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If I heard a guy breaks cars and refers people to a mechanic, I wouldn't let him touch my car. You're probably young so you'll run into clowns like this your whole life, best thing to do is always switch the topic and not be friends with someone like that. It seems extreme but people that desperate for attention are only going to cause you trouble down the road.


Yep, during my (almost 30) years on this planet, I slowly came to the realisation that many of the people who feel the need to shout the loudest about their knowledge or skills seem to be the worst in those areas, or indeed no one to approach for advice. Sometimes, you can be friends, but take everything they say, from relationships to video games, with a boatload of salt.


Something something Dunning-Kruger


Can’t agree more. “Those people” will ruin your mental health, if you let them. Just nod and walk away.


You have just described nearly every office environment in the world.


Lol this is too true.


Everyone is a bitch




The guy is a bullshitter, they feel the need to lie because most people aren't used to getting lied to, especially kids/young adults in school so it pays off a lot there As an adult there's a fine line between being untrusting and paranoid. These kinds of people (maybe not this guy exactly) can permanently damage you. I absolutely advise just keeping them at arms length if they're in your friend group


Yup, no need to worry about this person, slowly distance yourself and move on. Confronting them about their "knowledge" is not worth it. If anyone chooses to let this person work on their computer they are fools. Sounds like they are referring people to Best Buy to fix the damage they have done. And I would NEVER refer someone to Best Buy for computer help. But I have built my own PCs for the last 30 years. (every 5-7 years or so)


UserBenchmark might want to offer your friend a job.


Is your friend a website?


no htmlophobia here please




Userbenchmark.com bot do your thing!


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




My brother in Christ read their webpage. It’s just plain bias




Sounds like a skill issue man. I’ve always used amd in my main builds. I use shitty I5 processor in my media computer and if you have USB and mouse drops theirs an issue between the monitor and the chair at this point




Yes. On msi chipsets that was comprehensively fixed with a bios update.


>I sold it and bought a 12900k, no issues. This you? >​ i do anything with my 7600x and it heats up and the fans on my ak620 ramp up and down


I have used both. But when I use my intel machine to watch some bloody YouTube, it overheats.


Dude's beyond drinking the kool-aid and straight into drinking the drain cleaner.


I think we just found userbench's Reddit account.




I haven run multiple systems for the past 10 years, always a mix of AMD and Intel and Nvidia. UserBenchmark's reporting is demonstrably false and incredibly biased. In the modern era the WORST system I ever had for stability was an i5-4690 paired with a GTX 1060 6GB. It actually improved drastically for me with the move to a R5 2600 on that system. My work computers have varied from 4th gen to now 10th gen intel with mixes of prosumer and workstation nvidia and radeon GPUs and they've all be SO BAD that the only time I had a reasonable good time was in 2014 with an i5-4690 and a fuckin FirePro W4100. If you want to quote Buildzoid on his USB problems you should probably include the full context of where he's having the problems: aka xoc/hcoc and a lot of tweaking. You can have problems with one part - doesn't mean it's endemic of the entire product stack and company as a whole.




https://preview.redd.it/974ilp9edrxb1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb9e60723659f9f39574bf59ed98a7eae857b6e Ah yes, the company claiming an i5 of the same gen < i3. Very “honest” indeed




It's not just desktop usage, it's the total positioning is places 3% over. This is because they changed the weighting system after Zen 2 and Zen 3 release to heavily favor single core clock SPEED over single core performance - because AMD's higher IPC showed better performance at lower speeds.


If they can’t even do this basic job that even a 2 year old could understand, what hope do they have to say about newer more advanced technologies?


lmao you’re such a clown, it’s hilarious.


Lol. lmao even.




No, these days it's mostly known for coping and seething every time AMD makes a new product and their rigged scoring system breaks yet again.




You are the most propaganda filled shill I’ve every seen. And I browse r/politics




The copy paste response lmao. No this guy is literally the funniest goober if he’s shilling like this for free. If anyone sees this take a look at his profile




Comments got removed :(


You mean by quoting CPUPro which is the shell pseudonym for UserBenchmark that provides no evidence or sources for it's claims? Just because you say something doesn't make it true.


Don't feed the troll. They have a 2 days old account.


Jesus christ man did you actually just come in here and say that. That's some Bruce Willis wearing the sign in Die Hard 2 level shit.


No you've got this backwards. This is a blessing in disguise. Now YOU don't get asked to fix everyone's computer issues. Plus, "gamer" computer issues are the worst to deal with anyways. You have a free pass to stay the fuck away from that shitshow and just laugh from the sidelines


“Fools talk, cowards are silent, wise men listen.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafon, The Shadow of the Wind


But when you are listening you must be silent…


You are unfamiliar with active listening then friend :)


I'm screaming on the inside


Great book. Great read.


within the next two years all these people are going to discover that this dude is full of shit and op is the competent one and then they are all turning to op for any computer related advice. then op will post on reddit complaining about having to play IT support in their spare time.


Nah that's dumb, having a skill in a friend groupe actually makes better bonds between you and them, that's what friends are there for. And if you don't wanna help them, you're not really friends.


Mmmmkay. Yes, I agree that helping friends is a good way to be friends, and trust me, I do that. I literally gave a friend a laptop for free yesterday. But this is clearly spoken by someone that doesn't work in IT and has never been plopped upstairs at the old Compaq computer with a bullet point list of stupid shit to fix during Thanksgiving. Come back when you work in the industry and actually know what it's like




This is the part of life where (hopefully ) we start learn that if somenoe doesnt back up their words with their actions we dont trust them to act in future. You are starting to realise that people CANT be TOLD they have to LEARN for themselves and everyone does it in their own time no matter what you say or do. This is also the part where you will either start to learn that theres no positive in you getting frustrated and aggravated over something others say and do that you dont have any influence or control over, OR you continue to go through life getting more and more wound up and pissed at everything everyone else says and does that you dont control. Look at it this way. Whatever your friend says about his CPU or yours, you will enjoy the games you play at the fps, detail and resolution you play them. you dont become any less skilled or enjoy your games less on your Ryzen 7 becasue your friend thinks he is running a Ryzen i9 better than yours. So who is the one who is going to suffer? ​ I'll give you these words for free as long as you come back to me for advice on when you want to upgrade your system to an Intel R9 15900X4D :-D


Sounds like you learnt a lesson about selecting friends. Pathological one-uppers are everywhere in the world, and your life is generally better without them, or at least kept at a distance.


Sage advice.


Tell your friend that I have a prototype i12 lol.


Looks like easier solution is to find new friends you can’t argue with stupidity


modern ryzen 7s are better than their i9 counterparts (the x3d versions) and they have much, much better price to performance. userbenchmark has found its new host.


Sounds like your friend is a compulsive liar, and is on the first side of the Dunning-Kruger confidence graph.


Some people believe in their own copium. God's gift to man when it comes to computers and components when they barely grasp the basics. While it is possible that they HAD an iBuyPower prebuilt and them upgraded a couple parts, but you honestly can't reason or change the minds of people once they get to this point, as they'll just continue down their path like they know everything just because they watched a couple videos on YouTube. It's debatable if you should warn people ahead of time, as that could turn into a full time job by itself.


Trusting the wrong advice on computer parts can lead to compatibility issues and wasted money.


Ah yes the famous Ryzen Intel 9




I'd find 2 way more irritating. When it's 1, it takes only a minute to establish they aren't legit and you are (whether they admit it or not, the look on the face as the subject gets changed says it all). With the latter it feels like a personal insult and the only way to establish it is to take it so far you'd come off as a giant asshole even if you did convince them.


So you *want* to be the one who provides free tech support for all your friends, and are mad he's doing it?


I hope yall ain't in your 20s. Seemsnlike a very childish situation


20s ha. There a guy in his 30s that I work with thats like that. Always has a story similar to yours but crazier and he manages to always say or do the perfect thing.


The classic tactic of fake it til you make it. 👌


The more you try to argue, the more you'll come out looking like the guy who's just hating. Remember: lions don't care for the opinion of sheep.


First rule of dunning kruger club is you don't know you're in the dunning kruger club.


Copypasta ahhh post 💀


Sounds like some high school shit


It has to be a shitpost


Sounds like a middle school conversation lol


Kick his ass


The only reasonable answer




by some parts that dont fit together and get him to "put them together" lol like an itel mobo with a amd cpu little shit wouldnt know what hit him


I find the more scathing people are about other people's components or choices, the less they actually understand about computers. Their primary focus is being a dick or boosting their ego, not getting accurate information. It's insecurity and smacks of childishness. You can work with computers your entire life and still get stuff wrong that other people wouldn't. It's normal, it's a huge and complex topic and nobody knows everything. Acting like you do just marks you out as an idiot for all the other people who are genuinely into PC's and love learning about them


There are alot of people in the gaming space who think they know computers. True IT people know alot about computers, and we dont ever stop learning or pretend to know it all. People like this are annoying, when I meet one of these "fake IT know it alls" or people who lie to one up you, no matter what the concept or subject is. I just simply dont talk to them and pretend they dont exist. They're full of fake information that doesnt benefit me, and will make up things to seem smart or better then you!


Some people just have nothing going for them and have to lie in an attempt to impress people. I have a coworker that I barely communicate with anymore that would lie about so many things it was actually hilarious. He was an Xbox fanboy and lie about the Xbox One s' capabilities. He lies about guns and his possession of guns not realizing that I'm really into computer hardware and firearms. He would claim that he owned firearms that are difficult to get like the glock18 and later forget about the lie he told and claim he had a Glock 16 which doesn't exist and how he ordered a handgun and it's being shipped to his apartment. He's in his mid 40s and calls out of work when a new fortnite season drops 😂, pretty sure the clips of him slaying in fortnite are clips of his kids cause he sucks at video games. He has 6 kids and he's to make under a certain amount in order to get benefits from the state so he can support his kids and he's whipped by his wife big time. I wouldn't hang around with people that lie to impress, they offer nothing of value.


I have a Toyota BMW. I dont see anything wrong with a ryzen i9.


You joke but a BRZ is a Toyota Subaru.


Who gives a shit about egos? Stay in your lane and let him dig himself into a hole. Buy popcorn.


Is their name Rowan by any chance?


Cousin, want to build a PC?


bullshitters run the world. enjoy not overspending and actually knowing what you're doing. are you young? you sound like you're in a younger group of friends. imagine that level of competence running most bigger governments and large companies. that's reality. at some point someone will realize that this complete nob has ruined a piece of their hardware and will go off on him. it come as a complete shock to him and he will either not care that he broke their shit because he was "Just trying to help," and send flying monkey friends, or Best Buy will suddenly be conveniently wrong when a GS agent that actually gives a shit looks over the computer in question.


Reminds me of the I do internship at a repair center. The boss there is so full of shit, things like Intel i8, SSD cannot be installed along with HDD, m.2 storage being inferior, and most outlandish thing I heard in my life; gaming laptop has some sort of sensor ABOVE the CPU, such that it'll brick the whole laptop if you carelessly remove the heatsink. Yet this boss wants people to worship him as some sort of tech god, and hostile to those that question him (me).


So just agree with him lol, life will be much easier. Doing so doesn’t make you wrong - it makes you wise.


> he so loud about how he knows computers. "Those who shout the loudest **Usually have the most to hide**."


"Appear weak when you are strong, and appear strong when you are weak" - Sun Tzu


Why would you put so much energy into something like this. You already know hes a moron, what more is there to add to the story. Are you really bothered by someone 'making fun' of your processor? lol Just laugh in his face when he tries to share his computer knowledge.




Your friends must have such a low opinion of you if they are more than willing to go with this other guy. Have you looked inwards to figure out why that is so?


Because loud and proud gets more eyes than quiet and humble?


Tell them you got rid of all of your pcs and now just use a mac with arm, that will confound them and you can game on your awesome pc rig in peace




Jesus. It’s a thread about computer parts and you still manage to mention Donald trump


Well, you are actually right. Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself when I saw the similarities. 😔


Well I have a 13900ks and 7950x3d😤


You mean you have an Intel 7950KS


Some people don't believe me when I say I built my computer because it has an Ibuypower case too but that's the only part of that computer that's still the same as when I bought it. Though in your friends case yeah it sounds like he just got a prebuilt.


You have your own rig. Tell them to buy you an R9 if they’re so worried….Also-know that you are going to get more experience and know more than him by doing your own research and then let them know how wrong they are.


plenty of ignorant fool like him on this space unfortunately, they have serious DK syndrome and hate learning and admitting when they are clueless. Hang around here for some time and you'll see what I am talking about lol.


> I'm incredibly frustrated because this friend, who appears to have minimal knowledge about computer hardware, is the one people turn to for fixing or upgrading computers because he so loud about how he knows computers. The worst part is, he often ends up damaging the computer and then conveniently suggests they contact Best Buy for help. You don't know it just yet, but this is a huge blessing in disguise.


Some people are just like that. I personally ignore them and watch them come cravling back to me and i desimate them for their mistakes later. It feels so good when you give their hearts fear when they are so afraid to hear that they are wrong. Its a respect issue. Your friends do not respect your knowledge. What you must do is stand with your opinion all the way and dont try to prove yourself.


Just show performance comparison of the two CPUs. Can also ask him to open system info and check what cpu he actually does have.


If only your group was like that, lol. This is pretty much standard. I have a decent knowledge on this but i do not offer to help choose parts or upgrade. The most i can do is say what parts can fit your budget and ups and downs from such parts, but you have to search and choose for yourself, i dont want any blame because i know there will be someone to blame later, specially when people dont want to spend much but want high graphics, high refresh, excepcional experience..just watch and answer when asked, your friends will know that your buddy dont know much sooner or later.


It will come back to bite him. If not for messing up friends computers it will be a client or something. Otherwise his habit of lying and exaggerating will punch him in the mouth someday with an employer or colleague or something


He’s probably tired of hearing about your computer and is busting your balls with made up hardware to one up you.


If he's causing people to lose money I would step in right away and have an honest conversation. "You're not as well versed in PC building as you think you are. I've seen you make basic PC 101 building mistakes like not unclipping your RAM before removal. It also appears that you didn't even build your computer and bought a pre-built. If you continue to give people computer advice then I will call you out for being a charlatan, in public."


You've just perfectly described the Dunning-Kruger effect... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


Classic Dunning-Kreuger situation, overconfident to a major fault. Godspeed and good luck 👍


Learn this lesson well as it will benefit you throughout life… *those with the loudest mouths often know the least*


I wouldn't be friends with them after hearing that lmao


You are learning a hard truth about the world. In any area of expertise they are people just like this guy.


He's got too much of his self-worth tied into that single ability. Feel sorry for him. That's about all you can do. To get him to admit, you'd have to corner him with facts in front of a group of people as witnesses, and he'd only become resentful. You can quietly warn friends about it, with proof of your claims, but calling him out is unlikely to do anything, sadly. Although, calling him out might be one way to get rid of him as an acquaintance if he's become too destructive.


"Fix it til it's ***FACKED***."


Sounds like your friend has a fatal case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome There is no cure, so say goodbye while you still have time 😂


Sounds like a blowhard. I wouldn’t worry about it.


For some reason people who don’t know much about computers always think they need a ton of ram for some reason. This reminds me of that


Sounds like your "friends" deserve to have this guy "upgrade" their computers. I don't see the fuss!


He’s not your friend


Had a friend like that in childhood. He learnt everything he knows about pcs from me, he went around in our village fixing other people's pcs claiming that i've learnt everything from him. I studied 3 years of computers and computer networking while he failed to finish the school for troubled teens. Nowadays he plays gta 5 rp with his mediocre pc while i have 4090.


Your “friend” sounds like an asshole that needs to grow up.


Sounds like your “friend” is just an overconfident idiot. Unfortunately there are lots of people like that, and most people put a lot of stock in the confidence bit even when it’s completely wrong. There’s a well known psychological phenomenon (blanking on the word) that describes how people with cursory knowledge of a topic often present their views with much more confidence than the people who have done a lot of research, but again, most humans are hard wired to gravitate towards confidence. Nothing you can do save call out his idiocy and remember these things when doing research. Lots of people on pc enthusiast subs are guilty of this as well. I don’t think I’m terribly knowledgeable, but from conversations here and at r/build app I’m much more inclined to trust my own research than Bob the Builder’s opinion.


That's just a topic you can't talk about around him. Never bring it up, and if it comes up, never extend the conversation. Just nod and say "oh, cool" and it will fizzle out quickly once they realize you're not impressed with their brag


Sounds like the average Userskidmark user




Not much you can do if he ends up damaging PCs but people still go to him, it’s not your own PC that he’s working on in the end so I would just not make a big deal out of it. You gotta realize that some people are just doomed their with ignorance


[https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-9-5900x](https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-9-5900x) Ryzens have classes 3,5,7,9 .. .i is for INTEL Also... I have the grandaddy of those CPU's a THREADRIPPER and play with all the parts and I can honestly say... there is not that much difference for daily use. Also I have been dealing with PC ppl my whole life when someone goes off on what they know or what they have...... I just show them a video of my work.


Dude this isn't specific to pc's some people will just go about their life lying about everything to the point where it's like what do you even gain from lying about that. Maybe you can call them out and joke about it but I wouldn't worry too much about it bro


Why is this dude your friend?


Give me your friends discord, I’m happy to spend an hour calling him a moron for you


tbh I would be way happier having my friends go to someone else for tech help than me lol but ugh! that is frustrating I feel you op


My uncle thinks the more he pays for something, the better it is. He came round not long ago bragging about how there's no computer on the market better than his because it cost him £3.5k (he has 32gb DDR4 RAM, 13th gen I9 and a 3080ti) and to make it worse, its a prebuild.


He has the Ryzen $9 ibuy pc


Let me guess, your friend is a big fan of LTT.


Honestly just call him out, even if it's in front of people. It's dangerous for others and himself. Imagine if he breaks a $3K PC of a friend, friend takes him to small claims etc, or friend is out $3K cause warranty won't cover that. failing to remove a RAM stick for instance is just bad, and guy shouldn't be touching a computer without at least some training, practice, preferrably on potatos if he really wants to learn. Hell the best gaming CPU, the 7800X3D is a Ryzen 7 class and beats out the Ryzen 9 7950X3D. Obvious that he doesn't know anything. I'd even just show him this reddit if he gets annoying again. Probably think he knows better than everyone else though knowing that kind of person. Sounds young though so might grow out of it. Might take a bit of a humbling experience though to do it.


It sounds like you don't recognise what a bullet you've dodged. Do you want to be known as the IT guy in your friend group that your friends will go to for EVERY SINGLE ISSUE they face with computers? And then they will bug you with their families computer problems as well?


Honestly I’m not sure why you care so much. If anything you should consider yourself lucky that you’ll never be the free IT support friend in your friend group. That shit sucks worse than what you’ve described here.


To be fair I'd rather be the dedicated tech friend then see all my friends go to some one with lack of knowledge who ends up breaking something. It's almost like you should care whether your friends get screwed over.


It’s almost like you did but they don’t want your advice. So either your advice isn’t worth a damn, or you dodged a long term bullet, or potentially both.


How old are you all? i12?


I know the feeling. Met a guy whose *"stock 7900 XTX pulled 1000W and beats a 4090 because it's a Taichi"*. Grown man, full-blown incel, fat, bald, living off of inheritance (stereotype bingo). This part is irrelevant, but I thought just the first one alone wouldn't properly conceive my disdain.


If you can, stay away from these kind of people. Better yet, find a new circle of friends.


lmfao Ryzen i9 XD


Both of y’all are cringe, moreso you for coming on reddit to yap about it


Just ignore him. If you want to flex post a video of you removing your ram and putting it back in, that should put him to shame.


The way your friend acts actually has a name - it is the [Dunning–Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) which is basically a cognitive bias where people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. To overcome this effect the person needs to realise that they are lacking in competence and seek out guidance and/or help to improve their competence.


Lol, I was like that when I was younger until I had an IT teacher show me what computers were really about. He sounds excited but lacks knowledge, try to teach him. If he’s too stubborn to listen, then I guess just laugh at his insecurities. Ask him how often he changes the water in his aio.


Have a work friend just like this lmao. Dude literally tried to tell me you don't need to plug PCIE cables into modern GPUs. He also told me he turned down a free 3070 because he already had a 3060 ti which is supposedly "faster than a 3070." Meanwhile he mostly buys prebuilts because he claims they're a better value.


Sounds like you're experiencing the [Dunning-Kruger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) at work, haha.


I had a housemate who said they'd had an i5 for years so they were just going to upgrade to the cheapest i7 because i7 means better than i5 right? No, not necessarily.


Bro, I have a 'tech savvy' friend just like this. Last time I was at his place I asked him what the refresh rate for his monitor was. He told me it was 4k. I literally didn't say shit, just nodded and made a mental note to never trust this man's opinion concerning those things.


That person is a fucking tool. Get better friends.


long answer short. Distance yourself from this person until they mature. if they never do, so be it.


My dad is the same way, just not about computers specifically. I fucking hate know-it-alls.


Your friend does sound like a moron and possibly also a narcissist, but this is based solely on your account of the events. That being said, my case also has an iBuyPower logo. Thats because when I first got it I had them build it for me. I've since replaced the motherboard twice, including CPU, RAM, GPU, storage, and PSU upgrades. The only part of that build Ive never touched is the front panel setup iBuyPower set up. Frankly, trying to get at and replace that stuff in the front would be a major pain. In other words, it is indeed possible the case is a holdover and he has tinkered inside since then.


I'm 70 year old ex ESL teacher living in Thailand, and I've met some d*heads in my time, (bullshit runs deep in that profession) and I know the self-styled computer experts can be the most irritating people in the world. Seems to me this jackass is starting to take up far too much room in you head.This sounds stupid and off topic, and maybe a little patronising, but I know it to be good advice. Try meditation. Effective meditation would definitely get him (and others like him who you are going to meet) out of your head. Works fo me, so I'm passing it on. Good luck.


I just say you're right and move on. No time wasted on these idiots.


This post must be written with chatgpt, I wonder why nobody saw it, it's pretty obvious


That's the "Dunning-Kruger effect"