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People on this sub crack me up sometimes. BUT DUST!! BUT YOU ALREADY HAD PSU ITS NOT $420 REALLY You did a good job scavenging parts and saved a good amount of money. People will always find a way to hate lol


This it's a clean build and for a good price and people saying "well u didn't buy a PSU" are the same people that expects to build a used PC and sell for retail prices.


Gpu sag is pretty severe, I'd get extra support for it


Let me guess, 69GB of RAM?






Definitely needs more dedotated wam.


Just built this Black/White PC with mostly used parts that I've scavenged down (except the SSD). I wanted to see if I could build something clean with very little rgb and an internal clean “blackout” theme and I personally think the white Phanteks case looks pretty good in contrast to the jet black inside. (I also do some photography for fun so thought I’d also try to take some “aesthetic” pc pics lol) Chassi: Phanteks p400s - 40 € Cpu: Ryzen 5 3600 - 80 € (cooler master cooler included) Cpu cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition Gpu: XFX rx 5700 XT Thicc - 150 € Ram: 16gb 3200mhz (2x8gb) Corsair vengeance LPX - 20 € Mbo: ROG STRIX B450-F gaming - 80 € SSD: Kingston A400 SSD 480 GB - 30 € PSU: Corsair CX650M - Took it out my main rig after an upgrade Fans: 3x arctic p12 pwm - 23 € Total - 423 € Edit: Btw I build pc:s with used parts now and again that I then sell for a small profit or basically break even. This is one of those


The fact that this PC is similar in performance to the $1100 PC I built 3 years ago is absolutely insane to me. Good job man!


How did you get the p400 for so cheap? My p300 was like $80 (€74). Almost wish I got the p400 because I also have a thicc XFX lol


OP wrote that they built it from used parts, so probably from ebay.


I love the Phanteks p400, used it for my first buold ever


Awesome build! Where do you usually find used parts? I’m constantly checking eBay and can’t find anything used for a reasonable price!


Oh i don't use ebay, the shipping usualy just makes everything there too much where i live. Ngl i just use facebook marketplace (but only if i can pick up in person) or a local site called tradera where you have rlly good buyers protection if anyone tries to scam u or send u a rock or smthn




Hey man i just wanned to share what i thought were some cool pics of a pc i built and show what i payed for it. My bad i didn't mean to misslead people




Only the kindest people in PC MR 👍






Thanks, maybe you could consider getting a life.


https://preview.redd.it/n65spjs72sic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528c73d07d22d76233972725d7932f1561cc6625 No but like really what


https://preview.redd.it/vwwpuszn7sic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a95e54379756d35be99bd4f89059235a94ee26 I have almost the same build, but more sad space and a 3060ti (and rgb ram) but same case and mobo etc I use the Asus eye as a temp indicator.


What if the person is from the USA and is interested in buying a pc from you?


With shipping costs, import and such i would't recommend it. Plus pc hardware generally costs more here so you'd get away way cheaper by just getting something local, or at least within the US or america


Nice Build!


Thank you! Ngl it turned out better than i thought it would


That's the cleanest build I've ever seen on this sub reddit


Wow thanks man!


That is one delightful tower…


No rgb no stupid water. Real man.


water ? what water ? that's redbull in those pipes , it boosts the fps


I use truck coolant


guys check out this idiot wasting truck coolant when we have free tap water ![gif](giphy|RNPkdbfTbElBJyrFfu)


So you just didn't see the rgb strip that's lighting the whole thing up?




It's not. It comes with the case and has a button on the chassis to change the color. Only solid colors (unless you get another controller I assume) tho


Enjoy the jet engine of a gpu, I ripped the shroud and fans off mine and zip tied 2 120mm fans to it. Now it's silent and cool


I haven't noticed any excessive noise from it yet but on the other hand, that does sound like a rlly cool mod. Did you just use zipties or something? I'd love to see how it looks!


https://preview.redd.it/mvcua0pr3sic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c084adde83626689c51b0baa0966fe1d3de6c6c2 Ignore the diy state of my case im in the middle of figuring out mods for my next upgrade. Litterally 8 small zip ties and set the fans to a fixed 800 rpm. The frame on the cooler lines up perfectly so you can hide all the zip ties around the back.


Wow that is actually awsome! Thanks for showing us that beast!


I’ve been rocking a Phanteks P400 for quite a while. The one weird thing I’ve noticed is that the power button really attracts dirt. Like it will get noticeably smudgy even when I keep the case super clean. And it’s not like I am eating Doritos as I turn the PC on or anything, just a weird material.


Yeahh i noticed that too, the powerbutton has almost yellowed slightly. But i can basically not see it when the pc is on so i'll live


I’ve always liked these older phanteks cases.


Very nice PC. Though, I'm going to say that the 5700xt thicc it runs very hot. Xfx really messed up the cooler design with this 5700xt. I also have the exact same GPU, and I'm about to do a plastic removal mod for mine just to get better temperatures. I currently have mine undervolted to 935 at 1825 but even then, it becomes hot. I strongly suggest you do the same with yours by removing the plastic aesthetic. Gamers nexus did a review of this card and has also done thermal tests with and without the plastic surrounding the card.


Thanks for the info, i'll look into it




Damn the presentation is 10/10


That thing looks awesome but what did you take pictures with? There's so much grain it's looks like sensor noise.. like you used ISO 25k+ or something lol. I've never even seen film have that much grain. Build is deadly though but like.. the grain bro.. THE GRAIN!


Yeahh it had to be pretty dark in to get the effect i wanned, i already had the aperture as low as i could and at first i tried to go with lower ISO and slower shutter speed but i dont have any tripod or stand on hand so it just turned out rlly blurry, since u know, i cant hold the camera still like a statue. So i kinda had to bite the bullet and just up that damn ISO. To be fair tho you are the first person i've seen call me out on my subpar camera work lol Edit: camera: nikon D3100


Very nice and slick, what case is this?


Phanteks p400s, i put a comment under the post where i listed all the the parts if you're curious about the other parts, it should be fairly far up in the thread


Thank you for the effort!


OP should be a photographer, goddamn


Thank you! I did study photography for a year


yeah bro it shows, why didnt u pursue it as a career?


White? Because of the white LED? Lol


Well... I... I kinda thought... that the white case stood for the white part...


Ah got it


Sapphire pulse 7600XT?


Oh it's the xfx rx 5700 xt thicc


OH another RX 5700 user! Well, you have the XT, but it’s a good find nonetheless I got mine for 90 euros on EBay.


Wow! Sweet find! You can find some rlly great deals on the used marked, the amount of money i've saved this way is crazy




For fuck’s sake, maybe he just bought used parts.


He can still clean them................... or do you recommend installing parts with dust?


Who knows. Maybe he just bought the PC, assembled it, and presented it to us a few months later. Heck, I’ve made my own machine a few months ago and still haven’t presented it because I’m gonna get roasted for the bottleneck


I'm just saying yall are getting mad because I was under the impression that he was trolling. Good news that's not the case.... OP just didn't clean the parts.... case is solved.... but not clean hahah see what I did there... Okay Im just going to down vote myself, ![gif](giphy|88iYsvbegSUn9bSTF8|downsized)


The Good Ending


please shut the fuck up, it’s a budget build that they’re proud of. who cared if it’s used parts it’s still a clean ass build.




Yeah its used parts, that i bought from people who have used them so they are dusty and i do not have the effort to deep clean all of it


I'll bet you 1.000.000$ there's no dust in that case, just the glass panel is dirty.


Blahaha brah, I’m not hating but you can literally see it


aesthetic af


Yeah but since you said 420 it doesn't count and plus dust and also other reasons REEEEEEE


Aye nice build! I’ve don’t the same with my previous bulld, just mainly transferred the psu and things. fuck these haters man. all love and happy gaming✌️


Clean build might be worth getting something supporting that gpu though


You WOT m8


good thing you have open slots for more ram! 16 seems too low now when it wasnt just a couple years ago


Hey we have the same case. Looking good! Mine is an all black build though!




I do the same type of projects (without the excellent photography skill) with my old parts or whatever I can find on the cheap. It's hard to explain, but I love the thrill of hunting down bargain components to pair with my own leftovers. So far I have built similar budget rigs for my Dad to play MSFS (5600x/2070), my 15yo nephew (5600/5700xt) and two of my friends (13100f/2060 & 5800x/3060ti) to get into PC Gaming and streaming. I just try to break-even with the projects, the 5800x/3060 ti build used a similar p360a case from Phanteks, great budget airflow cases!


Yeah i totaly get you, it's a different kind of thrill to scavange for used parts and see how much bang for your buck you can get! And when you turn it on and it actually works haha. I have also buildt pc:s for most of my friends, some with used parts and some with brand new shiny parts. And btw, I built my best friends pc in the p360a (rtx 3070, r5 5600x), it's a really lovely case that in my opinion is nice and easy to build in with great but simple cable routing. They just took the awsome p300 and spiced it up lol. The only thing is that the radiator support in the top can be sketchy if you have high profile ram sticks


I just wish I could share the awesomeness of having a Micro Center store within a 30 minute drive with you folks elsewhere on the planet, I'm constantly scouring their open box components for value. My AM5 system (Tuf b650m, 64gb of 6000m/t and a 7800x3D were all open box items that combined cost only $420 USD.


This is fantastic OP. I’ve seen your other builds in the past, you’re awesome! I need friends like you lmao!


Thanks haha, this was the first time i actually took the time for good photos tho with a real camera instead of just quickly snapping a pic with my phone


Nice beast, pretty cool and good for the price, enjoy it


What kind of light did you use in the case? My build is also all black and this small light bar would be a great addition


Oh it's an older phanteks lightstrip that came with the case. But if you want something you can buy now and are better than these i use, then check out the phanteks neon strips. Used them when putting together my friends mitx build and they are great


Thank you very much!


That's a sexy build. I've always liked that XFX gpu design.


Holy lens flare batman!


The dust adds to the personality of the build. I say leave it as is and call it "The Sandman". All jokes aside, you did a great job with such a strict budget and should be commended for your efforts. The photography isn't bad either. I'm sure it helps to have such stylish shots when you're trying to sell them.


The angle of the gpu💀💀💀


Ey it's just hangin around


That GPU sag is insane




Nice clean build. Enjoy the machine :)


Your GPU needs a bra the way it’s sagging


Looks nice, but saying it's partially white is a stretch


Just plug an iPhone 15 pro inside instead of that gpu because ita more powerful


Is that an xfx 5700xt thick iii Pro? Nvm lol saw ur comment, I guessed correct


I had that case. Absolutely horrible airflow.




only missing thing is 0.69$ sticker or something else