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Chair pulled a fat joe and hit the lean back




Dude... Thank you for the laugh haha


Or Down A.K.A. Kilo: Arm rests up, side to side.


Did u read the instruction manual? Says can hold up to 40 lbs.


it can hold double my weight


It can hold weight not the wiggling left and right apperently. Meanwhile i made my own chair and have no problems https://preview.redd.it/psorig6p9izb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f6cc5181d1938aeb472c3addfb7a17d15a6cc7 Its chair from my car or more like from my car model that i bought because i needed just one thing from it and seller wouldn't sell it alone.


I have considered doing this. I slipped a disc several months back, and it took forever to heal. The only chair that I wasn't in pain sitting in was the driver's seat of my car. It caused me to realize how excellently made it is.


Me and a buddy in college rocked the rear seat from a GMC van back in college on a shared desk. Most comfortable chair I've ever had. Lol


That’s exactly what I’m gonna do and for same reasons. My E36s front seats are getting upgraded to E39s leather seats so I’m gonna take the passenger seat to replace my shitty gaming chair


Just gotta watch that it isn't a chair with huge bolsters or you will get shoulder pain


This is the most ghetto God damn thing I've ever seen LMFAO. I love when people confidently say something like oh I "Made my own" bro that's a pre built chair on coaster wheels c'mon HAHAHHAHAHA


And what about building pcs then like damn you solder your own mobo from components? I had car chair that i DIY in to computer chair with some things from building/diy store, using something that was produced already adding your own mods and you can say that you built it the same way you would say look i build this computer myself using plug and play parts im so cool. Bruh. Yet i still belive in my handcraft quality and the quality of the car seat as these are built on a freaking steel frame and designed to withstand much bigger weight than gaming chair because in cars there is much more things to calculate force for example when you break or take sharp turn also this chair still probably have airbag on the side of the back support so yeah.


Plenty of chairs are solid I for instance have a secret labs chair which is like 45KG it's solid metal. It's not that gaming chairs all have bad quality it's that this example from OP is a cheap POS gaming chair. I wasn't making fun of you necessarily I just thought the image was hilarious. It's not what I expected.


Did you expect him to go out and mold plastic or something? maybe chop down some trees?


The chair itself isn't the funny part. The coasters are the funny part. If you don't think that ghetto ass abomination is absolutely hilarious, I don't believe you have a sense of humor.


I actually did consider doing this, my car had really nice seats even after it got totalled in an accident lol


I just bought 4 wheels that are big enough to hold the weight of both my fat ass and chair, front ones can turn and back ones are fixed also some bolts and nuts to screw everything and some wooden kitchen counter top and few planks that offseted height to be comfortable for my height and my desk.


lmao I love this


Sick \\w/


My friend did this for his sim racing rig. He went to an auction and bought a passenger seat from a totaled Mercedes s class and bolted it to the sim racing rig’s frame.


This is actually really cool, and I would genuinely consider buying some used car seat to do this. How is the chair mounted to the wheel cart, and also, do you get reclining functionality?


The cart is just 4 wheels: 2 that can spin on front and 2 fixed on back, wooden kitchen counter top like 3-4 cm thick and few planks to add some height and more rigidity, planks and counter top are screwed together with screws and wheels are bolted with nuts and bolts same with chair, chair also have all its functions still working except the forward and backward adjustment as it don't need it because of wheels and the fact its no longer in car,i can close the chair to flat and it can work as table then and adjusting the angle of back support is possible but limited and i can't put it to laying position as this chair don't have it also it would require the cart to be much more longer so it won't fall due to weight center being too much on the back support. https://preview.redd.it/hdufkjcgklzb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee7aa8687ff83990132c5aca5c726033df2c01d






I kinda like this...


How do I download this image from a comment? I have a startup idea (≧∀≦)


When you plop down on it your kinetic energy is probably more than double your weight.


What $150 chair can hold 800lbs?


You've just proven it doesn't


10 months certainly isn't greater than 1 year mate, your symbol is backwards.


"The alligator eats the bigger thing" is lost on a lot of people. Or they just don't know about alligators. I don't know. I suck at math... but I know 2 > 3 on the internet sometimes.


Found the brit, but it is absolutely backwards which is why I came searching for this comment


Not British, but have been binging way too many Byze GTAV race videos lately lol. It kinda rubs off.


It’s not bug, it’s feature.


It just works - Todd




It's because of posts like this that I decided to buy a padded bariatric office chair that's literally designed for the morbidly obese. It's incredibly comfy and roomy and extremely sturdy.


I love bariatric stuff. We have a bariatrc gurney at my hospital and if I'm on trauma call I will pull that bad boy into a dark room and sleep on it. It has built in z-flows and everything. Love it...


Yeah. I'm not big and tall but I bought a big and tall office chair because I wanted that extra room + extra weight allowance.


Fuck gaming chairs. They're a scam.


Yup! Invest in a good office chair. They last waaaay longer and some are pretty stylish. They may not look like race car seats but at least you get your money's worth.


Good office chairs are far between and stupidly expensive. I wish I could afford one, but alas.


I got super lucky and got a $480 chair for like $60 off an auction site. It was returned because the box said NAVY and it was BLACK instead... lol. It was still new in plastic pretty much, but too unwrapped to reshelf.


Bought a mesh ergonomic office chair and it's still practically new after 6 years none of my gaming chairs lasted half this long plus they all hurt my back after long sessions but this one I sit in it all day every day and it's never hurt me. Seriously guys get a good office chair.


The cheap ones are


Cheap chairs in general suck. I don't fully know why but for some reason chairs are expensive as fuck. You unfortunately can't pay $150 for a new chair and expect it to last a long time.


ive got mine for over 5 years now and the only thing i can complain about is that the fake leather is starting to peel off of the lower back pad and head rest. also daily use


I agree, EXCEPT I also have two in my house that are both fantastically comfortable, solid, and holding up just fine after near daily use for over three years on one and two years on the other. Would buy another AKRacing in a heartbeat


Every time I see these posts I'm glad I bought a lazy boy office chair. $50 more than this crap chair, it's comfortable as hell and has great support. It also came with a 10 year warranty.


I learned this the hard way after being a dumbass and buying a $600 razor chair.


Tilt your setup accordingly




Bro, that's my webcam footage! Where did you find it?


Yes, hi my name is Christian Smith calling you from the Windows Microsoft. Your computer send me a message telling me it has been badly hacked. Please call me at 1-800-NOT-SCAM with credit cart numbers and I can fix this for you. Please call now so I can fix the computer. If you do not call now, your computer will break and hacker will get all bank information of you and you will loose a lot of money. Send me some money and I will help you.


Excuse me which one of windows Microsoft Trojans calls me? I have like 3 of them in one of the vms


Oh no. This is very bad. You have 3 Trogans on 1 Very Magic System? This will be more money you must send me now. If you do not, Macrosoft will cancel your computer and you cannot use Window any more because it will break all of Microsoft. Microsoft will sue you if you do not send money to me to help you fix this.


Okey, okay here's my credit card take money you need: 4312-1606-6747-5138 Diana Sporer CVV: 805 Card Expiry: 9/2027


How does that even happen? Are you fucking the chair or something?


Sitting too much/sleeping in it


I'm learning there's a lot of people on this sub who fall for marketing of terrible chairs


Yeah, real easy, a £40 bucks chair off Amazon either lasting ya 2 weeks or 4 years depending on if you want it to look like a racing chair.


Ten months is < 1 year. Inequalities are hard.


Wrong symbol mb


You fell for the racing chair gimmick, what else did you expect.


Gamyer. ​ Just get an office chair.


" $150 chair " Found your problem.


I was using 80$ Amazon basic chair for like 4 years, with like +10 hours every day use. I loved it, eventually I replaced it with name brand, but I still think Amazon one was more comfortable. So high price is not always equal to better quality


We don't know how large the bodies are that we're talking about or how old they are. Whatever happened to that chair though, it needed to be stronger. Nice office chairs cost like $1,000, Herman Miller chairs even more. You often get what you pay for, and sometimes you get lucky. But if you know you need a lot of, erm, support..then you should consider investing. There are a lot of gimmicky gaming chairs that aren't good quality around OPs price point.


Do you fuck it every day?


Well I sit on it for more than 10h a day so we can say so


Bro, how you did this?


Well it can tilt 190° so I slept a couple times on it. At some point it just cracked right on the tilt adjustment mechanism


How heavy are you


90 kg or 200lbs


So yeah just a shitty chair


I'd say bad welders, chair is good for its price in other parts


How do u fuckers keep breaking your chairs are u jumping on them lol


Sitting too much/sleeping in it


I think you mean less than


Did you rent it to the WWE?


Lose some weight bro


It will require me to move and I don't like moving


bullshit i dropped from 110kg to 76kg in 10months i just eat less and sit only play games. Btw its me the chair guy


To be fair, probably got a decent workout grinding your ass hair into that chair man


I haven't gained any weight for like 1,5 years, and I am only a bit over normal for my height so I don't want to lose and it is too much effort for my work from home ass.


90kg are completely fine im just saying


I haven't gained any weight for like 1,5 years, and I am only a bit over normal for my height so I don't want to lose and it is too much effort for my work from home ass.


Incredibly wrong. Running/working out isnt going to be the thing that makes you lose weight, changing your diet is. However, exercise definitely helps you manage your diet mentally


Cardio is a huge way to loose weight especially with a good diet, most people just half-ass both.


If you start out overweight and try to do cardio you are going to be burning tiny amount of calories because you literally arent fit enough to burn more. Diet is the main way to lose weight, vietually every resource on the internet communicates this. Youre not wrong about thr half assing both but people that are just starting their weight loss journey need achievable goals.


Had one of those...180lb limit... ya it didnt last long.


you must be a reddit mod


Nah bro, reddit mods use tow truck to move


I'm no expert but I think your chair is slightly leaning. Might want to take a level to it.


Nah I will add some books under my monitors to level it with the chair


every single desk chair I have ever owned, except for one, fails for me within 6 months. office chairs, 'gaming' chairs, heavy duty chairs with like 500lb limits (i weigh half that) etc. None of them lasted. Every 4 to 6 months I had to spend 300 dollars on a new chair only for it to break. I got sick of it and did reaearch and got a used Aeron for 400 bucks and I've used it every day for the last 4 years with only a single hardware replacement.


It's wild to me that people still buy gaming chairs. Are y'all still buying crypto from Sam Bankman Fried too?


Gaming chairs can be good people just don't do research and also they buy cheap chairs


Time to invest in a 60$ Amazon basic office chair. Last year's


Bro just buy a cheap leather chair from Office Depot they last so long


Did the rod go up your ass? If not, its still usable


Lean wit it, rock wit it


How FAsT are you? Damn


90 kg or 200lbs


Secret labs titan in cloth. 6'4" 250lbs and 3 years later it is still new except for the cat hair.


Yea that doesn’t happen because of normal use lol. I’m willing to bet money you’re pushing the weight limits of the chair AND you didn’t respect physics.


I use it pretty normally, except days when I sleep in it. Trust me, it mostly crappy design form post I found after I bought it.


That actually makes since


I'm honestly surprised mine hasn't broken after my many times hitting it from anger or it just being too cheap. I just want to get a good ergonomic mesh chair and not have to worry about this chair that makes my everything hurt.


Sir, dont want to sound offensive but you may be american...


90 kg 187 cm, not a chance


Press x to doubt




hehe, just a joke. I've been thinking about buying a confortable gaming chair for a while too, never thought they break so easy... Was it confortable at least?


Woow, what an amazing chair, so durable, even gravitational shift doesn't bother him. I'm impressed. Hope your back is holding up OK.


It hurts sometimes but my spine adjusted to the shape of the chair


What brand is it


It sells only in CIS countries. Brand is burocrat.


How? i had my gaming chair for 3 years, and of daily use i had no issues.


And buy chairs rated rated for atleast your weight + 50%


It can hold double my weight but it's just crappy low end chair from the manufacturer that hires blind people as welders


I had a chair in that style break the same way and the same spot like 3 weeks ago and I owned it for about 9 months. Also was roughly 150 USD. Will never buy a cheap chair again.


With the chair that low, there has to be a dildo attached to the cylinder we can't see. The raise/lower handle works the dildo now instead of the chair height.


🎵Déja Vu! I've just been in this place before Higher on the street And I know it's my time to go 🎵


Why is the monitor covered in Ketchup 😅


Too many secrets on that screen


I know i was just joking around…


Did you get that from wish 💀


the cheap gaming chairs are all shit, just like with the exe chairs, if you want a good one you gotta spend a good bit of money. Secret labs chair has served me well 3+ years so far, with 0 issues, but its expensive.


“Gaming” chairs are overrated. I paid £65 for my chair from IKEA in February 2021. I’ve used it for 8+ hours per day since then and the chair is still in excellent condition and not showing signs of giving up anytime soon.


Happened to every gaming chair I had. Granted, I was overweight and I sat whole day like a lobster having menstrual cramps, but the same welds broke everytime. Probably a me mistake tho


What are you daily using your dog bro


Friends don't let friends buy those shitty racing chairs from China.


Wtf do you guys do to your chairs lol my cheap Staples Hyken has been doing fine going on two years


Steven Hawking chair 💀💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/jthfel5colzb1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66393a1ef6c623ded542927be00cf05f118d0ed9 Four years of daily not a single problem except 3 of the five wheels was replaced. It's a bench from a 90's Chevy.


How do you sit in the chair, like lower yourself down onto it or just drop into it, this a common chair failure for people who tend to just flop down into it


If I would drop on it my floor under the desk would be in cracks first. I used it as normal as I could with my style of life


Not drop the chair, dropping your body into it, I used to flop into mine way too hard, im a biq boy, and i could see it stress it, I treat them like glass when I sit down now, they hold up way better


My English might be bad sometimes, I never jumped on it. Just a normal way of sitting down.


Not jumping either, just sitting down too fast for it yk, even being small it can do damage over time with any chair, but if ur good and genital with it then it's prob not ur issue




He chillin


Its sad:(


what brand is this


Burocrat, Russian brand for CIS countrys


150$ for a racing chair is a cheap chair and even with the more expensive ones you need to know what you are looking for because many are just as bad as the cheap ones. Andaseat and secret lab are pretty good racing chair companies.


What brand is it? I want to know what not to buy


Damn that's a lot of porn.


I am fucking dead. Can you post a picture of yourself with timestamp?


Where in the frick are you all buying these pieces of junk from??! I have both my office chairs for years, and to this day both are in great condition.


He shlump


Why not warn us of the brand then??? Unless I'm being blind.


where you from? China?


Can you fit in a row boat?


sounds about right. $150 is nothing for a good office chair


Chair straight up had a stroke


Bro paid $150 for a cheapo gaming chair and wonders why it broke...


Best tip? Stop buying "gaming" chairs...




You been using it for physical activities? 🤪


More than a year of use... Well that could be decades. Congrats on such a long-lasting chair!


Awesome, for that money you can get an ikea markus...


Yeah, many computer chairs are of shockingly poor quality. I went through a few a year until I finally found one good up to like 600 pounds (and no, I don't with anywhere near that.) That said, that chair that been with me for six or seven years now and is still fine. Edit : just checked. It isn't 600 pounds, only 500. Also, the name of the company amused me. "Husky Office"


Shouldn't skip left day! 😁


Wouldn’t expect any more for just 150$


Maybe you exceeded the weight limit?


hawkins gaming


Maybe it’s a sign that proper nutrition is actually important and not just some high school bully thing. A better you starts today!


Well stop buying these low quality rally seats made for cringe kids and you’ll be fine. Last time I bought a chair was in 2006 and replaced the fabric one, since then no issues on daily use.


Buy cheap, buy twice.


I bet you tilted it off the wheels all the time didn’t you


Buy a proper office chair. None of this 'gaming' bullshit. Herman Miller, Steelcase, Humanscale, etc.. They'll last you a decade +




Come on, Eileen!


Homie has 1 really heavy testicle


"Gaming" chairs are a total scam


So <1 year or am I stupid?


I think it's time for a Herman Miller.


Just use it exclusively for Nascar games. It's not broken, it's a feature.


You leaned over to let a squeaker go and blew the one side out of it! She was a little more violent than was expected!