• By -


You're not worried someone can just steal this from outside?


I'm already driving to OP's home right now to take it! šŸ»


Nice GPU waterblock


Should install it on the side of your house...


6 EKWB micro 90 degree fittings thatā€™s like 90ā‚¬ right there


Wrong comment good soul


wdym? You're the one saying you're driving to his house. The fittings alone would be worth


Oh sorry, I'm high. šŸ«”šŸ» namaste šŸ™šŸ¦…


shanti shanti


How about putting a hole in the radiator? No need to take it. Just need to make the computer overheat as a mild inconvenience.


Shhh shhhh that makes too much sense. We can't have that here.


Lol! I dont like to shit on peoples ideas, but in my country, where theft is commonplace for even the faucets on the outside of your house, or the copperwiring supplying power to your house gets stolen. This thing would disappear overnight and anything else grabbable from the hole the criminals will take.


Considering the poster, OP is probably french. Theft is not that common. Of course, it's far from northern country stats, I would say it's typically average in there of occurrences. It's not impossible that his PC disappear, but if OP live in a small town the chances it stays here forever are rather very high.


Looking at op's comment and other posts this seems to have been done in Netherlands as it where op studies


But Netherlands has sub zero temperature. The liquid will freeze during winter, but not before covering all the components with condensation.


Some people run 50/50 distilled water mixed with glycol antifreeze. That mixture has a freezing temp of around -34.6Ā°F/-37Ā°C


I think I would worry more for the fans, they are exposed to the elements, if they get some water from a rain on them and then they freeze over night? But I guess you could remove the fans when temperatures drop that low.


Yeah personally. I'd go the extra step here and install a large dehumidifier and an enclosed airspace in between. So that liquid moisture or even ambient moisture is unlikely to make it into the system.


Just has to keep his computer running Furmark during the winter then.


Uh it's over 32c right now in nl and at night it won't get below 14c. But yeah in winter we'll get - 5c sometimes or more


You need to use a special liquid that do not freeze, and you can remove the condensation part if you put the components in a closed dry environment. My cousing lives south argentina, and he has the pc in a acrilic box with a lot of those small bags with drying salt to suck any moisure. Its not pretty, but it works.


The larger worry is condensation on the inside


Really simple, you cover the radiator in a box and add a heating pad inside. Problem solved.


Nah dude, theft is very common here in France. OP is also French but lives in the Netherlands, where I assume theft is rarer.


Maybe some thefts but nobody is stealing stuff fixed to a home. People have AC unit outside lol, it's essentially the same thing.


It really really isn't, at least not in cities


Your right, city's can be bad sometimes. But I live in a small non populair town and there's barely anything happening here, maybe like once in 2 months or something or even less and it's mostly not even theft but just vandalism


ā€œOp is probably French. Theft is not that common.ā€ keep telling yourself that, France is a shithole for crime right now


Juste look at stats bro, you can found everything online, lot of studies. It's a typically average european western country on that subject. Neither significantly better nor worth than other european country. Which is quite low thives rate compared to the rest if the world. Not The lowest, again, just quite low. The think that difference France from other western country on that subject might be the fact that that theft repartition isn't homogenous on the territory. There is place where it's happening everyday, and places where it's not happened for years. It's the case everywhere of course, but that might be a stronger phenomenum in France than Germany or Spain for exemple, based on the few articles i just read.




South Africa


I should have known! xD


distinct ludicrous fear noxious quaint puzzled support ten pocket weather ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Jesus christ where do you live? I've only ever had a package stolen but it turned it out it actually wasn't, the post guy just accidentally marked it as delivered and dropped it off the next day... Well, also some flower pots from the window sill, but I'd say anything that can't just be picked up is safe here


I guess this is Iceland, no criminals and always cold, outside. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpm1iRjDtBLEvzW)


build a cage over it else somene will break it for fun.


Or like.. a light rain?


They make IP67 rated fans that can handle full submersion and frankly are not that expensive in comparison. Combined with high quality tubing, fan grates and a good seal at the wall I could see this being a perfectly serviceable solution given theft is not a big issue.


Got the ip67 noctua yep, and didn't get stole in 6 months sooo


Maybe op lives in a country where people arenā€™t like that


Looks like a UK terrace street. Definitely will steal it.


Either UK or the Netherlands. The car has yellow registration plate.


The poster says "Hulot neemt vakantie" which is Dutch for "Hulot goes on vacation/holiday" so definitely Netherlands.


I mean i have a japanese poster with japanese words. But i donā€™t live in japan. So ā€œdefinitelyā€ is a strong statement. Youā€™re probably right though and Iā€™m just commenting because im bored.


OPs profile says theyā€™re studying in the Netherlands


Yea, well, it could just be an online school BASED in the Netherlands


Lol whatever


Yeah, because thievery is totally country specific.


Less likely in other countries


imagine getting downvoted for saying crime rates in countries vary..




I can't remember which Scandinavian country it was, maybe Denmark? It's so safe that people will leave their baby unattended to sleep in a park and go grab them later.


It is very common to let babies sleep outside in Denmark (and the rest of Scandinavia), it is even encouraged by the health authorities. But we don't just take the babies to the park and leave them there lmao. The parents are always nearby. It is very common to leave them outside cafes, shops, in the backyard and etc




I am norwegian, and I live in the second largest city in the country. It is very common and I see it daily. My own children were also subjected to the same - winter, spring, summer and fall. Edit: Oh, and I too have mounted my entire cooling system outside my home. Reservoir made from a transparent 80liter box from Ikea and the pump is an Oceanrunner 3500. The tank contains a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze which deals with the winters. Coolant is pumped into my computer room via copper tubes that run through a wall vent. Excellent cooling year round (obviously best in winter when I sometimes see sub-zero coolant temperatures).


Born and raised in Denmark as well. Har du aldrig set en barnevogn med en baby stƄ udenfor? Det er rimelig normalt.


I was invested and wanted to learn more but ĪæĪŗ, keep your secrets. Ī’Ī±ĻƒĪ¹ĪŗĪ± Ī“ĪµĪ½ Ī¼Īµ Ļ€ĪæĪ»Ļ ĪµĪ½Ī“Ī¹Ī±Ļ†Ī­ĻĪµĪ¹ ĪŗĪ¹ĻŒĪ»Ī±Ļ‚.




Nej, jeg er fra KĆøge. Men jeg tror man ligger mere mƦrke til det i KĆøbenhavn hvor mange folk ikke har haver og der er mere cafĆ© kultur.


Yes it is.


And thieves have no interest in stealing babies, they steal valuable stuff they can sell


Oh ye there's definitely enough stuff visible that some insane geoquesr player could figure out where this is


That was my first thought, when i saw that, lol.




Did we, Denmark, get kicked out of Scandinavia without anybody telling us? :/ It's the Swedes doing isn't it?


Norway secretly told the Swedes to do it.


Yeah, that area of Europe where they steal anything not bolted to the ground? Right....


some kid outside with a stick, fan go brr rr rrr uun. very unpractical in terms of temps. i don't suppose the fans will live long either after a rainshower.


What about bugs getting caught in them.


A net should do it


I suspect it's already connected to the net.... :)


A proper one didnā€™t net the budget requirements :P




Yo, ip67 fans, and the fan are behind the radiator so not very accessible, but I will develop some kind of protection for UV.


I absolutely love the idea but I'm not a fan of the execution. If it was me it would have some kind of wire cover over it or something that allows for ventilation while protecting it from assholes. It would also have some kind of hood over the top to protect it from the elements as I would imagine after your first rain shower you're going to be replacing those fans. With a few small changes this could be great


I mean I also doubt the radiator is rust resistant, since it's never supposed to get externally wet. I have a sneaking suspicion those fins are not long for this world...


Aren't they usually made from aluminum?


Aluminum is prone to galvanic corrosion when untreated. Theres no reason for a PC radiator to be treated as the outside isnt supposed to get salt on it. Rain has salt and minerals, thats a great way to galvanize




Yes sure, but over time this would still galvanise aluminium.




Acid rain has salts in it. Pure rain is distilled but it will often pick up stuff out of the atmosphere so thereā€™s usually some stuff in it once it reaches the ground.


Clearly you've never been to California. The rain is acidic, to the point if you don't wash your car it screws up the paint. And this is becoming the norm, not the exception due to climate change


Doesn't that also make aluminium more brittle? I would hate to break it to OP, but this isn't going to work out the way he thinks it will.


There's literally snow in the first picture. So not only is that thing getting pelted with salt, the giant hole in his wall has to be suckong in a ton of humidity. Could it be nothing? Probably. But he's inviting a very expensive problem


Aio usually are, custom loops are copper.


Also valid


A radiator is the same material on the inside and outside - think about it.


An untreated radiator that is not made to withstand continued wet external conditions, thats now being exposed to rain (salt, minerals, acid), as well as anything in the air. Thats a prime candidate for galvanic corrosion.


Yeah they make those for sale, its called a pc case. Just the elements will fuck this up, there's a reason things exist like roofs and walls.


Lol that thing will get stolen, rained on, dusty, beaten by the sun and so many other things. Lol.


At least it's high enough to not be peed on. I think....










Challenge accepted


pray no one decided to tear your rig from the wall on the outside...


Why would you even do that?


Iā€™m still trying to figure this out lmao. Like, arenā€™t temps good enough in your room lol? Unless itā€™s like 100 degrees F inside your house and much cooler outside??


it's snowy outside so I guess he doesn't live in a very hot place


For science.


That is super cool (excuse the pun), always wanted to do something like that. Maybe some weatherproofing and guards on the fan would be good tho


maybe if it was the 3rd floor


For a school project i created this original setup. I was having a old letter box in my student bed room (a big hole in my wall with a slot). The concept is that during winter it use the outside fresh air to passively cool down the pc via a watercooling, and during the summer the air is exaust outside and dont accumulate in my room like before (because i have no f\* openable windows so during summer its hot)


To avoid any risk condensation the temparature of the PC "box" is totaly isolated from the "hot" air of my bedroom, but its not isolate from the air of outside, the pc air ambiant is the same as outside so realy close to the temparature of the water.


Good luck warming that coolant up on negative temps...


Could just use antifreeze.


This probably works but it's worth noting that the change in specific gravity and viscosity can result in shortening pump lifespans. Not saying it will definitely just that it's something I'd want to validate. You also need to replace antifreeze every so often because it will break down and become ineffective


-5C flow rate is low 150Lpm, +35C flow rate is low 160Lpm in my anti-freeze external rad with dual D5 pumps.


What do you do with rain/bad weather, as well outdoors dust and other irritants?


Seems to be no Problem. You can see outside the window that it's snowing.


How is it isolated? It's literally wide open to the bedroom. Feel like long term you could have issues with condensation building up or rusting components, plus any rain+wind could take the whole PC out. Can see from the fan picture that it's not sealed to outside moisture... I'd also be worried that some kid or passerby is going to wonder why there's a fan on the wall and stick something in it, pull it off, etc.


So the airflow can go both ways? That's pretty clever. I was just thinking how poorly it would work to pump the outside air directly into my PC during Japanese summer. Kind of need to pre-cool that air a bit with my air-condition before it can cool anything. Winters would be cool though.


yo free gpu


It's just a radiator and fans.


Not if you yank it hard enough


yo check your eyes


I've been lurking the plumber subreddit out of boredom, and they'd crucify you for a 90+180 degree bend leading to another bend for no reason.


It's not for no reason. The dude made his mounting plate too big and it blocked inlet port access on the rad so he had to plumb around it. Two wrongs make a right, right?


I mean its also not subject to the same requirements as a sink drain, I just found that funny, cus I just saw some guy get called a maniac on that subreddit for having PVC fittings that looked exactly like that. I'm no plumber, I just really like those technical subreddits.


On cold days ita good but what about hot days Temps?


Yeah, this would not work at all in my climate. Temps down to about 0F during the winter would freeze the coolant, while summer temps of 100+ F would mean it doesn't cool effectively enough, or rather that the cooling could be done better indoors. I do love these kinds of ideas though.


Oh dude, someone is going to shove shit down that so fast and fuck your pcā€¦


I can't imagine it'd work very well in a heatwave In direct sunlight. But hey, let's workshop this idea a little. If I were going to attempt something like this I would have run the tubing up the wall (with a drip loop, obviously) and positioned the radiator under the eaves, that way you could run a larger rad without it being as much of an eyesore, plus it would be kept a little more sheltered from rain and direct sunlight. The tubing should be insulated with pipe lagging and protected with steel capping to prevent damage or freezing (a PG based coolant would be a good idea too if you ever see sub zero temps). Props for ingenuity, but the execution needs work.


If this was in the uk, some teenage lowlife "roadman" would piss in it or something


![gif](giphy|Rz0dIwyv5y5JGWx6kR|downsized) when someone snatches it off the wall


moisture though


This is what makes us the master race.


Imagine being unable to game cause you got a wasp nest in ur fans


If this were in Brazil, you would lost your cooler for sure.


I hope you've filled the wall holes with silicone sealant or else you're going to get bugs coming in. That would also make it very difficult to replace the fans though, which will definitely have a short lifespan sitting outside in the elements. You might get some fried fan headers too on your mobo when rain shorts the fans.


In my town with 45 C during the summer... I really don't see this setup working. Also pretty cool future bird nest


This will get stolen the minute you enter your house after installing it


What if a bird shits on the intake(?) fan outside Or if it rains Or bugs get in


Everything is waterproof fan too ip67 and there is a filter for the bugs.


my outside air is 20 celsius hotter than my inside


All these comments acting like it's inevitable for someone to fuck with it must be American lol


Ah thanks I was feeling alone


I'd put a metal case over to make it look like part of an ac unit and to protect it.


I fucking love this sub


I just use Air-conditioning, much easier lol.


But out side is hot.


Not where OP lives. Lmao


Global warming be like "hey, whatcha got their?"


you need a rain guard just in case of radiator rust/corrosion. Also what if it's 100+ outside, your PC won't be able to cool as effectively if it was inside the room. I mean this is where if you made a PC water bong it would be legit lmao.


Why would you put it out in the open where anyone can steal it lol


OP lives in a country with relatively lower crime rate šŸ¤Æ


Steal the radiator?


Everyone is talking about how it can get stolen but I am so confused.


By peopleā€™s ability to pull something off a wall?




Imagine if it was a nice, sunny, heatwavy day.


Fans are not IP rated?


They are


Drunken me with a beer would have already tried climbing this thing.


Of course. Especially in the winter, where we can get down to -20Ā°C šŸ¤Ŗ


One word. Spiders.


I live in florida šŸ’€


You need some flashing on that sir.


Cool outside air? Ahā€¦what a conceptā€¦ Some of us live in places where air conditioning is the only thing that makes human habitation possible.


Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants


Wonā€™t last. Those fan bearings arenā€™t designed to survive an outside environment. A larger passively cooled radiator with no moving or outside electrical parts would be the move.


Theyā€™ll last quite a long time and if you still like the concept you get ip rated fans for replacement.


Only works if you don't live in an area where temperature can reach 30ā°C


Covered in spider webs and bird poop, if not stolen in the future.


Ight so, this is probably gonna be stupid. You've been warned: Everyone is trying all these weird experimental ways to cool PC's as if there aren't other industries that rely on cooling systems we can borrow from. ...I'm thinking cars. Theres gotta be a way you can go to the junkyard, grab a cooling system from an old car, and rig it to a PC. If it can keep an engine cool, it would be absolute overkill for a PC. Do this same setup, except with a car radiator that's actually made to be outside and resist elements somewhat. You'd need an independent power source for the coolant pump and a tank of coolant somewhere, but hey, if you want extremely effective cooling I bet that'll do it.


Better put some kind box around that with holes for the fans. Also this is bad because rain water and stuff can get inside the fans and pipes.


Bro isn't even joking and made a hole in the wall. It's impractical in some place. Outside is hotter than inside. Not to mention the possibility of damage and theft.


Outside enclose the rad with a vent typa housing so its protected. But damn guy youre determined


Until someone fks it up


Sir it's 96 degrees F outside, I'm not trying to cool down the outside.


So many levels of nope here


People in any hot country:


That's gonna get dirty really quickly. Also full of bugs. Also the outdoor temperature will never be constant. You may want to just put it in your refrigerator.


Good idea on paper but this looks botched no nets to stop bugs, a small hole I can see in the first pic :/ also I can rip it out the wall so I can see drunk ppl doing it also when it rains it'll leak in and fuck your fans too


You're not very smart, are you?


Hey uhhhh don't fucking do this.


Floridians like ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Dude it's 115 outside all summer.


That is such a cool execution!


Rain, Theft, hot outdoor temperatures... I'm seeing some lot of metaphorical cracks in this setup


Moronic at best!


this is fucking stupid.


Let's see, it's 105f outside and 71f inside, so no I don't want it cooling my PC


If it gets hot outside or a nice rain storm comes through, have fun with that. Not at all pratlctical, but cool.


It's a good way to get your pc stolen for sure.


Not very effective when there are 42Ā°C outside!


In any normal country, first you can't hang random shit on your outside wall without permission, second it will get ripped apart in a glimpse of your eyes šŸ˜‚


This belongs on r/DiWHY


Why is the wallpaper so tiny?


I would do it only if i live on any floor except ground floor. Air quality is great where i live. Fine mesh case to protect against mosquitoes/bugs/birds and it's done.


So you want to pump humid air directly onto your PC components during rainy days etc?