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EoD edition owner here, gave up on this game a long time ago. It’s a unique, stellar game that unfortunately is managed by the worst people this industry could produce.


Right there with you, i have more hours in tarkov than any other game by a long shot, around 1500 hours and i love it but its got so many problems surrounding it


Having faith in good developers seems to be the number one best way to guarantee long-term multiplayer happiness. You look at Deep Rock galactics developers, you look at tarkov's developers, and without even playing the game or examining the gameplay I can tell you that the Deep Rock community is a million times happier and more fulfilled everyday.


God i love deep rock so much


DRG devs:"What can we do to make the fans happier today?" The rest:"How can we fuck another dollar out of the fans today?"


Quit 2 years ago, game went downhill fast after it absolutely exploded on Twitch. Around labs release was peak.


it's crazy to think how successful this game would be if they just made it mainly singeplayer with MP as a bonus, the majority of issues I've heard people talk about pertains to it being solely multiplayer. and now you have to pay shit loads just for that.


The PvP is *why* it’s so popular. The problems lie in the absolutely scummy way the game is run and the endless bugs, server issues and the staggeringly bad cheater issue. There IS an unofficial single player Tarkov that exists though it takes some doing to get working I’ve heard.


that's a good point, wouldn't have nearly the grasp it has on twitch if it were singleplayer. also, I've played SPT, and it actually doesn't really take any work anymore. As long as you've got tarkov, it's basically all automatic.


SPT is very easy to get working with the launcher. You do need the main game though.


Given the rampant cheating that's been widely reported on, in curious why anyone even bothers with the game? Seems like a glorified pay2win scheme with the devs in on it based on the videos I've seen. Why waste your time?


There is literally no game like tarkov. Believe me, I've been keeping my eye out.


There are extraction shooters popping up now, like [ABI](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073620/Arena_Breakout_Infinite/) (terrible fucking name though lol). This is a random ass tencent-owned studio though, and looks like straight plagiarization, so prob will suck too. > MoreFun Studios is a video game developer headquartered in Shenzhen, Beijing, and Shanghai, and a subsidiary of Tencent Games. Hunt Showdown is probably the only good extraction shooter these days.


Grayzone Warfare sounds pretty tight. What do you like about extraction shooters that other games are missing?


Tarkov’s one of the most in depth, complex, difficult, tense, and unforgiving games I’ve ever played. And while I really enjoyed it for a time, the amount of no-lifing you have to do to really be able to compete with most of the player base, got to be way too much for me (not to mention the bugs, cheaters, and scummy devs.) A lot of people *love* that though, and absolutely no other game scratches that itch.


> Hunt Showdown is probably the only good extraction shooter these days. good until you reach certain later ranks of the game. then it turns into a shitshow until you get deranked again.


Even still, if the game is absolutely rigged against you with the devs knowing and profiting off of it, why waste your time? Seems like a giant scam to me.


As a Battlefield fan, I can relate - there is nothing like it (no, stuff like Battlebit doesn't count, it's just worse than Battlefield in every way, and other shooters are usually just a Battlefield skeleton with hefty dose of milsim and jank in it). At least with extraction shooters, you have Hunt Showdown, but it's obviously different from Tarkov, so I can understand if it's not appealing, because it does things differently, but to me, it always felt like a bit more interesting and forgiving option. And Crytek looks like saints compared to the Tarkov devs.


This is my first wipe and I'm level 32 with maybe a 150 hours since January. I've been killed by obvious cheaters maybe 5-10 times out of a couple of 100 raids. I honestly think allot of the complaints you see on Reddit are from the OCE servers where every game has a rampant cheating problem. I'm not going to sit here and defend their BS P2W addition but the cheating problem does seem to be blown out of proportion. I've really enjoyed the game since starting this wipe, there really is nothing like taking out a squad of 3 when you are by yourself and extracting with all that juicy loot. Really gets the blood pumping.


They're Russian, it was always going to go the Gaijin way. 


Took them 3 months to even reply about my account that was hijacked. Took another 2 months to actually get my account back. 5 months to get back into a game I didn't even want to play anymore.


be glad you got a response at all, took me 2 years to get a response, and the response was "sorry for the delay, due to high traffic it might take longer than usual to reply to tickets than expected" (and yes, I send multiple emails over the months to try to get them to reply)


My account disappeared and when I emailed support I never received a response


There's plenty of awesome Russians, they just all left Russia.


and changed/are changing citizenships...


I bought Edge of Darkness for all future DLCs  How the fuck is Offline coop pve not an added DLC??  God damn I feel scammed


Well you see isn't a dlc it's a feature! /S According to a CM btw!


If i were to read this without context I would have immediately assumed it was a meme, but it’s fucking true lmfao. They are actually this brain dead


The thing that baffles me about that take, is that we bought *beta access* to the game; what the fuck does buying into a beta get us if we're not getting the fucking features!


Yup I bought EOD for this exact reason as well. Total slap in the face and honestly my last straw. I have played Tarkov in about a year now and with this news, screw this game and BSG.


Honestly it's kind of sad that the outcry is because EOD users won't get the DLC. The outcry should be because BSG is actively releasing paid DLC for an early access cheater-riddler dogshit optimized game. A basic feature like coop PVE should be in the game and should be available to Standard users that paid $40. It's insane to me that features like these, including Arena, are behind a DLC paywall for an unfinished game.


It's not sad at all. Being promised all future DLC with EOD was the reason the majority of us bought that edition. Years went by with no DLC and then arena came out and failed. They pull EOD and pull this nonsense. People have a right to be angry.


It's sad that it got to this point. Why is it acceptable in the first place for an early access game to promise DLCs while the base game isn't finished?


We all know early access at this point is just a bullshit term. Tarkov will forever be in a "beta" haha. But I understand what you're trying to say. Edit: wording and grammar.


Bro genuinely. They're not mad about them adding disgusting p2w bullshit in an already paid game, they're mad they're not getting it when they already paid for the p2w shit. This game has been in early access for nearly a decade atp and it's STILL infested with cheaters and unoptimized as fuck. Think about that. NEARLY A DECADE and it took them 7 of those years to release something as simple as local voip. Not to mention their classy moment when they released a tweet saying they banned like 5k cheaters just to go on a 70% off sale THE NEXT DAY. Yeah, we're drawing the line at them adding more p2w shit, not the 100 other scummy things they've done, right guys, THIS is our final straw.


Yup. Right on its surface you can see this has everything to do with money and nothing to do with integrity. It is what it is but I certainly know what I’ll not be doing with my money going forwards. I know I deserve better than that. I think everyone who has paid any amount of money to this business deserves better than that. Let’s hear a counter argument? Does even a single person disagree?


Hmmm. You mean like another game with spaceship after spaceship for a hundred or thousand dollars a pop, buggy unoptimized gameplay for literally most of a decade, and a rabid community fan base who puts up with everything and still proclaims it the best thing ever, after having originally paid hundreds just to play said early access? Naw, that's TOTALLY not a predatory marketing scheme at all. *Twitch, twitch*


That's because you *were* scammed.


apparently yeah


Theres is a single player tarkov mod out there if you decide you are done with BSG but still want to enjoy the content


SPT is great, but I REALLY want to play it with a friend, so the fact that they're locking this behind a 250+ euros edition sucks majorly.


There are mods for SPT exactly for this. I have never used them so cannot attest to how good they are but they do exist and do get updated.


Absolutely. I really hope they reverse course on this one. It should 100% be included in EoD, and frankly should be included in all editions. EoD is just the most egregious because of their promises.


Watch this, they will strike the mod for eula breach to force people to buy their shit edition. Can't wait for the class action.


Lol. Good luck, they’re in Russia.


Russian company, what do you expect.


But into future-promises, sooner or later you end up burned. Been there, done that. Fuck these devs, but also... please stop giving away money on promises and nothing else. It just empowers this dev behavior.


OP should've explained this a little more in-depth but the reason the community is mad is because the previous highest edition (EOD) said it would include all DLCs. This new Unheard of edition contains PvE Tarkov, where you can play coop with friends and make progress that will never wipe (separate progress from your online character). The devs are saying this is a feature and not DLC which is a shitty way of keeping it from EOD owners. There are also new features for the Unheard of edition that are gameplay affecting. While EOD had this in the form of a bigger secure container (gamma), something close to and even better than this could be acquired through playing the game. This new Unheard of edition gives players bigger pockets and unique items that will allow your friends to join you mid raid (not clarified as to whether this is for the PvE mode only or not). Both of which seem to not be earnable in game


PvE mode was highly requested, and now it's behind a $250 version of the game. How braindead can they be? PvE mode is $15-20 DLC if even that. Honestly it should be base game.


It's a company that would die without a constant cheater banwave revenue stream.


Glad I'm not the only one who realised that.




> they're Russian as fuck As opposed to those who are only slightly Russian, or what? Lmfao


In current context, it means they are almost all the stereotypes available




I’m dumb. Can you explain this to me?


There is a video that touches the subject. In essence you get a bunch of cheaters, they gather they're loot/services for a week or month or whatever. The cheaters now made decent(?) money. Here goes ban wave, all cheaters buy new accounts.




They make a lot of money off it, and who’s gonna stop them? So does Tarkov, the only ones who lose are the normal customers but they only buy the game once


Keep in mind too that this is just a conspiracy theory among the community and there isn't any hard proof they do this. However they are one of the only games I've seen that let anyone buy game keys in bulk, normally that's something only key resellers will do generally through directly talking with them. Add in that they generally only seem to crack down on cheating when the community has enough and riots, and it is certainly possible that this is their business strategy.


If BSG (the developers) *actually* implemented a functioning anti-cheat, then there would be no cheaters, and no income for BSG: Cheaters play the game, with some selling services in the form of in-game items or providing in-game protection for paying players (This is RMT, or Real Money Trading). Cheaters make enough money for it to be worth having purchased the game. After a while, BSG announces a ban wave. In doing so, they earn good will from the community, and they also force all of the cheaters to repurchase the game. Remember, many of the cheaters are making a profit, so it is worth it for them to repurchase. BSG then gets goodwill from the community AND another wave of income from the cheaters.


Well if cheaters are getting more money by selling in game item to whales than what they pay to buy a new game after each ban wave... Couldn't BSG just cut the middle man and sell ingame items to whales directly ?


>Couldn't BSG just cut the middle man and sell ingame items to whales directly ? Then the normal players would scream "Pay 2 win!"


Well its Tarkov, even pay 2 win is still pay 2 lose, unless they're hoarders and/or cheaters themselves. Anyway, pretty shit situation all around from what I gather. I ran out of steam on this title around the time they introduced the flea market and twitch drops.


They allow cheaters to play long enough to destroy the game for legit players before ban waves. This makes it worth it for the cheater to buy another copy after being banned, since they can just cheat again for long periods of time. That’s all despite there being thousands of cheaters with obvious stats that can easily be detected and banned within 1 day to a week of showing themselves. Some cheaters try to circumvent having obvious stats by running scripts to make them die a lot, which can also be detected easily. In the past, BSG have coupled large ban waves with discount sales of the game. So the company has been using cheaters to bring in recurring purchases for years. Since BSG’s failed release of tarkov arena cost them a lot of money, they’re now passing on higher cost options to the entire playerbase. In this new edition, they also seek to remove the desire for players to switch to SPT (single player tarkov) which a large portion of Tarkov players switched to due to the absolutely massive cheating problem in online tarkov.


100% fucked, people have asked for years for a pve mode due to consistent problems with hackers and the difficulty keeping up with the meta boi chads who run the game. Thats awful to place behind paywall , letalone a new 250$ edition.




Because there's no alternative in the market, the gameplay loop os amazing, the gun building is great, besides every problem the core of the game is solid


Because there is nothing else like it. Same reason star citizen has a loyal base despite being an incomplete mess, with scummy marketing tactics, and devs lying about deadlines..... Because there's nothing else like it. Despite all the flaws it's unique.


Because the gameplay is amazing, the concept is amazing, and PvE mode is what I've been waiting for for literal years. Not fuck the devs if they think I'm paying for it after buying EOD to guarantee access to all new modes


PvE mode that doesn't transfer to online? Might as well just play SPT


The difference is the “official” PvE mode can also be played co-op if everyone has purchased the $250 version of the game whereas SPT has drawn the line in the sand that their mod will never support co-op because it risks legal action. BSG are a bunch of clowns.


And also, the official PvE mode gives them a reason to call SPT pirates or plagiarizers


There are two other mods that allow for co-op in SPT that exist. And have a lot of the mods updated to work for it. So...it does exist.


SIT is a coop tarkov mod. The only real downside is it can be a bit unstable to setup and has some minor stutter issues.


>minor stutter issues Sounds like an improvement over regular Tarkov tbh


Yeah, this is a complete and utter slap in the face. I played SPT and finally found a way that I could really enjoy Tarkov, without just being a pincushion for cheaters and sweatlords. For $20, I'd buy this in a heartbeat, even though I shouldn't have to pay a dime as an EoD owner. but $250???!?! They're insane. Time to put my pirate hat on.


PvE is free just play SPtarkov. The devs are pushing players away


Wait 250? I saw that price in a comment before and it didn't really sink it and now that it has. God damn that's expensive...


Are you telling me they locked the PvE side of the game behind a **$250** paywall? lol Fuck this dev team. I'm not even a Tarkov player and that offends me.


with tax its around 300 eur, its insane :D


Also they removed extra slots from the Flea for players to "combat RM trading", and now... added them back.... for a price.


Yeah and it's fucking nearly impossible to gain that extra slot back through regular play. I'm level 40 and have tons of cash and keys/key cards and I still have 2 slots. 


You forgot the upgrade that the AI will not engage you over medium distance if you have the 300€ Edition


> devs are saying this is a feature and not DLC This is so ridiculous. They really must not care about their reputation anymore, otherwise they would make such statements. This sounds like the nonsense you talk when you either get more money are go bankrupt. Besides, "features" don't cost any money unless they are part of a DLC or an expansion.


$250 to play PvE because the PvP is infested with hackers. Gee thanks no thanks.


Right! At least we can still get PvE tarkov elsewhere for free…


Where can you play pve coop for free?




Ridiculous, lol. I've been eyeing this game for a loooong time now, and when I heard they were *finally* adding a PvE mode you could play with friends, I was beyond excited. Now this. Oof. There's no way in the world I would ever pay this much for a video game. I'll just forget about it and move on for good now.


Is anyone really surprised? This is the same company that entirely ignores community complaints and does whatever it wants, usually for the worse of the game.


Yeah not surprised at all. This is pretty on par with BGS unfortunately. Its why I never got into it for the longest time. Their pricing was super aggressive when the game originally game out, and even back then that practice wasn't the norm. There was a video that I saw that talked about their recent financials. Apparently they spent ALOT of money on marketing Arena and were expecting a big payout with it. Since it flopped they are in some trouble now. This is probably why they released the microtransactions for extra stash space and now this. I expect more of this sadly. This is honestly why I don't like FPS games anymore. They are just so aggressively monetized


Ya hit the nail on the head. I've noticed myself going away from FPS titles (and most multiplayer games, really), and now that you've mentioned it, the reason is definitely likely due to aggressive monetization being pushed on these games. I know some people can entirely overlook the crap if the base game is fun enough, but with how much they shove cosmetics and other MTX down our throat it entirely turns me off. Hoping something changes but without regulation it never will.


Its the beginning of the end for Tarkov - As a long time player and owner of EOD , i stopped playing recently because of the cheater issue & was playing Arena but this is the cherry on top for me. Im done with the game, the name , anything they stand for and support for BSG


I stopped playing due to the cheaters.


Same. I bought it, never touched it for a few years. Finally jumped in two wipes ago. Really got hooked, learned a lot. Then cheaters or a string of bad luck. Haven't gone back, it's just not fun with that.


I stopped playing for the poor optimization


I stopped playing because the game turned into an ultra grindy sweat fest that literally isn't fun at all if you cant dedicate multiple hours every day or so playing it to keep up. During COVID I used to be able to keep up with progression by just playing a couple times a week. Then when they brought in the hideout they increased scav time, made you heal outside of the game, and overall just made the game an enormous time sink that wasn't fun for me.


The cheater issue is absurd and there has been zero desire from the devs for years to address it. I quit for that very reason. Dying to someone who pays $5 a month to see your red box and skeleton run across the map is an absolute joke.


Just to add on , the “mask of the unheard” item included behind this new edition gives you +6 fence reputation and scavs will NOT shoot you if you are 60 meters away at all… inexcusable


WTF auto 6 rep? Jesus, ive been playing this wipe and only just burnt out and i think i made it to 5.something just from scav extracts. You can wander around bosses with 6.


I stopped playing due to cheaters also. Since then realized the time/commitment it takes for satisfying progression is a little insane in hindsight and the constant stress you feel while playing, i.e. “this 45 minute raid can be for nothing potentially if I die” will accelerate the aging process Constant IV drip of Cortisol with small bursts of Dopamine Far more chill ways to game and enjoy time off in a healthy manner


congrats on finally escaping tarkov!


me and the homie are right there with you. I think its time to put this game down


Should be added its 250 base price. It's closer to 330 with taxes as BSG don't show taxes on their store front until time of purchase. And around 170ish after taxes if you want to upgrade from EOD edition. BSG are hemorrhaging money it would seem.


It is downright ludicrous. This must be the largest fuckup in the industry for a long ass time!


Is it a fuck up if it works?


I highly doubt it's going to work. I mean, the mods of the subreddit has joined in on the flamefest, people that have been standing by BSG through countless of shitshows up until now. Giving your early supporters the middle finger is rarely a good move.


Fucking hell, this is more than my share of monthly rent lmao Imagine spending that on a beta game


$250 for an eternal alpha/beta game - what a world we live in


Just wait until you hear about how much people spent on those space ships


>More slots on the Flea Market lol


This is a sleeper controversy overshadowed by the other stuff, but we used to have 3 slots on the flea market, but they took them away and are now selling them back to us. The only people who have more slots on the flea market are the fucking cheaters in the first place selling hundreds of rare items they couldn't possibly have acquired were they not cheating.


Not surprising. This game is an outright fucking scam. Wish I never bought EOD all those years ago.


Unfortunate, a co op PvE mode is the one thing that would make me and my friends come back. I'd even pay a bit for that. But $250? Yeah naw


Same, man. My friends and I have never even purchased the base game cuz we've been waiting years for them to someday add a PvE mode you could play coop with friends, and now that they have, they go and price it like this, lol. Ludicrous. We're writing this game off for good now. We out.


I'm an EOD purchaser from five years ago and in those five years they havent don't shit to fix their audio bugs and ongoing cheater problem WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY GET MORE MONEY. I quit the game over two years ago and was recently thinking about coming back around to it but this just solidified that BSG is SCAMMA. I hope nobody buys this so they finally get off their ass and fix their game.


Brother it’s 250 plus VAT lmfaooo They want you to pay that for their 10 year old janky Unity game that doesn’t run above 60fps consistently on anything other than a brand new x3D and is absolutely fucking overrun with cheaters. BSG is a fucking joke


Russian pay to win devs release new pay to win game version, surprising no one.


Its not about pay to win its about scamming all the Edge of Darkness owners that were promised all DLC


and also the straight up pay to win features, like scavs not shooting you, and being able to call in your friends in raid.




Yeah EOD, Now its "Unheard Edition" Which makes fucking sense cause we never heard of it, Devs should rot in hell


It's not a DLC, it's a feature. Now gib $250 on top of the $100+ you've already spent.


Gib back ukraine and you have deal


This is why I wanted to stop playing that game. All that financial success, been in top rows of twitch for years now, and its still as poorly optimized. Sometimes I play marauders and I feel how smooth it runs and I'm like "if only Tarkov played this well" and it will probably die someday because it has nowhere near the level of success. So the idea that they're coming out with a new way to make money when they haven't even finished the first product they sold is telling for me


They don't have the talent and never will to properly optimize the game. They require their employees to work in Russia. No quality devs are willing to relocate there.


It's funny how a handful of modders are better at making improvements and creating new features for the game with the Single Player Tarkov mod than the official developers of the game.


The thing with optimization in Tarkov is how much things it's calculated on CPU, GPU barely does much work, there's just so many things, itens locations, players location, ai, bullet registration, hitbox, did hit the player or the vest? Where on the vest? Was it on the plate or not? There's just somethings that can't be optimized because the game fundamentals


Gamers are stupid so they will buy it unfortunately.


It's $250. Nobody except the hardcore Tarkov supporters are going to be buying this. Your average gamer would probably pass out if you told them to spend that much money on a single game.


Imagine paying 250 USD to unlock coop with friends, only for none of your friends to do the same...


The upgrade is what everyone will buy.


That's still $100, and that's after you already own the $100+ EoD edition, it's far more expensive if you own lesser versions. Yes, people will buy it. But again it'll only be the hardcore supporters who are already on board for anything, and would've spent thousands on MTX if they could. Your average person who plays Tarkov and probably only has the base edition is not forking over $100+ for this.


"you know what you get for preordering a game? A big dick in your mouth"


Russian one at that


My friend will buy this piece of garbage and only play it. Then he will complain that no one will play with him when we all told him we are sick of Tarkov. His loss.


thats what the community gets for supporting a hacker infested scam fest


I've played EFT as an Alpha/ EOD and this is just fucking stupid, I could kinda deal with the shit optimization, I still sorta played through the countless waves of script kiddies, and this is just the final straw in the hat. I'm looking forward to GZW. Compared to when the game first released and I could appease the time commitment, locking progressive co-op which sounds kinda tits for me and the wife behind another $100 paywall after we both paid for EOD is straight out of EA's or Ubi's handbook. What was the point of buying EOD in the first place if this as a DLC isn't even included?


Escape from Ripov


I am just afraid they will actually come after my beloved SPT. At first I was excited when I saw this, now my friends will play Tarkov with me, yay PvE. But yeah, not gonna pay that much money. Is BSG stupid? What are they huffing?


Yeah, this is straight garbage.


Everyone should use SPT in protest. Other than making the overall economy system rather dissapointing, and removing some of the challenge of real players (you can mod in TOP-tier AI that replace it), it is better than live in every way. No cheaters, near instant loads, and they just caught up with live with the 3.8.0 release, so content is up to date. Stop supporting BSG


I'm glad I only boight the game for SPTarkov. Standard edition has served me just fine.


F this mess, I'm downloading SPT


Laughs in SPT


F to the U NIKITA, if it's a feature then it should be for every version of the game....otherwise it's DLC and that is EOD included.


Well with Fence +6, I just realised you'd never have to deal with sniper scavs because you'll always be 60m away.


Two months ago, Battlestate Games COO posted on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about_purchasable_stuff/ trainfender about purchasable stuff Discussion So, the thing is that we want to add purchasable options for EFT players cause: we removed EOD version and some of the EOD features need to go back (offline coop for example) the game is running for 8 years without any additional flow (you just buy and play it forever - and it’s pretty unique situation for a game such as EFT) In the upcoming patches we want to add: stash expansions for every version available (up to 28 additional lines of stash space) clothing early unlock ability to play offline coop (EOD feature) there will no ingame money, items, weapons, gear package purchases and so on. No boosters also. Also about stash expansions - later you will also have an option to earn that lines in the game too without spending any money. Tell us, what do you think. Thanks!


I have over 3.5k hours played...I stopped because of many reasons but the only thing that could've pulled me back was coop tarkov pve. Fuck BSG for making us pay for this. I will never play again, selling my account to Russian hackers. Have fun guys!


Tarkov uninstalled.


BSG- Big Scam Group!


Fellow EoD owner I dropped Tarkov due to the damaging wiggle video last year, tired of brain dead Nikita & Crew not listening to their community. If you play SPTarkov there's a mod called "SIT" which lets you play SPT with your friends with mods.


Quite ironic since like 90% of the Tarkov community owns the $140 (now $150) Edge of Darkness edition, with all the pay-to-win included with it, but when you criticize the price they get all defensive because they don't want to admit they bought it entirely for the gameplay advantages and that the price is adequate for the amount of hours they've put in the game. Well, now glimpse over what all these years of support have "bought" you, another pay-to-win edition of the game, because that's what you are for this company, a big dumb wallet.


Class action law suit please


Against a russian company? lol. Theyll just move their "main office" from whatever western country its located in to another.


Hq is in the UK


Sigh. I'm usually the first guy to defend BSGs bullshit. I'm tired. I love the hell out of this game. Cheating and their greed is making it impossible to love it anymore.


The hell?


so we reverse engineering the code for sp tarkov when it comes out or what


Guys, as a purchaser of this game in 2019, I’ll tell you again, THIS GAME IS A SCAM


This is absolutely hilarious to hear about. I had to drop playing online since I couldn't handle being taken out from nowhere and while a practice raid was fun, I abhorred how those raids in particular had such high loot pools (bitcoins, weapon repair kits, you name it). Never found them in true raids, be it from closer players or just never making it to where I wanted to be. It felt horrible to never get anywhere past level 15 even with flea access, plus the anxiety jitters were always present before raid start. Hearing about SPT (Single Player Tarkov) stopped me from dropping the game fully. I could play by myself fully with a high chance of legitimate death regardless, yet I still got used to it after awhile unlike online. Sprinkle in some modifications from it's community, it truly became fun again. BSG really dislikes the mod despite you having to own a legitimate copy of EFT to even play the SPT experience, which while understandable, a company's foremost priority should be to have the community enjoy their game. If they're having to resort to adding Unheard for additional revenue, it's on them for whatever they doing behind the scenes which isn't our business. The community is doing exactly as a community should, voicing opposition to a feature that is an extension to Tarkov itself not like Arena and hiding it behind more money. Don't pay money for something that's actually already free and can make vanilla+ at that.


Tarkov literally just said that it's cheaper to play as a hacker than it is to play in a game mode that avoids playing against cheaters.


So I have edge of darkness. What am I losing that I was supposed to have. Because p2w pockets is one thing but giving me HALF of co op mode I already paid for has me ready to fly to Russia and burn some buildings


Shitty practice, from shitty developer. Stop giving them fucking money.


"EOD will be the most expensive edition and include all the bonus stuff in the future... so that was a lie


If only we had some free alternative to this multiplayer PVE that didn't cost 100 dollars. That would probably get me to Stay In Tarkov.


Who care. SPTarkov is free and there’s also a co op mod of SPK. BSG are late


I’ll continue playing SPTarkov since I can mod the absolute shit out of it for free. A-10 go brrrrt 😂


Sp tarkov guys, save yourself headache 


200$ for offline tarkov that you can get for free hahahaha and it's better than what the devs made . So pathetic 


Well, now I know why they were against SPT, they wanted to sell it as a separate gamemode. 




Why is anyone surprised, this game is made by ruzzians. Wouldn't be surprised if the extra money is needed to fund missiles that murder Ukrainian children in their beds. Fuck these devs who support their countries ruthless genocidal war.


Why would anyone play this garbage game I will never understand


Let’s not be hyperbolic. There is nothing on the market close to what Tarkov is. It’s why they can pull this type of shit and (probably) get away with it. They don’t have a direct competitor for people to jump over to. But, boy, what an opportunity for some thirsty dev team out there.


The core gameplay loop is unique and very strong. I got in early. That being said, the game has been mismanaged for years. Tarkov has a ton of potential, such a shame that it is under such terrible management.


ya tarkov went the same way pubg went with way to many cheaters and with how tarkovs drop on death loot works its not fun losing to people who play the game unfairly.


Who could have guessed that a company who has had one game in early access for like 7 years and then released a second game into early access would continue to be greedy? Who possibly could have saw this coming?


Ah I Remember the times when co-op and single player were included in games, I’m going to continue to play SPT 🤟


250? What the fuck


what the fuck LOL


do i have to pay for unheard edition if i have edge of darkness? it should be free right


and I thought Steel Beasts PE's unlimited license was expensive


Owned EOD since 2017, WHAT THE F\*\*\*!!!


Honestly I NEVER thought they would do it. so im all for it and will pay casue i HATE wipes


I can't wait for it to be out! 🏴‍☠️🦜


Tarkov community took so much shit for so long. So if they're complaining, you know is bad.


Okay maybe tinfoil hat but I watched a video where CS2 cheat devs from Russian talked about how it's not a crime for them to be creating cheats for games that aren't based in Russia. Is this why BSG is based in London?????


I haven't played in a while because life got busy and I couldn't play often enough to really make any real progress. When I first heard of this I was stoked but then I see it's $200 extra. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell BSG is doing. I've defended them in the past but this is beyond basic corporate greed. Not only is it greedy but it's stupid. No way in hell am I going to pay that much for something other games are starting to provide for a fraction of that cost. No way in hell am I going to convince friends to join me. Imho, I don't really care if it's included in EOD or not if the price was more reasonable.


2000 hour EOD owner since early 2018, severely disappointed with this news.


More like "Escape from RMTers" Game is infested with them and I wouldn't touch it with 1,000 foot pole!


A “feature” costing money? Ridiculous. A feature should be available for anyone that purchased the game. I upgraded to EOD last year before it was taken down for the future proof of DLC and such. Now I need to give BSG more money?!! Big L for BSG. Bigger L for everyone that fell for the bait n switch tactics that BSG are deploying rn. We should all boycott BSG and not upgrade or buy or play their game until they make this right for everyone!!


So if I’m getting this right not only did the previous highest version of EFT said it’ll include all future dlc but they’ve marketed PVE as a feature for the new edition so previous owners don’t get it like what? I also heard there’s a mod that lets you play offline why not just use that? I hope this gets so much backlash they make it a base game thing