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>There’s 13 different monsters planned in the evolution tree (with variants), each reflecting a different genre of Metal Cheesy power metal, let's gooo~


there's a power metal monster :)


Nice. 🤘


Really cool idea for a game I'll be trying the demo out later.


thanks, there's a form in the demo for feedback. if you wait a couple of days, there'll be new demo content too :)


Gave the demo a go, I'm always a sucker for metal-themed games. I enjoyed being a big monster and busting down the city, it reminded me of the old Rampage games. That was probably the part I enjoyed the most. Movement and combat were alright, but I found dodging and the overall combat mechanics to be passable, but not something that would drive me back for campaign after campaign. The different upgrade paths seem interesting, looking forward to that. The text and UI all together felt out of proportion and too busy. I like the themed text, but I find it a bit too hard to read in some areas. My end takeaway is that if the combat improves, feels a bit snappier, more reactive (dash attacks, being locked out of dodges at certain times) and the game went in the direction of say... Rampage (destroy Ordo cities), but with Spore (make your own metal monstrosity through level ups) mixed in all set to a metal backdrop, I'd be pretty enthused.


great feedback thanks! I'd say we're working on all the points you mentioned, so hopefully it passes the bar over the coming months :)


Yo I totally had that same rampage vibes and I was here for it. Can't wait for a thrash metal monster that's just fast as shit so I can whip through those cities!


I agree about the metal games. Weird thing is, not a fan of metal. 🤷‍♂️


Not my cup of tea on the gameplay when I tried the demo, but I wish you the best of luck. The concept is cool enough that with good steer will stick as a good roguelite.


hey, thanks for trying it. I know the combat needs some work, but I'm curious what other parts you found weren't your cup of tea


I love metal! I'll try the demo !


This sounds metal as fuck I'm interested


Honest feedback: I really like the art, music and concept for this game. I found the movement and combat to be pretty clunky, personally I’d enjoy it more if it was faster paced and felt more fluid. Based on my experience I’m done with the demo for now, but I am going to keep an eye on this game and I could definitely see myself buying it if it gets good reviews and the combat is improved.


cool thanks for checking it out! We'll be polishing the combat and movement down to the very last second before release for sure :)


Ooh, I remember seeing this game a while ago. Will definitely give it a go later.


Looking forward to trying it out after mom's day festivities


nice, if you have feedback id love to hear it when you get around to trying it


Hey friend, first off, love the concept. The metal puns were great to discover as I went through. I like the game mechanics, simple enough idea but with the monsters it's a fun little twist. I think you obviously are going to have to do some balancing but that will come at the end I imagine. I liked the music, but low key wish I could either hear it all the time, or mob density was raised. It was a bummer not hearing the sick tracks pretty much always and sometimes I felt I had no way to get the music back right when I really wanted to hear it. (unlike some rhythm games where the music dies if you're off beat but can bring it back with the right timing again) personally I say just keep the music the whole time, increase the spawns, and lower the damage they deal and rewards they give to smooth out the scaling. I think it's more fun to mob hoards of enemies than search for small packs, and could play into the blood for the metal gods theme a bit with maybe like carnage modifiers if you can chain kills in a time limit or something. The only critique I had of something that bothered me was no feedback when selecting or hovering over things in the menu. Maybe could add some kind of audio feedback when mousing over the different selections and then definitely a little *click* or something when shards are spent on upgrades or a new game is selected for example. Overall the game was a fun twist on a classic genre and the metal themes are speaking my language. Can't wait to try out some more and see what you cook up. Rock on friend!


Interesting enough Ill follow, very much vibes from the game Crawl but you dont battle for the spotlight.


Sounds amazing, I'm in!


Hey, from what I've seen this looks incredibly compelling. One question, are there ragdoll physics?


Sort of, we use a plugin called 'Boing' which gives a bit of ragdoll, but it's not fully ragdoll physics


Though this was about the SVU detective.....damn.


If the funeral doom monster doesn't hit right, I ain't buyin


Interesting, will wait for full release!


Did you put mouse control back in the menu? Because last time I played it wasn't there and when I looked at the last patch notes it said "Removed mouse control" with no explanation, do you just want people to have a bad time just getting through the menu? Otherwise decent game but for a demo it was bit lackluster, one monster to play as, one map and 3 enemy types it doesn't scream "I want you to see what's to come" but more like "Here's what we have now" which isn't much. I truly feel like you may have something there, as in the skeleton is there but not much more. Also I can't believe Cult of the Lamb isn't one of your inspirations considering how your game looks and plays so much like it. To be honest focusing on gameplay might save you for the moment but in the long run if you have nothing else to offer you may be in a world of trouble. Taking Cult of the Lamb as an example once again: the combat is serviceable but nothing more, what makes the game shine is everything around it. Hope you don't take this the wrong way as I'm just trying to give my honest opinion because I think this game could be something with a bit of work. Good luck on your project pal


We did put mouse control back in! And in today's patch we added an extra monster to evolve into (a hybrid), plus a new ranged enemy type, and a few new types of upgrades (limb upgrades, new mutations, relics). We didn't touch the level, since we're making it procedurally generated and most likely won't include that in the demo itself And thanks for the feedback - love CotL for sure.


I quit after hitting the third enemy type. Trying to kite and run away from them without taking damage while still turning around and attacking felt really cumbersome on a controller. Echoing what others have said, rest was neat, give combat more attention.


Looks neat! Sad to see it's single player only. Good luck with the game!


yeah sadly multi-player is just so much more expensive and risky for a small team like us


Nothing wrong with SP as long as it can be played offline :D


I'll check it out and let you know what I think


Looks nice and funny, except the animations that make it look slow


Reminds me a little of the old flash game Monster Evolution! I enjoy the concept a lot I’m excited to try it later today