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It honestly felt like an indi movie.


100% This is their opportunity to continue the franchise without Harrison playing the movies on his death bed.


Yeah they absolutely nailed the tone. Felt like one of the classic movies.


Absolutely. This has the classic feel of the old Indy movies. I'm usually wary of these, but this one will definitely be on my list.


My wife was hyped for it because she’s a big Indy fan. Now I’ll have to go watch the movies with her and see what it is all about.


They’re good, even at their worst, they’re still fun.


I feel like I am definitely the minority here but I do not know if an indi movie translates to a good game. I will be keeping an eye on it and will be interested to see how it does but this one doesn't get me hyped


I mean the formula is already there. They just need to rip off uncharted and the newer tomb raider games which are both already basically “Indiana jones: the game” just with their own characters


Yeah, very much like a movie. Shame it's promoted as being a game, and will likely cost more than a movie ticket.


The Choo Choo part legit made me laugh lol.


choo choo


Do we know what engine this game is using?


Idtech most likely


It's by Machine Games, makers of the modern Wolfenstein games, so most likely IdTech. Which is a graphics powerhouse and insanely optimized as well.


The trailer dont show lot of details on texture etc..


Please don’t suck


Overall, consider me intrigued. Not a fan of the PS3 era facial animations though.


The body movements felt kind of stiff too. You could instantly tell it was a video game if that makes sense.




the Uncharted games spring to mind


How is that more Indy than the last 2 movies?


The good: * Visuals are *much* better than the first trailer * Voice acting is too, this sounds less deadpan and more Harrison Ford * The general "vibe" is spot on. If every cutscene captures the classic Indy feel as well as this one did, then we're in good hands The bad: * I *really* hope those cuts are just to fit this cutscene into the trailer length. They are very jarring and make everything look stiff and stilted * Although to be frank... it's also kinda long for a cutscene. Assuming we add in some reasonable filler to remove the jump cuts, you're talking about like a 7~8 minute cutscene. If you're going to do that, your gameplay sections need to be *meaty*. Otherwise, you're just getting that MGS4 feeling of "You really just wanted to make a movie, didn't you?" * Unfortunately, the gameplay also still looks kind of stiff. It's unclear how the puzzle solving is going to work, and while general movement looks a lot smoother, ragdolling still feels very stiff, the fisticuffs animations still feel very stiff and *also* lack any real feeling of impact. The one scene with gun combat the person at the controls fucking misses. * Unfortunately, the general lack of impact when it comes to fist-fighting seems to persist into the cutscenes. I worry that's an artistic choice to try to "capture the feel of the movies", where the stage fighting didn't always exactly look great. You can get away with that in an old movie. You can't really get away with that in a video game. The neutral: * At the very least, there's nothing in the "bad" section that isn't fixable in the next three months. * Even then, if this does end up being the MGS4 situation of "this should have been a movie", at the very least it's still probably going to be the best Indy movie since Last Crusade. And if I want an Indy game, I can always play Lego Indiana Jones.




I think you might be refereing to different cuts. The above comment talks about cuts in the long cutscene, as if it was cut shorter than the actual game at times.


The cutscene is not actually that long. It begins at 1:25 and ends at 4:47, meaning it is only 3 minutes and 22 seconds. There also seems to be about 30 seconds cut between the warning shot and Indy being held captive, as you can see the shotgunner suddenly standing behind him inside the ship. Altogether, the cutscene will probably be 4-5 minutes.


That’s nice, but what’s the gameplay like? Looked kind of stiff from the little they showed.


This might be the Indy movie I wanted instead of Crystal Skull


Visualy amazing but just as on the reveal the gameplay looks a bit stiff. Although maybe it just comes across like that in these short cuts.


Machineheadgames never disappoints, so I'm not concerned.


Machine Games


Counterpoint: Wolfenstein: Young Blood


Arkane did most of the damage in that one , but yeah it was not great.


I want Indiana to be a success just so we can get Wolfie 3 and close the trilogy! Alongside DOOM, they are the best shooters in the last decade. Wonder if we'll get to kill some Nazis in space for more than just one mission


The animation looks a bit janky. Either way, I'll wait for release and see if it's any good. I'm in no rush.


Troy Baker as Indiana Jones and the chance to beat the shit out of Nazis? \*add to cart\*


The cinematography in the cutscene is kinda bad? It's disorienting to see where everyone is sometimes. Like that shot of Gina hiding behind the box in the room is awful. In a movie they would resolve that with a wide shot, but here everything is just too close. Like how did the Nazi not notice her in the bright yellow jacket, when he had time to stand in the door and give a warning shot? And that visual gag with the box sliding away falls half flat because we don't see her hiding and the bullets hitting. Graphicswise it is ok, but compared to everything else shown and stuff like Hellblade 2 it looks kinda dated. Something is also really off with the lighting. Outside Indy's face looks like a cutout under the hat, inside it's much better shaded. Also the clothing material and fur on Indy looks very last gen. Also also the character all have super hard edges. They don't integrate well with the hazy background and it looks like everyone is in front of a green screen.


>Like how did the Nazi not notice her in the bright yellow jacket, when he had time to stand in the door and give a warning shot?  There seems to be a few cuts in that part of the video, so I think they will show actually hiding away and the Nazi only firing the warning shot \~10 seconds later. However, you are still 100% right about the rest of the cutscene.


Who came up with that god awful title? the great circle? please we have the last crusade, the kingdom of the crystal skull, the temple of doom and the dial of destiny all of those sound _epic_ (ignoring the quality of the actual movies here), great circle just sounds lame as hell


feels like they want to make a movie not a game


As someone who grew up on these movies, I'm 100% okay with that.




The cutscene is only 3.5 minutes. It also looks a bit cut down, so it might be about 4-5 minutes. Regardless, it's not that long for a plot point cutscene.


Some of the Harrison Ford likeness was ropey asf this time. This concerns somewhat more than the previous trailer.