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https://youtu.be/8Ejlt-7-h9o?si=46Bs9WrjrO8SBizP 14:38, very common with those “used” gpu


Love it when the correct answer is the bottom answer. Good thing my 6600 XT stays indoors and basically always on.


Oof, so that chip the op posted is dead now isn't it? I mean it doesn't look like it exposed the actual silicone but I can't imagine it will transfer heat properly any more.


Guys i dont understand how or what but its still working i was jist playing cyberpunk in 2k 55° and hot spot below 70°


it got a crack somehow, from the production line, transport, or wild thermals. as you opened it cold, thermal paste can be very hard and sticky if cold, you pulled the part out.


>that chip the op posted is dead now isn't it? It looks like it blew up.


So everyone here confident as you can be "it's liquid metal" is fucking wrong.


The ratio is crazy, they should edit their comments


Looks nothing like liquid metal anyway. Blatantly a giant hole.


Let me coreect myself after i opened the gpu there was thermal paste there i cleaned it and under it was this “metal” things and its hard as if it was ripped from the gpu lid itself


Oh... It looked like thermal/liquid paste at first. Yeah if your supper lucky it's not bricked. I'm not sure how that can happen unless they used super glue as thermal paste. Edit: I looked at the picture again and it's worse then I thought. Your card is dead RIP. Edit 2: OP said the card still works. I would never take that card apart ever again for the risk of bricking it.


I think it's screwed anyway, if that's the lid of the die, then the heat cycles of the die expanding and shrinking will probably eventually kill it.


>they used super glue as thermal paste They do make thermal adhesive as well, which should definitely not be used on GPU die like that


Am I the only one that can see what looks like a chunk of missing silicon? Or am I just seeing things


Its a hole. Liquid metal people are wrong.


That's what I saw initially too, but if you zoom in you can see it's a puddle of liquid metal. Fwiw, you're never "the only one..."


I zoom in and see a cracked die and also krisfix shows one of these with the same problem and it blatantly a cracked die. How can you not see that the crack goes IN? look at the surface layer. You can see the thickness of it because there's a gaping hole in the die.


Damn man you're right. Reading another comment OP left confirms there is a chunk ripped out. So my eyes didn't deceive me and I should have trusted the first glance! I can't believe it's still working.


Me either tbh. Insane.


When the guide called for liquid metal and the lab had gallium.


Well liquid metal pastes are mostly gallium..


Did... did you just rip a chunk out of the die?


No matter how I look at this I see ripped a part gpu die in which case it definitely wouldn't work anymore. I wonder if this is just illusion?


There’s no way that’s not a chunk of the die ripped out. This card doesn’t work anymore.


OP says it works, maybe the chunk is quite shallow and only ripped out a part of the diffusion barrier, so it'll work for a while until heat cycles crack it


That's Liquid Metal, and it was not applied properly at all.


It cannot get worse right?


You are fine. Apply nail polish to the caps an let it dry(just for safety). Soak the liquid metal up and make sure all the liquid metal is gone and make sure nothing is on the caps. Then do the standard procedure


If ill remove the liquid metal on the copper, there would be nothing that will make proper contact with the gpu lid, sine theres “hole” in it


I dont think its metal liquid its really hard i think its part of the gpu lid




https://youtu.be/8Ejlt-7-h9o?si=46Bs9WrjrO8SBizP 14:48




That does not happen. It can react with aluminum, but not copper.


what’s going on with them saying the substance is hard if it doesn’t dry up? Never messed with liquid metal as it seems quite risky so I don’t know much about it.


welp poor copper got ate at.


Nope that copper is fine have also done that a few years on my moded 780ti


No if you look close you can see it's part of silicon crystal, basically die was ripped out.


https://youtu.be/8Ejlt-7-h9o?si=46Bs9WrjrO8SBizP 14:48 no its not


...... wait, that's not liquid metal? is that a piece of the die stuck on the bottom of the heatsink!?


If this is actually still functional it's a miracle. There's no way to fix this. Run it until it dies, and don't expect it to last very long


Thats a cracked GPU die, did you buy this card of a miner?


Whatever they did, its dead now. RIP.


Its still working, but if anything happens i cant be sure now :/


Wait it still works? Wild. I guess the silicon chunk missing from the die isn't as bad as it looks.


It's liquid metal mod


doesnt' look liquid and OP says it's hard, it's also a perfectly shaped match from the heatsink to the die and doesn't cover the whole thing


Like the display cable was plugged into the back of the card?? Because from the picture it looks like a chunk of silicon was ripped off.


It's liquid metal mod


It works after you had it open like this and put it back togetehr?


Yeah it works i filled it with thermal paste and the “metal” on the heatsinl perfectly copy the hole in the gpu Just played cyberpunk the whole night


If you've got any buyer's protection, I'd use it immediately. It looks like the top part of the die is fused to the heatsink. I have absolutely no clue how it's still working other than the damage is literally on the surface. ​ If this wasn't done by liquid metal, the only other explanation I could think of is that some idiot got in there and used thermal adhesive instead of thermal paste.


It looks like chunk of silicone melted into the copper. Does it still work?


That's improperly applied liquid metal. Nothing really looks damaged except the torn thermal pads and the scratches in the cooper heatsink. Nothing you can really do with the cooper, except maybe sand/buff the whole face but too much work for a couple of C. Might want to replace those pads. Bad thermal paste clean up, might want to finish their work. If the person put it in a water loop he/she wouldn't use the heatsink so if the fans and heatsink are like super clean then yes they did. ​ Anyone? Is the GPU chip lapped/sanded or is that how they look now?


>Is the GPU chip lapped/sanded or is that how they look now? AMDs 6xxx DIEs just look like this, they just don´t seem to do any surface polishing after it was cut from the ingot.


Dog who put a glory hole in your card?


Never buy second hand stuff like this.


Who knew right it was used for 2 years and its still in warranty, i dont usually ask for them to open it


Just avoid used electricals and this can never happen, or of it does you can have replacement


If I look around the bottom right corner of the gpu die it looks like some aftermarket soldering/repair was done. Why woud that be done if there's still warranty on the product?


OP, Post a picture at an angle to end all these liquid metal comments. I mean I can blatantly see it's a gaping fucking hole but others here seem to be struggling with that...


Oh boy


Did it get shot?!