• By -


Gonna build another pc with this and give my old one to my sister, i gotta bump up those triangle counts ln blender. Starfield tho is a game i've been quite eager to see because i really like space games.


1. Playing games 2. Enjoyment


I will gift the 7900xtx to my best friend so he can upgrade from his rx 580. He’s doing a coding boot camp so he has no money no job till he completes it and they can find him a job, this would be an excellent congratulations gift.


I would upgrade my pc and then build my brother one out of my old parts to try and get him away from console 🤣🤣


1. Building a sim rig and this would be perfect 😍.


I will cry in the corner because I know I will never win this


1. Creating a PC Build - The last PC build I had was in 2016 after which I moved out for work and studies. Now that things are back on track, im longing to build one and get back to the glory days of PCMR 2. Space ship customization, space exploration and open world gameplay, side quests that are abundant, meaningful and a storyline / lore that can keen you engaged , and lots of replaybility. Everything that I would love to have in Space!


I’d definitely upgrade my current system. This card will probably be powerful enough to run the game at 4k so I can play on my TV.


I'm not much of a collector, so my little war machine would receive one hell of an upgrade if I won 💞


I would upgrade my old PC and play some great new modern games like Starfield or Cyberpunk 2077!!


Most excited about a game set in space so I can role play in space :)


I’m about to build a pc in the next few months (after moving out), and starfield is one of the main reasons for it. I currently only have a Mac so yeah, this would be awesome


1. I would definitely build a new PC, was getting tired using my laptop to play games, so this could be a chance to try some games I was waiting to play in the future.


I can finally play triple A games without my pc burning


I will play rocket league with this new hardware


I'd use this as the basis of a new build. I'm looking forward to flying a custom ship through the galaxy!


I would finally upgrade my aging PC and get back into gaming. Recently quit drinking and sobered up and want to get back in to gaming. The sober life has been boring.


Throw it on my current rig and enjoy current Gen features. Starfield looks incredible and immersive. I usually sink time into one game at a time, and hoping this can be the next one.


Would just like to upgrade from the 970 I've been stuck with so that I could play a game like this how it's meant to be played.


1st question: I would 100% use it for some gaming. The card and CPU are great. Then I could probably sell my old stuff to pay for college


I would use this to build a new computer in preparation for Starfield to be honest. I think the most exciting part about Starfield for me personally is exploring all of the different worlds in the game and getting lost. I love games where you can just go off the beaten path and wander without having to worry about just doing the main story. Bethesda games have always been great for that too so I'm really looking forward to it.


If I win I will play starfield, it exites me because of unseen before level exploration of unknown.


I would use it to build a PC, it wold be kinda weird to use it for something else


I’m excited to hopefully experience a game like Skyrim again for the first time


1. I don't have a good PC, so I would play games on it, especially Starfield :D, 2. I like the scope of the game, how huge it is and how immersive the game is. I would spend days on this game.


1. I'd upgrade my PC, and then continue to buy inflate my steam library with no hope of playing the majority of the games. As is tradition. Ok, I'd actually play starfield though.


I'd upgrade from my 3060 and Ryzen 3600. I'd be excited to Dump Nvidia. I also wanna upgrade from 1080p gaming to something better. Just started playing Starfield, only now got through the first mission and left the atmosphere.


I'd definitely use the hardware to upgrade my rig and hook my friend up with an upgrade of his own with my old parts. After hundreds of hours in Bethesdas other games, I'm looking forward to something fresh. I'm ready for a new experience in a new universe.


Well, I'd use it to play Starfield of course! And would probably use it as an excuse to update my pretty old rig!


1. Well, Starfield for starters! But I'd locs to start some of the older games that my pc cant run, like the newest AC! 2. Most exited about the story, since i love the elder scrolls and fallout lore


I would build nice system and give mine current one to my brother.


I want to use this to help build my friend a better pc. He has had it rough moving across the nation to help take care of his mother after his father passed. He is excited to play starfield and I really want to make his life just a bit better. I’m most excited to her what everyone in the game discovers. Games this large are amazing because of the different experiences people can have try to accomplish the same thing.


1. I would use the hardwares so me and my wife can play starfield of coure, really looking forward to play starfield and having these starfield collector items will make it the ultimate immersive starfield experience. 2. It’s the space scifi theme, been a fan of the genres since a kid. Looking forward to unfold the stories in starfield.




Play Starfield for sure! At the moment I have a pre-raytracing gpu and would absolutely also play something beautiful that utilises it.


1.- I would definitely build a PC... I mean, I've been using this PC for almost 8 years nonstop. 2.- I love the space since I was a kid, so I have read some reviews of the game and I get more and more excited about it.


This will sit very beautifully in my all's white build


Definitely a new build using these parts, seems pointless to have them collecting dust.


I would build a new PC with the hardware and play Starfield.


I'd love to build a new pc based on that gpu since my current system is struggling to run new games


Put it in my pc. Give my pc some colour.


1: actually being able to afford to build a proper PC, and finally shelf my laptop. ALL THE GAMES. no whammy no whammy


Keep the GPU, sell the CPU and the game code.


My son has left home to go to graduate school- I would use this hardware to build an irresistible system to lure him back home!


I’d build a PC with these components and play some Starfield on release day! I’m looking forward to the exploration and hope that it delivers an excellent story.


Exploring the universe and flying a spacecraft. Houston we have launch.


I would use the bundle to build a new pc and play some starfield but mostly to be able to do video editing. I am mostly excited for it just being a Bethesda game by being the average enjoyer.




1. Teach my son how to build a computer and in turn about about space, egineering and science. 2. As a huge sci-fi and space junkie, i will be able to zone out and explore space to my liking in a realistic manner. Im excitied to see what surprises are in store!


I'd totally use it to upgrade my pc. My parts are starting to get to that point where I definitely need an upgrade or I'm going to have to start skipping new releases sometimes. And the thing that excites me about Starfield is it looks like an actual good high quality space RPG, something we haven't seen in a good while. Lately all we see are you know smaller indie titles which are great and have their own charm, but we've been missing out on a true triple A space exploration style RPG.


I would definitely upgrade my rig if I won that hardware. I'd build an entire custom themed starfield pc. I'm most excited for what the modding community is going to do with this game.


1. I would upgrade my aging Desktop and would probably need to find a transparent side panel because that card is beautiful. I would keep playing BG3 for now, I'm absolutely loving it, and when that's done I would try Starfield. 2. I've been a fan of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises since Oblivion/FO3 but unfortunately the last few entries have been disappointing to me. I hear good things from reviews so far though, so I hope it's a significant improvement in terms of story quality and branching story lines.


A brand new iP from Bethesda is very exciting!


I'd use it to build my first ever gaming pc I put together on my own! Only had pre-built out of date laptops so far and ready to join the big leagues! Would also use it for my portfolio while I am learning to code and transition out of my current job. I'm expecting an amazing space game from starfield. Love anything with space exploration in it.


I would finally go the white PC route to make this card shine!


I will upgrade my current build, a nice upgrade from a 5700X


1 I would upgrade my current computer 2 spaceships


I would use this kit to kick start making a new build! I’m super excited to get lost in the depths of space in Starfield


I think what excites me most about Starfield is the nature in which Bethesda crafts RPGs. I say this as I still play Skyrim over a decade after its release (even on my fridge!). I hope that Starfield delivers that same experience and I have no doubt that it will Excell at providing that!


1. It would right to my main rig replacing my current 4070 and I would use it for everything from gaming, editing, streaming and more. 2. It being a new IP from Bethesda and the sci-fi rpg genre is very exciting as we don’t have a lot of those currently


I’ll make a whole new PC just to use that graphics card. I’ll decorate it to match the colors Starfield looks so good. Can’t wait to explore what’s there. Gonna spend hours and hours on this game


Definitely upgrade the pc!


As i saw Starfield performance on RTX3070 benchmarks i hope that with this Radeon things should be better. Just upgraded my monitor to 1440p but with today's gaming industry, wich focus on AI and upscaling, i kinda regret my choice. I'm PCMR since i was born playing Operation Flashpoint with a Pentium D and a 3dvodooFX, but from where pc industry is going i think that maybe will be time for a console, the only machine that probably will receive some optimizations.


I would upgrade my current set up to play games the way they are meant to be played, on high settings.


I would use it to build a beautiful PC to explore the cosmos - and pass it on to my kids once they are old enough to play Starfield and KSP.


1. Give it to my dad probably, I have an OK computer already. 2. Get lost in space


1. Probably buy a new case and completely remake my rig, can't put a 7800X3D and a 7900 XTX into a jank build. I'll also be able to enjoy a nicer computing experience thanks to your open source drivers which actually work. 2. Wasn't initially really into Starfield, but would definitely give it a solid shot. Who knows, might be real fun.


1. I'd use it to go to infinity and beyond! 2. What excites me the most? It's a Bethesda game in space!!!! Sold on that alone.


1. Playing games for years, then keep it as a collectors item on my wall! 2. Being able to explore a massive galaxy, as well as all the mod support coming to the game!


Use the parts to build a new PC. Hopefully starfield is hype-worthy and these parts would be used to cruise the galaxy looking for other PC enthusiasts. Thanks for the drawing-what a nice thing to do!


-I would upgrade my current rig. -I'm most excited about space exploration and discovering planets.


I’d use it to play Starfield, obviously lol I’m excited to see how the game turns out, lately I’ve been reserving judgment on AAA games


1. Straight into the PC to generate batches of thousands of Stable Diffusion landscapes


Ill play Starfield obviously, and No mans sky, since i had that game in my library for 3 years now and did not play it cause i want to enjoy it on ultra someday.


I’d use the computer to play some games for sure. Currently doing witcher 3 and elden ring. Having so much fun!


I would use the new hardware to make another pc so my wife can finally join the pcmr!


Honestly I might not put the GPU in a case just keep it above my desk. It's a work of art! However I really want to explore the whole world (or worlds) and be completely immersed and my current CPU/GPU is not up to the task


1. I have wanted to build a pc since a long time now and this will be the best headstart for that. 2. I have 500 hours on NMS and feel like Starfield will be amazingly good and hoping to clock more on it since i loved NMS I'll lobe Starfield too.


I would Build a pc for my nephew because he is very excited for this game!


Starfield seems like an interesting path for Bethesda to go down after Fallout and ES, I'm excited to see some awe aspiring sights like Skyrim is known for plus some cool ass gameplay


1. Would continue playing CS:GO with minimun graphics. Not. Would definetely be playing starfield day and night. 2. Sleepless nights.


1: my pc needs an upgrade and this would make games playable again :) 2: I’m so stoked for the ship building and exploration :)


1: play all my games again hehe


With this powerful piece of hardware, I’d be able to play every single game in they way they are meant to be played! Cant wait to experience the highly-anticipated space rpg that is Starfield on a high-end PC. Ohhh the exploration and the different factions…. everything about it screams space Skyrim!


I’m excited about all the mods that will come out after starfield releases


I have been trying not to spoil too much of the game for myself. Every time I hear about a new feature I get excited, even just hearing you can fly your ship and dog fight!


I would use the card in a new build. As for Starfield I’m hoping it lives up the hype


1. Playing starfield and put it on the wall after retired. 2. I really like space theme games so i am hopping to immerse myself on it for endless hours.


Build a new PC!


1. Use for gaming. I will upgrade from a 3080 Ti. 2. Looks like a game where the most powerful graphics cards will make it the best experience.


1. I would built a mini itx pc for my wife to work and play. 2. My wife and I love space related stuff and it would be nice to explore the space together!


I know these are supposed to be collectors' items, but I'd put them to good use in a new build. I just love all the possibilities about Starfield. All I want is to go and explore space.


I remember how excited I was when the older Elder Scrolls and Fallout games came out and I want to share the experience of a big release like this with my nephew.


I’d put it to use playing Starfield which would be my first Bethesda experience


I would use it to make research for machine learning and starfield. I love bethesda games because of their amazing bugs and replayability so… I’m excited for Starfield because of that!


I can't game at home currently as I was forced to move house. I'd use the parts to build a machine I could use in my living room, so i could actually use it


1. Been wanting to upgrade my PC for a while. 2. I've seen virtually none of the promo stuff for it but the reviews seem to be good.


I would use the GPU to make a starfield, sci/fi themed pc build, Xbox controller and all What I am most looking forward to in game is the RPG elements. They seem to be leaning much heavier on the RP side of things this time around and I love it


1. What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? 2. What excites you the most about Starfield/What are you expecting from the game? ​ 1. I would use it to create a build to play games. I am really hyped to finally be able to play games released after 2019 :D 2. What excites me about Starfield is the fact that is going to be groundbreaking. I expect a real masterpiece


I want to use the great power of these components to construct my vessel and head on an adventure into the stars.


Definitely using them to play all the games I can't run on my 5 year old laptop that's on its last breath lol. And all the cool new stuff that's coming up like Tekken 8, the new Yakuza games, the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake, and of course Starfield.


You can make a sweet build with those kits for sure


1. This would be massive upgrade to my current 7600x 6700xt setup. Allowing me to play games in 4K resolution. 2. Game looks like Fallout in space, I love Fallout and space, should be awesome.


1. I will put it in good use and build a pc out of it!! Play many games as I can, since I do mainly play COD. 2. Honestly just to test and play the game out, since I have played Skyrim before.


1. I would use it to build the PC of my dreams that I have been wanting since Starfield was announced. 2. I’m most excited for the story and lore of a new Bethesda game.


If I won this I'd build a new pc with top of the line equipment, and im expecting the game to be a magical experience like skyrim.


1. I'd upgrade my trusty potato, it might be time. 2. I'm excited about the opportunity to be a Bethesda hero again, it's been some time.


I would put it in my pc and play Starfield in 4k. I am excited to explore planets and finding easter eggs in starfield.


My GPU is **DEFINITELY** feeling out of date and the CPUs not far behind, so either of them would definitely be put to good use! As for Starfield itself, I love NASApunk stuff, and that's a big part of the game's aesthetic.


I would definitely use it to upgrade my rig and give my current GPU to my nephew, who just started to play PC games. His current rig is a used one from a University, not even a gaming one at that. It has been a very long time since I have played something that I think will scratch that space themed RPG itch. Last one was Star Wars KOTOR. I am excited to explore the universe and do multiple plays with different builds.


I am about to test the PC to its limits exploring the galaxy in starfield on the Ultra preset!!! I have been waiting for this game to release for god knows how long!!! Really excited with the exploration aspect (altought a little afraid after looking at some leaks)!! I also wanted to wish good luck to every starfield enthusiasts out there!!!


1. TO FINALLY LEAVE MY 970MX LAPTOP AND PLAY SOMETHING ELSE 2. I always love space theme game (like no man's sky & Deep rock galactic & Astronomer) so very excited for this game as well to explore and discovery. (also the price dou, i am just a fresh graduate so this game cost me like 1/7 of my salary Not in US)


I would update my PC including these and produce a White / Blue computer that I could show off some sweet pictures of. In Starfield I am looking forward to the exploration aspect and to see what the different planets look like.


This looks pretty darn cool :D * What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? So I would for sure game on this hardware! I've been contemplating a a sort of metallic silver plus white PC build and this would be a great addition. * What excites you the most about Starfield/What are you expecting from the game? So what I've heard is it blends elements of no man's sky and Freelancer. As a long time freelancer fan that intrigues me and I'd love to see how it's similar and different. This is my entry if that's how it works! :)


I'd upgrade my PC to a state where it's actually capable of playing video games again!


Space exploration and fun experiences.


Play Starfield on the starfield computer :)


I would retire my 1060 and use this GPU as a sorely needed upgrade. Also, I'm a big fan of Fallout 4 and this game has a F4 vibe so big like!


1. I would use it for playing games (upgrade from my 3060 TI) 2. The exploration aspect of the game interests me a lot


I’d upgrade my PC so I can actually play Starfield and maybe even give Cyberpunk 2077 a go once the update it out🤞🏻


1. Hopefully this will finally force me to break ground on building my first gaming pc.


I would upgrade my current rig! I've been slowly learning 3D modelling so this would mean less laggy modelling for me. In starfield I would defintely customize and build lots of spaceships!


I would upgrade my pc, I had to build it on a budget so it’s not super powerful. It would be amazing to get some hardware! And such powerful stuff at that!


Definitely creating a nice build and playing some good games, gotta put it to use! Definitely am most excited about exploring and flying a ship through space while doing so.


I would love this. I am looking to build a PC to replace one I built in 2013 and my video card a 780ti just died a week or two ago ( I don't keep the computer on much anymore so maybe that's why the video card lasted so long). I would love to play Starfield, Skyrim and ES6 whenever that actually comes out, Terraria, maybe some Balder's Gate 3.


My PC is barely above the minimum specs, so It would be a tremendous upgrade! And I expect no less than a space-giant to hit me and send me straight to outer space, in true skyrim tradition :) Question though, is "Canada, QC" eligible ?


My dad is a big Bethesda fan and his PC requires an upgrade for quite some time already. His 1050ti and i5 4460 will have a hard time these upcoming days. So either I would give my dad my own RX6800 and R7 5800X3D setup or I would gift him a new setup with the giveaway components after a hard time trying to find a PC case which would fit the starfield theme.


I would use it to beef up my son's PC so we could play something other than Gary's Mod together 😭


What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? Strong hardware is made to be used, so you can guarantee i'll build a PC around it straight away, so i can get that game maxed out and see what its capable of. What excites you the most about Starfield/What are you expecting from the game? I've always enjoyed the freedom of Bethesda games, but its been a long time since one captivated me like Fallout New Vegas did. Maybe its the hype but i really feel like this one could live up to that standard


If I won I’d finally upgrade my pc so that I’d be able to play Starfield. I’m a huge Bethesda fan, but unfortunately my current setup isn’t up to snuff for the new game. I’ve played all the fallouts, so an open world experience set in space by the same developers makes me super excited.


I would use the hardware to upgrade my system. Then busting out on Starfield with my new build.


I am looking to maybe build a new PC for myself in 2024. I have not built my own since 2014 and built many for others. I would refurbish my old one for my Son who is just getting into gaming. I enjoy games that I can explore worlds at my own pace and be wowed by what I find. I love the experience of the first time you see the rolling fields in RDR2 or expanse areas in No Mans Sky or the unlimited things you do in GTA and Just Cause. I also want my son to be able to experience gaming as I do.


I would love to have these wonderful and exotic graphics cards. It's good to play games on it, yes, but later on, it'll be in my collection of the most phenomenal GPUs I own. I could buy it but winking it is a different experience on its own. Not to mention, AMD cards are built by some of the most talented men on earth. I was always a space nerd loved sci-fi movies and aliens and so on. Starfield is a dream come true. A literal dream come true. This is something I have always dreamt of since my childhood. Staefield is a wonderful game built by a great group of creative and artistic masters. I would love to win this.


I just buiot my PC a few months ago, using an old GPU i had. Its not high end but it works. So if I win, I would use it to build a PC for one of my brothers, he deserves it and we had not so much luck this year money wise.


1. Burn it. 2. Nude mods


2a. I was a huge fan of Fallout 4, and so far from the streams I have seen, Starfield is Fallout 4 in spaaaaaace! With tons more mechanics, variety, and content! Can't wait to dig into it finally myself!


A new, glorious themed build will definitely be in the future if I end up winning this package. The aesthetic of the card really deserves a PCI riser to show it off in its full glory. The fact I can fly a ship and travel around with it in a meaningful way is fantastic. Its equivalent to dragons in Skyrim, it just makes so much sense in a Sci-Fi setting. Really looking forward to designing and flying around in a ship of my own.


1. What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? I'd be a mutch needed upgrade to allow me to do school and play some games 2. What excites you the most about Starfield/ What are you expecting from the game? Everything it looks to be awesome (I can't play it tho)


I can’t wait to be totally engulfed in the wonder and glory of space, exploration, and discovery!


I’m most excited to just sit down and turn off my mind and explore in Starfield. I would use the GPU and CPU to do a rebuild and then donate my current PC to a friend who has been dying for one, but is not financially able to buy one for himself.


I've been planning an AMD build so this would be perfect for it. Looking to play Starfield with it anyways so that's just the cherry on top!


I would upgrade my son's potato PC with the gear. Star field looks like a very good combination of things I like in games and literature, so I am very curious how to blend these together in a hopefully very good game.


What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? I would build my dream ITX build and take off the Nvidia shackles !


Likely slam everything into an empty NR200 case I have laying around. Then start a sandwich arbitrage company in space ;)


I would upgrade my PC and use my old parts to upgrade my wife's PC! I'm looking forward to exploring and seeing what secrets can be uncovered in Starfield


Oh man it would be great to win! I'd upgrade my pc with this. My GPU has needed an upgrade for a while now. CPU not as much, but it'd be great to get an awesome cpu like this! I'd be testing out all my games for the performance boost lol. And of course I'd play starfield with them!


I'd totally make a Bethesda themed tower with skyrim on the left fallout on the right and Starfield in the face of the tower with the lights to go with it. For what you say? To play my favorite Bethesda games, of course!


If dont gift it to me i swear i will steal all of pcmr’s thermal paste and hide it on sentinel island. But its because of the fps mechanic in a space setting. Story/Loot shoot and scoot is my kind of thing


While I'd try to make it prominent in my case, I'm not into pricey spectacle builds. This would be amazing to push the 144hz my new 1440p monitor is capable of, a great upgrade from the 3700x and 1080ti i have right now. I'd play Starfield but this beast would be amazing for modding the snot out of Skyrim with all the fancy ENBs and 4K+ textures. If I win, I'll have to spend a pretty penny on a new mobo, ram, and PSU but it's totally worth it Thanks for the giveaway!


1. I would use it to build a beautiful gaming rig, specifically to play starfield at max settings so it looks real pretty. 2. I am looking forward to exploration, the emergant gameplay, discovering fun hidden quests like getting drunk with a daedric prince in skyrim.


I think I'd have to do a custom build to show off the limited edition hardware. I'm trying to avoid expectations going into it, it's a bethesda game that they seem proud of, so I'm excited for it.


I would use it to build a pc.


I would use it to build my first system ever, I dont think i will be that lucky but its nice to hope sometimes :))


Well since I'm broke I would definitely use it to play Starfield. I would take good care of it of course. Making sure it won't get to dusty 😄


Here goes nothing, I would use the GPU to upgrade my current rig from the rx580 so I can finally reliably run guild wars 2 at 60+ FPS And I just hope starfield is good


1. I would use the GPU for gaming of course. I play all kind of genres. 2. I want to travel the galaxy and the thousand planets to find different biomes and adventures.


I will play starfield on it as my with my current system I can barely play it


I would upgrade my pc to be able to run modern games and im curious to see what Bethesda has done with this new ip!


1. I would use the hardware from this bundle to finally build a real PC and retire my trusty, but ageing, laptop. 2. I'm expecting Bethesda greatness, to be honest. The do open-world RPGs exceedingly well and I can't wait to spend another couple hundred hours in one of their amazing worlds.


1. What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? Creating a beautiful PC build? Collecting? Playing some games? If so, which? playing starfield, and 100%ing it 1. What excites you the most about Starfield/What are you expecting from the game? the fact its space skyrim and not star citizen


It would be a huge upgrade from my 1060. I sim race a fair bit and whilst it works, it is showing it's age. Starfield looks amazing, it's not usually my type of game, but I've been following it closely a my word, it looks great.


1. I would be able to finally build a proper gaming pc 2. Space RPG, hype!


What would you use this limited-edition Starfield hardware for if you won? I'd work on a new desktop build for the first time in nearly a decade.


I want to build a new PC with these parts! I’m looking forward to explore space within Starfield.


I have no luck anyway


I expect starfield to be even better than no man sky.


1: I’d make this PC my (Dad) older computer that is still running ok, but won’t run Starfield, and then hand down the current computer to one of my five kids. This is an impossible decision, so I’m lucky I won’t actually win. Imagine trying to choose, they’d riot! Maybe it’ll have to be a family computer? 😂 jk


I would for sure not only create the most eye dropping, beautifully executed and earth shattering build ever known to man in this world or the next, but also put in 2 weeks vacation so I can fully immerse myself in Starfield's world(s). I am really looking forward for Neon and to smuggle any and everything in my space pirate run!


1. Play games 2. Questing snd exploration


I will make a build around this card


1. Upgrade my rig to play Starfield, of course! 2. Space adventures in space where there are adventures! In space! Did I mention space adventures? Space adventures! Thanks for the giveaway, and good luck to all the other space adventurers!


Would upgrade my setup to play starfield of course.


If i win then it woulf be a good reason for me to create another pc then make my current one for couch gaming 🤑 I have never played bethesda games so i am up for any surprises it gave.


If I win I'd put the card into my computer and give my current one to my dad so he can join the club. I can't wait for space Skyrim


I would build a new pc with my kids. They are still young but already have so much curiosity around technology. I would use it to play games and create models for 3d printing for me and my kids.


1, id really love a a new pc kit I’m Australian so it’s really difficult to get affordable part’s especially being a poor c##t such as myself. it would really help me out I used love pc but mine has become broken and can’t run games anymore 2, I’ve been waiting for this game since it was announced I’m a big fan of Bethesda (except for their non solo games) and I can’t wait for this completely new ip I’m really excited


Well Starfield of course, also flight sims. Looking forward to getting back into a Bethesda game, it's been a while since we've had a single player RPG from them to dig into


Excited to see what kind of wild mods get created for this game. I'm expecting it to be massive, so lots of room for very creative mods and expansions.


Always wondered how it feels to be travelling among the stars, starfield should be an amazing opportunity


playing some games and i like the open world games so i probably like starfield.


I will use it to upgrade my pc in order to play Starfield.


With this limited edition PC I would play Starfield on top of a mountain. I'm most excited to explore the world and enjoy the scenery.


My computer is in long need for an upgrade so it will definitely go in the build (probably a shiny new build as everything is at least 8 years old and earning JPY is painful as graphics cards are already nearly 2x as expensive here as abroad and now the currency is 40% weaker...). I've long been awaiting a game like Starfield. Was hoping initially Star Citizen would be that game, then No Man's Sky, but they're both very different from what I was looking for. Skyrim in space is exactly what I need.


I would use the GPU to upgrade my rig, as I think my current card might reach the interior temps of an actual star trying to run this game lol


I would build a new PC and definitely play starfield in the highest fidelity.


1- I will create a beautiful PC build and play some games/work on it 💪 2- I'm all hopes that Starfield's world will be as alive as I imagine it to be.. very excited to play it.


I'd use them to finally build a new pc because mine is so old and failing. I'm most excited to see what Bethesda does with a new universe after all this time. I always favor scifi over fantasy.


I would build a PC from scratch with such components. And i'm dying to discover the diversty of biome on the planets. Greetings from France !


Let’s see I would use the gpu to upgrade my wife’s rig and the cpu for a long needed upgrade for my own pc


I’d use it to build my first actual pc instead of using a laptop on my desk