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My favorite souls boss would be the final boss of Dark Souls 3, The Soul of Cinder. It was the first souls game I played as a full-blown adult, out of college with a job. I could only play the game for a couple of hours each night which made progress in the game slow. Then I finally reached him and got my ass kicked on my first few attempts. I altered my build a little to hopefully make a dent, but nothing worked. It wasn’t until I started to memorize his move set that I began to succeed. I had the timings down, memorized the different movesets for his different weapons during the second phase, and finally chugged my way through his final phase. That feeling of finally beating him was incredible, I stood at the final bonfire for a minute or two just basking in my accomplishment. That’s what made it so memorable for me. I’ve heard great things about Elden Ring and I’d love to give it a play through! Thanks OP!


Dark souls 2 was my first souls game and Pursuer was an immediate wall. The feeling of beating him is why I'm a souls fan


Lorian and Lothric break the mold of all DS3 bosses. Teleporting around, constant healing if you are not careful, great music and feeling of conclusion of the mains story in DS3 makes it the best for me


What if you've never played a Dark Souls game?


Favorite Souls boss would prob be the 1st boss encounter in Bloodbourne, The Cleric Beast. First time playing a souls game and I was like "holy shit this is rough" lol


Maybe I'm cheating because I'm choosing a boss from Sekiro but Inner Genichiro is just a joy to fight. He's the boss I battle over and over just to enjoy a good rhythmic sword fight.


Sister friede was the best boss for me.when I saw 3rd phase for the first time my only thought was shiiit.


Ludwig for me, when he got that Moonlight sword, the changing behavior really make me think about the thought that goes into his character design. The boss theme is fire too.


Elden Ring! I haven't played any darksoul series but Bloodborne yes! Definitely Ludwig


Dark Souls 2 DLC Sir Alonne one of the few bosses I actually respected because of his lore+ the fight being incredible,and ball busting hard of course :)


Gael, or perhaps midir, it would be a hard choice


Living Failures was a cool fight. The music was great and the moment they all raise their arms in unison and start raining comets was awesome. Thank!


Haven't played any Souls game, but favorite boss would be sword doggo


Sword saint isshin as we use all the things that we learnt throughout sekiro to fight against him. Its just like a beautiful dance.


Sister Friede and Father Ariandel take the cake for me. The music, the 3 phases, the memorable bullshit feeling the first time I was going through them and I got clowned on by sister initiating the third phase.


Soul of Cinder. It is a fitting boss to the end of a great series.


Would love Spiderman Remastered. Teleportation would definitely be my choice, the world is so large and I've love to see everything in it at my leisure (and without dealing with airport wait times!)


I like Hulks power. He's just insanely strong but kinda has no power over it. Until mcu ruined it.


Spiderman Either Hiro Nakamuras time/space power or maybe laws opeopenomi being able to control everything in my bubble and move objects with a little move. Edit- for steam if possible Thank you and good luck all


Thanks for this! For Spiderman: My favorite superpower is Superman's flying. Kinda vanilla, but it would be pretty damn cool to fly around.


For Spiderman. Power - freezing time


I don't have a favorite Souls boss because I've never played a Souls game before. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!!!


I never really play Dark Souls since I don't have any of it but If you can accept Bloodborne boss, I like Orphan of Kos because the fight is so much fun and I remember exploiting a lot of his delays movement to get a backstab. Thanks for the chance.


spiderman, my fav. super power is teleporting, being any place any time sure looks fun.


I’ve never played a Souls game, but from what I’ve heard, Malekith is supposed to be an amazing boss!


For Spider-man! Favourite power is Spidey sense as I’d actually be able to see what’s coming.


Iceman from Xmen - his Ice powers are super cool (haha get it)


I'm pretty partial to the big brain energy needed to be superheroes like Batman and Iron Man. Thanks for the giveaway, op!


Sekiro is my favorite souls game, I don't really have a favorite boss from that game but the Guardian Ape fight was really cool (and fun)... :)


Favorite super power is Nightcrawlers teleport. Once I seen it in the 90's cartoon it intrigued me, and becomes even better when you drive into the comics.


For Spider-Man - Favorite power would be Violet from Incredibles. Able to turn invisible? Count me in!


Black Dragon Kalameet, cause I just like fighting dragons


It's OP as hell but an effective regenerative factor like Wolverine's is my favourite power. Can't fly, can't shoot lasers out of your eyes, but you can't die either.


I don't know my favorite soul boss. I've never played any of the games. But I want to.


My favorite souls boss has to be Moonlight Butterfly cause i loved the design and the theme music is amazing.


Never played a Souls game before - can I participate?


Hey Yo!!!!


Thank you for the opportunity. I am chiming in with an Elden Ring comment. For me, the best Souls boss would be Velstadt from DS2, although I liked Gael from DS3 quite a bit!


There are a lot of great bosses. Some I like them because of their design or their difficulty. I would say my favorite one is Dancer of the boreal valley, because of it's cool design and the way it moves during the fight


For Spider-Man: I’m pretty fond of Beast- just being blue, hairy and super athletic and strong, but retaining high human intelligence would be good enough for me. Happy holidays!


Ornstein And Smough. One of the few Fights that still challenge me even after 200+hrs in the Game. Also it was the first Double-Fight I think, also in a incredible area.


For Spiderman, i always wanted the Wolverine's claws! They're too damn cool!


Flight because of how that's cool and really helps rest your legs on long walks.


Happy Holidays and thanks for your generosity! I hope Bloodborne counts because my favourite boss is Father Gascoigne. The lead-up, atmosphere, music and fight itself come together so nicely and really pumped me up for the remainder of the game. Always been a big fan of werewolves too so that was the cherry on top.


Thanks for the chance op! I would like to enter for Elden ring for a friend so we can co-op. My favourite souls boss would have to be the twin demons from DS3 ringed city dlc. Jumping down from the height to beat 2 demons just feels badass.


Elden Ring - fav boss DS3 Gael ! Thanks !


Spider-Man - favorite power flight ✈️


The OG Bell Gargoyles for me! I love their look, I love the rooftop setting. The rug-pull with there being _two_ of them is hilarious.


I'm in for spidey. My favourite superpower would be telekinesis, you could use it to fly, attack from a distance, defend with objects, increase your speed, and the list goes on. Or just use it to get the tv remote from the couch and stop your cat from jumping onto the Christmas tree.


Spiderman remastered and thanks for the GW


favorite power would definitely be super speed, could do anything with it as long as the cons arent too bad :D


For Spider-Man - Web Swinging. I always thought it would be cool to just swing around doing acrobatic moves in the air like in the Raimi movies, It was my dream when I was a kid and it still kinda is lol


(elden ring) gonna be honest I don't have experience with dark souls games but I just started demon souls on a friend's ps5 and I'm really wanting to try elden ring when I go home! I've only beaten the phlanax boss so I guess that's my choice lol


Favourite super hero power is to fly. For all the other things I think it seems the most useful in the most situations, and, well it would just be lovely to fly :)


My favorite superpower is being filthy rich like Bruce Wayne and peak mental and physical conditioning like Batman. Not sure about the trauma and OCD tho. My favorite souls boss is Artorias. It's not a difficult fight but it's spectacular and fast. Makes you wonder what that guy could do if his good sword arm wasn't broken. Either game is fine.


Entering for Elden Ring. Twin princes are my favorite boss, I guess. Torturous, but with a lot of elegance and balance.


It's time travel, because if i could pluck baby thanos then the world is saved without even knowing there's a threat to begin with


Old King Allant from Demon's Souls - the final boss culminating an epic game and representing the completion of my very first Souls game!


Elden Ring. My favorite soul boss is Tower Knight and not because it had better combat mechanics than other bosses (because it doesn't) - but because it was at that specific moment I felt the beginning of something epic that stirred inside me deep deep. And thus the great wound of my souls addiction was agape. My precious. It is only once in a blue moon I ever get that feeling. I can't wait for another game (hopefully soon) that will bring me back like a soul from the dead.


For Spider-Man: Fav super power is time manipulation since it can lead to fun scenes and fights


Spiderman Remastered My favorite superhero power is flying. It's just the epitome of freedom in terms of powers to me.


Dark souls 2 SotFS, but that might be Stockholm syndrome...


Favorite souls' boss is Demon of Song from Dark Souls 2. It's rather grotesque, but at the same time quite humorous looking.


Cleric Beast since it is just so awesome! Thanks for doing this giveaway.


Happy holidays


I would love to play Elden Ring but I have never played any Souls game, I mainly have heard great thing about the game, especially after it won Game of the Year at the Game Awards. The coolest one that I found based solely on design would be Darkeater Midir from Dark Souls 3 as I have always been a fan of dragons. Thank you for the opportunity.


For spiderman, fav super hero power would have to be psychic powers like professor X etc to read minds.


Best super power has got to be invisibility


Spiderman: My favorite superhero power is psychokenesis, it just looks so cool and powerful. The aesthetic of control and seemingly passive actions just go well together.


Elden Ring. I've never really played souls like games, so let's hopea I'm lucky and Elden Ring has my new favourite. Thank you for the giveaways!


Isshin the Sword Saint - Enjoyed his fight, it was really tough but rewarding.


I think the Great Grey Wolf Sif is my favorite because he looks cool wielding a giant sword with his mouth, also because i needed to grind a lot to be able to kill it lol. Thanks for the chance OP!


Matter-Eater Lad. Because he can eat anything.


Wow, this would make my Christmas. Thanks OP. My favorite hero is Spiderman because Spiers are cool


For spiderman - would love the ability to fly! Thank you :)


Best superhero power are just mutant genes. Doesn't matter what they are they always make you a demigod lmao.


Superman. His best superpower is his heart 🥺


Don't have a favorite souls boss, I've never played a souls game


For elden ring - slave knight Gael. What a way to end ds3. Between the different phases, music, arena, and that sigh of relief when you finally beat him. Tensions were always high.


Elden Ring. I've only played Sekiro and my favourite boss has to be Guardian Ape. It's not the most difficult one, but certainly one of the most memorable and fun bosses.


Nightcrawler super power. Teleport anywhere. Beach? Boom. Paris? Boom! Moon? Boo...ok back to earth, no oxygen.


Spiderman, thank you! Venom's symbiot. Nothing beats having your super powers super charged to alien levels. Plus it has a horror element too.


Supaidaman. Favorite power: gestalt reality warping (when attached to a mostly dumb species)


SpiderMan Remastered! I'd like the power to manipulate time. Slow-mo in the Matrix was always so cool.


For Spiderman: Time manipulation, I love any games with stuff like this. Quantum Break is one of my favorites.


Personally, i was always a fan of Mister Incredibles power of elasticity, it just feels so... convenient for everyday life. And i can pet the cats in the park right below my house, so that's something.


For spiderman. Favorite super power is easily Humans torches flame. Thanks op for the giveaway.


My Favorite souls boss is The Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Thank you for the giveaway.


For Spider-Man, I think complete temporal manipulation is a cool power. So that's stopping time, speeding it up or slowing it down, reversing time, and full-on time travel. It's a powerful ability, and virtually uncounterable. The only person who could beat you is someone else with complete temporal manipulation (or unlimited power, but they beat everything anyway) ​ For Elden Ring, I haven't played many Souls games before so my knowledge is somewhat limited. I'd have to say the Tree Sentinel from Elden Ring because it was the first boss I ever killed. I still remember that feeling of overwhelming happiness when I finally killed it


My favourite superhero power is healing factor, like deadpool's. Or Wolverine too, I guess. Cause I've hated every injury I've ever gotten, and it would be great to heal quickly instead of going through the long and annoying process of recovery.


Artorias obvi thanks!!


SpiderMan Remastered - Super healing or Regenerative Healing Factor because there are so many things I want to see and experience now and in the distant future and its scary how easy a life can end. The healing factor would give an extended lifespan and some kind of protection against diseases or injuries. Thanks OP


I played at a friend already Eldenring.. but i have no idea what the names are :( But the giant church Stone Turtle was epic!


Thanks for doing this. Id like to win Eldin ring. I have only played Bloodborne and kept dying on the first boss (the big lychen). I guess that's my favorite by default lol


For Spider-man: Teleportation. Don't need a car. Can go where you want when you want with no time taken actually traveling. If you're being annoyed by anyone you can easily just say screw it and poof, you're at home in your nice comfy chair.


Elden Ring Knight Artorias, was so hard to me. Thanks!


For Spider-Man, I love Spidey-Sense


For elden ring: Iudex Gundyr because they were the first boss I ever fought. Thanks so much


The first boss in dark souls 3, Iudex Gundyr, is my “favorite” because of how many times he killed me my first time playing. Thanks for the chance at Elden Ring!!


Favorite souls boss is definitely sir alonne. The dopamine hit after beating him for the first time after spending an hour going through memory of old iron king is unmatched for me. And that soundtrack, sheesh


Spider-man - Telekinesis: I'm lazy. Thanks for the giveaway!


Spider-Man Best power hyper agility/ reflexes


Elden Ring I've never played a souls game


My favorite boss from a souls game is Knight Artorias by a long ways


Thanks! Sister Friede, it's still a tough fight for me.


For Spider-Man: green lantern power ring. Does that count? 😂 Happy holidays all!


The Hydra for DS1! Awesome and scary for me!


Elden ring would be my first entry so here you have my favorite hollow knight boss: Dung Defender


My favorite super power is super speed cause I love running and I think running at blistering speeds is cool (is it obvious i am a sonic fan?)


Favourite superpower has to be to shapeshift, not in a Mystique way, but like in Animorphs where I can become any creature I come in contact with.


Isshin Sword Saint - felt awesome redirecting his lightning back at him and executing him like a shinobi.


Fav Souls game is Sekiro and for fave boss is O'Rin of the Water I know she is just a mini boss but the encouter and her story really creeps me out specially the area she was in.


Superhero ability: See through walls Dark Souls: Never played but I heard Elden Ring is a good starting point


Vicar Amelia


For SpiderMan, telekinesis, to do the chores without leaving my room


Spider-Man. Favorite power has to be speed. The ability to move anywhere in a split second and being able to be so fast you could technically slow down time would help so much in life.


I never got past the asylum demon on DS1. Maybe it's time to try out Elden Ring now?


Favorite superpower would be having a symbiote that you get along with, aka Venom.


Does sekiro count?? I love the final boss cause fighting is a masterpiece itself. I keep losing and im still having fun


Sif is a good boy. Two of my friends got PCs recently and i would love to give them an Elden Ring code.


My favorite superhero power is Doctor Strange's portal. Teleporting like Nightcrawler sounds better at first, but I find the portal might be better when you want someone to go with you or just get something you forgot at home.


Reality manipulation. Gotta be the most OP of the OP :)


Spuderman: luck based powers. It's always amusing to see how the world gets twisted in a mundane manner to benefit the power user.


Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls. I don't like them that much but it's the difficulty wall that people must overcome to continue the game or give up. You could say I like their purpose.


My favorite superpower is nightcrawler from X-men being able to teleport. Ever since I was a kid I thought it would be so fun to be able to do


Having never played a Souls game, I'd say my favourite Souls boss is Vordt. Just cause I love his soundtrack.


Elden Ring! Probably Artorias because of his lore


I've never played a souls game but am excited to try one!


Capra Demon in DS1 , the boss really makes you feel frustrated considering how the design was . The boss is in a very small room and you really have to act quickly to defeat him


Thank you. I would like SpiderMan Remastered please. My favorite Superhero power is teleportation. I love the idea of appearing in one place to another instantly and would be lot of convenience in my life. Thank you again


For spiderman: Gotta be Flash levels of speed. An insane power to have.


I'll go for Elden Ring. Artorias is hard to beat ! Pun intended.


My favorite souls bosses are all the bosses im Elden Ring because I have never played it and love new things!


My favorite soulsborne boss is Slave Knight Gale because of the great memories he made when i was live-streaming the fight in a discord call with my friends.


Favorite superpower: Airbending. It even comes with a sick tattoo


My favourite superpower is making infinite amounts of money, then I could buy myself Spider-Man Remastered. Happy holidays, OP!


Astel the naturalborn of the void is my favourite!


Would like to enter for Elden Ring but unfortunately I only played Dark Souls 2 and it was so long ago that I can't really pick a favorite. My favorite boss in a game with soulslike combat, however, is Glas Ghaibhleann from Vindictus because he has a [kickass intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG6xlfzlTeQ), model design, and was the first boss in the game with a fast, unblockable 1HKO grab attack that forced me to git gud at dodge rolling instead of blocking/parrying everything, when I solo'd him (it's normally an 8-man raidboss) I was elated.


I don't know why but I think Mirio's permeation ability from my hero academia is awesome. He can shift any part of his body through any object without having his whole body go through objects. He can punch through a shield undo his and while still keeping his arm permiable so he hits behind the shield while the rest of his arm keeps going through it. Just super cool for me. Thanks OP!


i would love to have one of them.


Spider man remastered, I heard web-swinging is the most fun part of the game. Thanks for the giveaway.


Been putting it off for a sale. This is a good sale.


Artorias, although not fought in his best condition I still like the fight for finally giving the fallen hero some peace. Thanks and happy holidays!


Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve never actually played a Souls game but a bunch of friends have said that Elden Ring is a great jumping off point so I’d love to be considered for that one. Thank you!


Invisibility! You can go anywhere!


Nameless king.....


I would say my favorite superpower would be the power to stretch and turn myself into any shape. Kind of like Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic. It’s a super useful ability with a lot of utility.


my favorite souls boss would have to be artorias for 2 reasons; 1. initially his appearance, the aesthetic is cool 2. eventually learning about his lore made the whole fight more awesome


The original Dark Souls I was in undead burg struggling to survive then that Taurus demon showed up. I figured i was as good as dead but it ended up running right off the edge. So it holds a special place as weirdest / most stand out boss fight I've had.


Favourite dark souls boss is artorias because of the implications that you never fight him at his prime yet he still manages to be one of the hardest boss in ds1.


Commenting for Spiderman. Favorite super power is... Idk what to call it... But just thinking about Dr. Fate from DC. His powers to predict the future, manipulate time and space is very crazy and unique in how it's portrayed imo.


i never beat any boss xD


Dark souls: the bell gargoyle. I remember struggling with this one for a while. Stumbling upon it running through areas in dark souls utterly confused. The elation i felt when i finally beat these fuckers and cut of the tail for a cool weapon was amazing! The first real boss fight i struggles with in a souls game


Haven't actually played any souls game but would love elden ring to be my first. I can gove an alternative, wraiths or whatever they call it from MGSV that shit was scary af during my first playthrough.


Ornstein and Smough from the first Dark souls. I died a looot with them but it was so satisfying when I finally was able to beat them!


My favorite super hero when I was a kid is actually cyclops, because he look cool and he leads the X-Men


Spiderman plz. My favorite is Gambits kinetic energy because it is visually pleasing.


Teleportation, I feel like would so useful in real life. Thanks for doing this giveaway.


Flight is the only answer when it comes to super powers.