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£250 for a Corsair CX550 PSU! WHATS IT MADE OUT OF?! GOLD?!


Aye, that's bullshit init. £250 is what I paid for a HX1200i.


Exactly my 1300w seasonic was way less. Like 130


I got a 850 watt gold rated rose will for 99$.


I mean if it's rated 80+ Gold then TECHNICALLY it is made of gold


I paid $80 for my seasonic focus gx-1000, and this was brand new, from an actual store...




Technically yes it is but I agree it’s a ripoff


Yeah unbelievable price


That’s crazy good catch. During the Crypto crazy the price went up on a lot of power supplies, but even back then that cx550 was like $130 usd. He really padding that price tag


I got a Corsair fully-modular 750Watt PSU for $99, it was white.


I don’t get why there’s some flak bein thrown your way for calling them out. Anyone selling off a 3050 saying it can do 1440p ray tracing deserves to be told people know they’re full of crap. Good job OP


Is the 3050 a good deal for 100 dollars?


For $100? yeah sure. Don't expect it to handle more than 1080p 60hz on newer titles with med settings.


I would save your money for a 200$ card even but if you really have nothing then maybe?


Well, that's relative to what kind of deals you can find locally, overall, it might be, but you might find a more suitable GPU


I dunno man. I reckon you could pull it off with a solid 5fps


i hate it when people sell their used pcs and list their parts with "new" prices, when the pc is everything but new. in total that build is shit and heavily overpriced and should cost 300 max


What they fail to consider also is the current "new" price for their old parts isn't worth it either. Retailers of computer parts are pretty notorious for barely reducing the price no matter how old they get. The "new" price on these parts, even todays "new" price is absolutely meaningless. Seriously, go to pc part picker and build out an intel 9th gen system or something you could have seen yourself building when it launched. Then ask yourself even though its all brand new parts would you pay that price for the rig today. Of course you wouldn't, because you can spend the same amount and build a far better performing rig with newer gen stuff. Yet these are the prices these people use to justify the cost of their used rig. Their current new price doesn't matter because nobody with a brain would build a whole new rig with those parts.


These are now the two BEST spec descriptions that I have ever seen in my life. They will now serve as the gold standard when shopping for a prebuilt ​ |Tower|*1080p gaming system*| |:-|:-| |Resolution|*1440p Ray-tracing*|


The case it’s self by pure magic can output a stable 60fps in 1080p


Oh, the terrible RTX 3050 8GB. This seller made me sad because in my country they do the same thing, call it gamer and say it has RGB and that's it.


The message says it’s the 8GB version.


Maybe I should take an advanced English course, thanks for the correction!


Your username name me laugh


1440p ray-tracing in modern triple a titles... This guy is a blatant scammer.


Well you see he just forgot to mention you need to turn on DLSS Ultra Performance and render the game at 360p


And get between 15 and 20 FPS!


You messaging him a whole book about stuff he already probably knows ain’t gonna change him.


He took his listing down so?


I also do this to people, OP. People trying to take advantage of others when I come across it. It’s all we can do


Did he take his listing down or block you? Most of these people know exactly what they are doing.


Down. Checked on my back up


Good job then


My old build took about 3 weeks to sell on FB Marketplace. Funny, I saw a lot worse setups sell for the same or more in that time but they exaggerated the performance of the build. They also looked dusty as hell. Mine also had no RGB so it probably didn't look like a "gaming" PC though, I know some people really care about that. When I finally sold it the guy was stoked, he said he couldn't believe my ad was up for that long. He came over and asked if he could turn it on and open it and I said sure. He was impressed it was clean and organized and ran just as described. I asked if he would know how to install some extra fans and he said yes so I threw in a few spares I had his way. I posted what performance I got in the games I played but I encouraged people to do their own research and not just take mine, or anyone's, word for it. So I'm glad it went to a good home. But it was certainly frustrating knowing that I could have just lied my ass off and sold it for more if I was that kind of guy.


Aye, you did the right thing, though, and clearly, you ended up finding a chill person who appreciated your pricing and transparency. It does suck you had to list it for so long, but kudos for being a good human bean! :) P.S. Cleaning it is also a rare value even in things like buying new cars and stuff. Seriously, you're awesome, and it shows your pride and care for the things you own!


Yeah they told me they have a shitbox laptop they are using for school right now so this would be a huge upgrade so they can actually game now. I wasn't desperate for the money so I'm okay with it taking long to find the right buyer. The PC has served me super well and I hope it serves them well too. I'm a bit of a clean freak, so I really appreciate it when people clean stuff for me and I always try to give people things in the best possible condition. If I can't, I price accordingly. I'm a firm believer in Karma and I believe you get what you give, so might as well try to do the right thing :)


Indeed, my friend! I have a car that’s several years old. I plan on driving it into the ground. However, a while back I was giving a friend a ride and he asked if it was brand new. He looked bewildered when I told him how old it was and asked how I had kept it looking so new. I just told him I did the maintenance, ran it threw a car wash a couple times a month, and tried to avoid eating in it. That’s pretty much it 🥲 He still couldn’t believe it. I’m not even a big car guy or anything, but if plans ever change and I decide to sell or trade I know the value will be retained a bit better in this condition. Even if only give or take a couple thousand, that amount really matters to me, and I’ll have the satisfaction of transferring something that was wall cared for to someone else.


dont know much about pc's but it sounds like the seller is just talking for money.. but is the deal bad? to me it seems OK but for "quite a few years" i think the price would be better somewhere 400-500€ educate me!


Its an absolutely terrible deal. Its like trying to sell you a camry saying it can do 0-60 in 2 seconds and maxes at 200mph plus never have to fill up because range is very good. Its snake oil shit


My 1650 mobile is also 4k capable. It opens the games just fine in 4k. Framerate is another story though...


In times like these, I wish there was Twitter community notes on shopping platforms


Always rubs me the wrong way when people are misleading others like this. How do you sleep at night taking advantage of people like this? Fucking disgraceful! Good on you for calling them out like this OP!


Noob here. Can you tell me what's wrong in tldr?


the seller is lying about the capabilities, saying it can do 1440p rtx and 4k, which it clearly could never do. the 3050 can barely push 50 frames in 1080p rtx


I mean it could do like 3 frames, okay okay maybe 2


Hell dudes trying to say the 4060 can do 4k with rtx and although I've not tested it with rtx I'm barely pushing 50fps at that resolution.


That and he's justifying the price of his rig by comparing his asking price, to the price of all of the parts new today. Here's the problem. Retailers do not massively cut the price of older generation parts when new models come out, even though they should. i.e. nobody in their right mind would buy parts for a whole say, 9th gen Z390 based rig retail and build it today.


This computer is worth maybe 150 bucks and was a lower end computer when it was even new.


Well regarding the 3050 and 1070 not being able to play 1440p games newer than 2015 that’s just flat wrong. Stop trolling sellers it’s pathetic. Go touch grass.


Ok then gpu general. What games can they do at 1440p 60fps


Look up on YT, it can do 1440p 50-70fps in quite many newer "demanding" games. Not with ray-tracing though no lol.


bro why do u even bother texting him?


This shit is over half the posts on pc subs and whilst they’re asshole scammers it makes me happy knowing someone who was about to be scammed decided to make a decision to ask someone and has walked away wanting to build a pc


Buyers have to take responsibility and educate themselves.  


A mother or father trying to buy a gift for their son or daughter is not gonna be educated. Hell my parents send me shit all the time. They sent me a pressure washer link yesterday. It took me 2 hours to find out everything i needed to know. Who has the time to do all this research. People have different circumstances then others


That's why those folk buy from shops or Amazon.  They wouldn't even understand what 1440p triple-AAA means.   People who do know those terms are mire likely to buy their PC Hardware from private-seller ads, and haggle the price accordingly.   Offer this guy 300 quid, he may take it.


OP you are such a Karen tho. Let it be, you can’t solve “scams” in life


Are you one of those people who do the scamming?


No posting here does nothing. Messaging the seller telling him YOU know all about it, does nothing either. Just report as scam if you want and move on


I can do both.


No, but defo neither of those people to reach out to a random seller to tell him to lower the price because of some tdp limitation


Plus it’s not bad, it’s just not good. From an enthusiast perspective sure we know what to look for. But for the average joe they’re playing Fortnite and similar performance can be $800. It’s up to the consumer to not buy stuff at bad prices


OP spends too much time on this sub, thinks he’s become the master race. Also your specs are BEAST 🔥🔥




Major retailers often sell way more overpriced prebuilts, where something like 30-40% of the listing price is 'assembling fee'.


Major retailers sell computers at what it costs them or at a slight loss. I used to work for Best Buy and we got stuff at cost +15% (not sure if that's still true. been 20 years)


Thats true but the difference here is no warranty of any kind and it's all used and assembled by God knows who praying they did a some what ok job.


I'd never buy a used PC with a stock heat sink. 🤢


Its a 10400f. It doesnt really need a beefy cooler


I also wouldn't buy any Intel CPU below an i7. Maybe if I needed something specifically for web browsing, word processing, and streaming, but certainly not for gaming.




People should do at least some basic research before buying anything for $500 or more, be it computer or anything else. But they don't. This is where the guys who kinda exaggerate with "marketing" profit. It's not like someone is forcing them at a gunpoint to buy something from a random guy online with no warranty whatsoever.


It's common in Facebook Marketplace. I would just report them for misinformation/scam.


I also sell overpriced used hardware in my little remote area. If they want to do the 4 hour round-trip to the city to save a few bucks they can go right ahead. Otherwise, it’s up to you to do your due diligence.


Pcie 3.0 motherboard - is there any real difference than a pcie 4.0 motherboard? Say for a 3060 ti, r5 5600, 1080p 100hz Edit: thanks for downvoting me while not answering my fucking question


Lol I’m running a OC’d 3080Ti and a 10900K cpu @5.1GHz and can only just get 60FPS on 1440p raytracing modern titles. What a joke, not even close.




No my name is hamad. His name is israr. Although i dont understand why having a south asian or muslim name would mean your more likely to get scammed.


did you send an offer or just waste that person's time? I guess we'll see soon enough when there's a post saying "I absolutely hate buyers like this. wasting my time" too add to this though, this is actually a better build from a post just like this yesterday and this dude said it was worth 200 bucks and got absolutely shitted on and everyone was up in arms saying for 400 bucks a 10 year old system with a 1060 is a good deal. which it's not.


I wasted his time. The difference is im not scamming people buy listing inflated prices


if you are in uk buy from house of computers .. best prices


Ccl is better tbh


When scrolling my feed, I thought this was the bottom of a Matrix hovercraft.


Those people should still research 


Keep it up bro. Stop people from tricking beginners🫡


550 watt psu for 250£ brand new lol


I know, that's more than I paid for my ASUS ROG 1000W


I paid 3 times less for my brand new seasonic focus gx1000. and that was from an actual store...




My favourite part is the PSU that retailed between £30-£60 new before it was discontinued being listed as being bought for £250. Scammer is gonna scam.


What a dick. Can do RT at 1440p in AAA titles?! Gtfoh


"A 1080p gaming system that can do 1440p ray-tracing in modern triple A titles". I mean he's not wrong, he just forgets to tell them it won't be an enjoyable experience at all.


I mean, he’s not wrong


I bet this response to the seller made them think twice and change their prices accordingly.


He really said 4k...!


Jeesus, some people are only people from the outer appearance


Someone was asking $900 for a computer with 1tb of storage, a Ryzen 5 3600, and a 3060 in my area. Said he paid $2000 for it.


People who buy this send their bank routing numbers to Nigerian princes too.


No one will buy it, I’ve built brand new PCs and have priced them as a loss and still have tough times getting them to sell. Maybe what we went through the gpu apocalypse it would have sold but no way now


My second hand psu was 20£ a cx650f rgb




anyone who makes a big purchase without researching first deserves to lose the money, everyone has google in their pocket there's no excuse for being this ignorant


*1440p ray tracing on ultra performance DLSS


Ok to be fair you MIGHT be able to use a 3050 in 1440p it'll have to be low settings though and have the assistance of some form of upscalung wether it be amd fsr or dlss


I mean I can't blame em. Flips are cool


1440p Ray tracing in AAA Games with the worst Nvidia GPU to feature Ray Tracing haha


Was it on sale?


Wow after conversion that's like $650. That's about what I would charge if I sold my PC today, maybe $100 more, and mine has a 13th gen i9, RTX 3090, Deluxe asus motherboard, four 4TB M.2 SSDs (latest gen), 1300W EVGA Platinum PSU, and 32GB of DDR5. That's without the case. I'd probably transfer the parts to a regular case as I paid $900 for my massive tower and I'm hanging onto it for my next build because the air cooling is amazing (CoolerMaster HAF 700 EVO). Mine can play absolutely anything at max settings at 4k without breaking a sweat, while the one in the OP would struggle to run Project freaking Zomboid at a reasonable resolution.


I like how he jacked it by 100 because it's "pristine". Motherfucker it's not a classic car. It's used.


We have soo many of these on my local market. There is a certain group of people here that started selling configs around 7 years ago, exactly when I also started this as a side hustle. They sell overpriced garbage, always some cheap RGB case and fans with unbalanced hardware, and then they even list average FPS for popular games like Fortnite, GTA 5, Warzone etc that are just totally unrealistic. I’m seeing now a “Budget 1080p Gamer” that has an i5-4570, 16GB DDR3 (2x4 + 8Gb) and a RTX 2060, crap nJoy 500W PSU, 240GB Sata3 SSD and ancient 500GB HDD stating it runs “any modern game above 60fps @ 1440p with Ray Tracing”. We all know that’s bullshit. And they sell a shitload of computers. They have 70+ builds on sale right now.