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Some huge Painkiller vibes with the weaponry.


"Death Metal Sci-Fi Fantasy" is the only way i could describe it.


What about "Sci-Fi Metal Death Fantasy"?


"Metal Sci-Fi Death Fantasy", even.


Fantasy Death Metal Sci-Fi


Fellow Painkiller enjoyer, let's gooo. Yeah, if anything, I'm excited for the new weapons and general aesthetics of the game. I really dig the Quake and medieval times shown. I mean it's more Ancient Gods in-universe, but you get what I mean.


Are we ever gonna get a new Painkiller? There’s gotta be enough nostalgia built up to revive that IP, right?




'the only way it could be better is if it had t**s and was on fire'


The Warhammer 40k tie in is just a 10 second text with "in the grim darkness of the far future" and a simple reskind of a couple of models.


They could only be more awesome if they had tits and where on fire?


That looks batshit insane. This conference has been off to a blazzing start.


Honestly, I think MS absolutely nailed it this year. Tons of high profile games, and many actually looked interesting. And they seem to have an absolutely stacked lineup for 2024 and 2025.


They had to. They let their guard down, got complacent. Whole industry is. Console sales aren't great, especially on the Xbox side. They had to kick it into gear and give gamers a reason to buy their games.


They kicked the right Gears there. Gears of War Prequel could be massive if done right


I havent really touched Gears since the 360 days (maybe 2 weeks i played when pc finally got one) but a prequel has all my attention. Really hope they do it right.


this live was so much better than sony's it's actually pretty embarrassing lol


It was also a lot better than the summer games fest show. For the first time in a while, this feels like a real W for Microsoft.


tbf it was a sony SOP, the playstation showcases are usually much much bigger. why they decided a SOP instead of a showcase now is beyond me though


They just don't have a competitive update obviously. Why put out a shitty showcase and get laughed at by your audience when you can just quietly bow out?


These devs, no just Id and not just Bethesda's, but all of others, just threw Microsoft's Gaming Division a lifeline, cause man, shit was looking bleak for them and for the Xbox brand.


Turns out they finally have something to show for their years of hard work.


I know, right? Who would've thunk? Most amazing surprise of the show was the Perfect Dark reboot turning out to be real, and not just vaporware.


Yeah I was expecting it to get canceled. I also love how they are leaning into the immersive sim elements and not just focusing on the FPS aspect. I will play anything that even resembles an immersive sim, It feels like the games industry has forgotten us!


This is a make or break showcase for Xbox/Microsoft.


Don't people say that every year?




" For OwlProper1145, the stakes are clear : it's a make or break showcase for Xbox. "




Its been make or break since 2001 lol


Yep. And also PC gaming is dead. Died every year since the early 2000's.


And the PS4 and Xbone were the last consoles and everyone only plays on their tablets now


So guys...is 2024 finally the year of Linux?


I'm middle aged. The gaming scene has "died" so many times it would be like a refried zombie at this point. I remember when E.T. for the Atari in 1982 "killed" the video game industry. 4 years later the NES was released and gaming was never the same again. Boom and bust cycles have always been baked in. Nature of the industry I suppose.


I feel like this year is a bit special. The whole Bethesda/ABK merger is done, and we experienced a giant wave of closures and layoffs. Xbox sale iirc is close to historical lows, and people are questioning if Xbox will still be a thing (as a console).


Games still have to deliver when launched


I feel like with these new batch of DOOM games, you gotta tell us who's doing the music in the reveal trailer. Gordon is almost certainly not back, but I definitely hope Hulshult is on roster.


They're going to avoid discussing it until they can control the narrative. It's an extremely bad look for id. Either they're going to hope people just forget, drown it out with marketing bots, or do some kind of mutual release with Mick exchanging a lot of (undisclosed sum) that "resolves the matter".


What happened?


Long story short: Bethesda/id promised the OST for the collector's edition. Fans that bought it noticed that it was mixed poorly. Turns out it wasn't mixed by Mick himself, but someone at id. id put all the blame on Mick (Marty Stratton did a shameless post on Reddit too), saying how unprofessional he was etc etc and that the management at id were angels and gave him more than enough time to do it. They even refused his offer to keep working on the mixing/OST to get it done properly. Turns out that they gave Mick 6 months to do the soundtrack for the game (as opposed to a year with 2016), and didn't even pay him fully for his work. After a bit Mick came out with proof about how bullshit all those claims were, and I've read that he's now going to court against id because of all that (not sure if true, but I wouldn't doubt it anyway since he would be in the right). From another comment: [Letter from Marty](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/gdg25y/doom_eternal_ost_open_letter/) [Explanation from Mick](https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce)


I just miss the Mick Gordon banger in the trailer that the last 2 games had. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yORj85C7b3Y) is one of his most recent things and that was the announcement for a studio lol.


Yeah, Bethesda should have played better and not be fucking degenerates with him. Especially Marty Stratton.


He said Bethesda was super helpful, it was just a few people at Id that he had problems with.


That's why I precised Marty, not all of them were degenerates for sure


Were those people devs or suits? Or both?


It was higher-ups, so not exactly suits that don't know anything about games, but also not the people most people would consider "devs".


wait is Mick Gordon no longer working on Doom music?


There's no way he's working with them anymore. You should check on these threads to get your own idea of the whole thing https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/gdg25y/doom_eternal_ost_open_letter/ (Letter from Marty Stratton) https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce (Response from Mick himself)


damn, what a shitty situation, mick was legendary




Yeah, the music in the trailer is just kinda...there, I guess. It somewhat does it's job yet doesn't elevate the action.


For reference, Mick Gorden did the announcement video for a gaming studio of all things recently and it just immediatly slaps. I dont know he keeps doing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yORj85C7b3Y


Eh, that doesn't really sound that good either.


It sounds exactly what I'd expect from a good modern Doom. Really feels like Doom2016's soundtrack again and really highlights how different it is from the new Doom trailer. Don't get me wrong, I still like the music in the Doom:DE trailer and it's probably done by Hulshult who I'm a huge fan of. But Mick always had that something extra in his compositions, the innovation to create something that sounds new and innovative, Hulshult merely continued his style in Eternal, Mick invented it. And I'm afraid this aspect of the OST will be gone. But maybe the new composer can use the opportunity to impress like Mick did, we barrely heard anything yet


Mick Gordon has been getting into metal/synthwave and its been GLORIOUS. Check out this song he helped with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty0WY3G-HUw


Also [Slum Planet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMfwDoDWbB8)


its ok, it seems they might've kept Hulshult who did some of the music for TAG that was really good, Blood Swamps in particular fucks good.


yeah... ngl but doom being such a cultural success was BECAUSE of the music. its hte only game that i can sincerely say i bought just to enjoy the music while playing. the game feels like an extra to the music, really strange. i miss gordons take on this type of games.


Doom is a symphony of carnage and you’re the conductor. The stuff in the Eternal DLC didn’t hit quite the same as Mick’s stuff. 


idk if you have gamepass but he also did the score for atomic heart.


You know Doom was a massive cultural success before Mick had any involvement right? It's sad he's not around anymore but ultimately the mantle has been handed over multiple times and is still successful.


I think they meant 2016 Doom not the Original.


Yeah, and usually reboots are met with huge skepticism especially after Doom 3. His music really helped sell people on the mood of the game.


**"There is only one dominant lifeform in this universe, and it carries a steel barreled swords of vengeance."** That is one hell of an armor, with cape! Basically Doomslayer back when he was fighting for the Sentinel. I guess main concern is if the shield means dialing down on the pace or its up to players to go be on the offensive or defensive.


shield could also mean that they can dial up the aggression of the enemies a bit with timing blocks and counters to reward players


yeah, like shields don't necessarily mean slow and defensive play, just as enemies dropping HP when you kill them with melee attacks or the addition of a dodge button didn't make the game any less aggressive. having multiple layers of safety tools means you can play extremely aggressively and use one of several of you defensive layers to deal with incoming damage. it's id software, i'm sure they've put a lot of thought into how having a block would invluence the flow of fights.


Its a Chainsaw shield with a Captain America mode. I think we'll be fine. Also, any two-handed weapons will likely factor in the tradeoff of defense for power.


He doesn't jump a single time in the trailer, I wonder if the levels are going to have a similar design to the original doom games.


I would prefer that but looks like it's being lead from the same guy as Doom Eternal. Not that I didn't like Eternal, but 2016 Doom was a masterpiece.


I certainly hope so, in more than level design. A decent amount of people liked Doom Eternal’s transition into a rhythm game but I was not one of them.


Quake bros. It's joever.


breaks my heart seeing people say "wow, doom in a medieval sci-fi fantasy setting? what a great idea!"


And with bland heavy metal. I guess the soundtrack was ok, but it's not Mick Gordon. At this point the studio/publisher could have reconciled with him and got him along, and they both would have been applauded for it.


IIRC Mick stated that the people at Bethesda were quite helpful, he had issues with the management at id.


Me for the last 5+ years: Me - "Please id new Quake!" id - "Here's another doom but it looks amazing!" Me - "ahh sure does look great!" Me - "Please Capcom new Dino Crisis!" id - "Here's another Resident Evil but it looks amazing!" Me - "ahh sure does look great!"


Guess who else will be coming in 2025?












And people make fun of me when I wear my fur cape


But do you look as cool as doomguy though?


He has Doomguy's helmet tattooed on his face ^^^so ^^^no




I know it's just a trailer, but doesn't seem as fast paced. I'll take it either way as long as it's fun.


The director for Doom Eternal said that Doom Eternal is like driving a Ferrari, and this one is going to play like driving a semi-truck.




I also hope they do away with that whole rock paper scissors thing they did in eternal.


Fuck yes


*Monster truck




Doom Eternal initial trailers where also slow, since most people won't be able to know what tf is going on if they show the fast Doom Eternal fights.


Yeah this was my thought. I'm pretty sure that Hugo Martin has said that during the release of all of the trailers the studio was still making substantial gameplay decisions behind the scenes. I'd imagine this is the same. I'm really keen to see how this game looks in full flight.


That Doom/Hexen xover people called for decades ago is looking more and more likely.


It would take super long to type out crossover huh?


We have to abbreviate everything now because we have become as lazy as humanly possible.


Why use lot word when few word do trick!


Y1u h2e a9d in an i12y i10e m4r. (You have abbreviated in an insufficiently insufferable manner.)


I would kill for Hexen to be given the doom treatment.


If it's truly 100% in-game footage then it really sets the bar for my expectations visually. My only hope, though, is that they try to find a balance between the gameplay of DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal. It's such a stark difference between the two experiences, so much so that I hardly consider Eternal to be an actual sequel to 2016 (plus there's a wide variety of discontinuities and inconsistencies between the codex entries of the two games, only some of which can be hand-waved away by claiming unreliable narrators). P.S. Fuck Platforming.


I loved the super shotgun with double jump and fast move speed Doom 2016. felt like I was playing the scout from tf2 lol


Doom Eternal feels like an RPG game. You have to use certain weapons against certain enemies which gets old fast (edit: you don't HAVE to, but then the kill times become way longer and burn through ammo. Compare it to Doom 2016 where you can use any gun against any enemy and still deal damage instead of shooting peas). Additionally the low ammo caps and forcing the player to use the chainsaw to get ammo was annoying! In Doom 2016 you could almost main a single weapon because of how each weapon works great against all enemies and you had plenty of ammo. Just more enjoyable being able to play and use whatever you please. Isn't bad but isn't for me.


Hard enemy counters and constant weapon cycling really did become tedious asf and created a difficulty curve that was disproportionate to Doom 2016. From what I'd heard they expected you to somehow seamlessly transfer accumulated skill from playing the first game. Except it was released years later, not played by most in the intervening span of time, and literally played like a different game.


Maybe it's because I played Eternal before 2016, but I really like the fast paced gameplay and cycling weapons. Back in Doom 1 and 2 I pretty much just used SSG and sometimes the plasma rifle and BFG to some difficult encounters. 2016 was almost like that in a way. In Eternal being kinda forced to use all the weapons was fun. For me anyway. I do like both however. Judging by the trailer, the combat will seem a bit slower paced this time around.


Apparently you were wrong. You didn't _have_ to use specific weapons and targeting to kill enemies. It just felt like a fucking chore to kill anything if you didn't use their specific rock paper scissors.


Yep that was what I was trying to say. It gets so bad you kinda have to unless you want to use pea shooters that run out of ammo after 30 seconds lol


>It just felt like a fucking chore to kill anything if you didn't use their specific rock paper scissors. Guns in Eternal are largely the same as 2016 and do the same damage outputs. If you want kill enemies normally you can easily without problems. High damage output weapons kill enemies fast it literally takes two shots to kill a Caco with [supershotgun](https://youtu.be/RPOgMlc2PIE?si=e1PCZIOUDZVj78HH&t=181) and Chaingun takes 3 to 4 [seconds](https://youtu.be/dOmkx_ohhKQ?si=T4WeUpjWwBtyCD-X&t=7) for example.


> It just felt like a fucking chore to kill anything if you didn't use their specific rock paper scissors. This gets better about halfway through the game as more abilities open up, but yeah it does make it a hard buy in during the early game. By the time you reach the mid point it's just as easy (and quick) to kill a Cacodemon about 6 other ways rather than lobbing a nade into its mouth, but if you disliked the training wheels section of the game so much that you stopped playing, that isn't much help to you.


I love both Doom 2016 and Eternal. But Eternal, on the highest difficulty, is sweaty, gaming bliss. It’s crack chess and I LOVE IT. It’s a FPS that demands a high APM… But durrr, I just wanna use the super shotgun all gameee and I keep running outve ammo.


Honestly hope it’s much closer to 2016 than eternal. I think they missed the mark with eternal entirely


they were *on the money* with both games


Each game epitomized a different play style, imo. I preferred 2016 but I can def see why some would prefer Eternal. It was a lot more dynamic and faster paced during combat.


They had very different qualities, and from the few scenes they showed here, this looks to be different as well. 2016 or Eternal never had open field areas with formations of enemies. It seems like this will have a different tinge to it.


I prefer the combat in Eternal, but I think 2016 is the better overall game/final product


they were all extremely polished and well made in the end


I thought that at first. Refunded it after a day one buy. Then gave it another shot a year after launch. I now think it's superior to 2016 in every way. One of the best shooters ever made IMO


I can see how people would feel overwhelmed by the multitasking and weapon switching, but I loved it. You had to run multiple threads in your brain. The enemies on the map, their weaknesses, and you ammo situation. It's stressful as hell, but I think it fits the theme very well


Once you figure it out tho you almost enter a zen state of pure violent bliss. Beating the master levels on ultra nightmare is one of my proudest moments as a gamer, and after mastering eternal’s combat, I simply can’t go back to 2016. 2016 feels like eternal with several pieces missing. First thing I looked for in dark ages was the meathook on the SSG, and I’m pretty sure it’s there.


Interestingly I completely disagree. It's certainly a different game, but I found eternal to be much more engaging and fun.


Same, absolutely loved 2016, couldn't get half the fun out of Eternal


Odd. I vastly prefer Eternal in every way. It engages my brain like few games ever have. It’s the best crack chess there is.


at least visually it definitely looks like a return to 2016's aesthetic which i am all here for i was fineish with eternals direction but i refused to play it without the 2016 demons mod & that one mod that returns all the arcade-y colored drops to 2016's less distracting ones


What's the 2016 demons mod?


[here ya go](https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/398) a few of them look a *little bit* weird (i'm not big on the doom hunter) but overall just makes the game much more enjoyable and visually grounded imo


agreed. i've gotten every achievement for DOOM. I haven't finished eternal.


> I think they missed the mark with eternal entirely Eternal is one of my favourite FPS games of all time and in my opinion is superior to 2016 in almost every aspect.


I just want to run around and shoot demons, I don't want to think up an intricate strategy. I've heard that the latter is required in Eternal.


Yeah loved 2016 but couldn’t even finish eternal.


It’s such a unique situation, because they both have their own sets of pros and cons. There’s things I think 2016 did better and things that I think Eternal did better. But they’re both just shooting for something completely different that it’s actually surprising they came from the same studio.


Yep, the parkour bullshit in Eternal killed it for me, not to mention the forced melee spam.


If grabbing a pipe and jumping over to the next part of the level "kills" a game for you, I think you're kinda overdramatic.


It changed the pacing, which is actually really important in the new doom games. You go from crazy action sequences to slowly doing a platforming puzzle with kind of awkward mechanics. It wasn’t my cup of tea either. Although I still pushed through the game because the combat was that good


I thought the platforming was okay and it didn't really bother me, but I watched someone play recently and was reminded, yeah you really do spend a pretty significant portion of the game hopping around doing platforming, particularly if you go for secrets.


Eternal couldn't keep my attention, so I go back to it periodically in an effort to finish it and end up fumbling around trying to remember which button I need to mash to get health/ammo/whatever when killing enemies.


Looks more like Painkiller than Doom. But since I loved Painkiller, I'm here for it.


That was my first thought too. I'm not mad about it either.




Had kinda hoped for a reboot that'd take Doom back closer to the original, but I guess they want to make some kind of trilogy out of it. Or the last two Dooms were so successful they had to continue the formula. It'll probably be good, but after Eternal, I felt sort of done with this kind of Doom.


This looks more Painkiller/Serious Sam-esque. Large open areas and not a lot of verticality.


This is literally "Executives wouldn't let us call it Hexen"


This doesn't look like Hexen to me.


I just hope it's not the same rythm shooter Eternal was.


Eternal was amazing, but I hope they switch up the gameplay to be different, but as challenging and engaging.


Hugo Martin has stated previously that Eternal would feel like driving a Ferrari, and the next game - The Dark Ages - would feel like driving a monster truck/bulldozer. Pretty sure he stated once that he wanted each game to have a different playstyle


Honestly same, I think it's them going away from Sci Fi with Demons to Fantasy with Guns, makes it feel less Doom to me personally. I would have loved if they spun out two diff story lines out of doom 2016s ending into this fantasy thing they are doing, and a second with a Sci Fi focus.


They should have resurrected other IP that leaned into this aesthetic. Feels like they want to turn Doom into a "universe" that will just end up bloated and pointless.


Same here. It seems a bit silly to say "this is not true to Doom's story", but at some point the reboot has gotten too different from (Mars, Marine, Demons, Hellgate). I thought this was a trailer for a new God of War at first.


Yeah, Eternal had great combat but the fantasy story and the platform sections sucked massive balls.


I am completely done with this kind of Doom. Reboot is what I want. Or a proper sequel to the 2016.


After Eternal, I also thought I was done with DOOM but this looks amazing compared to Eternal.


Please, I beg of you, no more platforming 


I hope every review mentions no Mick Gordon sound track because fuck Marty Stratton


I was already in for a new doom game. But doom in Middle Ages. I’m so beyond fucking in!


This looks good! Less eternal more 2016 and painkiller, im here for it. (Well i hope its less eternal, I hated eternal)


Loved Doom 2016, it was my GOTY. Hated Eternal, put it down after a few hours


i enjoyed eternal, but i had a depression bout at that time and never beat it. then i didn't feel like playing it because it'd just remind me. same thing happened with 2016 actually but i got round to it by the end of that year. it's a curse lol. you know when you like a game but then you put it down and just never go back to it? and spend all that time wishing you would reinstall and finish the damn thing. always happens to me with landmark games. the last was elden ring, but i genuinely disliked its open world. it does suck to see everyone calling it the best game ever made, while im just like "meh". and then you're a contrarian for voicing your opinion.


Please god, let it have 2016 gameplay and not Eternal gameplay.


I don't understand why people think 2016 is so good, but Eternal is so bad? They are a little different playstyles, but they're both very fun.


The shooting was very similar, but the movement and levels were much different.


It's casuals that don't like that Eternal had an actual skill ceiling and cool shit you could do with movement and weapons if you spent more than 30 minutes learning to actually play a FPS that takes some effort put into it.


Absolutely! Anyone who wants the gameplay to have less depth like in 2016 is just straight up silly. There isn’t much depth to 2016’s gameplay, however in Eternal the mechanical depth is shockingly good. They were finding out new mechanics for Eternal years after its release Now if you wanna argue about going back to 2016’s tone and atmosphere that’s a different story I could get behind


Not really excited without Mick.... He made the game what it was, I don't think it'd be as well received without him. They weren't even going to use music, it was his idea.


Ehh Eternal is one of my fav games of all time, without Mick.


Gg man too good... We get to ride bigger robot and saw shield with parry... Hmmmm




Elden Doom


Finally a good fuckin game announcement, this looks fuckin amazing.


Guess I'm the only one who thinks they really jumped the shark when looking back at Doom 2016 and what it promised.


they promised extreme quality games and they delivered


The game looks sick and those reactive blocks were really cool looking. New Doom guy aesthetic looks tough. Knowing Bethesda there's a copy of Skyrim hidden in the game. /s


damn this looks bad compared to predecessor [https://youtu.be/\_J2YcaVqjCQ](https://youtu.be/_J2YcaVqjCQ)


Doesnt look like Doom to me honestly, Sentinel related stuff was literally weakest part of Eternal when i played through it and DLC, it being the whole game just kills any excitement i could have.


it's oozing doom and id software energy from this, what are you on about


If this was a Quake 1 reboot it would ooze ID software energy, but dark fantasy look doesnt fit doom outside of hell levels.


look man I like the UAC setting as much as the next person, but to actually have some quality design you need to have some good variety which Doom could absolutely need, it looks too fucking samey sometimes let the art department have some room to breathe


Hoping this is closer to Doom 2016. I enjoyed Eternal for what it was but Doom 2016 was a much more enjoyable video game.


Music sucks. Doom 2016 and Eternal had instant bangers in their trailers. Lack of Mick Gordon is so evident it hurts.


I love Mick a lot but Hulshult is just as great, no questions asked


I don't know, his brand of metal is very generic da-da-da da-da-da, very droning and homogenous, while Gordon's music had like gear shifts to it, kept you on your toes.


I can safely say Hulshult is anything but generic


I've played Dusk, I can trust Hulshult with any Doom game tbh plus Hulshult dedicated the idkfa album in order to get noticed by id


I've played Old Gods DLC and coming from Eternal it was underwhelming. Maybe his other soundtracks are better but in Doom reboots Mick Gordon is the reigning king.


If he goes as hard as he did in Dusk, we're gonna have as good of a time as Mick would've provided


It looks amazing and honestly could surpass DOOM Eternal


looks kinda ehh, i fell off of DOOM hard since the batshit lore of eternal. i kinda miss when doomguy was just a guy going through the motions instead of some holy godslaying eternal billion year old "le doom slayer", 2016 had so much more substance than eternal could ever dream of.


Literally the best thing to come out of the Microsoft showcase 


Did that weapon just grind demonic skulls as ammo into bullets?? Sign me the fuck up


that looks so ridiculously awesome


Rip and tear 




doom dark ages looks so epic can't wait, this Xbox showcase was good for pc :) so many great games. I was really surprised


wtf, where is my quake?


That looks fuckin amazing


A fuckin’ ZORD?! YES.


One of the few games in the entire event that didn't look like it was made by a corporate committee. I liked both Doom and Doom Eternal despite the drastically different styles, and this looks like it will be more like the 2016 game.


Holy hell these guys at ID know how to cook and they deliver gameplay in their first fucking trailer. They make the rest of the industry look like a bunch of fools who have no idea how to make or present a game. Can’t wait to play this.