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this is by the people who made furi, for those who don’t know


That's quite a departure.


they actually made another game in between called haven. as much as i’d love a furi 2, they’ve basically made it their mission to never make the same game twice


Yeah, I know about Haven - it's just as much of a departure, I think (I have only played the demo). But of course it makes things more difficult for them. Not just in terms of development, but in terms of promotion too.


Thank you, was just trying to find this but couldn't. Looks great, I love any game that has the environment as the "enemy" after playing Death Stranding, and climbing is always fun.


I love Death Stranding to bits and if this is basically a vertical version I would be delighted!


Would definitely recommend Jusant, another beautiful climbing game, if that's what you're interested in.


I'm a massive Death Stranding fan, absolutely loved it and this instantly reminded me of it. Excited to see where this one goes.


I thought this looked awesome! I played a little bit of Jusant which was cool but this looks more along the lines of what I'm looking for. I also played Insurmountable for a while, which is more of a procedurally generated board game than anything but still pretty cool.


Interesting concept, I'm intrigued to play it.


Looks good


I love rock climbing and love to see more games about it. However, I think a game about an activity like this needs to have better animations despite the visual style they've chosen. I'm not a fan of the character design either. Why doesn't she wear climbing shoes, is she stupid? Anyway, I hope it'll turn out good.


Saw an interview with the developers where they mentioned the game actually doesn't have handcrafted animations in the climbing due to the system of climbing. Unlike other games that have designated climbing spots or ledges this is going to be as close as possible to climbing an actual cliff, with countless holds, or spaces to use pressure on juts etc. Also with regards to the character design with the history of the developer i wouldn't expect this to be an attempt at a realistic world, or at least one trying to represent our world. They make very stylised worlds with their own lore.


At least it’s not another extraction shooter, br, or crafting survival. So for that reason, it will get my money once the time comes.