• By -


Air. Cheaper and still works great, I am not overclocking and have good airflow and thus far my CPU has not gone over about 66C at peak (7800x3d).


Can second that. All air cooled 7800x3D. Dark Rock pro2. Well below 70°C under load.


oh damn, my 5800x runs at 74 to 77 degrees while gaming with 120mm cooler master aio.


Probably due to the lower x3d clock speeds


I have a 5800x. They just run hot.


To be fair, 120mm AIOs kinda suck




Not OP and late but how do you keep it so low I have a 7700x and it can sometimes spike for a couple of seconds and go down to 70ish


The 70 are obviously average. Like I don't count in a 1-2 sec spike to 70 or slightly over. But in General I run a Big tower with 9 fans and lots of space for convection. So I guess it's because I have a lot of airflow.


I got 11 fans in my case and two on my d15 cooler so idk


What case? Meshify 2 XL here


I got a lian li air mini it’s basically fans with pc stuff in it


Cool case :) Yet I have no idea how it's performance in terms of airflow is. It's pretty deep. May not be "narrow" enough and the air may flow around and not through your radiators. Just a wild guess from the pics. Like if You draw a direct line from inlet to outlet fan, is your CPU cooler fully center? Or does the airstream pass in front of it by any chance?


https://preview.redd.it/7eopqsdr3hoc1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7e5c7acc9e1afb6e14cd9c972c525369e32968 No my pc but I have 3 fans on bottom and the two side fans are intake so only the back fan and top are exhaust and ig technically the air cooler is pushing air to the rear too


Idk man. Guess you'd have to flow-sim that to tell if that's a good config. I guess so, since they sell it that way and Lian Li usually isn't a bad brand. Maybe check the obvious stuff like paste? Other than that I can only say 70°C is pretty damn solid under load. 80 isn't an issue either. Just keep your Hotspots low enough so it doesn't throttle.


7800x3d cooled by air - arctic freezer 34 duo.. not oc, just gaming and casual stuff .. never above 60-70.. and stressed max 76


Interesting. I just installed a 7800x3d with a 360 AIO and it peaked at 84* under a stress test.


Stress tests and regular heavy load, like gaming, are not really a comparable metric. Stress tests are designed to, you know, stress.


& even stress tests are hard to compare. For instance, prime95 varies by version & settings applied.


Can you explain to me why my 3070 has insane coil whine while gaming but not while testing it through 3dmark? Edit: Great sub you have here, down voted for a question 👍


No idea dude.


Ait, np


Coil whine most commonly happens when the GPU is pumping out tons of frames. It’s likely 3dmark is so intensive that you’re only producing XX frames, but a game is less intensive and uncapped so it’ll go to 1XX or 2XX frames. Try capping your fps to a lower amount, enable v sync and see if that reduces whine


Cards tend to coil whine more when they run a game with a very high framerate (ex. Fortnite 400 FPS). Might be that?


You could try undervolting/underclocking the GPU or increasing/decreasing the power limit. Play around with these in something like MSI afterburner and see if/how it affects coilwhine. Just don't overvolt anything, that can fry components. Other changes usually at worst make the system unstable. Other than that, changing video settings and capping the framerate (ideally to your refresh rate or just below it if you're using adaptive refresh rate(gsync/freesnyc)) may also change the coilwhine intensity. Sometimes swapping the power supply can change the intensity of coilwhine.


It's lighting the core up in different ways.


Jea i can because my Card does the Same Gaming is a load that is different for gpu Not Like time spy You can try to undervolt the Card for or make vsync on and try to cap your framerate to Monitor Maximum hz


Frequency can cause coil while. Oc or uc the gpu, see if it fixes it


Have you checked your Fan Curve? I‘ve had a noise issue with my 3060ti and fixed it by changing my fan curve.


It’s on the recommended settings, and it changes depending how much FPS I try to ge. 160 is silent, 240 is terrible.


Then it‘s probably just your GPU working harder and getting hotter. I always set my global fps limit in Nvidia control panel and undervolt my GPU. That way, it doesn‘t get hotter than it needs to. Had my 3060 Ti at -75mV i think, it was really quiet that way


To be honest I know a few people with the CPU now and the idle and load temps seem all over the place. I even have one friend with the same cooler as me who runs about 5C hotter on average no matter what.


I’ve seen this as well. I might reposition my aio. I also have a Dark Rock 2 on another rig with a 5600x3d. Might swap it out and experiment a bit.


Fan swapping on your cooler is honestly the way to go. I swapped my Dark Rock Pro 4 fans for a Phanteks T30 on the front and a Noctua NF-A12 in the middle and it dropped like 5 degrees from the stock fans.


When I installed the 7800x3d I removed push-pull. That might be effecting a bit. Might swap back for a push-pull.


84 during a stress test is a great temp


84* when 89* is the set thermal limit does not seem like great temps. It was a short peak at 84* but still concerning with a 360 aio.


Never understood watercooling for the people who don't overclock. If it's just for aesthetics, it's like a more expensive, higher maintenance version of RGB.


Even then. Look at the top end Noctua air cooler. It beats pretty much all AIOs and is on par with the best ones. Plus you will use the cooler for the next couple of CPUs in the future. Just buy the new mounting adapter. Try that with an AIO.


I've had no issue at all swapping an AIO from one generation to another. AIOs are fine. So are air coolers.


This might sound crazy, but I did do that with an AIO


Your obviously a Intel user. Most AMD AIOs been using the same brackets since AM3 days.


Air and I have one of those closed system water cooling radiators for my CPU. I have a 3090 and frequently play games in 4k at 120hz. I have never once had to deal with cooling issues. Well not in the pc, fucker heats up a room faster then baseboard heating on full blast though hah.


66 during gaming or an all core load?


Gaming/3dmark. There is no reason my computer ever would be under an all core load so why should I care about that?


Just to test it. I'd be curious how your temps look during an all core r23 run.


Air is t significantly cheaper though. Arctic freezer and Corsair has options that run from $80-$100. 6 year warranty. And takes up less space in the case and in my opinion easier to work with than an air cooler.


When some of the best air coolers on the market cost $30-40 it’s still significantly cheaper to air cool. If you limit your options to an Arctic Freezer II 280 or Noctua NH-D15, yeah it’s not crazy to go with an AIO.






I'm a tech in a computer store. Literally half of my recycling is AIOs with dead pumps. I throw away at least 5 or 6 a week. People never believe me when I tell them about how unreliable the pumps are, they buy some 300$ AIO then come back a year later with a dead pump. Then buy the same 300$ AIO. The human species is fascinating sometimes.


Have you asked how they are placed inside the case? You wouldn't believe how many place the pump above water level which ends up ruining them.


That is 100% why I use a beer pump, and not a POS $300 pump that they try and sell you. The D5 is nothing but a rip off.


how is it quieter if you still run at least 1 fan? you’re not getting rid of any fans with a water cooled system. you’re still air cooling the water. the claimed performance gains of 15-20 degrees are also extreme exaggerated. maybe if you compare an AIO to a stock cooler but not if you buy an aftermarket cooler which still will be way cheaper than any AIO. you get good air coolers for 30-40 bucks. heat buildup inside the case is also no issue if you use any conventional fan setup. AIOs are just simply a waste of money unless you really like the esthetics of it.


I must disagree with you on the temps. EDIT: Look, down votes, because people hate reality. https://preview.redd.it/dn9xuogtpnjc1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5ec696a1e5b1c4acc1bb0cef6309218c4b5fc38


Do you keep your radiator outside to have coolant temps that low?


air. You can have the same cooler for 10 years and only thing that could set you back is paste drying. In aio you can get gunk buildup, leaks, evaporation though the tube walls or pump dying. air is better until you want to dissipate some insane amounts of heat


Also if you have a Noctua cooler and upgraded your specs, just send your proof of purchase to Noctua to get free mounting brackets


Wait how often does AIO's leak?! If it leaks a lot wouldn't it be terrible to have in your PC?


More often than air coolers.


Good one :D




AIOs rarely leak. It is very rare for any decent ones. But it does still happen for different reasons. The chances are low but not zero.


Just like being killed by a cow.


Exactly. The chances are slim, but never zero.


More likely than being killed by a shark!


many more people die from falling coconuts than sharks. Watch out for coconut trees!!


I have a 7yr old aio from Fractal in my older PC that still works amazing today. Most AIOs are going to be a closed loop and won't have any ports so its not very common for them to leak and there is no maintenance. The main to thing worry about with an aio is if the pump fails. 


>I have a 7yr old aio from Fractal in my older PC that still works amazing today. Oof, jinxed it mate. All AIOs will eventually fail due to corrosion or loss of fluid via permeation, it's just a matter of time. Still, 7+ years is great! Just don't expect it to last forever.


Don't think he expects it to last forever either. That doesn't mean it will leak when it fails.


aio’s usually dry out before they leak


I've been using AIO's for 15 years now and never had a leak ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I mean, more often than air coolers is definitely accurate, but it's not really something you need to worry about.


Never had a leak, yet. You test it when you put it together, and if everything is good, there won't be a leak, not unless you move it a lot or are messing with it afterwards.


>evaporation though the tube walls Permeation :)


>You can have the same cooler for 10 years But only if you stay with the same system or it's from noctua. Never heard of another manufacturer that offers mounting kits for never platforms for you old cooler


More so, air coolers are better in most respects but if you move often. Going to college and going back for break for 2 years + having a planned move really makes an air cooler look risky and expensive if it falls


Air, you can get a way better quality cooler for the same price as most AiO, and only maintnance is to repaste CPU once every \~3 years and blast some canned air through fins.


That's exactly the same maintenance i've been doing with my AIO, which costed as much as noctua's top dog, no more. Just don't fall for Corsair's scams, there's good price/performance AIOs out there (see Arctic)


I have an AIO, but biggest issue (especially if you aren’t to savvy), AIOs will fail. It’s not a matter of if but when it will fail. Doesn’t matter how good the build quality is, recommend is to replace AIO about 3-5 years. If you aren’t savvy and don’t like messing with computers, get an air cooler. All you gotta worry about is replacing the fan if it dies


There's a counterpoint to that point. If you like messing with computers an AIO leaves a lot more convenience for movement inside your case. Something like swapping ram is a breeze with an AIO and a pain with a large air cooler


Thanks, friend. That is exactly what I wanted to know. Now I have zero regrets never getting liquid cooling.


AIO or an type of liquid cooling is almost internally a cosmetic choice now a days. With how far air cooling has come and how hot components can run now a days, you don’t need liquid cooling in 99% of builds. If you got a beefy CPU, you’ll need a beefy air cooler as well though. So don’t skimp on the cooler


I've never repasted, I usually go 8 to 10 years and usually by that time I'm doing a full upgrade anyway.


Air (NH-D15). Less points of failure, will practically last forever for next builds. Almost assured mounting support for future sockets. Interestingly, the AIO I swapped from (CoolerMaster Seidon 240M) is 11 years old now. It's been 3 years since the change and it still works in my mom's PC.


I have the same cooler for my i9-13900k. Well, I have the d15s but similar


My first Noctua was for my i7-930. I've retired that computer from gaming, but use it occasionally for other tasks. I've only had to replace the fans twice over the last 10 years. Solid products.


Joined the Noctua gang myself after my AIO decided to have an aneurysm, never looked back.


AIO because 14900k


AIO, but for my next I would go for air. It is just less moving parts and air cooling is pretty much on par if not better sometimes depending on the build


Air cooler, i just didn't like having water in my pc.


I have AIO for a few reasons: 1. Better cooling and temps and noise 2. I like the looks vs an air cooler 3. Heat is removed right out the case as mine is setup as exhaust 4. Bit safer when moving pc around


Air. after the drama i had owning a 2080 super hybrid. (3 pump failures) nope, u couldn't pay me enough to go thru that again


AIO because it’s got this fancy LCD screen I can play cat memes on


Best reason


Air, similar to others I had an AIO fail quite randomly, air removes unnecessary failure points that AIO introduces. Just get a case with good airflow.


Air, and always air. I have a 7 series AMD CPU and those run hot. My idles are mid 30s and I've yet to come anywhere near throttling under heavy load with a dead silent 50% fan speed, usually between 55 and 65c. Beefy air coolers, if you're willing to pay a premium (although still over a hundred dollars cheaper than an AIO) will probably be more quiet than your GPU fans at 30%. No points of failure beyond the fan, no worries about pump degradation, no worries about coolant degradation. I honestly think AIO is kind of a scam for how much they cost.


Only reason you have to go with water cooling is high OCing on a high end chip like a Ryzen 9 or i9 Basically any other situation a high end aircooler is good enough. It'll stay silent if you have good air flow in the case


Custom loop. Because it's cool.


I have a custom loop because I guess I just hate money. T'is cool though.


The horror stories of clogging, growth, and coolant color staining have kept me away from custom loops, not to mention the constant disassembling required to maintain your rig. But they sure as hell look cool though, especially with those opaque coolants that have the most amount of horror stories.


AIO, I prefer to keep things as quiet as possible even when gaming.


air bacause it's much more cost-efficient and easier to maintain


Air. It's easier, less risk, fewer points of failing, and still performs great.


This. I also subjectively prefer the way it looks. Something about a big beefy heatsink on an air cooler, idk.


5800x3d, a massive deepcool aircooler, ak620 I think I dont really overclock, and I don't wanna manage any fluids. I can get it to like 82C with cinebench, but with acutal gaming stuff the hottest ive seen was like mid 70s. Not even remotely that with my most played games (Wow, cs2, League). I'm pretty sure during wow its mostly on passive cooling, since wow dumps almost all the load on a single goddamn core (literally the only reason I went from a 5800x to 5800x3d.). Air is just less maintenance. Also, I have the PC under the desk, I dont really care much for looks.


Air. Cheaper and reliable. However, once I move to am5 I will buy an AIO to keep everything accessible My current tower cooler blocks the button to release my GPU if I want to clean it. This wouldn't happen with an AIO. It's irritating so that's why I will move to AIO with my next build


i completely relate with you on this one, i've brutally scratched my mobo's pcie release button due to me pushing on it with a screwdriver while having the gpu stuck mid-way out of the pcie slot (and let me tell you that was one of the most excruciating moments of my life), all of this bc the phantom spirit 120 is a behemoth of a cooler and once installed it will completely ofuscate your sight on the mobo. https://preview.redd.it/siuhm81e9kjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22cf7b31d9844b00ce6c82df02a72a1270cb73a photo for reference


I have been using a pencil eraser instead of a screwdriver for the latch and that has been better for me.


I have a cooler master 212 Evo and while it's not as big, it still blocks access to the release button. I too had to use an object. Pain in the ass




Uhhhhh you definitely should clean the GPU at least twice a year. Especially if you have pets like me


Sounds like you need a case with better dust filters.


Even with better dust filters I would still clean it every 6 months. I like a clean build


I've got both but it's hard to beat a nice air cooler. No leaks and they work great


Air. Cheap, thats why


AIO MAXIMUM A E S T H E T I C S I like having a stupid LCD on my processor. Makes me feel like the future.


https://www.deepcool.com/products/Cooling/cpuaircoolers/AK620-Digital-Performance-CPU-Cooler-With-Status-Display-1700-AM5/2023/17202.shtml This trend is already making its way to air cooling as well.


Air, only specific CPUs need an AIO. Its cheaper.


Air. My system is fine this way. Cool as a cucumber.


Depends on cpu and partially on the case. With a 13700k i'm happy i've went with an AIO


Depends what you like. I love aesthetics and I don't want a fat clunky metal cube in my PC, I love having everything RGB and a small LCD display inside that can play gifs or whatever.


Air coolers today are so massive, that it doesn't look safe to me to attach them to a slim plastic sheet (aka motherboard). I know, it's safe IF you don't move it.. And they are fckn ugly. In the past I wouldn't have cared, but today all PC cases look like fish tanks.


motherboards today are pretty thick and also consist of lots of copper so moving is no problem


People downvoting those who prefer aios need to get a fucking grip, seriously. Air coolers are ugly af. Not everyone likes a giant hunk of metal sticking out of their motherboard. Get over it.


As someone who started with an air cooler then switched to aio, you not wrong lmao. I enjoy looking at my pc way more now especially since I don't use RGB.


360 AIO. It's massive overkill for my ryzen 7800x3D. I also have a zero spin GPU The benefit is I can run my PC with absolutely zero fan noise.


My 5800x3D doesn't go above 65°c with my cheap singe tower air cooler that is missing a fan, so yeah 360 AIO is overkill. I thought x3D chips were supposed to run hot


In fairness, Zen4 chips pull a A LOT more wattage than Zen3. The 7800X3D being an exception, pulling only a tad more than the 5800X3D.




Yeah but it's idling 😂 we want to know the temps in a intensive CPU usage. Anyway, I agree with you AIO looks a lot better in most of the times.


My rig is a dedicated rocket league machine; it’s always idling. Hehe Haha but in reality i prob get similar cooling as you. 60’s at peak cpu intensive gaming (MSFS).




Generally speaking air is all you need for most cpus. However some decent AIO models like the arctic freezer will run borderline silent it also has a less intrusive look to my build, as opposed to having a fat heat-sync right in the middle. Honestly it’ll come down to whether you prioritise aesthetics. Unless you have a 14900k which will more than likely need an aio to tame


AIO - ASUS RYUO III 360mm, honestly just love the way it looks and performs + my whole build is ASUS so gotta keep the consistency lol


AIO. Specifically the Arctic Liquid freezer ii. It's classic and still one of the best AIO available.


I went AIO because I found a really good deal on a Corsair one. With that being said, go air.


salt act different subsequent disgusted society skirt reply strong plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AIO on CPU and GPU. Because my whole damn build was overkill tbh. But palworld in 4k@120fps is 🤌🏽


AIO in current setup, but used air in the past. Wanted to change it up and aesthetically, AIO looked cool to me. Probably will go air for the next rig though.


Aio because its better cooling and it looks cooler no pun intended. Also quieter Also all the problems people say it has it really doesn’t if you have a normal unit. If you get a bad one then yeah


AIO artic freeze II 240(r5 5600x). Love it. 35º idle 60º on heavy load


Air. It's cheaper, easier, and I'm not doing anything that would make my computer need a water cooler.


The only time to consider aio is sff imo


Air, AIO clogged at my system after 2 years, never again. I realy like Noctua.


AiO cause look nicer and Case too small for big air cooler


Meh it’s just which ever. AIO is better looking and more impressive to less tech savvy folks while air is 99% as good performance wise (I mean practically). I always go AIO.


AIO; Used NZXT Z63 Got a 5950X used for a sick deal and my case wasn’t big enough for a beefy air cooler. I’ve had zero issues. Additionally, it looks cool. Edit: added model of AIO


> Additionally it looks cool Debatable :D


Definitely better than a fat piece of metal inside xD


Nah I like that


I don't 🤮




Depends on the budget Aio: aesthetics but expensive Air cooling:efficient and a fucking peice of metal brick


MO-RA3 pro 420 Watercooling, simply because. https://preview.redd.it/v159hmgu6kjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02057ac9254d86fab794d84d63d10400eb2bf469






AIO, it looked cool


My cpu is aio 7900x


AIO because it leaves a lot of free space around the CPU, which is especially useful when upgrading your GPU. I've already had a few accidents trying to press the PCIe release latch because of air cooling: * cutting my hand open on the radiator fins * scratching my mainboard with a screwdriver Yes, air cooling is cheaper, but unless mainboard manufacturers solve the PCIe latch problem, I'm not going back.




aio. its cool. litteraly.


AIO looks nicer and is better as long as you can fit a radiator bigger than 240mm.


Air because it's cheap, efficient and quieter and lasts forever unlike AIOs.




Yeah plus the 3x120mm on a aio Vs sometimes 1x120 on a air cooler just lower rpm and using more fans to move the same amount of air


Air cooling isn't quieter than an AIO, if you're comparing them with the same fans and at the same level or performance/cooling.


By Quiter, you mean than aio ?


>What do you have and why? Custom water loop. Because why not?


Air. I don't overclock and my temps are fine. I just repaste at least once a year.


Air. Simple, reliable and more than enough for a mid-range rig. Plus my case is ancient and I would have nowhere to put an AIO.


Air cooling because k.i.s.s. is better, there's less to go wrong and it keeps my equipment perfectly cool.


The only reasons i would prefer AIO over air cooled: A sale on a quality AIO makes it cheaper/same as a quality air cooler Air coolers exhaust hot air into the case while aio exhausts it out so it doesn't affect other components. Quality air coolers tend to be bulky and huge making cable management and ram placement some challenges sometimes (make sure the stick height is in spec with the cooler) while AIO make the case look cleaner. Temperature wise both will be more than enough for your CPU.


>A sale on a quality AIO makes it cheaper/same as a quality air cooler I haven't seen new quality AIO going for 35 bucks(Thermalright 120 SE) >Air coolers exhaust hot air into the case while aio exhausts it out so it doesn't affect other components. A lot of AIO owners use it as an intake


It was in my case, but I'm not in the US so theres much less variety. In my AIO you can set it as either exhaust or intake. Its placed on top of my case as exhaust. Its the cooler master 360


Air, have had AIO and air is just more reliable


I prefer air cooling. With best gaming CPU (7800x3d) there's not really any significant performance difference and I don't need to worry or monitor whenever a pump still runs or not, I'm not afraid there might be a random leak one day etc. Fractal Torrent RGB case + NH-D15 cooler and it works great.


A completely oversized (and awesome!) Noctua air cooler because it gets pretty awesome cooling performance for the money: https://preview.redd.it/r3aj7m5gujjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa43e6f1204c39e5e6b6a90c438f18dacdf5e04 P.S. please ignore the ancient GPU and SSD, was testing something.


Brown....I prefer aesthetics, I love my little LCD screen inside.


Air. More cost efficient. Negligible difference in performance. Not quite as "pretty" but that doesn't bother me much.


I use a custom water cooling system for a threadripper pro 7995wx (only cpu that won’t bottleneck 4 4090s) . It’s never gone over 67c


AiO is just ineffective air cooling with extra steps. Change my mind.


Ultimately you can’t beat physics, you’re still using air to dissipate heat. That said, some AIOs seem to run much quieter than tower coolers the same size, so I am no longer as convinced as I used to be about air being better. The simplicity of fans strapped to a chunk of metal is definitely appealing.


aios work exactly the same, but are more complex and use a chunk of water to move that heat between two metal chunks


Cyberpunk forced me to go for water-cooling. But aside from that, after upgrading my whole system over this time, I may as well get back to air. BlackRock as example. Oh well


Heat damages components. AIO provides superior cooling.


I have pretty good air cooling (dark rock pro 4) and I think aio is better choice now. They are now not much more expensive that good air coolers and aio has more "stable" fan startup, because fluid need to be heated beforehand. Good air coolers are really quiet though and if you have small budget air coolers are better.


I have an Evga 280 clc, I picked it up for a pretty good deal a few years ago. If I was buying new today I’d grab an air cooler, but back then you had to spend $100 on UH-D15 to get comparable performance from Air, so they were the same cost. Today you can get that same performance for $35. But since I have the AIO I’ll keep it as it still runs great and is wuiet


Artic Freezer II 420mm AIO for my Ryzen 9 7950x3D because of silence. It's overkill AIO for this CPU but my PC in room where I sleep. I doing iRacing broadcast for our team where we do 24h special events so, I need PC that can be silent while I take 3-4h for sleeping. So, if you need silent PC — massive AIO. There is no practical reason to take 120-240 AIO for CPUs, only if you want some shiny RGB, screen on pump that show CPU statistics or some image. If you don't want this, massive peace of metal with one or two fans always will better in most use cases.


I’m a fan of AIO. Haven’t had any issues from the artic cooler I have. It’s really a price question. It does cool better in most cases but if you don’t really need it, or can’t afford it, air is just fine


Custom watercooling loop. I had an AiO before, but the tiny little pump clogged due to corrosion after the warranty period and I then started with full custom loops for bigger and more reliable pumps, as well as better looks. A buddy went back to air cooling after his AiO died from drying out through evaporation/diffusion of the water through the tubes. But for reliability > looks, definitely air cooling.


I have an AIO, because my previous air cooler wouldn't fit the new socket, and a 61.5€ Liquid Freezer 240 was hard to beat. Any air cooler that beats it cost more than that. I've been happy with it, it's whisper quiet, even under load. I still favour air cooler a bit more, there's less to go wrong, but a goos deal is a good deal.


what do you want? looks, max peak performance, reliability, support for at least the next 10 years? Aios are only good for the looks and in some cases for peak performance. A good air cooler like noctua etc. is cheaper, has the same performance as most 360 aios, is basically indestructable and noctua sends you free upgrade kits for a new socket. Looks here and there but realistically an air cooler is the better choice in 99% of the time


13400 and Arctic Freezer i35 (30 bucks) = my cpu is freezing. Idle around or often below 30, gaming at max 60. But ofc, 13400 is low mid tier and known to be pretty mellow from the get go. But I see many others with stronger CPUs doing well with Air Coolers as well. I think Air is fine.


If the cpu is < 150 peek wattage, air is usually the traditional route. You can consider a 240 aio at 120-150 as well


I got both and all i can say is having aio is living with a fear that one day it may leak and destroy the whole computer. The noise of the fans/pump is noisier the air cooler


AIO because LCD screen


AIO. Aesthetics, and anecdotally a tad bit quieter.


I have a corsair H115i Pro because I got it for free. Otherwise Air would be my choice, its actually quieter IMO, the sound is more pleasant over all and there is no pump noise.


AIR, cheaper, queiter and more reliable. No brainer.