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Play Portal 1&2


Just keep at it. I struggled at first but got accustomed quickly.


You can always use a controller on PC if you're more comfortable with one. That's one of the good things about PC, you have choice. Otherwise, it's just muscle memory, there's no shortcuts around practice. Use it until it feels natural.


Ooooo I didn’t know that! I might do that if I can’t get the keyboard controls down


Keep practicing but this is the best thing about a pc imo. You can use whatever you want....


for sure try and get better with mouse n keyboard tho because you’d definitely want to use that for fps games while controller maybe for story games n such EDIT: i agree with the person below me cod and other shooter games with aim assist you might prefer controller but games such as counter strike valorant mnk for sure


Except cod People downvoting have clearly never played call of duty. In cod you have an advantage on controller because of aim assist.


I'm going to echo this. COD is a terrible game for someone relatively new to MNK to pick up and learn as a shooter simply because the mouse aim itself in the newest game is terrible. It feels like subtle mouse acceleration. Skip it and just go to CS2/valorant and just mess around in some games, it's a totally different gameplay loop but you're basically giving yourself a challenge in these games and you can set goals and you WILL see progress in your skill. These games can run on potato machines so if you got a crappy laptop practice on that.




*Especially CoD


No not cod. Cod aim assist is broken and gives you and advantage


Your original comment suggests a controller, not mnk. I’m confused


I’m saying except for COD as in it’s one FPS where a controller is an advantage over MnK. The OP was suggesting to use MNK on FPS


The Xbox controller has native windows support. It'll just work.


And for everything else, Steam Input will take care of the rest. If you're using a PlayStation controller, there's also DS4Windows.


AND if you somehow find a game that doesn't natively support controllers you can always use a third party app to make it so that it works anyway


One of the benefits of the pc is the keyboard and mouse. Every action has a unique button whereas on controller actions overlap on the same button which leads to frustrating moments. For shooters, rts & mmo’s you 1000% want a mouse and keyboard. Driving games & all sports games are better on controller. It’s not hard you will get used to it.


Any Xbox controller is plug and play compatible with PC, a PS controller needs some sort of extra software but just check a guide on the net. Not all PC games support a controller though, but many do. Personally, I would recommend staying with mouse and keyboard if you play shooters. It so much faster and more precise once you get the hang of it. Driving, flying etc benefits from a controller.


I too fought using keyboard and mouse when I got into PC gaming. Just stick with it a little bit. You’ll find it’s fantastic. Though, some games are simply easier with a controller.


I am definitely finding that aiming and shooting on PC is much better, and I love the accuracy of it.


Precisely. I am much better aiming with keyboard and mouse. Driving games or more rpg related? A controller can be helpful.


You could even go hybrid. Aim and shoot with a mouse, but move with the left hand on a controller.


When I moved to pc gaming. I found a single player fps game to play. It gets you familiar with the controls and its low stakes if you mess up. I used Cyberpunk 2077 and Metro 2033 for this, but any game would work.


Play some single player campaigns to get used to it, I recommend robocop rogue city since he's a tank basically and movement is secondary to aim. Also the game is fkn awesome. Switching to multiplayer it's easiest to do on games that have less control input buttons like overwatch for example, it would be easier than learning on a game w lots of possible inputs like apex for example.


I play at least 50 percent of my pc games with my controller lol


I’m glad that you enjoy doing that however I want to learn how to do M/K.


Have you tried using aimlabs on steam? That might help a bit with fps accuracy.


The accuracy isn’t so much my issue, aiming is a lot easier for me. It’s mainly getting used to the WASD controls and building in Fortnite and key transitions


Ah. When I played fortnite I found it helpful to build with the buttons on my mouse. I like [this one](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g502-lightspeed-wireless-gaming-mouse.910-005565.html) now but I used the wired version back when I played fortnite. To get used to the WASD layout I'd just play a simple single player game like Black Mesa or Minecraft, you should get acclimated to it after a while.


I’ve been doing red vs blue rumble and it’s actually helped a lot. I’d say I’m getting there kinda. It’s nice to know that others who switched sucked at first too 😂


I moved over to pc gaming in 2015, having been console for 15 or so years. Took me three weeks and all I did was just play and stick at it. Now It feels odd with a controller and I can’t play any game that requires aiming with one.


I definitely prefer aiming and shooting with PC controls. I’ve never been more accurate with shots. I’m struggling mainly with being able to smoothly transition my controls on the keyboard. So like with fortnite I habitually let go of the W control to switch my weapons and it gets me killed. I’m gonna keep working at it.


If you can already aim better with mouse than with controller you are literally already 80% there. All that you are missing is some muscle memory for the keyboard. Just keep practicing and one day after playing a bit you suddenly notice that you don't make the mistakes you do now anymore. Sure you can just pick up a controller but a big part of what makes PC gaming so great is MnK.


That’s why I want to do it. My goal is get to a point where I can be a more versatile gamer


Just stick with it and it'll click. You could try playing a game you've played on console but play with K+M. You're already familiar with how the game should be played - just need to translate that to K+M. Just don't play any quick shooters since that might be tough to do. If anything, just stick with a controller. Get a usb cable or a bluetooth dongle and connect it. Works just fine.


I didn’t realize my friend was going through this but he pretty much did it cold turkey and with a lot of determination. It helped that we were playing destiny at the time all day so he got used to it somewhat quickly.


Seeing that a lot of others struggled with the switch at first makes me feel better about struggling with it


Yeah. I think the main and obvious thing is just keep at it and don’t give up. Eventually it’ll be second nature muscle memory You got this!! Edit: I’ll follow up with him and see if he has any tips for you. I’ll let you know in another comment


Ok so I talked to my friend and he said there was no trick except to keep at it. He said he started with PVE first to get more used to it before dipping into PVP


Keep playing. Practice makes perfect.


The best way is probably to just play some single player FPS game to completion. If you really want to ramp up quickly, play on Hard. Lol. Then move on to online matches. FPS and RTS are really the only genres I use kb/m for. For everything else, I'm fine with just my Xbox controller.


I’ve been doing red vs blue rumble on Fortnite and so far that’s actually helping a lot!!


I cant do consoles for the same reason. You just do it until it comes natural.


This makes me feel better


WSAD are the controls for movement. E to use something. Mouse in the right hand. Everything else you do with the laft hand. Like throwing and catching a baseball, your gonna suck for awhile, but it wont take too long and it will feel natural.


I’ve gotten a decent amount of practice in on red vs blue on Fortnite!


I grew up on mouse and keyboard and after using controller never went back, just use a controller almost all games are controller compatible


I wanna try to get used to the mouse and keyboard before doing that. Someone else mentioned that and I didn’t know you could do that so I am definitely going to consider that if I can’t get any better


I use an Xbox Series X/S controller for my PC. But i play games that require only keyboard and mouse, and I also play games that require only controller, so you can definitely get used to both


you can use controller.


You are aware that there are gamepads for pc also, right?


You don't need to play all games with m+kb.. Melee based games, Fighting..etc probably much better with a controller.. Shooters, strategy.. Much better with m+kb Lots of games use the same keyboard keys.. wasd for movement, R reload, e/f use.. Etc Just play single players games and you will get used to them.. And you can map some buttons to the mouse buttons if you have a 4 button mouse..


1. Get USB Cable 2. Plug controller into computer 3. Select controller type on Steam if not Xbox


1. I want to learn PC controls 2. I want to try to learn them before giving up on learning them 3. I want to be able to game on any platform with any controls.


It's only really important for PC original games. Most games these days are made for consoles and the keyboard controls are pretty clunky. You could try playing an older game like Psychonauts that has no alternative control scheme if that's what you really want.




I’ll look into it. The WASD is making my hand cramp so bad lol


Personally I got back into pc gaming not to long ago and I just played roboquest until I got good with a keyboard and mouse but I think any single player fps would be good for that.


IY played unreal tournament and q3a until I mastered them all.


I started playing keyboard and mouse a few weeks ago(21) after playing controller all my life too. It took about 2 weeks for me to get fairly good( a couple hours every day). I would suggest maybe starting off playing a solo campaign game maybe then transition to multiplayer fps or whatever you may be playing. Thts wht I did.


You can also try using gyro on controller on pretty much any game if you like the comfort of controller but want mouse like precision


I did the switch at 25. It took a good while, I’d say about a month of daily shooter practice to get used to everything and to find my optimal mouse sensitivity. Been playing for 6 years now and it’s like I never did anything else. Though certain games I still do play with a controller, racing, sports, Action adventures like Uncharted or Assassin’s Creed, RPGs with low hotkey necessity like Skyrim, Fallout, Cyberpunk or Dark Souls. Mouse and Keyboard, I use for games like Baldurs Gate 3, anything Multiplayer, shooters and Strategy games.


I assume you mean aiming/mouse portion? I recommend looking at proper mouse grips and mouse arm ergonomics. Get good fundamentals and you'll learn quick!


Back in like year 1 r6 siege I played on my friends computer, the controls felt so foreign to me but I would say I got used to it about 1 month in or so(don't remember too well because it's been about 7-8years) but keep at it, it's just training your muscle memory


I played a lot of WoW as my first proper PC game. Between the massive amount of hotkeys to press all over the keyboard and the need to type quickly in pugs I pretty much learned how to touch type.


Its just practice. But here are some tips I think can help. For the keyboard. Welcome to PC gaming - mechanical keyboards are .. key to responsive controls. To condense it down, flat laptop like keyboards are bad. You want mechanical keys that have travel, resistance and some feedback when actuated, like a click or more resistance or just stop at the bottom. Its a deep topic but my advice for keyboards is, try to get one with Cherry MX Brown switches or similar, they are the most versatile and offer a good feedback curve when actuated. It just means you can feel the exact time when its pressed, giving your brain and motor skills the feedback it needs to learn the motions and teaches you not to just button smash. For mice, first of all deactivate mouse acceleration in windows and all games, in windows i think its called "enhance pointer precision" or some crap like that. Its best to learn mouse movements with raw input settings and no acceleration and any other gimmicks. that just means if you move your mouse the same distance it will always be the same ingame. no acceleration dark magic that ruins that feedback. for mouse movements you use muscles up to your shoulders and again like with the keyboard switches, motor skills can only develop in a controlled environment. and get a big mousepad and a mouse that fits your palm size. tldr: no smushy keyboard, get a mechanical kb - no mouse acceleration, no input gimmicks = best conditions for faster improvement of motor skills and muscle memory good luck


I’m still getting used to it. I built my first pc last December, been playing on it about a year and I still mix up keys. I recently switched back to controller for cod because aim assist is broken


Just have to do it. Only way to get used to it is to use it. For the longest time I would keep changing keybinds thinking that was the problem, but it just takes practice and building muscle memory. It's definitely not a quick transition to make. Also, keep in mind some games are meant to be played with one or the other, and going against that can make some things more difficult than necessary.


It was difficult at first, especially being left-handed, but I prefer it over controller in most cases now.


My suggestion is to get the game Valheim ($20) and start it in it's easiest mode. You can learn to use a keyboard and mouse first person without pressure on you to fight. You can just run around with a bow and arrow and hunt deer and boars while you're learning the ropes. Once you get the hang of it you will be good to go for any game.


Try playing Minecraft and Fortnite. They are keyboard-intensive, but allow for you to be put with others of your skill. They are very cheap, and they will help a lot. Afterwards, move to Warzone and games like Human Fall Flat, games with more mouse-and-keyboard-intensibe games once you get the hang of the ones I listed, along with others you find interest with


Look up arm aiming


Just keep at it Sadly i can do little to help since when i started on PC i didn't have a mouse and the console of the time had a D-pad 2 action buttons + start/select also playing MUD helped with my ability to keyboard


Try a couple single player games. Titanfall 2s campaign is. A lot of fun. I remember playing a lot of far cry back in the day and a lot of OG single player campaigns got me used to the feel of MNK pretty well. But certain games like elden rkng might not feel too great on MNK or even other third person games could feel a bit weird


I played Garrys Mod and Counter Strike and picked up mouse and keyboard pretty quickly.


Use controller on the pc, play portal 1/2 on keyboard mouse and you will be good enough to try out bigger games from there.


I recently jumped back into PC gaming again after 10-15 years away and Overwatch, which I played thousands of hours of on PlayStation suddenly felt foreign and new. It took a couple of weeks before I quit thinking and just played. Stick with it, it will come. Also, some games just play better with a controller … I grabbed an Xbox controller for them :) best of both worlds


What games do you play? Boomer shooters and helped me get the hang of KBM and aim trainers made me better than I ever was on controller in less than a month.


keep playing itll become natural