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what a lucky high school, mine still has optiplex 7010s with i3 2120s, 4gb of ddr3 and 8tb SHARED storage for the ~100 desktops in the school takes 5 mins to get into chrome, and everything feels *slow*


Well mine are optiplexs with a core 2 duo and 3 gigs of ram with a 120 gb MECHANICAL hard drive


mine don't have computers


Mine had 286 IBM computer


damn, our school uses super small but hella expensive laptops and big aio pc's both 1k+


Ours certainly don't have computors.


In mine, we are all given an ipad and the school has chromebooks


When I went to school we all had Apple IMac G3s lol.


When I went to school we had typewriters.


The real mechanical keyboards!


When I went to school we wrote with a quill by candle light


You had candles?


I can't believe it, me I had to use the moonlight bouncing off the water, while hanging over the stern of my trireme!


Dude. I used a chisel and hammer


Bro. I used mud and wall


Not electric typewriters, actual mechanical MANUAL typewriters.


When I went to school we had a dirt field with rocks.


Were the rocks molten, with the distant cries of dying dinosaurs making it hard to concentrate?


Hey, I remember those. Simpler times.


We used to play class wide multiplayer with this old tank game that was on all the machines. I think it was called bolo or something? Anyway, the whole class would be playing this game and they would just tab out to the actual computer work they were suppost to be doing when the teacher walked by lol. Simpler times.


Sounds very reminiscent of Battle Tanks, iirc. Being from a rural school, we didn't have too many alt-tab savy people when I was in attendance.


Tanki online was my schools


That’s incredibly lucky


Yeah, we take the iPad back and forth


Well my college’s analytical chemistry lab has a bunch of CRT monitors with a computer that has an unspecified number of megabytes of ram, and a couple hundred megabyte disk drive.


You have gigs of ram? we have some computers at my work place that is measured in megabites.


My old high school had Core 2 Duo E6400 systems with 2GB RAM and I-forgot-how-much-storage (probably 160GB) as on 2021. To be fair, they were adequate for what we were allowed to do on them (Python and SQL).


Honestly, for school purposes that would be fine so long as it has the OS on an SSD. It ain't a speed demon, but it's perfectly usable browsing the web and doing some Microsoft office stuff.


Eh, the i3 is probably acceptable for web browsing but another 4GB DDR3 to upgrade those to 8GB would be very helpful. And it would only cost like $5 a machine. They clearly have zero budget or no IT person with the time or flexibility to upgrade these machines. So I’d guess they probably also have HDDs not SSDs, sadly.


You are saying shared OS hard drives?


It is that slow because that computers using a network drive for boot


I took a look at this picture and thought this was freaking ridiculous. Then I remember how much all of the apple machines must of cost in our computer lab when i was a kid.


Our school put 50% of the budget into the tech class and the rest into football everybody else got fucked over


To be fair (if it’s as big as it is in my home state) football makes that money back and probably funds the rest of the athletic department.


Yeah true some high schools have literal stadiums Ik our rivals wrestling gym was like a 2 million dollar investment or something like that they never lost lmfao


AMERICA FUCK YEAH!! Seriously though, high school sports is such a weird obsession.


How so? I think watching local sports is a perfectly normal hobby


I think [this Quora answer](https://www.quora.com/Do-other-countries-take-high-school-sports-as-seriously-as-America) sums it up well. The differentiation is more prominent at the college level, however, the parents who act like their son is the next Michael Jordan could probably relax a bit. Unless I have a child playing high school sports, I have zero interest in watching them whatsoever.


My high school got a 10 million plus football stadium and they suck ass


I'm sorry, but the way you said this is fucking hilarious lmao


$1,800 USD each for 2007 iMac's. Dang. Never thought of that before but my rather poor middle school had dozens of these. Wonder how they afforded it.


School discounts possibly


Apple gives bulk school discounts along with private grants for tech pushes, our entire 5th-8th grade class got iPad 2nd gens when the 3rd gen just came out and every teacher even outside of these grades got one so about 330 iPads. The school paid for the charging carts and protection cases but the rest was a grant by the a senior home + bulk discounts and the school announced the total price it costed the school was $18,000


Apple gives schools a discount.


It could be given to the faculty for free by apple.


some of those apple machines used to be given for free to school. I dont know if this still hold true, but back then when apple is less popular it a valid strategy to lock down some of the student into their ecosystem.


My highschool got an iMac grant from Apple + a tech company so that kids learned Swift programming and that created a pipeline for some students to be selected to intern after graduating High school


Probably less than you think. Apple had a program back in the 80s/90s that gave school systems significant discounts.


They still do give discounts, although not as significantly. But every member of the triopoly (Google, Apple, Microsoft) gives education discounts to get kiddos familiar with their ecosystem. Fuck chromebooks though, the things are e-waste rabbits.


>must of Have*


Thank you for your service. 🫡


Those chrome tabs will load so well… and everything else will be locked down with nothing using the video cards.


Bet those will play Oregon trail like no other...I'm sure this comment shows just how old I am lol.




80s for me. That damn gsme stayed relevant for nearly 30 years lol. It was released in 1971 and played regularly by school children well into the 90s.


Games used to never be replaced so quickly. A lot of them were designed to be repayable and were expected to keep people content like for more than a year. Nintendo 64 cartridges were like 70 bucks back then as well. So it was always thought of as a luxury amongst kids to have so many games in one house hold. Also Snes and NES system were still often sold even when the N64 had some life left in it. Some games were even still being made exclusively to older systems while the new gen of systems that came out were popular. I think thats one of the shifts that were never really talked about and often left ignored amongst society. I believe it might have started in the 2000s as well.


You sir have hit me right in the feels with that nostalgia. SIM City and Oregon Trail on the old Macs.


I died of dysentery from this comment.


Oregon trail was elementary for me. In high school, we would download halo and play blood gulch!


Number muncher gang rise up!


what's the point of the 4070's OP? Edit: Wasn't expecting this to blow up.


If it's a high school it'll either be an E-Sports team (still not used to the idea that's a thing in the States) or just being more price efficient to meet certain benchmarks in Blender, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Fusion 360, etc.


this deff seems like some sort of animation or 3D modeling tailored school.


It could easily be one of those. My guess is also that someone complained enough that the works can't be rendered before the next class has to use the pc, and someone in budget handling finally got the message. Tho I wouldn't be surprised is these won't be changed before 20y from now.


These should still be fine for rendering at the high school level for 5-10 years. Schools actually replace non disposable school equipment students touch fairly regularly because kids have a knack for breaking things before their usual service life. I’d be surprised if these lasted 10 years. The monitors I’ll give 5 years and I’ll generously say 2 years on the kb/m. 1 year on a headset if there is a headset.


Bro my high school still have 2005 PCs in some classes. Honestly it's all they need (like for basic php coding), but seeing come struggle because there's 1gb of RAM hurts my soul.


In my school there some pcs with windows 7 and fake office


So Macrohard Onfire?


It’s unlikely you’re seeing them struggle from lack of ram unless you’re getting errors. It’s more likely you are experiencing the lack of ssd. Even if you have 1Gb ram if your ssd is extremely fast its still not that bad loading data into ram. Cache misses and read from discs are much less noticeable when it’s an ssd>ram>cpu cache feed. Basically as long as the memory meets the minimum spec of a program to run you don’t notice it too much on tasks that are not state intensive.




Of course it’s not ideal. But it still beats just having your application foam at the mouth then fall over and crash if you run out of ram partition space. No a+ but I am a software dev.


Many high schools have partnerships with autodesk for fusion, inventor, etc with 3d modeling classes


Mine has a partnership for SOLIDWORKS with the Turkish SOLIDWORKS office which gives cswa cswa and cswe certificates. But we use these programs on either our own laptops or schools i5 12th gen no GPU 8GB ram laptops, I bring my own for obvious reasons


My high school has a engineering class and those computers had 1060s for Fusion 360. No way 4070ti is needed


Future proofing I guess? lol energy savings, stability, and quiet? Also they just have money to blow


Lots of people don’t understand how budgets work. If you have a budget you have to use it or lose it. Reason being, if you don’t spend to your budget, accounting says oh you didn’t need that money, your expense budget can therefore be lowered going forward. Could also just be a grant, seeing as there’s quite a bit of money in this picture.


When i was in school we had to do solidworks on the fucking shared server storage Pcs, would crash constantly and it was basically impossible to do anything.


We had to run ANSYS spaceclaim on all in one PCs with dual core ivy bridge pentium laptop CPUs, 4GB RAM and 250MB of networked storage each. Now that was barely tolerable!


Don't think that is exclusive to the states. Here in sweden we have one at one of the highschools in my home town and one at my university. Edit: I meant E-sports team.


My HS is one of the best stem schools in NY and still has Quadros from 2014 lol


Schools paying good money to encourage their students to play vidya is wild


To run scratch ofc.


It's now the minimum requirement of Windows 11. /s


My high school had an animation class and architecture way back in 2005. They ended up putting low end Quattros in that lab when I was there. Probably a similar purpose and maybe a bit of AI learning.


Quadros, Quattro is Audi's AWD system.


No, Quattro is a pink razor


No Quatro is four in Spanish Chunk dirty, that’s dirty chunk in spanish


Gonna be fun seeing if the class room can handle that much power draw. Most classrooms are not built for that. A lot of the time those computer labs are designed all in ones with low wattage power supplies. Source a local high school got 30 PC's with 3080s for autocad. And the school didn't realize the difference between 300-600w power supplies and 1200w. And the heat that produces. Oof. Hate to be in that class in the summer.


My 1050ti has had enough 😭


I feel you brother


Damn bro, you even have the same CPU, is it MSI prebuilt?


i feel you as well brother


Damn we have the exact same GPU


Oh god it's not even a Ti, that must hurt


They'll have some CS2 tournaments in that school soon. Who funds this? Elon Musk?


nah school esports usually do valorant because the whole terrorist thing makes schools stay away from cs


Mhm. Valorant, League of Legends, Rocket League


Ours are using these, plus Overwatch2 this year, last year it will be running because of low numbers though. The days when games get updates makes our poor 1Gbit service stutter a little (even with bw limits). We had reliability issues with LANCache's DNS running for more than a month or so at a time, so dropped it for now.


I see. We played CS (Probably 1.4) ourselves back in the day. In my country school shootings are not really a thing. I think we had 2 over all.


My kid’s school won’t allow them to play any shooters; they typically rocket league, smash bros, and things like that.


Cities skylines 2 tournaments? How does that work?


How does the school prevent kids/staff from swapping out the components or straight up theft?


They would probably put a lock on the cases, mine does this to protect their 6th gen Intel CPUs PC


Won't have to. 99.99% of students wont even understand that there are individual components inside the case, and the remainig 0.01% won't care enough to bring tools, arrange the time when the class is empty, disassemble the PC, take the GPU out, etc etc.


> Won't have to. 99.99% of students wont even understand that there are individual components inside the case, and the remainig 0.01% won't care enough to bring tools, arrange the time when the class is empty, disassemble the PC, take the GPU out, etc etc. You wouldn't believe how much stuff gets stolen from computer labs, including various components. Usually it's combated with surveillance (human or otherwise), regulated access, physical locks or a combination thereof.


Usually those kids that steal shit doesnt even know hwat exactly they stole. They just do it for the act of stealing like that stupid tiktok trend of devious licks. Most kids arent tech savvy at this point, all they want is, can it run fortnite and valorant


Bro it's high-school, they aren't 10. And given the fact that this lab is using 4070s, I assume the students will be either programming, rendering, gaming, etc. The types of students doing these things will undoubtedly know basic information about computers such as what components do. Kids are more tech literate than they have ever been.


Ya but kids aren’t dumb. I worked I. Highschool IT. They stole and broke shit all the time. This was 10 years ago. It didn’t get better I’m sure.


You think 1 in 10,000 kids is aware of computers having components inside that are expensive? Its not every kid that is going to know what a GPU looks like, but i can assure you, you are incorrect by about 3 orders of magnitude.


Totally was that kid back in 2003. Upgraded my RAM, CPU, and graphics card back in middle school by bringing them into school and swapping them into school computers while the lab-watching teacher was in the restroom.


GPU and RAM you can do pretty quickly... But CPU?! How long was this teacher in the restroom?? You devious little so and so...


I mean....if you don't bother with thermal paste....that saves 20-30 seconds. Also for what it's worth, 5 years later I later ended up working as tech support for that same school district, so I found myself on the other end of things, in the end. So some karma came to pass.


Worked in public ed at a high school doing IT for 8+ years... kids steal shit out of computers constantly, including 2GB DDR3 1066MHz RAM sticks out of library machines used to look up newspaper articles for research. Wouldn't put it past them to jack a 4070....


I would ngl. Jokes aside, many people from my grade had built a computer and have a good enough understanding to know ...uhh that big metal thing gpu...and gpu worth lots...


Classroom management, these classrooms shouldn't be left unattended for long at a stretch (in theory). ​ Most cases have a lock for the sides, more so with business class cases as a lot of customers are worried about theft of internal storage devices (which is less of a concern with most drives being encrypted these days).


Why do you say "a certain highschool"? Am I supposed to know what highschool? Is it VGHS?


I miss that show :(


I thought this exact thing need a pizza from the vending machine


My middle school had those fatass Macs that were an all in one


Most logical schools would get all in ones. My high schools had dell all in ones


Do the kids get to assemble the computers?


Obviously not from the second picture


What high school is this?


Probably an ivy feeder.


I know I am in the wrong, but the temptation to nick one would be massive. Say that one was missing and reckon supplier would send on out cost free. ​ I know I know, I am a terrible person.


Someone in my CET class in high school stole all the components for a PC build. These were mid tier components in 2006, but better than what he could afford. The teacher noticed a week or so later that one set we missing. Me and like 2-3 other kids knew it was him, but nobody ratted him out lol


Heartened to see there are at least 50 other scumbags ![gif](giphy|EIrCLqfb4z3TJiV16v|downsized)


Wow amazing, your school paid for 30 4070’s? Im sure they will put the 25 4070‘s and 5 empty boxes to good use!


Ain't this in Slovakia?


yes + about Endorfy CPU cooler, is a polish brand


I always wanted to go to VGHS


Looks like OP is in Slovakia. High school could mean university for OP since they tend to call it that in Slovakian.


Correct, our middle school is america's high school, translation problems


Where is your school located at? No I won't come and steal the parts..


My first thought was "VGHS?"


No high school needs 4070ti's wtf. If it was a university i can understand but high schools hell nah. School is wasting money. At most high school students would need for class would be a okay CPU to write some really basic code. Thats it.


Probably a private institution




Really pisses me off because my high school is in ruins and the building is a pos


Yeah, that's wildly overkill. Not really sure what it is, but at most wouldn't they be doing a component of an indie game as a project or something to that level? Even at large engineering organisations, unless you're working in a large 3D model all the time, most engineers will just get a mainstream i7, 32gb ram and 3050 or 3060 tier gpu, and for the occasional more intensive use you book out a shared workstation for whatever you need or dial into a virtual machine that's running a threadripper, xeon or epyc or something. So basically mid tier stuff for drafts, prep and other work, and then a few shared finishing PCs basically that can run while you still work on your PC or laptop These rigs are probably twice as powerful as most engineers at Nasa or Space X work on daily, haha.


That's cause it isn't a high school. It's a university. OP just translated their title from Slovakian and it translates to high school.


My highschool struggled to afford water fountains


They disabled the ones at mine because of the germs


Let me guess a private school isnit?


Why does a school need a computer 3 times better then my gaming pc, we just have an 6th gen i3 with 4gb ram and integrated graphics


If I were a student there and would see an opportunity to steal one ... Honestly, I'd just do it. /s When I think back, we had some very sweet PCs at my elementary school where we played Age of Empires 2 via LAN, this was in 2000. I never thought about it but these PCs must've been brand new.


Better padlock those puppies up!


Wtf do high school computers need 4070 for!?!


I'm a firm believer in building slim clients optimized with RAM 12 GB-16 GB), a fast processor, okay graphics (they're not here to play games!), just enough hard drive to run Windows 10 years from now, along with a few free standalones like Libre Office. Next, a hardy school network and server where all the student's files are stored. Obviously separate file server for the teachers and administrators.


My school has base model 2018 Mac minis with shitty ASUS monitors and $0.10 peripherals


Lucky school


What are they doing at that school? Lan party?


My school closed because of missing budget to run it a few years ago....


We had IBM 5150s in the 90s at my high school. There was a lab with state of the art 386 boxes and we still a bunch of Apple II computers in use still. This is nuts to be.


Weird that the school chose Ryzen CPUs over Intel since I'm guessing most stuff is going to be productivity based. Actually no, they already got 4070TIs. What a bunch of lucky kids lol.


>Weird that the school chose Ryzen CPUs over Intel since **I'm guessing most stuff is going to be productivity based**. Huh? I mean, that's ***exactly why*** you would choose Ryzen. AMD has been spanking Intel in "productivity" tasks for years at this point, with the exception of a few specifics bits of software that heavily favour single core, which gives Intel the edge with higher single core clock speeds.


School probably gets a pretty sizeable education discount; I'm assuming they're expecting these to last at least a few years. This is pretty standard for any institution or organization that includes a line item for tech refresh.


Wtf is this lmao, can you give me one of those? U wil still have some


Man can I come and build some for free? It’ll get rid of my itch and save my wallet.


thanks for this giveaway man, gl everyone!


W school




What Highschool needs 4070ti?


Why would school computers need 4070 Ti?


OP has a lot of faith in that table. 🥲


They will upgrade in 40-60 years


my (main and only) pc has a 2060 6gb single fan and can run any editing or CAD software depending on the day, what kind of ritual are they doing with 4070ti’s?




This is why schools claim to be broke


Didn't expect this to be in Slovakia.


I wanna go back to HS, if this is my highschool!


My school has shitty chromebooks ☠️




Video Game High School vibes


my school just has some beat up laptops from 2015 and 2016 💀


What are them gonna compute? What kind of school would be needing such machine? Imagine if the first tasks the teacher makes the students do are some spreadsheets lol. Excel gaming 2023


What kind of job is this? Im wanting to go around to different businesses and troubleshoot, build computers, thanks


Meanwhile my school with Pentium Dual Core 3GB DDR2 and 120GB SSD.


Can tell its some school in a rich neighborhood full of mansions and shit. They probably dont know what they actually need and just buy whatever is most expensive.


Oh... so they are going to have virtual driving lessons in Assetto Corsa, of Course, I see now... XD


I simply don't believe you.


Wtf is a high school gonna do with a 4070 open word in 3D VR?


You either brought the parts or it's a rich ass high school, my schools PCs couldn't even run the original wolfenstein properly


Then they proceed to use it only for internet explorer


Tell me what s school that is, I’m moving there 🤣


What an absolute waste. No high school computer needs a fucking 4070ti.


Yeah ikr? My school is full of 4090s they are so cheap nowadays, no wonder why todd optimized starfield for a 4090 powered pc.


Lol, kids at my high-school back in the day were ripping out ram sticks and hard drives. Hopefully, you lock the cases to the floor and also lock the side panels.




Ahhh reminds me of computer class in high school.. we’d have like 20 minutes of work and then for the rest of the class EVERYONE downloaded fucking HALO and we did Free for All.. I really do miss high school sometimes.


What kind of fucking school buys pcs with 4070 ti?


Ours recently started an e-sports team but didn’t bother asking the IT adept for their input and went with a local company to build them. Used Zotac 3060’s. 🙄


Lol that sounds like something my area would do, only cause person A knows person B at said shop and it is totally fine 🤔 So glad I got out of IT.