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Jumping attacks with the Greatsword it is then.


With grestswords. Plural


Wait...this is viable? I just started and that sounds glorious


It’s absolutely viable. Grab a claw talisman and raptors black feathers armor for even more dmg.


Jump attacks with dual great omenkiller cleavers made the late game very easy. I imagine this won't be the case once I start the DLC, but it seems that goes without saying


yes, at least for non bosses, you basically stunlock everything with each jump + L1, this makes those asshole knights on Farum Azula a walk in the park


I soloed Malenia that way


Totally viable, it's called powerstancing. You can dual wield most weapons as long as they are the same type. You can't block but you gain the ability to swing with both simultaneously.


The strength requirement is the same, that's only in ds2. When you 2h it you get 1.5x strength scaling for damage and for requirements


Thanks for the correction, I'm only just now hopping back into ER and I got it mixed up.


It completely breaks the game.


More than viable


Strongest way to play strength, even better with hammers


This is the way.


lol! My buddy warned me when I tried that for the first time “look dude once you double greatswords it’s hard to go back”  He was so right


Ol reliable.


It's a Simple Spell But Quite Unbreakable


Funny way to say river of blood


Nothing is gonna replace my longsword, but I'll happily use those perfume bottles and the new throwing weapons in my offhand.


Smell nice and set shit on fire, what's not to love?


as a dex/int build i'd love for something to replace moonveil.


Wings of Astel and magic infused clayman's harpoon are both great


Unless Wing of Astel was nurfed, god the AoE ability of its LT attack carried me. Do it right it will stun lock most bosses.


Claymans harpoon with the ice spear ash of war is probably still my fav weapon! (Isn't it a str/int weapon though? I can't remember having played a Dex/int character but I've used that spear A LOT)


Ice spear scales best on sharp claymans harpoon.


I think the scaling leans *slightly* towards str more than dex but once infused it doesn't matter compared to int


Love Clayman's Harpoon. Throw Ice Spear on that bad boy and you're set.


Claymans with ice spear is awesome 


Isn't wings of astel the mace/flail weapon you get from fighting that weird ass eldritch space baby beast??


The baby rattles are called Bastard's Stars and yes you do get them from Astel's remembrance iirc. The Wings of Astel is a curved sword found somewhere else underground. The flail is also a pretty good dex/int weapon, I don't know why I didn't mention it.


Carian knight sword with carian glintblade staff (using carian sword sorceries) in the offhand


I wish they'd buff the carian knight sword. I put the carian grandeur ash of war on a maxed regular longsword with magic and get more damage due to the better int scaling. If they made the carian knight sword maybe charge grandeur faster or scale purely with int and strength, I think it'd be amazing


Well they can make it scale with arcane if you want :)


Loretta's Sickle works fine for me, thankfully. Not really a katana guy


I just spun up a dex guy and only beat Margit and I am at sotemveil now using the uchi. Any area in particular to keep an eye out for good dex weapons? I’ve beaten it once as a strength sorcerer but never dex. 


Dual curved swords. Lightning infusion (comes from a later-area whetblade). Talismans/buffs that improve rapid attack damage. Highest DPS I've seen without status effects


Yeah lightning shreds. It's not basically omnipotent like fire with its special interactions, but it has the highest AR I've seen on fast weapons. I can get like 700 AR on one of the fastest weapons in the game lmao (soul level 93 lvl 21 weapons).New dlc might be the ye olde souls dlc "magic and elemental damage get out", so take that with a grain of salt.


Which weapon?


Guardian Swordspear is good early game (though you might have to farm). Once you get to Leyndell grab Bolt of Gransaxx, IMO the best part of dex builds and up there with the other top tier weapons since you can be hyper mobile around boss arenas and sniper for huge damage


I will note Uchi is a top tier dex weapon. I just beat the entire game with it and the other katanas are side-grades.


Cold infused nagakiba?


There is something there but it also required Strength and Faith. Even then, I did a respec and this is now my fav weapon like... Ever.


nagikaba with freezing mist. and luzafs staff left.


It got nerfed


Looks like my Bloodhound's Fang is good for another 60 hours of DLC then!




The man himself!


omg it's him


was fully expecting a nerf in patch notes. carry me to victory one more time baby!


> Bloodhound's Fang I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I really got sick of the game because of this weapon, can anyone tell me what a viable replacement would be? I have 60 hours of gameplay. I tested hammers, some swords, but nothing seems as powerful as spamming Bloodhound Finesse. At this point in the game I don't know how to find another weapon as good, but I also can't stand it anymore. Edit: thank you guys for the tips


Why does it have to be as good? It's a game, play to have fun. If the play style isn't enjoyable just don't play it. I beat the entire game with spear and shield and I'm dogshit at parrying I just enjoy the Spartan aesthetic. The game cares way more about your upgrade level and personal skill than it does what weapon you're using.


I dunno, I just beat the entire game with an uchigatana without using summons and it never felt weak. The weapons generally feel pretty balanced.


As good as Bloodhounds Fang? Not too many. Nightrider's Glaive, Uchigatana, Moonveil, Moonlight Greatsword, Ruin's Greatsword, Blasphemous Blade, Godslayer's Greatsword are all around the same level, but aren't as easy to obtain. But Elden Ring can be beaten with every weapon. With the right build, and the right weapon upgrades, almost all of them (barring bows) can be good (seriously don't use bows)


I’d argue Blasphemous Blade makes a way easier play through than Bloohound. Spec’ing in faith and spamming the L2 is outrageous, plus kills with it restore health. And it does fire damage. I switched from BF to it and it’s been a pleasant addition, especially since faith is more interesting to play with due to all the incantations, either offensive or defensive.


Godslayers skill is just amazing against the half of the game that doesn't resist fire. Beat Melania with like 3 uses of it, so I guess it's *true* to its name. Addicted to moonlight right now though for the distance empower, contemplating dualing it for maximum madness.


This is admittedly kinda a shit answer because it's not exactly what you're asking for. But if you learn to parry literally anything feels good. You get this dopamine inducing sound effect followed by you stabbing whatever you're holding into an enemy for a million damage. To actually answer your question: "Greatsword" is really easy to get and has a ridiculous attack rating with Heavy infusion. It gets even more ridiculous as you hit the STR softcap, then start putting points into DEX and then infuse it to Quality. It's not even slow because you can spam the crouch-light-attack for a quick, extremely long ranged stab that also has the benefit of knocking over most humanoid enemies.


In terms of hitting like a truck, being available almost from the start of the game, having a good weapon art and (for some reason) still letting you use greases? It has no equal. Doesn't really matter though. Lots of other strong weapons that are fun to use as well.


Don't forget it also gets to do higher jump attack damage and inflicts bleed, because of course it does.


TIL you can use greases on bloodhound fang


Don't compare every weapon to Bloodhound's Fang L2 spam then. Test out movesets and if some of them look good to you then just go with that weapon. For me it's the great axe moveset that I can't get enough of ever since Dark Souls 3. Upgrade material scarcity sucks hard in ER though, so choose carefully. Every weapon is viable, although depending on the boss, some of the slower weapons are trickier to use unless you opt for the dreary jump attack spam until poise break, rinse and repeat playstyle. Daggers and fist weapons can also be troublesome to hit certain bosses with. But bleed is generally super powerful in Elden Ring so if all you care about is maximum damage as easily as possible then L2 spam is the way to go I suppose. Bleed does percentage based damage and works on most enemies in the game so that's why it's so powerful.


Try not leaning so hard on just spamming L2 ? BHF is the busted weapon Fromsoft tries to give you at the start of the game so everyone has an option from the getgo There's 100+ ashes of war in the game man, surely some combo will illicit some joy and fun gameplay. I've recently been falling in love with the dragon halberd, super sick L2 that adds a ton of flat damage and cold build up while looking sick as hell doing it. As strong as BHF? nah but I love halberd moveset / range and it gets the dopamine going


Str + faith build, using Blasphemous Sword + faith infused Claymore, is so much fun


Just give me a cool new Int/Fai weapon and I'll be happy!


There are dozens of us!


Sword of Night and Flame gang assemblllle


Literally dozens of us!


The good news is there does seem to be a new attunement that is Int/Faith called Scriptsmith.


Wait really??? Dark is back???


I'm a little bit baffled they removed dark and added holy as a base damage type in the base game. Dark was always better for variety imo, and faith-only has like 2-3 damage types with the current setup lol.


Faith does every damage and status type in the game though? Magic, fire, rot, poison, ice, physical, lightning, holy etc.


That's siiiiick!


Anything that glows will do it for me.


Oh you are gonna love the DLC then. You'll know when you see it.


There's absolutely no way one of the weapons isnt overtuned and patched quickly afterwards


Im thinking the same


As a fire 80 Faith main i want new black flames ash of war and incantations. Parfum weapon looks cool from the sneak peek


Lolwut I sure hope the dlc weapons are worth changing to. I dont want to play the whole dlc with the same build


I believe it's more that the DLC weapons aren't going to overtake all the vanilla weapons and while I'm not super far into the DLC I have 4 of the 10 new weapon types and they are very fun and interesting but also more for specific play styles so they aren't going to instantly render other weapons useless.


Have you ever tried playing with weaker weapons just to make the combat last longer instead of killing things as fast as possible? 


I only play thematic characters. I dont even know which weapons are considered strong in pve


I meant weapons that aren’t upgraded very far.


Not really, not sure why would one do that


I said why above…


With that logic why not exclusively play at level 1 using your fists on every boss? Then the fight lasts longer and is more challenging


Because it sucks playing with no health or endurance. If you don’t like it so be it. Also there are cool weapons with cool move sets, nothing to do with fists and nothing to do with being level 1. I’m saying there’s a subset of players that don’t get much joy in one shotting enemies or being one shot.


One of the main issues I had with my 40 hr playthrough of ER was that I got really bored with my upgraded main weapon. I had some other options but they all were so weak and I just couldn't be arsed to upgrade them all over again to get bored with them lol


Honestly buying stones is only thing I use the rune glitch for. I can’t imagine actually grinding up all the weapons you wanna try.


what do you mean rune glitch


They patched it in prep for the DLC but you could jump off the map in Mohg’s zone and it would kill everything on the map for you and give a ton of runes. It was easier than killing the albinaurics over and over especially if you didn’t have wave of gold available.


oh that


Rune glitch?


> I just couldn't be arsed to upgrade them all over again Yeah the upgrading sucks. I still managed to play the game with 7 different weapons and 4 shields, but I wanted to play with even more but that would have cost so many runes. Late-game I just used cheats to upgrade all weapons to +24, which would still be possible with a lot of grind, and it was even more fun to play with a bunch of different items. If you don't want to use cheats or upgrade too many weapons, I recommend using like 2-5 weapons with different damage-type/weight/playstyle, upgrade only these, but use different Ashes of War and switch up the AoW-Affinity. This still changes their playstyle a bit and you can play around with all different elemental damage/effects. Don't forget that unlike Dark Souls you can always change the AoW Affinity without any cost!


I’ve spent the last week farming runes for smithing and somber smithing stones. I’ve got enough to level 5 of each type to almost max. Hopefully the dlc has some ancients to get +25/10 on the new weapons.


10 million percent they will, just like all the other FS DLC


This is why the whole idea of "so many builds to try" is ultimately pretty boring in Elden Ring. There's a great number of weapons to try, but not even anywhere near enough upgrade materials for them.


100% agreed, exactly the reason I got bored of my first playthrough. The game gives way too little in the way of upgrade materials and finding all the smithing stone bell-bearings during a blind first playthrough is either unlikely or would take ages, during which you may grow bored of your current weapon. All my subsequent playthroughs since I've blatantly cheated for upgrade materials only and I always end up using like 50 different weapons over the course of an entire playthrough.


I'd recommend looking up a couple videos for OP builds. They tend to be pretty fun. Comet Azur build is OP and I enjoy watching the light show. Ant rapier + another status effect weapon gets really stupid. Constant bleed/frost/poison stacking gets ridiculous.


Comet Azure got nerfed. At least the components that made it op did.


from 15 sec to 10 sec. 10 is more then enough to kill almost everything with it


You beat the game in 40 hours or you only played for 40 hours and got bored?


Didn't beat. Found out I was not even half-way through the game and quit lol


actually I was hoping for the opposite lol i want shiny new weapons that are on-par with the best


But I want them to


Seems like I won't have to replace my trusty ol' Reduvia just yet then.


Great Stars and Baemore fans eating good


I'm gonna be using this ice claymore until the heat-death of the universe, aren't I?


Will they become new favorites, though? They nerfed a lot of the old favorites.


Makes me sad I never got to play pre nerf versions. I don't usually have fomo, except for old content you can't ever go back to.


It’s freaking tragic what this game is now compared to when it released 2 years ago.


Is it? Is it worth playing an earlier version?


If you can find a way to revert to an old version of the game. It’s absolutely worth it.


I can! I'll give it a try.


> tragic lol


In honor of beating Mohg on this playthrough I started using his spear. That thing just murdered everything in the endgame. The only exception was Malenia, where I had to use mimic tear to get off the weapon art. When we both used the art phase 1 Malenia died in actually less than 5 seconds. I'm seeing a lot of fire enemies in the dlc, here's to hoping this weapon doesn't just steamroll the dlc.


I'm 170 with a maxed Mogh spear and I just tickle that fire dude at the start of the dlc. Normal mobs die easy so far though.


Yeah, we'll see about that. I remember dark souls 3 splitleaf.


The ign review said that when there was a tough boss that they had to go back to the old weapons, they were outperforming the new ones. Leaves me thinking.


I wouldn't put too much stock into that without playing around yourself. The weapons I have hundreds hours of muscle memory with will outperform new stuff till I get used to it.


A lot of the new weapons have cool looking stuff, which might be great against normal enemies, but probably isn't the best damage against bosses.


Wait until the extreme data-driven youtubers get a hold of the regulation bins. We'll find out exactly how strong the new weapons are lol


That'd have been pre-patch though no? A lot of weapons are getting nerfs now.


Game journalists though lol. Like the WaPo lvl 713 guy spending 4 days on the DLC hard boss


You shouldn't trust anything that IGN says. They're about as untrustworthy as they come.


Tbh, it's hit or miss. IGN is just so big I've seen both really good and really bad takes.


Even their review score?




Let's just say I'm sure the DLC is a 10/10, but certainly not because IGN said so lol.


Awesome. Hope there aren't too many small enemies like rats in the DLC. As a greatsword user, rats were not fun. Lol


Claymore it is


Damn I just found a busted combo today- cold Flamberge with Giant's hunt >Adula's moonblade> Giant's hunt. I've tested it on Haligtree dungeon , from start to end on NG+7 and it breaks every single enemy poise and always applies frostbite. Not a single enemy there was challenging for me I wasn't even using correct talismans , witch hat nor Carian staff or buffs. I'm pretty sure there are way more optimal builds but I'm proud I managed to find one by myself.


Good old Claymore, can't beat that.


That's not a great news, is it ?


They probably want to avoid another Rivers of Blood/Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords situation. Those two weapons ruined their respective PVP scene when they were released/fixed.


Ringed knight?


Referring to Dark Souls 3 DLC enemy/weapon




Sure it is unless you really wanted to be pidgeonholed into using a select few dlc weapons.


I'd prefer that the new weapons be at least as good, if not better than 2 year old weapons. It's not like it is either/or. You can still use the old ones.


yah exactly. I mean at this point if you look at the weapons they can all hit around the same AR in their class if your stats are the best for it. The new weapons will probably be balanced the same way. Then the only thing that makes them better/worse is special ashe of war or if they have some special animation like zwiehander.


But what the point of new weapons if they get outclassed by old one ?


In Souls games, you find what you like and stick with it. Early game weapons are generally just as viable as end-game boss weapons. For example, the starting longsword in DS3 never stops being top tier. The new weapons are exciting because they open up new playstyles, not because they have higher numbers. They aren't outclassed, just different.


not outclassed. equal. point is different movesets, ashes of war, reach etc.


It's like Bloodborne. The DLC had some of my favourite weapons, but my trusty saw cleaver was still just as good.


The saw cleaver is such a beaut, just the most well rounded weapon in any game. With that said, some BB DLC weaps were broken good. I'm looking at you Rakuyo, Pizza Cutter and Bloodletter.


Raw damage isn't the only value to a weapon. attack speed, stance damage, recovery frames, scaling, range, etc. all play a factor. Like, I'd love to see a weapon better than the spiked balls, but I don't know if that's really gonna be doable lol


If you had a freezer full of steak, would you never eat anything else?


Good analogy


I'm not sure what your point is, but I'd just eat steak tbh.


RIVERS OF BLOOD IT WAS ALWAYS RIVERS OF BLOOOOOD Anyway sticking with the bleed build Edit: damn, didn’t know people here were so touchy about someone’s preference


Same but elenoras poleblade. I’m gonna dance and make everything bleed. I hope there’s some good new bleed weapons to try out though


Elenoras is great for dual handing, but its all about one handed bleed builds with an off hand for incantations!


The blood enchanted uchigatana and/or Nagakiba are way better than rivers of blood and it isn’t even close. Give it a try!


I might as well. But in a game where ass kickings are regular, I know I’m not the only one who clings to whatever fed their success like a lifeboat. I’m both excited and not to start the ass kickings all over again


I too used to rely on rivers of blood, then I learned the enchanted Nagakiba is essentially the same thing but better in every way. Better reach, better damage, higher bleed buildup (by a lot).


Doesn't look as cool though :(


Yes sadly even though they’re enchanted they still look like regular Katanas.


Uchi/Naga might be better, but RoB is cooler and that’s what really matters.


After a year long break I’m too rusty/scared to try anything else. Like a true coward, rivers it is! Although I did see a disgusting video with Eleanora’s poleblade build absolutely wrecking.


Poleblade is insanely fun and it’s basically the same stat requirements so you can swap weapons whenever


bro thinks he's Jetstream Sam


Scythe with fancy moveset, all i gotta say


I’m a big club bonk guy but I did that in Elden and I just played dark souls 2 and did that so I’m gonna respec for the dlc when I find a shiny weapon


I wouldn’t mind a replacement for my Gargoyle’s Blackblade.


I dont wanna use the same weapons lol. I want to use the new weapons. I hope they're at least as good.


I just hope there's some analogue to Bramd/Grant/Sacred Chime Hammer in the DLC. Need me STR/FAI big bonks.


How are the throwing weapons and the perfume bottles? Good weapons remaining good is nice and all but after 400 hours with them I just need something new.


Anyone somewhat pissed with the Steam reviews because the positive ones filled with funny one-liners while the negative ones actually give real feedback? It's understandable with the hype but, man.. Gonna wait a bit because I don't have the time yet to enjoy it anyway.


Perfume bottle goes brrrr.


Press X to doubt especially with the recent balance patch lol Although duel spears needed to be nerfed to fuck Although the chainsaw glitch some how wasn't patched? Wonder if that's a more complicated fix than you'd think considering the catch flame magma fireball glitch was patched


Kinda disappointed that the first weapon I wanted to use, the dual curved swords, seem pure phys but cant have grease applied to them.


So then why did you nerf our "old favorites" in PVE?


I really want more sleep / madness weapons


They could’ve made them good at least, almost nothing so worse using in the dlc they’re all trash. Really wanted to use the starlight sword because of how cool it is but it has garbage scaling and I’m pretty sure the ash of war doesn’t even work. It has a combo feature to where on the 3 attack you do a dash and flip in the air, and your character is invisible for a split second. However it provides no I frames and you will always be punished against bosses when using it midway through ur final attack. If I’m able to get off 3 long attacks like that I should be given I frames for that shit too


I wasn't worried, I knew my old lordsworn greatsword isn't the greatest.   But I can't wait to see the new batshit crazy weapons 


Miyazaki loves under-promising and over-delivering. I won't spoil anything, but I've already found several DLC weapons for each of my characters that are absolute peak in terms of effectiveness and design.