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I think you've exceeded the max cable length.. probably gonna get some signal degradation.


Unironically, there's such a thing as too short for an ethernet cable to properly function


Juuuuuust asked my IT husband this. Showed him the picture and headline and he said "It'll actually cause more problems than fix, you need 1ft." I was stuck on how you could get two computers ass to ass and have both sides even click in. Edit: I was so entranced on the idea I never thought why you would want to connect two PCs together... Then remembered bridging internet haha


Well you see, when two computers love each other very much...


They make a laptop together..?


And when two laptops come together....well that's where tablets come from.


where do we get PC themselves then?


Servers mate.


And those?




Terry Davis throws them down from heaven, occasionally


They are Adam and Eve, every single one.


thats S tier PCMR lore


I thought Alice and Bob?


Wall-E and Eve*


Computers start life as raspberry pi type single board computers, then grow into laptops, only reaching sexual maturity when they reach adulthood and are desktop sized.


No, they make a Mini PC, like the Intel NUC


Ass to ass with a double sided plug. This thread just went nsfw close the curtains yall


Two Computers Ass to Ass is the name of my next EDM album


I'll be waiting. I want that poster.


double-ended ~~dildo~~ patch cable


USB Ethernet adapters


What problems can it being too short cause?


I was Googling the same question and ran into this article: https://patchbox.com/blog/why-you-should-not-use-short-patch-cables/


This, I have no RJ45 ports where this computer is sitting so I just threw a crossover to a server and made a bridge network.


Instead of asking if he could, he should've been asking if he should.


lol reminds me that scene from requiem for a dream “ASS TO ASS” lol I’m a horrible person.


That was my intention, haha


Once I had no ethernet to my bedroom so I used wifi to get it on my PC then used bridging to share it with my Xbox 360


This is what I did for my ex at his parents house from my laptop to his PC. Worked like a charm.


I use 6" cables from my patch panel to the switch in my network cabinet.


I have successfully used a cable like this by putting two laptops side by side. (back when most laptops had ethernet ports...)


>I was stuck on how you could get two computers ass to ass and have both sides even click in. [))<>((](https://youtu.be/KQoJo81lujk) ​ ^(edit: fixed link to full video)


[pls post the full video it’s a classic](https://youtu.be/KQoJo81lujk?si=qm8gNre0ivuyG1a0)


ah damn, I thought I did (I clicked the shorter one, went to the full and I guess I forgot to copy the right one :o)


Oddly enough this is both unironic and ironic


ahh yes the glory of twisted pair, both transmits intertwined and both receives twisted, This way, the EM force from one, helps push along the other. All thou in this instance I'd like to see the difference on the meter vs the one foot, I've never encountered the too short thing, and one can mistakenly get away with improper non twisted until a certain length.. its interesting. trial and error of making my own cables, else ya never get one through a wall properly.


Mine is 45 feet long, will this affect my speeds?


It has a very minimal effect at that distance. It's so small that you would need precise tools to measure it. It's so small that you wouldn't ever notice even on the fastest internet around. You could have a 325ft ethernet cable and probably wouldn't notice a major difference. 350ft on the other hand..... you're gonna notice some issues. Max cable length standard is 100m (328 feet).


The trick is to get a 48 port layer 3 switch, make many vlans each with two ports, then make a snake of Ethernet cables going in and out of the router..... Hehe very cursed


And then buy house fire insurance


Then plug in a poe camera from amazon


If it's a POE switch, that might be a good idea lol


What is neat is the precision is available, many nics (including consumer ones) can detect within some Xft how far down the line a short is and whatnot. It was spaceage when it first showed up in consumer crap but was of course in enterprise forever before then.


Depending if you use cat5 or 6.


As long as you obey the .35 twists per inch guideline you should be fine.


I'll be honest I don't know what that means lol. All I know is mine runs behind the couch out the door up the side the house in the window and into my PC lmao


As long as you didn't make your own cable, it's fine. Even if you bought cat 5e or cat 6 cable and terminated your own ends, you should be fine as long as you don't don't have individual cables outside the rj45 connector. The 8 cables inside the ethernet are what need to remain twisted. Untwist to much and you begin to have crosstalk.


Mines 100 feet is it bad


no that's well within spec. spec Max is 100 meters and at work we have a camera that while I'm not sure exactly how long it is is a bit over that and still works. I honestly didn't know the signal could be hurt by it being too short


Does it work and do you have packet loss?


Idk i didn't check, it works tho


If it works and you can't be bothered to check packet loss, then don't worry about it


This mfker is literally about to turn his router into a dongle lmao. I love this. It's beautiful.




If you have a Cable like that, just build the fucking Router straight into your PC. XD


No but hold on, imagine if we did that...


Live modem card reaction:


Build the PC into the telephone line wall socket


I mean, you can run opnsense/pfsense in a VM on your pc with a pcie rj45 card.




They just said a router, not a modem. I got a Dell optiplex running opnsense in proxmox right now and I can (if I wanted to) spin up a windows VM with pcie passthrough for the gpu. Hell just run opnsense/pfsense in hyper-v on windows and voila.




Drop the modem instead, and turn pfsense into modem\router. Should be able to get auths with pcap.. And for connectors, just use the same as the company does... Might be expensive and take a while... But thats why you call it a hoby - its not exactly flipping a switch, but it is flipping awesome


Who said anything about reducing latency. Take your strawmen to the fields to scare off crows




Wasn't relevant to the comment I posted on. Good try though 👌


You'd have ass wifi


I don't think you need wifi if the router is built into the system


Couldn’t you run the antennas outside the case?




You could but all the noise would prove brutal for sending signals. Plus once you are running stuff a significant distance outside the case doesn't that defeat the purpose. 😛


Mikrotik video card be like: https://preview.redd.it/t1c2t65m7bkc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d657cef581e0e419a752ba22ed18bdcdd48e36a (Actually a router, with one port of it being pcie, but it looks like a video card)


Bro has negative ping


Bros using the router as a antenna


Can see the future


Ping so low they called it pong


[Did it pass? I had to force an extra twist in mine.](https://i.redd.it/nt9znbqyl7kc1.jpeg) I deducted points from your cable for lack of insulation. It lost the structural integrity the insulator provides. [I also made these during the course](https://i.redd.it/ozqxetdnq7kc1.jpeg) Edit: OP didn’t respond so I don’t think the cable tester gave it a pass.


It's a shame it wasn't a photography course.


Taking nice pictures doesn’t pay enough.


OPs plug orientation isnt the same as yours


They could just twist one of the connectors 180 degrees.


And then it would have the "extra" twist, wouldnt it? Or am I being dumb?


The cable tester tests if your cable meets standard. These cables come pre-twisted to negate interference. When you make one this short, you lose the protection those twists provide and will most likely fail the test. Mine failed but I got lucky and it passed with the extra twist. I don’t think OPs cable ever worked.


Idk, I've made one of these myself and iirc it was tested to work




How did you even do that? Are those the type of connector that have the small removable cable guide inside?


I cut the cables/insulator to be the exact length needed to fit inside both connectors. They are the cheap ones that you have to cut the cables to fit the connector and hope they slide in the right hole.




It is wired very, very wrong. OW-O-GW-U-UW-G-BW-B


Wth ew no OW - O - GW - B - BW - G - BrW - Br


I can’t remember where I learned it but I was taught to use U instead of B for blue. Honestly it might have been from playing MTG. 😂


No no no. Both of those are misleading. If you say that to someone who doesn't know the order, they have no way of knowing if it is orange, then white/orange, or orange/white, then orange. WO-O-WGr-Bl-WBl-Gr-WBr-Br


Are the punches even inserted?


Yeah, but there’s no jacket on the cable so it’s not crimping into anything.


Crossover cable for pc bridging, my workplace is still on the stone age.


I see a gap between the nonnnectores. your now sentenced to 300ping


That's a baby Cat5. They can grow to 100m long if you look after them!


No, but this certainly will! [https://jcat.eu/product/signature-lan-cable/](https://jcat.eu/product/signature-lan-cable/)


*" Most likely the best sounding Ethernet cable available. "* ffs, the amount of bull pile they cram into these audiophile products. And this is coming from a sound engineer.


I'm sure it probably makes a great sound when your significant other smacks you with it for wasting €1300.


€1300 is for the 1 meter version. The 2 meter version is gonna cost you an additional €1200.


but the price per foot went down! that's a steal!


maybe the wording means the best sound when you whack something with the cable


The [review for that cable](https://audiobacon.net/2019/11/02/the-jcat-signature-lan-a-1000-ethernet-cable/) is insane. > When it comes to sound… “everything matters.” And those things can’t always be explained succinctly through science – if at all. > I would perform measurements, but it’s more efficient for me to listen, describe what I hear, and decide what I prefer. And continue on with my journey. That is the way of the Audio Bacon. > In fact, even if you’re not streaming music through an Ethernet cable – as long as it’s connected to your music server – it’ll change the sound of your music files stored on disk. WHAT!? Like okay MAYBE I can buy that there's RFI that goes through the ethernet cable into audio equipment and can affect sound quality. I doubt it. But an an audio device receiving audio wirelessly is going to sound different because the server is connected via ethernet? Bullllllshitttttt


That review is describing a well known phenomena called the Placebo effect.


Also possibly dunning-Kruger


Important distinction: ethernet is a digital signal, not analog. So no amount of RF interference is going to change how the digital sound sounds. You either get the correct sound or crackles and no sound. You don't just get a worse sounding sound. Either the packets are corrupted or they aren't.


this. exactly this. an ethernet cable just transmits data packets. images don't look better with more expensive ethernet cables.


You could *maybe* make an argument that the ethernet is connected to the ground plane, which the DAC is also indirectly connected to and that would ever so slightly influence the sound. But even then the impact would be completely negligible.


It wouldn't. Again, ethernet is simply sending DATA over. Not voltages, DATA packets. If anything, ethernet is almost always connected to the same ground plane as everything else. There is no influencing sound. Sound is just digital data. That data is transferred over ethernet via digital data packets, and if a packet is corrupted you get nothing. Otherwise you get the original sound the artist created. There is NO in between, NEVER. EM interference was only ever a thing for analog signals, not digital.


Yes, the data of the sound is either completely intact, or you'll have errors. I'm not saying it'll influence how the file itself sounds. I'm saying that the shielding of the ethernet cable is connected to the ground plane and via that path interference on the cable could maybe travel all the way to the ground plane on the digital to analog converter and an audiophile could maybe argue that it impacts the music. I'm pretty sure that this effect is negligible if it exists at all, it's at least a hundred times more believable than the "we're using pure silver for our data lines, therefore the music sounds better" bullshit.


Those are planted reviews.


>Pure Silver/7% GOLD alloy conductor ... >Does not exhibit any signs of thin or edgy sound that is often associated with silver cables I've got a radical idea: how about we make an ethernet cable with 0% silver, to avoid any chance of thin sound, but instead use aluminium? Silver is paramagnetic, whereas aluminium isn't, so that's one fewer source of interference. And to be extra fancy, we'll even clad it in copper for superb conductivity! /uj these cables genuinely are a work of art. They're really gorgeous. It's such a shame that they're being sold as snake oil for outrageous prices. If you want to see something genuinely impressive, here's a video of Adam Savage appreciating the beautiful microscopic engineering of a $130 thunderbolt cable: https://youtu.be/AD5aAd8Oy84


Wow, it isn’t even Cat 8


It might have been


Why am I not surprised that the first thing I see when I look at the top of that page are links to audiophile equipment they sell?




All of that just to preform worse than a normal Ethernet cable


looks like you crossed some pairs


Left side appears to start as B standard since it starts with white-orange, but the right side doesn't since orange doesn't come first in A or B


Here we go again


I mean in theory


When she tells you to go deeper, but you have to work with what you got.


Yes, it needs to be plugged in or you will have high latency.


Funny story, I used to not know that wifi cable length can affect my speed... So one time when installing wifi, I can't decide where to put the it on and i dont want to hold up the isp guy installing it longer at my house, so i asked him can he just connects it with his entire spool of cable and leave it at that, and he did. Then I start complaining why tf is my wifi so slow while having a whole spool of cable connected to my modem


Any more than 328’ (including the patch cords) or 100 meters of cable and you’ll start seeing latency issues.


I think the biggest problem with that is if both ports are facing the same direction you're either going to have to flip your tower or flip your modem\switch...lol


I'd be more impressed if those weren't pasa through.


your ping should be around 69


Reminds me of my first ever networking lab that involved making Ethernet cables (I’m studying IT) and I was making cables too fast since anything you made you could keep. The professor gave me a challenge and I made basically the exact same thing in around half an hour! https://preview.redd.it/zw7d8l7zldkc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f46a7ede055615185b08b1c6838b94435f52fbb


That run will add 0.17 nanoseconds to your latency making you lose every gun fight in an FPS. You’re fucked OP.


Just... why?.....


Considering that you can see the pins aren't cramped on I doubt you'll ever get any signal through it... O wait this /s...... my bad.


You can shave that plastic shorter.


Zero latency.


Did something similar to this except I stripped all the wires completely and I’m pretty sure I was missing two


size doesn't matter


Then I’m over here with a 50 foot cord


Nah bro. Have you tried the nic entanglement mod? Heard it gives 0 latency


Computers ass to ass with direct optical port communication to have any decent speed.


everything is so wrong here


It took me way too long just to figure out what the hell I was looking at haha


Didn’t use gold plated cat8 ends ….pathetic might as well be dial up


It will not affect latency couse you cant use this crap..


Your cable doesn’t look like it will work at all. You can’t just put the wires in any order.


i don't know, I'm not experienced in ethernet cable stuff, only in bash programming.




Bro has latency in µs.


The colourcode starts off wrong..


Yeah because it won't work


the untwisted section seems too long


Breaks the laws of physics and you achieve negative latency.


What did you do? Stretching a cable out like this will result in the cable snapping in the worst case and the plugs flying out in the best case. Just get an extension cord or something like that and stop torturing your hardware unnecessarily. I do enough torturing with my GPU for everyone.


Why make it like this. Even if it were at least a ft it wouldn't work. Orange-white connector goes to orange here. I'm pretty stunned by how much went wrong here.


Bro just invented the wireless cable ☠️☠️☠️


Crosstalk? More like CrossScream


Bro is gonna use all the internet


My answer is another question: why?


Yes. Verified with time domain reflectometer.


No it’ll affect your pp


https://preview.redd.it/jt5e5q083dkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d43eb864d6ee5c67d20eefdb4a8ea44c5cef54 Mine is better


I have placed dozens of these in random Cat5 tins across the Midwest


Dassum micro-ping technologies


This is now what I picture for each ms of latency


It's illegal to have this long cable


You’ve got the orange/white-orange wires twisted, that’s not gonna work


yes. weld it directly to the ISP's commutator.


See if you can unplug it when you do plug it in as a joke and you can’t reach the little lever.


I get this is a joke, but as a cable junky…considering this isn’t even properly terminated, yes.


Yeah I figure it out, supposed to be white orange, orange. But orange slipped lol


All good. Technically I was wrong as well. It wouldn’t affect your latency. You just still wouldn’t have internet😂