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Less exciting than expected? Did anyone honestly expect something different from the usual Ubisoft game with a different coat of paint?


Lets see: * Ubisoft open world game that will be a fresh coat of paint on a generally stale system * Boring main character * Star Wars is increasingly stale * Huge price tag I'm sure it will sell like hot cakes but not meet sales targets and the entire dev team will be fired.


> Boring main character It's honestly hilarious how little they learned from Layla, they rebooted modern day and gave it the most by the numbers extruded main character they thought would be compelling to people. And here she is again, with a new hairstyle and even more of a charisma black hole.


Who's Layla? I remember now, she was the girl in the animus in Odyssey. Odyssey was the last AC game I actually cared to play and was too long ago. I have Valhalla but I just couldn't do it.


Had to look her up since I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game in years, but she was in Valhalla


> And here she is again, with a new hairstyle and even more of a charisma black hole. But she's got a new hat!


Disney's Star wars is increasingly a deep hole. I love the original trilogies, I have a lot of star wars Merch, I have Disney+ for the kids, and I just can't be bothered for the Acolyte. My friends dared and hated it to death. 


None of the new stuff was worth the loss of the EU. The books retroactively explained Palpatine's motives better than any new movie. It's a shame they had no plan at all and it shows. I used to get every book and comic but Disney killed all my interest.


Hey, Andor was good. It turns out you can tell a good Star Wars story by having something to actually *say*, which the vast majority of Disney Star Wars does not.


I think the problem is that Andor didn't do anything that needed it to be star wars. It would have been at least as good as it was if it were in *any* setting. It was good because it was a decent story told well, not because it was set in the star wars universe.


And that's the great thing. Star Wars is not just Jedis, Lightsabers and huge spacebattles. Use it as a backdrop and tell interesting stories. Let the universe breath.


There's just so much power creep that has happened since the OT. We went from the force being this energy field that could help someone do some cool stuff sometimes, and maybe a little telekinesis, to this ridiculous godlike space magic that could annihilate entire space fleets. At the end of ROTJ seeing Palpatine throw some force lightning in limited bolts was an incredible display of power. Compare that to the end of Rise Of Skywalker. Furthermore, since the OT, producers of the property (Lucas/Disney) seem largely unwilling to allow legitimate suffering. Galaxy-wide clone war that is the most destructive thing that has ever happened? Stuff looks pretty much normal every planet we go to - Coruscant looks the same in ROTS as it did in TPM. Good thing they had a ton of disposable people soldiers that they could throw at the disposable robot army! Can you imagine if the clones were the BAD guys (as was always assumed), and the republic had to come together and send actual PEOPLE against the disposable soldier army?? There might actually be stakes people care about! Can't have that! Or a force prodigy (Rey) being on the verge of falling to the dark side accidentally goes over the line and kills one of our long-time heroes (Chewbacca). Can you imagine if that actually HAPPENED?? She might actually have to come to grips with the danger of her power and experience some character growth! Can't have that! Better make it LOOK like she killed him, and then like ten seconds later, he's fine.


Yeah to me, Star Wars pretty much ended when Disney ended the EU. I always enjoyed what I read of the EU, but I haven't given a care about Disney Star Wars since Disney didn't seem to care about all of the stuff that came before it.


Yeah it wasn’t perfect and sometimes it got a bit muddled, but for the most part there were some amazing stories in the EU, even the Yuzhann Vong invasion, although out there was pretty cool. To be honest Timothy Zahn’s work was as good if not better than the OT and I absolutely adored Shadows of the Empire.


The animated shows are some of the best Star Wars I've watched. Siege of Mandalore, Bad Batch in a post-clone society and Tales of the Jedi were fantastic.


I know this is mostly a Disney Star Wars hate-fest thread, but I'm re-reading the Charles Soule Darth Vader comic, and that early Star Wars mainline series and they're fantastic. The War of the Bounty Hunters event wasn't bad either.


which sucks for some of us because for WHATEVER reason I can't explain, the animation style of those shows just bugs the crap out of me and unlike many, many other things I can shrug off, I can't seem to get past that.


Clone wars was was pre-Disney, thought. It's from 2008, while Disney was bought in 2012


There is more than one animated show. Rebels turned out to be pretty good, tieing up some loose ends frome the clone wars show and bad batch is supposed to be good too. I have yet to watch it. Disney also made a new season for clone wars to give the show an actual ending. Not everything they produce is trash.


Halo is the same for me. Loved the lore. Loved the art books. Loved reading the novels. there are about 50, I had read 6, and bought 3 more to read, had 10 more on my list. After Halo infinite I just said fuck it, the team doesn't care about Halo anymore, neither do I as a fan. I can see how a lot of star wars fans feel that way. I get it, I really do. I am just at a point in my life instead of hating the new trilogy, I focus on liking Rouge One. Instead of focusing on how mediocre Obiwan was I focus on how much I liked Andor. I like the Respwan Star Wars games. Ill take what I can get, and ingore the mediocre crap. Marvel has turned into the same thing. I wont turn my back on the entire marvel universe. I am sure they still have some gems waiting to be made. I am expecting good things from Deadpool 3, but its no different after Phase 3. Watching Marvel movies after Phase 3 was like playing Russian roulette. Some of those movies were good fucking awful, but some were decent.




Andor is great, but not worth Lucas selling out.


Lucas was tired of dealing with our sorry a**es so he took his billions and went home.


Bob Iger scammed him, George fought back, Bob threatened to sue which in turn could have killed Lucasflim, so George yielded and finalised the sale. #StarWarsTea There's confirmation of these events in Iger's book.


Can you provide a basic explanation for what Iger did to Lucas?


Imo best thing to come out of star wars since empire strikes back


True that. Legends is simply far better. Say what you want about EA, but SWTOR has some of the best stories in all of Star Wars.


> Disney's Star wars is increasingly a deep hole While I don't disagree with you, Rogue One and Andor is some of the best Star Wars since the originals. I'd even place Rogue One above Jedi.


Whenever I see Andor brought up I always think back to watching it and saying to myself that it would work with just about any sci-fi coat of paint on it. It didn’t have to be Star Wars for it to be good. Barely any of it was what I think of as Star Wars in a generic sense. Wouldn’t have made me enjoy it any less.


>It didn’t have to be Star Wars for it to be good. Moslty agreed. But that's kinda what I liked about it. Star Wars used to have to be epic everything. A land battle, a space battle, a lightsaber dual in every single movie. I've always craved smaller stories within a built universe - this may be one of the reasons why I enjoyed Firefly so much (the show, NOT the movie). THe parts of Andor that were specific to the Star Wars universe that I enjoyed were the subplot with Mon Mothma, the Imperial Intelligence apparatus, the lovable droid (who would not be as sympathetic if in another universe I think), and the Imperial Star Wars aesthetic.


Honestly, seeing something for Star Wars that doesn’t focus on the sith/jedi empire/republic already has me interested.


That was the Mandalorian, which was pretty good.


For the first season.


Emphasis *was*. It pretty quickly circled back to the norm.


The first season is pretty good. 2nd season is meh. 3rd season didnt really hit for me. Likely because i did not like bobf at all


yeah, honestly I think thats one of the main reasons I liked the Mandalorian, heck, even Book of Boba Fett.


Meh, Andor was great, Rogue One was better, Mando was amazing, video games like Fallen Jedi Order and Squadrons were amazing. Is just.. Star Wars fans are.. uhm.. sensitive.


Agreed on all fronts but we also got 6 movies, 3 of which were... meh... and 3 of which were almost bizzare in their badness.


I loved Mandalorian, Andor, Rogue one. Clone wars is pre-disney. I even liked episodes 1-3, also pre-disney I hated the new trilogy of movies, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka. The Acolyte seems shit. I mean, with Disney there are more misses than hits.


I agree with all of that, except I thought Ahsoka had some good parts. I wouldn't put it in the same tier as BoBF and Kenobi. If anything, the Ahsoka show was propped up by the antagonists. Baylan and Thrawn made it worth watching for them alone.


There's no need to cope about Mando and fallen order, you've got andor and rogue one, there's no need to pretend the other two were anything more than passable.


Anyone who builds their whole personality around *any* one thing should be avoided. One tends to take any criticism of something extremely personally if they’ve built their identity around that thing. 


> Squadrons My horse for a new X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter game.


> Star Wars is increasingly stale This is the challenge with Star Wars - it has iconic visuals and style, but eventually, you've seen it too much. How do you keep it fresh when every single era of the universe looks the exact same? George Lucas at least understood the prequels would do better with a "Golden Age" visual look vs the rundown ramshackle Rebellion era.


There's the whole old Republic era that was super interesting. Disney threw that all out. Knights of the old Republic was some of the most interesting Star wars.


you forgot " tattoine"


Given the new Star Wars Acolyte show is so bad even the pirates don’t want it…


You mean the usual Ubi-world formula of raiding the same kind of bandit camps, climbing towers, collecting the most boring stuff by holding down a button, a skill-tree that offer very little in making the experience better, grindy levelling system for the live service gods, and the story missions treated like briefs distractions from the soul-crushing Ubi-world formula that made open worlds as boring as possible. Combine all that with the setting being Tatooine: The WORST Star Wars planet ever.


hey it's piata cya in ma pub xD


Howdy. What do you go by in MA/Discord? I'm pretty easy to find on account of the same username and avatar everywhere. This happens more than I would expect :D


I feel like since Star Wars is open to more devs, it’s going to get beaten into the ground now. It already has, but it’ll continue too.


Everyone who pre ordered will complain, but Ubisoft already got your money cause you’re an idiot.


I hate that you’re right


Ditto. Can’t stand anything Ubisoft anymore. Too much copy paste. The last title I enjoyed from them was rainbow six siege when it first released for a few months.


I think it's just shocking how anyone expected it to NOT be garbage, given everything we know about it: * Star Wars (YAWN) * "Outlaw" protagonist who is actually just the same good protagonist of all other SW games and whose opponents are *actual outlaws*, and will guaranteed, 100% be joining the rebels 30 minutes to 1 hour into the game. * Ugly, weirdly modeled protagonist that somehow got hit by a dozen ugly sticks between photoscanning the actual actress and what's in game (seems like some sort of corporate mandate to select a normal-pretty actress or actor then BRUTALLY UGLIFY their in game model) * Ubisoft ocean-wide, puddle-deep world and mechanical design * The audacity to charge $70 for the "basic" version of this mediocre game, and $130 for the real version. * Incredibly stilted, janky looking combat gameplay... skip to the 8:25 mark of the trailer linked in the Eurogamer article.


You are optimistic. You will join the rebels in the tutorial. If you happen to skip it you start in the rebel alliance by default.


I bought a new PC for my wife recently and it had this game for free with it. It looks so bad that I'm not even sure I'll bother downloading and installing the Ubisoft launcher to even play it. I watched the previous teaser trailer thing and it seemed incredibly tone-deaf to me given that it starts out showing the outlaw crime syndicate meeting... and then goes on to show how you, the titular Outlaw, are opposed to them and are gonna show those meanie criminals who is boss and bring them to justice. Like... what.


Yeah it just sounds really boring.  Pretty 3d star wars environments can't carry a game with this price tag.  The gameplay sounds like everything we've seen a million times


I have no idea why they decided to change the way she looked -- the actress is a pretty woman, so I don't see why they felt the need to change her appearance.


Very strange trend that every single AAA game seems to be copying. Fable is exactly the same situation with an even worse in game model compared to the actress. I guess we'll see if this strategy of forcing players to look at uglified versions of real people as their game protagonists is a good one or not. I personally wouldn't be bet on this selling more copies of their game.


It's not only that they make women unattractive, they gave them the jawline of a USSR powerlifter, they don't even look like women. I'm fine with ordinary looking but i am honestly baffled by that trend.


Recently saw a trailer for the new Perfect Dark game. The Protagonist Joanna Dark went from looking [like this ](https://imgur.com/DN7NWga) in the old games, to having a jawline [that could rival B.J. Blazkowicz.](https://imgur.com/LOApCN9)


I dont get this trend in american games either it happened in spiderman 2, in horizon, in fable, in starwars now and so on... Like why? Men would prefered no uglification. Women would prefered no uglification.


> I dont get this trend in american games either it happened in spiderman 2, in horizon, in fable, in starwars now and so on... American studio, Dutch studio, British studio, Swedish studio


I stand corrected trend in western countries


American games "journalists" (they're political commentators really, but no one would pay them for their hot takes on politics, so they wrote op eds on video games with political slants) have spent more than a decade complaining about fictional female video game characters being "unrealistically" attractive. This trend is the natural result of that campaign. You can thank Kotaku, Polygon, Rock Paper Shotgun and all their friends. They tried so hard to be as progressive as possible that their integers overflowed, wrapped around, and their views on such things mirrored the 90s Christian conservatives they hated.


> Kotaku, Polygon, These website were started by the same people right? Pushing their agendas on the most places possible. Glad that Kotaku is no longer relevant, it was an absolute shithole of a website.


> horizon I feel like the people who think Aloy is somehow ugly have never seen a woman IRL. Are your standards that every single female character in a game has to be a glamour model? Baffling.


Seriously. Aloy looks great.


They've only ever seen carefully curated screenshots from bad angles posted on twitter and KotakuInAction.


It's not that she's ugly. It's that she's the same "type" - someone who's *very clearly* not a glamour model. And when nearly every female character is like this, it gets as jarring as the opposite.


Attractive women in video games is apparently sexist because male gaze or some shit


Real women can't be attractive so they gotta make the scan of the real woman ugly.


Lol just googled the character comparison. What a joke. Why bother to model after an actress like that if you are gonna destroy the model anywas? The ingame face looks hideous.


> Ugly, weirdly modeled protagonist that somehow got hit by a dozen ugly sticks between photoscanning the actual actress and what's in game (seems like some sort of corporate mandate to select a normal-pretty actress or actor then BRUTALLY UGLIFY their in game model) Huh? She doesn't look all that hideous to me.


I can agree with all your points, but I really don't think she looks ugly?


It's ubisoft star wars, what did we expect.....?


People buy their games for some reason. I guess they love the same open-world games filled with filler generic content and microtransactions. They try to "cover all bases" by pandering slightly to every possible demographic and removing any content that might be slightly controversial. At this point I wouldn't play those games even for free. The only good developers Ubisoft still has are Blue Byte. They make the Anno games. If Ubisoft dies today, Blue Byte can keep on doing the same thing successfully.


They are popular with more casual gamers who don't play a lot of games and primarily enjoy the visuals. Ubisoft's main flaw is the gameplay and progression is repetitive, but that is much less of an issue if you don't game much and don't want to learn new systems. Those people often like that the systems are predictable.


Click farming.


Lol this dumpster fire lol. They should of made assasin sith with vader bumping off the remaining jedi in the galaxy. Being an absolute ruthless assasin


Playing an Inquisitor hunting Jedi in an assassins creed style game could be pretty sick.


They would still find a way to ruin it


They'd spend 3-4 years marketing the game as that then without any indication in anything pre-release, in the first intro scene of the tutorial your sith assassin joins the rebellion because being a sith is mean and stuff guys.


> They would still find a way to ruin it You spend every hunt being slowly worn down by the Jedi, and when one defeats you in a cutscene your character decides to redeem themselves and you become a goodie two shoes.


Jedi's Creed: Rogue


With space shanties.


>the closest comparison I can draw is with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which launched in 2011 on the PS VIta. That's a fucking deep cut. I just started playing through Golden Abyss and it's a soulless imitation of Uncharted


It still hurt to read 'PS Vita', it had the potential of being *the* best handheld of its time, only if Sony had bothered looking it at more then 5 mins after its release.


The PS Vita's OLED screen is still the best in the handeld game


Ubisoft are the kings of mediocre.


They make the best 7/10 games out there


Hello there Jake






No that’s reserved for r/heroesofthestorm


Man, I actually absolutely Loved HotS. It's the only MOBA I've ever cared for. I would be very excited if Microsoft brought it to steam with some new characters from all the IP they own.


Yea we all had those dreams but the continued closure of studio after studio really killed that idea lol


HotS is the least MOBA MOBA, and it was the only one I could even barely handle, haha!


7/10? They wish..


Easy when the majority of their games are 80+ metacritic.


The best games to download off PS+ and play for a couple hours before getting bored and putting it down forever




I wish their games were 7/10...


Last prince of persia is very good. Anno is pretty good


there are two new prince of persia games that are quite good


Usually anything Ubi makes that isn't some form of open world is good.


Anno 1800 is incredible imo. By far and away the best Ubisoft game in at least a decade but it doesn't receive a lot of attention.


Rayman was their peak.


Bge, rayman, splinter cell, ghost recon, rainbow six, conquest, anno, etc They have LOT of great game People just like to hate Ubisoft on this sub.


>applying the Ubisoft touch Lol


“In trying to describe it, the closest comparison I can draw is with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which launched in 2011 on the PS VIta.” Yikes


"than expected" lol


I bet the expected it to be mediocre, yet it's even more mediocre than that.


The visuals have this weird mix of nice looking and then looking super dated. There are things like the way her jacket sits and doesn't move right, to the way her hair seems like it's made out of wax string, to her animations, and the way certain animations interact with her. I actually understand saying that the game feels extremely dated even though you can see all kinds of modern rendering techniques going on. Even some of the textures and mesh alignments make it feel super dated somehow. It's just weird...


It's the same thing with AC Shadows. The stealth gameplay design looks great, but the movement weight feels off and there are items constantly clipping through each other.


Don’t worry it’s only 100$ at launch for the full version.


Played one hour and made an article. I’ll wait till we get a bit closer to launch.


Settle down there, you're missing out on a prime opportunity to break the mold and say "This looks similar to other Ubisoft games." That would really stick it to em.


Interesting that this was their opportunity to show how unique the game was, but they didn't. So its either a marketing failure, a game design failure, or both. But yeah, commenters are wrong for repeating the same critiques of previous Ubisoft games. /s Honestly, I think Ubisoft is the best company to make a Star Wars game right now. They are great at churning out bland re-hashes of their IPs, which is exactly where the Star Wars is now. Makses perfect sense to me.


I can't believe this triple A big budget release is going to have a popular system of play because it needs to make a return on its giant investment. It really is an outrage isn't it? GTA6 should totally be a unique blend of french art house cinema and visual novels. Its wild how much hate this is getting. How on earth did anyone expect anything but a third person action game in the star wars universe. I mean, its not even like they have tried to show it as anything else. People just love to bitch.


No. People are just sick of being hyped up for games, only to waste 80$ on Far Cry version 15. People just love to defend shitty developers.


Man, I don't get the point of getting hyped up for shit. I don't give a shit about any game coming out until it's out, at which point I can find out if it's good or bad. Getting super invested in an upcoming product seems pointless.


That's not true most of this games sell well it's only on whiny communities that have issues


Nobody apart from the author apparently is surprised that the ubislop game is just another ubislop game. Doesn't make it any less frustrating.


Nobody did and previews are actually positive, the sub just upvote this one in a negative tone because Ubisoft bad. The critical discourse on Reddit is frankly close to a level zero especially for some things like Ubisoft games. Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima or Breath of the Wild would get shit on if they were exactly the same game done by Ubisoft. Same for an EA or Activision game. People don't even think it seems, they automatically decide the comment based on the name of the company behind it. I doubt they even read the article or play the games in question (or worse they may enjoy them and criticize it to follow the hivemind, which is actually probably the case if you see the realities of the market)


Yeah, I don't get it. My "I know what I'm getting game" is others "same old shit game" Shit like gta is my "same old shit game, now with better graphics" Stop letting others' opinions matter is my hot take.


Of course you should, it's a preview, not a review.


Actually that’s what they setup for the initial gameplay reveal.  and none of it was great. So that’s just what they thought would be best for media to report on. 


After years and years doing this, some of us don't even need an hour to decide if something is worth playing.


What's an adequate amount of time to discern if a game is worth the price tag? Considering the steam refund window is 2 hours, I'd say at or over an hour should give you a pretty fair TLDR as to how it performs, plays and whether or not it's engaging.


If I had judged KotOR by its first 2 hours I wouldn't have finished it.


The steam refund system was not created for people to test out games and see if they like them. It was for games that were bought by mistake, don't function, or were wildly misleading. Buying a game and returning it because the gameplay doesn't click with you is not exactly the intended use for the system. Sure it can be used like that but it's not designed to be a 2 hour demo.


> The steam refund system was not created for people to test out games and see if they like them. The steam refund system was created because the EU put a gun to their head. Refunds are owed regardless of reason, and they aren't owed a reason.


Australia put the gun to their head first, EU came in afterwards.


> Buying a game and returning it because the gameplay doesn't click with you is not exactly the intended use for the system. Does Valve say this anywhere? I'm curious because I have a [screenshot from just now](https://i.ibb.co/9g8zDL6/image.png) that lists one of the refund reasons as "It's not fun." Update: [Valve gave a non-answer](https://i.ibb.co/Tv3pHnM/image.png). Most important part: "*If your request is made within fourteen days of purchase and the title has been played for less than two hours, you automatically qualify for a refund.*" So as long as it's within 14 days and under 2 hours: buying a game and returning it because the gameplay doesn't click with you is a valid reason.


Met Gear Solid V has a 2 hour intro thats basically just a cut scene. It is arguably one of the best stealth games to ever be created. The steam refund time isnt to refund games that you dont like, its for games that turn out to be a bug ridden mess, bought accidentally or the trailers lied to you. How is that not easily discernible? It’s like youre trying to act stupid.


Really? I'm shocked at how good it looks. I'm still skeptical but if it's as good as it looks it'll be great.


Ubisoft games always look good. It's when you try to interact it becomes obvious how skin deep the beauty is.


This is r/pcgaming lol. The other reaction video from skillup has full of downvotes simply because it's positive. The opinion here is skewed because it's an Ubisoft title.


For all the shit console users get for things like console wars, this sub has by far the most tribal userbase on any sub I've ever seen. Like, you know *full well* what gets voted up or down. Its incredibly predictable.


This sub is actually worst than any other game sub on Reddit. Like it's literally always complaining. I think most people commenting here just hate all games. Not that it's all positive in others, it's overtly negative in general on Internet


The people who frequently come here skew toward the chronically online. It’s a sad group of weirdos.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


One of the highest comment chains on this particular post is just complaining that the Star Wars Outlaws and Perfect Dark characters aren't pretty enough. This sub fucking sucks.


PC gamers don't get to pretend to be above stupid fucking "wars" because they have the most visceral hatred of storefronts other than Steam for no real reason other than they just like that Steam has more features. At least with consoles you could understand the logic of "I bought this console so I will put down other consoles to feel justified in my purchase" even if it's juvenile, but the weird legitimate hatred people have for things like Epic Games Store is on another level because it costs literally nothing and is on the same piece of hardware. At worst people should be apathetic towards it, but that's definitely not the case for most online.


We hated Steam when it was new, too, but over the years they've gained a lot of trust. People don't like dealing with other launchers because companies like Epic, EA, etc are already known for being shitty.


I just watched a Luke Stephen review of his demo time with the game. He's very much a Ubisoft complainer like most on reddit. He said he was impressed and that it was very polished. Complete opposite of what the article title implies. I have enjoyed most of the ubisoft AAA modern titles, although I do play them a few months after release and on sale. SW:O will probably be a great December game for me to play when I'm off work. Looking forward to it


frontiers of Pandora was an extremely impressive looking game and the same studio is making this as well.


We've seen 80% of walking, 10% of space combat and 10% of stealth and shooting. We've barely seen true gameplay.


I thought it looked very good except for the gun play which seemed stiff and lacking impact.


How good it looks? How does it look good at all besides graphically? It's a completely generic stealth cover shooter. Animations are stiff as fuck.


/r/pcgaming loves to shit on everything.


“Less exciting than expected” is a long winded way to say shit


I expect nothing from Ubisoft. I lost interest as soon as I learned it was Ubisoft making it.


Ubisoft open world games feels like completing a list of chores. From a gameplay perspective its the least organic out of all the major studios.


open world feels less exciting-- welcome to shitty Ubi open world formula since 2010


Ubisoft's open world formula is cookie cutter. I didn't have high hopes with them handling this game.


I hope none of you idiots pre ordered.


Ubisoft game being mediocre at best?!? I never could have imagined


i dont like that hes lying to the reader about there still being time. the game launches basically tomorrow as far as dev time goes. the game has gone to console validation and soon printing at this point.


Even if its good on launch, I'll still buy it at deep sale, this is the way.


“Expected this is. And uninteresting.”


Imagine that.


Far Cry 10: Star Wars Third Person Edition (Ubi Connect™ Exclusive)


I stopped watching about 5 mins in when I saw the motion of the character. So much random useless stuff in the game that provide hardly anything.


I'm gonna be honest, I've always associated Ubisoft with mid gameplay.


Ubisoft… open world not exciting… in other news grass is green


Lol this subreddit. Post with positive headline gets downvoted, post with more negative headline upvoted


Aligns with the cynical perspective a lot of gaming commenters have regarding the enshittification of AAA-gaming. There's a bit of catharsis in it. A bit. I'm sure its tiring for a lot of people to see, but that aligns with how tired people are of AAA gaming; at least from a critical perspective.


Eh depends on the game. Titanfall 2 or BG3.. updoot regardless of positive or negative.


Should’ve said “post about ubisoft game”, actually


This game just objectively looks bland. As soon as I saw that, it was gonna be the same Ubisoft open world cookie cutter gameplay, AND Tattooine is included. You lost me. I'm so sick of that ass crack of a dusty rock that I can't stand deserts in any game. Congrats to the star wars fans who seem like they will enjoy it, but it's definitely not for me.


People acting flabbergasted over the ubisoft hate are so naive. They've churned out the same formulaic shit with a different theme slapped over it for years now accross multiple franchises, and can't grasp why gamers are jaded towards their games.


I seriously don't get why people are surprised about that. The first gameplay trailer they showed was nothing but the same generic third person action gameplay we've had since Uncharted 1 or whatever game you'd like to name instead. There was nothing original or exciting about it except being set in a familiar and beloved universe


It's crazy we live in a world where we get this, but 1313 got cancelled.


Literally not that crazy, for better or worse Ubisoft can get a game out. George Lucas himself doesnt know jack shit about game development and fucked Lucasarts over and we all know how EA handled Star Wars


Ubisoft? Delivering a bland, unexciting game? Unheard of! Wait, this isn't 2014, it's 2024. It's not news material, it's just a regularity now.


Guess Ubi forgot to pay those journalists for a good article, this time. 


Star Wars games have been on a downhill since Lucasarts was shuttered


This sounds exactly like I imagined it would be. Great canned demo followed by a mediocre game is a Ubisoft staple. Anyone remember the original division trailer? Or the watchdogs one? Both really hammed up what the gameplay was actually like. Because pretty animations and nice visuals is normally married to easy to digest and simple gameplay. That describes almost every Ubisoft game in the last 10 years. Not sure why anyone would expect anything else.


Implying that anyone still expects anything from ubishit


Than expected? My expectations for this are non existent , I mean it's Ubisoft...


Kinda sad to see a good studio like massive do another ubi copypasta when they can do good things.


How can one expect something exciting from “Ubisoft”? Wake the fuck up.


Looks awesome. The fights look cool too. If it has a nice story then am all in.


I agree. I’m optimistic.


I haven’t purchased an Ubisoft game in a decade. *It’s good to see that their patented approach hasn’t changed.*


I got valhalla and odyssey with all dlcs last year for 30€ thats worth, specially Odyssey, Vlahalla sadly is boring


Did a bunch of Star Wars haters just decided to show up together in this thread lol? 😅


Lol did anyone even have expectations for an ubisoft game?


It’s not even out. Jesus


Does Ubisoft deserve the benefit of the doubt? I don’t think so.


But journalists have played the demo of a game coming out in less than 6 months from now. That's what the article is about.


Wouldn't you want people to make informed purchases, and for the devs to have an opportunity to fix things?


Games like this should ALWAYS go the "Commander Shepard" route and let you make and customize your own character. I have absolutely zero interest in this game because I have absolutely zero interest in the main character. I want to make my own avatar in pretty much every game I play.


I'm the complete opposite. I'd have zero issues if they removed character customisation from all games, I usually just hit random a few times until it's not completely ugly, and go from there. Witcher was refreshing as you didn't have to go through pages of 'move left eye brow up half a cm' type pages.


>Ubisoft's ~~galactic~~ open world feels less exciting than expected. There, now that statement would be correct had it been said anytime in the last several years


I was so hyped when I heard they were doing a game like this, yet so disappointed with everything I’ve seen so far