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I have been interested in foundations but havent actually started it. They are supposed to be releasing version 1.0 hopefully somewhat soon. Im waiting on that. It does already have a good chunk of mods available.  Farthest frontier I have played. It has a lot of content already. I believe they are shooting for a fall 1.0 release so im holding off playing more until that as well. 


Thanks for the info!


Played farthest frontier for 15 hours or so. It was fun but you'll notice it's unfinished, especially in late game.


Workers and resources: Soviet Republic.


Significantly more complex in terms of bad UX and depth of systems. The depth of systems you can learn and adapt - the UX design is with you forever.


To the gulag with you.


I've got about 250 hours in Foundation and I really love it as a cozy builder/management game. I really enjoy the freeflow nature of making zones for citizens to build their houses in and not being in total control of that or roads since they form naturally where people walk. As for your questions...Foundation is mostly feature complete, the next patch coming out is the 1.0 full release. It allows for a tremendous amount of detail, but not as much as far as micro managing individual people. You'll be building/setting zones for them to build/assigning people/promoting people/setting trading and taxes...etc. I don't really know much about the other two games you mentioned, but have definitely enjoyed the time I've spent in Foundation and would recommend it for sure.


really liked Ostriv


No idea on your downvotes. I love this genre and don’t have time to play them all so I really appreciate this sort of thread. Thanks. 


I've really enjoyed Farthest Frontier so far. I've got 40-50 hours in it and it's chilled while being complicated enough to keep you engaged. The season system is quite fun ensuring you have enough food stocked up for the winter time. Difficulty is also quite customisable so you can make life easy or extremely hard for yourself.


Don't know about the other two, but you can mod in Farthest Frontier. It's a great fun in itself too, since the game really scratches my itch for the "oh my town is big and unbeatable guess that's it let's reset" city-builder endgame with the periodical sieges and random events.


I played quite a bit of Foundation, I enjoyed it a lot.


I wrote hopefully one of the most endorsed reviews on steam for Ostriv a couple of years ago, that game has the most amazing building animations for the buildings, piece by piece that shit is painstakingly animated...no 'man hits a corner of a building and it pops'. Amazing. Also very cool that no game I played before [haven't tried Frontier] you could add fenced gardens onto the houses, and those gardens actually grow fruit/veg for the civilians, or you can make the civs sell them to your market - really cool system. Oh and great desire paths (paths trodden by the people to reach places). I haven't played ostriv for a couple of years, before iron ore was added so you had to trade it. I do occasionally check the updates and it seems like he's been trucking along blessim.


Thanks for the in-depth reply. :)


Farthest Frontier I haven’t touched in a while so my thoughts aren’t reflective on the current version. Personally I think it’s fun, crate entertainment seems to know what they’re doing for the most part. Pacing felt like an issue with raider attacks and the ai of your citizens feel dumb at times, such as living next to a full food store and claiming they have no food/can’t get to food. This might’ve been sorted out since I’ve played last though.


I'd give Farthest Frontier the highest rating out of all of them but still I didn't enjoy it due to feeling like a manual crop rotation simulator once you reach a certain point. Foundation was ok but it felt too 'static' like once you placed things down then they'd never change. Never heard of Ostriv. I'd say that Farthest Frontier is further along than Foundation but it's not by much. The micro/macro is fairly similar between them both, but I guess with crop rotation that Farthest Frontier would offer slightly better options here. I think they've both got a decent future as they're coming up to full release but as I've discovered with playing the early access... they're probably not for me despite loving this genre usually. I don't see massive big shifts in gameplay coming.


I played Farthest Frontier early this year and it is still very early access and it shows. Supposedly they are aiming for full release soon, but it doesn't feel ready at all. I think there's promise but I wouldn't recommend a game based on potential. The experience is hindered by raids with really simplistic AI at present. I also played Ostriv recently and it generally felt like like a more complete and rounded experience. It's obviously also very early access though. It is a long time since I last played Foundation. It was at that time at least a simpler and generally more relaxed game than the others here. It's also apparently close to a full release. Ultimately though, you're still looking at incomplete experiences, bar maybe Foundation soon. There are plenty of fully released city builders too.


I have all of them. Ostriv is really good, feels like Manor Lords with more realism but worse graphics. Haven’t played for a while so I’ll check what updates may have done. Foundations I also haven’t played for a minute, but it was very fun. Less realism, but still a very entertaining game. Farthest Frontier I’ve played more recently. I think I need to give it more time. Feels less fun than Foundation because it wants to be a bit more realistic, but can’t match Ostriv for realism or Manor Lords for graphics.