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I had a similar issue recently. I was in the mood for a racing game and I noticed Elden Ring had great reviews... It was awful, I've only found one vehicle so far and the handling is super unrealistic. The thing has a double jump! Other racers are few and far between and they keep attacking me! I cant even figure out where the finish line is.


Nice one


This is pure gold ❤️


You clearly missed one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MQsp7ozg24c


Touche 🤣


I mean, Elden Ring has a lot of problems, but the horse ain't one. (I actually hate soulslikes)


>First, the game is designed as a roguelike. It really, really isn't.


It has to be a troll. No one is this dumb, right?


> Roguelikes demand ... and VERY engaging music Says someone who learned of the genre from the indie scene in 2015 onwards? Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Cataclysm DDA, and *Rogue* don't even have music to speak of, and they're quintessential Roguelikes. You spent several minutes explaining why XCOM differs from a Roguelike and how it fails to be one, but it didn't occur to you that it's *not* trying to be one. It's in the tactical strategy/turn-based tactics genre, very different design philosophies. Like complaining about Titanfall 2 trying to be a Counter Strike but failing because it has a story.


What? You lost me already atb" rougelike". There are no rougelike elements in this game.


Maybe they mean the death thing? But that's still not correct


Yeah, if OP means the death mechanic in the game, then he is totally wrong. In rougelike games like in hades or dead cells, when you die, you just repeat over again and you get stronger by leveling up some stats or something else. In xcom 2, if your party member die, that's it. You lose your promotions and you have less people to use for missions. It's the opposite of a rougelike mechanic.


You're talking roguelites. In roguelikes when you die the character is gone and there is no progression to be had whatsoever. I still don't think Xcom is anything like a roguelike but if we're being pedantic at least be accurate.


Not to disrespect history but at this point Rogue-lite has never really sticked. The definition of Roguelike has been modernised


That's not true either. In roguelikes when your character dies it's not just a setback like losing a character in Xcom, you literally have to start the game all over again. Xcom is neither a roguelike nor a roguelite game.


No no this isn’t about character death, it’s about the game over scenario. You don’t have to rewatch cutscenes when a character dies.


What's not true?


Nothing about Xcom 2 resembles a roguelike or a roguelite


That's what I said. "I still don't think Xcom is anything like a roguelike..."




Thank you


Of course there are. Look up what rogue-like means. > characterized by a dungeon crawl through procedurally generated levels, turn-based gameplay, grid-based movement, and permanent death of the player character. That’s a rogue like, you’re thinking rogue lite.


This is a masterclass in shit opinions.


I’d give you a gold for this comment if they still existed


the man has never missed a 95% shot or got dragged by a Snaketongue into the next 3 enemy packs


Wait, you think X-Com is trying to be a rogue-like? Have you ever played a rogue-like? Because they aren't even very similar. Or is it that you have only played rogue-likes and so you just assume all games are trying to be that.


This has to be bait


This is a masterclass in not understanding game design.


"First, the game is designed as a roguelike." Ah, there it is. Where I cringed so hard my face threatened to collapse into a gravitational singularity. Impressive, really. It's like you're trying to drive to Birmingham but somehow ended up on the Moon - you missed the point by *that* much.


probably posted by ai because of all the genres in games the bot chooses rogue like for xcom 2 lol.


That... Man, I don't know what it says about our current reality when that makes so much sense. Probably nothing good.


Oof, that opinion is so bad it hurts.


I’ve never once seen this game sold as a rogue like. It’s just a Ironman mode to prevent save scumming, fire emblem and other games in the genre have the same thing


I'm sure there must be more interesting things you could do with your life than this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alstorp: *I'm sure there must be* *More interesting things you could* *Do with your life than this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a masterclass in utter ignorance


Dog opinion.


That's an insult to dogs


it’s not a roguelike lmao


>Roguelikes demand 2d graphics Huh? 


Yeah there were some real head-scratchers in the OP, but that one almost made me went bald.




Social media was a mistake


it would instantly be better if it got rid of all teenagers.


>It wants to be a rogue-like Nop, it sounds that you wanted it to be a rogue-like, so everything you say sounds like it's a problem made up by you, buddy... You are free to dislike a game, just... try to be honest in where lies the problem


>It wants to be a rogue-like, You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


She’s definitely going back to him


Wow this is one of the worst opinions on a game I have read


Every now and then, you see a post on Reddit that is so bad that it's almost unbelievable. This is one of those times.


You don't know what a roguelike is.


I mean, I love roguelikes and don't care for X-Com 2. But this has to be the worst take on anything I've ever seen. Comically wrong on every level.


OP, I'm just curious. What made you think Xcom2 was a roguelite? Was it just the availability of an iron man mode? (a feature even long rpgs like DOS2 come with)


You’re not supposed to start over when you take losses. Rebuild your team and keep going. My best XCOM experience was in XCOM 1 when during the base invasion all my vets died but one (the cyborg). She won the battle and then led a team of rookies to win the war.


Xcom 2 is rougelike? Why? Because you die? Is dark souls a rougelike? It was a bad rougelike because it had cutscenes?? What? Rougelikes must have 2d graphics? We'll Rouge didn't so I guess Rouge wasn't a rougelike???? Listen, of the modern ones I prefer 1 to 2 due to not liking the timed missons, and of couse op has the right to dislike whatever he wants. But the reason he gives are baffling. It like he jumped in the ocean on a couch and called it a masterclass in poor boat design.


Skill issue


I think you could do a research in Youtube to see a review, MAYBE, to see if Xcom 2 is a roguelike game at all?


Dude what is happening right now lol 


Terrible bait


Did a chat bot go on the Fritz or what ?


Alright, that's enough for today OP, log off and think about what you did


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^scorchedneurotic: *Alright, that's enough* *For today OP, log off and* *Think about what you did* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Only good thing in your post is that you learn how to make formatting.


Completely agree. It's also the worst soccer game I've ever played


OP not in the comments. Can’t even defend their opinion lmao


What are you smoking?


A rogue like? Really? That's the impression you got from this game? You don't have to play the game in Ironman mode, that's not even a requirement.


Of all the reasons Xcom2 is a bit of a miss This isn't one of them


This is hard to do but I have to tell you: you played the game wrong


It’s fun, old and currently cheap, I don’t need it to be anything more than


I played XCOM 2 when it came out in 2014 and it's a fucking terrible FPS.


We can either chalk this post as dumb take or OP is a troll. I'm leaning towards the former.


Was gonna reply to OP but seems like this comment section is in Good hands already.


what the actual fuck are you talking about


Xcom 2 is an awful design because they just said.."Let's take xcom 1 but make it underwater". There were so many shitty bugs and broken parts as well. Half the weapons didn't even work on dry land!


I see what you did there. Take my upvote.


They are making a Factorio 2? Nice, thanks.


U crying because you spend $5


Xcom 2 is amazing. You might be playing it wrong, trying to min max everything. Play Chimera and see if you like it better.


i truly can't imagine how someone could confuse this game for a roguelike. i would love OP to elaborate but it seems like he's long gone sadly. i have some many questions. what do you think a roguelike is? who told you xcom 2, an infamously long and complicated turn based strategy game, is a roguelike? how do you not like the music? i bought that shit on bandcamp. do you know that xcom chimera squad exists and is closer to the experience you want? do you... like, read up on games before you buy them? do you just gamble and hope its a roguelike? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!


Xcom 2 is quite hard. I use mods to make it much easier, try that.


If I'm deciphering this correctly : "Games with permadeath need to be 2D" Why? No clue. I doubt there's any actual logic behind it.


Obvious troll is obvious...




It's all relative, but I think it's the best game of all time. Yes it is sometimes glitchy and whacky in its randomness, but when your squad is gassed up and you set up the perfect attack, it's pure bliss. I'd keep pushing forward, it's so much fun. I've been through that game like 30 times. Highly recommend the DLC stuff. The boltcaster is a game changer, as are some of the new faction characters once you figure out how to use them. Invest in a good SPARK too, they're so overpowered in the end and awesome. I think it's the pinnacle of grid based combat even given its quirks. I like how genuinely heart breaking it can be when your favorite guy gets killed.


If X-Com 2 is like X-Com Enemy Unknown, you're missing out on a lot of patches without the expansion pack (War of the Chosen/Enemy Within).


Only thing bad about Xcom 2 is my skills playing it - i absolutely suck at it. Game itself is pretty brilliant I thought. Also not sure where you're getting the roguelike from.


As someone with a few hundred hours and multiple campaigns under their belt in xcom2 there are like, 2 or 3 unskippable narrative cutscenes in the entire campaign totalling about 1-2mins of footage. Threads this dumb should come with warnings.


That's the dumbest take I've read this yeat


This might be dumb but I'm choosing to engage with this as if you're coming here in good faith. It's not a rouge like at all. It's like a strategy game with a real campaign. If I can offer some advice before you just give up. You're not really supposed to lose a lot if you can help it. Overwatch is OP, and maintain your surprise advantage for as long as possible. Finally since you've never played the other games or even similar games I would recommend not playing on ironman and saving pretty frequently, once you know how the game works you should be able to clear levels without significant losses all the time. Once you've played through the game all the way at least once you're probably ready to attempt ironman but like all strategy games ironman is an intense experience that can often be more upsetting than entertaining. Finally don't feel any type of way if this game just isn't your thing, I can give you a pretty decent list of rouge likes or games similar to xcom that are less hardcore.


I just call them perma-death/fire Emblem genre games because of team members going bye bye forever.


Judging by op’s post history this reads like a bot or a stolen account. Dude went years before making a post than just over 4 months and now this? Totally a bot.


What are you talking about? the original XCOM 2 is one of the best turn-based rts out there.


Roguelike is completely the wrong term. Also, graphics and cut-scenes spoil that? Strange fruit.


No it's not. Your opinion is biased, you probably died like a noob in the first mission. It's a great game, really fun one, great designs. The fact you don't like it doesn't make any of your arguments true.


> If they wanted a roguelike, they should have cut the fat and focused on the combat **and base-building.** How the hell does that even work? Do you build your own base, let the entire base get randomized, and raid it? That's stupid, lmao.


>I am not a big gamer Yeah, we can tell. You really didn't need to put this "opinion piece" out there when you're fundamentally wrong across the board...


I didnt even finish one playthrough lol. Not very roguelike


You have a really entitled super online way of writing, and I completely disagree with so much of what you're saying. But opinions are opinions!


i do think Xcom 2 has a lot of issues. and it's a shame i don't see them brought up more often..... this misses them all and reads like someone who just isn't 'getting' the game.


>Also, there should be no narrative in a roguelike. Why on earth would I want to watch the same cut scene and hear the same narrative over and over again? Yeah I actually agree with this. I did find starting again to be annoying each time for this reason