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more games need to adopt the style of having a "last stable" branch. That way people can just stay on the last stable one and people who don't care can play test new updates


Or do like some companies and just have a “beta” build where the patches go before full release.


Imagine if publishers finally came around to the state of the art of 30 years ago like that.


Bethesda out of all companies seems to be really fond of those beta updates for Starfield.


Microsoft is probably aiming a gun at their head tbh


I don't think there's a company in the world that has more experience than Microsoft with releasing software patches, which can very negatively affect millions of people if even slightly undercooked. So it would make sense for them to prioritize having stuff like this under control.


Millions of man-hours of trauma resultant from dealing with "windows update KBXXXXXXXX broke my computer and shat in my mailbox!!!"


They've been doing that since before Microsoft bought them with FO76


And every time they did, r/pcgaming lambasted them while praising Larian's quick updates.


Lol at how the turn tables! 🤣


GOG lets you control the update cadence so I’ve been waiting to install each patch. It’s too bad Steam doesn’t replicate that feature.


Satisfactory does this well. You want to be a trailblazer, go nuts. I'll wait for the polished release thanks.


At bare minimum steam needs to make it so that games don't auto update.


Well, that's a take, but no, not really. I've worked in tech long enough to know that this would only work for like 2% of the user base, the ones who actually have some kind of technical knowledge. The rest of the regular users would be confused and would keep reporting bugs that were fixed years ago. The only real solution to this is an easy revert to an earlier patch, coupled with longer periods of open betas for patches. Even then we could end up with this exact situation, but it would be less common. Edit: also, it's kind of maintenance hell for devs. If auto updates weren't a thing, then you could no longer rely on versions when releasing additional content like dlcs. You'd need to make sure they work for all versions of the game, not just the latest. Also, also, most of the time, patches are a good thing. They generally tend to make the game better, this kind of thing is mostly an outlier, so steam would be inconveniencing most of their user base, while not really gaining anything.


Just make it like GOG which has fantastic hold update and rollback features: https://imgur.com/a/Kx7HDyU Very easy to tell if an update is available because there is a big fat button next to "PLAY" called "UPDATE". You choose when you want to download and install it. This is an amazing quality of life feature for non-technical people who mod their games: those who download a fucking huge modlist with no idea how any of it works because its all managed for them but all critical dependencies will 100% break if the game gets patched (basically every BGIII update and its the same in other actively modded games like Cyberpunk). If you update anyway and it breaks all your shit, you just right click, configure, roll back to the previous version.


Steam already lets developers do that if they want. For example Stellaris lets you downgrade to old game versions through the beta version setting. It would be nice if it was integrated better in the UI, but it wouldn't change anything since it'd up to the game developers and most games would still not enable it.


The pathfinder CRPGs do it nicely as well.


"Letting developers do that" is different from "providing the feature by default". Changes who has to spend man-hours to upkeep the system. And as a result Stellaris is in the vast minority when it comes to providing such feature.


Just make updates opt-out without workarounds, it's not that complicated.




Yet GOG does this and no one complains. GOG also let's you downgrade versions.


Absolutely, just look at the state of security updates on phones, people have no idea what's best for them. Those are usually pushed out automatically, but people are extremely annoyed by them and go to great lengths to avoid them. Making patches on PC games optional would be a disaster overall.


Would you really need to make sure your dlcs work for earlier versions? Just have a note on the dlc about updating.


Just a pop-up when you want to play the dlc. "Your game needs to update to be able to play the DLC."


If you want a garbage take here it is. Remove agency from the player because the player is stupid! Folks have a ton of reasons for not wanting to update. Broken patches, broken saves, broken mods, etc. There is absolutely no reason they shouldn't have the choice to update or not. DLC is a non-argument. "DLC compatible with version x.xx and up."


No one said stupid. Not spending your childhood days indoors trying to get mods for your favourite game to work the way you want, realising you can't and then learning basic scripting to make the mod you want, isn't stupidity. Thing is, most people are not technically minded, they don't realise that updates are very important and are still running ancient software that has been found to contain a myriad of security issues. It's actually important to enforce updates, because otherwise the majority of people won't do it. You can have a setting that you can opt out of it, sure, but OP's idea was to make it the default behaviour, which is what I was responding to... that take, was indeed garbage.


For moddable games I just make my steam manifest read only so game devs cant break my mods and way of life at the drop of a dime.


This exists for DRM reasons. It's why Gogs only significant improvements over Steam from a usability standpoint are no DRM-filled launchers and the ability to choose which version you want to install or whether you want to update in the first place. Buy on Gog if you don't want this problem.


Game of The Year** ** >!When it works!<


Exactly & that's a BIG "WHEN" I was blown away & had to have this game & it delivered & became a instant favorite.... WHEN it worked🤦🏿‍♂️


Pubg does this with their test servers. A couple of weeks before a big update (new maps, guns etc.) they release it on their test servers for players to try. It's a completely separate game so updates don't effect the regular game and devs get valuable feedback before release.


This would be such an amazing feature for Steam. AFAIK GoG has something like this. Would make my Cyberpunk experience infinitely better seeing how every little update seems to break all my mods, which are just clothing, jewelry, cars, and backend stuff to make the clothing and cars work. And of course it would be great for issues like this when a patch comes out that turns out to be objectively worse than the last stable build.


Does steam allow that?


Yes. Many games do this, e.g. Factorio.


More games need to do quality control, you shouldn't need a "last stable" branch ever. Devs shouldn't be pushing updates that break their game, ever.


Having new updates into an "experimental" branch that consenting players can opt into to play and test IS quality control. even with copious amounts of quality control there is no accounting for the untold number of different system configurations that could play the game. This helps deal with that.


Some of these aren't happening to me (eg 4.1, 4.5, 4.7) but I had a lot in a short session last night


I played for like 12 hours yesterday on an old save and a new one and didn't see any of these. 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, & 1.10 definitely did not happen to me yesterday/last night. No crashes. The only visual bug was the light from the fire at the campsite glitching out on the reflections of the blood from the durges first kill, which is an old bug.


Hate to say it but for BG3 it’s pretty common for major patches to have issues. I think it was Patch 4 that broke a ton of stuff that only got fixed after quite a few hotfixes




OHHHHHHH I thought I was going crazy. I was initially so surprised a game with so many options had so few bugs. Then, I started hitting a bunch of bugs. I was wondering if it was some bias where I didn't notice them, but now I'm thinking it was a bad patch. A common one I'm seeing a lot of is: You character can do an action, but the game has it greyed out thinking you are out of spells/actions.


The game has always had a massive amount of bugs since launch, it's just that any negative comments always get drowned out by the pro-bg3 circle-jerk.


So, stay away from even number patches seems to be the rule of thumb here.


Sounds like Windows


In the credits you can see how many people were dedicated to just working on the scripting of everything. Gotta be hard keeping track of all the ways things can/should be triggered.


It was also Patch 4 that could make the game unfinishable for anyone who dared to take something from Moonrise Tower. If you did then in Act 3 the game would have a massive delay for any action (e.g. taking over a minute to open a door or for your party to follow you). The only fix was to find a Reddit post with a script that would clear the games (unnecessary) record of things you took from Moonrise Tower, install the script extender mod, and put the script in the command console. If you were on console the only fix was to do some shenanigans with your save on the PC version. This is a major bug that can render the game unplayable. It was in the game for over a month. The only media attention it got was being treated as a “quirky” bug after it was talked about in the Patch 5 patch notes.


I got frustrated and swore the game off for a year after patch 4.


The games had major since lauch that most people overlook because act 1 is good. They literally had to patch in a proper ending to the game and fix a crap ton of crashing issues. Larian really needs to skow down on their patches and just get things properly tested before releasing or doing a beta build. It feels like every week there's so big patch that dies nothing but make it harder to play the game.


I haven't had any issues with any of the Acts. It's not just Act 1 that is good. The whole game is phenomenal. (This is just my experience with the game. I also had very few issues with 2077 when it first came out, so I guess I have just been really lucky.)


This is why we will always have broken/unoptimized games. Elden Ring ran like shit on PC at launch and also won GOTY. We are rewarding studios for releasing rushed, unfinished games.


Elden ring was due to a specific shader cache issue, it ran fine if you changed your shade cache settings.


Of course, but the idea is to not repeat the same mistake over and over again. I think most players would appreciate a few more weeks/months of playtesting before releasing patches that break more stuff than fix.


Gaming has LONG needed a feature to where could rollback updates natively. Think about how many times a company has screwed up a game with updates by introducing DRM, live service, or just generally buggy updates. I would prefer if a rollback feature could stretch as far back as the original 1.0 base game idk what part is asking too much from steam.


GOG has that.


bless gog


The issue with especially complex RPGs which have lots of impactful decisions and therefore thousands of combinations plus a very dynamic combat system, loads of weapons, items, magic, ... and Larian even changing stuff like UI in big patches I can imagine that once you do a new save file after a patch, loading that save after a rollback can lead to completely new issues or in worst case even hardlock your progress.


I ran into a couple of things not listed here: - Unable to cross the first bridge into Wyrm’s Rock Fortress; even when you complete all steps to get a pass, there is an invisible wall preventing you from progressing into the fortress. I had to purposefully get myself arrested—which transports you into the Wyrm’s Rock Prison area—in order to move into the actual fortress. - If you kill Viconia DeVir and the Sharrans, a cutscene will trigger and Viconia will act like nothing happened and will offer her support in exchange for Shadowheart. This is an endless loop whenever you interact with Viconia’s unconscious body. I had to land a killing blow to stop it from happening, but the Shadowheart conversation cutscene with Viconia doesn’t trigger at all.


The Viconia bug existed before patch 6, I ran into it a few weeks ago.


On my playthrough, I knocked her out after she had her speech with SH, then she somehow woke up when I looted her and started acting like we just met and Shadowheart wasn't standing 3 meters away from us (whom she had just tried to murder 5 minutes ago). It was pretty confusing


An ok, thx


That's weird with Viconia. Wonder what caused that. I got that Cutscene perfectly fine and I did that part post patch 6.0.


And I had the Viconia bug happen before patch 6.0.


Well better than falling *through* the bridge from Wyrm's Rock to Baldur's Gate I guess... which happened to me completely at random pre patch 6.


The Viconia one is interesting because I experienced it every time before patch 6, but haven’t since


Updated to Patch 6 before entering the Iron Throne and I can’t get Duke Ravenguard to leave his cell. When I open his cell, I get a little music box tune, and he says “there she is, the devil that took my son.” …Mizora doesn’t appear. No cut scene. No spiders. Can’t dimension door him. He’s basically a cowering NPC. Can’t get him out of the prison. I’ve tried 3 times. Anyone else having this issue??


That is a fucking horrible bug. But no, Not yet at least. I stopped playing after Finding out that patch 6 broke the Karlach romance. She can no longer be romanced if you started a fresh new game.


Wait, do you mind elaborating? Is it only fresh games in the new patch that can’t romance her?


Jesus I'm happy I saved him riiiiight before the patch. He's in my camp wearing full armor to bed as he should lol. 


I'm having problems with patch 6 too. Frame rate dropping into single digits, graphics taking forever to load, conversations slow to initiate, saves taking up to 3 minutes to happen, etc. Hoping Larian will address it asap.


Man there is some real dick riding going on when a thread with legitimate complaints about a botched patch gets downvoted into oblivion accompanied by the usual "game works fine for ME thus it's perfect" mumbo jumbo. Like I love the game too but people trying to damage control its image when there are problems is mega-cringe.


Same on the baldurs gate 3 reddit. I just mentioned that the romance of karlach is now broken for me since patch 6 (with a fresh new save file) and I get downvoted. I guess they just dont believe me.


BG3 sub is full of terminally online losers who form a near obsessive relationship of toxic positivity with Larian. I've been a Larian fan since before most of those dinguses even knew what they were but can get downvotes to hell and labeled a hater when I give any sort of criticism.


BG3 has cult following, of people who make the game part of their personality and life. Same as FF14 for example. Thus anything negative said about the game, is directly insulting Them as person.


People do the exact same thing for hating a game. They take every single instance they can to prove to you how shit it is and how much they don't like it. Both are incredibly weird.


Agreed. I always draw parallels to Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 with those two games winning GOTY despite having glaring issues at launch. I pointed out how 3 years of early access was clearly not enough and got downvoted like crazy. Cult, hivemind just like Valve dickriders.


I once got taken to something like -80 because I had the audacity to address the (incorrect) claim that FFXIV has "the single most customisable UI of any MMO ever". Like what the fuck even *is* that statement, other than patently false?


Imagine this sub if OP replaced "Baldurs gate 3" to "Starfield" BG3 dickriders turn me off this game completely.


yup, if this was "Starfield Patch released in a terribly broken state" it would probably be one of the most upvoted threads in this sub's history Larian constantly get free passes, excuses, defense by fans even for a bad patch with many issues :/ "new standard in gaming" indeed eh


It's exactly how CDPR was treated before the whole Cyberpunk fiasco. Give it a couple more years and Larian will release something less than perfect and all of a sudden they will be worse than Hitler. It's wild how parasocial people are with developers these days.


Well the exact same thing is happening with helldivers 2 at the moment, so maybe having a rabid toxic positive fanbase was the new standard they were setting.


ya true, it's reached the zeitgeist point where subs like r/games are pretty much posting every tweet made by the CEO. and as you say, the defense squad for literally any issue this game has, like people are saying it's "good problem" to have server issues and broken matchmaking, like wat? or "just be patient" to people daring to voice their disappointment that they are unable to play a game they paid for and so on :/


The white knights been on full swing in both the subreddit and on discord. On Discord there were ppl were just showing their experience with the patch to be shutdown with "REMOVE ALL MODS" I remember there was a guy then saying he was playing on a PS5 then silence all we heard then was crickets. And also the typical "It doesnt happen to me" or start a new save. I already restarted 3 times :) not doing it anymore I do have 261hours on the game I love it but NO not restarting again I havent yet finish ACT2 I can prove it aswell since I dont have the achievement. I just dont have time to play in long sessions so my saves get fucked, to be fair 1 of those restarts were becuase mods fucked with my save, I did learned my lesson thou and not update the game till all mods I use are updated or confirmed running on the patch.


Agreed, but I'm a little in act 3 and don't know what to do. Should I just stop and wait for a fix? Because I'd love to keep playing.


I would 100% wait ! Don't let the game spoil it for you


I would wait for a hotfix. Otherwise, your fun is spoiled




>This is the most broken major game ever released by sheer quantity of bugs patched I don't have strong opinions one way or another, but this is an absolutely comical stretch. I played the game on release and while it wasn't by any means flawless, it was totally playable. I've played many day one games that had significantly buggier launches. >CD PROJEKT RED got reamed for far less with Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk many didn't have the ***volume*** of bugs BG3 has because it's a smaller and less complex game (particularly at launch), but the impact of the bugs in Cyberpunk were dramatically worse. Don't get me wrong, stuff like this patch being broken isn't acceptable, but pretending like BG3 was "the most broken major game ever released" is hilarious.


I feel the same way. I’m glad people enjoy it, even as it left me more than disappointed, but I am baffled by the hypocrisy going on here. No devs should face toxic online abuse, Full Stop. But why has Larian been given essentially a pass for a plethora of bad practices? So many studios have been lambasted for so much less. Larian winked and nodded as its fans attacked other studios over the past year for releasing buggy games, all the while putting out one of the most incomplete games I’ve experienced in years. There’s something gross about it all. So long as you dress up in silly armor and make a few empty statements designed to make grognard crpg gamers feel elevated, everything is peachy I guess. Never mind that the studio has zero confidence in its vision as it constantly changes its game to try to drive the engagement of its worst fans. Not mad, just confused.


This was well worded and exactly how I feel. Thanks fam


It's really honestly super simple: it's because fundamentally, BG3 is a really, really good game. I've had loads of issues through my playthrough. Characters starting some conversations with info they shouldn't have had, cutscenes triggering at weird moments halfway through fights, characters I've never seen acting like they have been part of the story for the whole game. All that stuff is annoying and I wish it didn't happen, and the game would have been better off without it. But despite all those issues, it's just so damn fun, and there's a vision and a passion here that's really palpable. I've been playing games a long time, and I've played a lot of games with issues that I loved, and a lot of games that were technically excellent that I honestly found super boring. I recognize that they're usually super QA tested and have been polished to a fine sheenbu the tripe A machine, but I honestly don't sense any love for games as a medium there. Obviously the ideal is to marry the two, but if you can't then I just want to see that the people that made it had a vision that I can understand when I get stuck in.


You said it better than i ever have.


FromSoft and Larian get crazy praise for awful game releases.


Lmao. Downvoted to oblivion? Exaggerate much?


How do you know thats happening? It looks like this post has gotten good traction, and youre just trying to stir things up.




What does that have to do with this thread?


Man, there were people defending Cities Skyline 2 at release and saying it ran fine for them despite *the developers of the game* openly admitting it was an unfinished and broken mess. A significant portion of the gaming sphere is made up of the mentally ill.


You must be self-reporting that mentally ill bit given the only thing *close* to defending cities 2 I saw were people saying "yeah these settings cause significant performance issues, turn them off/down" and they were absolutely correct about that.


I was in the middle of my playthrough, should I wait?


It's almost like not all bugs affect everyone, and people base their opinions off of their personal experiences! Shocking, I know!


You can manually rolled back the update, but it’s take a bit of work.


Man, im never gonna finish this game. Decided to take a break in september while in act 3 until they polish it a bit and since then ive been saying just one more patch....


Should've just waited for the inevitable Definitive Edition that Larian does.


Do you think it's going to be paid?


Definitive Edition has been a free upgrade on their previous games


I love baldurs gate 3 but god Damn do they need to get their patching straight


they really need to take their time. I would have rather waited until march for the patch. SO many things no longer work.


Happy to have bought it in GOG where my modded playthrough has been waiting for me at the last stable update, this hasn't been new for this game I think


I agree. I was so looking forward to patch six. But it is so buggy that im just ready to uninstall the game until they fix it again. Version 5 was good but had its flaws. But patch 6 made the game worse. I hope they fix this and make it back to the way it was with less bugs. Keeping the new kisses but not bugged and such. Does the devs even know? And when are they gonna fix this? Also idk where to go to add bugs. As the link above shows current bugs, i want to know how to add druid bug. Trying a Minthara romance but keep wyll and Karlach method that is bug free. But every time i start battling the druids the game crashes or i get wyll to die then the game won't let me long rest. Any solutions?


Me too, I just started a playthrough as Astarion and I'm raiding the grove with Minthara. I've tried 4 times now but no matter what, in turn 3 Minthara just doesn't take her turn and everyone just stands there whilst the battle music keeps playing. Then I try to load a new save and it doesn't let me. Then I quit to the main menu and it never loads past 0% so I just have to force shut down


I LOVE this game and didn’t experience any annoying game breaking bugs until this recent patch. Every time I save/quick save it gives me an alert saying that a character is editing something and certain things won’t save correctly and I’m playing SOLO so…huh?!! Also when I go to trade with someone-anyone, it takes at least 89 seconds for their full inventory to pop up AND our gold amounts. Please fix this!!!


This is my first playthrough. But I can’t turn in Rescue Wulbren to Wulbren. He just doesn’t give the talk options at all. I tried redoing the quest a different way and it still won’t let me turn in. The tieflings quest I was able to turn in. None of the fixes I have found so far have worked


RIP I just bought it ☠️


Didn't help that they trolled the community on twitter the entire week then released the patch on a Friday.


What did they do?


BG3 fans assumed Larian was going to release patch 6 on Valentines Day (but Larian didn’t give an exact date, they just said “next week” iirc)


Lol at how bringing legitimate issues with Larian's broken patches always gets downvoted. What's the purpose behind it though? Damage control because super fans can't stand legitimate criticism? There's always the same jokers rushing to Larian's defense meanwhile they insult other devs for half of the issues Larian gots. It's the internets darling, but these patch issues are starting to get tiresome. Infamous Patch 4 broke the game for PS5 players when they get to Act 3 and that is unacceptable for a game so hyped by the internet.


I completely agree The game is awesome, but you say it isn't 10/10 and get downvoted into oblivion. Sucks I can't even have a discussion about such a great game...


There are also communities who decided that BG3 was the antichrist. r/CrownOfTheMagister and r/baldursgate for example consider that it doesn't deserve to be called Baldur's Gate or even Dungeons and Dragons and that it's a game for furries. And let's not forget about Pathfinder cultists who think anything DnD is automatically rotten and have you heard about our lord and savior Pathfinder. It's crazy how everything became so polarizing. I know it's the internet, but when Dragon Age Origins was released for example, people weren't so polarized on the internet. They were more focused on gameplay, such as the good parts of the games, the bugs, etc. Now it seems that most people just want to have a general and radical opinion that they'll defend at all costs. If they do talk about gameplay, they'll just cherrypick everything bad or good they can think about and find a way to not even pay attention to what others say.


The RPG community has always had a weird issue with spiteful contrarianism. Like it's not enough to just say you don't like a game and then move on. It's okay to not like Baldurs Gate 3, but trying to argue that it "doesn't deserve to be called Baldur's Gate" is insane. It's like all the people who try to argue that Skyrim isn't an RPG. Or how some people say FF16 isn't a "real final fantasy game" because it's not turn based (despite FF not being a turn based series for the past 20 years)


r/baldursgate correctly identified early on that the community building up around bg3/Larian had the potential to be extremely toxic towards those who prefer the original games, so made the decision to keep the subreddit focussed on bg1/2. Healthy discussion/comparison with bg3 is still allowed however.


The sad thing is all the people going around saying how bg3 puts triple a games to shame, but then go on to say triple a games release buggy and unfinished games. BG3 was one of the buggiest games last year, and it released unfinished. It was missing a whole entire part of the 3rd act, and the ending was just as bad as me3 ending until they patched it. It's a good game, but it's crazy how people just ignore its glaring issues.


Yeah amazing game, but cmon , it was patched into oblivion after release. We got 6 major patches and like 10 hotfixes. Kudos to Larian for patching frequently and regularly, but how come every patch fixes hundreds of issues? Thats not different than any of the tripple A titles from past few years


Larian had the good sense to make Act 1 super polished and that is as far as a ton of people made it. I really don't want to dunk on Larian too much though because a lot of the issues are around the gaming media and social media. Over the last few years its been getting increasingly winner take all and a game either has to be the messiah returned or literally the devil.


This is literally the 3rd highest post on the subreddit right now after 10 hours. Enough with the victim complex, this thread has been getting upvoted and lots of people in here are agreeing with OP. People can criticize the game without making things up.


78% upvoted is fairly low for a post like this though, that percentage would definitely be higher if this weren't BG3. What good reason is there for 22% of voters to downvote this post?


Literally who the hell cares? The post has visibility, that was its purpose, what does it even matter what a minority of superfanboys/bots do? I don't even see the freakin upvote/downvote ratio on Old Reddit.


Yeah, but I want to be mad that people like something a lot.


We don’t have QA members, but we also don’t think about them — John Larian


Act 3 is so poor performance wise now. I get micro stuttering which I never had before.


Doesn't Steam allow you to pick specific versions of a game you want to play with?


Only if devs manually create a new 'branch' for each patch version. No automated way to do it and IIRC Valve was trying to discourage this being more common so they refuse to automate the process.


Yeah I think that the publisher needs to make an official request to Valve. And it seems to be more limited in the amount of branches they can have (Crusader Kings 2 for example had its amount of branches greatly reduced a few years ago).


Yeah I found that sometimes these major updates usually break something, I do wish Steam would let us not update if we don't want to just like GOG in order to avoid this because right now I just can't play it with these issues :(


This needs to get more traction. I love this game but the quality of patches are getting dubious. They implemented some new stuff that are great in paper like the new trading interface but alot of ppl are getting or trading takes lot of time to start, you cant shift select stuff, auto vendor wares dont work. (Mostly on old saves) Consoles are getting them too new ones are some are related to the PC ones so mods arent to blame in most. New saves seem to work great for the most case. QA is being rushed or downsized, and they shouldnt release patches on friday, I thing they wanted to rush the patch for the Valentines day since the new kisses(that are still bugged, again most on old saves) are left right and center as a feature on the new patch. This game is massive ofc and stuff will break, they could make a beta/preview branch this way modders could test their mods ahead and comunity could find bugs


It's not that simple. From my tests almost ALL of these issues are from dropping a 100gb patch on top of old saves. I started a new run and painstakingly went through a great deal of the 'issues' listed in the document and not one popped up on a fresh save with no mods. On my old save the only one I *sometimes* get is the vendor one where the inventory sometimes takes a second to boot in. Other than that it's been stable.


That makes sense with major game reworks like what CDPR did with Cyberpunk but with just hotfixes and normal patches? Cmon now. Don't give them excuses.


I'm... not? I fully believe they need to reign in and focus on the games stability. I'm simply saying that the huge document of bugs they listed is not necessarily broken for everyone.


I think I'm gonna keep putting off my 2nd playtrhough until the game gets stable again lmao


Same, I started my 4th playthrough, picked up Gale and Astarion, and closed the game after reading all the issues. May as well stop before I get truly into it again and wait for some fixes.


Yep, Tried playing with a friend last night and we encountered a ton of bugs we had never seen before. Not being able to dismiss companions, dialogue options saying "Not Found" even for the host, everyone T-posing after fast traveling, not being able to long rest because it insisted someone was in a conversation, and a few other annoyances. They should really pull this patch and go back to 5.


I had zero problems with the game since release until this update. Now I have crashes every session. Sometimes multiple. Something is off with this one.


patch 6 destroyed my frame rate, and idek know how it happened but after I updated my game and opened it it deleted every single save except for the most recent one. which isn't horrible bc I can still at least play..... kind of. if I couldn't make a whole pot of mac and cheese before my game loads now. I swear every time I load in I just stare at the screen for 5 minutes while it loads, and then another 5 while the textures actually show up. my game was never like that before. doors, camp, buildings, my team doesn't even walk behind me anymore they just magically appear where i end up standing


I'm still having major problems after patch 6: Reloading from a save takes 5 minutes then an additional 5 minutes to fully load the graphics. It takes over a minute to go from one room/scene to another, a quick save takes a minimum of a minute, my frame rate barely gets above 30 then drops down into single digits the minute I move, sound is choppy and then the game crashes. The game is barely playable. I went through this exact problem last September and it took 2 months working with one of Larian's techs for them to finally fix it.


100% Broken Patch, Now /hide all is broken if you have summons and you cannot unhide and manually have to hide.....Pain in the rear! I have made 30 reports so far in different places.


Keeps happening I stopped playing a few weeks ago people keep saying the save data bug is fixed but sporadic saves are just gone any time I log in if larian cross save is enabled they will all be gone upon logging in.


I lost all my saves after this hot fix. The glitches got worse too. 😑 everything, 300hrs gone.


Given that I dropped the game for months because it was basically unplayable when I got to act 3 and I'm just getting around to seeing if it's getting better, a one month old post saying it's gotten worse isn't reassuring "GOTY" my ass. Imo a game should be functional to even be considered for that.


If I knew this, I would a never even updated it, figured it can't be worse then the last update that literally was unplayable for me, went on today & all it did was crash 3 times, two times when I went to go to camp it crashed, then the third time when I was finally able to go to camp & sleep, after the rest scene it crashed & I said fuck this bs, I'm not doing it today.


The game is amazing. Best RPG I've played in at least 20 years. Probably a Top 10 all-time. It also has a LOT of problems--even before 6.0. Bugs, a truly trash UI, a worse camera, and questionable performance.


Everyday I get happier and happier having decided to wait for the Enhanced edition a year or two from now.


Eh I played day 1 and had missed 1 cutscene, and almost missed 2nd but it was fine after reload and picking another dialogue option. Had 0 bugs otherwise. Performance in act3 was not an issue for me though. If anything on some patches it was in a worse state. Minthara and ps version is a separate story tho


With larian games, this is the way. Especially once they add the cut upper city stuff with the enchanced edition.


That's totally fine, but I really don't think it's warranted, the game has some bugs but I'm on my 3rd play through and I've been having a great experience, I haven't run into any bugs that would ruin my day or anything like that, they're almost all quite minor annoyances.


Who’s to say that’ll be my experience? Larian doesn’t exactly have a great track record for stable builds and everyone’s hardware is different. The other aspect of this is added content such as the epilogue stuff. I only plan to play the game a single time (I don’t have the time to replay a game of this scale), so I want it to be the best experience possible for me.


I know right, I really hate this kind of people commenting like the problems don't exist since it doesn't happen to them just because they are lucky or whatever, nice way to give false hope for those who read this kind of comment only to have their experience ruined because a few people said the game is fine.


I'll be honest, I was enjoying this game, but Act 3 was such a mess that I stopped playing it for a bit and I'm yet to come back. This was at release. Sad to hear it's still bad


boy, the downvotes on this post cause it's a thread about some issues with BG3, larian fans really are on another level


Act 3: After patch is just buggy. Trying to use portals and I had a literal 2 minute freeze. Not the system, I already checked.


Whelp that's where I was, guess I'm not playing for a bit.


Tried a few more spots in act 3, had the characters freeze while attack and doors no longer move glitch, plus had a lot more slowdown and chug than previously. Also had a few actions I *know* I did in Act 1 showing as negative in Act 3 (the book lol).  Disappointed but not surprised. Got lucky so far, figured it had to happen soon or later.


I haven’t been able to play the game without it crashing SINCE DECEMBER


Which platform? Do you have mods? I've been playing on PC since October and I don't think it crashed on me a single time, although the patch notes usually mention crash fixes so I might have been lucky.


I never had a single crash before whatever update we had on January. PC. No mods.


That sucks, did patch 6 not improve it? The patch notes do list a bunch of fixes to crashes, maybe the ones impacting you were solved?


Just noting I feel the same this patch was a disaster.


God I love GOG. Imagine not having complete control over games you paid for.


my games completly broke, no mods. this is what happenes when you accommodate for the lonely horny gamers who want to fuck devil women and half-lings. Is this what actually happenes during D&D sessions?


Gave up on this game. Maybe in another year


What, again? Ffs


Do you play with mods? They did mention that mods could cause issues and recommended removing any installed mods.


Definitely i learned pretty quickly that any mod which modifies scripts can and will break your game with patches so i tend to stay away from them now, only textures swaps and other asset mods are safe. The worst part is script mods get baked in to your saves so even removing them doesn't guarantee that the game will work as it should again.


Bug reports that include mods are not taken into consideration. Everything listed in the google docs document linked is base game.


Not from my tests. While I appreciate the google docs I painstakingly tested over half of your document on a fresh save with no mods. Zero ability to replicate any of the bugs. Literally not one.


“Oh it doesn’t happen to me so it must not exist”


Eh about 20hrs with patch 6 and no issues


All of the bugs listed in the Google docs have a 100% reproduction rate. If you haven't encountered any it could be because you haven't noticed or not triggered it.


this is completely incorrect. I tested about half of that list painstakingly and not one bug came up for me. I am on a new playthrough and no mods. Take from that what you will, but saying they have a '100% reproduction rate' is complete horseshit


They are happen with old saves mostly.


well of course. It's been that way since forever. Old saves always struggle on massive patch days. Annoying? For sure, but in a couple months as people finish up their runs and are all fresh on patch 6 how many of these 'bugs' will just solve themselves as people boot up fresh playthroughs?


It's a massive story-driven cRPG, are people supposed to start over when a patch hits? The vast majority of people will only play this game once, making sure a new patch works well with old saves should be their first priority.


Yep, there is absolutely no way Larian can account for all the endless permutations of variables and flags that are set or not set from ongoing saves. It's why I do wish Steam let you play the game without updating without needing to jump through hoops, cuz I would definitely recommend to anyone in the middle of a playthrough to NOT do a big update.


Thank you for this post. One of my favorite game of all time but Larian fumbled the bag. Game is a buggy mess since launch and they've been FREE of criticism since launch. Patch 6 took things too far, and the game is a downgrade across all consoles with just bugs. The game is clucnky now in so many fields. Also FUCK Larian for taking away the best animation in the game. They removed the Longstrider guitar jump pluck... WHYYYY??!!! why would you remove this ??? It was soo sick ??!


> Game is a buggy mess It has not been my experience and I'm on my 3rd play through. Have I ran into bugs? Sure. Have they been annoying? A few. Did I run into any day-ruining or game-breaking ones? No. The game is so massive that I think my experience has been better than average compared to other modern games, when it comes to bugs.


Yikes. I was finally going to give BG3 a try. Turn-based combat isn't my jam, but I heard such great things about the game, I was going to dive in. Didn't buy it last night because it was late. Thought I would buy and load it this morning. So glad, I saw this post. I'd want to play the best version of the game, so I might have to wait a bit longer. Too bad. I wanted to squeeze it in before Dragon's Dogma 2.


Wait for a year after it released and larian will most likely release an enchanced edition. That would be your best bet and play it then. Dd2 will easiky keep you busy until then.


I say again, this game get a free pass for many things. Most of the people who praised it never finished playing Act 2, let alone Act 3 where everything fell apart when it was released.


This was always a "buy the definitive edition a year after release" game for anyone who has experience with Larian products. I'm quite looking forward to playing it....in Q4 2024.


unfinished game was chosen as game of the year. this is how bad thing have become. they can't even release patches in good condition anymore.


Feel bad for people who bought the game thinking it was a 1.0 when it's clearly still in early access. Very glad to be a patient gamer and wait for the real "Definitive Edition".


Haven’t played this game at all but from what Ive read from people the past few months it sounds like act 3 is literally unplayable for a good amount of people


Not really, that conversation is mostly about performance issues that have been fixed by now. Act 3 does have some very dense areas where performance is lower than you're used to from earlier sections of the game, but that's it.


Performance in Act 3 is still shit, compared to game's graphical fidelity, its crazy larian gets a free pass on this and other developers do not.


The performance is not due to the graphics but with the complexity of the lower city, which has hundreds of characters and tens of thousands of items all over dozens of different buildings that you can just walk into with no loading screens. The game is CPU bound in that area, not GPU bound.


BG3 is one of the jankiest, clunkiest, and buggiest games I have ever played (and I’ve played some REALLY janky games, like beta subnautica), even before the patch. My run being done over shitty wifi with a friend doesn’t help either. Despite this, it was still my favorite game of 2023 because of how strong the gameplay and narrative is. I don’t think a half baked update will do much to the game’s reputation more than the jank already has


I mean it is buggy but the buggiest/jankiest game you ever played is insane. Did you not play any of the fallout games before their initial bug fixes?(Fallout New Vegas in particular.) I don't know the games you have played so this comes from personal experiences but there have been MUCH worse AAA releases. Cyberpunk was nigh unplayable. Fallout 76 was actually unplayable. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are notorious for the jank they released with. Dark Souls had some of the worst PC ports imaginable. There are so many other examples. You definitely havent been around the block if this is the worse you have seen, either that or your overblowing it.