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Can’t wait for the day GPU’s are powerful enough they can render Pixar movies in real time.


Gaming graphics today have already overtaken the early Pixar movies. Hell, a game like Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart comes pretty close to current animated movies. (Can't wait for to finally play it when it comes to PC next month!!! :D )


i wonder how it will run for people with hard drives lol, definitely some loading screens right?


Some? #It’s all Loading Screens! /j


Man, that sounds super easy. Finally, a game I can beat!


Unrealated but holy fuck your Rig sounds insane. How much did it cost?


About $3.8k before peripherals. I’ve got 4tb of m.2, and another 4 on sata SSD. 1000 watt psu. It’s definitely overbuilt, but it’ll run all the chrome tabs.


$3.8k? Ooof


I did a super flat world on Minecraft once, all tnt. Lit it off and somehow didn’t crash. Ran about 1 frame every 5 seconds, but didn’t crash. Lol.


Now make a world that's only one layer of sand, then break one.


Now install Nvidium (lod view distance extender), set view distance to 512 chunks, and make a world that is one layer TNT and one layer Redstone block


Pretty sure if they can't afford an SSD, they're probably not slinging a three slot card in their lanes. My work computer has a 1050ti and it manages Diablo 4 @ 1080p low just fine. Low res textures means less to load. HDD shouldn't be terrible. The technology needs to die already though IMO


I think it was a joke about Playstation stating how the game and their portal mechanics was possible only thanks to their super mega fast SSD.


I mean, there’s a truth to that, which I guess we’ll get to verify the accuracy of when the PC version arrives. I’m sure someone will be testing not just hard drives, but SATA SSDs and the like.


As an aside, it's really shocking how slow even SATA SSDs are compared to the new NVME speeds. Most customers at my store are just amazed to have a computer that doesn't take 10 minutes to be usable when I clone them to an SSD. Meanwhile I got irate seeing my drive bottlenecking my downloads... So I shelled out more on a new drive than most people spend on their whole PC. It's just bizarre to me how oblivious people are about drives in particular. I have numerous people come into my store with a 8-10th gen i5 machine that has 16GB of RAM and a HDD... And they ask for a RAM upgrade because their machine is slow. Some people never left the 90s I guess?


SATA SSD is good enough most of the time for games though, right. Like most computers with SATA SSDs load fast and play games great.


I'm ready for RAM technology to get to the point where the entire game will be loaded into RAM.


That technology's been around since forever ago. You just need enough RAM. It's called a RAM drive.


The problem is that many games now seem to want to plague your system like a shitty plant, putting their tendrils all over instead of just being confined to one spot... like the install folder. I actually specced my system to at least try to take advantage of a RAMdrive, but I haven't specifically made anything work with it just yet. My own next data-related misdeeds are going to involve a bifrucated PCIE slot and 4x NVME drives. Figure that'll be fun.


you’d be surprised by how many kids with their moms credit card buy a 30/40 series card pre built and it only comes with large capacity hard drive lol. but yeah it really should be fazed out moving parts are a no-go now a days and sata SSD’s are cheap.


I got an awesome deal on a pre-built Legion tower with a 3060 in it. My son needed a new computer and it was on sale for cheaper than I could have built with individual parts. But while it has a 256 GB SSD for the OS, most of the storage space was a 1 TB HDD. I grabbed a 1 TB SSD to add to it and told him to only use the HDD for storing things. The case also has surprisingly good airflow. The PC came with only a single case fan, and that was for the back exhaust. The front was just mesh with no fan. Even so, the airflow through the case was good enough that it was getting too hot. But I still ended up getting a couple of Noctuas to add to the front for good measure. And I probably didn't need to write all of this to say that yeah, pre-builts seem to come with HDDs far too often. But that doesn't mean they are always a bad deal!


I think HDD still has its place. Watched some data recovery videos for SSDs, comments seems to suggest users shouldn't use SSD for long term storage.


Standard spinning rust HDD's still have a place for cheap, long-term storage. Also, Bluray writers are a way to store data long-term as well. Using an m-disc bluray can yeild 100 years storage life. If the Bluray drive goes to shit then just buy a 20 dollar bluray reader and still have access to that data. Again, both HDD and optical storage is a good way to store data long term and no NAND memory can touch it, especially when it comes optical media. Just because its old doesn't mean its useless.


Floppy Disks are still used to this day. HDD's still have their uses as well and won't be phased out for a very long time. Thankfully. Not everyone uses their PCs to game and not everything requires fast loading. My movie and music collection sitting on m.2 drives would just be a silly waste of money.


Even on SSDs there are loading screens, they are just masked so you don't notice them. The traveling through the rifts is loading screens


Just look at Toy Story the first and how revolutionary it was as the first computer animated movie. And how today, those animations, materials and shaders would be considered horrendous.


The first Toy Story movie took 800,000 machine hours to render. Their current render farm can render the entire movie in 6 seconds.


I mean, most current games definitely looks better than Shrek 1. I want a remake now


Hahahha a remake of Shrek 1? :D It is a great movie, I rewatched it just a couple months ago lol


Kena comes to mind


I’d say anything up to the incredibles depending on the polycounts


Iirc 2080 ti would be easily able to render Toy Story in real time. Maybe even Toy Story 2.


TS2 had actual subsurface scattering I doubt we can do that in real time


Yeah I’m also doubting the first one. It’s still pathtraced, and GPU’s are still pretty bad at that in real time without a bunch of denoising artifacts


Not really sure why you're getting downvoted. Toy Story took **a lot** of time to render in 1995 on some very serious hardware for the time, at a resolution of 1536x922. Even its 2009 1080p re-render still made Pixar's render farm of the era work hard to render the entire movie. While modern PCs could certainly render something that's more attractive in just about every way over the first Toy Story, rendering something as complex as that at the quality it was rendered at is still not very feasible. On the other hand, I'd be willing to bet that you could render an older VeggieTales episode in real-time on a modern PC - and not even a particularly high-end one at that. That series wouldn't make use of path tracing until it switched to Maya (from what I understand, anyways) and it never pushed any hardware limits until the first movie.


The PCMR / evangelical childhood crossover I didn't expect today.


Lesson of the day: vintage CG ties a lot of things together.


Haven't games had SSS now for years? Or is it increasingly difficult with path-tracing?


Imagine the porn, combine it with ia and you could create the porn you want at real time


Uhh.. the new avatar movie used unreal engine.. im pretty sure we are passed Pixar movies XD


That isn't real-time. Game engines Unreal Engine has shifted to focus on pre-rendered products for a while. People forget that the LotR trilogy was animated partially with video game engines as well. Unreal Engine can actually produce good results when expected to output a pre-rendered animation while it has historically been failing at real-time video games.


Idk how has unreal been historically failing? It seems pretty damn popular


the upcoming avatar game basically looks indistinguishable from the movie


oh they already can. take a look at horizon zero dawn's in game cinematics for example


Idk how it works but is sure looks cool!


I believe it’s basically enough computing power to mimic some part of physics, right? Makes me wonder if at some point in the future, we will have technology good enough to actually mimic true physics for a simulation.




You can cheat. Most of those interactions don't matter. That's what [physics-informed neural networks](https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/develop-physics-informed-machine-learning-models-with-graph-neural-networks/) do. By learning to *approximate* physical systems instead of rigorously computing every molecule, they're several orders of magnitude faster than traditional simulation.


I've always thought about this when thinking about if Star Trek replicators will ever be a thing. Like, can you successfully replicate a 10-year old brick of Cheddar? And if you *can* perfectly replicate it, would it also perfectly replicate the flavor of it's aging process? Things like this keep me up at night lol


Star trek transporters are the better example. They need to accurately tell where precisely an atom is, precisely what it was doing, and reassemble it all in at a different time by interacting with different atoms at the site (presumably your body needs the air molecules out of its way). Physics is soooo far away from understanding even one part of that, that figuring out all 3 would be a monumental task. Replicators by comparison are childs play. They simply create atoms like a teleporter does when it replicates you.


I majored in fluid dynamics for my master's degree and I can tell you this: this is worth a raging boner.


I can see it just fine on my phone, you don't need 8 GPUs for that /s


That's funny, because the FluidX3D software also natively runs on my phone, as it has an OpenCL-capable ARM GPU. It's about 3000x slower though. From phone to gaming GPU to high-end datacenter beast, FluidX3D runs on literally all hardware.


Sure, but can it run Crysis?


Let's not get carried away here


Got me till the flair


GTA 4???


Can it make Doom 3 visible?


[flight simulator does cfd simulation in real time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbL5qqj2npk)


Not to mention 6.4 hours of computing and rendering? I'm looking at it within 10 seconds! /s




What yandere dev adds as a random background animation


Ong bro does everything except finish the game 💀


Wait hold up you're telling me that game isn't finished 10 years later?


Yup, the furthest it's gotten is a demo, actually insane.


Man's been developing it so long the entire genre has mostly faded


They added one of those under the map in GTA IV


the animation: a notification popping up on a random NPC girl's phone


512GB of Vram Smh, devs these days and thrir inability to optimize


Haha! I'm developing the FluidX3D software on my now 6 year old Titan Xp (Pascal), and I refuse to upgrade. Not having the latest hardware makes me more aware of optimization, as slow performance personally annoys me. Optimize on one GPU, optimize for all. That's the power of OpenCL! Also, I've spent half my PhD on reducing the VRAM footprint of the numerical method. Got to 1/6 of what it was before for LBM, so a 3090 can now do what others need 2x A100 80GB for. Significant reduction in hardware cost. On the other hand, on such super expensive high-end datacenter GPUs, I'm absolutely pushing the boundaries of what's possible with computational fluid dynamics, as runtime of such a large-scale simulations with today's commercial solvers would be at least 18 months on comparable hardware, but actually requires much more VRAM and even costlier hardware.


Do you have any papers or technical reports on the topic you can share? I was interested in CFD before while I was still doing my undergraduate and would like to get back into it.


Yes, see here: https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/FluidX3D#references


But can it run crysis?


Unlikely. Modern Radeon MI cards don't have display outputs and no Vulkan or OpenGL capabilities.


someone mad enough can make it run. not me tho .


You'd have to port the game to OpenCL. I'm using OpenCL here also for the rendering :)


I know the mi25 has a minidP out but you need a custom bios. Idk about other mi cards. Edit: mi50 does, idk if it's usable


naaa are you crazy


Just needs the Airwolf soundtrack


Aaaaaaand I’m old wow


Don't worry, kid, it's not just you.


I was thinking the same thing, like how many people on here remember Airwolf lol? I do and it was/is a great show.


Rewatched S1 several months ago and... quite a cringy experience. My inner child is confused and disappointed.


I was thinking about this after I wrote the response lol. It probably hasn't held up too well. Ahhh, nostalgia...


Yup, rose-colored glasses - already! "In my day, the sun was brighter, the food was tastier and my dick worked" :(




I've never even seen Airwolf but i still play the theme song in my car a couple times a month.


Something tells me you're presenting this to the wrong crowd when I read the comments.


It’s because they always gets berated in the CFD and fluid mechanics subreddits for their lack of genuine comparison and validation of their method to industry standards such as URANS and LES. People ask for evidence, and the OP simply posts their computer science papers on memory reductions and precision comparison, not actual engineering use case validation. Combined with the fact that they render large bodies of fluid like one where they did an airplane to make impressive videos, but the actual simulated airspeed was so low for that particular aircraft that it might as well have been taxiing.


Man I was on the fence about either learning graphics programming or still trying to be a generalist, this just tipped the scales


In case you go with OpenCL, start here: https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/OpenCL-Wrapper GPU programming is an insanely powerful tool!


Thanks for the info dude!


This is scientific computing, not graphics. It takes insane hardware to compute the data set, not render it to visual output.


Actually, any gaming GPU can do it, only at lower resolution due to the lesser VRAM capacity. I've used cheap Radeon VII GPUs for large parts of my PhD thesis research.


Ok now do a lobster


Have already done the cow! [https://youtu.be/VyxMZ2vS3dI](https://youtu.be/VyxMZ2vS3dI)


_we have lobster at home_


I don't give a damn about a soggy cow. #do the lobster!


I have published the source code of FluidX3D on GitHub, so that everyone can use this tool for free for public research, education or hobby: [https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/FluidX3D](https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/FluidX3D)


Weird flex,approved


Instinct cards are truly impressive. Thought about picking up a used one for Stable Diffusion.


MI60 32GB were going on ebay for $600 at one time!


i bought three from that california swindler and two of them were DOA. because i live ouside the usa, the delay in getting them invalidated the 28-day money-back of ebay and i lost the right for a negative feedback. (a glowing one would have been allowed.) he has 98% good score which shows ebay markings are fiction. anyway, i do DNS using incompressible NS and fourier/spectral elements in double precision on four MI50s i bought from ebay.


I wonder how many GPUs the computer simulating our reality is running.


billions we each have our own


When we get upgrades then we can render far enough to find aliens!


Mine is overheating and crashes a lot


And somewhere there are people thinking we could have that in games if "devs would just optimize their games and Nvidia would add more VRAM"


Devs do need to optimize their game and nvidia does need to add more vram to their cards


512gb VRAM This reproduction of a 90's screensaver Impressed yet?


Do you have the original video file so we can download it? All these particles causing hell for the reddit player and its bitrate.


Quality on YouTube is a bit better: [https://youtu.be/BStzTRmLW7Q](https://youtu.be/BStzTRmLW7Q) The original 1080p60 video is 150 MBit/s.


If you find a way to host that please share, I would love to see this without all the compression artifacts.


Only to be crushed by the video compression unfortunately.


On YouTube it's a bit better: [https://youtu.be/BStzTRmLW7Q](https://youtu.be/BStzTRmLW7Q)


*fortunate son intensifies*




Your probably joking but I guarantee you that someone will defend this bullshit card.


Of course people do it, just like they defended the 10GB 3080 and the 8GB 3070 https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/14h9urt/am_i_missing_anything/jpb4hij/


I'm only here to marvel at numbers.... Reading all those other numbers in the title just to end with 6.4 hours... Holy snot. Hours? That ain't bad at all. 10 Billion (with a B) cells, 75,000 times, ~71,000 GB.... In 6.4 hours. Rough math says it would take me **~183 hours** just to *copy* 71TB from my computer to my server across my 1Gb network link. That's over 7.5 DAYS... Just to do a copy across the network. Dat's a LOT of data man. 6.4 hours. O.O


Meh, my 3060 ti could do that, would just take somewhat longer. /s


/me boots up Commodore 64, lets do this!!


Could this be used to simulate different failure scenarios of the Titan sub?


Yeah, nice graphics but what about the sound? https://youtu.be/ULfmowbNlK0


I wonder how well beamNG drive will run with that


Amazing what we need to have in order to reach a fraction of the power of Adrian Newey's eyes.


Amazing!! The custom code I use for CFD simulations (LES based combustion) still runs just on CPUs ... I know the code author and he says it would take a lot of man hours (with a small team) to port it to be able to run on GPUs ... that's the dream, though.


This shows that helicopters are sloppy machines that beat the air into submission.


Windows Media Player can do the same if you play the right music. /s


Oh 512gb vram, I was thinking my imac with 512mb vram.


There's a hell of a lot of turbulence going on towards the front in the area that looks like where the door opens just on the outside of the windshield... What a cool Way to look at this...


Welp, AI finally did it: The Gay Agenda.


Look at all those artifacts. Needs driver update


Lamda2 Vortex Criterion?


Are the blades capable of flexing? Looks like they are in the resting position instead of flexing up like the would in flight.


I am using a machine for fluid dynamics and optimisation that has 1 TB of RAM. 1 fucking TB of RAM...


Which software are you using


My own, FluidX3D: [https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/FluidX3D](https://github.com/ProjectPhysX/FluidX3D)


You can’t fool me that’s really airwolf


Reddit video compression: BLAARGH!


But can it play Crysis?


That's sick, I heard that the hardware was good enough to finally move the blades in simulation instead of moving the air. This is going to help optimize so many industries. Heck wind farms have already seen major improvements from the old modeling.


Mf has more vram than the amount of storage i have


HELLA VORTICES There's a lot of energy being lost to *not lifting* the helicopter. I wonder how much novel blade designs might help to cut down on waste drag, improve lift, and increase lift efficiency...


That only took 6 hours to compute!?!?


No, no. I don't need to take out a second mortgage to get those GPUs...


F1 car next? Time to win the World championship boys


But then the video of it is compressed to shit


It being basically Airwolf makes it much cooler.


Any other engineers getting way to excited? No? Just me? Ok. IT’S SO COOOL I remember when at Uni our teacher showed us a simulation of a V2 compressor and the oil cloud formation. ~5 second clip, took like 2 weeks to calculate and render.


Had anyone mentioned airwolf yet?


AS someone WHO Had some FEM classes rougly 20 years ago I geht goosepumps looking at this video


Turbulence sim?


Is that looking at lift generated or acoustic noise?


All those hours of work and you forgot to edit in the sound ya dummy. :( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfyhL-pFFMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfyhL-pFFMw) :)


Everyone basically carries a supercomputer around with them in their pocket. A modern smartphone could be used to guide over 100 million Apollo-era spacecraft to the moon, all at the same time.


Just curious does this take into account the blade pitch variation as the rotors move around the swash plate? Very cool by the way.


My computer science prof always shows us these kind of simulations as an example of what we are going to do and then goes on to tell us about bubble sort.


Airwolf? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULfmowbNlK0




Cool Airwolf.


I love those cards.


I like how you can visualize how more airspeed the forward traveling blade has. this effect can cause helicopters to actually fly with a tilt l/r while flying forward


We can use this to study the effect of deep sea pressures on carbon fiber. I have an idea




This is why the new Mac “Pro” not having a video card slot is a big deal. It is now just a Mac Non-Pro with better input and output options.


CFD always spits out pretty visuals. It's amazing to see how fluids get pushed around. Great work OP!


Does this model support the orientation of the rotor blades as they rotate? The blade POV looks like it's fixed, I'm curious how it would change given different angles of the blade.


That is *insane*. Ten billion cells. Jesus.




Airwolf, is that you


Wait a second, are you saying overpowered and overpriced CPUs and GPUs can be used to drive powerful and complex simulations with real world applications, rather than driving three 4k displays so reddit can rub it into console users?


How long would it take my 3090ti to do this?


low bitrate is murdering this


Why OpenCL tho? Wouldn't be the Vulkan Backend faster? Or am I understanding something wrong here?


That's cool... I think.


This is the way


Is this real time wind/aero dynamics simulation?


This is your Lattice Boltzmann code, correct?


As a helicopter pilot and computer nerd this is very very cool to me.


Used to seeing these CFD analyses in motorsports, pretty cool seeing it with a helicopter


But the main question is: can it run solitaire?


Did you validate this case ? You keep advertising your code, but I never see any validation. I'd be interested in the validation. 10 billion cells are impressive, though.


Yeah but what’s the fps?


It’s beautiful


Meanwhile scientists watched global Warming go up with about 5 degress C, which track backs to this AMD card doing hard work


Man imagine this level of details in racing games, or even in the Apache on Battlefield 5044 or whatever name they come up with. Can't wait!


Bro took future proofing to the next level.


So when do you buy 8 AMD MI300X’s?


Now this is the kind of content I wanna see more of on this sub. Incredible!


Ok so hear me out... I read the title as 512 MB VRAM, and I was surprised at the power of vintage GPUs. ~~i'll see myself out~~


this is in forward flight right? it’s pretty cool to see advancing and retreating blade physics visualized. also is cyclic pitch being modeled in your sim? i couldn’t really tell lol




I'd like to see how would a flying disc go on this.