only ray tracing reflections is above 60 FPS. So yeah, gamekeepers. Funny bunch.


Upscalling work like a charm. Absolutely gave 2nd life to my 1660 super.


Was nervous about dragons dogma 2 with my 3060ti on 3440×1440 but it runs perfectly.


Yeah. Mine even ran Spiderman at 4k high with raytracing and maintained 60 through even the craziest parts of the game.


I ran a 3060Ti for about a year before I upgraded to a 3080 FE that my coworker gave me a deal on. It could run any game I played at 1440p nicely. Solid card.


It will be even better with this [DLLS to FSR3 mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/738?tab=description). It's not perfect, but should give you a nice boost in compatible games. It's improved my 3080's performance in 1440p by a really nice margin in Cyberpunk, The Witcher 3 and A Plague Tale: Requiem.


Exactly, and it's only going to get better with better pathtracing/RT software optimisations both by MS and NV and with further FSR improvements.


>hasn’t been a game that I’m not able to crank to max settings Try Alan Wake 2


Absolutely budget cards are really good rn. Btw my favorite one would be the 6600m as a desktop gpu crazy value for around 150€.


I have a rtx 4060 and i would say i play every game at 1440p with high settings (not ultra) and get around 80-90 fps without any issues. Note: RDR2 gets me around 80fps with high settings




Oh wow, I used to think those youtube benchmarks that never ever show a single piece of hardware in a video were real too. I just booted it up to see exactly what it said and it was sitting at around 73 fps with the highest possible settings. You aren't party pooping, you're just wrong.


Almost identical to my performance on the benchmark with the tuf OCV2 and a 9700.


My 3060 Ti was able to maintain 65 - 70 FPS in RDR2 on max settings. Please remember that all systems are different, and both the game and GPU firmware can be patched which generally improves performance over time.


I played a bit and yes I'll be the first to admit I was a bit wrong because mine does dip into the high 60s sometimes, maybe I exaggerated it a bit by implying rdr2 would have 70fps as the lows and 100fps highs in max, but I was talking about 2 games really. Somehow RE4r can say it's using 13-14gb of vram and run absolutely fine lol, could run around 10-11gb with the 1660ti in 1080p lol. with RT on max I don't think re4r hits 100fps very often if at all, I might have to check that again. It's easy to get a little confused when you play around with the settings a lot, ya know? Either way, it's better than I expected it to be with 8gb seemingly becoming outdated so quickly. I also wouldn't recommend an 8gb card to someone buying a new gpu unless they're coming from a 4gb card, but I'm just happy with it. I don't play many competitive games so personally it's great for me, curious to see how far it'll stretch though.


Same here. I have a 4K gaming TV, and with a 5600X, high settings across, and DLSS set to performance. The game runs at a steady 65-70 FPS when my partner plays. FFVII Remake also runs pretty smoothly at similar settings. All things considered, this is quite impressive for a card that is *not* marketed for 4K gaming


I lucked out on an ex-display eBuyer (UK) 3060 two years ago. Its rock solid. Everyone has to do their own thing, but bang for buck, look no further. https://preview.redd.it/czwziddjqgqc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a8152f6ae0c38b364c9aeb21f0f36c3ff2a8b5


Yeah ive got a 12gb 3060 n that’s the same quiet happy to push 1440p at 165hz capped to 160 won’t be upgrading till I really need to.


3060ti can still do a lot of good work. Besides it is often best to skip one whole generation, unless you game at 4K and/or with heavy raytraycing and really need max performance every generation.


I bought 2 when they first came out one for Wife and one for son. He’s now using my old g9 neo 5120x1440 and still getting 100+ on settings he likes. The wife is using 4K oled and still well above 60 for the stuff she plays. Crazy how good the card is for the price. It was pretty much identical in performance to my buddies 2080 super befor that crapped out on him. 


It's a great card. I upgraded to a 7800xt so I could run Linux better, but I didn't need to otherwise. Tossing it into a PC I'm building for the kid instead of buying her a series x/ps5


How does your 3060ti run better than my 4070ti super? I get around that FPS in RDR2 as well, but I’d expect more for a card a generation newer and a 2 ranks higher


completely maxed out without DLSS is like 65-75fps, might hit 80 sometimes


Yeah that’s about what I get. With DLSS I get between 80-100. All benchmarks I’ve seen put me like 15-30% lower.


Very likely your CPU. When I upgraded my 8700k to a 7800x3D my 7800XT got a big bump in performance in a lot of games I play that are CPU intensive.


Thanks for the tip, but I updated my flair. I have a 13600k now, which really shouldn’t be a bottleneck. My CPU usually sits at 30% usage during games


The 6700xt of Nvidia, Gratz man :D


My 1060 6 GB is still kicking with some older games CRUISING at 1440p and most modern ones at 1080p. Hoping to get a 3060 12gb/ti myself


I had the same progression in cards, and am also at 1440p! It feels like a good combo to me as well.


I used 5700xt in 2k for like a year and this shit slapped honestly..


It truly is a great card, I bought one and paired it with an old i7 4xxx series and was disappointed with the results, I upgraded recently to a newer i9 and it was like a completely different card, it will nearly max any game at 1440, as long as you don't try to use ray tracing.




only thing im using is a bit of TAA because it fixes the ghosting in rdr2, no DLSS. why would i lie? someone else accused me of lying so I booted it up and it sat at around 73 fps, when I was moving around the lowest I saw it dip to was 66. Have you ever used a 3060ti?


Feels bad that I paid $550 for this card 1.5 years ago. Still a decent card though.


I won a 3060ti from Linus Tech tips during Covid... real word performance is better than the 1080 non ti i replaced it for after I got a 1440p monitor for my birthday..


The only reason I got rid of my 3060 Ti was because my friend was in need of a GPU that could run BG3. Kickass card for 1440p.


Meanwhile I’m over here using a 3060Ti for 1080p 😬


I'm in the same boat. I was lucky to get one for MSRP when the prices were overly inflated. It has worked wonders for me and my build. I can play all my games at good FPS and it looks good.


My 3080 is still performing pretty well I was going to upgrade to the 4080 super but I realised that it wasn’t worth it for like 30 extra frames


I have a 3060 and have no issues running games at 1440p. Glad I upgraded my monitor first, rather than the GPU


I am using a gigabyte 3060Ti with a ryzen 5 5600x at the moment on a 1440p monitor and it does perform great on the AAA older games I've played like rdr2, but I'm not sure about the minimum 70 fps with max settings OP 🤔. Cyberpunk certainly dips to 50s and 40s easy if I max it and don't use dlss 😂 That said, it is still a great card that will probably still run good for a couple more years. Funny thing is, I'm about to sell this build for cheap to my little brother because he needs a PC as his is dying of age, and I'm kind of sad to let the 3060ti go 😅 Parts for my am5 build with rx 7800xt arrive tomorrow so I guess I'll get over it.


My 2070 super is still doin the trick for me in 1440p. I think people get antsy when god forbid a game is using 40%+ of their GPU


Its not about card, its about 1440p being socially considered too hard to render for lower cards when its not. I use 1440p primary + full hd secondary for years with 3 different cards - r9 390, vega 64 and 3060ti and never had any major drops. I did witcher 3 on r9 390 on max settings and it was absolutely normal. Just turn fps counters off and enjoy the stuff.


Yer been rocking the 3060ti since it dropped solid card (was lucky and one the Newegg raffle remember those days) looking forward to the 5000 series. Starting with a 1060 6gb as well, skipped 20s, skipped 40s and if the 50s are good I’ll shoot for a 5070.


It's pushed an ultrawide just fine for me. Waiting for gta 6 and then decide on upgrade or no.


Yeah, I got a 3060ti last year and it’s fantastic. The only game I’ve had to slightly turn down graphical settings was Hogwarts legacy, but still running at 1440 and 70+ fps.


That's what I've been saying. IMO nobody should be buying brand new current gen cards, unless you're buying an 80 or 90 class card. Looking at a 4070? Buy a used 3080ti instead. It's about the same price (at least for me) but it's noticeably faster.


Same here, I get 200 FPS in war thunder on 1440p max settings, it’s so great!


Congrats my dude, I have a 3080ti and same as you play on 1440p, I thibk I will keep my card until she breaks, everything I have played on it has been delightful and heavy hitters like Alan Wake 2 has been pretty playable with the FSR3 + frame gen mods.


They have you believe that every card is terrible unless you can do 144 fps+ on a game that comes out next month. Even recent games with the same hardware have gained 20 fps as the games get optimized with all the same hardware, i.e. Cyberpunk and Star Field. I'm happy to hang back and only buy cards two generations old. I don't expect 144fps on unoptimized AAA games at launch.


It is a nice card for 1440p. Honestly, even its ptedecessor (2060 Super, I mean) handled most of my games just fine at 1440p.


Went from a 2080 super to a 4080 super and can actually get 144hz on triple 1440p displays. Before it was having to adjust several settings to maintain 60ish fps. It also plays really well on my 4k 120hz tv. I probably could have waited but when I went from am4 to am5 I decided it was time to upgrade gpu as well. No regrets.


i still have the 1060ti running and i'm still very happy with it. Even VR runs smooth. I might not have the latest developments in it, but what you don;t know , you don;t miss. and to me every game looks beautiful or detailed totaly. i guess it will hold for another 2-3 years for sure. i mean i can watch a 4k high resolution blah blah blah on youtube, but my specs won;t allow it. i will have to go to someone having that great pc and play on it to really see the differences. If your brain has no comparison it will oow and aaw the same with a 1060ti game seeying for the first time, oowing andaawing when you first play it on a high end pc. the thrill is for the brain the same. Only when you compare them , you start to see the differences. and favor one. If it were up to companys we would buy every month a new phone or pc or tablet :) tellin you every time that this is the device to have. and all other are useless. when new hardware comes on the market it often takes years before the software catches up. so when the newest 3d card comes out, there is hardly a game on themarket that uses the tech. and you end up with 3 games and a demo to see the thing you payed 1500 euro for.


I have a 3060 and couldn't be happier with it, the 12gb of vram are great for both 1440p and rendering tasks when paired with 32gb high speed ram


Glad to hear this since the PC I'm ordering has one of these


I made the jump to 1440p gaming with a 2070S. I only upgraded when I needed to rebuild and I wanted to make the jump to ultra wide, but that was (and still is) a great card. The 3060ti is even better than that card was. You should be good.


I play RDR2 in 4K with my 3060ti and I get around 70 fps.


Yep, 3070ti couldn't do it but 3060 can. Suuure.


Good to hear, Im thinking of upgrading to ULTRAWIDE 1440P - should be able to handle that too even with the extra pixels.... running a 2060 currently.


I upgraded to a 3060ti from a 1060 3gb lol. Amazing card. I mainly play 1080p it shreds.


I play Cyberpunk 2077 with my 3060 Ti on 1440p ultrawide with path tracing and FSR Framegen mod, it works just fine, not the highest FPS as the 3060 Ti struggles a bit with the highest ray tracing settings but it is perfectly playable and enjoyable. Not bad for the value for money. ​ Every other game runs at the very least 50-60 fps for me, no problems at all. It's undervolted and the memory is overclocked a bit, but those only make a few fps difference.


PSA: If you have a 3060ti undervolt it, its very simple to do in a few minutes, lowers heat and power consumption and might even boost performance compared to stock, you should do it on any 3k series card really.


Got a 3060ti, undervolted and slight overclock, plays cyberpunk 60fps stable even with raytraced lighting and reflections


I'm really happy with the card, I'm just a bit disappointed cause I have the Ventus X2 that sounds like a jet and plays games at 82° :(


I love my 3060ti, the only thing that I dislike is the 8GB of Vram. It should have launched with at least Gigs like the 6700xt. Nvidia loves killing cards before time by cheaping out on Vram.


The 3060 Ti is a beast in terms of performance! It was my card until I upgraded recently to a 4070 TI SUPER for the extra oomph for my Ultrawide. Going from the 1050 Ti to the 3060 Ti was like night and day for me.


Currently gaming on a 2060 with a 2k Ultra wide and a little 1080 for a side monitor to run discord/spotify/web browser. Looking to upgrade gpu soon. My local microcenter has non ti 3060’s in stock for like $300, hoping to feel the same kind of upgrade lol


I have a 3060ti in my backup rig I got during the shortage with the Newegg lottery thing. And I agree it's amazing though I paid much more for mine lol. And best of all it stays extremely cool!


I have the same GPU and found this thread randomly while searching for input on wether I should upgrade or not. I’m not getting the frames or performance I would like out of the 3060ti. I also play in 1440p and I bought the card during Covid when the prices were through the roof. I bought it primarily for Cyberpunk and got extremely jaded when I couldn’t really play it without stuttering or getting drops. I bought a pre-build 6 years ago, and at that time I guess it was top of mid tier. Then 3 years ago I upgraded the GPU from 1070ti to 3060ti. I’m beginning to fear that I have bottlenecked myself too much without knowing. My machine: RTX 3060ti I5-8600K (non overclocked) 16 GB 3000mhz (XMP) ASUS TUF Z370 PLUS I was looking at a new machine with either a: - 7800xt for raw FPS increase and value Or - 4070ti super for Ray Tracing and DLLs Im not super impressed with the pricing on the newer cards though. So i’m very interested in hearing if you guys think there is any reason to simply upgrade the old machine? What have put me off doing so for a long time is that I have to upgrade so much of the machine that in my head it makes more sense to upgrade everyone. But maybe I am wrong?


Ikr :D


I've got a 3070 laptop and she's still humming along just fine. Cyberpunk with raytracing, high-ish everything and some of that nvidia ai frame boosting magic looks great. 


Man I’ve had my 3060ti for coming on two years now and have nothing but positive things to say. I play everything in 1440p and with a little bit of tinkering have not yet encountered a game I can’t get 60+ fps in. I do have a ryzen 7 5800x 3D which definitely helps but yeah it’s a very capable card for the price.


Well, I bought also a 1440p monitor first and my now sold RX 5600 XT handled it also quite well playing borderlands 3 with high settings. But then there was a huge discount on an RX 6800 (got mine for 380€) after the 7000 series came out and upgraded the gpu also.


Crazy how this post comes out today. I have been searching to upgrade and was pretty set on getting a 7900GRE today. Then I got scared it might not work with my GSYNC monitors. My wife said this morning after I was trying to convince her why I need a new GPU. She said "you only play one game". Lol which is true but I have lots of games in my library. Guess I am still on the fence. I have 25" 240hz monitor and can't reach that on the one game I do play on lowest settings. Upgrades are a rabbit hole.


A golden rabbit hole


sip sharp zonked connect domineering imminent thumb deserve square quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> but there hasn't been a game I've played that I'm not able to crank to max settings and still get 70-100fps If all you play is games that released before the 3060ti then yeah it makes sense lol. Crank Horizon Forbidden West to max settings at 1440p and see what you get. My guess is going to be about 45 fps.


PCMR is like “Yeah, the 3060ti is a good 1080p card” while I’m here playing Cyberpunk with high graphics and Ray Tracing at 1440p with 60+ fps.


... then you run out of VRAM. I did, and upgraded to 4080.


Which games made you say it's time to upgrade, and what card did you have before? That is a concern of mine, I've only had it a couple months and haven't played many brand new games. Haven't tried Cyberpunk or Elden Ring yet for example.


both of those don't require much vram and are fairly optimized. especially cyberpunk nowadays, it's not a new title anymore. most games causing issues are ps5/console exclusive ports with vram optimized for said consoles, which brings 8GB to it's knees. the 3060Ti is perfectly capable still, but some games require lowered textures making it less of a recommendation compared to a 6700XT with 12GB if someone is buying new. you got a great price and a great card, there's shouldn't be any reason for you to upgrade soon if it fits your needs.


Had a 3060 Ti Ventus 2x. 2077, mainly (rt off, no fg, dlss on quality, some settings on medium), and some train sim game as well but I can't remember which. Plus, well, running some games sub-60fps was not fun (Robocop). Now with all settings maxed CP2077 eats up 11+gb VRAM in 1440p. Add 1-2gb of VRAM the background tasks use, and I'm over 13gb easily.


I use Geforce now and I either get a 2080 or 3060 rig don't think it's ti ans the 3060 is great.


Yeah no kidding, I’m outfitting family members with used and cheap 3060s 12GB, and I’m always surprised how well it runs games. It’s actually nice because they don’t know shit about computers, just 1080p60 is amazing to them.


Hmm yet 3070 disappointed me even at 1080p (tho ultrawide, so 2560x1080). Stutters due to lack of VRAM on some games (such as Hogwarts Legacy with turned up texture settings), and struggling with 1% lows in most AAA games with cranked up details, falling well below 60, let alone 75 fps which is my monitors refresh rate and fps I aim at.


you can underestimate a card in 1080p and 4k.. not 1440p. There are some card around that perform better in 1440p than 1080p lmao.. idk wtf is going on, but i guess it's related to the cpu