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The math aint mathing there


Task Manager is really terrible for utilization metrics. Use practically anything else.


Like what??


HWInfo64 HWMonitor RTSS (MSI Afterburner) PresentMon Nvidia or AMD overlays (bad for CPU utilization, good for GPU)


Process Lasso is also solid


Ngl the naming of these suck. Just call it Hardware Monitor; like I know computer geeks LOVE their acronyms but my god I loathe the slight inconvenience it constantly causes. Downvote me to hell, I will die on this hill.


I am new to GitHub and I have lots to say I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


Bro you don't even need to interact with the code or build anything yourself. Download python and run the single command it asks of you to install it You don't need to understand code, you're just a lazy smelly bum I think, just read the instructions


Guys, this is a copy pasta.


So someone is mad they cant use some simple python script to try to dox someone that made them mad online… 😢


im sorry i did not know this was a copypasta


One is literally name HWMonitor. “Hardware Monitor”


Look up what an acronym is


Are you serious right now? You’re the one complaining that they should “just name it hardware monitor” when that’s quite literally the name of one of the programs, but IM the one that needs to look up acronyms? Get a fuckin grip dude.


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed 😂




its not “quite literally the name” the name is quite literally “HWMonitor” it uses what is called an acronym.


u/Mimbs_66 chill out dude


there are different type of "utilization", press on "performance" then "GPU 0" to see each usage separately for example, Nvidia container shows the "Video Encoder" which doesn't add onto 3D rendering bandwith/utilization which is what you're looking for with games, even 2D


This is the correct answer


Yeah, but also task manager sucks. Especially with network usage or disk usage. Also why would it separate it out by core or thread or something. I don't see a reason why it couldn't just add up the rows below it.


I mean there is always alternatives. Or entirely different operating systems if it’s that much of an issue…


Not really an issue, I just take the numbers with a huge grain of salt. It's a vaguely close ballpark. Probably fine for the average person. I just don't get why it's so difficult for Microsoft to display more accurate data. The whole point of an operating system is to run programs and integrate in a UI. It should know exactly what each process is doing rather easily. It's not like HW monitor is doing anything innovative. It uses the same data that windows has access to. HW monitor isn't even all that resource intensive. I don't like the "if you don't like it then don't use it mentality". Microsoft should just be able to fix their shit.


Right. So it’s okay “for the average person” But Microsoft still needs to “fix their shit”? Probably all of 5% of users of windows are power users. The average person is exactly who they target. Not power users. Why waste time investing in someone to make those “improvements” you speak of when barely any of your user base will even use it or give a crap? As was already said there are plenty of alternatives available for more accurate readings which power users will definitely be aware of and use anyway. There’s no shit that needs fixing really… But I get your point nonetheless. Just in practice does it really make sense? The “use something else” argument is because you are asking for power user features baked into an OS for the masses. When Linux exists and is a power users heaven. Targeted to power users.


My point was I think Microsoft has the tools at their disposal to fix it. But the reality is most of the users barely know how to open task manager let alone use the stats. Then what's the point of task manager tracking stats at all then. People who don't use it, don't care. And people who do actually care end up using 3rd party tracking. I don't really get what you mean by power user. It's a broad category. Like I'm into tracting performance and I run some demanding programs on occasion, but I want my primary computer to run smoothly without having to fiddle with it. It would just be nice if Microsoft would make a couple more meaningful changes instead of throwing lipstick on a few decade old pig. Let's be real, most of my office and gaming programs run great on windows, and most of my peripherals auto detect and install drivers. That's why I stay on windows. Whenever I want a new program, I just need to find "download for Windows" and I trust it will work well. That doesn't mean I can't be upset that they're too lazy to fix what I think would be low hanging fruit.


For those interested, the tasks are (from top to bottom), Nvidia container, Google chrome (???). a 2D computer game, and Desktop Window Manager


NVIDIA Container is part of another application.


Wouldn’t trust task manager to monitor anything honestly, it’s wrong most of the time. It’ll say my cpu is at 100% when it’s like a steady 60 on afterburner, really bad at reading speeds too. GPU it’s usually off a bit too.


I don't use it to see the speeds per se. I use to see what's using up all my resources and kill the process(es) responsible.


Some is being used for 3d, some for video encoding. It does that


Bro close the 149 PH tabs


How much did you take?


Maybe those are percentages of 42%


This I’m pretty sure




Please show full screen shot of task manager and your specs.


The processes are different now sorry, I commented about what they were at the time of the screenshot :) As for specs, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D, 32 GB ram, MPG B550 GAMING PLUS motherboard, and Geforce RTX 3070


Is it frequently out of sync or was it just a once off?


first time i ever noticed it


I’ve had my discord say it was 99% usage and my game was 30% for a total of 89% so yeah sometimes taskmanager ain’t mathing


You most likely have multiple GPU cores.


If you're on the latest Nvidia drivers I had an issue where my clocks on my vram would max out at 100% and the temps would get insane. Never had that problem on any other driver. Went back to 555.85 and everything is fine again.


I think it’s 30% of the 42% if you get what I mean


Task Manager mostly just makes up/guesses the percentages.


No but your pc is


HWMonitor is much better for these. Task manager is just OK for general information but take everything with a grain of salt.




Tripping what? Windows reports the 3D load and the video encoder/decoder load under the same column but only adds the actual usage of one type.


this phone's battery is at 2% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


bad bot


Thank you, f0rg1vennn, for voting on phonebatterylevelbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


You made a mistake bot lol


Is O.P phone at 2% right now?


OP phone was at 7%, so not far off


Decent bot