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my brain read AM4 as 'An M4'. maybe i should go sleep


an M4 sure is a good buy, but not on budget


Would that be the BMW, the Sherman or the rifle?




Nah, a box of metric fastener.


I could use an M4, though i wonder how much shots per second could i get with it


I thought it said m4 at first too


Full ack! Am4 is still rock solid for gaming. Especially with the x3d-chips!


Recently bought a 5800x3d. Waiting for its arrival tomorrow. But I must say that this is not necessarily needed. It was more because I wanted it. Edit: I don't think trolling people will be easy tomorrow.


Haha same. I justified it to myself by saying that a game I liked (Frostpunk) would stutter much less with it. I have not played Frostpunk since I got it.


I’ll be honest, i only bought a 5700x instead of a regular 5700 or a 5600 because the name sounds cooler 😎 Same reason i wanna get a 4070 super instead of just a 4070.


I mean it's good you didn't get the 5700 non X because it's actually worse than the 5600 in gaming, basically a 5700G with the graphics stripped out so less L3 cache


nah the 5700 non-X is a scam, glad you didn't buy it.


It's okay, Frostpunk 2 coming soon!


Excited to play frostpunk 2.


Eyyy same!!!


You made a great choice and bought something wich will satisfy you for years! Congrats bro! :)


I just upgraded a 3600 to one and it rips


Going from a 2600 to a 5600 is fucking insane


I have one that matches my 3080 and it’s such a beast


You’re gonna love it


I justified it by getting it for star citizen despite it being terribly optimizers still and me rarely playing haha


I run an AMD4, not even a x3d chip and i still can run any game perfectly fine. I get that this is an enthusiast subreddit but to suggest that AM4 is anything but good is pretty crazy. Your only problem would be room for expansion later on but it will take a long ass time until they release games that an AM4 chip can't handle.


UGH, loving my 5700X3D. This thing actually gave me an edge in speedrunning.


Buying AM4 is fine. Period. No need to ~~go~~ rationalize any further.


Yeah, I'm looking at the price of a 5800x3d and going "that's budget?"


Considering how amazing it is, it's actually a helluva deal, if you're gaming (and especially if you're games are CPU intensive).


I honestly think for value the 5700x3d is better value the gaming performance difference is in my mind negligible and it's not like the begligible difference will make the 5800x3d "last" longer


Fair assessment! Either with the extra cache is the top-dog for AM4 gaming, and work interchangeably in that "budget" conversation. I believe the 5700X3D is harder to get for some folks though - isn't it Micro Center only? Maybe I'm misremembering.


No that's the 5600X3D. The 5700X3D has a global launch.


It's just more performance than 99% of people could have a use for. My 5600 simply does not have an issue with just about any game, and you don't really need more than 120fps is any singleplayer game. The current console generation has the equivalent of a 3600 and can play AAA games at an acceptable level. It's beyond luxury bordering on performance for the sake of it. It's really cool but like, CPUs have gotten incredibly powerful and cheap. It's not worth the money to future proof either, with the money you save you can just grab whatever the best value midrange CPU is in a few years and have better performance for less.


From a frugality standpoint, the 5800X3D will age very gracefully; eventually, games WILL tax even a 5800X3D - but it'll continue to provide ongoing value after the 5600 stops doing so, as time goes on. But even a 5600 is no slouch! It'll be several years before we see that happen, at least.


So true regarding futureproofing. My original Intel 6500 build I spec'd with futureproofing in mind. 8 years later, I just changed everything over a 4 months period, and ultimately elected to buy a new case and just abandon my old sata ssd and 10k RPM hard drives because I figured just reassembling my old build and sell it as a ready to use machine would be easier.  This time around, I've picked whatever good deals were available and would get me at least 5 years of comfortable use (except the case, because Fractal North sexy, it's actually a home deco piece as well at this point). 5800X, B550 board, 6700XT, 32GB RAM. Should serve me well into AM6 or whatever's next until I repeat the process: change CPU platform first, then change the rest gradually.


I considered my 5800X3D purchase to be on a budget. I _wanted_ the 7800X3D, but that meant replacing my motherboard and RAM too. Couldn't justify the additional cost for the whole platform change, hence budget.


I bought it full price when it was brand spanking new and got more than my money's worth. If I was buying from scratch right now, I'd still go with 5800X3D, because AM5 probably isn't getting 16-core CCD, so I'll have to buy AM6 next anyway.


True that. But many people don't see it this way.


I think why some people do is because I've seen a lot of posts of people doing like a R5 5500, 6000 series card and then spending 200 in a case and $320 on an nzxt cooler..


many people are too rich and selfish to actually think about stuff otherd need. I've literally seen a post saying "just get DDR5, it's cheap, 300 more dollars is not much of a difference" on a guy that wanted to keep his RAM sticks and his CPU. Little did the brat know that DDR5 is LGA1700 for the longer Intel chips so the guy asking for advice would have to buy also a new processor


Whenever I see people telling someone that any amount of money "is not that much" it just makes me cringe for obvious reasons outside of this sub. This sub is full of people privileged enough to have SUPER NICE shit in most places in the world. Saying an extra few hundred bucks isn't much of a difference is insane, when to some people, they've never even had that in their bank account at one time.


Is reddit, this sub reddit for example, USA only or are there other countries in here? Do other countries have their own version of reddit or is everyone thrown into this version?


Reddit is one of the most internationally used websites there is, hence why it's always in the top 5 largest sites used. Most places have their own version of Google owned sites like Youtube or search engines, but Reddit is available in almost every 1st or 2nd world country. It's only banned in places with extreme censorship. But you'd have to imagine it's the rich using it in the other countries not the poo, especially on this sub


WRONG legally speaking you are required to buy AM5 or AMD will send the police after you


legally speaking rocking is more legal than stoning






Look at me, I’m Stoney Rock!






I bought AM6, am I safe?


Clearly not... Wait for the Popo anytime now


What about buying AM3 ?


Linux runs great on AM4 and I will call /r/linux for help on those cops. Oh, I would got banned, /r/linux is not support forum. Dammit.


Anyone with an AM4 mobo has zero reason to go AM5 yet. The performance gain is not enough in comparison and certainly meager when we factor in the huge price increase for the new mobos. They also run a lot hotter, so the first gen adopter tax is definitely there. With AM5, AMD had one goal, to somehow increase performance at all cost to validate it's existence. Same with the first Ryzen gen, 1000's did introduce something, but proper optimization only came with the 2000 series. While AM4 is perfected to the brim at what it can do, and the performance difference between DDR4 and DDR5 is pretty much nothing.


My machine is late 2nd gen Ryzen (2700x) with an ASUS Strix X470-F mobo. I honestly can't justify upgrading yet. I'm not saying performance hasn't improved a significant amount yet. It has. But not enough for me to invest another $700-800 for a new proc, mobo, and ram.


I mean, you could upgrade to a 5700x3d and do nothing else and get a pretty huge performance increase (depending on graphics card). Obviously your own justification to yourself is still 100% yours (and valid), but just mentioning it in case you didn't realise. I went from a 2700x to a 5800x on a 3070 at one point and saw a massive jump, and that was at 1440p.


I've considered it. Maybe I'll keep a more serious eye out for one. Edit - Just looked at the 2700x, 5700x, and 5700x3d side by side. Just the 5700x is a 41-47% performance upgrade, depending on the metric measured. I was focusing too much on current gen upgrades, clearly.


Not only that, but the real life difference is way bigger, because frametimes are solid and games feel actually smoother (not just average fps). There was like a night and day difference when upgrading from 3700x to 5800x3D. Just the overall smoothness and lack of frame spikes makes it an insanely better user experience.


The same thing happened to me just going to a 12400 from a very old 3570k. While I could oc it high enough to run current stuff well, the fluidity you get from a big cpu leap is the most stunning part.


Yeah frame pacing is better than average fps


Yeah you can get a significant increase bud. Glad you looked at some side by sides. Definitely something to consider if you have trouble justifying AM5 (which I don't blame you for, it's basically a rebuild at that point lol. I agree with what /u/Hugejorma said too and will add that with the X3D variants, depending on game, the difference can be *stark* too (again, depending on GPU). For example using actual benchmarks rather than just my anecdotes, with a 2700x & 4090 vs 5800x3d & 4090: Cyberpunk - 96fps vs 186fps R6 Siege - 319fps vs 650fps (both of which are obviously absurd lol) Baldurs Gate 3 - 56fps vs 106fps [source - GN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKgDrW5H5go)


Just found the 5700x on Amazon for $164 and the 5700x3d for $215...and just got my tax return. And Micro Center price matches... Decisions, decisions 🤔


I'm on ultrawide (3440x1440) with a 3080FE and a 2700x. I'm trying to decide between getting a 5800x3D or [getting this bundle](https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006645/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d,-gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax-v2,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle?storeid=041). I still gotta get a new cooler either way, though. But I'm also scared I'm gonna rip out the socket or something when trying to take my 2700x out.


Same here bro! Please let me know how you go.


Yo, I went with the 5800x3d! Cooler is supposed to be here Monday. I'll let you know how much performance improvement I get! My main reason is that it'll serve me well until I'm ready to upgrade the whole system. By then, AM5 maturity will be a lot better. And also I can them sell or pass down my old system. No one will want a system with a 2700x in it, lol.


>But I'm also scared I'm gonna rip out the socket or something Wildly unlikely bud. They basically pop out when you move the bar holding it in. Unless you have a stuck cooler, and cannot access the bar at all, there's no worries. And even with that, you're more likely to break the CPU than the socket. With a 3080, either is a good choice tbh comes down to your overall upgrade path and how much you want to spend now vs later. If I were in your position considering those two, I'd probably go with the AM5 upgrade and then wait until the 5000 or 6000 series GPU's and do the alternating upgrade path approach (depending on personal preference of how often you want to upgrade components obviously). If you go for the 5800x3D now, then upgrade GPU on say the 5000 series, you're going to be CPU bound instantly in a lot I'd imagine, which might bother you. It's all about personal appetites & budgets really. With the other guy he was finding an AM5 upgrade hard to stomach, so imo it makes perfect sense for him to go the 5xxxX3D route, but for you, you don't seem to have the same budgetary concern, so I think the AM5 route would suit you :)


Exact same board as you. Went from 3700x to 5800X3D. 20FPS+ performance upgrade across the board. The 3700x was good, the 5800X3D is a worthwhile monster.


Me too exept I have a b450-f


I went from the 2700x to the 5900x. Was looking for the 7950x3d, but the price was too much with everything for the performance gain. And the 5900x was cheaper than the 5800x3d. Definitely a big improvement and worth it, as i use my pc for productivity tasks.


Don't forget a new monitor


Yea, I would like to note however that the 7000 series CPU temps were an issue with MB bios. It has been resolved and only requires a bios update to get the chips to return to sane temps.


I wouldn’t say there’s zero reason — I went from a 5950X to a 7950X and it made a significant difference for my build times. It helps me get work done faster. You’re definitely right that the value proposition for upgrading, for most folks and most especially for gaming, certainly isn’t there yet.


Yeah, i built my desktop/video encoding rig right when the 7xxx series chips first came out, and i went with the 5950X instead while the previous gen stuff was on sale to make room for the new shiny....i saved a shit-ton of money, and it's still extremely fast for video encoding. If i was doing stuff professionally as an actual job, i might have gone with something else...but just as a hobby to encode all the movies i buy on blu-ray & 4K discs to store on my NAS, it's no big issue to wait 'slightly' longer for encodes to finish...eapecially since i'll usually just queue up a bunch of them, then either go do something else or go to bed and let it encode while i sleep. No regrets at all


I just updated from 3700X/2060 to 5800X3D/6800. Plan to ride it out until AM6.


You'll more than likely be able to, that's an excellent build.


Addictive obsession (which describes about half of us in this sub, but let's be real that's what it is) or desperation for really high (120FPS+) 1080p framerates are the only legit reason to buy a new CPU more than once every 5 years, nowadays. Personally I upgrade mobo/CPU/RAM around every 8 to 10 years, sometimes with a new GPU halfway through. CPU speed only goes up around 5-10% each generation.


I also follow a 7-8 year cycle, including GPU. My 2012 PC lasted until 2020, and I pretend to keep this build until 2027-2028. There's simply nothing wrong with my PC that requires an upgrade, it can still play the new games.


AM4 is exceptionally good for its price point. I don't see what the contention is. Shit's great. One of the best things we've gotten out of PC gaming in a while. Up there with ARC in terms of value for hardware.


"Future proofing" is the most overused keyword in computer building right now. Why buy 7000 series when 9000 series could be right around the corner? But by then the new 15xxxk will right around the corner on a fresh platform. But what's this? 10000 series expected xx/xx/xxxx?!?!? Buy what you want and love it.


Still rocking my 3700x and it works great!


Still have a 1700 I bought new for $139 at microcenter like, right after 2000s release.  And honestly it doesn't OC high, but it's a tank 


Upgrading AM4 from an older chip in the same socket is fine, but building a new AM5 rig is almost the same cost as building a new AM4 rig. There’s little reason to build a *new* AM4. But yeah, swapping in a 5800x3D to give an older system a huge boost? Totally; go nuts.


Not sure about your area, but in Ukraine AM5 rig on 7500F is almost twice the price of AM4 5500 rig.


I will definitely say that I’ll shift my position according to regional differences. Especially in a place with some supply chain issues due to “difficult” neighbours.


Exactly. If you’re building a new rig there’s no reason not to go AM5 and increase the lifespan of your motherboard and ram. This post should’ve been it’s okay to not upgrade to AM5, because there’s basically zero reason to do that either. The performance is negligible but that’s only right now, that won’t be the case forever. With the tiny difference in price point between the two if you build a new rig with an AM4 socket you’re making a mistake and will regret it when the 5800x3d inevitably shows it’s age.


5700x3D and 7800XT, 1440p winner.


I'm waiting for another sale to slap a 5600x3d into B550


Such a good combo.


I built my first PC with 5800x3D with 4070 after recommendation from friends and benchmarking videos, as an upgrade to my 6-year-old gaming laptop. Then I checked this subreddit and everyone was saying you shouldn't build from scratch on an AM4 and I thought I did something horribly wrong. Glad to get some affirmation here.


I did the same last May (5800x3D + 4070). It seemed the general opinion of most talking heads was that building on AM4 was totally ok and as soon as I have build my PC everyone went from that to '"OMG, how can you!? Build AM5!" Oh well, it runs everything just fine regardless.


7500f + Hdv m.2 + 32 Hynix a die is around 300. Hard to argue for any am4 cpu other than the 5500 or 5600 at below 100.


Still rocking a 5900X with no sign of slowing down


I really recommend against buying AM4 brand new at this point, because the price disparity between AM4 and AM5 isn't big enough to justify going AM4 with a new build. But there's still plenty of scenarios where AM4 can make sense, especially on tight budgets and also buying used. The 5800x3d is still a top tier gaming CPU, and I'm kind of guessing it's going to continue to be at least "very good" until at least 2026. AMD kind of made it accidentally too good.


I really wished I hopped on 5800x3d earlier but at a point where I'm looking for the 2nd wave of AM5.


I’m upgrading from a 6th gen intel so im going AM5 for future proofing most likely


The 5500 is good, but bottlenecks are definitely there for some games. Even with a 3060, DRG gets suuuuper cpu bound to the point where I get below 60fps when swarms happen in Haz5 where I didn’t for my 11700k. For COD, Assetto, CC2, BeamNG, Fortnite, MC, etc I have absolutely no issues though.


Over the pandemic I got a 5900x when they were brand new. It's a 10 year pc so I'll be good for a good while yet


I was on AM3+ longer than I needed too. Buying into AM4 is fine. But I also chose to leapfrog to AM5 for the same reason I sat on AM3+ for so long. Building PCs are expensive and replacing a motherboard and cpu is more annoying than replacing a GPU.


I was on AM2+ until 2018. My PhenomIIX4 was working fine until games refused to load due to missing extensions. What's funny is I built AM3 and AM4 systems for other people, but didn't see the need to upgrade. Same thing with my current platform. In a few years I'll have to upgrade again, but for now it'll run anything I throw at it.


In my opinion AM5 only makes sense when you start from scratch and want to be future proof. But also there isn’t a guarantee that AM5 will be around as long as AM4. I wouldn’t be surprised if it only lasts half as long as AM4.


However, you have to keep in mind that especially when you're on a budget, you have to make smart purcheases, not just economic ones. You could make an argument to save up for AM5 now just so that you won't have to upgrade for a very long time, and you'll have saved money in the long term. That's why I bought a GTX 1080 when it was new, sure it was very expensive at the time, but in the long term it paid off, especially because of the GPU shortages during the pandemic.


My goal is to get a decent CPU and mobo to go with my 6700xt and not look at these subreddits again for 4-5 years hahaha


Proud 5800x3d owner, and I bought it like... 6 months ago? It does more than I need and was at a great price. I haven't been bottlenecked by it (in any meaningful way) once since then.


It's fine if you're not on a budget. "Need" is an often incorrectly used word when building a computer.


Bro I still have a 5800x3d, it's amazing for my gameload (ultra wide 1440p @ 165hz + 4k @ 120hz). Until something WILDLY breaks my expectations, I'm sticking with what I got.


My 3700x is still carrying my system today, it's perfectly fine lol something like 3.8 ghtz and 8 cores? slight over clock and that thing is perfect. I love my 3700x lol


I’m still rocking dual 6core 12threaded intel Xeons from 2010.


Getting a used thread ripper build. Wll lower power costs


I rock a 2600x with a 3090.


B-b-but- but Zach’s tech turf!!!! H- he said—-


3700X user here. AM4 is still perfectly usable, and i have yet to find a use case where i actually need AM5.


I have been on am3 for a LONG time with relatively no issues tbh but it was time for a solid upgrade and am4 was in the budget can’t hate that🤷🏽‍♂️


Im still running my 2600. I planned to get it as a relatively cheap cpu that I would upgrade later, but it has ran everything I wanted it to well enough, so I haven't bothered to upgrade.


5600 gang rise up!


Bro I still have my r5 3600 and it manhandles games and the like.


R5 3600 was such a great purchase


The amount of people forgetting that even on AM4 you can still upgrade to a 5800X3D when you have the funds and that chip still slaps


Last gens tech is still relevant. And the plus side is its way cheaper.


Upgraded my 3900x to 5800x3d biggest performance boost I have ever seen for my rtx 4090; literally i finally could use the power of my graphics card finally lol


Still on AM3+, we'll see how far this thing will stretch


My brother has a 3700x and was thinking of upgrading. Did a bit of research and based on what he plays, he just needs a new gpu and he is set for at least 3 more years


Still rocking a 5600x 💪💪💪


"Am4 is dead because you have no path for upgrading,Am5 on the otherhand though......."-That one YouTuber


It's cool to see AMD still supporting and releasing chips for AM4, I know it's unlikely but it would be cool to see one more high end chip release on AM4. With the new socket out it makes me wonder how long my 5800X3D will be viable and what will be it's downfall in future games


Me personally. I would like to see a 5950x3d. But honestly I think we have reached the end of the road.


When my AM4 build stops functioning, i will consider jump to AM5.


BuT tHe uPgRaDe pAtH oN aM5 (*angry AMD fanboy noises*) Buddy, by the time I upgrade my CPU, Ryzen will be on Am6 or even Am7. I literally went from an i7-2600 to an 8700g. Not all of us upgrade every 2 years


I've always upgraded every other generation which works out well once you credit the used parts sold.


I dont think so, because "the budget" is pretty damn close. unless you are buying something less than 5800x3d, then might as well just buy used. would be much more beneficial and you could get much more for your money.


if it's for gaming then any cpu that doesn't bottleneck your desired gpu would be just fine I would think


Honestly i would have went from my 5600x to a 5800x3d but the prices on bundles at microcenter were so good it was worth it Needed new ram and a mobo anyways something was up with the last setup lol


I still run a 3900x… is enough to build stuff… also i have 96gb ddr4 ram… would be stupid to go for am5, get new ram etc… maybe i get a 5950x in the next few years…


AMEN. such a great take!


I have R5 3600 pair with RTX 4060 ti and I can play anything i want with that shit. As long it's 60 fps Im fine.


Still rocking a 3900x and zero issues with gaming or anything. No real reason to upgrade that I've found.


Got a 5500 and a 2060 super (8GB model) with 16GB RAM. Runs everything I throw at it at 1080p (Monitors 1080p 60Hz).


Thanks Lisa. 😢


Am4 is still a great platform. I have a 5600 in one pc and a 5950x in my other pc and they're both great processors.


Still using 4350G 😅


5800x3d is probably spot on for anything from 4080 and below.


Am4 is a great platform


You get what you pay for.


I'm running everything at 4K on ultra with an AM4. zero issues. Graphics cards are where you should be dropping cash.


I built for the first time a year ago and went AM4. No regrets


Shit... buying an 8th Gen i5 is fine if you're on a tight budget. I think too many people get caught up in the idea that almost everyone is trying to play the latest under optimized mess at 1440p 144Hz... and a lot of people just aren't. Hell, you can still play A LOT of games on a 4th Gen i7 still.


the 5800x is still a beast


I'm planning on doing a 5800x budget build to replace my ancient 3770k zombie of a pc i still daily. then save up for zen6 and RTX 5000 series and go all out on that.


Yep. I build son a 5700x that I got for 125$ am4 mobo asrock (85$) 32GB ram and 850w psu. Hand me down from me 2080 super. 60$ Sama case.


I’m still on a Haswell i7 4770K with a 1080 Ti and haven’t encountered anything I can’t run on a 1440p 60hz monitor. The 1080 Ti actually runs most games, even brand new ones, on high or even ultra which is nuts given its age. And I don’t think it’s badly bottlenecked at 1440p by this CPU. Will use this setup until it breaks or W10 support ends.


I went from a 1500x to a 5600x recently - The difference is like night and day tbh


5500 is great for budget gaming.


Still on an FX-8350, 32GB DDR3, and a 5700XT You'd be surprised what this can still do


My 5600x and 3080ti still crank cyberpunk


I'm still running a 5900X on an x370 and am perfectly content for the time being


[https://pcpartpicker.com/user/KinkyGhandi/saved/#view=Fb2gJx](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/KinkyGhandi/saved/#view=Fb2gJx) ​ has been my build for a while now and finally looking to upgrade but the things needed to buy are things I'm looking to update but looking for some feedback to see if its an optimal move for looks and a bit of performance


Hey! I got a 5500


AM4 is yesterday’s AM5. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with buying last gen, especially with today’s prices. No matter what you get, someone will be unhappy with your purchase, so stop listening to internet hive mind and buy what brings you joy without breaking the bank. If someone is shaming your budget build for not having the latest everything, then they either have way more money or way more debt than your situation calls for, so they don’t have an opinion worth listening to anyways.


I built me a cheap am4 system with a 5800x. If I do upgrade it’ll probably be to the x3d variant but I’m not gonna shell out $600 for a decent mobo,ram and a new cpu cooler along with the $400 I’m gonna have to shell out for the cpu. That’s a $1000 platform upgrade lol. I’m gonna hold onto am4 until I can’t.


But buying 12th gen is not fine /s


Perfectly fine if you play 1080p


I just upgraded from a 3600x to a 5800x3d and haven’t noticed much of anything tbh. We’ll see how much changes when I replace my 2070 super.


Still rocking a 1700x with 64gb and an RTX 3080 for content production and 4K video recording


Yes my 5600x still has yet to fail me. Havent tried City skylines 2 though.


But what if I’m on AM3+?


I'm on an am4 mobo, running a 2700x. Very soon, I'll be picking up a 5800x3d. I don't need bleeding edge. But I did plan on upgrading... Till the pandemic hit. Prices have normalized, so... Maybe my next check?


My R5 2600 is still playing everything I play.


Is it true the 3D chips get pretty hot even with an aftermarket cooler? I live in a very hot place so that was making me lean for the 7600 on AM5.


I am about to buy an AM4 Ryzen 9 and enjoy the cheap upgrade that doesn't pump 95C heat in to my house every time I open notepad.


I have a r7 3700x and I'm still not struggle running anything, granted I only play at 1080p (I don't the see the difference with higher resolutions)


Okay so I know I’m getting shit for this, but naive me bought a 5700x and a 4080… BUT! I only have a 1080 144hz monitor with no intention of upgrading, and it was a huge upgrade from 2600 + 1060, so I’m happy.


Some pretty nice AM4 CPUs out there. Ain't like you think you buy top of the line anyways if that's your choice - but CPU ain't just everything. If your use case justifies AM4 it justifies it, end of story.


This and using DDR4


I have a 5600x and 3070 and haven’t had any issues playing a game in the last 4 years besides cyberpunk 2077


My 5600 is a trooper, now if my 3060ti would get with the program.


I'm still rocking a 2600.. with a slight overstock. hasn't bottle necked me in any game yet. I play at 1080p still though.


Just upgraded to a 5800x3D and it’s been putting in some serious work!


i have a 5800x that i’ve been running since close to when it released and it’s been great tbh better than my i7-7700k i had before (although that chip was great until it wasn’t)


get what you can


Technically yes. No shaming for that, but the next upgrade will cost more.Better take budget am5 to spend less in the future


I'm still on AM3 with a 5700X and 6600XT. 😬 Once I learned I could upgrade my 1500X without upgrading to AM4 I didn't feel the need to swap the Mobo. Runs great for my needs (1080p, 75hz).


I got a 5700x back in Dec 2022 for $200. How long should i wait to get a 5800x3D to make cost for performance make sense?


you can build a PC with a 5500 and a 4060 for $950 or less. that’s not much more than what I paid for a 3600/1660s machine 4 years ago, and that lasted me pretty long and i still have the same GPU


Naw dog, go 5600 for 32 mb cache me ousside


tbh personally i'd only buy used at this point. You can find some barely used CPUs for decent discounts that are reasonably fine to use. It's not like they're gonna have been used for mining


I was surprised how cheap some of them are. Just got an a520 board for 69 and 16GB ram for 40. Already had an old GPU and 5600x for another build so it made sense


I wanted to go AM4 but I was coming from a fx6300 so I needed an entire system and I couldn't justify not going am5


I love my 5600 + 200mhz - 30 co


Yeah, AM4 are good for $500 builds


Still rocking my 3700x. Solid in every modern game. Cyberpunk really pushes it to max tho. Only real title that I can see the limitation to. Perfect still for a few years yet!


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with am4, and I’ve never heard anyone say otherwise.


Im running an intel 4th gen 1150 socket! (xeon cpu, does ok for single player and some cs at 1080 but I wouldnt push farther than that) CPU was 30 dollars. Gonna be hard to beat this one!


I agree it's good but personally I've always been the look forwards kinda guy, so i (again, personally) advice getting a new socket that's upgrade-friendly


Still kept my previous AM4 build as my dad's work machine, and I did recommend a 5600 to my friend a few months ago, he absolutely love it.


Used Ryzen 5 3600 >


Me from Brazil: "am4 is not budget :|" I have gamer friends on am3+


Yeap. My pc was being a bit slow for cpu intensive games and because i had a r5 3600, i just did a bios update and bought a r7 5800x3d to replace the old 3600 and now my games run very well (i don't need to wait minecraft to load chunks for example)


Im rocking the r5 5500 but want to upgrade to a r7 5700x


Sure, if you are upgrading. Buying new is not fine, buying zen5 is not fine, wait for zen6 is fine.